



北京高考英语答题纸(作文部分) 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷) 英语答题卡第_四_部_分__ 书面表达__共_35_分__ 第一节(_15_分)__ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________


2020届河北衡水新高考高三英语作文“内容概要” 模拟练习(五)写作指导 一、概写原文 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 For most of us, social media, like Twitter and Facebook, is a part of our everyday lives—at work, home or both. But a lot of people are still figuring out when to use it and how. This is especially true in high school, where many teachers are unsure of how it fits in the classroom. Dan Krutka, a high school teacher, is an advocate for using social media in the classroom, and is an enthusiastic user of Twitter himself. Krutka says it's a great way to communicate with his students during non-class hours. "You can continue to learn together outside the classroom," says Krutka. "So when students are posting on Twitter—say they post something inaccurately or they make a really good point—I can go ahead and respond to them before class." Krutka says tweeting with his students isn't just about convenience, it's a lesson. He says students need to learn how to use social media properly. "People use social media irresponsibly and school should be a place where we're talking about that and how to use it responsibly," he says. "As a teacher, I think part of my job is to help students understand how to make best use of it as thoughtful learners.”


考 生 姓 名 报 考 单 位 考生编号(左对齐) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] 填涂说明 1. 书写部分用蓝(黑)色字迹钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔填写,信息点或选项 用2B 铅笔涂写,修改时用橡皮擦干净。 2. 此卡不准弄皱、弄脏或弄破,不准折叠。 3. 考试结束,将此卡、答题卡和试题一并装入试题袋中交回。 正确涂写 错误涂写 [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] 全 国 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 统 一 考 试 英 语 试 题 答 题 卡 2 考 生 成 绩 阅卷 教师 B 代号 考 生 成 绩 阅卷 教师 A 代号 B 节 考 生 成 绩 阅卷 教师 B 代号 考 生 成 绩 阅卷 教师 A 代号 第三部分:写作 A 节 (第51小题) 考 生 成 绩 第二部分:阅读理解C 节 [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] (第52小题) [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] 50 49 48 47 46 [0][][1][][2] [0][][1][][2] [0][][1][][2] [0][][1][][2] [0][][1][][2] 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46.


2020年4月浙江省温州市高三第二次模拟考试 英语作文读后续写写作指导 一、续写原题 a cotton toy rat. It was gray with some cotton sticking out from the hole where an ear had been torn off. "Nezumi is extra special, so he's ten dollars. He needs a safe new home." Dana sighed. Tim laughed saying he didn't have ten dollars. Dana laughed, too and gave Nezumi to Tim as a free gift because he was her friend. When Tim whispered it was sort of old, Dana said old toys were the best. She then invited Tim to her birthday party the next evening, adding that her parents were giving her a real rat for her birthday. Tim was amazed and asked if it was a live rat. "Of course," Dana said. At home, Tim's mother showed him the gift she had bought for Dana. It was a knitting spool (编织线轴) shaped like a mushroom. Mom said Dana could knit a scarf for her doll. laughed after knowing what had happened. Together they drove to the pet store, where could run around on the floor safe from cats and dogs. Tim thought of Nezumi's ear and decided Dana's new rat would need this ball. The next day, Dana brought cupcakes to class. When she handed a cupcake to Tim, she asked if Tim brought Nezumi to school as Nezumi liked to ride in backpacks. Tim was at a loss because Nezumi was at home on his bed. Then Dana asked what gift he was giving her. Tim replied it was a surprise. In silence they sat for a while before he heard Dana say her parents were giving her a new bike for her birthday instead of a live rat because they thought rats would bite things. 注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 应使5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: At home that afternoon, Tim stared at the plastic rat ball. Paragraph 2: All of a sudden, he had an idea.


