


















































Lesson 1

1. We're elevated 23 feet. (para3)

We're 23 feet above sea level.

2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. (para 3)

The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.

3. We can batten down and ride it out. (para 4)

We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.

4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. (para 9)

Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.

5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! (para 10)

Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.

6. The electrical systems had been killed by water. (para 11)

The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.

7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. (para17)

As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.

8. Get us through this mess, will you? (para17)

Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely.

9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. (para 21)

Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.

10. Janis had just one delayed reaction. (para 34)

Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.

Lesson 2

1. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot. (para2)

The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.

2. All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact. (para3)

All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings).

3. They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard. (para3)

They are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name.

4. A carpenter sits crosslegged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lighting speed. (para9)

Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making.

5. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews. (para10)

Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited.

6. …every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury. (para10)

Every one of these poor Jews looked on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.

7. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous. (para16)

However, a white -skinned European is always quite noticeable.

8. In a tropical landscape one’s eye takes in everything except the human beings. (para16)

If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.

9. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas. (para17)

No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas (for these trips would not be interesting).

10. …for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless, back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil. (para17)

life is very hard for ninety percent of the people.With hard backbreaking toil they can produce a little food on the poor soil.

11.She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.

She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community,that she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal.

12. People with brown skins are next door to invisible. (para21)

People with brown skins are almost invisible.

13.Their splendid bodies were hidden in reach-me-down khaki uniforms,… (para23)

The Senegalese soldiers were wearing ready-made khaki uniforms which

hid their beautiful well-built bodies.

14. How long before they turn their guns in the other direction? (para25)

How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack us?

15.Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind.


Every white man,the onlookers,the officers on their horses and the white N.C.Os. marching with the black soldiers,had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind.

Lesson 3

1.And it is an activity only of human. (para1)

And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.2.Conversation is not for making a point. (para2)

Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.3.In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. (para2)

In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.

4.Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives. (para3)

People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other's lives.

5. …it could still go ignorantly on… (para6)

The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.

6.There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef (boeuf). (para9)

These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields;but when we sit down at the table to eat.we call their meat beef.

7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. (para11)

The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers.

8.English had come royally into its own. (para13)

The English language received proper recognition and was used by the King once more.

9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. (para15)

The phrase,the King's English,has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes. The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.

10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there. (para15)

There still exists in the working people,as in the early Saxon peasants,a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.

11. There is always a great danger that ―words will harden into things for us.‖ (para18)

There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.

12. Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King’s Englis h slips and slides in conversation. (para18)

Even the most educated and literate people do not use standard,formal English all the time in their conversation

Lesson 4

1. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe... (para2)

Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been decided in many countries around the world.

2. This much we pledge—and more. (para5)

This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.

3. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. (para6)

United and working together we can accomplish a lot of things in a great number of joint undertakings.

4. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. (para9)

We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution which brings hope of progress to all our countries.

5. …our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace… (para10)

The United Nations is our last and best hope of survival in an age where the instruments of war have far surpassed the instruments of peace.

6. …to enlarge the area in which its writ may run… (para10)

We pledge to help the United Nations enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force.

7. …before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction… (para11)

Before the terrible forces of destruction, which science can now release, overwhelm mankind; before this self-destruction, which may be planned or brought about by an accident, takes place

8. …yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war… (para13)

Yet both groups of nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power which restrains each group from launching mankind's final war.

9. So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness,… (para14)

So let us start once again (to discuss and negotiate) and let us remember that being polite is not a sign of weakness. 10. Let both sides try to call forth the wonderful things that science can do for mankind instead of the frightful things it can do.

11. …each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. (para21)

Americans of every generation have been called upon to prove their loyalty to their country (by fighting and dying for their country's cause).

12. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our

deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love,… (para27)

Let history finally judge whether we have done our task welt or not, but our sure reward will be a good con-science for we will have worked sincerely and to the best of our ability.

