


1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses, they are①Excellence of

taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. ②An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning . ③The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.

2.Characteristics of Culture are ①It is based on symbols. ②Culture is shared. ③Culture is

learned. ④Culture is adaptive.

3.The origins of Western culture ——“three pillars” are①Ancient Greece (concretely Greek

philosophy) ②the Roman Empire (specifically Roman law) ③Catholic and Protestant


4.Greece is a country in southeastern Europe.

5.The civilization of ancient Greece is generally considered the cradle of Western civilization.

6.Classical Greek Athenian philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Xenophon.

7.Principle Figures in Greek mythology are①Gods ②Mortals ③Heroes.

8.The Olympians refers to the twelve major gods and goddesses dwelling on Mount


9.Following the Age of Discovery, through missionary work and colonization, Christianity

spread to the Americas and the rest of the world.

10.Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization at least

since the 4th century.

11.God is usually held to have the properties of holiness, justice, omnipotence, omniscience,

omnibenevolence, omnipresence and immortality.

12.God is believed to be transcendent, meaning that he is outside space and outside time, and

therefore eternal and unable to be changed by earthly forces or anything else within his creation.

13.The account of Adam and Eve is in the Book of Genesis.

14.Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,

which gave them the ability to judge and know good from evil for themselves.

15.In Christian theology, the death of Jesus on the cross is the antidote to the sin of Adam.

16.Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnate and "true God and true man".

17.According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and

born from the Virgin Mary.

18.According to the New Testament Jesus was crucified, died a physical death, buried within

a tomb, and rose from the dead three days later.

19.Jesus Christ is the belief that one can be saved (rescued) from sin and eternal death.

20.The three principal traditions within Christianity are Protestantism, Roman Catholicism and

Eastern Orthodoxy.

21.Protestantism is associated with the belief that the Bible is the final source of authority for


22.Trinity refers to the teaching that the one God comprises three distinct, eternally

co-existing persons; the Father, the Son (incarnate in Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

23.Christianity regards the Bible, a collection of canonical books in two parts: the Old

Testament and the New Testament, as authoritative. It is believed by Christians to have been written by human authors under the inspiration of Holy Spirit, and therefore for many it is held to be the inerrant word of salvation.

24.The Old Testament is about God and the laws of God, and the New Testament is about the

doctrines of Jesus Christ. The Word “Testament” means“agreement” or “covenant”.

25.The Torah, or "Instruction," is also known as the“Five Books” of Moses: Genesis, Exodus,

Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

26.The Torah contains the Ten Commandments, of God, revealed at Mount Sinai.

27.Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine judgment and are rewarded

either with eternal life or eternal damnation.

28.Christians believe that the second coming of Christ will occur at the end of the time.

29.In Christianity, baptism is the ritual act, with the use of water, by which one is admitted as

a full member of the Christian Church.

30.The crucifix is a cross with a representation of Jesus'body, or corpus. It is a principal

symbol of the Christian religion.

31.Zeus is the god of sky, the supreme god, and the father of both gods and men.

32.Hera is the queen of heaven and of the Olympians, the goddess of marriage and family, the

protectress of married women and their legal children.

33.Poseidon is the god of sea, the protector of seamen, and the god of earthquakes and


34.Hades /Pluto is the god of the underworld.

35.Athena is the goddess of war, wisdom and handicraft.

36.Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty.

37.Apolloe is the sun god, the god of music, and a god of prophecy.

38.Artemis is the moon goddess, the goddess of childbirth, of nature, and of the harvest, the

goddess of hunting, and the protectress of huntsmen.

39.Hephaestus is the god of fire, the patron god of metal-smiths.

40.Hermes is the messenger of gods, a messenger god, the god of roads and doorways, the

protector of travelers, and the guide for the dead to Hades.

41.Hestia is goddess of the hearth, the goddess of home and family, and a guardian of homes.

42.Dionysus is the god of wine and ecstasy.

43.The Iliad, an epic poem by Greek poet Homer, tells the story of the Trojan War.

44.At Olympia, the Olympic Games were celebrated in honor of Zeus every fourth year.

45.Odyssey is a story after the Trojan War. Odysseus returned to his faithful wife, Penelope,

Agamemnon returned to be murdered by his faithless wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover.

46.The idiom “Pandora’s box” means the fountainhead of all evils.

47.The idiom “Sisyphean task” suggests everlasting fruitless hard labor.

48.“The golden apple” refers to the things that give rise to conflicts and strife.

49.“Achilles’s heel” refers to the only part of the body that remains vulnerable.

50.“Trojan horse” means a trap intended to undermine an enemy, or subversion from inside.

51.Jesus Christ's traditional birthday is celebrated as Christmas Day around the world, on

December 25.

52.In Christianity, baptism is for the majority the rite of admission (or adoption), almost

invariably with the use of water, into the Christian Church generally and also membership of a particular church tradition.

53.Scouting is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in

their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society.

54.Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple,

presentation of a gift (offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a public

proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader.

55.The groom’s family will pay the rehearsal feast and other accessories.

56.The bride’s family will pay the wedding fees.

57.Modern wedding customs and traditions can be dated back to the Middle Ages.

58.Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the

winged Cupid.

59.Passover celebrates the Exodus, the freedom from slavery of the Children of Israel from

ancient Egypt that followed the Ten Plagues.

60.Egg is widely used as a symbol of the start of new life, just as new life emerges from an egg

when the chick hatches out.

