


Part 1:

Before we start our presentation today, first let’s try some interesting translation. “You look blue today. What’s wrong with you?”


Means “你今天看起来闷闷不乐,你怎么了”。blue表面上是蓝色的意思,但这里却作“忧郁的”解。

Then let’s move on to another case:

“The smoke made him cough. He coughed harshly, his face lit like a tomato.”


Which means“烟使他呛起来。他难受地咳着,脸胀得像番茄一样红”


可见,颜色词在中英文中的含义用法有诸多的不同,而这正是我们今天presentation 的主题:


The Cultural Differences of Color Words in Chinese and English(单独作一页PPT,也可以在这里加上小组成员,分工等)

From the scientific definition, color is a visual phenomenon launched, reflected or caused through certain light wave by the object; it is one kind of visual essential features of human eye.While on the basic color words, there is not so much difference in English and in Chinese, in Chinese, there are 赤(chi)、橙(cheng)、黄(huang)、绿(lv)、青(qing)、蓝(lan)、紫(zi)、黑、白,and in English there are red,orange, yellow, green,cyan,blue and purple, black and white, color words in each nation’s language differ from one anther in the world.可见在对视觉上对颜色的描述,中英文是不存在什么差异的

But now the color words not only express the color, but also imply the cultural factors of each country, different cultures can reflect one country’s history, aesthetic taste and national psychology. It is the bright and colorful nature which provides the place for life and the foundation for developing. Therefore, it is of great importance

to study color words to find out how they reflect cultural differences in both the original and target language and why they can influence our daily life.



In specific.The main colors of English and Chinese are same or similar,but some color words in one language can refer to more one color in other language. So the English and Chinese color words are not always corresponding word. Take the colors

of red, black, white, yellow, green and blue for examples as showed below.


Both in China and English speaking countries, red always be connected with joyous and celebrate events. For example, “red-letter days” in English means memorial day, often refers to Christmas Day. ”to paint the town red” means binge, quaff, or even monkey business(狂欢痛饮胡闹)“roll out the red carpet for sb.”(铺展红地毯隆重地欢迎某人).

red also used to express some sorts of emotion. For instance, “become red-faced”

or “sb’s face turned red” has the same meaning with “脸红” in Chinese. And “to see red ” along with “wave a red flag” equals to “为难、发怒” in Chinese.

In Chinese particularly, the word “hong” represents luck, happiness, success, celebration and festival. In traditional Chinese weddings, not only the decorations are full of red color, including red candle, red quilts, red words “喜”and so on, but also the clothing of the bride and groom, as well as the red veil of the bride(新娘的红盖头), thus bringing a wedding atmosphere and implying the prosperous future of the newlyweds. Furthermore, the word “红火”represents exuberant and lively. The word “红利” , describes the enterprise division of profits to shareholders or bonuses to staff. The word “红颜” refers to a young and beautiful woman.

But in English, the word “ red ” represents danger, violence and debauchery(放荡;沉湎酒色) with strong derogatory(贬义的) meaning. When talking about the word red, people always imagine the fire and blood. For instance, “ red-faced ” represents embarrassed or angry; “ red alert ” is a warning that something very dangerous is likely to happen; “ the red rules of tooth and claws ”(残杀和暴力统治)means tyranny or a cruel, harsh, and unfair control over other people. With the cultural exchange, the word “ red ” in English comes to have some complimentary sense, such as “ red carpet ” used to welcome very important visitors as the specia l treatment when they arrive. However, in English “ red ” has different meanings in economy, such as “ in the red ” “ get into the red ” both mean somebody is in debt. So “ red ” is really the word making people happy at some time, but upset at other time.

No matter in China or western countries, as a darker color, “黑” or “ black ” often has something to do with dirtiness, illegality, death, mourning, sadness, despair, an ger and justice. “V icious”“bad”are common meanings of black in both Chinese and English.

In China, “乌黑的手” is what we call dirty hands. “黑市” implies the listed commodities trading allowed without government's approval, “黑车” means the illegal taxi with a higher charge. In the funeral, Chinese will tie a black band around one arm to show the sad feeling. If people get angry, we see the expression “他黑着个脸”. Sometimes “黑” symbolizes the justice, because in ancient China, we had a famous righteous officer called “包拯”, who had black complexion.

In western country, “ a black sweet ”“ black water ” mean dirty. “ Black money ” indicates the income earned in an illegal way. Black is also a color for mourning dress (丧服)in Western countries. “ A black dog ” and “ black mood ”both refer to the low spirit of people. When people get angry, they loo k “ black-browed ” or “ black in the face ” or “ as black as thunder ”, and they also have

“ black passion ”.



The color white gives both Chinese and English the similar imagination to some extent. Take “pure” and ”innocent” for example , which means “纯洁,清白无辜的”. In Chinese, the word “白” is the symbol of death, depression and failure. In the funerals, traditional Chinese people always wear white mourning dress to express condolences to the dead. The funeral can also be called “白事” in Chinese. Also, the word “白” has the meaning of the civilian, such as “白丁” represents the illiterate people or the uneducated common people. In traditional drama, the implications of the word “白” is treachery. That is why the famous ancient politician,曹操, was described as “白脸奸臣”.

On the contrary, the word “ white ” refers to the chastity, hope, happiness, joy and naivety in English. “ A white lie ” means a lie that you tell someone in order to protect them or avoid hurting their feelings. If some one is said to be “ white-handed ”, it means he or she is honest or innocent. In the Bible, the Angels are always with a pair of white wings and a silver-white halo overhead. White is the incarnation(具象化) of being smart, kind and beautiful. the bride always dresses in a white wedding dress as a symbol of pure and beautiful.

In ancient China, the word “黄” is a kind of noble color because it signifies the color of the skin of the Chinese people. When it came to “黄”, the majority of Chinese people will be reminded of the yellow clothes which the emperor wore. So, there are a lot of words with “黄”, such as “黄道吉日” with the meaning of the lucky day suitable to do things and “黄袍加身” with the meaning of acclaiming emperor. Nowadays, this word is associated with sex in Chinese. The word “扫黄”is the symbol of the elimination of the pornography and prostitution(淫秽制品以及卖淫嫖娼).

