


A Brief Analysis of english teaching in senior high school

Abstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn En glish. But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in t he English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and writing. In this paper, the importance and methods of reading and writing wi ll be further discussed. Key words: reading writing techniques Introduction: Classes should be learner-centered, with meaningful, fu nctional activities, often, classes begin by finding out what the stu dents don’t know. These classes operate on the assumption that there is a great deal of information that students lack and that the teache r and textbooks will impact that information to the students. Teacher s who hold this assumption view students as plants waiting passively to be fed and watered. But I think the students should be regarded as explorers, active learners who bring a great deal to the learning pr ocess and at the same time, draw from their environment as they devel op new understandings. The basic principle will be used in the teachi ng of reading and writing.

Section One------ How to teach reading

I. Why teach reading

There are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an important p art of the teacher’s job. In the first place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their career s, for study purposes or simply for pleasure. Anything we can do to m ake reading easier for them must be a good idea.

Reading texts provide good models for English writing, provide oppo rtunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and texts. Lastly, good readi ng texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, exci te imaginative responses and be the springboard for well-rounded, fas cinating lessons.

The last but not the least, students must read widely because only a fraction of knowledge about the world can come from other experienc es in their short lives.

II. What kind of reading should students do?

When the teachers give reading class to students, they should notic e a balance----a balance to be struck between real English on the one hand and the students’ capabilities and interests on the other. The re is some authentic written material which beginner students can und erstand to some degree: menus, timetables, signs and basic instructio

ns, for example, and, where appropriate, teachers can use these. But for longer prose, teachers can offer their students texts, which, whi le being like English, are nevertheless written or adapted especially for their level. Anyway, the materials to be read should be interest ing and meaningful. Teachers should become better acquainted with boo ks written specially for teenagers and dealing with their problems. III. What are the principles behind the teaching of reading?

i) Permit Students To Read

No one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, f lutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimm ing pool. Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just that. Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definition s of words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written message.

ii) Encourage students to respond to the content of a reading text, n ot just to the language

Of course, it is important to study reading texts for the way they us e language, how many paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative clauses. But the meaning, the message of the text, is mu ch more important. Teachers should help students understand that the main reason to read is for them. They have to have their own purpose to read and reading must make sense, they have to find ways of doing something about it. They should be encouraged either to reread or to continue reading to gain meaning. But they must realize that the mean ing is not in the teacher, but in the interaction between the reader and author. Students should be encouraged to ask themselves repeatedl y, “Does this make sense to me?” Students should be encouraged to r eject and to be intolerant of reading materials that do not make sens e.

iii) Encourage students to guess or predict

Readers’ guesses or predictions are based on the cumulative inform ation and syntactic structure they have been learning as they have be en reading. Therefore, their guesses are more often than not appropri ate to the materials. Students have to realize that risk taking in re ading is appropriate; that using context to decide what words mean is a proficient reading strategy and that they have the language sense to make appropriate guesses which can fit both the grammatical and se mantic sense of what they are reading.

iv) Match the task to the topic

Once a decision has been taken about what kind of reading text the

students are going to read, teachers need to choose good reading task s—the right kind of questions and useful puzzles, etc. Asking boring and inappropriate questions can undermine the most interesting text; the most commonplace passage can be made really exciting with imagin ative and challenging tasks. Working in groups, the English teacher a nd students take turns asking each other questions following the read ing. The teacher may ask, “ What is the significance of the characte r’s age?” These questions require inferences based on details from the reading text.

Section Two------How to teach writing (Developing correctness in stud ents’ writing)

“Students learn to write by writing, and they learn to write corr ectly by writing, revising, and proofreading their own work”---with some help or direction from the teacher when it is necessary. They do not learn to write correctly by studying about writing or doing isol ated workbook exercises unrelated to their own writing. So, the most important technique a teacher can use to guide students toward gramma tically correct writing is to let them write, let them write things r elated to their own experiences. There is no limit to the kinds of te xt the teacher can ask students to write. Teachers’ decisions, thoug h, should based on how much language the students know, what their in terests are.

