

跨文化交际复习资料Unit 1&2

Reviewing Papers for Intercultural Communication

Unit 1&2

I. Keywords

(1) Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。)

(2) Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver.(信息:信息指引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。)

(3) Encoding: It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. (编码:编码指信息发出者选择言语或用非言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。)

(4) Channel/Medium:It is the method used to deliver a message. (渠道/媒介:渠道/媒介指发送信息的方法。)

(5) Receiver: A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. (信息接受者:信息接受者指信息接收者是指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人。)

(6) Decoding: It is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.(解码:解码指信息接受者赋予其收到的言语或符号信息意义的行为。)

(7) Feedback: The response of a receiver to a sender’s message is called feedback.(反馈:反馈指信息接收者对信息源信息所做出的反应。)

(8) Noise: It is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise physiological noise, psychological noise and semantic noise.(干扰:干扰指妨碍信息交流的各种因素。包括外界干扰,生理干扰,心理干扰和语义干扰。)

(9) Context: A context is the setting or situation within which communication takes place , including physical context, social context and interpersonal context.(语境:语境指交际发生的环境,包括自然语境,社会语境和人际语境。)

II. Definition of some terms

1. Culture: From intercultural perspective, culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with the world and with one another that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.

2 Intercultural communication: It refers to the communication between or among people from different cultures. More precisely, it is the communication between people

whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.( 跨文化交际:跨文化交际指的是那些在文化认知和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。)

3. International communication: it takes place between nations and governments rather than

- 1individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized. (国际交流:国际交流是指发生在国家和政府之间而非发生在个人之间的交际;此种交际非常正式和仪式化。)

4. Interracial communication: It occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. (跨种族交际:跨种族交际是指交流信息的信息源和信息接受者来自不同的种族的交际。)

5. Interethnic communication: It is the communication between or among people from different ethnic groups in a country or culture.(跨民族交际:跨民族交际是指来自一个国家或文化内部的不同民族群体的人们之间的交际。)

6. Intracultural communication: it is defined as communication between or among members

of the same culture.(文化内交际:文化内交际是指同一文化内部的成员之间的交际。)

III. Key Points

(1) The 3 characteristics of culture

●Culture is coherent

●Culture is learned

●Culture is the view of a group of people

3 things culture does

●Culture ranks what is important

●Culture furnished attitudes

●Culture dictate how to behave

(2) The nine components of communication.

(3) The definition of intercultural communication.

(4) The forms of intercultural communication.

International communication, Interracial communication, Interethnic communication, Intracultural communication.

IV. Difficult Points

(1) Distinct perspective definition of Culture

(2) The characteristics of Communication.

(3) How to understand Communication

(4) Relationship between culture and communication


1)Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It can be defined from distinct perspectives;

●From Intellectual Perspective

●From Anthropologic Perspective

●From Psychological Perspective

●From Social Perspective

●From Intercultural Communication Perspective

2)The following are some of the most distinctive features listed in the literature on communication.

Communication is dynamic

Communication is an on-going activity. In any communication event, the sender and the receiver of messages constantly shift from being encoders to decoders and the messages also change in each turn of interaction.

Communication is interactive

Communication is always done in two ways: the source sends messages to the receiver and

the receiver responds to the message received and sends his message or response to the source. Thus the source and receiver are in a reciprocal situation attempting to influence one another in the process. What the influences are and how the influences function are among the major concerns of intercultural communicators.

Communication is both verbal and non-verbal

Speech is only one of the channels that messages are transmitted. We do not have to say everything we intend to communicate in words. We use our body, signs, and even clothing to show

others what we have in our minds. According to statistics most part of our communication is done by non-verbal means.

Communication can be either intentional and unintentional

Intention is not a necessary condition for communication to take place. A sigh of frown accompanying speech, if noticed by the receiver, may also carry unintended messages to the receiver. For the two parties involved in the communication process, any behavior of one interlocutor, intentional or unintentional, can produce certain effects and generate certain meanings to the other. To complicate the matter, very often we are unconscious of the message sent and the effect it has produced. Therefore, unexpected results may arise.

Communication is rule-governed

Though communication is a complex process, there are still rules for speakers to follow as to

how messages are constructed and interpreted. The patterns, however, are crucially defined. To study communication and intercultural communication in particular is , to a large extent, to discover the patterns that regulate communicative behavior of the interlocutors. If the patterns are shared and understood, any communication will become easy and effective.

