



mp and sim.I hope I an learn English ell, beause I think it ver important. But Chinese is m favorite subjet, beause it is ver interesting. I ish I an bee a teaher in the future. That’s all! Thank ou! 鞠躬

二、讲故事 No I'd like to tell ou a stor, the stor is alled : Three Good Friends One da, a monke rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He an’t sim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps int o the river. The rabbit sims to the monke, but he an’t help him. Lukil, an elephant es along. He is ver strong. He helps the rabbit and monke. Three friends are ver happ. The go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them bee good friends. 现在,我想给大家讲一个故事,故事的名字叫做三个好朋友一天,一






小学生英语口语比赛演讲稿 Introdue mself Good

morning!teahers! Toda, I’m ver happ to make a speeh here. First, Let me introdue mself. M name is DingYihang. M English name is Tom. As ou kno , Tom is a naught at. Haha !.I’m ten ears old. I e from The No. 1 attahed Primar Shool of normal training ollege .I am in Grade

4. I am a lovel bo! 一只顽皮的猫,哈哈。我十岁了,我在师专一附小上学,我4年级了,我是一个可爱的男孩。) I like plaing football,(做踢球的动作)Beause ever bo likes plaing it. M dream is to be a good football plaer. Potatoes are m favorite food, The’re tast 非常感谢) What animals are the sea? What animals are the sea? 什么动物在大海里? There are all kinds of animals in the sea. 这有很多很多的动物在大海里。Look!,看! The are ing.他们来了。 This is an otopus. The otopus is spraing ink. 这是一条章鱼,章鱼在喷墨。This is a shark. The shark has sharp teeth. 这是一条鲨鱼,鲨鱼有锐利的牙齿。 This is a hale. The hale shoots ater into the air. 这是一只鲸鱼,鲸把水喷射到空中。 This is a sea turtle. The sea turtle has a hard shell. 这时一只海龟,海龟有坚硬的壳。 This is a starfish. The starfish has five legs. 这是一只海星,海星有五条腿。This is a jellfish. The jellfish has a soft bod. 这是一个水母,水母有一个柔软的身体。 The are different. But all of them live in the sea. 他们各不相同,但他们都居住在海洋里。We need sea , We need sea animals. 我们需要大海,我们也需要海

洋动物。So let’s protet our sea and animals, please! 所以请

我们保护我们大海和海里的动物。That’s all. Thank ou! Please give me big hands and support me! 我的演讲结束了,请给我掌



英语口语比赛演讲稿 Better China Better Life Honorable judges, dear teahers and lose friends, good afternoon, I am from ? Primar Shool. I’ve ver glad to stand here to share m speeh ith ou. Toda I’m going to talk about: “Better China Better Life” Sine the da I as born, I began to have a proud name―Chinese. And I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful ello skin, blak ees and

blak hair. Beause reentl, I’ve felt a lot, espeiall the deep love from Chinese people ever da, even ever minute. So I

tried m best to do everthing ell all the time, I still remembered that one da, I met a foreigner ho looked at me and aske

d: Little bo, ho long have ou studied English?” “Sine I as in Grade One,” I ansered, “Ho luk ou are!” he said, “You’re living in China, ho ould ou learn suh perfet English?” I smiled and told him proudl that all the students in China are tring their best to learn English at shool. Then, the foreigner applauded, I think not onl for me, but also for all Chinese people, beause the did ell in last ear, I still

an’t forget YuShu earthquake; I an’t forget the moment hen ChangE No.2 airship flied around moon; I an’t forget the suessful GuangZhou 16th Asian games. At last, I sa his surprised ees and said to mself, “I must stud harder and harder, in order to have better future, better life for our Better ountr—China! No let’s all ish the best for our Great ountr—CHINA. Thanks for our listening.










