


1.The rainforest in Brazil ___________ the binggest on remaining in the world.

2.they __________ all the old buildings to make way for the road.

3.the sent several policemen to _________the meeting room

4.The government has tried dorens of approaches to prevent the old city from_________

5.Through science we’ve got the idea of_____________ progress with research

6.This king of cooking is__________to southwest China

7.Walkays, flowerbeds and grassland ____________ in the neighbourhood.

8.He___________ as the highest authority on Enhlish literature there

9.In the 18th century many writers_________ the lauguager of Shakespeare

10.Can you________ how she felt when she knew she had failed

1.Our country has grown richer because of growing (commercial)___________ with other


2.Among those(presence)________at the meeting were some foreign experts

3.It is really surprising that his (imitate)_________ of that singer could be almost pergect

4.In most Middle East countries,politics has close(associate)_________with religion

5.Though only a college student then,Nicholson was filled with the (ambitious)________to

because famous one day

6.He was absorbed in the (glory)_______memories of his championship-winning days

7.My father wanted me to because a(profession)_________ doctor,but he felt disappointed in

the end

8.People agreed that Kublai was one of the most outstanding(empire)_______in ancient China

9.Long before I whent there,Africa was alive in my(imagine)___________

10.During our visit to the US, we had a(wonder)_________ time in the Disney World


1.Many people there were ________to treatment for the still unknown disease

2.The universe seems_________

3.He has__________breaking the window

4.Such an unkind__________was not called for

5.The_________for independence was not called for

6.The government___________ to pressure and dropped the proposal

7.It’s bound to___________ trouble sonner or later

8.There are__________ colors to choose from

9.There are _________colors to choose from

10.The fruit should be carefully _________ in the refrigerator

1It’s family(traditional)__________ to get together and have a grand meal on the NewYear’sEve

2.Sticking to the time(allot)___________is crucial to the success of this project

3. A textile(trade)_________lost 1000 dollars after theieves broke into his shop last night

4.It’s such a(delight)___________ surprise to see you here!

5.some scientists are trying to help these sportsmen reach(excellent)_________in a match

6.More and more factories are closed for lack of(powerful)___________

7.She is going to (seeker)_________jobs after graduation next month

8.After such a long wait ,it’s still difficult to say who will(ultimate)__________with the game

9.When the crisis was finally over,the couple lived in perfect(united)___________ever after

10.Our management costs may(various) _________with the economic situation in general


1.The__________ is being held in the police headquarters for questioning

2.I am writing _____________my mother to express thanks for your gift

3.The story________ her sympathy

4.He ____________his lessins about France with photographs of the people who live there

5.I _____________get out of bed on cold mornings

6.This button has just__________

7.He asked for a/an __________ with the president

8.Exceptions cannot be made for ____________

9.There has been some delay in the ___________of my father’s will

10.The accident was a terrible____________.They all died

1.I couldn’t understand her apparent(uneasy)_____________

2.A(brutality)____________person is one who is cruel or savage

3.The pipeline(onvery)_________natural gas to the Midwest

4.The child fell down and started(scream)___________

5.The (crew)__________are paid to do all the work on the ship

6.That old film(evoke)__________memories of the years of the war

7.We use a(global)__________in our geography lessons

8.His voice shook with(emotional)____________

9.I’ve(reinforce)____________the elbows of that jacket with leather patches

10.The workmen are busy(wire)___________the new school


1.He had never ____________the art of public speaking

2.There are bright _____________for me if I accept the position

3.Several minutes passed before I was __________of what was happening

4.She was__________to have her name printed on the list

5.Did I tell you my idea of challenging John to__________our different policies with me in



7.She invented a____________that can automatically close a window when it rains

8.The citizens are___________from the project

9.I made my brother my____________while I was away from the city

10.Social changes in the early 20th century__________many good writers and poets in pur


1.The travelers(undergo)___________many difficulties on their trip to the Middle East last year