Communication depends on the use of symbols

Symbols or codes are the basic ingredients of communication. Symbols may take the form of written or spoken words, body signs, Braille, an object like a picture or a dress, color, and many other symbols that represent certain meanings to whoever recognize them and make sense of them.

All cultures use symbols, but they usually attribute different meanings to the same symbol and may use different symbols to mean the same. Competent intercultural communications, therefore, must learn to “read” the symbols used by their interlocutors and understand the exact messages.

Communication is irreversible

Communication can not be retrieved---- the message delivered and interpreted by the receiver

can never be taken back. Though we can modify our message, the effect produced by the original message still remains. The implication is that improper communicative behavior may have serious consequences.

Communication takes place in both a physical and a social context

Communication does not take place in a vacuum. We interact with other people within

specific physical surroundings and under a set of specific social factors. The physical surroundings

serve t to be communicated, as the background of our interaction and, to a large extent, define what we communicate and how we do it. In addition, the symbolic meaning of the physical setting may contribute to the meanings intended. The social context sets the interlocutors in various social relationships. How people relate to one another will determine both the form and content of communication. Physical and social context together define the actual practice of communication: what to be communicated, where, when, with whom and how it is realized.

3) Communication: the Process of Understanding and Sharing Meaning

The word communication is used in a variety of ways. Before we use the term any further, we should establish a common understanding of its definition. Communication comes from the Latin communicare, which means to make common. This original definition of the word is consistentwith the definition of communication used in this text.

In this text, communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. Communication is considered a process because it is an activity, exchange, of set of behaviors—not an unchanging, static product, in which we participate. David Berlo, a well-known communication figure, probably provides the clearest statement about communication as a process.

Berlo wrote: If we accept the concept of process, we view events and relationships as dynamic, ongoing, ever-changing, and continuous. When we label something as a process, we also mean that it does not have a beginning, an end, a fixed sequence of events. It is not static, at rest. It is moving. The ingredients within a process interact, each affects all of the others.

What is an example of how a process operates in everyday communication? Picture two students passing on the sidewalk between classes and exchanging a few sentences.

last long after the words stop.

Communication is a process that requires understanding. Your professor asks, what is the ontogeny of your misogeny? You hear the words, but you may not be able to understand or interpret them, An Asian student who has to struggle with English as a second language may have the same trouble with words that most Americans regard as easy to understand. Understanding, or grasping, the meaning of another person’s message does not occur unless the two communicators can elicit common meanings for words, phrases, and nonverbal codes. The importance of this kind of understanding was emphasized by humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers in his book On

Becoming a Person., He wrote, I have found it of enormous value when I can permit myself to understand another person.

In addition to understanding, communication involves sharing. Consider the popular use of

the word sharing. We share a meal, we share an event, we share a sunset. Sharing is a gift that people exchange. We can also share with ourselves when we allow ourselves time to relax and

daydream, time to consider who we are and what our goals are. We share with others when we talk to them alone or in larger groups. Regardless of the context, communication involves sharing.

What exactly is understood and shared in the communication process? When you use language for expression, meaning is the shared understanding of your feelings. When you use language for pragmatic purposes, meaning is the appropriate response that indicates the message was

understood. For example, you ask for a drink, and the other person gives you one. Meaning is the message you construct in your mind as you interpret the message sent.

4) Culture and Communication

Understanding the intertwined relationship between culture and communication is crucial to

intercultural communication. On the other hand, culture conditions communication. First of all culture is the foundation of communication. Without the sharing and understanding between speakers, no communication is possible. Secondly, culture dictates every stage of the

communication process. We communicate the way we do because we are raised in a particular culture and learn its language, rules and norms. What we say, what gestures we use, with whom we talk, when and how to talk are all determined by our culture. On the other hand, communication had made the development of human culture possible and it is through communication that culture is transmitted from one generation to another. At the same time, culture is learned through communication. We acquire our membership of culture mainly through socialization with other members of our culture and this socialization is realized by interacting with different social groups: families, friends, neighbors, teachers, colleagues, etc. without socialization through communication, the learning of culture is totally impossible.

Culture and communication are said to be like Siamese twins, one is inseparable from the other; the understanding of one demands the understanding of the other and the changes to one

will cause changes in the other. If the culture is different, the communicative patterns in that

culture will different too. The major task of intercultural communicators is to find out how culture and communication condition and transform one another so that real understanding can be achieved among intercultural interactions.