A、B、C、D、E五个分值! 所要说的是:大家应该先把自己的introdution提前准备好,趁这些天没有事情可做。还有就是看一看,抽到什么问题怎么回答!下面我把我的introdution给大家写一下吧!我


老师们应该还是比较满意的!Good morningafternoon,m dear teahers: m name is CC,23 ears old,I graduated from XX Universit in9

9.I also have an English name.M English name is

Stell,that means a star.I take stell as m English name beause m Chinese nikname is BeiBei hih means star in Chinese. I have man hobbies,I like musi、hinese hess、sports、and I like English ver muh I improve m oral and listening abilit b

listen English songs and ath English movies.I passed CET6

this ear.But I do think m English is not good enough,so I ill do m best to stud English. Thank ou for our attention! 由于时



且建议一定要自己写,这样自己说出来比较自然,关键是pronuniation!相信每一个口语老师都是最注重这一点的!另外,我抽到的题是:if ou are millionaire,ho to spend the mone! 我考了两次口试,第一天是





考我们学校,为什么选择这个专业,对桂林印象如何等。 Good morning,m dear teahers,m dear professors.i am ver glad to be here for our intervie.m name is song onghao,i am 22 ears

old .i e from luoang,a ver beautiful aient it.m undergratuade

period ill be aplished in hang'an universit in

jul ,201X;and no,i am tring m best for obtaining a ke to

tongji universit. generall speaking ,i am a hard orking

student espeiall do the thing i am interested in. i ill tr m best to finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as sophomore, i found eb design ver interesting, so i learned it ver hard . to eaver a home for mself, i staed ith m pesonel puter for half a month.,and i am the first one in m lass ho

on his home. forthermore,i am a person ith great perserverene. during the das preparing for the first examination,i insist

on running ever da, no matter hat the eather as like.and just oning to this,i ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end. ell ,in m spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and hinese hess. also english is m favorate.i often go to english orner to pratise m oral english on ever thursda,and rite positions to improve m itten abilit .but i kno m english is

not good enough ,i ill ontinue studing.ok, that is all, thank ou for our attention. m hometon------luoang i am from

luoang,a beautiful it in henan provine. it is famous as the apital of nine dnasties and enjo he honer that luoang peon

is the best in the orld. luoang plaed a ver important role in hinese histor. so it has a profound ultural bakground and man great heritagesites have been ell reverved. suh as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in hina ang hite horse

temple, being regarded as the radle of hnese buddhism. luoang peon is orld-famous. ever ear, man tourists travel to luoang to But I ish I an have a hane to learn more deepl the knoledge under our diretion. 没什么值得心烦的你一说,我还真不好意思Take it eas!


托福口语自我介绍话题示范托福口语自我介绍话题示范托福口语很多时候都需要各位准备一些话题,托福TPO上有着各种各样的题目都是可以参考的,下卖弄的托福TPO口语答案就是讲的关于介绍经历的问题。托福TPO口语题目 Question: Talk about an important experiene that ou reentl had. Desribe hat happened and explain h it as important to ou. 托福TPO口语答案解析:Tip

1. Problem diffiult hallenge Failed exam; relationship problems

Who, and ho this person helped ou Talk spend time together bu books to prepare for make up exam

3. What as the result 托福口语TPO范文:

I still remember hen I took the TOEFL exam for the first time, m mark as aful, I totall lost onfidene in doing a good job on the test, even doubted if m English as an good at all. M dad as the person that helped me through the tough time. First, instead of blaming or punishing me, he spent a lot of time going through the rating ard ith me to find out hat ent

rong and ho I ould improve. Next, he bought man useful books for me to prepare for the test. In the books, I found man sample questions and responses that gave me a good idea of hat m ansers should be like. He as ver supportive in the proess, thanks to m dad, I’m more onfident this time around that I an do a better job.




口语话题big it smallorl

d:口语话题MeetingFriends音频及台词下载英语口语话题练习Joboffer音频及台词下载英语口语话题练习kikedout音频及台词下载英语口语话题We havea mission的听力音频及听力原文下载英语口语话题Fadi tothe Resue的听力音频及听力原文下载英语口语话题练习he'sa pest!音频及台词下载英语口语话题I'll BeRih In Three Years!的mp3音频及听力原文英语口语话题minjured legs的mp3音频及听力原文英语口语话题You'llbe a shoo-in!的mp3音频及听力原文英语口语话题I'm an arhitet!

