



1.American Transcendentalism

Transcendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. It is sometimes called American Transcendentalism.

?Emphasizing spirit and the Oversoul as the most important thing in the universe as a reaction against Newtonian concept of the universe, the direction that a mechanized, capitalist America was taking, and the popular tendency to get ahead in world affairs to the neglect of spiritual welfare.

?Stressing the importance of the individual and individual' s capability for self-regeneration and self-perfection as a reaction against the Calvinist concept of human beings and the process of dehumanization that came in the wake of developing capitalism.

?Offering a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. Nature was alive, filled with God’s overwhelming presence, the garment of the Oversoul, exerting a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind.

2.Metaphysical poetry

A loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, who shared an interest in metaphysical concerns and a common way of investigating them. The label "metaphysical" was given much later by Samuel Johnson in his Life of Cowley. These poets themselves did not form a school or start a movement; most of them did not even know or read each other.

3.Byronic Hero

The Byronic hero is an idealised but flawed character exemplified in the life and writings of Lord Byron, characterised by his ex-lover Lady Caroline Lamb as being "mad, bad and dangerous to know".[1] The Byronic hero first appears in Byron's semi-autobiographical epic narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18).

4.The precursor of socialist movement visualizing a new social order based on

the regeneration of man and the virtue of love*

5.Heroic couplet

A heroic couplet is a tradtional form for English poetry, commonly used fo epicand narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentamater lines. The ryhme is always masculine. Use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffery Chaucer.


6.Thomas Hardy’s fatalism and determinism

Hardy asserts that in his "pilgrimage" of life he has met with both sorrow and

joy and that it is not god who is responsible for this but the "purblind doomsters" "Casualty" [chance, accident] and "Time."

“ Dicing time" refers to the fact that events in a person's life take place unexpectedly and purely by chance like the throw of a dice. Hardy's conclusion is that it is not god who determines the joy and sorrow in a person's life but "casualty" or chance which is completely neutral and dictates that all events in a person's life whether joyful or sorrowful take place indiscriminately at no fixed or expected time.

Hardy’s is a world, amoral in nature, where “the President of Immortals” sits high up on the throne, hostile often or nonchalant at best to the human world. (找不到,这是课件上相关的话。)

7.American Puritanism

The beliefs and practices characteristic of Puritans (most of whom were Calvinists who wished to purify the Church of England of its Catholic aspects)

Puritanism was a religious reform movement that arose within the Church of Rngland in the late sixteen century.Under siege from church and crown, it sent an offshoot in the third and fourth decades of the seventeenth century to the northern English colonies in the New World—a migrantion that laid the foundation for the religious, intellectual, and social order of New England. Puritanism, however, was not only a historically specific phenomenon coincident with the founding of New England; it was also a way of being in the world—a style of response to lived experience—that has reverberated through American life ever since.



Neoclassicism is the name given to quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music and architecture that draw upon Western classical art and culture. These movenments were dominant during the mid 18th to the end of the 19th century.


9.Shakespearean sonnets

● A demonstration of his attitudes toward the society of his time and toward

his own experience in life

●Themes and ideas reflected

?Entreaties of love

?Mild criticism of the prevailing conditions at the royal court in England of

that time

?Condemnation of certain common social vices and evils

?Utterances of his personal miseries caused by social evils

●Shakespearean sonnet with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg

●Economy and intensity in language (课件上)

A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter with a carefully patterned rhyme scheme. A Shakespearean , or English sonnet consiss of 14 lines, each line contains ten syllable, and each line is written in iambic pentameter in which a pattern of a non-emphasized syllable followed by an emphasized syllable is repeated five times. The ryhme scheme in a Shakespearaen sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg in which the last two lines are a rhyming couplet.

十四行诗是由十四行五步抑扬格组成的韵律规范的诗体。莎士比亚十四行诗或英国十四行诗由十四行组成,每行十个音节,韵律是抑扬格无因步,每个音步非重读音节在前,重读音节在后,重复五次。莎士比亚十四行诗的韵式为abab cdcd efef gg,最后两行为押韵对句。(参考书上只是sonnet)

10.Alliterative verse(头韵体诗)

Alliterative verse is a form of verse that uses alliteration as the principal structuring device to unify lines of poetry, as opposed to other devices such as rhyme. The most commonly studied traditions of alliterative verse are those found in the oldest literature of many Germanic languages. This is a technique in which the first half of the line (the a-verse) is linked to the second half (the b-verse) through similarity in initial sound. (课件)

10. Deism (自然神论,自然神教派(信上帝的存在及创世界,但对其所创造的世界及世人未加以支配)

?Deism believe in the existence of God without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority or holy books, typically rejecting supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles, tending to assert that God (or "The Supreme Architect") has a plan for the universe that is not to be altered by intervention in the affairs of human life.