汇编语言复习资料 第一部分选择题 第一章基础知识 1.数组array在数据段的定义如下所示,在内存空间的存储值是什么,选出正确的一 项(B ) array db 1,‘1’,0AH,‘A’,-2 A、1H 1H 0AH 0AH 82h B、1H 31H 0AH 41H FEH C、1 1 0A 0A 12h D、31H 31H 41H 41H 02h 2.debug命令中显示内存单元内容的命令是( B ) A、a B、d C、e D、r 3.debug命令中反汇编命令是(D ) A、q B、g C、t D、u 4.在DEBUG下,修改寄存器AX的命令是___B_。 A.U AX B.R AX C.R D.A AX 5.从200H开始反汇编的DEBUG命令是A____。 A.U 200 B.R 200 C.D 200 D.U 6.仅查看用户程序中数据段10号存储单元的DEBUG命令是A____。 A.D DS:A A B.D DS:A C.D DS:10 10 D.D DS:10 7.计算机编程语言的发展顺序是(A ) A、机器语言汇编语言高级语言 B、汇编语言机器语言高级语言 C、高级语言汇编语言机器语言 D、高级语言机器语言汇编语言 8.将124转换成十六进制数的结果是_A____。 A.7CH B.7DH C.7EH D.7BH 9.计算机对字符、符号采用统一的二进制编码。其编码采用的是_C_____。 A.BCD码B.二进制码C.ASCII D.十六进制码 第二章80x86计算机组织 10.对汇编语言源程序进行翻译的程序是__B___。 A.连接程序B.汇编程序C.编译程序D.目标程序 11.在汇编语言中,能够翻译成二进制代码的指令是__A__。 A.汇编指令B.伪指令C.机器指令D.宏指令


人教版语文九年级(上)复习资料汇编 一、给加点字注音 莽.莽()妖娆.()折.腰()风骚.() 田圃.()禁锢.()留滞.()喑.哑() 蓑.衣()襁褓 ..()() A 静谧.()颤.抖()昏晕.()栖.息()沉浸.()旁骛.() 解剖.()佝偻 ..()()亵.渎()骈.进()强聒.不舍()诅.咒()陨.落()灵柩.() 深邃.()睿.智()恪.尽职守()舐.犊之情() 廓.然无累()颓.废()扶掖.()忐忑 ..()()一抔.黄土()怒不可遏.()阴晦.()猹.()獾.()五行.缺土()脚踝.()潮汛.()颧.骨()愕.然()嗤.笑()瑟.缩() 作揖.()惘.然()恣睢 ..()()嬉.闹()觅.食()胆怯.()纯粹.()拮据.()栈.桥()阔绰.()煞.白()发窘.() 抽噎.()棱.角分明()模.样()模.式() 根深蒂.固()孜.孜不倦()汲.取()锲.而不舍()藻.饰()狡黠.()诘.难()咀嚼.() 味同嚼.蜡()吹毛求疵.()玄.虚()省.悟()脊.梁()诓.骗()嗔.怒()逞.辩()怄.气()面面相觑.()疱.官()恃.才放旷()

3.面对这伙胆大妄为的犯罪分子,警察恼羞成怒,决定狠狠出击。() 4.做一个人,我们要行使自己的权力;做一个公民,我们要恪尽职守。() 5.古人给我们留下了许多荡气回肠的爱国精神,我们要重蹈覆辙,将其发扬光大。()6.山区的孩子们想读书却没有校舍,没有书本,他们与我们真是无与伦比啊!()7.雷声已如万辆战车从天边滚了过来,过了一会儿,暴风雨就歇斯底里地开始了。()8.银杏树根深蒂固,抗风力很强,是扩大绿化面积,治理山河的优良树种。() 9.一旦产生小的灵感,相信它的价值,并锲而不舍地把它发展下去。() 10.愚公之所以能感动上天,搬走太行、王屋二山,靠的就是持之以恒的精神。()11.同学们两人一组开始做实验,老师在教室走来走去,袖手旁观。() 12.张老师批改作文非常认真,他常常吹毛求疵地指出我作文中的错别字。()13.读书的方法,不要固执一点,咬文嚼字,而要前后贯通,了解大意。() 14.青年人就应该恃才放旷,不拘泥于前人的旧说,勇于创新,勇于改革。() 四、诗词名句积累 (一)填写上句或下句 1.过尽千帆皆不是,。 2.塞下秋来风景异,。 3.羌管悠悠霜满地,,。 4.为报倾城随太守,,。 5.,西北望,射天狼。 6.,日晚倦梳头。 7.,欲语泪先流。 8.,载不动许多愁。

跨文化交际试题 附答案

《跨文化交际》试题(附答案) Paper 1 Communication Analysis ? The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.? ? Question 1 Case 1: Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant. Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it! Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.? ? Question 2 Case 2: Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory. Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong! Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job. Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure. Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music. Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment. Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game. Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment! Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.? ? Question 3 Case 3: This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.