“Do I read a paper and ignore all punctuation, what good is that f or students

We spend hours at night with papers---I’m not sure the students g et as much from it as the time I spend on it.”

These comments by senior high school English teachers discussing t he process of marking student papers reflect the dissatisfaction and frustration of many teachers over the problem of dealing with the err ors in student writing-----the obvious mistakes in spelling, punctuat ion----Traditionally, teachers have worked to correct errors in two w ays: by teaching grammatically correctness through exercise in gramma r texts; by pointing out all errors when making student papers.

Most students find it very dispiriting if they get a piece of writ ten work back and it is covered in red ink, underlings and crossing-o ut. It is a powerful visual statement of the fact that their written English is terrible. Of course, some pieces of written work are compl etely full of mistakes, but even in these cases, the teacher has to a chieve a balance between being accurate and truthful on the one hand and treating students sensitively and sympathetically on the other.

Some techniques can be used in dealing with the errors in student papers:

i) Selectivity

Rather than engage in intensive error-correction when responding to s tudent writing, teachers are encouraged to adopt a more moderate appr oach to error. If the teacher over-corrects the students’ mistakes, the students would be likely to focus on errors instead of ideas. Stu dents are more likely to grow as writers when the teacher’s primary purpose in reading student papers is to respond to content. However, if attention to content and correctness are combined when making pape rs, it is more helpful to select one or two kinds of errors the indiv idual student is making than to point out every error in the paper. T he teacher can identify a selected error, show an example or two on t he student paper, and either explain the correct form or direct the s tudent to a handbook for further explanation. It is always worth writ ing a comment at the end of a piece of written work -----anything fro m “Well done” to “This is a good story, but you must look again at your use of past tenses---see X grammar book page xx.”

ii) Error-analysis

Another method for working with student error, one that can be especi ally fruitful for teachers, is to approach it from an analytic perspe ctive. Teachers, as error-analyst, look for patterns in the errors of an individual student, tries to discover how the mistake arrived at the mistakes by analyzing the error (Lack of knowledge about a certai n grammatical point; A careless one or a mis-learned rule?), and plan s strategies accordingly.

iii) Publish Student Writing

The final basic strategy is publishing. Students need a reason for la boring over a draft until it is perfect; the urge to see oneself in p rint can be a powerful drive toward revision and proofreading.

Conclusion: As teachers to the students who are in senior high scho ol, they shoul d learn to turn students’ hard work toward supporting the language strengths students already have, proving students with a feeling of success, finding materials and planning classroom experie nces will turn students on to reading and writing, the reading and wr iting will develop with much greater ease than it does at the present time.


Gu Xueliang, The Basic Technical Training in English Teaching, Hangzh ou University Press, 1998.

Wilga M.Rivers & Mary S. Temperley, A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second or foreign Language, New York: Oxford Univers

ity Press, 1978

Smith F. Understanding Reading (2d ed), New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978

David Freeman&Yvome S. Freeman, 龚雅芳&张连忠&李静军(编辑),英语教学基本讲座,北京师范学院出版社,1991


湖北民族学院外国语学院英语专业本科生 毕业论文写作指南 1. 选题及开题(第七学期前两周完成) 学生在经过论文写作初步指导之后,自行选题,选题时请考虑以下因素: 1)选题的难度适中,对内容熟悉或有兴趣,范围恰当,切忌太大或太泛; 2)题目力求新颖,忌老生常谈或重复他人研究结论; 3)题目要具有可行性,要有充足的资料;论文应达到规定篇幅在规定时间内完成,并有足够的时间和导师商讨; 4)学生应该在教师指导下完成开题报告(于第七学期开学第三周前上交指导教师)。 2. 论文撰写要求 1)论文应与本专业相关; 2)独立完成; 3)用英文撰写; 4)字数3000-5000; 5)学生务必在规定时间内提交正式论文定稿,过期不予受理(初稿在第八学期开学第二周前上交指导教师,第二稿于第十周上交,第三稿即论文定稿于第十二周上交); 6)所有毕业论文一律用计算机打印(格式要求详见附件1); 7)严禁任何抄袭或复制他人论文的不道德行为,违者按不及格处理; 8)所有学生在提交打印定稿的同时必须提交一份word格式电子文档(文件名为:学号/姓名.doc),由指导教师统一交给学院教学秘书。 3. 装订顺序要求 根据湖北民族学院本科生毕业论文工作相关管理规定并结合本专业特点,外国语学院毕业生论文装订依次包括: 1) 封面(此项单列一页)(由湖北民族学院外国语学院统一制定) 2) 英文封面(此项单列一页):由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称和 时间组成。具体见附件2。 3) 英文致谢(此项单列一页) 4) 中文摘要、中文关键词(3 至6个)(此项单列一页):中文摘要在内容上与英文摘