L esson1

1. Wind and rain now wiped the house. ----metaphor(暗喻)

2. The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. --simile (明喻)

3. The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. -----simile

4. …it seized a 600,00 gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3.5 miles away. ----personification(拟人)

5. Rcihelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist, and 26 people perished. ---- simile、personification

6. …the Salvation Army’s canteen trucks and Red Cross volunteers and staffers were going wherever possible to distribute hot drinks, food, clothing and bedding. -----

7. The federal government shipped 4,400,000 pounds of food, moved in mobile homes, set up portable classrooms, opened offices to provide low-interest, long-term business loans. ----

8. We can batten down and ride it out. -----metaphor

9. Everybody out the back door to the cars!—ellipsis (省略) sentence

10. Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them. ----- simile、onomatopoeia(拟声)

11. Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point-----transferred epithet

12. Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees, and blown down power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the roads----metaphor;

13. He held his head between his hands, and silently prayed: ―Get us through th is mess, will You?‖------- alliteration押头韵

14. . …household and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car. ------ metaphor


1. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot. -----simile

2. They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years. ----alliteration

3. ... and sore-eyed children cluster everywhere in unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies. ----simile

4. And really it was almost like watching a flock of cattle to see the long column, a mile or two miles of armed men, flowing peacefully up the road, while the great white birds drifted over them in the opposite direction, glittering like scraps of paper. ----- simile

5. The little crowd of mourners –all men and boys, no women—threaded their way across the market place between the piles of pomegranates and the taxis and the camels, wailing a short chant over and over again.--—Contrast(对比)

6. A carpenter sits cross-legged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair- legs at lightning speed.—- transferred epithet

7. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews, many of them old grandfathers with flowing grey beards, all clamoring for a cigarette. -----transferred epithet

8. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.—-synecdoche(提喻)

9. As the storks flew northward the Negroes were marching southward—

a long, dusty column, infantry, screw- gun batteries, and then more infantry, four or five thousand men in all, winding up the road with a clumping of boots and a clatter of iron wheels.—---onomatopoetic

10. Not hostile, not contemptuous, not sullen, not even inquisitive. —--

elliptical sentence

11. This wretched boy, who is a French citizen and has therefore been dragged from the forest to scrub floors and catch syphilis in garrison towns, actually has feelings of re verence before a white skin. —-synecdoche提喻

12. The gazelle I was feeding seemed to know that this thought was in my mind.

我现在喂着的这只瞪羚好象已经看透了我的心思。—Personification (拟人)

13. She accept- ed her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden. -----Alliteration(头韵)

14. I am not commenting, merely pointing to a fact.(P21)

我并不是在发表议论,而仅仅是在陈述一个事实 ----Understatement(含蓄陈述)


1. … and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles

or just glows. ---mixed-metaphor

2. ‖ here will be an old abusing of God’s patience and the King’s English.‖ --pan

3. … that suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place, and all at once there wa s a focus. ----metaphor

4. The glow of the conversation burst into flames. ----metaphor

5. We had traveled in five minutes to Australia. -----metaphor

The fact that their marriages may be on the rocks, or that their love affairs have be en broken or even that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern.--—metaphor

6. The conversation was on wings. ----metaphor

8. The bother about teaching chimpanzees how to talk is that they will probably try t o talk sense and so ruin all conversation. -----sarcasm反讽

9. They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, although they lived side by side with each other, did not delve into each other's lives or the recesses of their thoughts and fe elings. -----simile

10. … we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. ----

11. Otherwise one will bind the conversation, one will not let it flow freely here and t here. ----

12. We would never hay gone to Australia, or leaped back in time to the Norman Co nquest. ----

13. They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, although they lived side by side wit

h each other, did not delve into, each other’s lives or the recesses of their thoughts and f eelings.—-simile

14. Is the phrase in Shakespeare? ----metonymy

15. The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and its seeds multiplied, an

d floated to th

e ends o

f the earth.—simile

16. Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King’s English slips and s lides in conversation.—alliteration, metaphor

17. When E.M.F orster writes of ―the sinister corridor of our age,‖ we sit up at the vividness of the phrase, the force and even terror in the image.—--metaphor

18. Perhaps it because of my upbringing in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a charm of its own. (P3)-------exaggeration


1. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of co-operative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a power f ull challenge at odds and split asunder.—antithesis

2.…in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger end ed up inside.—metaphor

3. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.—regression (回环:A-B-C)

4. All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days.—allusion 引典; climax

5. And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.—contrast, winding

6 We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. - parallelism

7. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike….—alliteration

8. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or i11, that we shall pay any pric e, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. ----–parallelism; consonance