61.Halloween is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31.

62.Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a

circus, mask and public street party. People often dress up or masquerade during the

celebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life.

63.Westerners are in such a contradiction that they believe in both the science and God.

64.Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of

another without any process in the physical world linking the two events.

65.In western superstitions,①Black Friday ②the 13th ③Walk under a Ladder ④Break a

Mirror ⑤Black Cats can’t bring good luck.

66.Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence

(generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person.

67.A good building should satisfy the 3 principles: Durability, Utility, Beauty.

68.Structuralism, a modern intellectual movement that analyses cultural phenomena

according to principles derived from linguistics, emphasizing the systematic

interrelationships among the elements of any human activity, and thus the abstract codes and conventions governing the social production of meanings.

69.Deconstruction is a term introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1967

book Of Grammatology.

70.Psychoanalysis is a psychological and psychotherapeutic theory conceived in the late 19th

and early 20th centuries by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud.

71.Vampires are mythological creatures said to survive by feeding on the blood of animals and


72.Vampire symbolizes the renewal of life.

73.Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of

another without any process in the physical world linking the two events.

74.Vernacular architecture is a term used to categorize methods of construction which use

locally available resources and traditions to address local needs and circumstances.

75.The Tower of Babel, according to the Book of Genesis, was an enormous tower built in the

plain of Shinar.

76.According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great

Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar.

77.The phrase "The Tower of Babel" does not actually appear in the Bible; it is always, "the

city and its tower", or just“the city".

78.Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the

only one to remain largely intact.

79.The Great Pyramid consists of an estimated 2.3 million limestone blocks with most believed

to have been transported from nearby quarries.

80.When looked from the outside, the great pyramids point to the sky at the top which

resembles a “ladder to heaven”.

81.The top of the Doric column is a simple square.

82.There is no base at the bottom of Doric column.

83.A Doric column is straight and has 20 small sides.

84.Ionic column is more slender and decorative than Doric column.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3018346077.html,paring the major styles of Greek columns, the most slender one is the Corinthian


86.The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the Greek

goddess Athena.

87.The Colosseum, or the Coliseum is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of

Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire.

88.Colosseum can hold 50,000 to 80,000 people.

89.The gladiators in the show in Colosseum were mainly slaves.

90.A characteristic of Gothic church architecture is its height, both absolute and in proportion

to its width, the verticality suggesting an aspiration to Heaven.

91.Medieval stained glass is the coloured and painted glass of medieval Europe from the 10th

century to the 16th century.

92.According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from the

Portuguese word "barroco", Spanish "barroco", or French "baroque", all of which refer to a“rough or imperfect pearl ".

93.What are the distinctive features of Baroque architecture?①broader naves and sometimes

given oval forms ②broader naves and sometimes given oval forms ③dramatic use of light ④opulent use of colour and ornaments or figures ⑤large-scale ceiling frescoes ⑥an external

fa?ade often characterized by a dramatic central projection ⑦the interior is a shell for painting, sculpture and stucco ⑧illusory effects li ke trompe l’oeil and the blending of painting and


94.Rococo style took pleasure in asymmetry, a taste that was new to European style. This

practice of leaving elements unbalanced for effect is called contraste.

95.What are the ideals of the International Style which are commonly summed up in three

slogans? They are ornament is a crime, truth to materials, form follows function.

96.Deconstruction is a term introduced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in his 1967

book Of Grammatology.

97.Ferdinand de Saussure argued that words are signs in that they consist of two

sides—langue/parole and signifier/signified.

98.Sigmund Freud proposed the mental processes could be divided into three parts: the id,

the ego, and the superego.

99.Many psychological concepts were first proposed by Carl Jung, which is excluded?the

archetype, the collective unconscious, the complex, synchronicity.

100.The anthropological origins of archetypal criticism can pre-date its psychoanalytic origins by over thirty years.The Golden Bough, written by the Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer, was the first influential text dealing with cultural mythologies. 101.Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.

102.Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States.

103.Rock 'n' roll is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of African American blues, country, jazz, and gospel music.

104.“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” was written by Albert Einstein.