?The world owed its existence to God and the best way to worship God was to worship His creation – man, nature, and the world as a whole ?Formal religion disappeared, which became private and personal, not intermingled with public affairs

?God did not object to people not believing in Him, and that the best way to serve God was to do good to man.




11.Hamlet is Shakespeare’s oft-anthologized and most-staged tragedy. What are the

reasons for Hamlet’s hesitation in taking revenge on his uncle on behalf of his murdered father? In what sense is Hamlet tragical?


1.Hamlet is a hunmanist at that time. The spirit of humanists influences Hamlet a lot. At the beginning, Hamlet lived a happy and cheerful life because he was a simple and pure man. However, something unfortunate happened on him one after another — his father’s death, hismother’s hurried marriage, Claudius’ crime, the death of Ophelia.

At that moment he not only thought of his personal revenge but also the task to wipe out the evils of the world. The latter task was too complicated for him. It could not be solved by only one attack of sword. Even if he had killed Claudius, he knew he could not solveany problem for that society would produce thousands of newClaudius. Hamlet wanted to find a perfect way to revenge for his father and save the society.

2. Another reason for the delay is due to Hamlet’sreligious superstition. Christianity had great influence onpeople. Hamlet certainly believed that most people would go to hell after death, and he thought what his father’sghost described about the hell was true. Therefore, Hamlet can’t accept the divergence between dream and reality.

3. He was afraid of failure. Failure means death, yet death was not what he was frightened. But where should he go after death, to heaven or to hell? This makes him hesitate. According to Christian idea, a person who died while praying would go to heaven, even if he were a villain. So while he saw his uncle praying, he didn’t tak e action.

4. The other main reason is that the force of Claudius is powerful and cunning. Therefore, Hamlet should wait for a most proper opportunity to take action. He lived in the period of Renaissance. The moral concept of devoting themselves to the king was deeply rooted in people’s mind. If he had taken action earlier, perhaps he would have failed. If he had succeeded, people in the country might not realize the justness of the revenge. Therefore, his delay can be seen as the tactics of the struggle against the enemy.(来自期刊论文,最后一点,斟酌斟酌)








12.As British Romantics, William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge share a lot in

common. What are their similarities? And differences?

13.“Good and evil we know in the field of the world grow up together almost

inseparately; and the knowledge of good is so involved and interwoven with the knowledge of evil, and in so many cunning resemblances hardly to be discerned.”

The above is from Areopagitica by John Milton, whose masterpiece is Paradise Lost. How do you evaluate the fall of the first human beings Adam and Eve?

What are those contradictory points of Milton reflected in this epic?

Milton as a Puritan and Milton as a republican

Milton as a Puritan and Milton as a Renaissance humanist for gay life of physical pleasure

The concept of Satan's original disobedience stemming from pride, i.e. not wanting to bow down to the Son, is seen in many Jewish and Christian traditional myths (though it is not explicitly stated in the Hebrew Bible or New Testament). In a way, this only helps with our sympathy for the devil. After all, Satan was one of God's top angels, he had served God unfailingly to arrive at that position, and, in some traditions, was considered God's first and favorite angel. To make an angel who has worked so hard bow before someone else seems somehow unjust.

God as tyrant is an interesting paradox in Milton. It is clear that heaven is a monarchy, with no room for dissent. Interestingly, Satan's councils seem much more democratic in the sense that individuals other than Satan are allowed to stand and voice their sometimes opposing views. Milton's point, however, is that right actions (democracy, freedom) done irrationally (out of God's will) do not count as right. A tyranny ruled by reason and goodness is better than one ruled by passions and animal instincts. Although the councils of Satan's angels appear democratic now, it will soon become clear that they are led by lies and deception. Satan later will trick his cohorts into obeying his whims, reason and rational thinking will give way to decisions based on revenge and hate, and corruption will reign outside of God's ordering nature.

