




通过本单元的学习,学生能够谈论有关在商店购物情况,掌握询问多少的举行:how many/ how much……?询问价格how much ……?提供帮助的句型can I help you?=what can I do for you ? 语法要求掌握好可数名词和不可数名词的区别。



2. 复习巩固可数名词和不可数名词以及相关的How many + 可数名词+ do you want? 和How much +不可数名词+do you want? 句型的用法。


本单元的核心教学项目是“购物”,即用英语询问某个人物去商店购物的语言。熟练运用有关“购物”的日常用语,掌握一些特殊短语:a lot of , go shopping, on one's way home等。



“购物”的话题不是第一次出现。在U22“Do you have an eraser?”就涉及过此项内容。本单元所涉及到的知识还有:U19“Food and Drink”, 和U25“What do you like?”这两个中所学知识。在U19,U22和U25所学句型的基础之上,再学习本单元的话题Shopping,学生会感到很亲切。其中许多句型是以前见过,并练习使用过的,如:Can I help you? May I help you? Certainly. How about…? What about…? Here you are. Give me … Let me see. 以及一些礼貌用语在不同的单元中都多次出现过。在本单元的话题Shopping中再次出现,学生们不会感到陌生,并会有新的体会。

本单元第113课是一家人准备晚宴前的一段对话。新的内容不多,主要讨论晚饭吃什么,冰箱里有什么,准备买什么等。并列出一购物单,设计了一个必须购物的情景,真实、可信。购物单中出现了6 potatoes, 1 kilo of chicken legs, some bread, some drinks 等。涉及到了可数名词和不可数名词以及重量的表达。建议教师可利用此课复习本单元即将使用到的旧知识,并可使用“购物单”向学生们渗透本单元重点语法。





第四部分短文是说一位美国妇女Mrs Brwon邀请朋友吃饭,冰箱里的食品不多,引出“购物”的动机。根据这一背景知识编一段“购物”的对话。购物单中出现了一个新的重量单位“pound”。这就使得所编对话更加贴切、自然,仿佛置身于国外。所编对话可长可短,有话多说,没话可少说,但应鼓励学生尽量多用所学过的句型。在学生们对话的过程之中,一般不纠错,让他们把话说完。这样做是为了给不同层次的学生提供可发挥他们才能的空间



pl/pl/ bl/bl/ cl/kl/ fl/fl/ br/br/ gr/gr/ fr/fr/的发音。



“购物”的话题比较容易设计。贴近生活实用性强。场景也比较容易设计。如有条件也可带领学生到外国人常去购物的地方观摩。如北京的“红桥农贸市场”“友谊商店”“西单购物中心”“王府井购物中心”等。真实的体验一下“老外”如何购物,如何“坎价”等。本单元主要练习买货、卖货,要用到许多过去所学句型。如:名词的单复数、文具的名称、食品的名称、服装的名称等。老师可在课前布置学生们复习有关单元。老师在提问过程中,引出“购物”所需要的句型。也可在教单词的过程中带着句子。如教how much时就可以带教How much do you want? How much is it / are they? 教kilo 带教a one kilo of apples, half a kilo of tofu,教buy带教 buy something等。争取在学习对话之前,先把功能句练熟,为学习对话、课文扫清障碍。


本单元语法:可数名词和不可数名词。在讲授可数名词和不可数名词时要必然要涉及到冠词a /an /the和不可数名词量a bottle of, a bag of, a cup of,a grass of的用法。该项内容虽然简单,但学生使用起来经常容易出错。如可数名词单数时学生们经常不加冠词,复数时又不加s。这一点是与中文不同的。老师可通过本单元的










2.问价钱有两种句型:How many are they? How much is it?

3. 我国和英语国家的度量衡和货币的不同。(可根据学生情况不一定都掌握)

Lesson 113 多媒体教学设计方案



2. 学会讨论吃什么饭,买什么东西。

3.复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…? What about…? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。

4.新单词:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo

句型:What do we have for dinner this evening?