的mp3音频及听力原文英语口语话题Good Nes Bad Nes的mp3音频及听力原文 BigCit Small World英语口语话题中部分人物的介绍:Johnn Big Cit Small World英语口语话题中部分人物的介绍:

Sarah Big Cit Small World英语口语话题中部分人物的介绍:

Fadi 英语口语话题之自我介绍:

Olivia英语口语话题练习Hello Carlos!音频及台词下载英语口语话题练习Harr's Ne Girlfriend音频及台词下载学些外语之

我的学习经验(learning language)Mp3下载英语口语话题:如何相互介绍(向他人介绍某个人)mp3及听力练习题下载英语口语话题:

谈论你喜欢的明星mp3及听力原文下载英语口语话题“如何问别人是在哪里得到、弄到或买到什么东西” 英语口语话题“如何跟多年不见的朋友打招呼” 英语口语话题之“如何让别人重复自己所说的话” 英语口语话题之“如何拒绝别人的邀请” 英语口语话题之“如

何谈论一个地方——纽约” 英语口语话题之“如何看待名人做慈善” 英语口语话题机场常见对话英语口语话题之“谈论一门art——探

戈” 英语口语话题之“英语歌曲和母语歌曲,你更喜欢哪个” 英语

口语话题之“如何评论一个人的服饰” 英语口语话题之“女子足球为什么没那么火爆” 英语口语话题之“你感觉怎么样?”英语口语话题之“书和电影,你更喜欢哪个?” 英语口语话题之“火车上的对话” 适合国外0-3岁孩子学习的资料:


习,家长及教师教学建议慢慢补全)少儿英语入门级视频aeek ith grandpa视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频bearand angaroo视频


fall视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频farm animals视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频get around视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频get in视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频go go go视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频hippo's toothahe视频及练习下载少儿入门级英语口语话题ho man视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频hugs视频及练习下载少儿入门级英语口语话题open and lose视频及练习下载少儿入门级英语口语话题paint it purple视频及练习下载少儿入门级英语口语话题plaes people live视频及练习下载

少儿入门级英语口语话题pla pupp视频及练习下载少儿入门级英语口语话题spring视频及练习下载少儿入门级英语口语话题the food e eat视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频senses视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频the_sk_is_falling视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频time for bed视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频e make ookies视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频hat animals eat视频及练习下载少儿英语入门级视频hat视频及练习下载适合国外4-6岁孩子学习的资料:



英语口语比赛演讲稿 参加英语口语演讲比赛不仅能提高口语能力,还能锻炼胆量,做到大声说,不退缩。下面是整理的英语口语比赛演讲稿。 英语口语比赛演讲稿篇一 I'm studying in a city famous for its walls. All visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. With old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city. Our ancestors liked to build walls. They built walls in Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and many other cities, and they built the Great Wall, which snakes through half of our country. They built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits. This tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public. I grew up at the foot of the city walls, and I've loved them since my childhood. For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world. My perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the Eastern Suburbs, a scenic area of my city. My classmates and I were walking with


家庭:Hello!My name is冉易非.Let me introduce my family.There are 4 people in my family.They are my father my mother my brother and I.My father is a manager,he is very tall,and he is very strict with me,but I think he loves me.My mother is a worker,she is busy working everyday.She often gets up so early that I can't have a good sleep,but I've never angry with her.I have a little brother.He is 8 now,he is a duty boy,but sometimes he is clear,he is really a lovely boy,we are get on well with each other.We go shopping once a week,buy clothes and shoes once a month,and so on.This 朋友:my family do you like it? How to Make Friends Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happi ness. But how can we make friends? First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he h appens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his a ppearance and clothes. Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel. When you don't agree someone, p lease discuss with him. Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leav e your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend's interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends. 购物:With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain


3分钟英语口语演讲稿 英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。那么3分钟怎样通过演讲表达出英语口语的重要性?以下是小编整理了3分钟英语口语演讲稿,供你参考。 3分钟英语口语演讲稿篇一Good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen : Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents. First, i'd like to define the word"talent" in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke ,