14.How is Romanticism different from Neoclassicism? Provide brief evidence from

the literary works you know best.


●Advocating certain standards in poetic composition to trim the natural botanical garden

of Romantic England

●Emphasizing poet’ s craftsmanship in poetic form of expression rather than what

thoughts or sentiment expressed

●Respect for moderation (三点来自ppt)


The Victorian Age is an age of realism rather than of romanticism-a realism which strives to tell the whole truth showing moral & physical diseases as they are. To be true to life becomes the first requirement for literary writing. As the mirror of truth, literature has come very close to daily life, reflecting its practical problems & interests & is used as a powerful instrument of human progress.

The differences between neoclassicism and Romanticism:

a. Where their predecessors saw man as a social animal, the Romantics saw him essentially as an individual in the solitary state.

b. Where the Augustans emphasized those features that men have in common the Romantics emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind.

49.a.Neoclassicists upheld that artistic ideals should be order,logic,restrained emoticon and accuracy,and that literature,should be judged in terms of its service to humanity,and thus,literary expressions should be of proportion,unity,harmony and grace.Pope's An Essay on Criticism advocates grace,wit (usually though satire/humour),and simplicity in language(and the poem itself is a demonstration of those ideals,too);Fielding's Tom Jones helped establish the form of novel;Gray's “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' displays elegance in sty le,unified structure,serious tone and moral instructions.

b.Romanticists tended to see the individual as the very center of all experience,including art,and thus,literary work should be “spontaneous overflow of strong feelings,”and no matter how fragme ntary those experiences were (Wordsworth's “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” or “The Solitary Reaper,) or Coleridge's “Keble Khan”),the value of the work lied in the accuracy of presenting those unique feelings and particular attitudes.

c.In a word, Neoclassicism emphasized rationality and form but Romanticism attached great importance to the individual's mind (emotion, imagination, temporary experience…))

文学名词解释 整理版教学文稿

1、潜在写作:指17年和文革期间,许多被剥夺了正常写作权利的作家们的创作,包括他们当时不能发表的作品和本无发表预期的日记、书信等。如丰子恺的《缘缘堂续笔》,食指的诗,沈从文的家书等。“潜在写作”的相对概念是公开发表的文学作品,两者一起构成了时代文学的整体。潜在写作(又称为地下写作):为了说明当代文学创作的复杂性,即有许多被剥夺了正常写作权力的作家在哑声的时代里,依然保持着对文学的挚爱和创作的热情,他们写作了许多在当时客观环境下不能公开发表的文学作品。一种是作家们自觉的创作,如丰子恺写的《缘缘堂续笔》和食指的诗;另一种是作家们在非常时期不自觉的写作,如日记、书信、读书笔记等。 三突出原则:指的是“文革时期”特定的文学创作原则。根据江青的指示,开始由于会泳在《让文艺舞台永远成为宣传毛泽东思想的阵地》一文中提出的,“在所有人物中突出正面人物来,在正面人物中突出主要英雄人物来,在主要英雄人物中突出中心人物来”的三突出创作原则。后来有姚文元改定为“在所有人物中突出正面人物,在正面人物中突出英雄人物,在英雄人物中突出主要英雄人物”。这种创作原则是企图严格维护的社会政治等级在文学结构上的体现。 2、反思文学:是继“伤痕文学”之后出现的文学现象,因表现出对于社会历史痛定思痛的反思特点而得名。其把揭露与批判的文学承担前溯至五十年代甚至更前,具有较深邃的历史纵深感和较大的思想容量。但理想主义的理性色彩,使反思文学失去了“伤痕文学”刻骨铭心的忏悔与绝望,在某种程度上回避了揭露文化大革命的灾难性实质。代表作家作品有:茹志鹃《剪辑错了的故事》,王蒙的《布礼》、《蝴蝶》,方之的《内奸》等。 3.朦胧派:一九八○年开始,诗坛出现了一个新的诗派,被称为“朦胧派”。以舒婷、顾城、北岛等为先驱者的一群青年诗人,从一九七九年起,先后大量发表了一种新风格的诗。这种诗,有三四十年没有出现在中国的文学报刊上了。最初,他们的诗还仿佛是在继承现代派或后现代派的传统,但很快地他们开拓了新的疆域,走得更远,自成一个王国。朦胧派诗人无疑