Fish is my favourite.

What else do you want to have?

Don’t we have any eggs?

Let me make a shopping list.

You can help me carry the things.




Step 1 Revision

[课件展示]教师在课堂上提问题,引导学生回答 What do you have for breakfast today? Shall we go and buy something to eat?

What’s in the pictures? Let me see. What do we have for lunch today? How about…? What about…? What else do you want to have? Can you go and buy the things? Let’s go.等。老师也可以同样的方式提问全班同学。


Step 2 Presentation

[课件展示]教师在复习食品名称基础上,引出购物的话题。教授有关食品新单词chicken, tofu, fridge, tomato, onion, carrot, pork 教师可以点击播放单词录音让学生跟读,掌握好单词的标准发音。然后教师教单词list, shopping list, buy, buy

things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs 引导根据所学习的新单词,学生回答句子:What do you have for lunch today? What else do you want to have? What do we have in the fridge? Can you go and buy the things?

Step 3 Read and say


What’s in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fridge? Are there any chicken legs in the fridge? Don’t we have any eggs in the fridge? Why do they go shopping?


Step 4 shopping list

[课件展示] 教师点击图片播放影片让学生观看,教师点击播放录音让学生跟读。


Step 5 practice

[课件展示] 在学生之前设计好了购物单的情况下,老师让学生观看课件中的超市图片,假设学生在周末和父母去市场买东西。然后教师再点击鼠标,课件中就会显现出商店所卖的商品和价目表,让学生根据图片和价目表自编一个对话:一人为售货员,一人为顾客,教师可以引导学生使用这几句话:Can I help you? I’d like ….. Here you are. Here is the money. 对话可长可短,因人而异。

Step 6 Consolidation

[课件展示] 教师总结本课中出现的一些重点词组与句子。让学生熟读。

Lesson 113 教学设计方案



2. 学会讨论吃什么饭,买什么东西。

3.复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…? What about…? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。

4.新单词:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo

句型:What do we have for dinner this evening?

Fish is my favourite.

What else do you want to have?

Don’t we have any eggs?

Let me make a shopping list.

You can help me carry the things.




Step 1 Revision

本节课的Duty Report完毕后,可让值日生和同学们讨论今天中午可能吃什么。让值日生临时和一同学编一对话,其内容大致可以是:学校的饭不好吃,要去外面卖东西吃。

也可让值日生事先编一对话,上课时和老师对话,尽量用上这几句话:What do you have for lunch today? Shall we go and buy something to eat? What’s in the fridge? Let me see. What do we have for lunch today? How about…? What about…? What else

do you want to have? Can you go and buy the things? Let’s go.等。老师也可以同样的方式提问全班同学。


Step 2 Presentation

有以上对话的铺垫,现在引出购物的话题。教单词fridge。然后我们列一购物单,教单词list, shopping list, buy, buy things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs 练习句子:What do you have for lunch today? What else do you want to have? What do we have in the fridge? Can you go and buy the things?

Step 3 Read and say


What’s in the fridge? Is there any fish in the fridge? Are there any chicken legs in the fridge?

Don’t we have any eggs in the fridge? Why do they go shopping?


Step 4 practice1

1. 让同学们也把值日生做Duty report的话题练习一遍。


根据购物单同桌两人便对话。一人为售货员,一人为顾客。可用这几句话:Can I help you? I’d like ….. Here you are. Here is the money. 对话可长可短,因人而异。

Step 5 practice2


Step 6 Consolidation

Do workbook


Blackboard Handwriting

Unit 29 Shopping

Lesson 113

New Words: chicken tofu fridge list (shopping

list) buy kilo

Useful expressions

What do we have for dinner this evening? What about…? How about…?

Let me make a shopping list. Fish is my favourite. What do we have in the fridge?

Lesson 114 教学设计方案








值日生Duty Report

让值日生Duty Report加上买东西的内容。如句型:I want to buy a bag of milk, some bread and two eggs for my tomorrow’s breakfast on my way home. My mother want to buy four potatoes, two kilos of fish, tow kilos of apples, 1 kilo of chicken legs.

