


IT was near the end of January, and a terrible fall of snow was pelting down, and whirling through the streets and lanes; the windows were plastered with snow on the outside, snow fell in masses from the roofs. Every one seemed in a great hurry; they ran, they flew, fell into each other's arms, holding fast for a moment as long as they could stand safely. Coaches and horses looked as if they had been frosted with sugar. The footmen stood with their backs against the carriages, so as to turn their faces from the wind. The foot passengers kept within the shelter of the carriages, which could only move slowly on in the deep snow. At last the storm abated, and a narrow path was swept clean in front of the houses; when two persons met in this path they stood still, for neither liked to take the first step on one side into the deep snow to let the other pass him. There they stood silent and motionless, till at last, as if by tacit consent, they each sacrificed a leg and buried it in the deep snow. Towards evening, the weather became calm. The sky, cleared from the snow, looked more lofty and transparent, while the stars shone with new brightness and purity. The frozen snow crackled under foot, and was quite firm enough to bear the sparrows, who hopped upon it in the morning dawn. They searched for food in the path which had been swept, but there was very little for them, and they were terribly cold. "Tweet, tweet, " said one to another; they call this a new year, but I think it is worse than the last. We might just as well have kept the old year; I'm quite unhappy, and I have a right to be so. " "Yes, you have; and yet the people ran about and fired off guns, to usher in the new year, " said a little shivering sparrow. "They threw things against the doors, and were quite beside themselves with joy, because the old year had disappeared. I was glad too, for I expected we should have some warm days, but my hopes have come to nothing. It freezes harder than ever; I think mankind have made a mistake in reckoning time. " "That they have, " said a third, an old sparrow with a white poll; "they have something they call a calendar; it's an invention of their own, and everything must be arranged according to it, but it won't do. When spring comes, then the year begins. It is the voice of nature, and I reckon by that. " "But when will spring come? " asked the others. "It will come when the stork returns, but he is very uncertain, and here in the town no one knows anything about it. In the country they have more knowledge; shall we fly away there and wait? we shall be nearer to spring then, certainly. " "That may be all very well, " said another sparrow, who had been hopping about for a long

time, chirping, but not saying anything of consequence, "but I have found a few comforts here in town which, I'm afraid, I should miss out in the country. Here in this neighborhood, there lives a family of people who have been so sensible as to place three or four flower pots against the wall in the court yard, so that the openings are all turned inward, and the bottom of each points outward. In the latter a hole has been cut large enough for me to fly in and out. I and my husband have built a nest in one of these pots, and all our young ones, who have now flown away, were brought up there. The people who live there of course made the whole arrangement that they might have the pleasure of seeing us, or they would not have done it. It pleased them also to strew bread crumbs for us, and so we have food, and may consider ourselves provided for. So I think my husband and I will stay where we are; although we are not very happy, but we shall stay. " "And we will fly into the country, " said the others, "to see if spring is coming. " And away they flew. In the country it was really winter, a few degrees colder than in the town. The sharp winds blew over the snow covered fields. The farmer, wrapped in warm clothing, sat in his sleigh, and beat his arms across his chest to keep off the cold. The whip lay on his lap. The horses ran till they smoked. The snow crackled, the sparrows hopped about in the wheel ruts, and shivered, crying, "Tweet, tweet; when will spring come? It is very long in coming. " "Very long indeed, " sounded over the field, from the nearest snow covered hill. It might have been the echo which people heard, or perhaps the words of that wonderful old man, who sat high on a heap of snow, regardless of wind or weather. He was all in white; he had on a peasant's coarse white coat of frieze. He had long white hair, a pale face, and large clear blue eyes. "Who is that old man? " asked the sparrows. "I know who he is, " said an old raven, who sat on the fence, and was condescending enough to acknowledge that we are all equal in the sight of Heaven, even as little birds, and therefore he talked with the sparrows, and gave them the information they wanted. "I know who the old man is, " he said. "It is Winter, the old man of last year; he is not dead yet, as the calendar says, but acts as guardian to little Prince Spring who is coming. Winter rules here still. Ugh! the cold makes you shiver, little ones, does it not? " "There! Did I not tell you so? " said the smallest of the sparrows. "The calendar is only an invention of man, and is not arranged according to nature. They should leave these things to us; we are created so much more clever than they are. " One week passed, and then another. The forest looked dark, the hard frozen lake lay like a sheet of lead. The mountains had disappeared, for over the land

hung damp, icy mists. Large black crows flew about in silence; it was as if nature slept. At length a sunbeam glided over the lake, and it shone like burnished silver. But the snow on the fields and the hills did not glitter as before. The white form of Winter sat there still, with his un wandering gaze fixed on the south. He did not perceive that the snowy carpet seemed to sink as it were into the earth; that here and there a little green patch of grass appeared, and that these patches were covered with sparrows. "Tee wit, tee wit; is spring coming at last? " Spring! How the cry resounded over field and meadow, and through the dark brown woods, where the fresh green moss still gleamed on the trunks of the trees, and from the south came the two first storks flying through the air, and on the back of each sat a lovely little child, a boy and a girl. They greeted the earth with a kiss, and wherever they placed their feet white flowers sprung up from beneath the snow. Hand in hand they approached the old ice man, Winter, embraced him and clung to his breast; and as they did so, in a moment all three were enveloped in a thick, damp mist, dark and heavy, that closed over them like a veil. The wind arose with mighty rustling tone, and cleared away the mist. Then the sun shone out warmly. Winter had vanished away, and the beautiful children of Spring sat on the throne of the year. "This is really a new year, " cried all the sparrows, "now we shall get our rights, and have some return for what we suffered in winter. " Wherever the two children wandered, green buds burst forth on bush and tree, the grass grew higher, and the corn fields became lovely in delicate green. The little maiden strewed flowers in her path. She held her apron before her: it was full of flowers; it was as if they sprung into life there, for the more she scattered around her, the more flowers did her apron contain. Eagerly she showered snowy blossoms over apple and peach trees, so that they stood in full beauty before even their green leaves had burst from the bud. Then the boy and the girl clapped their hands, and troops of birds came flying by, no one knew from whence, and they all twittered and chirped, singing "Spring has come! " How beautiful everything was! Many an old dame came forth from her door into the sunshine, and shuffled about with great delight, glancing at the golden flowers which glittered everywhere in the fields, as they used to do in her young days. The world grew young again to her, as she said, "It is a blessed time out here to day. " The forest already wore its dress of dark green buds. The thyme blossomed in fresh fragrance. Primroses and anemones sprung forth, and violets bloomed in the shade, while every blade of grass was full of strength and sap. Who could resist sitting down on such a beautiful

carpet? and then the young children of Spring seated themselves, holding each other's hands, and sang, and laughed, and grew. A gentle rain fell upon them from the sky, but they did not notice it, for the rain drops were their own tears of joy. They kissed each other, and were betrothed; and in the same moment the buds of the trees unfolded, and when the sun rose, the forest was green. Hand in hand the two wandered beneath the fresh pendant canopy of foliage, while the sun's rays gleamed through the opening of the shade, in changing and varied colors. The delicate young leaves filled the air with refreshing odor. Merrily rippled the clear brooks and rivulets between the green, velvety rushes, and over the many colored pebbles beneath. All nature spoke of abundance and plenty. The cuckoo sang, and the lark carolled, for it was now beautiful spring. The careful willows had, however, covered their blossoms with woolly gloves; and this carefulness is rather tedious. Days and weeks went by, and the heat increased. Warm air waved the corn

