


Unit 14 Lesson 3 Nine to Five

Teaching Design

课题:The Road to Success



《普通高中英语课程标准》中对学生阅读技能七级目标描述:1、能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息;2、能理解文章主旨和作者意图;3、能通过上下文克服生词困难,理解语篇意义;4.能利用上下文的线索帮助理解。这一课的教学也正是遵循着这个原则,以教材中的文字材料为载体,通过略读﹑细读﹑精读和猜测词义等阅读策略,帮助学生从文章中提取信息、处理信息,并能根据文章内容发表自己的观点,用自己的语言讨论事业成功的因素有哪些,最终提炼文章的主旨,并进一步理解文章的标题“The Road to Success”,帮助学生培养正确的成功观。在整个学习的过程中,注重培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,同时也注意学生在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度和学习策略各方面的整合发展。









3. 教学手段


四.教学案例(The Teaching Plan)

The First Period (Reading)

Ⅰ.Teaching Contents:

1. Topic: The Road to Success

2. V ocabulary:

Key V ocabulary: TV presenter,inspect, grasp, overcome, curious, glory,

constantly , dream of, believe in, turn over, pay off Relevant V ocabulary: nest, turn over, existence, illegal, hesitate

Ⅱ.Teaching Objectives:

By the end of the class, students will be able to

★Knowledge and Skills

·Grasp the following key words and phrases by taking an active part in the learning


TV presenter,inspect, grasp, overcome, curious,committed, glory, constantly , dream of, believe in, turn over, pay off

·Obtain some information about Wang Junyan’s story of success by skimming and scanning the text;

·Use the information from the text to make an interview about Wang Junyan’s road to success;

· Talk about the factors which can lead to success using their own words.

★Process and strategies

· Pre-reading: Lead-in, lead to the topic by watching the videos;

Lead to the heroine of the text and prepare vocabulary for reading

by introducing my idol’s story.

·While-reading: Pick out the information about Wang Junya n’s story of success by skimming and scanning the text;

·Post-reading: Talk about WJY’s road to success by an interview to internalize what they have learnt; talk about the factors of success by discussion to have a

correct understanding of it.

★Feelings and Value:

· Have a correct understanding of what qualities can make a man achieve success by learning from Wang Junyan, and put them into their study and life to improve themselves.

Ⅲ.Teaching key points:

· Pick out the important information from the text by skimming and scanning the text; · Understand the key words and phrases by guessing and inferring in context;

·Talk about Wang Junyan’s road to success using the target vocabulary and language learned in the text.

Ⅳ.Teaching difficult points:

· Internalize the information from the text by interview and discussion;

· Talk about the factors of success using their own words.

· Have a deep understanding of what qualities can make a man achieve success.

Ⅴ.Teaching aids:

Multi-media teaching equipments, teaching courseware, handouts, and blackboard. Ⅵ.Teaching methods:

1. Multimedia computer assisted instruction

2. Student-centered teaching methods

3. Task—based Learning Teaching

Ⅶ. Learning strategies:

Autonomous learning,Cooperative learning (group work, pair work), Discussion.

Ⅷ. Flow charting for instructional design(教学设计的流程图)


Ⅸ.Teaching Procedures and purposes

注:IP=Interaction Pattern, IW=Individual Work, PW=Pair Work, GW=Group Work, CW=Class Work.

Ⅹ.Blackboard Design

Unit 14 Lesson 3 Nine to Five

The Road to Success

Paras: Topics It is importan t…to grasp…

Para1 A. the reasons to be a reporte r

Especially after inspecting…Para2 B. characteristics which made her Being curious

a success Working hard

Believing in what was true

love everything

To be curious

Para3 C. mother’s influences be interested in…

Never be defeated


Para4–5 D. her feelings about being a reporter


1.dream of: Now, I dream of becoming a famous teacher.

2.be curious about: I’m curious about the result of the examination.

=I’m curious to know the result of the examination.

3.believe in: Though I believe her, I don’t believe in her.

4.pay off: I believe your hard work will pay off one day.