书法提升name: date: grade: 第二节:书面表达(满分25分) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________


2020-6-11 高考英语作文范文十篇 范文十篇

高考英语作文范文十篇 目录 高考英语作文模拟范文(一) (2) 高考英语作文模拟范文(二) (3) 高考英语作文模拟范文(三) (4) 高考英语作文模拟范文(四) (5) 高考英语作文模拟范文(五) (6) 高考英语作文模拟范文(六) (7) 高考英语作文模拟范文(七) (8) 高考英语作文模拟范文(八) (9) 高考英语作文模拟范文(九) (10) 高考英语作文模拟范文(十) (11)

长期以来,全国中东部地区雾霾污染严重。造成这一现象的主要原因是工 厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以“let’s do something to save our environment”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。 【写作要求】 内容包括: 1.重要性:只有一个地球。 2.主要问题:污染、疾病、灾难。 3.措施:停止污染、保护大自然。 【示例范文】 let’s do something to save our environment we all live on the earth. the earth is our home. we have only one earth. we must take care of it. it gives us the best environment. if we harm it, it will be angry. and then we will have a terrible end. there are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness. it’s our duty to protect our environment. so we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, reduce the pollution. we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories. protecting the nature is very important. it’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. if everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.


……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 第二节:书面表达(满分25分) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超过矩形边框限定区域的答案无效 - 1 -


考研英语复习——答题卡注意事项 关于考研英语答题卡,这里我要给大家多说一些。考研英语复习了那么久,总不能败在简单的考研英语答题卡涂写上吧! 在给大家分享答题卡填涂之前,先给大家分享一下我的复习经验。我是先打基础再学技巧,最后还观看了视频巩固了我之前的所学。而这个过程使我比较自豪的一件事就是我只用了一本真题资料,北大博士吕升运主编的《考研圣经》(英语二用,英语一建议用考研真相)。 这本书是专为像我这样基础不好的人编著的,它里面逐句精解了单词和语法知识,大家可以完全不用查阅任何的工具书,这样子节省了不少的复习时间。基础不好的人,也可以看看这本书。好了,言归正传,下面我给大家讲解考研英语答题卡的注意事项。 1.考研与四六级不同之处(关于答题卡的事项) 很多研友并没有见过考研英语答题卡,在此详细介绍一下。英语答题卡不同于大学英语等级考试的答题卡。 考研英语答题卡只有一张,客观题与四六级考试差距不大,只是新题型等部分的选项要多于A、B、C、D,会出现E、F等选项,这地方的涂卡要特别注意。 主观题答题要特别注意,考研英语的翻译和大小作文均在主观答题卡中作答,因此合理安排空间,字迹清楚,卷面整洁干净对于你的主观题目得分有很大影响。 2.考研英语答题卡注意事项 ●各统考科目的选择题和非选择题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上

作答,如在试卷或草稿纸上作答的,答题无效。 ●大家要认真核对你的信息条形码上的姓名和你的编号是否与本人相符、考试科目代码及名称是否与准考证上的本场考试科目信息一致,如有错误,应立即向监考员报告。 ●作答选择题时:必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的选项涂满、涂黑;修改答案时,应使用绘图橡皮轻擦干净并不留痕迹,注意不要擦破答题卡。 ●如需要修改答案,应用笔将废弃内容划去,然后在划去内容上方或下方写出新的答案,或使用橡皮、小刀擦、刮掉废弃内容后,再书写新的内容。 ●保持卡面清洁,不要将答题卡折叠、弄破,严禁在答题卡的条形码和图像定位点(黑方块)周围做任何涂写和标记,亦不得在答题卡上任意涂画或作标记。


松桃民族中学 英语 标准作文纸 班级: 姓名: 得分: 书面表达 姓名: _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________16 高考英语优秀作文的六个基本特点 长短变化 □ 高中词汇 □ 主语变化 □ 高中常见短语 □ 1、句式多变 主、被动变化 □ 2、亮点若干 高级句型(各种复合句)□ 同义词变化 □ 倒装句,强调句型 □ 同功能句型变化 □ 非谓语动词结构 □ 3、巧妙串联(巧用连接词) □ 4、层次不乱(条理清晰,层次分明) □ 5、蠢错不犯(初中生掌握的知识) □ 6、整洁卷面(英语书写大写、圆润、自然,词与词间距适当,字母大小适当,无大面积涂改)□ 写后快速查看:1.动词时态/语态 2.名词单/复 3.句子有无主谓语 4.单词拼写错误 写前注意事项:1.审题 2. 文章结构安排 3.主体时态主要人称 4.注意上下文连贯性