西方文化概论 一、爱琴文明: 是指发源于克里特岛的米诺斯王国,在公元前17-15世纪达到鼎盛。文化学家与历史学家们通常把克里特文明以及后来出现的迈锡尼文明统称为爱琴文明。 二、荷马史诗: 是指古希腊时期荷马创作的《伊利亚特》和《奥德修纪》两部作品,作品将英雄传说与 神界故事糅杂在一起,向后人展现了一幅波澜 壮阔的画面。它表现了从氏族社会末期到奴隶 社会初期古希腊的社会生活以及古希腊人的英雄主义、集体主义精神和幸福在人间的入世精神、肯定人的力量和尊严的人文精神。 三:希腊神话“神人同形同性”反映了什么样的文化精神? 四、希腊悲剧:它反映的文化精神是一种人文精神,其核心是自然崇拜和感觉主义。而自然崇拜和感觉主义特点典型地体现在对人的自然形体和现世生活的肯定和赞美之中,这是一种幸福在人间的入世精神和乐观主义精神(人定胜天)。肉体和与精神的原始和谐使整个希腊文化呈现出一种田园诗般纯净悠扬的意境。 希腊悲剧起源于酒神祭典仪式。它基本上取材于神话与传说,以古代的英雄故事作为主要内容。悲剧的主题反映的是悲剧主人公的个人意志与不可抗拒的客观必然性(“命运”)的紧张关系。代表作家是埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯和欧里庇德斯。 十三、如何从罗马兵制的变化认识罗马盛衰的历程? 罗马帝国衰亡的一个至关重要的原因是军队性质的蜕变以及由此而导致的军事无政府状态。 早期:公民兵制,即成年公民在战时即士兵,非战时即解甲归田。这种兵制所构成的连队是非职业化的,具有很强的战斗力,因为他们是为了自己的利益和荣誉而战。 中期:公元前二世纪末,实行募兵制,罗马军团成为与生产相脱离的职业军队,士兵参军是为了财产而非国家和 荣誉,他们将自己的命运与将领联系 在一起。这种兵制动摇了共和国的根 基。 后期,雇佣兵制,罗马帝国时期,士 兵的构成是外族人和奴隶。这种士兵 主要为了统治罗马人而雇佣的,他们 掠夺是罗马人自己,罗马人从战争受 惠者变成战争的受害者。这种兵制导 致了罗马军队战斗力的锐减。 五、希腊悲剧的“命运”主题具有什 么深刻寓意? “命运”是指某种不可 抗拒的客观必然性。悲剧中人与命运 的冲突没有善恶的明确区分和截然对 立,冲突双方处于一种原始的和谐状 态。相对于希腊人来说,“命运”是不 可理解的,因为它是一种感性世界背 后的抽象的本质或规律,它是处于感 性思维阶段的希腊人所难以企及的。 这种“命运”主题的基调是悲壮的、 崇高的。 六、如何理解希腊化时期东西方之间 的文化交流? “希腊化”时代是亚历 山大帝国的一个文化后果。“希腊化” 一词的含义是指希腊文化在空间地域 上的扩展,它的直接结果就是希腊文 化向东方各地区的传播和渗透。在亚 历山大帝国瓦解后,处于埃及和东方 的托勒密和塞琉西王国继续推行“希 腊化”政策,在东方推行希腊的生活 方式和文化成果。“希腊化”的过程实 际上是一双向文化交流的过程,把希 腊与东方在文化上联系为一个相互融 通的整体,一方面,希腊文化向东方 渗透和扩张,另一方面,东方文化对 希腊以及后来的罗马又进行着反向渗 透,源于东方的君主专制主义和官僚 体制、奢侈放荡的享乐主义以及形形 色色的神秘主义和彼岸主义和宗教信 仰渗透到了西方,改变着西方文化的 面貌。 七、如何评价希腊化时期的文化精 神? 从表面上看,希腊化时代 是希腊文化在地域上的推广和扩展, 但是从实质上看,希腊化时代却是希 腊文化精神的衰颓和没落。由于政治 的腐败、生活的腐朽、思想的衰竭, 希腊文化在此时期开始从崇高向平庸 和腐化堕落方向转化,政治上向东方 专制主义、官僚主义发展,神秘主义 和彼岸性宗教精神也渗透到希腊精神 之中。八、罗马英雄主义: 在罗马共和国时期,为了 国家利益和个人荣誉,不惜牺牲生命 的雄浑悲壮的英雄主义精神。 九、罗马文化的基本特点是什么? 功利主义是整个罗马文 化的特点。共和其间,功利主义与国 家利益和个人荣誉联系在一起;帝国 期间它与阴谋与贪婪联系在一起,为 了私欲牺牲国家。 十、《民法大全》: 它是罗马查士丁尼时代 编纂的罗马法的总汇,后来成为中世 纪教会法的基本依据,它通过中世纪 继续对现代西方法律体系发生着深刻 的影响。 十一、功利主义: 是整个罗马文化的基本 特点。在罗马共和国时期,功利主义 与国家利益和个人荣誉联系在一起, 因此功利主义焕发出一种磅礴的气 势,是悲壮、崇高和理想化的。到了 罗马帝国时期,它与物欲主义联系在 一起,呈现出贪婪、麻木、阴险的特 征。 十二、罗马法的主要内容和范围包括 什么? 从内容上看,罗马法涉及民法、商法、 刑法等诸多领域。罗马的民法体系又 分为人法、财产法和程序法等三个部 分。 从法律规范的范围来看,罗马法又可 分为公民法、万民法和自然法。 《民法大全》是罗马法的总汇。 十三、如何从罗马兵制的变化认识罗 马盛衰的历程? 罗马帝国衰亡的一个至关重要的原因 是军队性质的蜕变以及由此而导致的 军事无政府状态。 早期:公民兵制,即成年公民在战时 即士兵,非战时即解甲归田。这种兵 制所构成的连队是非职业化的,具有 很强的战斗力,因为他们是为了自己 的利益和荣誉而战。 中期:公元前二世纪末,实行募兵制, 罗马军团成为与生产相脱离的职业军 1


《西方文化概论》教学大纲 一、基本信息 二、教学目标及任务 本课程为全校文法类各专业通识课。本课程将通过对古希腊文化、古罗马文化、中世纪基督教文化和西方近现代文化的讲解,使全校文法类各专业的本科生了解西方文化孳乳繁衍、发生进化的来龙去脉,掌握西方文化史中的一些重大事件和重要人物,认识不同时代的精神和文化状貌,为从不同专业的涉外部分的学习、进行中西比较、或直接学习研究具体领域的西方文化打下知识基础。 三、学时分配 四、教学内容及教学要求 第一章古希腊罗马文化:爱琴文明与希腊神话传说 习题要点:米诺斯文明, 迈锡尼文明, 希腊神话传说的源流,希腊神谱, 神谱的文化学意义,荷马史诗与“系统叙事诗”等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.爱琴文明与希腊城邦文明之间的文化联系。2.希腊神话的源流与谱系。 本单元教学要求:了解古希腊罗马文化:爱琴文明与希腊神话传说,要求基本理解希腊罗马文化的发展脉络,掌握希腊罗马文化的特征。 第二章古希腊罗马文化:希腊城邦文化