as it grew golden in the sun. The white northern lily spread its large green leaves over the glossy mirror of the woodland lake, and the fishes sought the shadows beneath them. In a sheltered part of the wood, the sun shone upon the walls of a farm house, brightening the blooming roses, and ripening the black juicy berries, which hung on the loaded cherry trees, with his hot beams. Here sat the lovely wife of Summer, the same whom we have seen as a child and a bride; her eyes were fixed on dark gathering clouds, which in wavy outlines of black and indigo were piling themselves up like mountains, higher and higher. They came from every side, always increasing like a rising, rolling sea. Then they swooped towards the forest, where every sound had been silenced as if by magic, every breath hushed, every bird mute. All nature stood still in grave suspense. But in the lanes and the highways, passengers on foot or in carriages were hurrying to find a place of shelter. Then came a flash of light, as if the sun had rushed forth from the sky, flaming, burning, all devouring, and darkness returned amid a rolling crash of thunder. The rain poured down in streams, now there was darkness, then blinding light, now thrilling silence, then deafening din. The young brown reeds on the moor waved to and fro in feathery billows; the forest boughs were hidden in a watery mist, and still light and darkness followed each other, still came the silence after the roar, while the corn and the blades of grass lay beaten down and swamped, so that it seemed impossible they could ever raise themselves again. But after a while the rain began to fall gently, the sun's rays pierced the clouds, and the water drops glittered like pearls on leaf and stem. The birds sang, the fishes leaped up to the surface of the water, the gnats danced in

the sunshine, and yonder, on a rock by the heaving salt sea, sat Summer himself, a strong man with sturdy limbs and long, dripping hair. Strengthened by the cool bath, he sat in the warm sunshine, while all around him renewed nature bloomed strong, luxuriant, and beautiful: it was summer, warm, lovely summer. Sweet and pleasant was the fragrance wafted from the clover field, where the bees swarmed round the ruined tower, the bramble twined itself over the old altar, which, washed by the rain, glittered in the sunshine; and thither flew the queen bee with her swarm, and prepared wax and honey. But Summer and his bosom wife saw it with different eyes, to them the altar table was covered with the offerings of nature. The evening sky shone like gold, no church dome could ever gleam so brightly, and between the golden evening and the blushing morning there was moonlight. It was indeed summer. And days and weeks passed, the bright scythes of the reapers glittered in the corn fields, the branches of the apple trees bent low, heavy with the red and golden fruit. The hop, hanging in clusters, filled the air with sweet fragrance, and beneath the hazel bushes, where the nuts hung in great bunches, rested a man and a woman Summer and his grave consort. "See, " she exclaimed, "what wealth, what blessings surround us. Everything is home like and good, and yet, I know not why, I long for rest and peace; I can scarcely express what I feel. They are already ploughing the fields again; more and more the people wish for gain. See, the storks are flocking together, and following the plough at a short distance. They are the birds from Egypt, who carried us through the air. Do you remember how we came as children to this land of the north; we brought with us flowers and bright sunshine, and green to the forests, but the wind has been rough with them, and they are now become dark and brown, like the trees of the south, but they do not, like them, bear golden fruit. " "Do you wish to see golden fruit? " said the man, "then rejoice, " and he lifted his arm. The leaves of the forest put on colors of red and gold, and bright tints covered the woodlands. The rose bushes gleamed with scarlet hips, and the branches of the elder trees hung down with the weight of the full, dark berries. The wild chestnuts fell ripe from their dark, green shells, and in the forests the violets bloomed for the second time. But the queen of the year became more and more silent and pale. "It blows cold, " she said, "and night brings the damp mist; I long for the land of my childhood. " Then she saw the storks fly away every one, and she stretched out her hands towards them. She looked at the empty nests; in one of them grew a long stalked corn flower, in another the yellow mustard seed, as if the nest had been placed

there only for its comfort and protection, and the sparrows were flying round them all. "Tweet, where has the master of the nest gone? " cried one, "I suppose he could not bear it when the wind blew, and therefore he has left this country. I wish him a pleasant journey. " The forest leaves became more and more yellow, leaf after leaf fell, and the stormy winds of Autumn howled. The year was now far advanced, and upon the fallen, yellow leaves, lay the queen of the year, looking up with mild eyes at a gleaming star, and her husband stood by her. A gust of wind swept through the foliage, and the leaves fell in a shower. The summer queen was gone, but a butterfly, the last of the year, flew through the cold air. Damp fogs came, icy winds blew, and the long, dark nights of winter approached. The ruler of the year appeared with hair white as snow, but he knew it not; he thought snow flakes falling from the sky covered his head, as they decked the green fields with a thin, white covering of snow. And then the church bells rang out for Christmas time. "The bells are ringing for the new born year, " said the ruler, "soon will a new ruler and his bride be born, and. I shall go to rest with my wife in yonder light giving star. " In the fresh, green fir wood, where the snow lay all around, stood the angel of Christmas, and consecrated the young trees that were to adorn his feast.

"May there be joy in the rooms, and under the green boughs, " said the old ruler of the year. In a few weeks he had become a very old man, with hair as white as snow. "My resting time draws near;

the young pair of the year will soon claim my crown and sceptre. " "But the night is still thine, " said the angel of Christmas, "for power, but not for rest. Let the snow lie warmly upon the tender seed. Learn to endure the thought that another is worshipped whilst thou art still lord. Learn to endure being forgotten while yet thou livest. The hour of thy freedom will come when Spring appears. " "And when will Spring come? " asked Winter. "It will come when the stork returns. " And with white locks and snowy beard, cold, bent, and hoary, but strong as the wintry storm, and firm as the ice, old Winter sat on the snowdrift covered hill, looking towards the south, where Winter had sat before, and gazed. The ice glittered, the snow crackled, the skaters skimmed over the polished surface of the lakes; ravens and crows formed a pleasing contrast to the white ground, and not a breath of wind stirred, and in the still air old Winter clenched his fists, and the ice lay fathoms deep between the lands. Then came the sparrows again out of the town, and asked, "Who is that old man? " The raven sat there still, or it might be his son, which is the same thing, and he said to them, "It is Winter, the old man of the former year;

he is not dead, as the calendar says, but he is guardian to the spring, which is coming. " "When will Spring come? " asked the sparrows, "for we shall have better times then, and a better rule. The old times are worth nothing. " And in quiet thought old Winter looked at the leafless forest, where the graceful form and bends of each tree and branch could be seen; and while Winter slept, icy mists came from the clouds, and the ruler dreamt of his youthful days and of his manhood, and in the morning dawn the whole forest glittered with hoar frost, which the sun shook from the branches, and this was the summer dream of Winter. "When will Spring come? " asked the sparrows. "Spring! " Again the echo sounded from the hills on which the snow lay. The sunshine became warmer, the snow melted, and the birds twittered, "Spring is coming! " And high in the air flew the first stork, and the second followed; a lovely child sat on the back of each, and they sank down on the open field, kissed the earth, and kissed the quiet old man; and, as the mist from the mountain top, he vanished away and disappeared. And the story of the year was finished. "This is all very fine, no doubt, " said the sparrows, "and it is very beautiful; but it is not according to the calendar, therefore, it must be all wrong. "



幼儿园大班语言教案《新年礼物》 大班语言教案《新年礼物》适用于大班的语言主题教学 活动当中,让幼儿通过动物间礼物的相互赠送,懂得关心和 体谅别人,理解故事内容,知道合适的礼物能带给别人快乐,快来看看幼儿园大班语言《新年礼物》教案吧。 活动目标: 1、理解故事内容,知道合适的礼物能带给别人快乐。 2、学习用句型邮递员熊伯伯给谁送来了什么及我要送给 谁什么东西来进行讲述。 3、通过动物间礼物的相互赠送,懂得关心和体谅别人 4、能简单复述故事内容,并进行角色表演。 5、能分析故事情节,培养想象力。 活动重、难点: 理解故事内容,知道合适的礼物能带给别人快乐。 活动准备: 故事中小动物和礼物的图片、字卡:新年礼物 活动过程: 一、你收到礼物了吗? 1、你们收到过礼物吗?什么时候会收到礼物呢?(新年、过节、生日) 2、想一想,你都收到过谁送的礼物,都有什么?