NO.1 2018全国I卷高考英语作文 【试题回顾】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1、到达时间 2、合适的礼物 3、餐桌礼仪

【范文】 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now,I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according toour tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help thefamily prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting.Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’smore, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises whilechewing food. Hopefully, these suggestionswould be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a greattime. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Yours, LiHua


15年mba英语小作文范文考研英语的作文两篇都要写考研英语的两篇英语作文都要写。第一篇是小作文,第二篇属于大作文。 具体要求如下: 1、时间要求:小作文 15分钟,大作文控制在35分钟内。 2、字数要求:因为第一篇小作文写6—8句话,超过8句话就过分了,就远远超过考试的字数要求,增加判卷老师的工作量。第二篇作文写3个自然段,12句话,冲到顶17句话。 3.注意事项:英语中没有顿号,在汉语需要顿号的情况下可以用逗号。汉语中的引言通常都是:“”的格式,而英语中不用冒号,用逗号,如, " "。书名、文章名等出版物名称用下划线或者斜体字表示(手写时用下划线)。破折号可以用于在一个句子的前面或后面加入额外的注释,灵活地运用破折号可以使长句子变得更加生动,增加文章的文采。 首先,平时的练习和积累很重要。但也不应不管不顾地进行大量练习,必须备考练习之前先了解MBA联考英语写作取得高分的关键因素。

其次,行文流畅、用词准确得当是MBA联考英语写作令阅卷老师青睐的关键。而要保证该点除了要了解并适当运用语法和相应句式知识外,还应注意避免在行文写作中,词汇的单一化,即就算是表达相同的意义,也要注意词汇的替换与代替。 再次,英语写作水平的高低,与考生自身单词储备量关系很大。所以应该在平时注意词汇积累,才能提高英语写作能力。在平时一定要用有效地方法多练习、多积累,使自己在头脑的知识储备和充盈中,自然而然地在考场上有好的表现。 华章教育,专注中国MBA培训15年,希望能帮到你,祝你考试顺利! 1.MBA和MPA是同一张试卷,1月份的国家统一联考。考试科目:英语二+综合(数学、逻辑、语文写作) 2.如果是事业单位,那可以考虑MPA。因为它是公共管理硕士,是以公共管理学科及其他相关学科为基础的研究生教育项目,其目的是为政府部门及非政府公共机构培养高层次、应用型专门人才。 3.但如果以后比较想往偏管理层次发展的话,也可以考虑MBA。 联考笔试部分:


英语考试作文 2018高考英语作文预测及范文:太空探索 距离高考越来越近,高考英语作文整理了2018高考英语作文预测及范文:太空探索,供考生们参考。 最近,你班同学就“太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请你根据下列提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的情况。 30%的同学认为太空探索不值得,70%的同学认为值得探索。 参考范文 Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring. 30% of us thinkspace exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution. On the other hand, 70% thinkspace is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. What’s more,

with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth. 高考复习必备资料 历年高考真题及答案 历年高考满分作文汇总 历年高考模拟试题及答案 高考志愿填报必备工具: 全国31省市2017高考录取分数线汇总 31省市高考录取分数线汇总(2006-2017) 双一流大学名单及历年录取分数线 大学排行榜(校友会、武书连)