10. To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe… ------

11. …struggling to break the bonds of mass misery…----

12. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. -----antithesis

13. … to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. ---repetition

14. And if a beachhead of co- operation may push back the jungle of suspicion…-----metaphor

15. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. -----antithesis

16.And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. -----metaphor

17. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

-----extended metaphor

18. …to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak… ----metaphor

19.With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds… -----parallelism

20. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.--------metaphor


Reading 1: This is Water 1. What’s the point of the fish story? The immediate point of the fish story is that the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are the hard est to see and talk about. 2. What is our natural default-setting, according to Wallace? Do you agree with him? If yes, give examples; if no, exampl es too, please. I am the absolute center of the universe, the real est, most vivid and important person in existence. Yes, I do. The worl d as you experience it is right there in front of you, or behind you, to the l eft or right of you, on your TV, or your monitor, or whatever. Other peopl e’s thoughts and feelings how to be communicated to you somehow, but your own are so immediate, urgent, real. 3. Is it possibl e for us to adjust our natural default-setting? If yes, how? And by the way, why should we adjust it? A: Yes, it is. We shoul d pay attention to what’s going on insid e me and stay alert and attentive instead of getting hypnotized by the constant monologue insid e your own head. what’s more, we shoul d l earn how to Think and how to d ecid e.The reason why shoul d we adjust it is that thinking in the way of d efault-setting that we experience the boring, frustrating, crowed parts of adult life. B: Yes, it is. Learning how to think------Learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. If we d on’t adjust it, we will be total ly nosed. 4. What does it mean by ‘learn ing how to think’? And what is the justifiable way to think? Learning how to think really means l earning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. 5. What is the meaning of college education? Do you agree? If yes, further explains please, if no, define your meaning of college education and further illustrate it. Coll ege education is that it enabl es my tend ency to over-intell ectualize stuff, to get l ost in abstract argument insid e our head instead of simply paying attention to what’s going on right in front of us.


Lesson 1 Question: 1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay although he knew the hurricane would be bad? For the following reasons: For one thing, the house was 23 feet above sea level; for another,he was unwilling to abandon his home. 2. How did the man prepare for the hurricane? Why was a generator necessary? They filled bathtubs and pails. Besides, they checked out batteries for portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. A generator was necessary because John's father wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator. 3. What made it impossible for the Koshak to escape? It was impossible for the Koshers to escape both by car and on foot. The car's electrical system had been killed by water. Meanwhile, the water became too deep for them to escape on foot. 4. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt? Because he blamed himself for underestimating the power of the hurricane and then endangering the whole family by his wrong decision not to flee safer inland. 5. Why did Grandma Koshak ask children to be sing? A: Because she knew how frightened the children were and wanted to boost their spirit. 6. What was a hurricane party? What happened to the party gores? A hurricane party was the one that was held by several vacationers to enjoy the spectacle of the hurricane with a clear and broad view in the fancy Richelieu Apartments from where they believed they would be safe. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart by the hurricane and 26 people perished. 7. What did Grandma Koshak mean when she said," We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important?" She meant that human lives are more important than material possessions. 8. How did the community of Gulfport act after Hurricane Camille was over? They managed to make their lives return to normal and began rebuilding their community without any delay. Paraphrase: 1. We're elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915 and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3. We can batten down and ride it out. We can prepare ourselves for the hurricane and manage to survive it without much damage. 4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator, and it didn't work. As a result, the lights were put out. 5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody go out though the back door and get into the cars. 6. The electrical system had been killed by water. The electrical system in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. When John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he b


高级英语第三版第一册课后英译汉答案 Unit1Paraphrase: 1.We’re23feet above sea level. 2.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damag e to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out. 5.Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter)had been put out by w ater. 7.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee i nland. 8.Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely 9.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew di mmer and finally stopped. 10.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricanerather late. 1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。(check out) Each and every airplane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 2.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。(waste incineration plant,concerned about) The residents were firmly against the construction of a waste incineration plant in th eir neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the air pollution emitt ed by the plant. 3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿。(mount to) In this area,investment in ecological projects mounted up to billions of yuan. 4.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。(strewn with) The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes. 5.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。(perish)Although war caused great losses to this country,its local cultural traditi ons did not perish. 6.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑都被拆毁了。(demolish) To make space for modern high rises,a lot of ancient buildings with ethnic cultural fe atures had to be demolished. 7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。(disintegrate) The main structures of most of the poor-quality houses disintegrated in the earthqua ke. 8.他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化为了泡影。

高级英语 课后习题答案

Unit1 Paraphrase 1.Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2.The house was built in1915, and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator, it stopped working. As a result all lights were put out. 5.Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed/ruined by water. 7.As john watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8.Oh, God, please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9.She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10.Janis didn't show any fear on the spot during the storm, but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. Practice with words and expressions A 1.main:a principal pipe, conduit, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.