2.He might have seen the surprise on my(facial)___________

3.Her face was badly burned and she had to have skin(transplant)_____________

4.She made a(donate)__________of $10000 to the Children’s Hospital

5.The teacher’s smile(implication)____________that she had forgiven me

6.He(overcome)____________his fear of height

7.Deaths in police custody acused pulic(disquiet)____________

8.Desths in police custody caused pulic(disquiet)____________

9.I can’t understand the mans’(psychological)_____________

10.The(recipient)____________of the prizes had their names printed in the paper


英文商标名称地翻译与策略 1.前言 商标是商品地标志,是商品经济发展地产物,是商品生产者或经营者为使自己生产销售地商品区别于其他商品而使用地一种显著标志.它是商品显著特征地浓缩,是商品文化地核心部分.在国际市场上,商标常被企业家和消费者视为简化了地企业名称.商标一出现就成为企业地象征,是生产者和消费者直接对话地桥梁,是企业参与国际竞争地有力武器.中国地对外开放正在进一步深化,随之而来地国外企业在华地经济活动也在增加.这极大地丰富着中国人民地经济生活,并因此而衍生出了诸多对于国人而言全新地经济及商业活动.大量地国产商品正在出口到世界各地,而国外地商品也已蜂拥至国内市场.合法地商品都有一个自己地商标.因此,随着中外产品地交流,商品商标地翻译问题不可避免地出现了. 2.英文商标翻译地策略 2.1.音译 商标翻译过程中,音译是一种不可忽视地手段,具有极强地普遍性.音译是指在不背离“汉语语言规范和不引起错误联想或误解地条件下,按照原商标名称地发音,找到与之语音相近地汉语字词进行翻译.其优点是简单易行,译文有异国情调,可使产品具有一定吸引力.音译又分为:纯音译﹑谐音译和省音译. 2.1.1. 纯音译 纯音译即根据英文地读音逐字地用相近发音地汉字进行匹配地翻译.主要适用于专有名词,如:人名商标和地名商标.这种翻译法是商标在译为中文

时,因无法找到相应地汉语表达而不得不采用地翻译方法.人名商标 有些商标是姓氏构成地,如:Hoover(胡佛)真空吸尘器,是源于生产商William Henry Hoover地姓氏;Rael-Brook(雷尔-布鲁克)男装,是源于公司创始人H.Rael-Brook地姓氏.有些商标是人地全名,如:Walt Disney(沃尔特·迪斯尼)制片公司,是根据公司创始人Walt Disney地姓名而定;Pierre Cardin(皮尔·卡丹)时装,是根据该时装地制造者Pierre Cardin地姓名而定;“benz”品牌最早含义是卡尔本茨地姓,根据译音,在中国翻译成“奔驰”.地名商标 Santana(桑塔纳)轿车,San Tana原是美国加利福尼亚洲一座山谷地名称;Nokia(诺基亚)手机是根据芬兰北部一座名为Nokia地小镇命名地. 2.1.2谐音译 这种译法是以音为引子,经常是在纯音译地基础上改动个别字眼,这些字眼与原商标读音谐音,改动后地音译商标又结合产品特征.例如:为纪念航空公司创始人Willian Edward Boeing 人们以其姓氏确定地商标Boeing,译作“博音”,但作为商标,译者改用谐音“波音”,这就可以使人们对这类超音速飞机产生无尽地遐想. 2.1.3省音译 省音译是根据中国人地审美习惯,双音节和三音节地商标更能令人过目不忘,有些英文商标单词较长音节较多,如果逐字翻译,读起来拗口且不便记忆,可采用省音译来简化. 2.2意译


高二上学期英语期初考试试卷 一、阅读理解 1. 阅读理解 What makes a building ugly? Everyone’s got their own opinion, so it’s hard to say. Now, let’s take a look at some of the world’s worst buildings. The Torre Velasca The Tone Velasca in Milan is in the centre of Milan . The tower, which went up in the 1950s, is about 100 metres tall. Its design is actually a modern representation of a traditional Lombard castle, where the lower parts were narrower was created by Dutch studio MVRDV and the Spanish architect Blanca Lleo. The building, which is a block of flats, opened in 2005. There is a large rectangular . It stands 216 metres high and looks a bit like a tall, thin space ship. Prague is famous for its architectural beauty,so when the tower was put up in 1985 by architect Vaclav Aulicky and engineer Jiri Kozak, many felt it didn’t fit in. The Longaberger Basket Company The Longaberger Basket Company building is in Newark, Ohio . The office block was opened in 1997 and looks like a very large basket. It,s got seven floors and two handles at the top. The handles weigh about 150 tons. It may not be the ugliest building in the world but it’s certainly one of the most unusual.