Hello,everyone!on the past few days,ham and sausage are the most famous words.Beacse WHO said that Processed meat is on the top of the list which may cause cancer.In the same level ,there are the cigarettes and arsenic .What is arsenic?In China,we call it 砒霜.It is terrible to us.And they also said eating just 50 gram of processed meat one day increases the risk of cancer by 18 percent. So what does 50g look like?It’s maybe two slices of smoked ham or half a hot dog.A famous expert suggest the public to avoid processed meat when possible and to have a vegetable salad for lunch rather than a sandwich.And they also said that We have known the probable link between processed meat and cancer, which is supported by massive evidence. It maybe a bad news for hot dog lovers.But this doesn't mean we need to stop eating any processed meat. if someone eat lots of it and he may need to think carefully about whether he should cut it down.In fact,there are a lot of choices for us. We could try having fish for our dinner instead of sausages, or choosing to have a fruit salad for lunch. And someone may say:”W hy is processed meat so bad?”Processed meat is which has been salted, cured, smoked, or any other natural or chemical processes to make them delicious or improve preservation.So processed meat may contain sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate, which are salts added to the meat to preserve it.In the body, they can form the compounds that can damage DNA. Nowdays,many person may do something which is harmful to their health,as they think cancer are far away from them,this words only usesd on newspaper or television.in my opinion,this idea is highly irresponsible.If something bad happen,the total home will be destroy by you. So please ,take care of yourself,not only for you,but also for your family.


英语口语课的三分钟优秀演讲稿 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 英语口语课的三分钟优秀演讲稿篇一asking the devotees of civil rights, "when will you be satisfied?" we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. we cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has nothing for which to vote. no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousnelike a mighty stream. 出气就会心满意足的人将大失所望。在黑人得到公民权之前,美国既不会安宁,也不会平静。反抗的旋风将继续震撼我们国家的基石,直至光辉灿烂的正义之日来临。 but there is something that i must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. in the proceof gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for


英语口语1分钟演讲稿 英语演讲不同于纯粹的口语表达,更正式化、富于技巧性,我们所说的口语是口头表述。下面是小编为你整理的几篇英语口语1分钟演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 英语口语1分钟演讲稿篇一 here is a wisdom called to let go, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a successful selection and composition of 500 15 choice and successful composition 500 words article 15. Some give up, choose more suitable for their goals, may success closer. Materials thinkers in stork say; "The ability of survival needs more than one! Rabbit cannot learn swimming in school make hole, squirrel learn swimming in school to climb trees!" I think this is right. The swimming may really not suitable for a rabbit if give up swimming, choose to make hole maybe it could be a hole experts; Pine swim, climb a tree, I believe it will do very well.


《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿 第1篇: My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today,my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come tru e one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way 《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初中比赛演讲稿 第2篇: I Love English Ladies and Gentlemen ,


三分钟五年级英语演讲稿带翻译 导读:本文三分钟五年级英语演讲稿带翻译,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 英语演讲比赛不仅能提高口语能力,还能锻炼自己的胆量,整理了“五年级一分钟英语演讲稿带翻译”仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家 ! 篇一:五年级一分钟英语演讲稿带翻译Dear teachers and students: Good morning! My name is xx, is a primary school. 11 years old, the Ming Road Primary School in fifth grade reading. I have today and we talk about "my story with an xx school "----- since coming to the xx school, withxx, xx, and xx three teachers to learn English,I began to have a strong interest in English! My first English teacher was American, her name is xx, her tall, very young, very beautiful! Her eyes are blue. She taught me courage to speak English. I like her. But she returned to the xx. Where her father and mother, that is her home. My current English teacher is xx, he is also an xx, he is a male teacher, he's tall, very thin. I like his English class. We play in the classroom,play games,play in the process,I learned to speak English and foreign friends to speak. Another teacher she called xx, she is Chinese. Her big eyes, long hair. She is very beautiful! She told us very well!I know a lot of


小学生英语口语大赛演讲稿 篇一:小学生英语口语比赛演讲稿 Introduce myself Good morning!(Good afternoon) teachers! Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here. First, Let me introduce myself. (早上好,各位老师们,我很高兴能在这里给做演讲,首先让我先作一下自我介绍) My name is DingYihang. My English name is Tom. As you know , Tom is a naughty cat. Haha !(做猫咪的动作) .I’m ten years old. I come from The No. 1 attached Primary School of normal training college .I am in Grade 4. I am a lovely boy! 一只顽皮的猫,哈哈。我十岁了,我在师专一附小上学,我4年级了,我是一个可爱的男孩。) I like playing football,(做踢球的动作)Because every boy likes playing it. My dream is to be a good football player. Potatoes are my favorite food, They’re tasty (做好吃状)。My favorite color is blue , blue is a cold color, but I like it. Because sky is blue (指天空),sea is blue(作在大海里游泳的动作),I like sea very. Today I will make a speech about sea,I hope that