让值日生随意拿起某同学的物品,问:How much is your pen, please? 答:Maybe it’s …问:How much are two pencils, please? 答:They’re …

Step 2 Presentation

引出今日新课:How much is …, please? How much are …, please? 教问价钱:how much …教句型:How much is the…,please? How much are the …., please?

老师可问一些同学们知道价钱的物品。如:方便面,袋牛奶,可乐等。练习回答:It’s …yuan a bag / a bottle / kilo. They are …yuan a kilo.





A: This is a shop near our school. What things does the shop sell?

B: Let me see. It sells pens, pencils, pencil-boxes, pencil-sharpeners…

A: Does it sell bread / cakes / bottles milk…in the shop?

B: Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.

A: How much is it / are they? Do you know?

教单词:tomato, onion, carrot




A: Which shop sells bread / milk / cakes / tomatoes / onion / carrot?

B: The shop next to our school.

A: Would you like to go with me?

B: Certainly.

教单词:cheap, expensive,

cheap: not expensive expensive: not cheap


In the shop

A: Do you have tomatoes here?

B: Yes, we do.

A: How much are they?

B: They are ten yuan a kilo.

A: They are too expensive. What about that shop? Let’s have a look.

A: OK.

In the another shop

A: I want to buy some tomatoes. How much are they?

B: They are five yuan a kilo. How many do you want?

A: They are cheap. I want three.

B: Here you are.

A: Here is the money. Bye!

B: Bye!

Step 4 Read and practice

利用以上的所有道具练习第三部分对话。注意:分别用上:How much is it? How much are they?

Step 5 Consolidation


Step 6



Blackboard Handwriting

Unit 29 Shopping

Lesson 114 参考词New Words: how much, cheap, expensive tomato Useful expressions onion

How much is it? It is …yuan a bag / bottle / kilo? carrot

How much are they? They are …a kilo.

How many / How much do you want?

Lesson 115 多媒体教学设计方案



2. 学会讨论吃什么饭,买什么东西。

3.复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:How about…? What about…? Can you come with me? What do you have for dinner this evening? Let me and have a look.等。




Step 1 Revision

[课件展示]值日生Duty Report。


A: May I help you ?

B: Thank you. I want …of …, please.

A: Certainly. Here you are. Is that all?

B: No. And some… please.

A: How many do you want?

B: About…, please.


Online shopping 关于网上购物(Shopping on the Internet) Directions: you are required to write a 150 word essay on the topic Shopping on the Internet on ANSWER SHEET. 1.近来社会上出现网上购物热 2.人们对此现象的不同反应 3.你对此现象的看法 范文一: With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people do shopping online. Without going out of their home, they may look for whatever items they want and pay online only by clicking the mouse. A couple of days later, the goods they buy online will be delivered at their front door. As for this new phenomenon, people have different ideas about it. Some think that doing shopping online is time- and energy-saving. People can buy anything at anytime they like without a computer hooked onto the Internet. They may say good-bye to the exhausting journey of searching. While others believe that they cannot touch, smell, or taste what they want. They don’t feel certain about their choice. Besides, they doubt whether the companies will deliver the right items at right time to a right place. In my opinion, shopping online is convenient indeed. But we should be very careful when we decide which item to buy and with company is trustworthy. Additionally, we should guard against the hackers who intend to steal our account passwords With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers. Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting a pair with desired style but unfit sizes. After all, people have to try themselves when buying clothes or shoes. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the credibility of online stores, they might get cheated. Therefore, consumers should firstly be aware of the credibility of an online store. Secondly, people should not jump on the bandwagon because not all online shopping brings about convenience. Instead, they have to make their own judgment as to the kind of products that could be bought online. Thus, they could avoid possible trouble