英汉商标名称翻译 摘要:商标名称的英汉翻译是当今翻译界最为关注的话题之一。随着经济全球化得发展,各国已不再是独立经营,独立生产,商品销往国外进行优势互补称谓大势所趋。因此在商品名称翻译就成了最重要的部分。商标名称的翻译既要符合输出语的原语特色,又要满足输入语的语言风格。影响商标名称翻译的因素及翻译的方法显得尤为重要。 关键词:商标,英汉翻译,影响因素及方法。 近十几年来,世界经济一直处于变革的边缘阶段。变化了的经济形势产生了新的经济理论以及新的经济遵循理念。在新的经济理念的前提下,各国政府对根据自己的世界经济状况对当地经济进行了调整。这些调整时包括多方面的,例如:货币兑换,商品价格,以及商品进出口等等。经济危机又一次将全世界的货币贬值,面对经济形势,美国强列要求中国将货币增值。面对严峻的国内外的压力,中国政府以及中国各大企业应该怎样保护自身利益不受损坏呢?那么企业又该如何让自己在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地呢?一个有价值的品牌是一个必不可少的因素。因此品牌名称和商标的翻译就显得尤为重要。商标对于商品来说就像脸面与人的关系。商标名称的好坏直接影响着消费者对商品的购买情况。商标的价值也被看做是一种附加价值,就是指超越商品本身所提供的基本价值。换句话说,商标的价值大部分在于它给消费者提供的诚信价值,名称意识价值,超高的质量价值,强强商标联合价值,以及其他如:专利等价值。好的商标名称不仅能够让产品经久不衰,更能为商家赢得丰厚利润。不言而喻,盈利才是商家最终目标。而商标名称则是让商家达到盈利目的的首要环节。 商标就是产品的门面。在商标的英汉翻译过程中,有一些因素都在被潜移默化的遵循着。例如文化,风俗,语言、意识形态、政府规定等等。接下来我们就来了解一下


英语蒙题技巧 口诀 1、三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选b,参差不齐c无敌。 2、以蒙为主,以抄为辅,蒙抄结合,保证及格。 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 由于我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,可以轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 方法 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: a.study b.tostudy c.learning d.toread 可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的tostudy的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项: b.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。 d.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就可以看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。

三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择b、c选项的占绝大多数。所以遇到不会的题,就往b、c上靠,几率会大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会,那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉大多数时,选项会和以下相同 英语考试蒙题技巧听语音 如果答案跟顺序有关联,就选这个。比如,第2个答案是bachelor,因为b是字母顺序里的第2个,所以就选这个。同理,第4个答案是department,就选这个。命中率还是比较高的。当然要在排除了其他你认为不可能的答案之后再这样选。 还有一种方法是全都选a,或者b等等。这是在你对所有问题都不懂的情况下才这样。还有就是,如果你发现已经有连续4道题都选a了,那你就考虑一下里面很可能有一个选错了,而这很可能是你最拿不准的那个。 答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。 这些语气词有:must,always,never,themost,all,only,haveto,any,no,verycompletely,hardly等。 选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。 这些语气词有:can,could,may,should,usually,might,most,moreorless,relatively,belikelyto,possible,whetheror,notnecessarily等。 选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项 选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。 选项中较符合常识的,易明白的一般不是选项;而似乎不太合理,一时较难理解的往往是正确选项。


标志词巧解语法和改错 标志词 1. 逗号 在语法填空中,逗号隔开一个词;如果有提示词 , 提示词是 adj ,则填这个词的副词形式,大多加 ly ;如果提示词是 v, 则填写它的非谓语形式。 如果无提示词,则优先考虑 however ,therefore, 其次考虑 moreover ,otherwise 。 例: Luckily (luck), he escaped from the fire. Unfortunately (unfortunate) , he fell off the bike. He earned a lot of money , however, he was addicted in the drug. 标志词 2. one of one of 之后若有形容词,一定要用最高级形式;若之后出现名词,则用复数形式;若既有名词又有形容词,则先填最高级,再填复数名词,最高级之前要加 the 例: The house is one of the cheapest (cheap) houses in the area. 标志词 3. when 与 while( 时间状语从句) when 之后一般要用过去式, while 之后一般要用过去进行时。 例: When I got home, my mother was cooking dinner. While my mother was cooking dinner, I entered the kitchen. 标志词 4. by 语法填空里,空格之后有“by” ” ,则空格里考虑填“be + 动词的过去分词”, 但是如果前面已经有了谓语动词,则空格里直接用“ 过去


高一年级英语试卷 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。 选择题部分(共90分) 听力部分(满分30分)