习题要点:希腊城邦的发展演变, 希腊城邦的崛起与殖民,早期希腊城邦的政治变革,斯巴达的政治与文化,雅典的政治与文化,从分离主义到帝国主义等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.希腊宗教的文化特点。2.希腊悲剧与喜剧的文化学意义。 本单元教学要求:了解希腊宗教的文化特点。理解希腊悲剧与喜剧的文化学意义。掌握希腊哲学发展的基本梗概。第三章古希腊罗马文化:城邦文化的衰落与希腊化时代 习题要点:希腊城邦文化的衰落,雅典民主制的蜕变,亚历山大帝国与希腊化时代,希腊文化精神的凋敝等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.希腊分离主义向帝国主义转化的历史契机。2.希腊化时代的文化特点。 本单元教学要求:了解希腊城邦文化的衰落的过程,理解与掌握希腊文化精神的凋敝与希腊化时代的文化特点。第四章古希腊罗马文化:罗马帝国的兴衰 习题要点:罗马政治制度演化与罗马帝国的扩张过程等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.罗马政治制度演化的基本情况。2.罗马帝国的扩张过程。 本单元教学要求:了解罗马帝国的兴衰、罗马的起源、罗马帝国的扩张、罗马政治体制的演变、恺撒与奥古斯都,理解罗马帝国的衰亡过程与原因。 第五章古希腊罗马文化:罗马文化的特征 习题要点:希腊人与罗马人,罗马英雄主义,罗马的宗教,罗马法,罗马的哲学、文学艺术和科学,罗马世风的腐化等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.罗马文化与希腊文化的联系与差异。2.罗马帝国衰落的原因。 本单元教学要求:了解罗马文化与希腊文化的联系与差异,理解与掌握罗马帝国衰落的原因。 第六章中世纪基督教文化:基督教的早期发展 习题要点:基督教的“两希”传统,基督教与希腊哲学,基督教与罗马帝国,苦难的历程,基督教的合法化与国教化,基督教与异教文化,修道运动,基督教与日耳曼族,罗马帝国时期的日耳曼人,蛮族 大入侵,蛮族的皈依等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.基督教的“两希”文化渊源。2.基督教对日耳曼蛮族的教化。 本单元教学要求:了解基督教的“两希”传统,理解与掌握基督教对日耳曼蛮族的教化(基督教与日耳曼族)等要点。 第七章中世纪基督教文化:基督教与西欧封建社会 习题要点:封建制与庄园经济,修道院经济,西欧封建社会的生活状况,西欧封建社会的政治格局,“神圣” 与“世俗”,十字军东征,“阿维农之囚”与罗马教会的衰落等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.中世纪西欧封建社会的基本特点。2.中世纪教俗之争的发展历程。 本单元教学要求:了解与理解中世纪西欧封建社会的基本特点与中世纪教俗之争的发展历程。 第八章中世纪基督教文化:中世纪西欧社会的文化概况 习题要点:中世纪西欧社会的精神生活,教会与大学,中世纪的哲学,骑士精神与骑士文学,基督教唯灵主义与哥特式建筑等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.基督教信仰对于中世纪西欧精神生活的重要影响。2.中世纪基督教文化的精神特征。本单元教学要求:了解中世纪西欧社会的精神生活,基督教信仰对于中世纪西欧精神生活的重要影响。掌握中世纪基督教文化的精神特征。 第九章中世纪基督教文化:中世纪基督教文化的衰落 习题要点:信仰的衰落与道德的沦丧,教会的堕落,宗教裁判所,基督教文化的内在矛盾等的具体内容。本单元重点、难点:1.中世纪赎罪方式的形式化和虚假化。2.基督教的本质精神与罗马天主教会的实践活动之间的尖锐矛盾。 本单元教学要求:了解中世纪信仰的衰落与道德的沦丧,中世纪赎罪方式的形式化和虚假化,基督教文化的内在矛盾,基督教的本质精神与罗马天主教会的实践活动之间的尖锐矛盾。 第十章西方近现代文化:文艺复兴与宗教改革 习题要点:文艺复兴,人文主义,宗教改革等的具体内容。 本单元重点、难点:1.文艺复兴运动与宗教改革运动的不同背景和目标。2.宗教改革运动对于西方现代化历程的客观影响。 本单元教学要求:了解、理解与掌握文艺复兴运动与宗教改革运动的不同背景和目标,宗教改革运动对于西方现代化历程的客观影响,新教三大主流教派的基本情况。

西方文化概论-Chapter 1 -7 (复习题)