高中英语必修模块5 教师用书,北京师范大学出版社,2008年5月第4版。








尤其值得一提的是对“my idol”——王君燕的介绍,让学生在读前就从整体上把握了文本内容,从而大大降低了阅读难度,有利于学生在阅读过程中多关注整体,不受个别生词影响;从另一方面来讲,这样的处理更有利于引导他们在阅读中积极主动的猜测生词含义。



4. 关注课堂有效性



在本节课中的教学设计过程中,教师也存在着一些困惑。例如,在教学活动的安排方面,Step 8中的学生通过自主阅读和合作学习来探讨影响自己理解的难点,并做相应的词汇练习,这一步骤应归于While-reading还是Post-reading,是作为一个教学活动整体还是将其分开作为两个教学步骤(为了更好的强化设计的整体性和环节的紧密性,教师将其作为读中的最后的巩固反馈环节来处理);在口语小组活动的评价方面,如何在有限的教学时间内让评价更加量化和有效,这也是一个值得思考的问题。




Assessment 1:对口语小组活动的评价

Assessment 2:对课外写作的评价

附件二:Student Worksheet (学案)

I. Match the paragraphs with the topics. (Step3 Skimming)

Para1 A. the reasons to be a reporter

Para2 B. characteristics which made her a success

Para3 C. her mother’s influence

Para4~5 D. her feelings about being a reporter

II. Read the text paragraph by paragraph, and then answer the questions.

(Step5 Scanning1)

Q1. What characteristics made Wang Junyan a success? (Para. 1)

Q2. What influences did her mother give her? (Para. 2)

Q3. How did her mother teach her to be curious? (Para. 2)

Q4. What made Wang Junyan realize the importance of being a reporter? (Para. 3)

Q5. What feelings does Wang Junyan have about being a reporter? (Para. 5)

Q6. In conclusion, what qualities made her a success?

III. According to the text, fill in the following chart—the information about Wang Junyan. (Step7 Scanning2)

IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words below.

(Step8 Practice)

dream of, believe in, as long as, be curious about, pay off

1. Those people who are suffering from the war are ___ living a peaceful life one day.

2. You can look ____you don’t touch.

3. The scientist devoted almost all his time to studying insects because he had ____them.

4. We __ Mr. Johnson because we have cooperated with each other over twenty years.

5. Although she failed at the very beginning. Finally, her effort __________.

V. Homework (Step12)

Write a successful person you admire according to the following questions: Q1 What does he/she do?

Q2 What qualities made him/her lead to success?

Q3 How does he/she go to the road to success?

Q4 What should we learn from him/her?

After finish writing, make a self-assessment with the table of Evaluation.


附件三:Summary (Step11 Summary)

Success depends on many factors:


?Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.


?Genius is nothing but labor and d iligence.


?The biggest, the smartest, and the strongest are not the survivors. Rather, the survivors are the most adaptable.(adaptability) —Charles Darwin

?Constant dripping wears away a stone.


?Failure is the mot her of success. (perseverance)


?You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. —Charles Chaplin Diligence + confidence + adaptability + perseverance = success

Y o u h a v e t o b e l i e v e i n y o u r s e l f.T h a t's t h e s e c r e t o f s u c c e s s.

附件四:高中英语模块5 Unit 14 Lesson 3 Nine to Five文稿

The Road to Success

As a child, Wang Junyan never dreamed of becoming a famous person on TV. “I never thought about going on TV because my family didn't even have one until I was in junior high school!” s he explained. Now Wang Junyan is the presenter for Universe TV's news programmes. I asked her how she had achieved success and she told me that being curious, working hard, and believing in what was true made her the success she is today.

“It was my mother who taught me to be curious. She had a great love of everything in the universe and she taught me to be interested in mankind and nature, everything from plants to insects,” Junyan told me. “We would look in old nests to find birds' feathers and we would even turn over stones to look at the little creatures there. I loved doing that,” remembered Junyan. She said, “My mother was a strong character. Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome, she never let her problems defeat her. She worked extremely hard to support me through school and during my time at Fudan University in Shanghai. Her attitude towards life will never stop influencing my thoughts and actions.”

After graduating from university, Wang Junyan became a reporter for a local newspaper. She said she chose to be a journalist because it is important that people grasp what is going on around them. I asked her if there was any special moment that made her realize this and she replied that it was after she was asked to inspect an illegal business. Her report helped the people who had been affected and it also helped the government inspect the company and catch the guilty people. “That is when I reali zed the importance of being a journalist,” said Junyan.

“Writing that report wasn't easy, but I realized that people needed to know and so I didn't give up,” Junyan told me.This paid off because she won an award for the report. “I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports. ”That's exactly what Wang Junyan has been doing as the face of Universe TV.

I asked Junyan what she liked most about her job and she said that although there wasn't much glory in a reporter's existence, she found it interesting and challenging. “I meet a lot of people and go to many different places. I'm never bored with this job!”She added that as a reporter she needed many different skills and was constantly challenged to learn new things. Finally, I asked her if after many years she still felt curious. Smiling

brightly, she told me, “Nothing that I learned from my mother has ever left me.Today when I'm looking for stories, I still feel like I'm turning over stones to see what might be hiding beneath!”