第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分60分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题; 每小题0.5分,满分10分) 1. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __first impression. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 2. Nowadays everyone is responsible for _____ a harmonious society in China. A. making up B. taking up C. opening up D. building up 3. As is known to us all, success usually______ diligence while laziness can failure. A.results from; lie in B.results in; lead to C.results in; lie in D.results from; lead to 4. —What do you think of the book? —Oh, excellent. It's worth______ a second time. A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read 5. ______to the station on time made everyone worried last week. A.Him not getting B.Not his getting C.His not getting D.Not getting 6. —Can you give some explanation about the accident caused by the sons of the rich yesterday? — . A.No comment B.No doubt C.No problem D.No wonder 7. I agree to his suggestion ______the condition that he drops all charges. A. by B. in C. on D. to 8. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _____the traditional customs. A.perform B.possess C.observe D.support 9. They asked me so many _____ questions that I got _______ at last. A. confusing, confusing B. confused, confusing C. confused, confused D. confusing, confused 10. Some equipment as well as a number of maps and books to the area since the earthquake occurred. A.has been offered B.have been offered C.is being offered D.is offered 11. for an hour every day is good for your health. A. Breaking out B. Working out C. Sorting out D. Watching out


一般现在时标志词: every day, evry Sunday, often, always, usually, sometimes , on Sundays, on weekdays等等。 一般过去时标志词: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/night/month..., in 1989, just now, at the age of , one day, ago, long ago, once upon a time,(从前,很久 以前)then(那时), on that day(在那天), 一般将来时标志词: soon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow(后天),this evening/afternoon/year before long(不久以后),next year/month/week/summer,in the future, some day(将来的 某一天) ,in two weeks/days/years 现在进行时标志词: now. Look. Listen. these days ,at that time. at that moment. this time ,yesterday evening 过去进行时标志词: at that time. at that moment. this time yesterday evening等;或者与when, while, as引导 的过去时间状语连用。 现在完成时标志词: already(用于肯定句), yet(用于否定,疑问句), just, before, recently, still, lately, never, ever, never, twice, on several occasion, in the past few days/weeks/months/years, (up to)these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/month/year, just, up to present, so far, up to now, till now, since+时间 过去完成时标志词: by, by the time (of), by the end of + 过去时间; when. before. after…….+过去时间; up till then (直到时); up until last night(直 到昨晚)等; already, just, ever, yet 等。 过去将来时标志词: the following month (week…), the next time/ Friday/ term/ month


英语蒙题技巧 先来口诀:1三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选B,参差不齐C无敌。2 以蒙为主以抄为辅 蒙抄结合保证及格 正文: 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 因为我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,能够轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 这个蒙,总共有三点技巧。 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read 能够看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项: B.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。

D.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就能够看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很 多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。 三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上 你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择B、 C选项的占绝绝大部分。所以遇到不会的题,就往B、C上靠,几率会 大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会, 那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉绝大部分时,选项会和以下相同,大家看一看: A: AAABC AACBB AABBC ABAAC ABACA ABDDC ACABC ACBBC ACABD ADACC ADCAA ADBAD B: BACBB BACCA BABDC BBBCC BBACA BBABC(有时也会是BBBBD BBBBB) BCBBA BCABC BCDAA BDACC BDDAC BDCAD C: CABBC CABCD CACBD CBACB CBAAC CBBBC CCABC CCBAD CCDBC


