

最新外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地 10. have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 quite a / an + adj. + n. = a very adj. + n. quite a nice boy = a very nice boy 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 Unit 2 It’s a long story. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别say hello to sb. 向某人问候 2. take care 多保重care for:喜欢care about:关心 take care = be careful 小心、注意take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人/ 保管某物 3. get on 上(车)get off 下(车) 4. Be afraid +that从句恐怕 be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. take one’s seat就坐;坐某人的座位 5. have /get sth. ready: 把某物准备好Please have your tickets ready.请把票准备好。 6. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at sth. 看一看某物 7. I see the problem. 我发现问题了。I see. 我明白了。 8. How stupid of me.!我真笨!= How stupid I am! How + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人因做了某事而显得怎样 How careless of you to make this mistake. 9. wait a moment 等一会儿for a moment 一会儿at that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后 10. 1). That’s very good of you. 你真好。 It’s / That’s + 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless等。It’s kind of you to help me with the work.


九下英语单词汉语练习 M1 血,血液n. 航班,飞行n. M5 因为,由于赶上 径直地,直接地adv. 协议,协定n. 飞行员n. 失明的,瞎的adj. 成功,做成v. 哎呦int. 只要取消,决定终止 【英】毕业生n. 多亏,归功于 确切地,完全adv. 医疗保健 多保重预料,估计v. 先生,长官n. 需要v. 军官,官员,警察n. 身体的,体力的adj. 笨的,糊涂的adj. 力气,精力n. 脱去偶尔,有时,间或 短上衣,夹克n. 损害,伤害v. M2 M6 我们的pron. 邀请,请柬n. 领带n. 日历,历书n. 一排,一行,一列n. 气球n. 水池,游泳池n. 绘画v. 及格,通过v. 使变热,给…加热v. 中等的,次要的,间接的adj. 使变热,给…加热 中学餐刀,刀具n. Pl(复数) 缺席的,不在的adj. 餐叉n. 钟,铃n. 匙,勺子n. M3 干酪汉堡包n, 富有的,富裕的adj. 意大利的adj. 意大利语n. 担心,害怕n. 西方人n. 过去aux. 西方n. 财富,财产n. 端上,服饰….进餐v. 相似的adj. 使加倍,把……增加一倍v. 双的,两个adj. 很少地,不常adv. 翅膀,翼n. 空余的,备用的adj. 女士,夫人,小姐n. 业余时间,闲暇先生,男士n. 大点声说随便做吧,请自便 聋的adj. 生气的adj. 微小的,极小的adj. M7

用电的,电动的adj. 成功,实现v. 电灯n. 包括,包含prep. 蜡烛n. 说某种语言的人n. 邮递员n. 老板,上司n. 寒冷,冷空气n. 秘书n. 高温,热度n. 四分之一n. 专职的,全日制的adj. 制造业,工业n. 作用,职责,角色n. 零n. 教育,学业n. 印度人n. 印度的adj. 运输业,交通n. 种,类,类型n. M4 M8 动身,出发小提包n. 短袜n. 节拍,拍子n. 每当,无论什么时候conj. 对不起,请原谅int. 合适的,恰当的adj. 计划,打算v. 边,边缘n. 取来,拿来v. 你自己pron. 薄烤饼,薄煎饼n. 离开玫瑰,蔷薇n. 挨饿,饿死v. 嘲笑,对…一笑置之 尝试,努力n. 善举,好意n. 一口气,一下子放弃 岩,岩石n. 尽某人最大的努力 攀岩失望的,沮丧的adj. 石头n. 床边,床头n. 相当,还算adv. 短笺,便条n. 无困难的,顺利的,光滑的,平坦的adj. …的人,那个人,那些人pron. 直的,笔直的adj. 帐篷n. 变成,进入v. 入睡,睡着 悬挂,吊v. 枪n. 软的,柔软的adj. 静止的,不动的adj. 树林,林地n.