Epic: A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecti ng the values of the society from which it originated. The style of epic is grand宏伟的 and elevated高尚的. John Milton wrote three great epics:Paradise Lost,Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. Sonnet(十四行诗 A sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme Renaissance the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival复活 of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition过渡from the medieval to the modern world.the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Humanism人文主义 Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. 2>it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the impo rtance of the present life.Humanists voiced their belie fs that man was the center of the universe and man did not


英美文学史名词解释 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

英美文学史名词解释 1.English Critical Realism English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The realists first and foremost criticized the capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated (portrayed) the crying (extremely shocking) contradictions of bourgeois reality. The greatness of the English realists lies not only in their satirical portrayal of bourgeoisie and in the exposure of the greed and hypocrisy of the ruling classes, but also in their sympathy for the laboring people. Humor and satire are used to expose and criticize the seamy (dark) side of reality. The major contribution of the critical realists lies in their perfection of the novel. Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray are the most important representative of English critical realism. 2.The "Stream of Consciousness" The "stream of consciousness" is a psychological term indicating "the flux of conscious and subconscious thoughts and impressions moving in the mind at any given time independently of the person's will." In late 19th century,


兴奋性:机体、组织或细胞对刺激发生反应的能力。 兴奋::指机体、组织或细胞接受刺激后,由安静状态变为活动状态,或活动由弱增强。近代生理学中,兴奋即指动作电位或产生动作电位的过程。 内环境:细胞在体内直接所处的环境称为内环境。内环境的各种物理化学性质是保持相对稳定的,称为内环境的稳态。即细胞外液。 反射:是神经活动的基本过程。感受体内外环境的某种特定变化并将这种变化转化成为一定的神经信号,通过传入神经纤维传至相应的神经中枢,中枢对传入的信号进行分析,并做出反应通过传出神经纤维改变相应效应器的活动的过程。反射弧是它的结构基础。 正反馈:受控部分的活动增强,通过感受装置将此信息反馈至控制部分,控制部分再发出指令,使受控部分的活动再增强。如此往复使整个系统处于再生状态,破坏原先的平衡。这种反馈的机制叫做正反馈。 负反馈:负反馈调节是指经过反馈调节,受控部分的活动向它原先活动方向相反的方向发生改变的反馈调节。 稳态:维持内环境经常处于相对稳定的状态,即内环境的各种物理、化学性质是保持相对稳定的。 单纯扩散:脂溶性小分子物质按单纯物理学原则实现的顺浓度差或电位差的跨膜转运。 易化扩散:非脂溶性小分子物质或某些离于借助于膜结构中特殊蛋白质(载体或通道蛋白)的帮助所实现的顺电——化学梯度的跨膜转运。(属被动转运) 主动转运:指小分子物质或离于依靠膜上“泵”的作用,通过耗能过程所实现的逆电——化学梯度的跨膜转运。分为原发性主动转运和继发行主两类。 继发性主动转运某些物质(如葡萄糖、氨基酸等)在逆电——化学梯度跨膜转运时,不直接利用分解ATP释放的能量,而利用膜内、外Na+势能差进行的主动转运称继发性主动运。 阈值或阈强度当刺激时间与强度一时间变化率固定在某一适当数值时,引起组织兴奋所需的最小刺激强度,称阈强度或阈值。阈强度低,说明组织对刺激敏感,兴奋性高;反之,则反。 兴奋:指机体、组织或细胞接受刺激后,由安静状态变为活动状态,或活动由弱增强。近代生理学中,兴奋即指动作电位或产生动作电位的过程。 抑制:指机体、组织或细胞接受刺激后,由活动状态转入安静状态,或活动由强减弱。 兴奋性(excitability):最早被定义为:机体、组织或细胞对刺激发生反应的能力。在近代生理学中,兴奋性被定义为:细胞受刺激时能产生动作电位(兴奋)的能力。 可兴奋细胞:指受刺激时能产生动作电位的细胞, 如神经细胞、肌细胞和腺细胞。 超射:动作电位上升支中零电位线以上的部分。(教材中P24:去极化至零电位后,膜电位如进一步变为正值,则称为反极化,其中膜电位高于零的部分称为超射) 绝对不应期:细胞在接受一次刺激而发生兴奋的当时和以后的一个短时间内,兴奋性降低到零,对另一个无论多强的刺激也不能发生反应,这一段时期称为绝对不应期。 相对不应期:在绝对不应期后,第二个刺激可引起新的兴奋,但所需的刺激强度必须大于