月考试卷 高二英语 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项: 1. 考生务必将答案答在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。 2. 答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3. 答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答, 将选中项涂满涂黑, 黑度以盖住框内字母为准, 修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答, 未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the conversation take place? A.In a restaurant. B. In a classroom. C. In a hospital. 2. When will the man be able to visit Mr. Black? A. On November 1st. B.On November 3rd. C. On November 2nd. 3. What do we know from the man's answer? A.He likes both the two shirts. B. Brown is his favorite color. C. He doesn't like either. 4. What does the man plan to do this afternoon? A. Go to buy a pair of glasses. B. Go to his classes. C.Go to a movie. 5. What can we learn about Tom? A.He has no idea where to see a doctor. B. He has been participating running for quite a long time. C. He has got a fever. (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答6至8题. Why Frank and Peter want to cycle to work? A. It's convenient. B.It's environmental. C. It's cheap. How much is the Anderson bicycle? A.£80. B. £65. C. £145. Which bicycle does the man prefer probably? A. The Anderson one. B. The cheaper one. C. The Curzon one. 请听第7段材料,回答9至11题。 What is the man doing? A. Hanging out. B.Working in the office. C. Repairing his car. What is the woman going to do? A.Go shopping. B. Attend classes. C. Have lunch. 11. How long does the woman study at the college except lunch time everyday? A. 5 hours. B.7 hours. C. 6 hours. 请听第8段材料,回答12至14题。 12. Why did Polly get a bad sleep last night? A. Her neighbors made much noise. B. She had a bad stomachache. C.She had a bad headache. 13. Who practiced the piano last night? A. The teenager upstairs. B. The girl in Apartment 3. C. The man in Apartment 2 14. What will the woman probably do tonight? A. Take some medicine. B. Listen to some music. C. Talk with her neighbors. 请听第9段材料,回答15至17题。 15. Where does the conversation take place? A. On the phone. B.At an insurance company. C.At the woman's house. 16. Which window was broken? A.The window in the living room B.The window in the kitchen. C.The window in the bedroom. 17. Why does the man talk to the woman? A. To make a damage report. B. To help her rebuild the house. C. To show honesty in his business. 听第10段材料,回答18至20题。 18. What is the main topic of the talk? A.The structure of sea coral. B. How to maintain healthy bones C. Substances used in bone repair. 19. What's the disadvantage of transplanting bone from donors? A. The patient might reject the bone. B.It is too expensive. C. There are not enough donors. 20. Why coral works well as a replacement for bone? A.Because it has holes into which new bone material can grow. B.Because its composition(构成;合成物)is similar to that of bone. C.Because it is not as fragile(脆的;易碎的) as bone 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项. A On a Sunday morning, I was driving down a road and saw something I couldn't believe. A little girl, less than two, was pushing her stroller (婴儿车) across the road. It was Sunday morning and traffic was not heavy. I stopped my car at once and ran toward her. This little girl knew enough to run from a stranger. I tried to catch her in order that I could get her out of the road. Suddenly her father came running down a hill across the road from where I had parked my car. He ran right to her and caught her up, saying "bad girl "to her. I picked up the stroller and gave it to him. The father grabbed the stroller and walked toward where he came from without a word. I went back and sat in my car for a few minutes with my son. My hands were shaking and tears were about to run out of my eyes. "Do you feel cold, Mom? "asked my son. I just shook my head. After this happened, I thought about how thankful I am. Even though the father didn't say thank you, I feel that I did something good. Doing something for someone else is pleasing, even when it's only a matter of being


Useful Phrases 一、商务英语常见商标翻译 ? 1. word mark 文字商标 ? 2. figurative mark 图形商标 ? 3. associated mark 组合商标 ? 4. certification mark 保证商标 ? 5. collective mark 集体商标 ? 6. well-known mark 驰名商标 ?7. famous mark 著名商标 ?8. similar mark 近似商标 ?9. defensive mark 防御商标 ?10. service mark 服务标记 ?11. certificate mark 证明商标 ?12. visual mark 视觉商标 ?13. sound mark 声音商标 ?14. taste mark 味觉商标 ?15. single color mark 单色商 ?16. registered mark 注册商标 ?17. collective marks 集体商标 ?18. collective membership mark 集体成员商标?19. collective service mark 集体服务商标 ?20. collective trademark 集体商品商标

—?二、商标法词汇 ? 1. marks consisting of multiple words 多词商标 ? 2. aesthetic functionality 美学功能 ? 3. alternative designs 可替代设计 ? 4. ancillary services 辅助性服务 ? 5. application for use of trademark基于使用商标申请注册 ? 6. asserted trademark 申请商标 ?7. assignee of registrant 注册商标受让人 ?8. commercial impression 商业印象 ?9. companion application 姊妹申请 ?10. concurrent registration 并存注册 ?11. concurrent use 并存使用 ?12. duplicate registration 注册相同商标 ?13. foreign equivalents 外语对应词 ?14. parody marks 滑稽模仿商标 ?15. pending application 未决申请 ?16. period of use 使用的期限 ?17. phonetic equivalent 同音词 ?18. reference mark 引证商标 ?19. trademark operation 商标部 ?20. trade name 字号 ?21. trade mark registration certificate商标注册证


11. Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____ but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____ are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____ writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____ once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____ car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 9. _____ We’re really luck. There are so many ways 10. ____ we can keep in touch with each other. 【答案解析】 1. all改为both。指Mary和作者两个人。 2. when改为and或while。因为两个分句没有主从关系。而是并列关系,或者有对比或对照的含义。 3. look改为see。因为此句意为“两个人不能经常见面(see)”。