3、请小朋友们介绍一下自己最喜欢的礼物。 二、收到礼物真开心。 1、小朋友们收到礼物,都很开心。那新年到了,森林里的小动物有没有收到礼物呢? 2、教师讲述故事,鼓励幼儿认真倾听。 3、请幼儿说说故事中有哪些小动物,它们收到了什么礼物。 4、小动物喜不喜欢收到的礼物啊?但如果这时候小白鹅收到的是游泳圈的话,你们觉的是游泳圈更让它开心,还是溜冰鞋更让它开心呢?为什么你们觉得是溜冰鞋更让小白鹅开心呢?哦,原来,天冷了,小河结冰都不能游泳了,游泳圈都用不到,可是啊,溜冰鞋却可以让小白鹅在结冰的河面上学溜冰,看来送礼物时如果送别人需要的,别人会更加喜欢呢! 5、小朋友真棒,听了一遍故事就都记住了那我们一起来看着图片简单的复述一下故事吧。 6、讲的真不错,那谁能告诉我熊伯伯收到特别的礼物后的心情是怎样的呢? 7、自由讨论:全体小动物为什么要送一辆自行车给熊伯伯? 8、小结:是啊,故事中,熊伯伯每天很辛苦的为小动物们送信、送礼物,小动物们收到快乐的同时,能体谅熊伯伯


小班主题新年礼物教案 小班主题新年礼物教案主要包含了设计思路,活动目标,活动准备,活动过程等内容,尝试运用10以内数加减的经验解决取物的问题,感受过新年收到礼物和成功的喜悦,适合幼儿园老师们上小班主题活动课,快来看看新年礼物教案吧。 设计思路: 新年到了,无论是从幼儿园的大环境还是到每个班的小环境,无不洋溢着新年的喜庆,在新年气氛的包围下关于新年的主题活动也应运而生。包括:收集与新年相关的物品、说说新年的习俗、做做新年的礼物,如:剪剪窗花、制作贺卡、灯笼等,孩子们也对新年的活动产生了更大的兴趣。 在主题进行中我们在思考:数活动如何在过新年的主题活动中有机地渗透呢?我们认为,在情境中学习数学,不仅让幼儿得到情感的体验,同时学习贴近生活的数学内容,又能提高幼儿学习的自主性以及积极思维能力和解决问题的能力。在前一段时间的主题活动中,我们也不断地进行尝试,如:通过活动《妈妈的菜篮子》《马路上的车》等幼儿积累了8以内数加减的经验;通过活动《商店里》了解了橱、层等。今天,我们就尝试结合新年的主题,在游戏中层层递进,尝试利用10以内数加减经验解决取物的问题。并在此活动中体验互相帮助和成功的快乐。 活动准备: 1、装饰好的新年帽若干顶(4-6) 2、漂亮的图片若干,各种颜色的皱纸,印章、印泥等若干。 3、用纸折好的帽子人手一份。 4、已学会唱《新年好》 活动目标:

1、尝试运用10以内数加减的经验解决取物的问题。 2、感受过新年收到礼物和成功的喜悦。 活动流程:引发兴趣--寻找礼物--分享礼物 活动准备:新年礼物、题纸、音乐 活动过程: 一、引发兴趣 师:前不久我们放假了,为什么呀? 幼儿:因为是元旦。 师:对了,元旦是新一年的第一天。大家都会在这一天放放假,庆贺新年的到来。今年是什么年? 幼儿:今年是狗年。 师:在新的一年里,老师祝大家新年快乐,万事如意! 幼儿:祝老师新年快乐,万事如意! 师:在新的一年里,你想得到什么新年礼物吗? 幼儿a:我想得到的是一辆电瓶车,因为我妈妈的车被人偷了! 师:原来,新年来临之际,也有许多的人会动歪脑筋,所以大家要当心呀! 幼儿b:我想得到的是书本和笔,因为我们马上要读一年级了,要多练练字。 师:真懂事,你以后一定是一个很优秀的小学生!等等 二、寻找礼物 1、引发兴趣 师:今天老师也为每一位孩子准备了一份新年礼物,想知道是什么吗? 幼儿:想知道。 师:可是,要得到这份新年礼物可不容易,有很多的困难在你们的面前,你们有信心吗?


大班数学教案新年礼物 【篇一:大班数学教案新年礼物】 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家原 创大班数学新年礼物教案活动目标:在二等分的活动中培养幼儿爱 妈妈和长辈的情感。初步尝试把图形或物体等分成两份,知道部分 小于原来的那一份,原来的那一份大于部分。 小朋友很喜欢自己的妈妈,妈妈也有自己的妈妈,妈妈的妈妈叫什么?爸爸也有自己的妈妈,爸爸的妈妈叫什么?爸爸妈妈都爱自己 的孩子,辛辛苦苦把自己的孩子养熊妈妈有两张上正方形彩纸,两 张正方形彩纸一样大。她拿一张给两只小熊,要小熊把正方形彩纸 分成一样大小的两份,一份给奶奶,一分给外婆。 小朋友猜一猜,两只小熊用什么办法分这张纸?幼儿讲述讲解:小 熊把纸对折后打开,中间有一根折线,沿着折线剪成两分,再放在 一起比一比,两份是不是一样大?再拿其中的一份和原来的一份比,分出来的一份比原来的小。 熊妈妈还有彩色漂亮的雪花片,熊妈妈请小熊把手里的雪花片都分 成精品文档 2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家 原创一样多的两分,一份送给奶奶,一份送给外婆。请幼儿示范分 好后给老师看。小朋友想不想帮小熊一个忙。幼儿操作,老师指导。熊妈妈把两块面包给小熊吃,两只小熊一起说,问小熊说什么?送 给奶奶外婆吃。 武当山特区2013年上学期数学教学计划幼儿园大班的孩子们都已 经上过几年学了,养成了一些良好的上课习惯和生活习惯,这是值 得老师庆幸的。作为老师,我们有的没有教学经验,有的之前教小学,对于大班的代课会有些吃力。所以我们必须努力加油,自己找机 会不断去寻找,去探究,这对于我们来说是一个很大的挑战。因此,结合本班的实际情况制订了本学期学前班的教学工作计我班现有幼 儿42 名,其中男生 23 名,女生 19 根据开学两天的观察,本班幼儿面貌是活泼向上的,但有较多幼儿语言表达能力欠缺,不愿意大胆的 进行表达,回答题目时也不能用完整的话语表述;喜欢表演,但存 在着浮躁、精品文档 2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写 作–独家原创规则意识不强。大部分幼儿都已掌握了简单拼音的读写、数字一到一百的读写,部分幼儿会写一些简单的字词和五以内 的加减法。幼儿有部分英语基础薄弱,发音不正确,另外我班还有