As the color of gold and the sun, “ yellow ” is the symbol of wealth, honor and power in English. It’s a holy color in Christianity. Th e Father wears golden crucifix (十字架), and the holy cup used by Jesus in his last supper is also yellow. In English, there is a phrase “ a yellow ribbon ”, used as a symbol of welcome for those people who will return home. So “ to hang yellow ribbons for somebody ” is to give a warm welcome for one’s return. “ Yellow ” sometimes implies warning. “ A yellow card ” is a card held up by a football referee to show that a player has done something wrong. Later it is used generally throughout the world as a symbol of warning.


Green is a sort of color full of vigor and energy underlying life, youth, hope, peace and energy both in Chinese and English.

In Chinese, there is another saying of “绿”, that is “青”, so there exists such phrases as “青春年华”, “常青树”. At present, the color “绿” also means environmental protection, such as in the phrase: “ the Green Party ”, “ Green Revolution ”, “ green food ”, “ green consumerism ” and so forth.

But comparatively speaking, green has more associative indications in English such as “ green hands ” and “ be in the green ”, which mean being inexperienced. What’s more, the implications of green can also be envious and jealous, such as “ green with envy ”, “ green as jealousy ” and “ green-eyed monster ”. In Britain as well as in the United States, the color green is one of the favorite colors, and there are many places decorated with green color and even US dollars are green. Thus the color term “ green ” is often used to refer to money or fortune.


In Chinese, the w ord “ 蓝” represents the color of the sky and water, symbolizing calm, reflection, modesty and the intellect. In fact, the implications of Chinese word

“ 蓝” is less. To Chinese people, blue is the color of the dress worn by Confucian scholars in ancient times, and “蓝衫”was once used to refer to “秀才”, who passed the imperial examination at the county level in Ming and Qing dynasties.

In English, the word “ blue ” commonly is a metaphor of depression, frustration, sorrow and anguish. If somebody is “ in a blue mood ”, he or she may feel sad, gloomy and depressed. Similar in meaning is “ a blue Monday ”, indicating the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend. Moreover, blue denotes high social position or being aristocratic(贵族的). For instanc e, “ blue-blooded ” describes someone who have been born into a family which belongs to a royal or noble family or the highest social class. In contrast, another meaning of “ blue ” in English is connected with sex. “ Blue movie ” means a movie showing a l ot of sexual activity, and “ blue talk ” means a talk which is coarse(粗俗的).


The Reasons for Different Culture Connotation between English and Chinese Color Words

1、Natural Environments

We know the weather of England is always warm and the wool spinning industry has developed rapidly in England from early time.Thereby,English people often use sheep or wool as analogue. For example,there is wool so white but a dyer call make it black(羊毛虽白,染之则黑)

As rice is the main food in china, Chinese is accustomed to using “米黄色” to describe the yellow just like the color of rice, while in western countries, butter and cream is the daily food, so “cream ” or “ butter- yellow” is often used in English. But in English yellow also has meanings of vulgar and despicable which has nothing to do with pornographic as yellow means in Chinese. This kind of usage began in 1895.New York world published picture story caricature yellow kids that was printed in yellow.Yellow journalisms and yellow covered literatures are just some vulgar publications.

2、Historical Backgrounds

In Chinese, “绿帽子” (lv maozi) is a metaphor, which means to be a cuckold. This kind of usage appropriately began in Tang dynasty. At that time, the male in brothel should wear a green hat to represent their identity. Chinese ancients viewed green as an impure color and represents low class. Therefore, the one whose wife has a paramour is called “戴绿帽子”. While western countries have no similar historic background, they don’t understand the meaning inside. In translation, it can not be simply translated into “He wears a green hat”, but “a cuckold husband”。


3、Religious Beliefs

There is a p hrase “black Friday” in English. “Friday” in religion refers to the Friday before the Easter, in which day Jesus was in crucifixion. According to the national and cultural background and traditions, the English-speaking countries use the “black Friday” to refer to a catastrophic disaster, dangerous, ominous day, which is unique in the English culture.

Colors have been used to stand for political groups or social status from ancient times.Taoism(道教)is one of the major religions of China. Chinese ancients, deeply affected by the Taoist, often corresponds the position and four seasons to color. Therefore, there is a saying that blue, red, yellow, white and black are the five directions. The color yellow, located in the center of the Five Colors, is a symbol of emperor for its nobility. Yellow is the color of the dignitaries, representatives of noble and solemn, and the supreme, sacred and inviolable. So far, yellow is still the symbol of old China. For instance, “黄袍” is the emperor’s dress, “黄榜” is the proclamation published by him and “黄道吉日” means an auspicious day. However, in Western countries, this color is unpleasant and nasty. In the Bible, Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was wearing a yellow dress. Therefore, yellow was given a timid, shameless and despicable meaning, such as "yellow belly" (胆小鬼), "yellow dog" (卑鄙的人), " yellow looks "(阴沉多疑的性格).

PART4 conclusion

The above discussion leads to the conclusion that under the influences of natural environments, historical backgrounds, literatures, arts, political backgrounds and religious beliefs of eastern and western world,English and Chinese color words have their cultural connotations respectively.As the carrier of cultures, language absorbs different cultures of different nations. Color words, as an important part of language, express special characteristics and customs. Therefore, color words have symbolic significances which are important for us to comprehend and grasp in English and Chinese culture. The colors bring us a wonderful and splendid world, and color words make it easier to express our thought, make our expression more apt and vivid. Therefore, correctly understanding colors and their deeper symbolic meaning will be a great help for people in different cultures to communicate. While using and translating, Handling color words appropriately according to cultural differences is of great importance.