要基本一致,但不必每字每句的对应。 5) 英文论文摘要、英文关键词(此项单列一页):主要概述论题的背景介绍、目的,以 及研究所要解决的主要问题、可能产生的主要结果、结论和建议等。 6) 目录(此项单列) 7) 正文:包括引言(Introduction)、主体(Body)、结论(Conclusion)。引言主要说明研 究工作的目的、涉及范围、相关领域的前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面的概述、理论意义和实用价值等。主体要求论据充分,论点明确。 行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读。结论是最终的、总体的结论,它是对主体部分的论述的概述,也可以在结论或讨论中提出建议、研究设想、尚待解决的问题等。 8)参考文献(此项单列):写作学位论文过程中,阅读或运用过的文献书目清单,置于正文之后,另页书写,参考文献的著录按原文献语种为原则语。此部分详见附件1之第8点。 4. 论文质量和评分标准 1) 论文评分依据:选题的理论价值和现实意义,内容的开拓性和深度、广度,分析方法,综合表达能力,文字质量,论文的格式等。论文评语和成绩评定均用汉语书写,评语的内容和措辞应与所评定的成绩一致。 2) 论文评分等级:成绩分为“优”、“良”、“中等”、“及格”和“不及格”五个等级(每级不再分等)。所有“优秀”论文组织答辩(时间在每年的五月底),优秀毕业论文控制在15%以内。 3) 指导教师评语的基本内容 ①对论文内容的概述及论文选题的理论意义和实践意义; ②学生是否按要求独立完成了毕业论文各环节所规定的任务; ③论点是否明确和有创新性,文献收集和论据是否充分可靠; ④学生是否较好地掌握了课题所涉及到的基础理论、基本技能和专业知识; ⑤论文的体例是否规范,结构是否合理和有逻辑性,语言是否流畅、表达是否清 楚; ⑥论文尚存在的缺点或不足; ⑦论文是否达到或基本达到学士学位论文要求,是否同意提交答辩。 4) 答辩小组评语的基本内容 ①对论文的评价: 论文选题的理论意义和实践意义;论点是否明确和有创新性,


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On Anti-Gothicism in Northanger Abbey by Li Xiaohui Under the Supervision of Wang Junhua Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts School of Foreign Studies Shandong University of Finance and Economics May 2012


A Comparative Study of Mate Selection Between American Youth and Chinese Youth Thesis Statement:Mate selection, which is governed by some invisible rules and principles, is a common practice throughout human history, but it differs from nation to nation for the cultural differences, and it won't be the same for the same reason. Outline: I. Introduction A. The significance of the discussion B. Layout of the paper II. Principles and rules that regulate the choice of a mate A. Five fundamental theories on mate selection in sociology 1.The theory of historical precedent 2. The theory of psycho-analysis

3. The theory of complementary need 4. The theory of value 5. The theory of filtering process B. Two general rules 1. Endogamy 2.Exogamy III. Important criteria in mate selection A. Chinese youth's expectation for a mate 1. Male's list of an ideal wife and female's list of an ideal husband 2. Qualities desired in a mate B. American's expectation for a mate 1. Qualities of an ideal mate 2. Other concerns IV. The similarities between two nations A. Age consideration B. Equity seeking V. The differences that are brought about by the cultural pattern A. Arranged marriage B. Views on sex