1.The word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses: Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning. The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group. 2.Some historians believe the West originated in the northern and eastern Mediterranean with ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Over time, their associated empires grew first to the east and south, conquering and absorbing many older great civilizations; later, they grew to the north and west to include Western Europe. 3.Western culture is a term used to generally refer to most of the cultures of European origin and most of their descendants. 4.Foundations of Western Culture are: ancient Greece (concretely Greek philosophy), the Roman Empire (specifically Roman law), Catholic and Protestant Christianity. 5.Western culture originates from 2 ancient cultures: Hellenistic culture ( emphasizing rationality)and Hebraic culture (emphasizing virtue & discipline) 6. 3 most noted achievements of ancient Greeks: Mythology; Architecture; philosophy. 7.Greek Mythology, set of diverse traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the exploits of gods and heroes and their relations with ordinary mortals. 8.The Greek gods resembled human beings in their form and in their emotions. 9.The Olympians refers to the twelve major gods and godd esses dwelling on Mount Olympus. 10.Zeus is the god of gods, the god of sky, the supreme god, the father of both gods and men. 11.Hermes (Mercury) is god of physicians and thieves; messenger of gods. 12.Apollo is the sun god, the god of music, a god of prophecy. 13.Dionysus is god of wine and ecstasy. 14.Hephaestus is god of fire; celestial blacksmith. 15.Athena is the goddess of war, wisdom and handicraft. 16.Hera is queen of heaven and of the Olympians, the goddess of marriage and family, the protectress of married women and their legal children. 17.Poseid on is the god of sea, the protector of seamen, the god of earthquakes and tsunamis. 18.Had es is god of the und erworl d. 19.Two of the most important of the semi historical myths involve the search for the Golden Fleece and the quest that led to the Trojan War. 20.Aphrodite is the godd ess of l ove and beauty, the protectress of sailors. 21.Heracles is a divine hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, stepson of

西方文化概论 期末试题

填空题 1.古罗马的最美的主管爱情的女神维纳斯源于希腊爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂。 2.公元前450年颁布的《十二铜表法》是罗马的第一个成文法,它是平民反 对贵族斗争取得的成果。 3.罗克起家的克马前三头同盟指靠镇压斯巴达克拉苏、凭借剿灭海盗和胜利 结束米特里达提战争的庞培和野心勃勃的没落贵族恺撒。 4.在临终之际,君士坦丁接受了基督教洗礼,成为罗马帝国的第一位基督教 皇帝。 5.公元313年,罗马皇帝颁布了《米兰赦令》,标志着基督教在罗马帝国获 得了合法地位。 6.公元476年,摇摇欲坠了三个世纪的西罗马帝国终于在日耳曼族的冲击之 下彻底瓦解。 7.1054年在东西教会的大分裂和1071年塞尔柱突阙人对耶路撒冷的占领, 而它们的结果就是历史上著名的十字军东征。 8.中世纪臭名昭著却又令人谈虎色变的宗教裁判所是基督教不宽容的暴虐态 度的“杰作”。 9.阿维农之囚是教会在中世纪所遭受的最沉重的打击和最难堪的耻辱,那段 时间教廷几乎沦为法国的一个行政机构。 10.欧洲三十年宗教战争最终以《威斯特伐利亚和约》的签订而结束,这个和 约至今仍然在影响着欧洲人的宗教生活。 11.1618—1648的战争结束后,随着人们对教义纷争和宗派冲突的兴趣日益 淡薄,宗教宽容开始逐渐成为新的时代特征。

12.麦哲伦船队完成了人类历史上第一次环球旅行,从而证明整个世界,至少 是南半球,在海洋上是相通的。 13.古罗马执政官屋大维使罗马进行了由共和国向帝国的转变。 14.公元前2世纪,罗马帝国亚历山大里亚的科学家托勒密在其著作《天文学 大成》提出“地心说”理论。 15.地理大发现与文艺复兴和宗教改革被称为西方中世纪文化和近代文化之间 的历史分水岭。 16.19世纪末,西方资本主义国家先后完成了第二次工业/产业革命而走向强 盛,英国垄断世界市场的霸主时代结束了。 17.16世纪,葡糖帝萄牙建立了强大的贸易帝国,主要包括南大西洋的蔗国和 印度洋的香料帝国。 18.重商主义是18世纪在欧洲受欢迎的政治经济体制。它建立在这样的信念 上:即一国的国力基于通过贸易顺差所获得的财富。 19.公元18世纪后,势力均衡的国际政治格局使得罗马时代的恺撒帝国在近 代西方完全失去了再生的土壤。 20.“看不见的手”是苏格兰经济学家、哲学家亚当斯密在其经济学著作《国富 论》提出的。 21.古罗马著名诗人维吉尔的史诗《埃涅阿斯记》,以文学形式重新塑造了罗马 的历史,将罗马的起源与荷马史诗中的特洛伊英雄联系在一起。 22.在西罗马帝国灭亡后的1000年时间里,基督教作为一种唯一的意识形态, 对塑造西方文化的基本特征起到了难以估量的重要作用。 23.西欧封建社会的基本经济单元是“小而全”的庄园。