从颜色词看中英文化差异 一.英汉颜色词的文化差异表现 (一).历史传统的差异 在英国人心目中白色是上帝、天使、幸福、纯洁的象征。“西方人举行婚礼时,新娘要穿白色的婚纱,这源自于英国国家的宗教故事magi和draids在基督复活时穿着白色的衣服。因此白色在西方国家被广泛地用在婚礼上。”[3]而白色在中国则是丧色。自古以来亲人死后家属要穿白色孝服,办“白事”,胸襟上别着白色的小花,以此来表达对死去亲人的哀悼和敬意。 红色在中华民族的传统心里中是一种喜庆色,它象征着吉祥、如意,使人联想到幸福与健康。过新年时贴上红对联、举行婚礼时新娘都要穿上红色喜服,墙上、门上、窗上都贴上红喜字,客人送的礼金或长辈给的红包,都要用红纸包着。结婚后生了孩子,有些地方还要向亲朋好友送红鸡蛋,以示喜庆。但在以英语为母语的英美民族眼中,红色则意味着流血、恐怖和危险,甚至会使人联想到淫荡、低级趣味。如:现代西方城市有很多red light district/红灯区,英语的scarlet 有“鲜红的、淫荡的、罪名昭彰”之意。 由此可见,因历史传统的不同,英汉两民族对待颜色的态度也大相径庭,中方尚红轻白,而英方则重白轻红。 (二).民族心理上的差异 “民族心理就像一条幽暗的地下长流,涌动在一个民族意识的岩层里,流贯在该民族的血脉中。”[4]中西方人们的心理因素及看待问题的方式,又往往存在着这样或那样的差异。英汉民族中,不同的颜色词可能用于描述同一种物质的客观表象。英语说“black tea”,汉语说“红茶”。为什么同样的一种茶被描述成了不同的颜色?英国人着眼于茶叶的颜色,称其为“黑”,而中国人却着眼于茶水的颜色,称其为“红”,这是由于两民族之间观察事物的角度不同,看似矛盾的东西,其实并不矛盾。我们都知道英语中black and white的意思是白纸黑字,深入分析这个词组的意义深远。白色代表着轻的颜色,而黑色是代表重的颜色。中国人喜欢将轻的放在前面,重的放在后面,成正三角模式。很稳当,踏实。而英国人则喜欢重的放在前面,轻的放在后面,成倒三角模式,站不稳脚跟。再如“yellow”黄色一词,黄色在中国封建社会里是法定的尊色,象征着皇权、辉煌和崇高。宋王懋《野客丛书.禁用


英汉颜色词对比研究 李 涛 (北京科技大学外国语学院,北京 100083) 摘 要:英汉两种语言中都存在着大量的颜色词,颜色词在两种语言中也都可以
被分为基本颜色词和 实物颜色词, 文章对英汉基本颜色词和实物颜色词的形态结构、 句法功能和表达方式的特点做了对比分析, 并总结了一些英汉颜色词在使用中的异同 之处。b5E2RGbCAP 关键词:基本颜色词;实物颜色词;异同 大千世界,五光十色,作为具有表达思想功能的语言中就需要有具体的词汇来 描绘色彩斑斓的世界, 于是颜色词便应运而生。英汉两种语言中都有大量的颜色词,它 们的使用方法有很多相似之处,但由于两 种语言的历史和文化背景的不同,英汉颜色词 在表达方式上势必存在较大差异,这就对颜色词的翻译形成 了障碍,本文就拟通过对英 汉颜色词使用方法的比较,探讨英汉颜色词的使用的异同。p1EanqFDPw 1. 颜色词的构词理据分类 词的分类主要有以下几种:从音节角度,词可分为单音节词和多音节词;从结构角度, 词可分为单纯 词和合成词; 从词的发生角度, 可分为原生词和派生词。 早期的颜色 词主要是单音节词、 单纯词和原生词。 但随着社会的发展和人类认知能力的提高,加 之,人们思想中要表达的概念越来越丰富,表达颜色的单音 节词、单纯词和原生词就越 来越不够用了,而且容易产生语义的混淆,于是颜色词开始向多音节词、合成 词和派生 词化方向发展。人类创造词汇时倾向于“近取诸身,远取诸物” ,颜色词的形成也是如
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此, “以现 有语素为材料构成句段词表示新概念, 比新造单音词语要优越得多” (王 艾录, 司富珍, 2001) 。 自然界中, 生活中常见的具有典型颜色的物体直接被拿过来, 产生了很多新的颜色词。DXDiTa9E3d 因此根据以上对语言中颜色词的词源理据分析,又可从理据角度对颜色词加以分类, 以便更理性地认 识颜色词,更有利于颜色词的教学与学习。根据颜色词的词源理据,颜 色词分为:RTCrpUDGiT (1)基本颜色词 基本颜色词指那些本来就用以表达事物色彩的颜色词:white (白色) , black (黑 色) , green (绿色) , blue (蓝色) , red (红色) , grey (灰色) , brown (褐色) , purple (紫色) , pink (粉红色)等,此类颜色词 的特点是具有高度的灵活性,富于变化, 能采取多种表达形式,以便正确反映事物的各种颜色。5PCzVD7HxA (2)实物颜色词 实物颜色词指用各种植物(花草、树木、果实等) 、动物(鸟、兽、鱼等) 、珠 宝、金属、食物及日常 用品等表达物品颜色的颜色词:apple (苹果色 — 淡绿色) , apricot (杏子色 — 金黄色) , carnation (康乃馨 色 — — 淡红色) , cherry (樱 桃色 — 鲜红色) , chestnut (栗子色 — — 褐色) , flax9(亚麻色 — 淡黄色) , hazel (榛子色 — — 淡褐色) , lily (水仙色 — — 纯白色) , olive (橄榄色 — — 淡绿色) ,此类颜色词的特点是数量 大,但每一个实物颜色词的使用面较窄,往往只代 表某一基本颜色范畴内的某一色调。jLBHrnAILg 【 作者简介 】 李涛(1971-) ,女,辽宁省鞍山市人,硕士,北京科技大学外国语学 院讲师;研究方向:英国文学。 56
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综 合 191 # 浅谈中西方文化差异 文/黄文娟 摘 要:中西方文化差异导致了中西方交流中的误解,引起了很多不便。本文针对日常生活中中西方文化交流中的典型现象如婚姻家庭,餐厅礼仪和日常招呼等进行分析,阐述了这些文化现象后所隐藏的文化内涵和其所植根的文化根基,从个人主义和集体主义,平等概念和等级观念,自我中心和牺牲精神等方面做出解释,为困顿于中西方文化的学习者提供参考。关键词:中西方文化;现象;文化内涵;文化根基作 者:湖南对外经济贸易职业学院 ?1Cited phenomena A 1Mar riage A Chinese gir l got mar ried with an Amer ican boy and sett led down in Los Angeles not far away from wher e her par ents-in -law lived.T he fir st few months went by much smoothly and the Chinese girl got along very well with her new family. Six months later,she got pr egnant and infor med her par ents -in-law at the fir st moment.The r eady grandparents blessed her and her baby and went to Europe where they planned to enjoy a half -year holiday.The Chinese gir l was surprised at their decision:/Don .t you stay to take car e of me and my baby?Don .t you think the baby is the most import ant thing in the family now?0T he parents-in-law also got confused:/We love this baby,but does it mean we should give up our own life and do everything for it?0 B 1Rest aur ant customs A young Chinese tourist sat in a Par is caf and or der ed tea.Twice he asked for more hot water to top it up while putting the saucer on the cup to keep the tea warm,as he would have done at home. T he waiter grew impatient./This Chinese is too stingy t o pay for mor e tea.And doesn .t he know t he saucer goes under the cup to cat ch the dr ips?0 T he Chinese man noticed the displeasure on the wait er .s face and lost pat ience himself./This Wester n waiter is r ea lly stingy and silly!Why is he so reluctant to serve me hot water?Why does he put the lid under the cup?0he got angry,and left the caf st eam ing with resent ment. C 1Greeting An American student Charlie went to China and continued his study in Peking University.Ever ything went well with him except that the Chinese people were hard to understand for him somet imes. One day afternoon,he was on his way back from the super market when he encounter ed two Chinese classmates./H i,Charlie,wher e are you going?0one of the Chinese classmates greeted him./I .m just back from the supermar ket.0H e answer ed./What did you buy?0T he Chinese student continued./Er ,0Char lie felt ver y awkward,/I bought a bar of bread,five apples,a bott le of salad jam and ,0/You don .t have to tell us all these specific t hings,we ar e just greeting you by asking you questions.0/What?You confused me!0 ò.Analysis on the cited phenomenon and the cor responding cultur al implications In the fir st case,both the Chinese girl and her par ents-in -law can keep their own opinion.In China,it is par ents .dut y t o be responsible for their childr en and this responsibility will last (4)勤巡视病房,观察生命体征、面色、意识及有无感染、周围组织坏死等。当出现因插管技术而导致的并发症(如穿破脐血管造成出血插进或堵塞腹主动脉分支、空气栓塞、血栓形成、误插在门静脉沟处、穿破肝实质等)时,应通知医生尽早拔管,同时给予对症治疗,使症状得以改善。 (5)细菌学检测。每周1次分别做外周血和脐部穿刺处皮肤的细菌培养。本组病例共做16次外周血和脐部穿刺处皮肤的细菌培养,无1例发生院内感染等插管并发症。 参考文献: [1]余波,李莎莎.新生儿126例脐静脉插管末端细菌培养的临床分析[J]中国新生儿科杂志,2007(4) [2]宋新志,曹明艳,何咏梅,等.新生儿窒息血肌钙蛋白T 变化[J ]湘南学院学报,2005(1) [3]周宇,周晓光.新生儿胎粪吸入综合征临床分型与特点的初步探讨[J]中国当代儿科杂志,2000(5) [4]高树辉,周杰,张映辉,等.早产儿血脂水平与出生体重的关系[J]中国当代儿科杂志,2003(3)