生产统计报表的编制 统计员的工作汇报就是及时、准确、完善的向相关部门呈递《生产统计报表》。尽量让我们高层管理人员对所管辖的下属部门的工作情况了如指掌,及时地发现问题作出决策,并使管理工作得以顺利进行。通过我们详细的汇报中了解生产计划的执行情况,了解生产进度、材料供应、计划执行状况,机器设备的运转状况等,可以及时掌握生产动态和异常情况,可以了解人员的思想变化等。可以及时发现工作中存在的困难和问题,生产中不可避免会出现这样或那样的问题,通过定期或不定期的工作汇报,可以及时了解这些困难或问题,并及时加以研究和解决,并把可能造成的各种损失降低到最小的程度。统计一般是交叉统计为最佳,例如生产的数据,由仓库监督统计;报表上的统计,审核必须是对口的人员。即生产上的数据是由仓库进行监督统计的,就是反应了交叉统计。 没有统计软件的情况下,最简单的理解就是输入与输出平行,例如总输入的用料单与总产成的进仓单,进仓不单是产品的数量进仓,还要重量进仓(因为重量是要和你的输入材料做对比的),还有废品进仓(也是数量与重量登记)。有入必有出。 统计的人员首先要明白数据怎么来的,要学会利用数据,而不是为数据打工。 二、工作汇报的内容,工作汇报的内容很多 ,现只就生产、质量、物料方面的内容做一个简单的介绍。 1、生产方面的汇报 (1)各类生产计划的完成情况 (2)各项工作的落实与执行情况 (3)生产进度状况与工时投入,生产跟踪情况。 (4)现场作业状况 (5)各类生产异动情况:包括进度异动、工艺异动、其它异动。 (6)生产人员工作情况 (7)各订单完成情况 (8)产品交货状况 2、质量方面的汇报 (1)各道工序、各车间(班组)的产品质量情况 (2)质量问题及质量异动 (3)各种产品的不合格率机造成因素 (4)内部质量事故的调查处理及质量问题的追溯 (5)质量问题的处理汇报 (6)质量目标达成情况 (7潜在的质量隐患 3、物料方面的汇报 (1)物料供应计划的完成情况


十二、高山仰止 【课文梳理】 1.孔子推仁行道受阻,心思授仁传道。 子在陈章()——忧患“狂简 ..”弟子无人教诲,思考退而授徒。 2.孔子教育学生察其长短,批评中肯。 闵子侍侧章()——洞察弟子所长所短 由之瑟章()——评价子路中肯,“升堂矣,未入于室也” 道不行章()——高度信任子路之勇(“材”通“裁”,裁度事理) 子谓颜渊曰章()——批评子路有勇无谋,暴虎冯河,教育他临事而惧,好谋而成)3.孔子诚待学生(悲痛哀悼,如己丧子)。 伯牛有疾章()——惋惜伯牛命运 颜渊死章()、颜渊死子哭之恸章()——为弟子死而悲痛欲绝 4.孔子面对弟子责难去师道尊严,知错就改(虽将错就错)。 子见南子章()——平等对待弟子的责难 子之武城章()——承认错误及时改过(主张礼乐治国) 5.孔子的思想、学术博大精深。 颜渊喟然叹曰章()——一颜渊感叹孔子学问之深、教育之善、入门之难。 叔孙武叔语大夫于朝曰章()——子贡赞扬孔子思想、学术博大精深。 叔孙武叔毁仲尼章()——子贡赞扬孔子思想如同“日月”,不可逾越。 【阅读实践】 一、阅读甲、乙两则文字,完成23—24题。(4分) 甲 子贡问友。子曰:“忠告而善道之,不可则止,勿自辱焉。” ⑴本章反映了孔子怎样的待友之道 【答案】尽心待友不能伤及自己的尊严。 ⑵“忠告而善道之,不可则止”,这和儒家宣扬的尽心待人的原则是否矛盾请结合儒家的有关思想作简要分析。 【答案】不矛盾。保护自己的尊严和尽心待友是一个问题的两个方面,同样重要,对朋友尽责并不意味着可以忽视自己的尊严。凡事过犹不及,对朋友的劝诫超过一定的限度,就可能伤及自己的尊严。忠告善道,不可则止,既要尽到对朋友的责任,也要保护自己的尊 严,这是中庸思想在交友上的体现。 乙 一个雨天,《东南快报》记者柳涛根据群众提供的信息,在厦门市一个有坑的路口守候一个多小时,拍到了几幅一个骑车人摔入水坑的照片,并发表在有关媒体上。这几幅照片引起了网民的不同议论。有人认为照片拍得不错,但认为记者柳涛明知路有坑,却不提醒,等着人摔跤,是“缺德”的表现。也有人称赞柳涛是个专业、称职的记者,尽到了记者应尽的责任,促使有关部门加快了解决问题的速度。 2、请结合儒家有关“仁爱”的思想,谈一下对上述事件的看法。 示例一:我觉得柳涛是个仁者,他所做的是体现大仁大义的事。儒家认为,遵循礼制是具有仁爱之心的表现,柳涛尽心尽职地反映客观问题,是位具有良好职业道德的记者,他冒雨拍照正是遵守职业道德的表现;孔子认为判断一个人是否是仁者,主要看他对社会的贡献,而不是只看他对某个人的仁爱之心,柳涛通过自己的作品,加快了有关部门解决问题的速度,