1.西方最早的文明形态:神话。 2.西方最早最早的文明:米诺斯文明(克里特文明)。∵创造线形文字。 3.最早的希腊人:阿卡亚人。∵建立的迈锡尼文明滋养了整个希腊。 爱琴文明简表: 前26c—前15c 优雅精巧的米诺斯文明(克里特人) 前16c—前12c 粗犷豪迈的迈锡尼文明(阿卡亚人) 前12c—前8c 黑暗时代(多利亚人) 前8c—前4c 希腊城邦时代 4.英雄: 半人半神,神与人所生,神是理想化的人,因此英雄是理想化的人。在古希腊,人与自身区分而成为英雄,具有节制、正义、勇敢的美德。 5.希腊文明兴起的原因: 腓尼基字母传入; 公元前776年,第一届奥林匹克竞技运动会; 新兴家族的崛起,农业上以血缘为核心,商业上以契约为核心。 6.用公民和城邦相互解释: 亚里士多德《政治学》 公民——城邦里享有一定政治权利并要尽一定政治责任和义务的组织者。 城邦——享有一定权利同时要尽一定责任的一定数量的公民共同体。 7.希腊城邦文化的中心:雅典。希腊化的中心:亚历山大里亚。 8.斯巴达采用的国家制度: 政治上:建立元老院,是最高权力中心。 经济上:定期分配土地。 生活上:原始共产主义制度。 9.希腊城邦的政治制度: 前8c—前6c: 君主制:一个人统治,世袭制度,导致独裁、专政。 僭主制:利用民众的力量夺取政权。 民主制:民众协商的方式。 10.贝壳投票法:雅典。伯利克里时代,公民大会。 11.前776年,第一届奥林匹克竞技运动会的意义: 希腊人自己有了记录时间的方法,有了纪元,从而有了编年史;表明了希腊人对美的崇尚;是希腊城邦文明的标志。 12.《神谱》作者:赫西俄德通过吟唱。 13.三代神王:乌兰诺斯、克洛诺斯、宙斯。 14.诸神居住地:奥林匹斯山。 诸神南下在伯罗奔尼撒平原的奥林匹克祭祀。奥尔弗斯神秘祭。 《神谱》的文化意义: 第一,通过神系的生殖原则反映了一种朴素的宇宙起源论和自然演化观。例如:从原始的神“混沌”到宙斯,绝大多数神都象征着某种自然现象(海神、死神、天神等),这种自然的分化和演进过程一直延续。到宙斯这里,神才脱离了自然性而获得了社会性(农业女神、文艺女神、智慧女神等)。 第二,它蕴涵着一种以自我否定为动力的社会进化思想。希腊神王的更迭是通过自我否定的暴力方式实现的,以此来展现自身的“命运”。


1.Western culture originates from two ancient cultures, _____________culture and _____________ culture. 2.Western culture is a term used to generally refer to most of the cultures of _____________origin and most of their descendants. 3.The foundations of Western Culture are _____________, _____________ and Catholic and Protestant Christianity. 4.Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are 3 great ancient Greek philosophers, _____________ is Plato’s mentor, _____________ is Plato’s student. 5.Western culture originates from the Hebraic-Christian culture that is undoubtedly embodied in and founded upon the _____________. 6.Christianity was the inheritor and the reformer of _____________. 7._____________is the collection of books written prior to the life of Jesus but accepted by Christians as scripture. 8.The Torah, or “Instruction”, is also known as the “Five Books” of _____________. 9.Christianity is a _____________ religion centered on the life and teachings of _____________ as presented in the New Testament. 10.Adherents of Christianity, known as Christians, believe that Jesus is the only begotten _____________ and _____________ (Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. 11.Christian theology claims that Jesus Christ is a_____________, the model of a _____________, the _____________of God, as well as an _____________of God, and most importantly _____________ of humanity who suffered, died, and was resurrected to bring about salvation from _____________. 12.Christians maintain that Jesus ascended into heaven, and most denominations teach that Jesus will return to judge _____________ and _____________, granting everlasting life to his _____________. 13.Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the _____________. 14.Following the Age of Discovery, through_____________and _____________, Christianity spread to the Americas and the rest of the world. 15.Christianity has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization at least since the _____________ century. 16.As of the early 21st century, Christianity has between 1.5 billion and 2.1 billion adherents, representing about _____________the world’s population and is the world’s largest religion. 17.Most Christian groups see God as the _____________ who created the


“西方文化概论”试题汇编 一、填空: 1、绚丽多姿的希腊神话是不同文化长期融合的结果,其中主要是( )世界神话与北方印欧语世界神话融合的结果。 2、希腊神话中的三代神王分别是( )。 3.关于希腊神话与传说的最著名的史诗是荷马的( )和 ( )。 4、而对众神的源流谱系进行系统性梳理的则是赫西俄德的( )。 5.、在希腊神话中,真正具有形而上学意义的决定性力量是潜藏在诸神背后的( )。 6、.希腊悲剧的命运主题典型地表现在( 俄狄浦斯王 )杀父娶母的悲剧故事中。 7、希腊宗教的基本特点主要表现为直观的自然崇拜和明朗的感觉主义,而整个希腊文化 的个性特征就是( )。 8、与奥林匹斯神话相对立的希腊民间神秘祭叫做( )。 9、西方的历史之父是( ),悲剧之父是( ),哲学之父是( )。 10、在希腊城邦时期因其思想的超越性而殉道、并且成为后来整个西方文化的“圣人”的 是( ); 11、德国哲学家,德国古典唯心主义的创始人() 12、希腊哲学和科学思想的集大成者是( )。 13、在罗马的早期扩张中,罗马与它在地中海地区的头号劲敌(. )进行了三次艰苦的战争,这些战争被称为( )战争。 14、罗马共和国末期,骑士集团结成了反对罗马元老院的“前三头同盟”,该同盟的缔结者是( )、( )和( ); 15、罗马历史上的“后三头同盟”是指( )、( )和 ( )之间的同盟。 16、公元313年,罗马皇帝( )颁布了《米兰敕令》,标志着基督教在罗马帝国中取得了合法地位。325年,在他的主持下召开了基督教历史上第一次世界性会议,即( )。 17、.基督教虽然脱胎于犹太教,但是二者在文化特点上却迥然而异,一般说来,犹太教拘泥于外在的( ),而基督教更侧重内在的( )。