谈谈购物的感受(15篇) :购物谈谈购物的感受第1篇: 我只能说自我一个没有购物狂倾向的人,谈购物我也只好去零星地描述它。 我们那里异常兴赶集,赶集的地方就一条长长的大街。在我还没进过城的时候,一个十足的乡里妹子。我异常喜欢去赶集,身上没有储蓄,空手去赶集只为了在大街上逛逛,能够什么都不买就凑凑热闹。对于赶集,那个时候我不只喜欢而羡慕。 之后,自我进城里上高中了,身上也有一笔相对而言不小的零花钱了。我生为女孩子家,就喜欢瞎逛,一到周末放假,三五结队去逛街。我们常去的地方无非大型超市,还有小吃店、精品店、理发店,当然还有网吧。在我们县城里有一个东升贸易城,我们学生异常喜欢在那里面买衣服、裤子、包、鞋子等。那里面的货物实惠又时尚,所以只要上街逛,那准一个必经之地。这时候,对于购物,我把它看成一种享受。 此刻读大学了,在生活上基本自我规划了。对于购物,我认识到了,它的本质无非一种经济消费行为了,没有什么值得高兴或不快的了。我不再爱逛街,一学期慵懒得不愿意出去一次。在学校,生活用品、糖果水果、小吃这些都在校门口就能买好的了。除非迫不得已要上街买衣服了,我通常也坐车直奔服装市场的。购物在我看来已经变成一件带着负担的活了。 可,站在众多女性立场上,逛街购物一件很有意义的事。爱逛街购物的人能够了解许多市场行情,能够带着欣赏的眼光走在时代的前面,同时她们买的东西也往往称心如意,物美价实。在我眼里爱购物的女性,她们的生活相对来说过得很滋润而有品位的。当然,相对而言,购物可能会浪费很多时间和金钱,常购物的消费者需要必须的经济基础。相反,对于厌恶购物的人来说,他们或许会把购物当成一种劳动、一项任务、一种烦琐的工作。他们宁肯呆在家守电脑电视,也不远去拥挤的街道上呼吸那些汽油燃烧的尾气吧! 购物的感受因人而异,总而言之,个人的态度和兴趣的选择罢了吧! 谈谈购物的感受第2篇: 记得小时候的我,最怕妈妈看衣服了,因为每当妈妈一进了商城的服装专区,两眼都会有放光的样貌。还记得有一次,我拉住妈妈让她弯腰,使劲地想要遮住

英语作文:Go shopping

Go shopping I have a happy family.There are father,mather and I.Father is the tallest in my family.He likes playing computer andwatching TV.Mother is the fattest in my family.She likes watching TV and playing mobile phone.I am the thinnest in my family.I like watching TV,playing computer games and reading books. Today, father,mather and I go to the shopping mall.Father wants to buy a T-shirt.Mother wants to buy a book.I want to buy a dress. First, father,mather and I go to the T-shirt Shop.Father wants to buy that blue T-shirt,but it’s too big.Mother wants to buy this pink T-shirt for father,but it’s too colourful.I think that black T-shirt is good to father,it’s not expensive and not ugly.So I give father that black T-shirt.Father smile and say,“It’s nice!I’ll take that black T-shirt.” Nest,father,mather and I go to the Bookshop.Mother wants to buy that yellow book,but it’s too expensive.I want to buy this red book for mother,but it’s too boring.Father thinks that white book it’s nice for mother,because it’s exciting,interesting and thick.Father give that white book for mother.Mother is happy and buy that white book. At last,father,mather and I go to the Dress Shop.I want to buy that green dress,but it’s too small.Father wants to buy that orange dress for me,but it’s for young children.Mother thinks this purple dress is very good to me,it’s cheap,beautiful,new and colourful.Mother give me this purple