Test Paper Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.G enerally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.G enerally speaking, in terms of world views, the We st adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopts holistic view 3.G enerally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and Archimedes Ⅱ. Choose the best answer: 1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.D A.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, man B.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silence C.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, man D.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence 2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness”aspects so as to attract people. We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective inform ation. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.C A. adjective, objective B. Chinese, Western C. impression, information C. indirect, direct 3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.B A. basically good; basically bad B. evil but perfectible, basically good C. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil; D. unknown 4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.D A. subjugation to nature; harmony with nature B. harmony with nature; mastery over nature


初级会计复习资料 第一章总论 本章主要讲述了会计的概念、职能、对象等基本概念,以及六大会计要素形成的两个会计等式,重点掌握会计要素和会计等式,对会计核算的基本知识(如会计科目、账簿),过去的科目可能取消、合并或改名,注意科目和账户。 本章还介绍了凭证、账簿还有账簿里面如何查找错账,怎样进行错账更正,怎样对账和怎样结账等基本的常识性内容以及账务处理程序等。 本章内容属于基本性的知识,大家应该作为掌握的内容,因为这里面讲的东西在随后几章中都会涉及到。 第一节会计概述 教材第一句话就是会计定义,这个概念充分体现了会计教材的特点。一句话其实说了好几个方面,大家在阅读教材和讲义的时候在这方面要多多熟悉,并充分理解教材的原话。 一、会计的定义 会计是以货币为主要计量单位,反映和监督一个单位经济活动的一种经济管理工作。 注意:1、以货币为主要计量单位的。(劳动量计量,实物量计量是辅助的计量单位) 2、会计是反映和监督一个单位的经济活动。(反映和监督是会计里面最基本的职能。会计是一种经济管理工作) 会计分类 会计按其报告的对象不同,可以分为财务会计与管理会计。财务会计主要侧重于向企业外部关系人(财政部门,税务部门,审计部门,投资者,债权人,社会公众)提供有关企业财务状况、经营成果和现金流量情况等信息;管理会计主要侧重于向企业内部管理者提供进行经营规划、经营管理、预测决策所需的相关信息。 注意:一个是对内,一个是对外。 财务会计侧重于过去信息,为外部有关各方提供所需数据;管理会计侧重于未来信息,为内部管理部门提供数据。