填空题 1.希腊神话中的美神是(阿佛洛狄忒),她在罗马神话中被称为(维纳斯)希腊神话中的三代神王分别是(乌兰诺斯)、(克洛诺斯)、(宙斯),希腊神话中的智慧女神是(雅典娜),美神是(阿佛洛狄忒),酒神是(狄奥尼索斯)2.关于希腊神话与传说的最著名的史诗是荷马的(伊利亚特)和(奥德修记),而对众神谱系进行系统性梳理的则是赫西俄德的(神谱) 希腊神话主要是(地中海)世界神话与北方印欧语世界神话融合的结果,在“黑暗时代“末期杂乱无章的希腊神话传说进行编撰整理工作的两位重要人物是荷马和(赫西俄德)希腊悲剧的命运主题典型地表现在(俄狄浦斯)杀父娶母的悲剧故事中。在希腊神话中,真正具有形而上学意义的决定性力量是潜藏在诸神背后的(命运) 3 以克洛诺斯为首的老一辈神族是(提坦)神族,以宙斯为首的新一代希腊神族是(奥林匹斯)神族;与希腊正统宗教相对立的希腊民间神秘祭叫做(奥尔弗斯)。4.西方的历史之父是(希罗多德),悲剧之父是(埃斯库罗斯),哲学之父是(泰勒斯),雅典民主制的杰出领袖是(伯里克利) 希腊最杰出的唯心主义哲学家是(柏拉图)。他的哲学体系通常被称为(理念论)/希腊最主要的唯物主义哲学家是(泰勒斯),他的哲学体系通常被称作(水本原说);希腊哲学和科学思想的集大成者是(亚里士多德)。 雅典民主制的杰出领袖是(伯里克利),在希腊城邦时期因其思想的超越性而殉道、并且成为后来整个西方文化的“圣人”的是(苏格拉底) < 希腊宗教的基本特点主要表现为直观的自然崇拜和明朗的感觉主义,而整个希腊文化的个性特征就是(和谐之美) 与奥林匹斯神话相对应的希腊民间神秘祭叫做(奥尔弗斯) 柏拉图之后,对基督教神学思想影响最大的两个非基督教哲学家是(普罗提诺)和(斯多葛) 柏拉图关于(理念世界)与感觉世界二远对立的思想成为基督教神学的重要理论来源。 西方教会的著名教父(奥古斯丁)在《上帝之城》一书中为基督教的灵肉对立思想和修道运动奠定了理论基础。 在罗马的早期扩张中,罗马与它在地中海地区的头号劲敌(迦太基)进行了三次艰苦的战争,这些战争被称为(布匿)战争。 5.罗马历史上的“前三头同盟”是指(克拉苏)、(庞培)和(恺撒)为了共同对抗元老院而缔结的政治同盟。 《 罗马历史上的“后三头同盟“是指(屋大维)、(安东尼)和(雷必达)之间的同盟。 6.《圣经》中的“旧约”是指(摩西)在西乃上上代表全体犹太人与上帝订立的和约;“新约”则是指(耶稣)在十字架上代表全人类与上帝订立的和约。弥赛亚运动的末世论到(救赎说)的发展,是基督教最终摆脱犹太教而成为一种世界性宗教的重要标志。


第一章古希腊罗马文化 第一节 1、如何认识古希腊文明的时间跨度和空间范围? (1)、地域范围: 古代希腊的概念是一个大希腊的概念,包括希腊本土、小亚细亚和西亚沿海地区、南意大利地区,甚至伊比利亚半岛和北非。 (2)、时间跨度: 古代希腊文化包括三个发展阶段: A、克里特-迈锡尼时代的文化(公元前26-前12世纪) 黑暗时代(公元前12-前8世纪) B、希腊城邦时代的文化(公元前8-前4世纪) C、希腊化时代的文化(公元前4-前2世纪) 2、赫西俄德的《神谱》具有什么文化学意义? 从文化学角度来看,赫西俄德的《神谱》具有两方面的重要意义:第一,它通过神系的生殖原则反映了一种朴素的宇宙起源论和自然演化观;第二,它蕴含着一种自我否定为动力的社会进化思想。 从第一方面来看,希腊神话的神谱不仅仅是神的家族史,同时也反映了希腊人的宇宙生成观,神的衍生和交替也就是自然过程的发生和演进。这种通过神系的生殖原则来说明宇宙起源和自然演化过程的神话思维图景,构成了哲学和科学产生之前人们唯一的世界观。 从第二方面来看,以内在的自我否定作为神系延续和发展的契机是希腊神话的又一个基本特征。这种维持神系更新和发展的自我否定机制使希腊神话表现出一种新陈代谢的社会进化思想,而在背后决定着诸神的兴衰泰否的就是那个不出场的“命运”。这种通过“命运”的“看不见之手”来实现神系更迭和自然进化的思想,构成了希腊神话中最深刻的思想,同时也成为整个西方文化在漫长的历史过程中不断实现自我否定和自我超越的形而上的动力。 第二节 1、希腊神话的“神人同形同性”特点反映了什么样的文化精神? A:神人同形——希腊人的自然崇拜和感觉主义,崇尚完美的形体。 B:神人同性——神与人一样具有七情六欲、喜怒哀乐,像人一样会犯错,经常到人间来滋生是非、拈花惹草。