英语专业论文题目大全 好的论文题目既是研究的方向,也是一个新的学习领域。你会像一叶小舟,尽情游弋在知识的海洋中。 确定选题 写论文,首先要有选题。我们要从当前英语教学实践中亟待解决的和对英语教学改革实践起指导作用的问题中确定选题。题目是文章的眼睛,应该让读者一看题目就能洞察出文章的内容范围。感受深则写之顺,驾轻就熟,容易出成果。(1)选题要新颖 创新是论文的生命线。尽量写别人未总结过的东西,要有创造性、新颖性,做到人无我有、人有我新,以爆“冷门”,增强发表的命中率。选题要新颖,就要把握时代的脉搏,关注学科教学改革的动态。捕捉、探讨本学科的信息,以科学性为前提,言他人所未言,发他人所未见,示读者所未知,不是一味地标新立异。新颖性还指选题的写作角度新、立意新,别人写过的老题目,如兴趣教学、课文教学等,我们可以从新的角度去写,另辟蹊径,写出自己新的经验、观点,写出自己的真知灼见,只要能予人以新的启示,同样能取胜。 (2)从小处着眼 大题目的论文并非不能写,但题目过大,会不着边际,捉襟见肘,往往要说的东西太多,结果是什么也讲不深道不透,两、三千字无法包容其内涵。从小处着眼,把题域缩小一些,使题目变得具体、实在,有利于作者更集中、深入地搜集材料、出示论据,写起来得心应手,做到“小题大作”,从而给读者更多有益的东西。在取得一定的写作经验之后,一旦有大的选题而且有迫切的写作欲望,我们同样可以着手撰写。 以下是从网络上搜集到的题目,供大家参考: 语言与语言学类 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变 英诗中常用的修辞 英语谚语的修辞手法 委婉语种 英语中的缩略语 英语词汇中的外来语单词 英语新词新意探究 美国英语的特色 如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication Ambiguity and Puns in English Some basic consideration of style English by Newspaper


英语本科毕业论文撰写要求 1. 论文全篇除一级标题外,字体一律小四号,1.5倍行距。英文用Times New Roman字体,中文用宋体。 2. 所有英文标题实词首字母大写,英文书名斜体;中文书名用书名号。 3. 英文段落首行空4格英文字符,中文空2个中文字符。全文两端对齐。 4. 正文(从 Introduction开始到 Conclusion结束)不少于4200词。每一章另起一页,各小节之间空1行,无需分页。 容及顺序: 1.Title page (论文首页,具体要求见所附样稿,后同。) 2.诚信申明 3.Contents (目录) 4.Acknowledgements(鸣谢) 5.容提要(中文摘要) 6.Abstract(英文摘要) 7.(正文包括以下容) -- Introduction(简介:长度不超过2页) -- Chapter One…(论文不少于3章,各章须分小节,多极标题格式见目录页;每章不少于3页) -- Chapter Two… -- Chapter Three… -- Conclusion(结论:长度为1 - 2页) 8. Bibliography(参考书目,至少5本,不包括网址。参考书可均为英文书,也可中英文均有,但不可均为中文书)

样稿(论文首页) Dream Shattered -- A Tentative Analysis of Martin Eden (论文题目,加粗,居中,实词首字母大写,小二号字,该页其余部分四号字。) A Paper Presented to College of Continuing Education Shanghai International Studies University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By WANG Meiyuan (自己,姓大写,名首字母大写) Under the Supervision of Mr.(或)Ms. Xxx (导师,姓大写,名首字母大写) (空1行) December, 2011(论文定稿完成年月)