二、会计职能 这里仅限会计的基本职能,还有其他更多的职能在实际工作中会有体现,当然考试一定要选这2个,否则可是不得分的哦 会计的职能是会计在经济管理过程中所具有的功能。一般会计的基本职能包括进行会计核算和实施会计监督两个方面。 (一)进行会计核算 会计核算贯穿于经济活动的全过程,是会计最基本的职能,也称反映职能。它是指会计以货币为主要计量单位,对特定主体的经济活动进行确认、计量、记录和报告,为各有关方面提供会计信息。 会计核算的内容具体表现为生产经营过程中的各种经济业务,包括:(1)款项和有价证券的收付;(2)财物的收发、增减和使用;(3)债权债务的发生和结算;(4)资本、基金的增减和经费的收支;(5)收入、费用、成本的计算;(6)财务成果的计算和处理;(7)其它需要办理会计手续、进行会计核算的事项。会计核算的要求是真实、准确、完整、及时。 会计确认、计量、记录、报告 会计确认是运用特定会计方法、以文字和金额同时描述某一交易或事项,使其金额反映在特定主体财务报表的合计数中的会计程序。会计确认分为初始确认和后续确认。(如,哪些可以确认为资产,哪些不能确认为资产不符合资产的概念,有会计特定的方法予以确认,并用文字表述这一经济合同,使其金额反映在特定主体财务报表的合计数中的会计程序,这种会计程序叫做确认) 计量是确定会计确认中用以描述某一交易或事项的金额的会计程序。 会计记录是指对特定主体的经济活动采用一定的记账方法、在账簿中进行登记的会计程序。 报告是指在确认、计量和记录的基础上,对特定主体的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量情况(行政、事业单位是对其经费收入、经费支出、经费结余及其财务状况),以财务报表的形式向有关方面报告。 (二)实施会计监督 会计监督职能也称控制职能,是指对特定主体经济活动和相关会计核算的合法性、合理性进行审查,即一定的标准和要求利用会计所提供的信息对各单位的经济活动进行有效的指导、控制和调节,以达到预期的目的。会计监督的内容包


Part ⅠDecide whether the following 10 statements are True or False. Write the answers in the blanks. (2% for each, 20%) 1. People do not exchange greetings with people almost every day. 2. If you want to know where a person was born, you can ask “Where are you originally from?” 3. For women, in more informal business situations, should dress in a conservative suit or a well tailored dress. 4. Conversations about children and family usually do not have their place in “networking ” situations for business. 5. At conventions, it is absolutely necessary to participate or at least make an appearance at most organized functions. 6. If you are the hostess, don ’t insist that someone else drink and don ’t over serve. 7. There are enough people in the world who have problems mastering vehicles and phones individually. 8. It is advisable not to wear the earpiece when we are not on the phone. 9. Overdrinking alcohol can lower a person ’s inhibitions and alter his judgment. 10. Most meetings are unnecessary; they are just a way of making people feel important. Part Ⅱ Translate the following sentences into English. (3% for each, 15%) 1. 在地球村里,国家就像一个大家庭,各大洲就像是邻居。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


一、问答题 1、 写出8086操作数的寻址方式。8086的存储器寻址方式有哪些? 答:操作数的寻址方式有:①立即(数)寻址。②寄存器寻址。③存储器寻址。存储器寻址方式有:①立即寻址。②寄存器寻址。③直接寻址。④寄存器间接。⑤寄存器相对。⑥基址变址。⑦相对基址变址。 2、 何谓中断向量,何谓中断号? 答:中断向量即中断服务程序的入口地址。中断类型号是系统分配给每个中断源的代号。 3、 试写出由逻辑地址计算物理地址的计算公式。写出8086在存储器寻址下,存储单元的逻辑地 址的表示形式。 答:PA=段基址*16+偏移量 LA=段基址:偏移量 4、 在内存物理地址为00002H 起的字单元内存放7856H ,请用图表示出它们在存储器里存放的情 况。 5、 在物理内存地址为00002H 起的字单元内存放3412H ,请用图表示出它们在存储器里存放的情 况。 6、 8088的寻址空间有多大?要寻址全部内存空间必须采用什么技术措施? 答:1MB ,分段寻址 7、 寄存器间接寻址方式可使用哪些寄存器? 答:在8086中:BX/BP/SI/DI 8、 在分断技术中,寄存器BX 和BP 默认对应的段寄存器是哪些? 答:BX 对应的是DS,BP 对应的是SS 。 9、 寄存器相对寻址方式中的位移量可以用什么形式表达? 答:位移量=EA —基址—(变址*比例因子) 10、 微机的内存的最小编址单位是什么?字型数据在内存的中的存放原则是什么? 答:最小编址单位是B ,存放原则是先低字节,后高字节。 11、 基址变址寻址方式的可用寄存器有哪些? 答:[BX][SI]/[BX][DI] 12、 写出相对基址变址寻址方式的偏移地址EA 的计算公式。 答:EA=位移量+基址+变址 13、 在内存物理地址为30476H 起的连续地址空间内存放了一个值为90634511H 的双字型数据,请用图表示出它们在存储器里存放的情况。