设计意图:“过新年”这个主题蕴含了许多节目特定的认知元素,如新年的祝福、新年的礼物、新年人们的年龄变化,等等。我通过与家长交流,发现新年礼物是小班幼儿感兴趣的一个内容,伴有许多有价值的教育元素,比如,收到礼物时的感受与交往(礼仪与交往),打开礼物前的猜测与判断(合理想象与判断的方法),打开礼物后的验证过程与心情(验证并获取经验)。在思考活动方案时,我认为以不打开礼物为前提,让幼儿用各种方法来判断包装袋(盒)中“有”和“没有”礼物。是活动中幼儿积累认知经验的重点。由此,我形成了设计思路:以礼物为线索,将寻找礼物、猜测礼物、分享礼物的过程自然衔接并层层递进,激发幼儿从寻找中收获情感,发展语言;从探索中寻找方法,发展思维;从分享中体验快乐,尝试交往。目标:1.在猜测礼物、打开礼物的过程中,体会节日来临的快乐。2.尝试用各种方法(如摇、捏、闻、掂等)来判断礼物的“有”或“没有”。体验探索的乐趣。准备:1.包装精美的礼物(事先藏在活动室内的各处,数量略多于幼儿人数):(1)礼物既有盒装的,也有袋装的,其中有极少数盒(袋)内没有礼物。(2)礼物从幼儿的生活经验与兴趣需要出发考虑,能引起幼儿猜测或判断,如:有或无声响,有或无香味,有或无重量,等等。其中有一两样是能够产生争议的,如分量很轻,无法一下子判断出来。2.桌面上有笑脸和哭脸两个大圆圈,分别表示“有礼物”和“没有礼物”。3.幼儿有收到或打开礼物的经验。4.歌曲《新年好》磁带。过程:一、寻找礼物1.新年快到了,你想不想收到礼物呀?别急,老师已经为你们准备了好多新年礼物,就藏在我们活动室里,一起去找找吧!2.你在哪里找到了礼物?(可以随机用“哇!你找到一大盒礼物”“瞧!他找到的是一袋礼物”等进行评价。)3.你是怎么一下子就找到礼物的?(发现礼物的精美包装。)4.礼物盒、礼物袋里究竟有没有礼物呢?老师请你们先不要打开,想办法猜猜看。二、猜测礼物1.你找到的礼物盒(袋)里有没有礼物?你是怎么知道的?(引导幼儿运用摇、捏、闻等各种方法来判断礼物的有与无,并注意动词的使用。)2.如果你觉得你找到的包装盒(袋)中有礼物,就把它放在笑脸娃娃的圆圈里;觉得没有,就放在哭脸娃娃的圆圈里。3.共同验证猜测的结果。(1)验证笑脸娃娃圆圈里的礼物盒(袋)。这些都是小朋友认为里面有礼物的。究竟大家的猜测对不对呢?我们打开礼物盒(袋)看一看(直接打开礼物盒<袋&。)(2)验证哭脸娃娃圆圈里的礼物盒(袋)。a.这些盒(袋)子里有礼物吗?(请几个幼儿再次上来辨别或判断。)(其中有一件礼物因为没有声音、没有重量、没有味道引起了幼儿的争论。)b.究竟有没有呢?我们也打开看看(请个别幼儿打开)。(幼儿打开礼物盒,一只大大的 “有礼物的,是氢气球,气球飞起来了……”)c.原氢气球慢慢升起,孩子们非常惊喜,大声喊道: 来是有礼物的!是氢气球!气球你好!祝你新年快乐!d.小结:刚才大家想了许多办法,终于发现了礼物盒里的秘密。三、享受礼物1.新年里,大家一定还能收到很多礼物。收到礼物时应该和送你礼物的人说些什么呢?(谢谢;祝你新年快乐!)2.《新年好》音乐响起,幼儿和教师、同伴一起分享礼物。评析:上海市教委教研室周洪飞一、选择了一个有价值的切入点这个活动源于幼儿的生活经验,深受小班幼儿的喜爱。该活动以礼物为栽体,引导幼儿积累相关的经验,注重能力的培养,而不是单纯的知识传授,找到了一个非常有价值的切入口。二、提供了一些富有童趣的教学具为了达成目标,教师为幼儿选择的礼物既富有童趣,又蕴含探索价值。那些包装盒、包装袋上有小锁、拉链、胶带、绳子,等等,可以从多方面发展幼儿手部小肌肉群的动作技能。三、设计了一个富有挑战性的活动过程小班幼儿各种感官的感知能力还较弱,要求幼儿在不打开礼物包装的情况下猜测礼物的有与无,对小班幼儿来说是一个挑战。教师在活动中充分调动了幼儿的各种感官来探索、判断,有效促进了幼儿感知能力的发展。


元旦的传说故事 导读:篇一:关于元旦的传说故事 后来有的朝代对元旦的日期有所变更,但原则上还是以每年的第一天为元旦,如夏代以正月初一为元旦,但商代以12月初一为元旦,而周代又以11月初一为元旦,秦代以10月初一为元旦。 篇二:关于元旦的传说故事 直到西汉武帝时,大历史学家司马迁等人重新制定历法,并规定每年正月初一为元旦,从此历代不改。 1911年辛亥革命成功后,决定采用国际通行的公历,于是将农历元旦改为"春节",而把公历的1月1日称为元旦。新中国成立之时,开始正式使用"公元纪年法",把每年公历的1月1日定为元旦。 现在,世界上大多数国家把每年1月1日作为元旦,因为他们多采用了国际通行的公历。但也有一些国家和民族由于本地的历法传统及宗教信仰、风俗习惯、季节气候的不同,因而他们的元旦日期也不一样,这也使得这个世界多姿多彩,更显民族的特色了。元旦是全世界人民传统的新年。元旦,就是一年的头一天。元旦是合成词,拆开来讲,元是第一或开始的意思,旦字的原意是一轮红日从地面升起。 篇三:关于元旦的传说故事 在历法上,人们习惯称地球绕太阳转1周为1年。但是由于地球绕太阳运转没有固定的起点和终点,所以一年的起点和终点都是人为规定的,这就造成了各种历法的不一致。相传"元旦"一词来自我国最

早的皇帝之一--颛顼,他规定以农历正月为"元",初一为"旦"。 篇四:关于元旦的传说故事 在中国,元旦这一名称,都说起自传说中三皇五帝之一的颛顼,他以农历正月为元,初一为旦。据《史记》载:夏代以正月初一为元旦;周代以十一月初一为元旦;秦以十月初一为元旦。辛亥革命后,我国把正月初一称作春节,公历1月1日叫新年,不称元旦。直到1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议通过使用公元纪年法,才又将公历1月1日正式定为元旦,农历正月初一定为春节。 篇五:关于元旦的传说故事 阴历的祖先埃及历,把天狼星和太阳一同升起的那天作为元旦;阿富汗把春分作为元旦;犹太人把秋分作为元旦;而寒带的爱斯基摩 人的`元旦是不固定的,他们把第一次下雨作为元旦。公元前46年,罗马皇帝儒略.凯撒制定儒略历,开始时他把冬至作为元旦。但是,人们坚持要把朔日作为元旦,因此就把元旦延到冬至后10天。 【延伸阅读】 元旦的习俗文化: 杯盘碎片送朋友 丹麦人在元旦前夜,家家户户都要将平时打碎的杯盘碎片收集起来,待夜深人静时偷偷地送至朋友家的门前。元旦的早晨,如果谁家门前堆放的碎片越多,则说明他家的朋友越多,新年一定很幸运。 妇女坐上市长椅


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园小班社会教案《新年礼物》

小班社会教案《新年礼物》,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助。 设计意图: “过新年”这个主题蕴含了许多节目特定的认知元素,如新年的祝福、新年的礼物、新年人们的年龄变化,等等。 我通过与家长交流,发现新年礼物是小班幼儿感兴趣的一个内容,伴有许多有价值的教育元素,比如,收到礼物时的感受与交往(礼仪与交往),打开礼物前的猜测与判断(合理想象与判断的方法),打开礼物 后的验证过程与心情(验证并获取经验)。 在思考活动方案时,我认为以不打开礼物为前提,让幼儿用各种方法来判断包装袋(盒)中“有”和“没有”礼物。是活动中幼儿积累认知经验的重点。由此,我形成了设计思路:以礼物为线索,将寻找礼物、猜测礼物、分享礼物的过程自然衔接并层层递进,激发幼儿从寻找中收获情感,发展语言;从探索中寻找方法,发展思维;从分享中体验快乐,尝试交往。 目标: 1.在猜测礼物、打开礼物的过程中,体会节日来临的快乐。 2.尝试用各种方法(如摇、捏、闻、掂等)来判断礼物的“有”或“没有”。体验探索的乐趣。 准备:

1.包装精美的礼物(事先藏在活动室内的各处,数量略多于幼儿人数):(1)礼物既有盒装的,也有袋装的,其中有极少数盒(袋)内没有礼物。(2)礼物从幼儿的生活经验与兴趣需要出发考虑,能引起幼儿 猜测或判断,如:有或无声响,有或无香味,有或无重量,等等。其中有一两样是能够产生争议的,如分量很轻,无法一下子判断出来。 2.桌面上有笑脸和哭脸两个大圆圈,分别表示“有礼物”和“没有礼物”。 3.幼儿有收到或打开礼物的经验。 4.歌曲《新年好》磁带。 过程: 一、寻找礼物 1.新年快到了,你想不想收到礼物呀?别急,老师已经为你们准备了好多新年礼物,就藏在我们活动室里,一起去找找吧! 2.你在哪里找到了礼物?(可以随机用“哇! 你找到一大盒礼物” “瞧! 他找到的是一袋礼物”等进行评价。) 3.你是怎么一下子就找到礼物的?(发现礼物的精美包装。) 4.礼物盒、礼物袋里究竟有没有礼物呢?老师请你们先不要打开,想办法猜猜看。


小班数学教案《新年礼物》 活动目标: 1、尝试运用10以内数加减的经验解决取物的问题。 2、感受过新年收到礼物和成功的喜悦。 3、培养幼儿的观察力、判断力及动手操作能力。 4、引导幼儿积极与材料互动,体验数学活动的乐趣。 5、发展幼儿逻辑思维能力。 活动流程: 引发兴趣::寻找礼物::分享礼物活动准备:新年礼物、题纸、音乐 活动过程: 一、引发兴趣师:前不久我们放假了,为什么呀? 幼儿:因为是元旦。 师:对了,元旦是新一年的第一天。大家都会在这一天放放假, 庆贺新年的到来。今年是什么年?

幼儿:今年是狗年。 师:在新的一年里,老师祝大家新年快乐,万事如意! 幼儿:祝老师新年快乐,万事如意! 师:在新的一年里,你想得到什么新年礼物吗? 幼儿a:我想得到的是一辆电瓶车,因为我妈妈的车被人偷了!师:原来,新年来临之际,也有许多的人会动歪脑筋,所以大家要当心呀! 幼儿b:我想得到的是书本和笔,因为我们马上要读一年级了,要多练练字。 师:真懂事,你以后一定是一个很优秀的小学生!等等 二、寻找礼物 1、引发兴趣师:今天老师也为每一位孩子准备了一份新年礼物,想知道是什么吗? 幼儿:想知道。

师:可是,要得到这份新年礼物可不容易,有很多的困难在你们 的面前,你们有信心吗? 幼儿:有。 2、幼儿游戏(1)通过计算卡找到幸运号师:瞧,这里有许多的幸 运号码,有了幸运号码,你就离你的新年礼物不远了。<.本文来源:>可是哪一个幸运号码是你的呢?(手指向另一边)这里还有许多 的小纸条,只要你能解开小纸条的秘密,那你就能知道哪个是你 的幸运号码了。这些小纸条分别装在三个标有1、2、3的盘子里,这又代表了什么呢? 幼儿:这些数字表示的是简单和容易。 师:那么,哪个简单?哪个难呢? 幼儿:数字1表示简单,数字2表示中间,数字3表示最难! 师:对了,数字越小表示越简单,数字越大表示越难!好,还有什 么不明白吗?没有的话,我们开始吧!可以请笔宝宝帮帮忙。


小班新年教案 【篇一:小班(新年教案)我们长大了】 (亲子活动教案)我们长大了 设计思路:新年快要到了,孩子们沉浸在迎新年的欢乐气氛中,我 们小班的孩子也是如此,他们放了焰火,认识品尝了过年时缺少不 了的糖果,不免对过了年要长大一岁有了他们自己的疑问和想法, 搞不清什么叫“长大”?人为什么要长大,为此非常有必要和孩子们 来共同探讨有关“人长大”的事情。幼儿在关注周围生活环境的同时,也非常渴望探究自己的生长过程。。对幼儿来说,自己是怎么来到 这个世界上的,是怎么慢慢长大的是他们心中最想了解的一个迷。 教师通过“认照片”、“看录象”、“试小时候的服装”等感性操作活动,来帮助幼儿从多方面的比较中了解和感受自己在身体、能力上的成长,体验长大的快乐。又希望通过新年的主题,让幼儿体验到“过 年了,大家长大一岁了“,从情感上感到自豪与自信,进而唤起他们 懂得既然长大一岁了就要更加懂事、更加能干的道理。活动内容: 语常活动:我长大 1 幼儿通过认照片、看录象、试衣服等活动,感受到自己的长大。 2 愿意较大声、大胆地在集体面前发表自己的想法。 3 初步运用比较的方法,了解自己的长大,增强观察能力。活动准备: 1 幼儿小时侯的照片、录象。 2 各类婴儿衣物等。 3 积木,玩具,号码牌 活动重点:幼儿通过操作比较感受到自己的长大。 活动难点:激发幼儿为自己的长大感到自信和自豪的情感,还有得 让家长认识到不要事事做孩子的保姆。 活动设计: (一)来园活动 1教师热情接待幼儿及家长,安排物品摆放,给幼儿戴号码牌。 2 幼儿自主选择桌面玩具、积木进行自主游戏。 3玩完后,提醒幼儿把玩具送回家。 (二)情境感知:


新年的童话故事 篇一: 从前,森林王国里有一只可爱的小兔,叫贝贝。她原来是一只讲卫生的小兔子,但是她现在好像变了,兔妈妈好几次提醒贝贝,她都说:“我知道了,别烦我!”兔妈妈只好生气地走了。 时间一点一点地过去了,小兔贝贝也逐步地长大了,不过她的坏毛病并没改掉。兔妈妈老了,生病了,再也没法提醒她的女儿。 贝贝不喜欢走路,所以她就把一袋袋臭臭的垃圾往楼下扔,有几次还砸到了羊伯伯、猴叔叔的头上,“浓汁”从垃圾袋儿里流出来,流到他们的头上。羊伯伯抬起头来望了望天,说:“谁那么缺德,乱扔垃圾!”猴叔叔使用了他的绝招“飞天术”,跳上一棵大树,向小兔住的那座大楼扫射了一遍又一遍。小兔贝贝赶快躲了起来,生怕自己被发现。 记得有一次,小兔和她的好朋友一起去郊游。在路上,贝贝拼命地吃零食,她吃了火腿肠又喝饮料,喝了饮料又吃鸡腿。一直吃到她饱了为止。你们要问她把垃圾扔哪了?垃圾箱,不对!垃圾袋儿,也不对!告诉你们吧,她把垃圾扔到了草坪和公路上,如果你们不信,我能够带你们去看看。 过了几天,她家对面有了三个垃圾箱,一个是“可回收垃圾”,另一个是“不可回收垃圾”,还有一个是“有毒垃圾”。贝贝总算勤快多了。早上,贝贝拎着一大袋垃圾从家里出来。她把垃圾扔在了“可回收垃圾”的那个垃圾箱里。不过垃圾袋里的垃圾也不全都是可回收垃圾。垃圾有电池、白菜、胡萝卜、白纸、塑料袋、易拉罐、破布……下午,回收垃圾的工人------鸡大婶来了,看见了这种情况,心想:要是再这样下去,我们这个国家的环境肯定会被污染的,怎么办呢?