五、英语文学类毕业论文选题 121. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中海丝特。白兰的独立精神探析 122. On the Meanings of Images in Moby Dic 论《白鲸》中的象征意义 123. Democratic Idea in Leaves of Grass 论《草叶集》中的民主思想 124. The Analysis on different Concept of Value in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中不同价值观的分析 125. Mark Twain’s Humor & Satire in Adventures of Huckberry Finn 马克。吐温的幽默与讽刺在《哈克贝利。费恩》中的充分体现 126. 从接受美学看莎士比亚《第十二夜》中的喜剧元素 Comic Elements in << The Twelfth Night>> from the Perspective of Receptive Aesthetics 127. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的奶妈和《西厢记》中的红娘人物形象比较 The Comparison of Nanny in Romio and Juliet and Hongniang in Romance of the Western Chamber 128. 试论自卑情结对夏绿蒂勃朗特创作的影响 The Influence of Inferiority Complex on the works of Charlotte Bronte 129. 从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希力克列夫悲剧性格的形成 The Forming of H eathcliff”s Tragic Personality in Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Attachment Theory 130. 灵与肉的对立――从《无名的裘德》中的苏和阿拉贝拉人物分析看哈代的悲观主义 The contrast between the Spirit and the Flesh--- Hardy’s Tragic Thought analyzed through Sue and Alabella in Jude the Obscure 131. On the Realistic Style of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales 论乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集》的现实主义风格 132. On Shakespeare’s Religious Ideas 论莎士比亚的宗教思想 133. On the Essence and Specialty of Shakespeare’s Tragedy 论莎士比亚悲剧的本质与独特性 134. On the Linguistic Features of Burns’ Poetr 论彭斯诗歌的语言特色 135. On the Fatalistic Ideas in Hardy’s Works 论哈代作品中的宿命论观点 136. Fitzgerald, Spokesman of the “Roaring 20’s”----- A Study of His (e.g. The Great Gatsby) 菲茨杰拉德:美国二十世纪二十年代的代言人 ------ 再读《了不起的盖茨比》 137. Ernest Hemingway, Spokesman of the “Lost Generation”. 海明威:迷惘的一代的代言人

【推荐】英语专业标准论文格式要求-word范文 (2页)

【推荐】英语专业标准论文格式要求-word范文 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 英语专业标准论文格式要求 格式是否规范是一篇英语论文的主要判断标准之一,规范英语学术论文的格式,使之与国际惯例接轨,无论对于我们进行英文文章写作还是进行国际学术交流都具有重要意义。 本文以人文学科英语论文格式为参考,概述美国教育学术界常用的论文格式规范。 一、英语论文的标题 一篇较长的英语论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:dr./prof.c.prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:english 734或british novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。 就学生而言,如果英语论文篇幅较短,亦可不做标题页(及提纲页),而将标题页的内容打在正文第一页的左上方。第一行为作者姓名,与打印纸顶端距离约为2.5cm,以下各行依次为教师学衔和姓、课程编号(或名称)及日期;各行左边上下对齐,并留出2.5cm左右的页边空白(下同)。接下来便是论文标题及正文(日期与标题之间及标题与正文第一行之间只需隔行打印,不必留出更多空白)。 二、英语论文提纲 英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出。各数字或字母后均为一句点,空出一格后再打该项内容的第一个字母;处于同一等级的纲目,其上下行左边必须对齐。需要注意的是,同等重要的纲目必须是两个以上,即:有ⅰ应有ⅱ,有a应有b,以此类推。如果英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码)。


如何撰写英语专业本科毕业论文 一般来讲,选题一下子是很难确定的。比较容易的做法是先选一个总的课题,然后围绕总题找材料阅读、思考,最后确定哪一个方面或哪些方面可以在论文中加以运用和发挥。比如,你对语音很有兴趣。若选“On English Phoics”,题目就太大了,不如选“On Teaching English Phoics in M iddle School”,因为这个题目范围小,直接与你从事的英语课堂语音教学联系起来,比较切合实际,写起来也比较顺手。同时师范院校的毕业生通过中学教学实习多少都有某些实践和体会,写起来就更容易一些。在选题方面,以下几点可供参考: (1) 题目要富有意义,要有严肃性。 论文写作是一项严肃的学术研究。你的分析要有一定深度和创见,其目的是要让读者从中思考并获得新的信息。题目没有意义和严肃性,其论文必然不会有多大学术价值。 (2) 要结合个人特长和研究能力。 比如,你对语言学和词汇学都有兴趣,但你更喜欢词汇学,并且平时阅读和积累这方面的材料也很多,可以说是你的专长; 那你最好选这方面的内容去写。因此,要根据个人的特长和能力选择符合个人实际的题目去写。