高级英语第一册Unit12 课后练习题答案

THE LOONS 课后习题答案/answer I . 1)The Tonnerres were poor The basis of their dwelling was a small square cabin made of poles and mud, which had been built some fifty years before. As the Tonnerres had increased in number, their settlement had been added, until thc clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded car tyres, ramshackle chicken coops, tangled strands of barbed wire and rusty tin cans. 2)Sometimes, one of them would get involved in a fight on Main Street and be put for the night in the barred cell underneath the Court House. 3)Because she had had tuberculosis of the bone, and should have a couple of months rest to get better. 4)Her mother first objected to take Piquette along because she was afraid that the girl would spread the disease to her children and she believed that the girl was not hygienic. She then agreed to do so because she preferred Piquette to the narrator's grandmother, who promised not to go along with the family and decided to stay in the city if the girl was taken along. 5)The cottage was called Macleod, their family name. The scenery there was quite beautiful with all kinds of plants and animals at the lakeside. 6)The narrator knew that maybe Piquette was an Indian descendant who knew the woods quite well, so she tried to ask Piquette to go and play in the wood and tell her stories about woods. 7)Because Piquette thought the narrator was scorning and showing contempt for her Indian ancestors, which was just opposite to her original intention. 8)Because the narrator felt somewhat guilty. Piquette stayed most of the time in the cottage and hardly played with the narrator. At the same time, she felt there was in Piquette something strange and unknown and unfathomable. 9)That was the very rare chance she was unguarded and unmasked, so that the author could perceive her inner world. 10)Her full name is Vanessa Macleod. 11)Just as the narrator's father predicted, the loons would go away when more cottages were built at the lake with more people moving in. The loons disappeared as nature was ruined by civilization. In a similar way, Piquette and her people failed to find their position in modern society. Ⅱ. 1)who looked deadly serious, never laughed 2)Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get involved in a rough, noisy quarrel or fight on a Saturday night after much drinking of liquor. 3)She often missed her classes and had little interest in schoolwork. 4)I only knew her as a person who would make other people feel ill at ease. 5)She lived and moved somewhere within my range of sight (Although I saw her, I paid little attention to her). 6)If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother Macleod and


Lesson One 1. And it is an activity only of humans. And conversation is an activity found only among human beings. 2. Conversation is not for making a point. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our ideas or points of views. 3. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. In fact , people who are good at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his ideas. 4. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives. People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not close friends for they are not deeply absorbed in each other’s private lives. 5. ....it could still go ignorantly on ... The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong. 6. There are cattle in the fields ,but we sit down to beef. These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feed in the fields , but when we sit down at the table to eat, we call their meet beef. 7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language. The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it hard for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers. 8. English had come royally into its own. English received proper recognition and was used by the King once more. 9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. The phrase , the King’s English ,has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes.(The working people often mock the proper and formal language of the educated people.) 10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there. As the early Saxon peasants , the working people still have a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class. 11. There is always a great danger that “ words will harden into things for us. “ There is always a great danger , as Carlyle put it , that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent. Translation


高级英语1-5单元课后句子翻译题参考答案 第一单元 1、我自己还没有看过,不过大家都认为这是一部好片子。(suppose) I haven’t seen it myself,but it is supposed to be a really good movie. 2、女主人把奶酪切成一口一块的大小,客人们吃起来就方便了。(bite-size) The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces so that it would be more convenient for the guests to eat it. 3、睡眠不足的话,很少有人能够正常生活。(deprive) Few people can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep. 4、他细心地学我的样子,装作什么怪事都没有发生。(copy) He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred. 5、他上台后发布的第一项法令就是禁止私人拥有枪支。(decree)The first decree he issued after he came into office was that private ownership of guns (should) be banned. 6、我就是来看他那被说得神乎其神的脚法的。(fabled) I’ve come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so mush about. 7、我不是一个严格意义上的教师,因为我没有接受过训练,但是我有丰富的教学经验。(proper) I’m not a teacher proper,since I haven’t been trained, but I’ve had a lot of teaching experience. 8.学生通常都会在考试之前猜考试题目。(anticipate)