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中英颜色词文化内涵对比研究 开题报告 模板 范文 史上最完整最规范最好

题目(英文)A Contrastive Study of Color Words’Cultural Connotation in Chinese and English 院系外国语2016级12班__________________专业_师范英语________________________ 学生姓名黄多多 学号1234567899 指导教师某某 指导教师职称教授


本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告表 题目中英颜色词文化内涵对比研究 一、设计选题的依据 (一)选题研究的目的: 人类生活的世界五彩斑斓,色彩缤纷。各种各样的颜色构成了我们这个精彩纷呈,五光十色的地球,给人类的生活添加了趣味,让人类能够享受到视觉的饕餮大餐。颜色是物体的自然属性,人们用它来描绘不同事物给人们的视觉的第一感受。颜色不仅可以用来描绘人们所看到的物体,也可以用来表达人们的内心感受。颜色不仅仅承载着一个国家从古至今的物质文化发展轨迹,更加沉淀着不同地域的人们所独有的政治观念,文化观念,审美观念等文化精髓。 进入21世纪以来,人们大步迈向了经济全球化,信息网络化,交流无国界化的时代。随着世界各国对外贸易政策日趋开放,现代交通工具飞速发展这些“硬实力”大幅提升,随着现代新型信息交流媒介电脑,通讯媒介手机等在全球人民的普及这些“软实力”迅猛发展,各国人民在现实生活和网络生活中的接触和交流日趋频繁。不同地域的人们交流,即是不同文化从碰撞到融和的过程。在这种形势之下,对中西颜色词的文化内涵进行对比研究便是很必要并且迫切的一件事情。 首先,透过对中西方颜色词语的文化内涵的对比研究,我们能更加了解我们这个有着5000年悠久历史的四大文明古国之一的祖国的文化起源,发展。我们能更加感受到我们中华民族在世界民族之林的独特性,民族自豪感便会从内心深处油然而生,让我们对自己的祖国更加地挚爱。 其次,拨开颜色词语的表象来看颜色词语的文化内涵,有助于更加精确地理解不同语言的文化作品通过颜色词语所传达的意境。在文学作品中,颜色词语广泛运用于环境描写,来渲染和烘托作品主题。只有对颜色词语的文化内涵做到准确的拿捏,才能对文学作品有透彻的理解。 最后,关注颜色词语在中西文化中的差异,能让人们在跨文化交际中做到“知己知彼,绝不冒犯”。在当今的”地球村”,不同国家的人们在生活,工作等各方面有了更多的交集。只有避免文化的冲突,才能让跨文化交际取得实质性的成功。