外研版七年级下册知识点整理 目录和语法相关: Module 1 Travel 名词、冠词、数词 Module 2 Education 代词、介词与介词短语 Module 3 Now and then 形容词与副词 Module 4 Rules and suggestions 情态动词 Module 5 Look after yourself时态 Module 6 Eating together被动语态 Module 7 English for you and me状语从句与不定式 Module 8 My future life 宾语从句和定语从句 Module 1 Travel 单词: flight /fla?t/ n.航班;飞行 because of 因为;由于 direct /d??rekt/ adv.径直地;直接地 pilot /?pa?l?t/ n.飞行员 succeed /s?k?si:d/ v.成功;做成 as long as 只要 school-leaver /sku:l 'li:v?/ n. /英/毕业生 exactly /?g?z?ktli/ adv.确切地;完全;/口/(表示赞同)确切如此 take care (告别用语)多保重 sir /s?:/ n.先生;长官 officer /??f?s?/ n.军官;官员;警察 stupid /?stju:p?d/ adj.笨的;糊涂的 take off 脱去 jacket /?d??k?t/ n.短上衣;夹克 重点短语: 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 19. It’s a long story. 说来话长。(口语) 20. 1) offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 2) provide sb. With sb. = provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人


目录 Module 1 (2) Unit 1 (2) Unit 2 (4) 单元测试 (6) Module 2 (8) Unit 1 (8) Unit 2 (10) 单元测试 (13) Module 3 (14) Unit 1 (14) Unit 2 (15) 单元测试 (20) Module 4 (22) Unit 1 (22) Unit 2 (25) 单元测试 (28) Module 5 (30) Unit 1 (30) Unit 2 (31) 单元测试 (36) Module 6 (37) Unit 1 (37) Unit 2 (38) 单元测试 (41) Module 7 (43) Unit 1 (43) Unit 2 (44) 单元测试 (47) Module 8 (48) Unit 1 (48) Unit 2 (51) 单元测试 (53) Module 9 (55) Unit 1 (55) Unit 2 (57) 单元测试 (63) Module 10 (65) Unit 1 (65) Unit 2 (66) 单元测试 (68) 期中试题 (70) 期末试题 (71) 参考答案 (72)

Module 1 单元目标 1.理解名词、冠词、数词的用法 2.熟记课本中的单词和词组 3.以“话题”的形式对本单元的词汇进行记忆。 Unit 1 要点精讲 1.The train was full of people and I had to stand for over six hours. 火车装满了人,我不得不在火车上站了6个多小时。 (1)be full of装满,充满,相当于be filled with ①The box is full of books. =The box is filled with books. 盒子里装满了书。 ②The shop is full of people on Sundays. 每到星期天商店里就挤满了人. ③My life is filled with pleasure. 我的生活充满了乐趣。 (2)have to和must的区别和用法 ①两词都是'必须'的意思,have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。 My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night.我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事) (2)have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。 He had to look after his sister yesterday. ③在否定结构中:don't have to表示“不必”;mustn't表示“禁止”。 You don't have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。 You mustn't tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 2.We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. 我们坐汽车或出租车去观光。 by+交通工具,表示“乘……,坐……”(注意介词后不能加a/an ) by bus/ car/ train/ plane/ ship/ subway 坐公共汽车/小汽车/火车/飞机/轮船/地铁 3.We’ve got exams at the end of the term. 我们在学期末进行了测试。 at the end of在……末尾,到……尽头 At the end of the road, You can see a shop. 到路的尽头,你能看到一个商店。 by the end of到……为止 We have learnt 300 words by the end of this term. 到这学期为止,我们已经学了300个单词。 in the end最后(注意不能与of连用) In the end, he passed the exam. 最后,他通过了考试。 4.There are plenty of fun things to do this term… 这学期有大量有趣的事情可做…… plenty of许多的,大量的,可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,通常出现在肯定句中。


英语人教版九年级全册教学课件. Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section B 1 (1a-2e) 一、教学目标:语言知识目标:1.

fool, costume, embarrassed, costume party, announce, 1) 能 掌握以下单词:spaghetti, hoax, sell out, discovery, lady, cancel, officer, believable, disappear, embarrassing 2) 能掌握以下重难点句子: 3) 提高学生的听力技能。培养学生从所听到的 对话中获取信息的能力。 4)培养学生的阅读能力,理解关键词和短语的能力。情感态度价值观目标:2. 1)了解部分西方节日的文化常识。 2)了解不及时做某事而造成的危害,培 养学生养成良好的行为习惯。二、教学重难点教学重点:根据所学词组写一篇 短文。1. 教学难点2. 三、教学过程Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Daily greeting. 2. Exercise 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余) A. Why were you late? B. My bike broke down halfway. C. I usually get to school on time. D. Have you ever been late for school? stay up so late at night. E. He said I shouldn'tF. I rushed to the bus shop without breakfast. G. By I got to the school, the class had been on 15 minutes. A: Can I ask you some questions, Lisa? B: Sure. A: (1) _________ B: Yes, I have. But only once last term. A: (2) _________ B: I stayed up watching the football match the evening before, so I overslept the next morning.