英语口语演讲话题-英语演讲稿 my virtual uni versity me, my country, and the world man and the internet unity and diversity civilized behaviour: learning to act with a proper sense of honour and shame what can i do for my country my collage life ethics in education the greatest... innovation country innovation talents as the saying goes, money makes the mare go or money talks.... the quality of life is... self-education in our daily life... - a day in the life i am a student. i get up at half past six every morning. then i have breakfast. at about 7, i go to school on foot, because my home is near the school. the lesson begins at 7:30.

there are four lessons in the morning. at about 12, i go home and have lunch. then i have a break. at about 1:30, i go to school again. lessons begin at 2:00 in the afternoon. there are two lessons in the afternoon. then i can do some sports at about 4. i usually play basketball with my classmates, because basketball is my favourite sports. sometimes i will play football with my classmates. at about 5, i go home and have supper. after supper, i will wash the dishes and do my homework. i don’t go to bed until 10 in the evening. - flowers in full bloom in this, green graof early summer, we have ushered in a grand festival of children - june 1 international children’s day, i am very honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. on that occasion, i would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals exprewarm congratulations! pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you are lucky enough to live in a state of concern


少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 篇一:少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 hello!mynameiszhengyechengcheng. i'mten. istudyinwzchildrenartsschool. i'minclassonegradefour. welcometoourclassroom thisismyclassroom. thereisasignonthedoor. itsays:welcometoourclassroom! therearemanydesks. thisismydesk. mynameisonit. thisismyteacher’sdesk. therearemanyinterestingthings. thereisafishbowlonthecabinet. hisnameisgoldy. hernameisswimmy. thereisalargeblackboardonthefrontwall. myteacherwritesourhomeworkonit. thereisabirthdaychartonthebackwall. myteacherputsournamesandbirthdaysonit. thereisaroundclockabovethedoor. ittellsuswhattimeitis.

thereareourdrawingsonthesidewall. ’s. thereisareadingcouchinthecorner. thisismyfavoriteplace. 篇二:少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿(1) 少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 Hello! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng. I'm ten. I study in WZ children arts school. I'm in Class one Grade four . Welcome to Our Classroom This is my classroom. There is a sign on the door. It says: Welcome to Our Classroom! There are many desks. This is my desk. My name is on it. This is my teacher’s desk. There are many interesting things. There is a fish bowl on the cabinet. His name is Goldy. Her name is Swimmy. There is a large blackboard on the front wall. My teacher writes our homework on it.


3分钟英语口语演讲稿_锻炼英语很不错 3分钟英语口语演讲稿_锻炼英语很不错 3分钟英语口语演讲稿篇一 Good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen : Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents. First, i d like to define the word talent in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big powers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke us.however, nowadays, it s a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more literated.more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that s all,thank you. 3分钟英语口语演讲稿篇二 Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is youth . I


英语口语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:初中英语口语演讲稿 我的梦想(my dream) students, guests , teachers and honorable judges good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher… as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don’t expect complete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life. i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction. i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that’s the real communication of heart to heart. i have the belief that my dreams should come true. i am looking forward to some day coming when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue

英语口语比赛演讲稿My First English Teacher

My First English Teacher Dear friends!Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:Yes. Everyone has his teachers. In my mind,I will never forget her---my first English teacher Ms .Li. Withou her, I couldn’t be standing here.She is a young ad lovely lady with beautiful eyes.Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well.That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson. In her class.she taught us carefully and patiently.She always made chances for us to speak English.She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them,played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little,I had interest in English.But English was a new to me,I had many difficulties in learning it well.It was Ms .Li who helped me to practice speaking English everyday. She always encouraged me whenever I lost heart.She helped me o have confidence in myself.She gave me what I needed---courages,confidence,good ways to learn English and chances to speak English in class.So I was grateful for her. Now I will give her my best wishes. I wishes my dear teacher happiness ,good health and good luck.And I also want to say to her:Thank you , Ms .Li.I love you.