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浅谈国际贸易中中英文化的差异 摘要:当今的世界经济一体化进程加快,国际贸易活动与交往的频繁进行,不同国家、不同民族的特殊文化背景与文化环境日益为各国重视,本文通过认识文化的差异,并采取恰当策略使国际贸易在文化融合的推动下实现真正全面的自由化,这样才能更好的发展贸易,推进国际化贸易的进程。 关键词:贸易活动文化差异 1前言 随着经济全球化进程的深化,国际贸易活动与交往的频繁进行,国际贸易中文化差异的存在已影响到国际间的贸易活动,这体现在文化构成要素的各个层面,尤其是意识形态层面即政治、法律、艺术、哲学等方面。充分了解和认识文化差异,并采取恰当的方法和措施应对国际贸易交往中的文化差异在当今世界尤为重要。面对文化差异对贸易的影响,为进一步推进世界贸易的自由发展,必须采取有效措施促使贸易环境法制化、规范化,建立国际性文化交流组织与文化交流中心,进行多层次、多形式的文化展示与交流,在国际贸易策略的制定上注意与当地文化的融合,进行多种方式的文化融合与培训,培养推进文化融合的跨文化管理人才。 2 文化差异的体现方面 2.1语言文化背景方面 语言是社会的产物,是人类历史和文化的结晶。它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识,历史文化,风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征。不同的文化背影和文化传统,使中英方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在有相当的文化差异。语文是文化的载体,词汇是文化信息的浓缩,是语言的重要组成部分,它反映着文化的发展和变化,同时也直接反映着文化的差异。 在中国两千多年的封建社会历史的过程中,儒家思想一直占据着根深蒂固的弦统治地位,对中国社会产生了极其深刻而久远的影响。因此,中国文化体现出


颜色词“红”的汉英对比及翻译 (郑州大学河南郑州 450001) 摘要:作为文化中的重要组成部分,颜色词在英汉两语言中被广泛使用,其物理属性对各民族一样,但受不同历史背景、文化传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、思维方式、民族心理的影响,两民族对颜色词产生的联想、象征、申义大不相同。本文从颜色词“红”着手,探其文化根源,分析它在英汉语言中体现的文化内涵并提出相应的翻译策略。 关键词:颜色词;红色;文化内涵;翻译 中图分类号:h313 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-026x(2012)09-0000-01 abstract: as an important part of culture,color words are widely used in english and chinese.their physical properties arouse same response to all nations,but their associative,symbolic meaning and connotation rendered by english and chinese are quite different due to different historical backgrounds,cultural traditions,customs,religious faith,ways of thinking and national ideology.the paper aims at exploring the cultural sources and connotations reflected by “red” in english and chinese,and proposing relevant translation skills accordingly.


浅谈中英文在文化上的差异中国与英语国家在文化上的差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现在地域文化的差异,习俗文化的差异,姓名与称呼用语的差异,交际用语的差异,数字内涵,委婉语和对应词及其内涵方面。我从中选取几个方面来,通过对这些方面的讨论来探讨中英文在文化上的差异性。 首先要讨论两国语言在文化上的差异就应该了解什么叫文化,以及文化与语言的关系。 所谓文化就是一个群体的人们在其发展过程中引导其生活、保障其生存的全部内容的总和。我们每一个人,无论生长何地,都是各自特定文化与表达文化的语言的产物。鲁斯·本尼迪克特在《文化类型》中说道:“一个人从他呱呱坠地的那一刻起,他周围的环境与风俗习惯就影响着他的经历和行为。等到他咿呀学语的时候,他已成为此文化熏陶的一个小生灵了。待到他长大成人,能够参与社会活动时,这一特定的文化习惯便成了他的习惯,其特有的观念也变成了他的观念,其禁忌也就变成了他的禁忌。”这高度概括了文化对我们每个人的影响。 同时,语言与文化相依为命,不可能脱离另一方面而独立存在,语言反映文化特征并预示文化发展的方向,两者的关系可简单地比作内容与形式相互依赖、相互作用的关系。 中英文在文化上的差异具体体现在以下几个方面:

一.地域文化的差异 地域文化主要指地理环境、自然环境方面的文化。受自然环境的影响,不同民族在对同一事物的认识上存在差异。有些事物在一种语言中为美,而在另一种语言中为丑;有些事物在一种语言中有丰富的内涵,而在另一种语言中毫无意义。地域文化上的差异又体现在: 1.中英文动物词文化的差异 在中国,龙被视为神物,集力量、智慧、运气、喜庆、威严、威武、权力于一身。封建时代的皇帝常把自己比做“龙”,中华民族也称自己为“龙的传人”,“龙的子孙”。而在英语中,dragon被看作“邪恶”、“恐怖”,甚至“战争”的代名词。《圣经》里多次提到的魔鬼撒旦就是一个与上帝作对的诱惑者和叛逆者的形象,它被称作the old Dragon。英国着名作家狄更斯在《艰难时世》中也以“Dragon”这个词来描述斯巴塞太太:……镇上的人们走来走去看见她坐在那儿,却把她看作这个银行的“毒龙”(Bank dragon)。 2.中英文植物词文化的差异 竹子这种植物与中国文化有着深厚的关系,历代文人墨客赏竹、画竹、咏竹。郑板桥的竹画享誉世界,邵谒的名句“竹死不变节,花落有余香”深入人心,竹子逐渐成了中国人坚强不屈、高风亮节的性格的象征。但bamboo一词在英语里只不过是一种很普通的植物,没有任何外延意义。 二.习俗文化的差异