外研版九年级下册英语单词表 Module 1 airplane n.飞机 coach n.长途公共汽车,客车 departure n.出发;起程;航班;车次 lounge n.(机场等的)等待室 departure lounge (机场的)候机厅 transport n.交通方式;交通 set off 动身,出发 nod v.点(头)(表示赞成) tearn. 眼泪;泪珠 towards prep.往;向;朝...的方向 cigarette n.香烟 虽然;只管though conj. 下get off (火车,公共汽车) 步; step n.步调 Module 2 地理学geography n. 身体的physical a.; 体力的 体育PE n. ;体育课 非常;很;实在;确实really ad. 二者都不 a.(二者)neither pron.均无的 中学secondary school 在场的; present a.出席的 不在的absent a.,缺席的 演讲speech n.;演讲 生物学 biology n.安全safety n. 毒品fortunately n. 西班牙的;西班牙语的 n.西班牙语Spanish a. 法国的;法语的 n.法语French a. 牵扯;牵连;影响involve vt. 训练training n. 田径运动 athletics n. 社团;协会 society n.迪斯科舞厅;迪斯科舞会 disco n.要不...要不...;不是...而是... either...or... Module 3 辩论 debate n.病;疾病 illness n.防止;预防prevent vt. 医学medicine n.


九年级外研版下册英语课文原文 Module 1 Unit 1 Listen and read. Lingling:Welcome back, everyone! Betty:Hi Lingling! How was your holiday? Lingling:Not bad! I went to Henan Province. But the trip back was very long. The train was full of people, and I had to stand for over six hours. Betty:Bad luck. Where's Tony? Daming:He's staying with his family in the UK, and flying back tomorrow. The flights were late today. Betty:Why is travel so difficult in winter? Lingling:Well, it's the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival. Where did you go, Daming? Daming:We flew to Hong Kong—and the flight was late! But we took the boat to Landau Island and went to Disneyland. Lingling:How about you, Betty? Betty:We had quite a good time in Beijing. We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. And last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk. Daming:And now, better get back to work ... We've got exams at the end of the term. Betty:Yes, but there are plenty of fun things to do this term ... the school trip ... Lingling:... and the school leavers' party ... Daming:... the visit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing ... Lingling:And our trip to Los Angeles! We'll have a great time!


九年级下册知识点总结 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 Unit 2 It’s a long story. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别say hello to sb. 向某人问候 2. take care 多保重care for:喜欢care about:关心 take care = be careful 小心、注意take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人/ 保管某物 3. get on 上(车)get off 下(车) 4. Be afraid +that从句恐怕be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. take one’s seat 就坐;坐某人的座位 have /get sth. ready: 把某物准备好Please have your tickets ready.请把票准备好。 6. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at sth. 看一看某物 7. I see the problem. 我发现问题了。I see. 我明白了。 8. How stupid of me.!我真笨!= How stupid I am! How + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人因做了某事而显得怎样 How careless of you to make this mistake. 9. wait a moment 等一会儿for a moment 一会儿at that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后 10. 1). That’s very good of you. 你真好。 It’s / That’s + 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless等。