- 名词解释 1930 年“中国左翼作家联盟”的简称,中国共产党领导的革命文学组织,【左联】 3 于 月2 日在上海成立,会议选举鲁迅、沈端先、冯乃超、钱杏邨、郑伯奇、洪灵菲七人为常务 “左联”的委员。创办《前哨》、《世界文化》、《文学导报》、《北斗》、《文学月报》等刊物。 培养革成立,对于团结进步作家反击国民党反动派的文化“围剿”和推进革命文学运动,命介绍和宣传马克思主义文艺理青年作家队伍,繁荣无产阶级革命文学,论,做出了积极的贡献。1936 年在共产国际的干预下宣布自动解散。日成立于汉口。由郭沫3 月27 的简称,1938 年“中华全国文艺界抗敌协】【文协 若,会”茅盾、丁玲、胡风、夏衍等任理事,周恩来为名誉理事之一,老舍任总务部主任,负责“文“文协”的机

关刊物是抗战期间坚持时间最久的《抗战文协”的日常工作。艺》。“文协”在成立后提出了“文章下乡,文章入伍”的口号。提倡抗战文艺的通俗化,要求文艺紧密地与“文协”的成立标志着文艺界抗日民族统一战线的最终形抗日斗争相结合。成。月,由特务头子陈立夫、陈果夫兄弟策年6 【民族主义文学】指由1930 划,并纠集一帮政客、帮闲、特务和反动文人,发起的反革命文学运动。其主要成员有潘公展、朱应鹏、范争黄震遐等国民党上海市党部委波、王平陵、傅彦长、 国民党御用文人、上海市政府委员、员,、《前锋月刊》等。在《民族主义文学运动宣言》中鼓国民党军官等。出版刊物《前锋周报》 。攻击左翼文艺运动导致了吹“文艺的中心意识”,声称“文艺的最高主义,就是民族主义” “新文艺的危机”。妄图以封建意识和法西斯思想的混合物来冒充民族意识,以此来抹煞阶级斗争,否定阶级意识,进而否定“左联”提倡的无产阶级革命文学,并创作“杀人放火”的“屠夫文学”与左翼文学对抗。 【现代诗派】“现代派”因施蛰存在1932 年5 月出版《现代》杂志而得名。施蛰存在《现代·发刊词》中写道:“《现


1. In the medieval period , it is Chaucer alone who , for the first time in English literature , presented to usa comprehensive __picture of the English society of his time and created a whole galery of vivid ___ from all walks of life in his masterpiece “the Canterbury Tales ”。 A. visionary / women B. romantic /men C. realistic / characters D. natural / figures 2. Although ____ was essentially a medieval writer, he bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new era of literature to come. A. William Langland B. John Gower C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Edmund Spenser 3. Humanism spume from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious ,intellectual side ,for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on the conception that man is the ____ of all things . A. measure B. king C. lover D. rule 4. The essence of humanism is to ______. A. restore a medieval reverence for the church B. avoid the circumstances of earthly life C. explore the next world in which men could live after death D. emphasize human qualities 5. Many people today tend to regard the play “ The Merchant of Venice ” as a satire of the hypocrisy of ___ and their false standards of friendship and love , their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against _________ . A. Christians / Jews B. Jews / Christians C. oppressors / oppressed D. people / Jews 6. In “ Sonnet 18 ”, Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _________ and the eternal __________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves . A. death/ life B. death/ love C. time / beauty D. hate / love 7.In The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan describes The Vanity Fair in a ______ tone. A. delightful B. satirical C. sentimental D. solemn 8. The religious reformation in the early 16th-century England was a reflection of the class struggles waged by the _____. A. rising bourgeoisie against the feudal class and its ideology B. working class against the corruption of the bourgeoisie C. landlord class against the rising bourgeoisie and its ideology D. feudal class against the corruption of the Catholic Church 9. The ______ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century . A. Renaissance B. Enlightenmrent C. Religious Reformation D. Chartist Movement 10.The 18th century witnessed a new literary form -the modern English novel, which, contrary to the medieval romance, gives a ______ presentation of life of the common English people. A. romantic B. idealistic C. prophetic D. realistic 1. The title of the novel “ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ” written by James Joyce suggests a character study with strong _________ elements .