2016考研英语一题型及分值 考研英语一试题分三部分,共52题,包括英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作。第一部分英语知识运用 该部分不仅考查考生对不同语境中规范的语言要素(包括词汇、表达方式和结构)的掌握程度,而且还考查考生对语段特征(如连贯性和一致性等)的辨识能力等。共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分。 在一篇240~280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。考生在答题卡1上作答。第二部分阅读理解 该部分由A、B、C三节组成,考查考生理解书面英语的能力。共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。 A节(20小题):主要考查考生理解主旨要义、具体信息、概念性含义,进行有关的判断、推理和引申,根据上下文推测生词的词义等能力。要求考生根据所提供的4篇(总长度约为1 600词)文章的内容,从每题所给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案。考生在答题卡1上作答。 B节(5小题):主要考查考生对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征以及文章结构的理解。本部分有3种备选题型。每次考试从这3种备选题型中选择一种进行考查。考生在答题卡1上作答。备选题型有: 1)本部分的内容是一篇总长度为500~600词的文章,其中有5段空白,文章后有6~7段文字。要求考生根据文章内容从这6~7段文字中选择能分别放进文章中5个空白处的5段。

2)在一篇长度约500~600词的文章中,各段落的原有顺序已被打乱。要求考生根据文章的内容和结构将所列段落(7~8个)重新排序,其中有2~3个段落在文章中的位置已经给出。 3)在一篇长度约500词的文章前或后有6~7段文字或6~7个概括句或小标题。这些文字或标题分别是对文章中某一部分的概括、阐述或举例。要求考生根据文章内容,从这6~7个选项中选出最恰当的5段文字或5个标题填入文章的空白处。 C节(5小题)*:主要考查考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语文字材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个画线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。第三部分写作 该部分由A、B两节组成,主要考查考生的书面表达能力。共30分。A节: 考生根据所给情景写出约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等。 考生在答题卡2上作答。共10分。 B节:考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。考生在答题卡2上作答。共20分。*硕士研究生入学考试将英译汉试题作为阅读理解的一部分,其目的是测试考生根据上下文准确理解概念或复杂结构并用汉语正确予以表达的能力。 考研英语时间分配 考研英语总时长为180分钟,建议大多数考生按照以下时间划分来完成各部分考题:1、完型填空:15-20分钟(10分)


医疗问题高考模拟英语作文 题目:请根据下图,结合实际,写一篇英语短文,分析目前医疗服务现状及其原因,并提出改进意见。 As is vividly shown in the picture, a patient with a cold is consulting his doctor. To his astonishment, the doctor recommends that he should do a set of physical check-ups. Having realized they are unnecessary, the patient immediately turns down the doctor's offer. 如图所示,一位感冒的病人正在咨询他的医生。使他惊讶的是,他应该做一套身体检查。有意识到他们是不必要的,病人立即拒绝医生的报价。 The disturbing phenomenon has caused wide social concern. There are several underlying causes behind it. Nowadays, people tend to care more about their health and expect a longer life span, thus causing a boom in medical treatment. People are willing to spend more money on health care. Some hospitals take advantage of this and offer patients more unnecessary physical examinations in order to make more profits. 令人不安的现象引起了广泛的社会关注。有几个背后的


(一)邀请信Invitation (2019全国卷III)假定你是李华,你校将举办音乐节。请写封邮件邀请你的英国朋友 Allen参加,内容包括: 1. 时间; 2. 活动安排; 3. 欢迎他表演节目。 【参考范文一】 Dear Allen, I’m writing to invite you to the annual Music Festival to be held next Sunday in our school. We would be delighted to have you there with us. This year the music festival will provide various activities where many students will put on some performances. Knowing that you are a music lover, I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in it. You can sing a song or play a kind of musical instrument such as violin or piano. In addition, you can also appreciate the performance of other students. I’m sure you will enjoy yourself in the activity. I really hope that you can attend the music festival and please let me know your decision soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【参考范文二】 Dear Allen, You must have heard of the upcoming Music Festival to be held in your school. Since you take much interest in music, I am writing to invite ou to participate in the festival with me. As scheduled, it will be held on the playground from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. next Sunday. Additionally, sitting on the grass and enjoying the tasty food and drinks provided by sponsors, we will be fully absorbed in the attractive and fascinating performances. Furthermore, we also expect to see you on the stage then. I’d be more than delighted if you could come and share this joyful moment with me. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua (2010 全国卷I)假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华,你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest), 希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委,请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。