英语作文网上购物 Online shopping

Online Shopping Alone with the advance of society more and more people tend to online shopping instead of going outside to shop.There is a certainty that online shopping will be gradually a common lifestyle as time rolls by.Surely ,just as every coin has two sides,online shopping comes with strengths and weaknesses. On one side,when customers are longing to get one thing which is hard to be discovered in reality but easy to be searched on the Internet only with a click,they may choose online shopping without hesitating.On the other side,for retailers,online shopping make their products to be known by some people lived in the remote places.In a word,to a large extent,online shopping has become a vital convenience in our daily life. However,we cannot ignore the weakness of online shopping.As you see,nowadays a lot of people are tempted by the fascinating appearance of products,which bring about damned unsatisfactory.Additionally,no one could insure a completely secure process of transport.And usually,conflict between retailers and customers occurs when products are damaged .What’s more,it’s highly risky to trade on the Internet especially when one’s computer is invaded by virus. From my point of view,online shopping should be accepted appropriately by people.For one thing,it is the product of social development,and as more and more people purchase in this way,those


购物英语情景对话 R eception接待 1. Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗? 2. What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 3. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?) Choosing and buying选择与购买 Choosing 选择 1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. u我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。 2. I’d like to see some towels. u<`我想看看毛巾。 3. Show me that one, please. 请把那个给我看看。 4. Would you show me this cup? uUa你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗? 5. I’m interested in this new type of car. 我对这款新车很有兴趣。 6. I’m just looking, thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。 An attempt试穿 1. Could you try it on please? How is it?

请试穿看看好吗?如何? 2. I like this one. May I try it on? 我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗? Inquiry询问 1. Do you have any on sale?你们有什么特卖品吗? 2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants? 你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗? 3. If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery? 如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货? Size and color尺寸和颜色, 1. The fit isn’t good.尺寸不太合适。 2. It’s too big.太大了。 3. Too small. 太小。 4. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。u<`E 5. Can I have a size larger? u< 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?,


有关于购物的英语作文汇总 购物狂如何戒掉花钱瘾 This year, resolve to drop your daily deal habit. Buying coupons can be extremely addictive, because sometimes the deals are just too tempting. But oftentimes, youll end up doing something that you never planned on doing in the first place and trying restaurants that you had no intention of trying to begin with. The problem is that you might forget about them if youre not carefully keeping track of them, and you may end up losing money when the coupon expires. 今年要下决心戒掉每天买东西的习惯。买抵用券会上瘾,因为有时候商品太诱惑人了。但结果是你经常会做本来不准备做的事,去本来不想去的餐馆。问题在于如果你不够细心能想起这些抵用券,你很可能会忘记它们,而且当抵用券快到期时,你的钱包可要遭罪了。 Do yourself and your budget a favor this year, and unsubscribe from all the daily deals sites except your all-time favorite. I know there may be deals that seem too good to miss out on, so limit yourself to buying one or two online coupons this year. If youre worried about missing out on an amazing deal, Im sure youll catch wind of it through friends or social media. And if you miss one, either scout for it on sites that sell unused


关于购物英语的情景对话 随着社会经济的发展和全球化的深入,学习者对于英语学习的要求也发生了变化。英语越来越成为人们使用的一种工具。整理了关于购物英语的情景对话,欢迎阅读! 关于购物英语的情景对话一Tom: Hello, I want to buy some fish and a bowl. 你好,我想买些鱼和一个鱼缸。 Linda: Then buy this kind. It is beautiful and very easy to breed. 买这种鱼吧。好看也耐活。 Tom: Yes, really beautiful. I want five of these, please. 确实很漂亮。我买五条。 Linda: Okay, this kind is really popular. 好的,现在确实挺时兴养这种鱼的。 Tom: How often do I need to change the water? And do you have any tips on how to feed them? 多久换一次水?您有什么养鱼的诀窍吗?