Module 1 Unit One The flight was late. Lingling: Welcome back, everyone! Betty: Hi Lingling! How was your holiday? Lingling: Not bad! I went to Henan Province. But the trip back was very long. The train was full of people, and I had to stand for over six hours. Betty: Bad luck. Where's Tony? Daming: He's staying with his family in the UK, and flying back tomorrow. The flights were late today. Betty: Why is travel so difficult in winter? Lingling: Well, it's the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival. Where did you go, Daming? Daming: We flew to Hong Kong—and the flight was late! But we took the boat to Landau Island and went to Disneyland. Lingling: How about you, Betty? Betty: We had quite a good time in Beijing. We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. And last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long walk. Daming: And now, better get back to work ... We've got exams at the end of the term. Betty: Yes, but there are plenty of fun things to do this term ... the school trip ... Lingling: ... and the school leavers' party ... Daming: ... the visit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing ... Lingling: And our trip to Los Angeles! We'll have a great time! Unit Two Excuse Me. You're Sitting in My Seat! The train to Beijing! Lin often dreamed about the train, and about going to the capital. Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. He looked at his brother. "Don't forget where you come from, little brother," Jin said. "And watch your bags carefully." Lin nodded, unable to speak. This was his first long trip by train at the start of his new life, leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years. He held Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away. "Go, brother. Write to us as soon as you get there, OK?" Lin jumped onto the train. There were people and bags everywhere. He pushed past them towards his seat. A young man was sitting in Lin's seat. He was wearing jeans and a very smart jacket, and was smoking a cigarette. What should he do? Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window. "Sir, you're sitting in my seat," Lin said, with a nervous smile. The other people watched with interest. The man didn't turn to look at Lin, but just looked out of the window. "Excuse me. I have a ticket with the number of the seat you're sitting in!" Lin said in a stronger voice. "I also have a ticket with that number—though it is in another car. Besides, I was here first," said the man, without moving his head. Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong. Lin looked at the other passengers for help. "But ... " he started to say. "But what?" The man turned and looked at Lin. "I'm not moving." Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. "This young man has the right ticket for that seat. You should move." Lin felt brave. "See? Please move. I've got a long way to go." "How long?" the young man asked. "To the last stop, Beijing." "I'm getting off before you. Then you can have my seat. "


外研社九年级英语下册单词表 Module 1 flight [fla?t] n. 航班;飞行 because of 因为;由于 direct [d??rekt] adv. 径直地;直接地 pilot [?pa?l?t] n. 飞行员 succeed[s?k?si:d] v. 成功;做成 as long as 只要 school-leaver[sku:l 'li:v?] n. [英]毕业生 exactly[?g?z?ktli]adv. 确切地;完全;[口](表示赞同)确切如此 take care (告别用语)多保重 sir[s?:] n. 先生;长官 officer[??f?s?] n. 军官;官员;警察 stupid[?stju:p?d] adj.笨的;糊涂的 take off 脱去 jacket[?d??k?t] n. 短上衣 Module 2 ours[?a??z] pron. 我们的 tie[ta?] n. 领带 row[r??] n. 一排;一行;一列 pool[pu:l] n. 水池;游泳池 pass[pɑ:s] v. 及格;通过(考试或检查) secondary[?sek?ndri] adj. (教育)中等的;次要的;间接的 secondary school 中学 absent [??bs?nt] adj. 缺席的;不在的 bell[bel] n. 钟;铃 Module 3 wealthy[?welθi]adj.富有的;富裕的 fear[f??] n. 担心;害怕 used to v. & aux. (用于表示过去真实或经常性的行为,特别强调现在不那样了)过去wealth[welθ] n.财富;财产 double[?d?bl] v. 使加倍;把……增加一倍;adj. (成)双的;两个…… seldom[?seld?m] adv. 很少地;不常 spare[spe?] adj.空余的;备用的 spare time 业余时间;闲暇 speak up 大声说 deaf[def] adj. 聋的 tiny[?ta?ni] adj. 微小的;极小的 electric[??lektr?k] adj.用电的;电动的 light[la?t] n.电灯


最新外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结 Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi、 1、welcome back 欢迎回来 2、 not bad 还不错 3、 be full of 充满 =be filled with 4、 over = more、 than 超过、多于 5、 because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词 because +句子 6、 fly back to +地名飞回某地 7、 a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8、 fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港 9、 succeed in doing sth、成功做某事 10、 take a boat to sp、 = go to sp、 by boat 坐船去某地 10、 have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 quite a / an + adj、 + n、 = a very adj、 + n、 quite a nice boy = a very nice boy1 1、tour the city v、 = take a tour to the city n、环城市旅行 12、 go for a walk 去散步 13、 had better do sth、最好做某事 14、 at the end of the term 在学期末

15、 nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16、 as long as 只要; 和……一样长 17、 the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18、 look forward to+ sth、 / doing sth、盼望(做)某事 Unit2 It’s a long story、 1、say goodbye to sb、向某人告别 say hello to sb、 向某人问候 2、 take care 多保重 care for:喜欢 care about:关心take care = be careful 小心、注意 take care of sb、 / sth、照顾某人 / 保管某物 3、 get on 上(车) get off 下(车) 4、 Be afraid +that从句恐怕 be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心 be afraid to do sth、害怕做某事 5、take one’s seat 就坐;坐某人的座位 5、 have /get sth、 ready: 把某物准备好 Please have your tickets ready、请把票准备好。 6、 have a look at sth、 = take a look at sth、 = look at sth、看一看某物 7、 I see the problem、我发现问题了。I see、我明白了。 8、 How stupid of me、!我真笨! = How stupid I am! How + adj、 + of sb、 to do sth、某人因做了某事而显得怎