先秦 一、散文 1、四书:《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、孟子》 五经:《周易》、《尚书》、《诗经》、《礼记》、《春秋》。 六经:《易》、《书》、《诗》、《礼》、《乐》、《春秋》。 六艺:礼、乐、射、御、书、数 诗经六义:风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴 2、历史散文:《左传》、《战国策》、《国语》。 (1)《左传》——《左传》我国第一部叙事详细、完整的编年体史书。原名《左氏春秋》,又称《春秋左氏传》,相传为鲁国史官左丘明所著。记事起于鲁隐公元年(前722)止于鲁哀公二十七年(前468),前后记叙了春秋时期250多年的史事。《左传》具有很高的文学价值,对后世影响很大。 (2)《战国策》——《战国策》西汉末年刘向编订的一部国别体史书,共33编。记事上起周贞定王十六年(前453),下迄秦二世元年(前209),辑录了战国时期各国政治、军事、外交各方面的历史史实,着重记录了谋臣的策略和言论。《战国策》在语言运用上很成功,雄辩的论说,铺张的叙事,尖刻的讽刺,耐人寻味的幽默,构成了独特的语言风格。它标志着我国古代历史散文发展到一个新的高度,给后世散文和辞赋的创作以重大影响。 (3)《国语》是我国最早的国别体史书,共21卷。传为左丘明所著。全书按不同国家记载了从周穆王到周贞定王前后500余年的史事。《国语》和《左传》明显的区别是《国语》分别写不同国家,以记言见胜;《左传》则按年代编写,长于记事。 3、诸子百家散文:西汉史学家班固概括为十家:儒、道、阴阳、法、名、墨、纵横、农、杂、小说。 (1)道家:老子,又称老聃、李耳,道家学派创世人,著有道德经。 庄子,名周,战国时宋国蒙(河南)人,道家学派代表人物。现存《庄子》一书,33 篇,又名《南华经》。代表作是《逍遥游》。 (2)儒家:孔子,名丘,字仲尼,春秋时代鲁国陬(z ōu)邑人,思想家、教育家,儒家学派创始人。思想核心是“仁”。现存《论语》20篇,是他的弟子记录他与弟子们言行的语录体专集。“论”,读lún,择也,选择摘录之意。 孟子,名轲,字子舆,战国时邹(山东)人,思想家、政治家、教育家,是继孔子之后的儒家大师。其中心思想是“仁义”,主张实行仁政,强调“民贵君轻”,重视民心向背。在人性问题上提出“性善”论。著有《孟子》一书。 (3)墨家:墨子,名翟(dí),春秋时代鲁国人,墨家学派创始人,主张“兼爱”、“非攻”、“尚贤”、“节用”。著有《墨子》一书,今存53篇。 (4)法家:韩非,战国末韩国人,荀况弟子,法家学派代表人物。在政治上提出重赏、重罚、重农、重战者诸项政策,主张君主集权,反对贵族操纵政治。现存《韩非子》55 篇,代表作有《五蠹》、《智子疑邻》、《扁鹊见蔡桓公》。 二、诗歌 1、《诗经》我国第一部诗歌总集。收录了自西周初年至春秋中叶约五百年间的作品。《诗经》通称为《诗》或《诗三百》,到汉代,儒家把它奉为经典才称《诗经》,共305篇。分为“风”、“雅”、“颂”三部分。“风”又叫“国风”共160篇,大都是各地民间歌谣,这是《诗经》的精华,如《伐檀》、《硕鼠》。“雅”分《大雅》、《小雅》,共105篇,多系西周王室贵族文人的作品,也有少数民谣,内容大都是记述周贵族历史,歌功颂德的。“颂”分《周颂》、《鲁颂》、《商颂》共40篇,多为贵族统治者祭祀用的乐歌舞曲。《诗经》是我国诗歌现


C. determined, reflects D. shaped, influences United States continues to welcome a large number of immigrants each year and has referred to as a melting-pot society. This trend can reflect the theory of . A. macroculture B. microculture C. globalization D. modernization Ⅱ. True or False (10 Points in all, 1 points for each) ( )11. Values refer to rules for appropriate behaviors, which provide the expectations people have of one anther and of others. ( )12. The similarity of the original culture to the new host culture is one of the most important factors in successful acculturation. ( )13. The symbols human beings use are objective. ( )14. Four values fundamental to western ethics are autonomy, responsibility, care, justice. ( )15. Different from the belief “subjugation to nature”, western people believ e they are the masters of the nature. ( )16. The United States can clearly be seen as collectivism. ( )17. Although stereotypes are considered as being negative judgments, they can also be positive. ( )18. In the Russian states, the “bear hug” may follow a strong, firm handshae between good male friends. ( ) 19. All words can find the counterparts in another language. ( )20. People in the United States like the body ’s natural smell so they seldom wear fragrance. Ⅲ. Please explain the denotational and connotational meanings of the following words from the Western and Eastern perspectives. (20 points in all, 10 points for each.) 22..intellectual Ⅳ.Please answer the following questions (30 points in all, 15 points for each)