Linda: Water needs to be changed every other day. Put it in a place that receives sunlight and feed them every two days. 水隔天一换。放在阳光照得到的地方,两天喂一次食。 Tom: Thanks. 谢谢。 关于购物英语的情景对话二Tom: Are you ready to go shopping? 可以去买东西了吗? Linda: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of the things that we need. 等一会儿。我先列一个购物清单。 Tom: Good idea. Have you written down tea, eggs and onions? 好主意。你写茶叶、鸡蛋和洋葱了吗? Linda: I forgot about the onions. What kind of tea do you prefer? Green tea or flower tea? 忘了写洋葱。对了,我们买什么茶好?绿茶还是花茶? Tom:


Online Shopping 一、 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computer, shopping online is normal and even necessary in our life. As many of us might have witnessed, more individuals do the shopping on the Internet. Shopping on the Internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters. Undoubtedly, online shopping has made our everyday life more convenient and comfortable. Firstly, the types of the commodities can bedazzle you. Online products range from small items such as garments and books to bulk merchandise, for instance, the computers. Therefore, individuals can buy almost everything on the Internet. Beyond that, With the online tools that facilitate products comparison. Consumers can contrast products prices and features to make a better decision and get the goods at a lower price. However, for another, its potential dangers to the consumers could not be ignored. First, the Internet is visual and we can only see the goods rather than touch them, which let us have false views and make wrong decisions. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the confidence level of online stores, they might get cheated. Consumers may also lose their private information during online shopping. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is an irreversible tide. More and more consumers will be accustomed to it. In addition, it will be much more popular in the near future. So at the same time it is urgency to regulate the relevant laws according to the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way, can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without concern of being treated. 二、 With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers. Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting


有关于购物的英语作文汇总 英语在现代社会里是不可缺少的,下面小编就给大家整理了购物英语,欢迎大家阅读一下吧 购物狂如何戒掉花钱瘾 This year, resolve to drop your daily deal habit. Buying coupons can be extremely addictive, because sometimes the deals are just too tempting. But oftentimes, you'll end up doing something that you never planned on doing in the first place and trying restaurants that you had no intention of trying to begin with. The problem is that you might forget about them if you're not carefully keeping track of them, and you may end up losing money when the coupon expires. 今年要下决心戒掉每天买东西的习惯。买抵用券会上瘾,因为有时候商品太诱惑人了。但结果是你经常会做本来不准备做的事,去本来不想去的餐馆。问题在于如果你不够细心能想起这些抵用券,你很可能会忘记它们,而且当抵用券快到期时,你的钱包可要遭罪了。 Do yourself and your budget a favor this year, and unsubscribe from all the daily deals sites except your all-time favorite. I know there may be deals that seem too good to


On li ne Shopp ing (范文一) With the development of the Internet and the popularization (普及)of computer , shopping on li ne has become a com mon place (普通的)in our life. Chin ese people are buying thi ngs on li ne and the shipping companies(船务公司)are busy to no end. Online shopping is very convenient. All you have to do is sit at home and wait for your package to come in stead of hovering (徘徊)outside in the cold wind. We can buy almost everyth ing without going out. However, enjoyment of retail shopping lost. Many people enjoy shopping with others and it is ofte n a good way to make social connections. Whe n shopp ing on li ne, the enjo yme nt is lost. Besides, you may lose your private information during online shopping. Although having access to a very large number of products is highly desirable, consumers have limited cognitive resources and may simply be un able to process the pote ntially vast amounts of in formatio n about these alter natives It seems that the on li ne bus in ess contains many commercial opport un ities . Many people want to seek their fortune on it. However, I think this kind of bus in ess now is close to saturati on. There are thousands of shops online, it ' asproblem how to make your shop outstanding and attractive among the “ shop sea". (范文二) Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information tech no logy, shopp ing on the internet has bee n a fashi on especially among the youn gsters. Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example, shopp ing on the internet can save stude nts a great deal of time on the way betwee n home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorte n the dista nee betwee n manu facturers and con sumers and thus we can eve n buy goods in other coun tries .On the other han d, lack of the face to face deal makes on li ne shopp ing less reliable and trustworthy. What ' s more the delivery will in crease the risk of items ' damage. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect. (范文三) Several decades ago, it should be a marvelous won der to purchase our favorite gifts only by click ing the mouse and the n just wait ing for the door knock by a smili ng expressive delivery courier with the exact package you ordered. While, today, it is no long a rare case. Combined with the fast food, the digital com muni cati on ,on li ne shopp ing has bee n a com mon part of our life Admittedly, on line shopp ing offers magical convenien ce. For example, it saves time and offers numerous choices since floods of information can be supplied on Internet. While, every coin has tow sides and online shopping is no different. Have you still remembered the annoying time when you found the commodities you buy on Internet was not the slightest微博) as what you had