西方文化概论期末复习资料 古希腊文化的特征主要有五方面: (1)古希腊的一个重要的美学思想就是和谐是美。神只是理想化了的人。 (2) 人文主义。希腊人重视个人价值,追求自由,享乐 . (3) 理性主义. 希腊人是奔放的理性色彩还是比较突出的 (4) 悲剧性。自身的追求与命运的矛盾,就形成悲剧。 (5) 雄伟性.这点是上面一点的延续。悲剧不是侧重写悲,而是写悲壮雄伟。希腊的史诗戏剧大多体现英雄主义色彩,抒情性较强。语言高亢,句式短促。 宗教改革运动的原因:(1)四分五裂的政治局面严重阻碍德国经济的发展(根本原因)(2)罗马教廷对德意志的政治控制和经济搜刮(主要原因) (3)马丁·路德立志改革(主观原因) (4)教皇兜售赎罪券,马丁·路德发表“九十五条论纲”(直接原因) 宗教改革的出现的主要派别:路德教派、加尔文派、英国国教 宗教改革的历史作用:第一,打击了西欧的封建势力,有利于资本主义的发展。 第二,打击了天主教会在欧洲的神权统治,促进了西欧民族意识和民族国家发展. 第三,否定了罗马天主教会的权威,解放了思想,为资本主义的兴起和发展奠定了基础. 第四,形成新教派,出现新的宗教分布格局. 人文主义的基本内容是提倡“人道”,反对“神道”;提倡个性解放,反对宗教桎梏和禁欲主义;肯定人性和人的价值,要求享受人世的欢乐,提倡人的个性解放和自由平等,要求把人从宗教束缚中解放出来 主要精神实质:人性的解放 地理大发现是指15~18世纪,欧洲航海者开辟新航路和“发现”新大陆的通称,它是地理学发展史中的重大事件。 推动了人类文明的发展①将世界市场连接成一个整体,新航路即世界市场联系之路;②证明了“地圆学说”正确性,冲击了神学理论,推动了自然科学的发展,思想震撼;③世界各大洲的孤立状态被打破,人类文明交流之路。 同时也带来罪恶殖民掠夺,加速西欧原始积累,而导致亚非拉的贫困落后,最终落后于西方,血与火的争夺。客观上也刺激了商品经济的发展。 历史意义:对欧洲:空前的思想解放运动,进一步解放思想,冲击封建统治及其思想基础,是资产阶级政权的思想基础;为法国大革命作充分准备。 对世界:鼓舞殖民地半殖民地人民争取民族独立的斗争;成为精神武器,在人类发展进程中发挥重要作用 局限性:启蒙主义者的唯物主义是不彻底的机械唯物主义,其社会史观也没跳出唯心主义的


1.The term Western world, the West or the Occident can have multiple meanings dependent on its context. Some historians believe the West originated in the northern and eastern Mediterranean with _____ancient Greece_______ and _Ancient Rome___________. Over time, their associated empires grew first to the east and south, conquering and absorbing many older great civilizations; later, they grew to the north and west to include_Western Europe___________. 2.Since the Renaissance, the West evolved beyond the influence of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Muslims due to the_commercial___________, Scientific, and _industrial revolution___________, and the expansion of the ___christian_________ peoples of Western European empires, and particularly the globe-spanning empires of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Since the____age of discovery________ and _columbus___________, the notion of the West expanded to include _the Americas___________, though much of the Americas have considerable pre-Western cultural influence. __Australia__________ and _New Zealand___________ are considered part of Western culture due to their former status as _settler colonies ___________of Western Christian nations. 3.In the current political or economic context the term the "West" often includes developed ___oriental_________ nations in Asia, such as Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea, that additionally have strong political and military ties to Western Europe, NATO or the United States. 4.Western culture or Western civilization is a term used to generally refer to most of the cultures of __European__________ origin and most of their descendants. It comprises the broad, geographically based, heritage of __social norms__________, __ethical values__________, __traditional custo ms__________ (such as religious beliefs) and specific artifacts and technologies as shared within the Western sphere of influence. 5.The origins of Western culture are often referred to as "three pillars": __ ancient Greece__________ (concretely Greek philosophy) ;the ancient Rome____________ (specifically Roman law);Catholic____________ and Protestant Christianity____________. 1.Christianity is a ____ monotheistic _神论________ religion centered on the life and teachings of __ Jesus ___________ as presented in the New Testament. 2.Adherents of Christianity, known as Christians, believe that Jesus is the only begotten _ Son of God ____________ and __ the Messiah ___________ (Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. 3.Christian theology claims that Jesus Christ is a__ a teacher ___________, the model of a __ virtuous life ___________, the _revealer __启示者__________of God, as well as an _incarnation 化身____________of God, and most importantly _ the savior 救世主____________ of humanity who suffered, died, and was resurrected to bring about salvation from __ sin ___________. 4.Christians maintain that Jesus ascended into heaven, and most denominations教派teach that Jesus will return to judge __ the living ___________ and _ the dead ____________, granting everlasting 来世life to his _ followers ____________. 5.Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the Gospel福音,真理_____________. 6.Like Judaism and Islam, Christianity is classified as an __ Abrahamic _亚伯拉罕__________ religion. 7.Christianity began as a _ Jewish ___________sect in the eastern Mediterranean, quickly grew in size and influence over a few decades, and by the 4th century had become the dominant religion within the Roman Empire.
