

Red-cooked Pork

Primary Ingredients:

Streaky pork about 500 grams, 3 green shallots, 5 blocks of dried hawthorn, 1 block of brown sugar.

Major Procedures:

1. Cut the green shallots into two segments at the junction of the white and the green, and then cut the white segment into many sections and the green segment into small pieces; meanwhile, cut the raw pork into small cubes.

2. Pour some boiled water into a pot; put the pork cubes and all the white sections into it; then it will spends 5 minutes in boiling them slightly.

3. After the second process is finished, take them out from the pot and wash the pot utterly; then put them into the clean pot just washed and fry them with a low flame.

4. When the surfaces of the cubes get somewhat yellow and emerge a little oil, add a spoonful of sugar to the pot and stir all in the pot evenly and lastingly to fry them with a low flame until the sugar is melted.

5. Add some water to the pot so that the meat is very submerged, next put the hawthorn into the pot, it will takes about 30 minutes to boil them with a low flame.

6. After half a hour or so, adjust the flame to a medium flame and add appropriate quantities of salt and soy sauce according to the individual actual situation, then stir all in the pot continuously until the juice becomes concentrated.

7. Sprinkle the green pieces on the meat, stir a bit slightly.