英美文学名词解释总结 Romance:Anyimaginationliteraturethatissetinanidealizedworldandth atdealswithaheroicadventuresandbattlesbetweengoodcharactersandvi llainsormonsters.传奇故事:指以理想化的世界为背景并且描写主人公的英雄冒险事迹和善与恶的斗争的想象文学作品。 Alliteration:Therepetitionoftheinitialconsonantsoundsinpoetry.头韵:诗歌中单词开头读音的重复。 Couplet:Itisapairofrhymingverselines,usuallyofthesamelength;oneoft hemostwidelyusedverse-sinEuropeanpoetry.Chaucerestablishedtheus eofcoupletsinEnglish,notablyintheCanterburyTales,usingrhymingiam bicpentameterslaterknownasheroiccoupletsBlankverse:Versewritteni nunrhymediambicpentameter.素体诗:用五音步抑扬格写的无韵诗。 Conceit:Akindofmetaphorthatmakesacomparisonbetweentwostartlin glydifferentthings.Aconceitmaybeabriefmetaphor,butitusuallyprovid estheframeworkforanentirepoem.Anespeciallyunusualandintellectual kindofconceitisthemetaphysicalconceit.新奇的比喻:将两种截然不同的食物进行对比的一种隐喻。 它虽被视为是一种隐喻,但是它往往构建了整首诗的框架,


?名词解释 ?内环境、阈刺激、兴奋、兴奋性、正反馈、负反馈、阈电位、易化扩散、主动转运、第二信使、受体、动作电位、静息电位、兴奋-收缩耦联。 ?问答题 1、何谓内环境稳态,生理意义是什么? 2、易化扩散的特点 3、Na+-K+ATP酶的作用和生理意义 4、第二信使物质包括那些? 5、试述G蛋白耦联受体介导的信号转导过程 6、试述神经细胞RP和AP的产生机制,改变细胞膜内外各种离子的浓度,RP和AP幅度如何变化?为什么? 7、局部电位的特点是什么? 8、试比较动作电位和局部电位 9、试述N-M接头兴奋传递的过程 10、试述动作电位是如何沿着神经纤维传导的? 11、试述影响肌肉收缩的因素 ?名词解释 ?血液凝固生理性止血纤维蛋白溶解血型红细胞凝集渗透脆性等渗溶液 ?问答题 1,血浆蛋白的功能和血浆渗透压的作用 2,红细胞为何能稳定的悬浮于血浆中, 何因素可影响血沉? 3,影响红细胞生成的因素有那些? 4,血小板的生理功能 5,试述血液凝固过程并比较内源性凝血和外源性凝血 6,试述纤维蛋白溶解过程 7,肝素的作用是什么? 8,输血的原则是什么? 9,ABO血型凝集素的特点? 10.血管内的血液为何不凝固? ?名词解释 有效不应期、窦性节律、心动周期、心输出量、射血分数、心指数、心力储备、中心静脉压、微循环、组织液 ?问答题 1、心肌细胞的生理特性是什么? 2*、试述心室肌细胞和窦房结P细胞动作电位的发生机制、并进行对比。 3、心肌有效不应期长的生理意义? 4、窦房结P细胞如何控制整个心脏的活动?动作电位在心脏的传导路径? 5、何谓房室廷搁?生理、病理意义? 6*、试述心脏泵血过程及心室和动脉的压力变化。 7、心肌的前负荷如何影响心肌收缩力? 8、何谓心肌收缩能力?试举二例说明何方法改变心肌收缩能力,并说明其机制. 9、心率的变化如何影响心输出量? 10*、试述动脉血压形成及其影响因素,试举二例日常生活中出现血压变化的例子,并说明其


Romanticism began in the mid-18th century and reached its height in the 19th century.It was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe.The ideologies and events of the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution laid the background for Romanticism. The Enlightenment also had influence on Romanticism .It was a revolt against the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature.The movement validated strong emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and awe.The Romantic literature of the nineteenth century concentrating on emotion, nature, and the expression of "nothing".famous romanticism writers are such as william Wordsworth:lyrical ballods、william whitman :leaves of grass Realism beginning with mid nineteenth-century French literature and extending to late-19th- and early-20th-century .It was a reaction againest romanticism and paved the way to modernism.the realism is product of europe capitalist system?s establishment and development.the philosophy and science of europe in 19th century has promated its production authors trend to depictions of contemporary life and society as it was, or is. In the spirit of general "realism" ,realist authors opted for depictions of everyday and banal activities and experiences, instead of a romanticized or similarly stylized