翻译与文化:中英色彩词语对比 一、色彩词语的翻译 语言是文化的载体,同时又是文化的重要组成部分。而词语又是语言中最活跃的因素,最敏感地反映了社会生活和社会思想的变化,是语言中最能反映文化特征的部分。它们的产生、变异和发展都包含着丰富、复杂的文化信息,如地理环境、社会历史、政治经济、风俗民情、宗教信仰、审美取向、价值观念及思维方式等等,其中色彩词语最能体现浓厚的民族色彩和鲜明的文化个性,体现不同民族、不同历史文化的特点,使不同民族的语言呈现出不同的特色。这就要求译者在广泛地、准确地了解他国文化中的观念、信仰、习俗、价值标准等方面的同时,真实传达本国文化的价值与灵魂,才能真正做到不同文化间的有效交流。世界各民族语言表达颜色的词语多寡不一,分类各异。英语和汉语对基本颜色词的分类差别不大。汉语中有赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,英语中有red(红),white(白),black(黑),green(绿),yellow(黄),blue(蓝),purple (紫),gray(灰),brown(棕)。这些基本颜色之间有相同的方面,也有不同的区别。另外,受地理环境、民情风俗、思维方式、宗教信仰、民族心理等因素的影响,各种颜色对于不同民族的人而言,在视觉和心理上所引发的联想和象征意义也不尽相同。下面简要列举六个主要颜色词——红、绿、黄、蓝、白、黑在英语和汉语中的对比和翻译。 二、色彩词语翻译与文化语境 (一)红色red 1.在英语和汉语中,红色red有时可以完全对应,如:红旗—red flag,红场—the Red Square,红十字会—Red Cross,红葡萄酒—red wine。 Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull. (直译)提他前妻的名字简直就是在公牛面前摆红布。(实译)一提他前妻的名字他就火冒三丈。 通常,在翻译含有色彩词语的句子时,一些初学者会直译,一不留神,闹出不少笑话,如上句。结合上面谈到的文化语境,我们知道它包含许多因素。这里就联系到其中的风俗民情因素。众所周知,斗牛是西班牙一种传统的民间活动,经久不衰。在观众济济的开阔场地上,一块红布,在斗牛士左右晃动下,引得公牛怒火冲天,暴跳不已。了解了这一点后,我们不难知道like a red rag to a bull 的意思是very likely to make someone angry or upset. 此处可以采用意义对等法,上句应译为:一提他前妻的名字他就火冒三丈。 2.此外,英语中有些带red的短语在汉语中有引申意义,如:大怒see red,负债be in the red,重要的日子red-letter day,繁文缛节red tape,当场发现某人正做坏事catch sb. red-handed。


浅谈中英交际中的文化差异 [摘要]随着我国改革开放步伐的加快,中英两国之间的交流与合作日益密切,与日俱增。中英两国由于在地域、发展历史等存在许多不同,因此在文化方面也有许多差异。文章将探讨一下中英交际中的文化差异。 [关键词]中英交际;文化差异;地域文化;风俗文化;问候话题 一、概述中英交际中存在文化差异 19世纪英国人类学家泰勒(Edward Taylor)在《原始文化》一书中,给“文化”下了一个比较经典的定义:“文化是一种复杂体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他能力和习惯”。交际,作为一种活动,是人们运用语言知识和社会文化知识传递信息的过程。 随着中国对外开放程度的逐渐深入,中英两国之间的文化交际日益频繁。了解中英交际中的文化差异对于提高跨文化交际能力有着极其重要的意义,它能帮助我们正确理解英国人的言行,在交际过程中,充分了解对方,尊重对方的习俗,有助于交际畅通并有效地进行,以取得最佳的交际效果。由于中英两国各自不同的生存环境、民族历史、思维方式、价值观念、社会习俗、道德伦理、宗教信仰等等,所以中英两国人在交际中存在着许多的文化差异。 二、中英在地域上的文化差异 地域文化指的是由所处地域、自然条件和地理环境所形成的文化。地域文化的产生与人们生活和劳动的环境密切相关。英国是一个岛国,历史上航海业曾一度领先世界;而汉民族在亚洲大陆生活繁衍,人们的生活离不开土地。在用词汇比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚时,英语是“spend money like lvater”,而汉语是“挥金如土”。英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中没有完全相同的对应习语,如to rest on one’s oars(暂时歇一歇)、to keep one’s head above water(奋力图存)、all at sea(不知所措)等等。 在中国,自古以来便有“南面为主,北面为朝”,南为尊北为卑的传统,人们经常说“从南到北,南来北往”,“南”的方位在说法上常常置前。而在英国文化中却恰恰相反。在中国人的心目中,“东风”象征“春天”、“温暖”,它吹绿了中华大地,使万物复苏,故有“东风报春”之说,所以中国人偏爱东风。而英国地处西半球,属于北温带,海洋性气候,英国的“东风”则是从欧洲大陆北部吹来的,象征“寒冷”、“令人不愉快”,所以英国人讨厌“东风”。不过英国人喜欢“西风”,它给英伦三岛送去春天,故有“西风报春”之说。英国著名浪漫主义诗人雪莱就写有一首脍炙人口的《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind),正是对春的讴歌。在诗的最后,诗人名传千古的佳句表达了他对未来的美好憧憬和坚定信念:Oh,the west wind,if winter comes,can spring be far behind?(啊,西风,假如冬天已经来临,春天还会远吗?)。在汉语的文化氛围中,夏天常与酷暑炎热联系在一起,“赤日炎炎似火烧”、“骄阳似火”是常被用来描述夏天的词语;英国的夏季正是温馨宜人的季节,常与“可爱”、“温和”、“美好”相连。莎士比亚曾在他的诗中把爱人比作夏天。 由于地域文化的差异,使得不同民族在对同一事物的认识上存在着差异。有些事物在一种语言文化里具有丰富的内涵和外延,且能引起美好的联想,而在另一种语言文化里却平淡无奇,毫无文化意义。比如,在中国传统文化里,耕牛是勤劳的象征,人们常把那些勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨的人比喻为具有老黄牛精神。古