鸡大婶找来了羊伯伯、猴叔叔、鹿姐姐,她们一起讨论这个“犯 罪的家伙”。 最后,羊伯伯知道了答案,他问鸡大婶垃圾里有什么,鸡大婶告 诉他有胡萝卜、白菜。羊伯伯马上判断出来,跑到小兔家,问小兔:“你是不是做过了错事?”小贝贝发觉了,脸立刻红了起来,她回答:“我没……没有!”“你为什么要骗我们呢?骗人是不好的,当然不保 护环境也是不好的,你想想,我是怎么知道的,就凭你扔的垃圾的品种,我就知道了。难道你没有发现一个小小的电池也会给我们森林王 国造成不可想象的后果,污染空气,你一定要改正!”贝贝说:“我一 定会改正这个缺点的,一定会的!”鸡大婶们满意得笑了。 篇二:蚂蚁过新年 在美丽的大森林里,住着蚂蚁大家庭,蚂蚁太太生了50个孩子, 他们中只有两个是女孩。蚂蚁爸爸一连取了50个名字,忙了他50天 才取完。 一天,蚂蚁一家都长出了一双长腿,以前的短腿不见了。蚂蚁一 家很奇怪,他们的短腿去哪了?蚂蚁一家去找邻居奇奇蚂蚁一家问怎么 回事。一看,它们呆住了,奇奇蚂蚁一家也长出了长腿,所有的蚂蚁 现在只有一个念头,他们的短腿到底去了哪儿了? 蚂蚁大家庭与奇奇蚂蚁一家一起去寻找蚂蚁们的腿。它们一路上 跋山涉水,千辛万苦,可却一无所获。有一天,蚂蚁们来到一个山洞里。突然,奇奇蚂蚁一家中的奇奇花大叫:“快看,这里面全部是又 细又短的细条条!”蚂蚁们数了数,一共372个细条条。我刚才说过了,蚂蚁大家庭里一共52只蚂蚁,还有奇奇蚂蚁一家有8个孩子,加上奇 奇妈和奇奇爸一共10个。这时,蚂蚁大家庭的2个女孩说话了,而且 是非常惊讶并异口同声地说:“那是我们的腿!”“什么,你们不要开 玩笑,找我们的短腿不过一件非常严肃的事情。”蚂蚁爸爸有点生气,可他仔细一看就发现自己错了,而且大错特错了。因为他们两家所有 的腿一共就是372只。


活动目标: 1、理解故事内容,知道合适的礼物能带给别人快乐。 2、学习用句型“邮递员熊伯伯给谁送来了什么”及“我要送给谁什么东西”来进行讲述。 3、通过动物间礼物的相互赠送,懂得关心和体谅别人。 活动准备: 故事中小动物和礼物的图片、字卡:新年礼物 活动过程: 一、你收到礼物了吗? 提问:1、你们收到过礼物吗?什么时候会收到礼物呢?(新年、过节、生日) 2、想一想,你都收到过谁送的礼物,都有什么? 3、请小朋友们介绍一下自己最喜欢的礼物。 二、收到礼物真开心。 1、师:小朋友们收到礼物,都很开心。那新年到了,森林里的小动 物有没有收到礼物呢?我们一起来听个故事,题目叫《新年礼物》。 出示字卡:新年礼物。 2、教师讲述故事,鼓励幼儿认真倾听。 3、师:请小朋友说说故事中有哪些小动物,它们收到了什么礼物?随着幼儿的 讲述出示相应的动物和礼物图片。根据配对,尝试用句型“邮递员熊伯伯给谁送来了什么”来说说小动物都收到了什么礼物。 4、师:小动物喜不喜欢收到的礼物啊?我相信小动物们不管收到什么礼物都会 很开心,但如果这时候小白鹅收到的是游泳圈的话,你们觉的是游泳圈更让它开心,还是溜冰鞋更让它开心呢?为什么你们觉得是溜冰鞋更让小白鹅开心呢?哦,原来,天冷了,小河结冰都不能游泳了,游泳圈都用不到。可是啊,溜冰鞋却可以让小白鹅在结冰的河面上学溜冰,看来送礼物时如果送别人需要的,别人会更加喜欢呢! 5、师:小朋友真棒,听了一遍故事就都记住了。那我们一起来看着图片简单的 复述一下故事吧。 6、讲的真不错,那谁能告诉我熊伯伯收到特别的礼物后的心情是怎样的呢? 7、自由讨论:全体小动物为什么要送一辆自行车给熊伯伯? 8、小结:是啊,故事中,熊伯伯每天很辛苦的为小动物们送信、送礼物,小动 物们收到快乐的同时,能体谅熊伯伯的辛苦,老师相信小朋友们也会做得很好,体谅身边关心我们的人。 三、说说给谁送礼物。 1、师:那我们来想想过年时给谁送礼物吧?你们先进行小组讨论。想想要送他 什么礼物,为什么?并请小朋友们呆会用“我要送给谁什么东西”来告诉老师,并说说自己为什么想要送给他这个礼物。 2、师:小朋友们真棒,想出了这么多这么好的礼物,我相信收到的人一定会很 开心的。以后,我们可以利用游戏的时间来制作一些小礼物。


幼儿园新年礼物教案教案 活动目标: 1.知道故事的内容,体验小动物们关心、体谅别人的情感。 2.能认真倾听,有良好的倾听习惯。 重点难点: 理解故事的内容,体验小动物关心、体谅别人的情感。 活动准备: 1.熊伯伯、小松鼠、小白鹅、小鹿等头饰。 2.《幼儿画册》,录音磁带和录音机。 活动过程: 一、引导幼儿回忆自己以前在新年里收到的礼物。 提问: 1.以前新年的时候,你们都收到了谁送的礼物? 2.在所有的礼物当中,你最喜欢哪一样礼物,为什么? 3.今天的新年你想收到什么礼物呢?你最想收到谁的礼物?为什么? 二、学习故事《新年礼物》。 1.出示"熊伯伯"图片。 师:这是谁?你们知道熊伯伯是做什么的吗?为什么他要给小动物送礼物? 2.出示小松鼠收到礼物的画面。 师:第一个收到礼物的是谁?小松鼠收到了谁送的礼物?是什么礼物?小松鼠收到礼物以后怎么样?你从农历什么地方看出它开心的?做了个什么动作。

3.出示小白鹅收到礼物的画面。 师:小白鹅收到了什么礼物?它收到溜冰鞋以后心情怎么样?它为什么想要一双溜冰鞋呢? 4.出示其他小动物收到礼物的画面。 师:还有哪些小动物也收到了礼物?分别收到的是什么礼物? 5.出示熊伯伯的图片。 师:熊伯伯为什么会难过呢?最后他有收到礼物吗?收到的是什么礼物?收到礼物以后他的心情时怎样的? 三、完整的看图欣赏录音故事,幼儿可以轻轻的跟着讲。 师:现在我们一起来看图听录音故事,会的小朋友可以跟着一起轻轻的讲。 寻找送礼物的顺序:熊伯伯送礼物--小松鼠--小白鹅--小鹿--小狐狸--小兔--熊伯伯最后每个小动物都很开心,因为他们相互送了礼物。 四、引导幼儿自己看幼儿画册讲述故事。 师:小朋友都理解了这个故事,接下来的时间请你们自己看幼儿画册来讲一讲。 幼儿活动幼儿回忆以前收到的礼物。说说自己最喜欢的礼物是什么,喜欢它的原因。以及在新的一年里,自己所希望收到的礼物。 幼儿观察熊伯伯,知道熊伯伯是一名邮递员。 第一收到礼物的是小松鼠,是外婆送他的小绒帽。收到以后他开心的跳了起来。 小白鹅收到时溜冰鞋,收到礼物他课开心了,因为冬天不能游泳,正好有溜冰鞋可以溜冰。 小鹿收到了手套;小狐狸收到了鲜花;小兔收到了蝴蝶结……幼儿倾听录音故事,整理故事的线索。 五、幼儿看图讲故事。