1.兴奋性:机体或组织对刺激发生反应受到刺激时产生动作电位的能力或特性,称为兴奋性。 2.阈强度:在刺激的持续时间以及刺激强度对时间的变化率不变的情况下,刚能引起细胞兴奋或产生动作电位的最小刺激强度,称为阈强度。 3.正反馈:从受控部分发出的信息不是制约控制部分的活动,而是反过来促进与加强控制部分的活动,称为正反馈。 4.体液:人体内的液体总称为体液,在成人,体液约占体重的60%,由细胞内液、细胞外液(组织液.血浆.淋巴液等)组成。 5.负反馈(negative feedback):负反馈是指受控部分发出的信息反过来减弱控制部分活动的调节方式。 6.内环境:内环境是指体内细胞直接生存的环境,即细胞外液. 7.反馈(feedback):由受控部分发出的信息反过来影响控制部分的活动过程,称为反馈。 1.阈电位:在一段膜上能够诱发去极化和Na+通道开放之间出现再生性循环的膜内去极化的临界值,称为阈电位;是用膜本身去极化的临界值来描述动作电位产生条件的一个重要概念。 2.等长收缩:肌肉收缩时只有张力的增加而无长度的缩短,称为等长收缩。 3.前负荷(preload):肌肉收缩前所承受的负荷,称为前负荷,它决定收缩前的初长度。 4.终板电位:(在乙酰胆碱作用下,终板膜静息电位绝对值减小,这一去极化的电位变化,称为终板电位) 当ACh分子通过接头间隙到达终板膜表面时,立即与终板膜上的N2型乙酰胆碱受体结合,使通道开放,允许Na+、K+等通过,以Na+的内流为主,引起终板膜静息电位减小,向零值靠近,产生终板膜的去极化,这一电位变化称为终板电位。 5.去极化(depolarization):当静息时膜内外电位差的数值向膜内负值减小的方向变化时,称为膜的去极化或除极化。(静息电位的减少称为去极化) 6.复极化(repolarization ):细胞先发生去极化,然后再向正常安静时膜内所处的负值恢复,称复极化。(细胞膜去极化后再向静息电位方向的恢复,称为复极化) 7.峰电位(spike potential):在神经纤维上,其主要部分一般在0.5~2.0ms内完成,(因此,动作电位的曲线呈尖峰状)表现为一次短促而尖锐的脉冲样变化,(故)称为峰电位。 8.电化学驱动力:离子跨膜扩散的驱动力有两个:浓度差和电位差。两个驱动力的代数和称为电化学驱动力。 9.原发性主动转运:原发性主动转运是指离子泵利用分解ATP产生的能量将离子逆浓度梯度和(或)电位梯度进行跨膜转运的过程。 10.微终板电位:在静息状态下,接头前膜也会发生约每秒钟1次的乙酰胆碱(ACH)量子的自发释放,并引起终板膜电位的微小变化。这种由一个ACH量子引起的终板膜电位变化称为微终板电位。 11.运动单位(motor unit):一个脊髓α-运动神经元或脑干运动神经元和受其支配的全部肌纤维所组成的肌肉收缩的最基本的单位称为运动单位。 1.晶体渗透压(crystal osmotic pressure):(血浆)晶体渗透压指血浆中的晶体物质(主要是NaCl)形成的渗透压。 2.血沉(erythrocyte sedimentation rate):红细胞沉降率是指将血液加抗凝剂混匀,静置于一分血计中,红细胞在一小时末下降的距离(mm),简称血沉。 1.血-脑屏障:指血液和脑组织之间的屏障,可限制物质在血液和脑组织之间的自由交换(故对保持脑组织周围稳定的化学环境和防止血液中有害物质进入脑内有重要意义)其形态学基础可能是毛细血管的内皮、基膜和星状胶质细胞的血管周足等结构。 2.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker):P细胞为窦房结中的起搏细胞,是一种特殊分化的心肌细胞,具有很高的自动节律性,是控制心脏兴奋活动的正常起搏点。