张汉熙高级英语试题及答案 第二册模拟试题1

《高级英语》 第二册模拟试题 (一) I. Determine whether the following statements are True or False. Mark them with T or F to indicate your answer. (10×1) 1. Although written in an objective tone, in Marrakech, Orwell shows he is outraged by the misery of the poor. 2. The title of the text, Pub Talk and the King’s English, is well chosen because it captures the readers’ attention and accurately describes the subject of the text. 3.Pub Talk and the King’s English and The Future of the English are both clear and well organized texts with a logical structure. 4. In The Libido for the Ugly, Mencken objectively and realistically describes the architecture in Westmoreland. 5. Argumentative essays always include some explanation. 6. The Worker as Creator or Machine is a piece of exposition that explains how the capitalist system has caused the worker to become alienated from their product and thus their own work. 7. The Sad Young Men is a clearly structured essay that includes many Americanisms to better explain the experience of Lost Generation. 8. The Future of the English is a misleading title because the text does not explain what the future of English people is going be like. 9.Baldwin writes with a critical and harsh tone as he describes the life of an American in Europe in The Discovery of What it Means to be an American. 10. Although Loving and Hating New York is a piece of exposition where Griffith states that he both loves and hates New York city, the author does not fully develop why he hates the city. II. Choose one out of the 10 rhetorical or figurative devices listed below that best describes the underlined words for


高英课内考点:第一课:Paraphrase 1、we’re elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2、The place has been here since 1915,and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915,and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3、We can batten down and ride it out. We can make the necessary preparation and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4、The generator was doused,and the lights went out. Water got into the generator,it stopped working.As a result all lights were put out. 5、Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6、The electrical systems had been killed by water.

The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7、John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8、Get us through this mess,will You? Oh,God,please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9、She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away. She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10、Janis had just one delayed reaction. Janis didn’t show any fear on the spot during the storm,but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. 英译汉: 1、But,like thousands of others in the coastal communities,John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family----his wife,Janis,and their seven children,aged 3 to 11---was clearly endangered.


Keys ( Lesson One To Lesson Seven) VERBAL PRACTICE III. Particles 1. relaxed 2. packed, gliding, fitting 3. disguised 4. blunted 5. spreading,involving 6. leading 7. added 8. prevailing, raised 9. canceled, determined 10.folding, watching, fascinated 11.doting 12.failed 13.hurried, pretending 14.faded 15.renewed Ⅳ. Diction and V ocabulary A. 1.meager/scanty 2.ahead of 3.tram, pavement, wallet/pocketbook 4.boarded it 5.baggage 6.besides/apart from 7.great 8.beamed 9.carriage D.1. get him into trouble 2.sensed 3.keep me company 4.are weighed down 5.took refuge in 6.engrossed, failed 7.to take advantage of 8.to play hokey 9.tiptoed, intrude upon 10.keep up with 11.are looking forward to/look forward to/have been looking forward to 12.tripped over 13.cared 14.practice 15.due E.1. I can’t imagine what prompted him to pursue a graduate program at his age. 2. He set out at six, an hour ahead of his usual time for going to office. 3. I could see Jimmy was eager to tell me about the interview. Laughingly, he said,” When I walked to the desk, the manager looked up, took stock of me, then asked me a few questions and said ‘OK’.” 4.Virtually under house arrest, the general took refuge in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy and found peace and solace in ink and water. 5.As the Shanghai-Beijing train was due to leave at 17:25, I had to take a taxi .Shortly after I boarded the train and found my berth, it started to move. 6. Like Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Green lives a lonely life on a skimpy pension Cooped up in a small dreary room day after day , she is starved for company. 7.The women scientist said, “I can do without jewels, I can even do without a car, but I can’t do without my books and laboratory.” 8.The istle and bustle before setting out, the car ride and the picnic itself filled the children with thrill and excitement. 9.As the boat sailed on, the young girls were enthralled by the picturesque scenery around them. 10.Anne was surprised to find Stephen in the corridor. “What is he doing here at this hour of the night?” she asked herself. 11.For a moment I did not recognize her, for instead of the lively girl I knew, she