幼儿园小班社会活动:新年礼物 设计思路: 新年到了,无论是从幼儿园的大环境还是到每个班的小环境,无不洋溢着新年的喜庆,在新年气氛的包围下关于新年的主题活动也应运而生。包括:收集与新年相关的物品、说说新年的习俗、做做新年的礼物,如:剪剪窗花、制作贺卡、灯笼等,孩子们也对新年的活动产生了更大的兴趣。 在主题进行中我们在思考:数活动如何在过新年的主题活动中有机地渗透呢?我们认为,在情境中学习数学,不仅让幼儿得到情感的体验,同时学习贴近生活的数学内容,又能提高幼儿学习的自主性以及积极思维能力和解决问题的能力。在前一段时间的主题活动中,我们也不断地进行尝试,如:通过活动《妈妈的菜篮子》《马路上的车》等幼儿积累了8以内数加减的经验;通过活动《商店里》了解了橱、层等。今天,我们就尝试结合新年的主题,在游戏中层层递进,尝试利用10以内数加减经验解决取物的问题。并在此活动中体验互相帮助和成功的快乐。 活动准备: 1、装饰好的新年帽若干顶(4-6) 2、漂亮的图片若干,各种颜色的皱纸,印章、印泥等若干。 3、用纸折好的“帽子”人手一份。 4、已学会唱《新年好》

活动目标: 1、尝试运用10以内数加减的经验解决取物的问题。 2、感受过新年收到礼物和成功的喜悦。 活动流程:引发兴趣——寻找礼物——分享礼物 活动准备:新年礼物、题纸、音乐 活动过程: 一、引发兴趣 师:前不久我们放假了,为什么呀? 幼儿:因为是元旦。 师:对了,元旦是新一年的第一天。大家都会在这一天放放假,庆贺新年的到来。今年是什么年? 幼儿:今年是狗年。 师:在新的一年里,老师祝大家新年快乐,万事如意! 幼儿:祝老师新年快乐,万事如意! 师:在新的一年里,你想得到什么新年礼物吗? 幼儿a:我想得到的是一辆电瓶车,因为我妈妈的车被人偷了!师:原来,新年来临之际,也有许多的人会动歪脑筋,所以大家要当心呀! 幼儿b:我想得到的是书本和笔,因为我们马上要读一年级了,要多练练字。 师:真懂事,你以后一定是一个很优秀的小学生!等等


新年故事 新年到了,邮递员熊伯伯忙着把新年礼物送到小动物的家里去。 熊伯伯背着绿色的大邮袋,来了一棵高高的大松树下。他抬头喊:“小松鼠,小松鼠!”小松鼠从树上跳下来,接过熊伯伯手中的礼物,打开一看,原来是外婆送他的一顶小绒毛帽子。小松鼠高兴地跳起来说:“太好了,太好了,天冷了我正缺少一顶帽子取暖呢,谢谢你熊伯伯。”熊伯伯笑着说:“不用谢!小松鼠,再见。我还要给其他小动物送新年礼物呢!”他背起大邮袋来到了小河边,把一件新年礼物送给了小白鹅。小白鹅打开一看,哇!原来是一双漂亮的溜冰鞋。她高兴极了,对熊伯伯说:“天冷了,小河里的水结冰了,我正愁不能游泳呢!有了溜冰鞋,我就可以学习溜冰了。熊伯伯,谢谢您。”熊伯伯笑着说:“不用谢!小白鹅,再见。我还要给其他小动物送新年礼物呢!”熊伯伯背起大邮袋又上路了,他给小鹿送去了温暖的棉手套,给小狐狸送去了一束美丽的鲜花,给小白兔送去了粉红色的蝴蝶结新年礼物送完了,绿色的大邮袋也空了,熊伯伯看着空的绿色的大邮袋,心里很难过:大家都有人关心,都收到了新年礼物,只有我!唉!熊伯伯低着头,慢慢地往家里走。咦!家门口是什么呀?熊伯伯揉了揉眼睛。仔细一看:是一个好大的礼盒,上面写着:亲爱的熊伯伯,您每天都忙着为我们送信,要走很多很多的路,多累呀!我们送您一件新年礼物,希望能给您带来轻松和方便!熊伯伯打开一看。哇!原来是一辆崭新的自行车!从此,熊伯伯天天骑着自行车去送信,又快又省力。这辆自行车是最好的新年礼物!年的传说传说中国古时侯有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常,年”兽长年深居海底,每到除夕,爬上岸来吞食牲畜伤害人命,因此每到除夕,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼,逃往深山,以躲避“年”的伤害。 又到了一年的除夕,乡亲们象往年都忙着收拾东西准备逃往深山,这时候村东头来了一个白发老人,白发老人对一户老婆婆说只要让他在她家住一晚,他定能将“年”兽驱赶走.众人不信,老婆婆劝其还是上山躲避的好,但老人坚持留下,众人见劝他不住,便纷纷上山躲避去了。 当“年”兽象往年一样准备闯进村肆虐的时候,突然传来爆竹声,“年”兽混身颤栗,再也不敢向前凑了,原来“年”兽最怕红色,火光和炸响.这时大门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人哈哈大笑,“年”兽大惊失色,仓惶而逃.第二天,当人们从深山回到村里时,发现村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发老人是帮助大家驱逐“年”兽的神仙,人们同时还发现了白发老人驱逐“年”兽的三件法宝.从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,燃放爆竹,户户灯火通明,守更待岁.这风俗越传越广,就成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日“过年”.现在,春节是我国人民的佳节,它象征着团结、兴旺,人们对新的一年寄托着希望。


幼儿园大班春节主题精选教案三篇 快来到春节了,小朋友们天天盼着过年,为了让每个小朋友都一个快乐的新年礼物,特别按排了这次活动。下面就是我给大家带来的幼儿园大班春节主题精选教案三篇,希望能帮助到大家! 幼儿园大班春节主题精选教案一:春节到了 活动目标: 1、能围绕“新年”这一话题,用连贯的语言大胆地表达自己的所见所闻以及自己的新年愿望。 2、认识年历,能在年历上找出相应的日期,知道元旦是新年的第一天。 3、认读句子“新年到了”,通过游戏活动等形式,进一步促进幼儿语言的发展。 4、体验新年的快乐气氛。 活动准备: 1、环境准备:教室里布置新年的喜庆气氛 2、大型“新年老人”一个(新年老人手握“新年到了”字样的句子卡) 3、新旧年历各1本;红色、黑色记号笔各1支 4、许愿蜡烛1支;火柴一盒 5、句子卡若干 6、放“新年到了”字卡的信封人手一个 7、放若干礼物的“百宝箱”一只 8、录音机一只;《铃儿响叮当》的音乐磁带一盒

活动过程: 1、用谈话的方式引导幼儿讲述新年的所见所闻,感受周围环境的变化。 “小朋友,你们看谁到我们班来做客了?”(新年老人)“伴随着新年老人的脚步,迎来了又一个新年,在过新年时人们都干些什么?我们的周围又发生了哪些变化呢?”幼儿讨论后回答。 2、师生共同观察年历。 “新年里到处张灯结彩,今天新年老人也带来了一样跟年有关的东西。” (1)出示旧年历。“你们看,这是什么?你知道这是哪一年的年历吗?你是怎么知道的?” (2)出示新年历。“我们再来看看这一本新年历,它又是哪一年的呢?你又是从哪里看出来的?” (3)“你们知道今天是哪一年哪一月哪一日吗?哪位小朋友会在年历上用黑色记号笔把它圈出来?想一想应该在哪一年的年历上找。” (4)“新年的第一天叫什么节?元旦是几月几日?谁会找出来?请你用红色记号笔把它圈出来。想想新年应该是哪一年了?” (5)“我们一起来数数,今天距离新年还有多少天?”教师指年历,引导幼儿数数。 3、幼儿讲述新年愿望,师生共同许愿。 (1)“新年马上就要到了,在新的一年里,你们有什么心愿呢?”教师引导幼儿说说自己的心愿。 (2)“小朋友都有许多心愿,新年老人特地为小朋友准备了许愿蜡烛。”教师点燃蜡烛,师生围着蜡烛许愿后一起吹灭蜡烛。“新年老人真心祝福每位小朋