(3) 要结合个人手头的资料选题。 论文中所表达的观点和论点一般是以资料研究为基础的。如手头仅有一、两本书或几篇文章,就想从中得出令人信服的结论,这是不可能的; 即使得出结论,这样的论文也是没有多大说服力的,结论是站不住脚的,因为你手头的资料太少,不足为证。 (4) 要注意客观性。 题目的选择要竭力避免个人主观性。有些题目往往反映了作者的个人偏见。比如,这种题目:“Which Was the Creater Writer,Mark Twain or Hemingwei?”就不太合适了,因为你的结论不是“Mark Twain”,就是“Hemingwei”。这样容易产生个人主观臆断。我们不妨改为“A Comparison of Themes in Mark Twain’ s and Hemingwei’s Works”较妥。 (5) 要有利于得出合理的结论。 若选“On English Teach ing inM iddle School”是很难得出比较合理的结论。题目太大,无法深入研究,应设法限制课题范围,找到研究焦点。比如,“On the Teaching of English Phoics”,太


四川外国语大学成都学院外语专业本科毕业论文写作规范 本科毕业论文是实现本科培养目标的重要教学环节。毕业论文的写作是对学生综合素质的检验,它既是检测学生综合运用所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能进行科学研究、理论思考与实践设计能力的重要手段,也是对他们进行初步的科研训练,掌握基本的科研方法,培养学生观察问题、分析问题和解决问题能力的重要过程。本科毕业论文是学院教学档案的重要组成部分,为了进一步做好本科生毕业论文工作,加强本科毕业论文的规范管理,结合我院实际,特制定本写作规范。 一、毕业论文总要求 本科毕业论文要求学生在掌握本专业的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能的基础上,通过查阅相关资料,有条理、有逻辑地观察问题、分析问题和解决问题。论文要求观点鲜明、论据充分、论证有力、逻辑性强、条理清楚、文字正确通顺、格式规范。同时,论文鼓励学生进行思维与观念上的创新,培养学生的创新能力,鼓励学生发表新见解;论文应该科学合理地利用资料,严禁抄袭或剽窃他人的作品(具体要求见《四川外语学院成都学院本科生毕业论文撰写条例(暂行)》)。 二、毕业论文打印格式 (一)纸型:A4纸型,除封面外,全部双面打印。 (二)页码:页码从正文第二页开始打印(首页不显示),放在页面的底端,采用“页面底端居中”的格式。 (三)字体:用汉语撰写的论文统一采用“宋体”,用英语、法语、俄语、德语、西班牙语撰写的论文采用“时代新罗马(Times New Roman)” 字体,用日语撰写的论文采用“明朝体”。 (四)字号:论文正文的字号用“小四”,章节标题用“四号”加粗。(五)页边距:采用Windows XP默认页边距:上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。 (六)装订线:左边1厘米。 (七)行数:每页44行。 (八)页眉页脚:页眉1.5厘米,页脚1.75厘米。 (九)行距:论文全文采用1.5倍行距。 (十)对齐方式:论文正文采用“两端对齐”的方式,标题或副标题采用“居中”的方式。 三、论文组成部分 本科生的毕业论文应该包括以下部分,字数在3000-4000之间: 第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page) 第二部分:论文题目页(Title Page) 第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page) 第四部分:论文正文(Body) 第五部分:论文尾注(Endnotes)