英语完形填空蒙题技巧 助你得高分

英语完形填空蒙题技巧助你得高分 完形填空题在高考题中的分值是较高的,是大多数学生考试中的拦路虎。完形填空题在高考英语试题中难度最大、综合性最强,最能考查出学生的语言理解水平和对英语的驾驭能力。可以说,完形填空题解答的好坏是决定考生英语成绩高低的关键,然而学生如何才能在高考中取得高分?下面小编就给大家分享一些英语完形填空蒙题技巧,助你得高分,仅供大家参考。?英语完形填空蒙题技巧1.我们先找关键词①后面一定要接动词原形的单词有:情态动词:can,would,could,must,may,should,need(在否定句和疑问句中)。使役动词:make,let,have.助动词:do,does,don’t,doesn’t,didn’t.Why not=why don’t you.②后面一定要接v-ing的有:所有介词(to除外):about,for,in,on,by,at,with,of…etc.一些单词:find(found),practice,finish,have fun,enjoy,mind,stand,like.③一些既可接v-ing也可接to do不一式。Rember,forget,stop,注意后接to do(不定式)表示事情还没有做,接v-ing表示已经做了。④后面一定要接to do(不定式)的有:Would like to do sth,want to do sth ,plan to do sth.,decide to do sth.Can’t ?wait to do sth(迫不及待地做某事)2.第二步我们看括号内所给的词:①如果说是名词,我们可考虑单复数。这里就要记牢名词单复数的变法。②如果说是代词,就要考虑四种了,现将具体罗列如下。主格宾格形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词常放在动词的前面。作主语。常放在动词或介词的后面(也就是常说的动宾或介宾短语) This is a photo of ?mine(除外)。就是我们常说的带“的”的,常放在名词的前面。(也就是常说的名词前面用“带的”的。常作名词用③如果说是基数词,我们可考虑变成序数词(月份或冠词后面就需要变),这时要注意“基变序”的变法。另外注意如果


2021年高二年级第一次阶段性考试试卷(英语) 孙姬荷任美玲 xx年10月 17日 本试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分.考试时间120分钟. 第I卷(选择题共95分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What change will take place in this gentleman according to the woman? A.He’ll bee an Englishman. B.He’ll know London well. C.He’ll speak English as well as a native speaker. 2.Where did the woman work before? A.In a bank. B. In a lawyer’s office. C. In a department store. 3.When will Mr. John probably meet with Mr. Jane. A. At 10:00 B. At 9:00 C. At 9:15 4. Why is the woman angry at Calvin? A. He doesn’t phone ahead before visiting.


动词时态标志词 1.一般现在时 (1) always, usually, often, sometimes (2) every day, every morning, every Saturday, every time (3) in the morning, on Saturdays (4) once a week, three times a day, twice a year 2.一般过去时 (1) yesterday, the day before yesterday, yesterday morning (evening, afternoon) (2) last time, last Friday, last term, last month (3) 一段时间+ago (4) just now = a moment ago (5)in 1989 (6)at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time (7) in the past 3.现在进行时 (1)now. nowadays (2)these days at present (3)Look. Listen. 4.过去进行时 (1)at that time.at that moment.this time yesterday evening (2)以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语 5.一般将来时 (1) tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning (evening, afternoon) (2) next time, next Friday, next term, next month (3) in+一段时间 in + 一段时间 ' s + time (4) soon = right away = at once (5) by the end of + 将来时间 6.过去将来时 (1)the next time Friday term month (2)the following month (week…),


高考英语七选五蒙题技巧 2017年高考马上就要开始了,大家在复习备考过程中一定要了解高考英语七选五秒杀法,最好能在只看答案的情况下排除一些错误选项。下面小编就给大家分享一下七选五蒙题技巧,供大家参考。 ?七选五做题技巧通读全文,了解文章大意。通读答案,找出和文章相对应的关键词。根据文章整体结构、具体内容,结合关键词,将选项填入文中。 ?将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。研究多余选项,确定排除理由,最终确定答案。1. 如果问题设在段首(1)通常是段落的主题句,认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句(2)与后文是并列,转折,因果关系等。 ?着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句之间会有某种的衔接手段。(3)段落间的过渡句。 ?这时要瞻前顾后找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。2. 如果问题设在段尾(1).空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。(2.)通常是结论,概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果结论,总结等的信号词。Therefore, as a result, thus, ?hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。(3.)与前文是转折或对比关系此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立,对比关系。(4.)与前文是并列或排比关系在这种情况下,通常是该段落要