1、设有一个30个字的数据区,它的起始地址是2000H:3000H,请给出这个数据区的首、 末字单元的物理地址。 2、设数据段定义如下: DATA SEGMENT A DW 1,2,3 B DB ‘ABCDEF’ C DW ‘AB’ D DB 12H,34H,56H E = $+5 DATA ENDS 请回答:(1)用一条指令将B字符串中的字符‘E’送AL。 (2)用一条指令将D变量中的第2个、第3个字节的内容送AX。 (3)用一条指令将A变量中的第3个字节送AL。 (4)“MOV AX,C”执行后,AX= 。 (5)“MOV AL,E”执行后,AL= 。 3.现有程序段如下: MOV AX,1234H MOV BX,60H ADD AX,BX 请回答:(1)该程序段完成的功能是什么? (2)程序段执行完后AX= 。 4、设AX=0D023H,BX=9FD0H,试分析执行完如下程序段后程序转向何处? ADD AX,BX JNO L1 JNC L2 SUB AX,BX JNC L3 JNO L4 JMP L5 5、现有程序段如下: MOV AL,0 MOV BL,1 MOV CX,10 L: ADD AL,BL INC BL

LOOP L 请回答:(1)该程序段完成的功能是什么? (2)该程序执行完后,AL= 。 6.现有程序段如下: MOV AX,1 MOV BX,2 MOV CX,4 MOV DX,3 L:INC AX ADD BX,AX SHR DX,1 LOOPNZ L 请回答:(1)该程序段的循环次数是多少? (2)该程序段执行完后AX= ,BX= ,CX= ,DX= 。 7.现有程序段如下: MOV CX,16 MOV BX,0 MOV DX,1 L:MOV AX,9AB8H AND AX,DX JZ N INC BX N:SHL DX,1 LOOP L MOV M,BX 请回答:(1)该程序段完成的功能是什么? (2)该程序段执行完后(M)= 。 8.现有程序段如下: CLD MOV DX,SEG BUF MOV ES,DX LEA DI,BUF MOV AL,20H MOV CX,100 REPNZ SCASB 请回答:(1)该程序段完成的功能是什么? (2)若ZF=1,表示BUF中值为20H数据


1.Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (无处不在), they are .(D ) A. new technology and information system B. changes in the world’s population C. a shift in the world’s economic arena D. A, B and C 2.___C___ has evolved that lets societies share cultural experiences with one another as films are produced and shown around the world. A. Show business B. I.T. C. international film industry D. Mass media 3.__A____ in the United States, because they have been profoundly affected by population and immigration increases, are a primary setting for domestic intercultural contact. A. Schools B. Community C. Workplace D. club 4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because__D____. A. the complex nature of communication B. the issue of intentionality C. the issue of unintentionality D. A, B and C 5. To Reusch and Bateson, communication often takes place __A___. A. without awareness B. consciously C. intentionally D. deliberately 6. Which of the statements of communication is not true? D A. Communication is dynamic https://www.360docs.net/doc/241713260.html,munication is symbolic https://www.360docs.net/doc/241713260.html,munication is Interpretive D. Communication is static 7. Communication has a consequence means that ___D___. A. Communication is irreversible B.Our response to message does not have to be immediate C. The nature of our responses to messages is rooted in our culture D. A, B and C 8. Which of the item is not the basic component of culture? C A. Values B. Emotions C. Personality D. Attitudes 9. We learn our culture not through __D______. A. proverbs B. art C. mass media D. self-taught 10.Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the _B______ of a culture resists major alterations. A. history B. the deep structure C. background D. tradition 11. ___C___ is at the core of intercultural communication. A. sender B. receiver C. culture D. language 12. Although cultures change through several mechanisms, which of the following item is not the three most common ones.C A. Diffusion B. Acculturation C. Invention D. Innovation 13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners in learning a new language is learning the _____A____ and ________ in which they are used. A. different styles, the contexts B. grammar, accent C. different styles, the speech acts D. vocabulary, the pronunciation 14. Language is accompanied by a continuous flow of nonverbal communication, which involves not only ____ but also ____ and _____.B A. the tone, gaze, posture B. the voice, the face, the body C. the pitch, gaze, gesture D. the pace, the distance, touch 15. ___B__ is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our physical and social world. A. Interpretation B. Perception C. Analysis D. Understanding