This test consists of the following five tasks: TASK ONE (45%) TASK TWO (10%) TASK THREE (12&) TASK FOUR (13%) TASK FIVE (20%) General Directions ? This test is thinking-driven, requiring a lot of thinking before there is any possibility to give a better answer to each question. ? First, read to understand the task. ? Second, reckon your brain to get better ideas for your answer. ? Then, optimize your ideas and put them into framework set. TASK ONE Directions: We have learned how to take notes and know how to inset the notes into our texts. What follow are some notes taken while one reads. Study the notes carefully and turn them into indirect quotation by following exactly the same way of paraphrasing in the sample, indicating that they are in-text notes which should be constant through the whole thesis. After that, write a corresponding entry for each note. A necessary example is provided for each sub-task. If the note comes from a book underline the book title (45 %). Task 1.1 Note for book Figure 1.1-1 Sample book note card Figure 1.1-2 Sample in-text note Figure 1.1-3 Sample book entry Task 1.1 Note for book Figure 1.1-1 Sample book note ca rd Figure 1.1-2 Sample in-text note Figure 1.1-3 Sample book entry Now complete task 1.1 Figure 1. 1-4 Book note card for task 1.1 Write your in-text notes here by following Figure 1.1-2 (6 scores): Write your book entry here (3 scores): 得 分 评分人 “Learning strategies are the particular approaches or techniques tha t learners employ to try to learn an L2.” Source: Author: Rod Ellis: Book. Second Language Acquisitio n ; Place: Oxford; Publisher: Oxford University Press; Date: 1997; pages: 76-77. Ellis (1997 76-77) defines learning strategies as the particular approaches or techniques that learners employ to try to learn an L2. Ellis, Rod. 1997. Second Language Acquisition [(omitted)]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 76-77.


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论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术 Tom Jones, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man 放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯 The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost 《失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神 On the Development of Shylock’s Character 论夏洛克的性格发展 Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones 评《汤姆?琼斯》中的道德观与批评观 On Imogen,the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline 论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象 Burns’View on Love and Friendship 论彭斯的爱情友谊观 The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale 《希腊古瓮颂》与《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照 The Womanism in "The Color Purple" On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication 谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异 On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War 美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 On American Black English 浅谈美国黑人英语 On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American 浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries On the Ideological Content in Bacon’s Essays 论培根散文的思想性 Women's Movement in 1960s in American 美国六十年代的妇女运动 Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children 浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响 The Influence of Chinese Cultural Circumstances on English Learning 汉语环境对英语学习的影响 A Comprehension of Male Centrad Literature through A Doll’s House 黑色的坚毅——小说《飘》主人公的性格分析Black Determination——An Analysis of the Personalities of the Main Character in Gone with the Wind 从浪漫走向世俗的新型女性——《理智与情感》中玛丽安的性格分析 人性的扭曲信任的危机--重读《奥》剧杂感Random Thoughts on Othello


Red and White-----the Dual Symbolic Colors of Tess白色和红色-----苔丝的双重象征色 Fang Hongjian-the Tragic Figure Struggling in “Fortress Besieged” 挣扎于“围城”中的悲剧人物-方鸿渐 Hester and Dimmesdale’s Attitudes towards Love and life in The Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中海斯特和丁梅斯代尔对爱情、罪恶、生活的态度 On Sister Carrie’s Criticism upon American Society 论<<嘉莉妹妹>>对美国社会的批判意义 On Scarlett’s Attitude towards Life关于斯佳丽的生活观 On the Characterization of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象 On the Moral Spirit in the Great Gatsby. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观 Thomas Hardy’s Pessimism in Tess of the D’urbervelles 托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲观主义 A Study of Tom Joad in the Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》的中汤姆约德研究 Mark Twain’s Linguistic Style in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 浅析《汤姆索娅历险记》中马克吐温的语言风格 On the Characteristics of Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔的性格分析 A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的主题思想研究 The Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman” in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society “一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运 On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Night's Dream论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格The Social Significance of Swift's Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》的社会意义 The Psychological Analysis in Macbeth论莎士比亚《麦克白》的心理刻画 Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain《冷山》中执著的艾达 On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland 论《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的童话性与现实性 On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生 On the Humour of Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术