名词解释 1.Epic(史诗)(appeared in the the Anglo-Saxon Period ) It is a narrative of heroic action, often with a principal hero, usually mythical in its content, grand in its style, offering inspiration and ennoblement within a particular culture or national tradition. A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, like Homer’s Iliad & Odyssey. It usually celebrates the feats of one or more legendary or traditional heroes. The action is simple, but full of magnificence. Today, some long narrative works, like novels that reveal an age & its people, are also called epic. E.g. Beowulf (the pagan(异教徒),secular(非宗教的) poetry)Iliad 《伊利亚特》,Odyssey《奥德赛》Paradise Lost 《失乐园》,The Divine Comedy《神曲》 2.Romance (传奇)(Anglo-Norman feudal England) ?Romance is any imaginative literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals with heroic adventures and battles between good characters and villains or monsters. ?Originally, the term referred to a medieval (中世纪) tale dealing with the love and adventures of kings, queens, knights, and ladies, and including supernatural happenings. Form:long composition, in verse, in prose Content:description of life and adventures of a noble hero Character:a knight, a man of noble birth, skilled in the use of weapons; often described as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournaments(骑士比武), or fighting for his lord in battles; devoted to the church and the king ?Romance lacks general resemblance to truth or reality. ?It exaggerates the vices of human nature and idealizes the virtues. ?It contains perilous (dangerous) adventures more or less remote from ordinary life. ?It lays emphasis on supreme devotion to a fair lady. ①The Romance Cycles/Groups/Divisions Three Groups ●matters of Britain Adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table (亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士) ●matters of France Emperor Charlemagne and his peers ●matters of Rome Alexander the Great and the attacks of Troy Le Morte D’Arthur (亚瑟王之死) ②Class Nature (阶级性) of the Romance Loyalty to king and lord was the theme of the romances, as loyalty was the corner-stone(the most important part基石)of feudal morality. The romances were composed not for the common but for the noble, of the noble, and by the poets patronized (supported 庇护,保护)by the noble. 3. Alliteration(押头韵): a repeated initial(开头的) consonant(协调,一致) to successive(连续的) words. e.g. 1.To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise. 2.Sing a song of southern singer 4. Understatement(低调陈述)(for ironical humor)

英美文学名词解释 2

01. Humanism(人文主义) Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2> it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. 02. Renaissance(文艺复兴) The word “Renaissance”means “rebirth”, it meant the reintroduction into westerm Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome.2>the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism. Attitudes and feelings which had been characteristic of the 14th and 15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and reformation.3> the real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama with william shakespeare being the leading dramatist. 03. Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌) Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.2>with a rebellious spirit, the Metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry.3>the diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassical periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.4>the imagery is drawn from actual life. Metaphysical poets(玄学派诗人) It is the name given to a diverse group of 17th century english poets whose work is notable for its ingenious use of intellectual and theological concepts in surprising conceits, strange paradoxes and far-fetched imagery. The leading Metaphysical poets was John Donne, whose colloquial, argumentative abruptness of rhythm and tone distinguishes his style from the conventions of Elizabethan love lyrics. 04. Classcism(古典主义) Classcism refers to a movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity, balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes. 05. Enlightenment(启蒙运动) Enlightenment movement was a progressive philosophical and artistic movement which flourished in france and swept through western Europe in the 18th century.2> the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from 14th century to the mid-17th century.3>its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.4>it celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. It advocated universal education.5>famous among the great enlighteners in england were those great writers like Alexander pope. Jonathan swift.etc. 06.Neoclassicism(新古典主义)


01. Humanism(人文主义) 1>Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. 2> it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. 02. Renaissance(文艺复兴) 1>The word “Renaissance”means “rebirth”, it meant the reintroduction into western Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome. 2>the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism. Attitudes and feelings which had been characteristic of the 14th and 15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and reformation. 3> the real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama with William Shakespeare being the leading dramatist. 03. Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌) 1>Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. 2>with a rebellious spirit, the Metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. 3>the diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassical periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.4>the imagery is drawn from actual life. 04. Classicism(古典主义) Classicism refers to a movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity, balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes. 05. Enlightenment(启蒙运动) 1>Enlightenment movement was a progressive philosophical and artistic movement which flourished in France and swept through western Europe in the 18th century. 2> the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from 14th century to the mid-17th century. 3>its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. 4>it celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. It advocated universal education. 5>famous among the great enlighteners in England were those great writers like Alexander pope. Jonathan Swift. etc. 06.Neoclassicism(新古典主义) 1>In the field of literature, the enlightenment movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works.