小班科学活动《新年礼物》 设计意图: 幼儿从出生之日起就不可避免的要和数学打交道,从而获得有关事物间数量关系的知识。如:家里许多人围着一张桌子吃饭;一包饼干打开有许多块……为了让宝宝们更好的感知这种量的关系。我以小班的科学领域集体教学活动“1和许多”为基础设计了这节活动,在设计活动时,我通过游戏的方法带孩子们认识“1”和“许多”的关系。我发现小班幼儿对于游戏式的活动兴趣浓厚,所以怎样增加活动的趣味性就是本活动进行的关键。 活动目标: 1.喜欢参加数学活动。 2.能区分“1”和“许多”个物体,能从环境中找出一个和许多个物体。3.理解“1”和“许多”的关系。 活动准备:花姐姐挂饰1个、大篮子1个、小篮子16个、花朵若干、糖果若干、花园和小蝴蝶的家、《新年好》儿歌。 活动过程: 一、激趣导入。 宝贝们,新年马上就要到了,今天,花姐姐就要带你们去送礼物啦! 二、初步感知“1和许多”。 1. 今天花姐姐需要宝贝们每人拿一个小篮子来装礼物。 2.(出示花园)宝贝们快看,那边的花园里有什么?有多少小花呀?(许多)有多少大花?颜色有什么不一样吗? 3.(强调操作纪律):宝贝们,我们要怎样做才能采到一朵小花呢? 三、操作感知“1和许多”。 1.花园采花。 幼儿在花姐姐的带领下每人到花园里采一朵小花,然后放入自己的小篮子里。 花园里的许多小花到哪里去了?(引导幼儿说出许多小花变成了我们手中一朵一朵的小花。) 2.送礼物给小蝴蝶 幼儿将自己的小花送到小蝴蝶家里。(引导幼儿说出自己的一朵小花合在一起

就是许多花。) 3.还篮子。 把自己装小花的篮子放到花姐姐的大蓝子旁边里,并告诉花姐姐自己放了几个篮子。 四、结束活动: 分享交流礼物,教师带领幼儿感受新年的快乐。 五、活动延伸:让我们一起去找找教室中还有哪些东西是1个,哪些是许多个。


THE STORY OF THE YEAR. IT was near the end of January, and a terrible fall of snow was pelting down, and whirling through the streets and lanes; the windows were plastered with snow on the outside, snow fell in masses from the roofs. Every one seemed in a great hurry; they ran, they flew, fell into each other's arms, holding fast for a moment as long as they could stand safely. Coaches and horses looked as if they had been frosted with sugar. The footmen stood with their backs against the carriages, so as to turn their faces from the wind. The foot passengers kept within the shelter of the carriages, which could only move slowly on in the deep snow. At last the storm abated, and a narrow path was swept clean in front of the houses; when two persons met in this path they stood still, for neither liked to take the first step on one side into the deep snow to let the other pass him. There they stood silent and motionless, till at last, as if by tacit consent, they each sacrificed a leg and buried it in the deep snow. Towards evening, the weather became calm. The sky, cleared from the snow, looked more lofty and transparent, while the stars shone with new brightness and purity. The frozen snow crackled under foot, and was quite firm enough to bear the sparrows, who hopped upon it in the morning dawn. They searched for food in the path which had been swept, but there was very little for them, and they were terribly cold. "Tweet, tweet, " said one to another; they call this a new year, but I think it is worse than the last. We might just as well have kept the old year; I'm quite unhappy, and I have a right to be so. " "Yes, you have; and yet the people ran about and fired off guns, to usher in the new year, " said a little shivering sparrow. "They threw things against the doors, and were quite beside themselves with joy, because the old year had disappeared. I was glad too, for I expected we should have some warm days, but my hopes have come to nothing. It freezes harder than ever; I think mankind have made a mistake in reckoning time. " "That they have, " said a third, an old sparrow with a white poll; "they have something they call a calendar; it's an invention of their own, and everything must be arranged according to it, but it won't do. When spring comes, then the year begins. It is the voice of nature, and I reckon by that. " "But when will spring come? " asked the others. "It will come when the stork returns, but he is very uncertain, and here in the town no one knows anything about it. In the country they have more knowledge; shall we fly away there and wait? we shall be nearer to spring then, certainly. " "That may be all very well, " said another sparrow, who had been hopping about for a long


幼儿园大班故事《新年礼物》 活动目标: 1.理解故事内容,了解小老鼠和大老虎彼此由潜在矛盾、爆发矛 盾到友好相处的全过程。 2.能仔细观察画面,大胆推测故事情节的发展,初步体验角色的 心理变化过程。 3.懂得朋友之间应该真诚相处,平等相待。 活动准备: PPT《大老虎和小老鼠》、幼儿人手一本小书。 一、出示角色(ppt2),引发认知兴趣。 1.今天,老师请来了两位客人,看看是谁呢? 2.你觉得这是一只怎样的老鼠?老虎呢? 3.弱小的老鼠和强壮的老虎之间可能发生什么事情,请你来猜一猜。 今天,我们就一起来看看这个关于老鼠和老虎的故事,名字就叫《小老鼠和大老虎》。 二、倾听、观察、讲述故事第一段,体验角色的心理。 1.教师讲述ppt3、4: (我是一只小老鼠……我不过是一只很小的小老鼠。)2.分析ppt5: 小老鼠和大老虎还经常在一起玩游戏。看看他们玩的是什么游戏?大老虎当什么?小老鼠当什么?你从哪里看出来的?每次都当坏人, 小老鼠心里会怎么想呢?

3. 分析ppt6:(摘花)小老鼠和大老虎一起去散步,大老虎看到山谷里的小花,他是怎么做的?大老虎会对小老鼠说什么?他会用怎样的语气来说?如果别人用命令的语气对你说话,你心里会有怎样的感觉? 小老鼠不开心的时候总要说一句什么话?一起来学一学。 三、讲述故事第二段,引发幼儿讨论,迁移经验。 师:虽然两个朋友之间有点小问题,但它们还是很好的朋友,不过有一天发生了一件事情,小问题变成了大问题,一起来看一看。(出示ppt7)1.发生了什么事情? (鼓励幼儿看着画面说一说)2.大老虎把小老鼠精心搭的城堡踢飞了,小老鼠的心情怎么样?猜猜它会怎么做? 3.看看小老鼠是怎么做的?它会对大老虎说什么? (出示ppt8) (学学小老鼠勇敢反抗的话)四、讲述故事第三段,让幼儿体验角色的心理转换。 1.小老鼠生气地走了,不再理大老虎了。如果大老虎想和小老鼠重新成为朋友,你觉得大老虎应该怎么做?(幼儿猜测)2.看看大老虎是怎么做的。请小朋友轻轻地拿出椅子底下的小书,看看大老虎是怎么做的,然后讲给旁边的小朋友听,好吗? 3.是不是这样呢,我们一起来听一听。(教师讲述ppt9— 13)4.两个好朋友终于和好了,那好朋友之间到底应该怎么相处呢? 小结:原来好朋友在一起是相互平等的,不能以大欺小,以强欺弱,朋友之间只有真诚相处,平等对待,这样才是真正的朋友。 五、活动延伸: 小老鼠和大老虎的问题终于解决了,不过又出现了新的问题,是什么呢? (出示ppt14犀牛),天哪!又来了一个更高更壮的家伙,他