购物 Shopping

购物Shopping Dear Mr. Wang, Knowing that our library is going to buy books, Id like to offer some suggestions. What we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific discoveries. In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books: literary books. Classic works, written by masters, present great thoughts through fascinating language and stories. They not only offer us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically. Ill be glad if you can consider my recommendations. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


关于购物的英语句子 导读: 关于购物的英语句子 1、This is a discount price. 这已经是打过折的价钱了。 2、What's your return policy? 在你买礼物之前,要问清楚售货员你买的东西可不可以退或怎样可以换。 3、Do you have any of these in stock? 你看到橱窗中有,但是商品区却没有这种商品。去问营业员是否有left in stock,可能储藏室还有些呢。 4、Which one do you like better? 你喜欢哪一个? 5、When does the store open? 商店几点开门? 6、Where are your fitting rooms? 如果你看到中意的衣服,当然要试穿一下,你就可以向售货员提出这个问题。然而在英国,你要问的应该是changing rooms。 7、Can I get a price check for this? 找不到你看的商品的价格?那就问售货员这个问题,他或她会为你查价格。 8、I'm just looking.

当你走入一家店时,促销员都会问你想买什么,如果你还不知道你想买什么,这是对“Can I help you find anything?”最佳回答。 9、I'd like a gift receipt for this. 根据你的要求,大多数的商店可以提供一张gift receipt,上面没有任何的价钱。因此,如果你的朋友觉得你的礼物不合适,他或她可以随时调换。但是,如果不这样的话,他们将永远不知道你付了多少钱! 10、This skirt matches this blouse, doesn't it? 这条裙子和这件上衣挺配的,是吧? 11、Does this come in other colors? 如果你发现你很喜欢某件商品,但想要不同的颜色,就问售货员这个问题。 12、Sure. Let me help you. 当然,我来帮你。 13、This skirt matches this blouse, doesn't it? 这条裙子和这件上衣挺配的,是吧? 14、May I try it on? 我可以试试吗? 15、Do you provide gift-wrapping? 没有时间为你买的礼物包装?别着急,许多商店为他们的顾客特别是在繁忙的假日期间提供包装服务 16、Would you give me a discount?


Shopping英语作文200字 Today is Sunday. Lucy and her friends are shopping in the supermarket. Lucy: I’d like to buy some New Year cards for my family and you. Mary: Great! I want to buy a new school bag. My school is old and not clean. Steven: Look at that blue school bag! I love it. Lucy: No, I don’t like that blue one. I like this pink one very much. What do you like, Mary? Mary: Er…I love that red one. Let’s buy some New Year cards. Lucy: Oh, there are many New Year cards! Steven: How about those big ones? Mary: But these white ones are very nice.

Lucy: I like these small ones. Mary: Wow! Look, look, those toys! Steven: Yes! I want to buy some! 【购物】 今天是星期天。露西和她的朋友们正在超市里购物。 露西:我想买一些新年贺卡给我的家人和你们。 玛丽:太棒了!我想买一只新书包。我的书包又就又不干净。 斯蒂文:看那只蓝色书包。我喜爱它。 露西:不,我不喜欢这只蓝色书包。我十分喜欢这只粉色书包。你喜欢什么,玛丽? 玛丽:呃,我喜爱那只红色书包。让我们一起去买一些新年贺卡。 露西:哦,有许多新年贺卡! 斯蒂文:那些大的贺卡怎么样? 玛丽:但是这些白色的贺卡很漂亮。 露西:我喜欢这些小贺卡。