模块备课表(模块备课计划)科目:英语第6 册第2 模块 日 期 教学目标1.To grasp the words and expressions such as geography,physical,PE.really,neither,present,absent,speech.…and so on. 2.To listen to the dialogue about “Schools”. 3.To talk about the life in school and compare different schools. 4.To read the articles and grasp the main idea and identify the facts and views with the reading skills. 5.To describe the life in school. 重 点难点1. The words and the expressions. 2. Talking about or writing something about Summer in LA. 3. The use of prouns. 主要 内容及本模块的中心话题是“教育”,内容主要涉及学校生活。语言技能和语言知识主要也是围绕“教育”这一中心话题设计的。其中在展开听说读写的同时,还要复习代词的用法.本模块的功能是进行比

分 析 较。方 法及手段Individual, pair and group work to make every student active in class. Communicative approach;Bottom-up approach;Formal and interactive practice and task-based approach. 课时划分Unit1 (1) Unit 2(2) Unit 3(1) Revision(1) Module 2课时备课(教案) 课 题Unit1 It was great to see her again. 课型 Listeni ng and speaki ng 第1 课时


Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi Lingling :welcome back ,everyone! Betty :Hi ,Lingling !How was your holiday? Lingling :Not bad!I want to see my grandparents in Henan Province.The train was full of people,and I had to stand for over three hours! Betty :Bad luck.Why is travel so difficult in winter? Lingling :Well ,it?s the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival .Where …s Tony ? Daming :He went to stay with his family in the UK.He …s flying back today.But the flight is late. Betty :Where did you go,Daming ? Daming :We flew direct to Hong Kong -and the plane left a bit late too! But the pilot succeeded in landing on time.Then we took a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland .It was great fun! Lingling :How about you,Betty ? Betty: We had quite a good time in Beijing .We toured the city by bus and by https://www.360docs.net/doc/2b11931207.html,st weekend ,we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for a long wale around the lake . Lingling :That sounds great ! But now ,we?d better get back to work.we?re going to have a bit exam at the end of the term. Betty:There …s nothing to worry about as long as you work hard . Daming :And after the exam,there …s the school-leavers? party .We?re all looking forward to it! Betty ;Exactly !We?ll have a great time! Unit 2 (It?s a long story.Li Lin and Li Wei are on the station platform,saying goodbye to each other.) Li Lin :Tell Mum and Dad I …ll miss them... I?ll miss you all. Li Wei :And we?ll miss you too. Li Lin :See you at the Spring Festival . Li Wei :Take care.Bye ! (Li Lin gets on the train and looks for his seat.) Li Lin :Excuse me,sir.I?m afraid you?re sitting in my seat. Elderly man :I?m sorry ,young man.What did you say?I can?t hear very well. Li Lin :You?ve taken the wrong seat. Elderly man : Really?But ...I thought it was my seat .Where …s my ticket? (The elderly man looks for his ticket in his pocket ,his bag and finally in his wallet.) Elderly man : Here it is .Car 9,Seat 12A ,isn?t it? This is Seat 12A,isn?t it? (The ticket officer arrives) Ticket Officer:Tickets ,please.Please have your tickets ready. Elderly man:Excuse me ,is this Seat 12 A? Ticket Officer:Yes ,it is.Let?s have a look at your tickets.Oh , I see the problem. This is Seat 12A but you should be in Car 9.This is Car 8.Oh ,how stupid of me ! I …d better go and find Car 9 . (The elderly man gets up and starts to collect his bags.) Li Lin :wait a moment ,Sir !Please stay here,I …ll take your seat in Car 9. Elderly man:Well that?s very good of you.Thank you. Ticket Officer: yes ,thank you ,young man . (Li Lin goes past people standing in the train to Car 9.) Li Lin :10A ...11A ...12A ,here it is .That …s my seat. Wen Peng :Hi ,Li Lin !What a surprise ! Li Lin:Hey ,Wen Peng !It?s great to see you.