英汉颜色词汇的文化差异 摘要:在英汉两种文化中,同一种颜色的表达方式不同,其所蕴含的比喻和联想意义也不尽相同,这是我们在学习英汉文化差异很重要的一部分。本文试从几个常见的颜色词汇来探析中西颜色词汇中的文化差异,力图能更好地促进英汉民族文化的交流。 关键词:颜色词汇文化差异 1 引言 众所周知,在不同的民族文化中,同样的食物会被赋予不同的意义。颜色是一种客观存在的事物,它的本质对各个民族都是一样的,但颜色所蕴含的丰富的联想意义因受到民俗、地理环境、宗教等的制约,其所引发的比喻和联想意义不尽相同。“颜色词虽然数量很有限,但却反映了不同民族,不同时代人们的文化心理,审美情趣和时代风尚,记录了贵与贱,尊与卑,上与下的历史等级制度,代表了正邪,好坏,是非,善恶,阴阳,冷热,刚柔,婚丧,祸福,方位和季节之类的观念。”(熊文华,1997:357)本文试从几个常见颜色词探讨英汉颜色词汇的文化差异。 2 Red与红色 在中国文化中,由于人们可以从红色联想到太阳和火红的颜色,而太阳和火可以给人们带来光明和温暧及幸福。所以人们喜欢用红色象征“幸福,喜庆,吉祥,欢乐和热烈等”,并由此引申出兴旺,发达,顺利,成功,运气好,福利,成就等等含义,如:红利,红运,分红,红榜,红包,开门红,红日高照等。由红色的顺利,成功等象征意义又可引申为受社会好评,受群众爱戴,欢迎,受上级领导的重视或重用等含义,如:大红人,很红,红极一时,红得发紫等。由红色的成功,顺利,受欢迎,受重用等含义,又引申出羡慕,嫉妒等含义,如:眼红,红眼病等。由于红色可以联想到战为和鲜血的颜色,而革命斗争往往是流血斗争,所以近代常用红色象征革命斗争,如:红旗,红军,红心,红色政权,红色根据地,红领巾,红五星等。 在英美文化中,大多数西方人不喜欢红色,认为红色令人生厌。英语民族概念里的“red”是同流血,牺牲,殉难相关的,red会令人联想到可怕的,危险的东西,如:Red Army and Red Brigades均为恐怖组织,See the red light感觉危险迫近,Red alert紧急警报。Red被西方认为是发怒时的脸色,所以red表示“狂怒;激动”,如:red rag被喻为“令人愤怒的事”,See red气得发疯,大发雷霆,Wave a red flag 做惹别人生气的事。红色具有激发人们情欲的特点,即所谓的“刺激性色彩,色情色彩”,故红色又表示“性欲,暴力”,如:red-blooded adj. 性欲旺盛的,red-handed当场(被捕),正在犯案的,现行犯的。红色在西方还表示“腐败”,如:red tape官僚作风。 3 Blue与蓝色


汉英颜色词 红 所表现的中西文化差异 祝艳艳 (郧阳师范高等专科学校基础部,湖北十堰442000) [摘要]色彩是人类认识世界的重要领域,有着丰富的文化内涵。汉英语言包含着大量的颜色词,但是由于地理环境、民族风俗、思维方式、宗教信仰等文化背景的差异,汉英两个民族对各种颜色词在视觉和心理 上所产生的联想象征意义、寓意也不尽相同。以 红色 为例,分析其在汉英语言中涵义的异同并探寻其文化根源,以便更好地了解中西方民族文化的差异,促进中西文化交流。 [关键词]颜色词;文化内涵;文化差异 [doi]10.3969/j.issn.1008-6072.2010.05.038 [中图分类号]H313[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1008!6072(2010)05!0140!03 绚丽多彩的大自然为人类提供了繁衍生息的场所和文明发展的基础,色彩与人类的生活息息相关,从某种意义上说,没有五光十色的色彩,就没有多姿多彩的生活。色彩不仅具有明显的美感功能,同时还具有丰富的表情功能和信息功能,常有象征意义,是人类认识世界的重要领域。由于人类文化共性的作用,以及文化相互渗透、趋同的影响,不同民族常常会赋予某一种颜色以相同的象征意义。汉英语言包含着大量的颜色词,尽管汉英民族对自然本色的认识和感受是大体一致的,但由于地理环境、民情风俗、思维方式、宗教信仰、民族心理等文化背景以及语言表达方式等方面的差异,各种颜色对于两个民族在心理上所引发的联想意义、象征意义、蕴含寓意却不尽相同,使颜色词产生了褒贬不同的情感附加意义,由此构成各具民族特色的色彩文化内涵。[1]可以说,汉英颜色词涵义的异同在一定程度上反映了中西文化的差异。为此,本文将通过对颜色词 红 涵义的异同解析,揭示其内涵意义中所体现的中西方民族文化的差异。 一、汉英语言中颜色词的分类 科学研究表明,世界上可辨色彩达七百多万种。在词汇极为丰富的汉、英语言中,表达颜色的词语数量多寡不一,但分类大体相同。汉语和英语的颜色词基本上都分为三大类:即基本颜色词或称单色颜色词(basic co lor w o rds)、实物颜色词(co lor w ords w ith co lors of object s)和色差颜色词(color w ords in shades)。汉英民族对基本颜色词的分类也基本相同,都采用七分法,即赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。中国传统有阴阳五行说即金木水火土,与其相对应的五种颜色为 青赤黄白黑 。美国语言人类学家柏林和美国文化人类学家凯在对世界上一百多种语言中的颜色词进行调查分析后认为:任何一种语言的基本颜色词都涵盖在11个基本颜色词中,这11种基本颜色词是black、w hit e、red、yellow、green、blue、bro w n、purple、pink、orang e和g rey。[2]由此可见,在汉英语言中, 红(red) 都属于基本颜色词。 二、汉英语言中 红 的表达的相同之处 在汉语中,红色也称为赤色、朱色。据统计,汉语表示红色的词语有40多个,如:金红、绛红、橘红、水红、桃红、猩红、血红、大红、火红、墨红、嫣红、樱红、枣红、朱红、紫红、酱红、殷红、杜鹃红、玫瑰红等等,而英语中表示红色的词语却多达100来个,表示粉红的词也有30多个,仅以C开头表示红色的词就有17个之多:cardinal深红的、鲜红的,carmine胭脂红,carm ine lake胭脂红染料,carnation淡红色,carnelian玛瑙红,Chinese red朱红色、橘红色,chrom e red铬红,chr ome scar let铬红,cinnabar朱色,claret紫红色, cochineal胭脂虫红,Co ng o rubine刚果红,cop per r ed铜红,co quelicot虞美人红,creso l red甲酚红,crimson绯红,crim son m adder茜草红。 (一)汉英语言中 红(red) 的积极涵义 汉英语言中 红(red) 大多表示积极的意义。在中华民族的传统心理中,红色是喜色,它象征着喜庆和欢乐、成功与顺利。我国数千年的传统习俗是过年时家家门上都要挂大红灯笼,贴红对联、红福字;即使是像?白毛女#中的杨白劳,尽管家境贫穷、债台高筑,过年时仍要给女儿扯上二尺红头 2010年10月郧阳师范高等专科学校学报Oct.2010第30卷第5期Jo ur nal o f Y uny ang T eacher s Colleg e V ol.30No.5 * **[收稿日期]2010-08-20 [作者简介]祝艳艳(1982-),女,湖北安陆人,郧阳师范高等专科学校基础部助教,主要从事语言与文化研究。 YYSZXB140


浅谈中英文在文化上的 差异 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

浅谈中英文在文化上的差异中国与英语国家在文化上的差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现在地域文化的差异,习俗文化的差异,姓名与称呼用语的差异,交际用语的差异,数字内涵,委婉语和对应词及其内涵方面。我从中选取几个方面来,通过对这些方面的讨论来探讨中英文在文化上的差异性。 首先要讨论两国语言在文化上的差异就应该了解什么叫文化,以及文化与语言的关系。 所谓文化就是一个群体的人们在其发展过程中引导其生活、保障其生存的全部内容的总和。我们每一个人,无论生长何地,都是各自特定文化与表达文化的语言的产物。鲁斯·本尼迪克特在《文化类型》中说道:“一个人从他呱呱坠地的那一刻起,他周围的环境与风俗习惯就影响着他的经历和行为。等到他咿呀学语的时候,他已成为此文化熏陶的一个小生灵了。待到他长大成人,能够参与社会活动时,这一特定的文化习惯便成了他的习惯,其特有的观念也变成了他的观念,其禁忌也就变成了他的禁忌。”这高度概括了文化对我们每个人的影响。 同时,语言与文化相依为命,不可能脱离另一方面而独立存在,语言反映文化特征并预示文化发展的方向,两者的关系可简单地比作内容与形式相互依赖、相互作用的关系。 中英文在文化上的差异具体体现在以下几个方面:

一.地域文化的差异 地域文化主要指地理环境、自然环境方面的文化。受自然环境的影响,不同民族在对同一事物的认识上存在差异。有些事物在一种语言中为美,而在另一种语言中为丑;有些事物在一种语言中有丰富的内涵,而在另一种语言中毫无意义。地域文化上的差异又体现在: 1.中英文动物词文化的差异 在中国,龙被视为神物,集力量、智慧、运气、喜庆、威严、威武、权力于一身。封建时代的皇帝常把自己比做“龙”,中华民族也称自己为“龙的传人”,“龙的子孙”。而在英语中,dragon 被看作“邪恶”、“恐怖”,甚至“战争”的代名词。《圣经》里多次提到的魔鬼撒旦就是一个与上帝作对的诱惑者和叛逆者的形象,它被称作the old Dragon。英国着名作家狄更斯在《艰难时世》中也以“Dragon”这个词来描述斯巴塞太太:……镇上的人们走来走去看见她坐在那儿,却把她看作这个银行的“毒龙”(Bank dragon)。 2.中英文植物词文化的差异 竹子这种植物与中国文化有着深厚的关系,历代文人墨客赏竹、画竹、咏竹。郑板桥的竹画享誉世界,邵谒的名句“竹死不变节,花落有余香”深入人心,竹子逐渐成了中国人坚强不屈、高风亮节的性格的象征。但bamboo一词在英语里只不过是一种很普通的植物,没有任何外延意义。


浅谈中英文化差异及其在语言中的应用 摘要:中国与英语国家在文化上的差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现在从姓名与称呼用语、交际用语、色彩内涵、动物内涵、数字内涵、委婉语和对应词及其内涵等方面。 关键词:中英;文化;差异;内涵;语言差异 Abstract:Chinese and English in cultural differences embodied in many aspects of social life, also reflected in the name and address terms from language, color, communication, digital content, animal, euphemism and connotation of words and the connotation. Keywords: cultural ;Chinese-English differences ;language application 世界上任何一种语言都是植根于特定的文化背景之中,反映着特定的文化内容。“文化”根据《现代汉语词典》从两个方面进行阐述:广义上,文化指“人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,特别指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学等。”狭义上,指“运用文字的能力及一般知识”。语言是一个民族文化的重要载体,并反映出该民族文化的特征,体现出该民族的生活方式和思维方式(见爱德华·泰勒《原始文化》1871)。中国与英语国家在地理、历史、气候、经济发展等诸多因素方面有很大的不同,因而在文化上有明显的差异。这种文化差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现于两个民族的语言之中。 一、中英文化差异的具体表现 (一)、姓名与称呼用语的差异 英语国家是基督教国家,人们的姓名与宗教有着不可分割的联系。姓名的一般结构是教名(Christian name or first name) 在前,自取名(given name) 居中,姓(family name , last name or surname) 在最后,与我国的姓在前,名在后相反。在很多场合中,中间名往往略去不写。按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿受洗礼时,由牧师或父母为其命名,称为教名。以后本人取第二个名字,排在教名之后。 在英语国家,不认识的人之间称呼通常使用Sir 或Madam ,关系不太密切或表示尊重时,使用Mr. , Mrs. ,Miss 或Ms. 加姓氏,如:Mr. Black, Mrs. White , Ms .Jones. ,但这些称呼只与姓氏一起使用,不与教名或自取名一起使用,不会说
