疯狂英语突破单词 1B

疯狂英语突破单词 1B
疯狂英语突破单词 1B


It has long been a dream of mine to retire and live by the sea.


Her dream of success kept her from quitting.


Becoming the President is the dream of my lifetime.


John lives in a dream.


The boy had dreams of being a hero.


Is life really an empty dream?


The first few days of their romance had been like a dream. But the dream didn’t last.


He let me drive his new car last night — it drives like a dream.


I will never stop pursuing my dreams.


The American dream means anyone can be successful if they work hard.


Man should always have big dreams.


My childhood dream was to be a policeman.


I can’t sleep because I have bad dreams every night.


The child woke up in the middle of a bad dream.


You crushed my dreams with your cruel remark.


Don’t rob me of my dreams, they’re all I have left right now.


Don’t spoil my dreams with all your negative talk.


I ruined my father’s dreams of having a doctor for a son when I dropped out of college.


When you woke me, you interrupted a wonderful dream.


It’s a terrible thing to lose your dreams.


You can say what you want, but you can’t stop me from dreaming.



第一章 动词时态 我爱时态 中文没有时态,动词也不用变化,时态也就成了中国人学英语的最大障碍。但每种语言都有自己的 特色,正是因为时态的变化,才让英语具有独特的魅力。让我们来帮助你真正掌握时态,经过一段时间 的操练,你就会发现,使用各种各样的时态来表达你生活中的各种事情实在是再好不过了。 我爱时态 我爱一般现在时: I love grammar. 我爱一般过去时: I hated grammar before. 我爱一般将来时: I will be a grammar master. 我爱过去将来时: I thought I would never learn grammar well. 我爱现在进行时: I’m working on my grammar now. 我爱过去进行时: I was struggling with my grammar . 我爱将来进行时: I will be speaking with perfect grammar. 我爱现在完成时: I’ve studied grammar for ten years. 我爱过去完成时: I had forgotten all the grammar I learned for exams. 我爱现在完成进行时: I’ve been studying grammar for ten years, but I still can’t speak English. 1、一般现在时——表示现在的特征或经常性动作 王牌经典句Most Classical Sentences Top 1: I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。 Top 2: I’m Chinese. I’m from Beijing. 我是中国人,我来自北京。 Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay here. 我希望你在这里过得愉快。 wrong with you? You look terrible. A: What’s


第二部·第五节语法大战——两篇文章让你吃透两条语法 第1篇:巨大的进步 ——大战形容词和副词的比较级 【疯狂星级】 ★★★三星级·高中生级·国际公民级 【疯狂短评】 随着全球一体化的进程,英语的使用频率将会越来越高。全民的英语水平,正逐渐成为衡量一个国家经济实力的标志。疯狂英语成功地帮助了成千上万人突破英语难关,也同时带给我们积极向上、自信奋斗的精神。赶快加入到我们的“疯狂英语”行列中来! A Big Improvement 1 Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English class, and he's very proud of the results. His family has noticed『察觉到;注意到』that he's speaking English more loudly, more clearly, more fluently『流利地;熟世自如地』and more confidently『自信地』than ever before. His boss has noticed that he's more effective『有效的;有效果的』and successful in his work. All his friends tell him that he's friendlier, less shy and more outgoing『外向的;喜than before. And Paul himself has noticed that he's more comfortable 欢社交的;容易亲近的』 and relaxed when he speaks in front of people and he's even enjoying himself more at parties.【极其重要的人生改进】Paul is feeling much better about himself these days. that's why he's now recommending『推荐;介绍;推许』Crazy English to everybody he knows. 2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive『丰 life. Being a good English speaker will definitely make you feel good 富的;有成效的;有生产力』 about yourself. 【李阳·克立兹“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:30秒】 【李阳·克立兹“一口气”训练记录为:2.5口气】 【参考译文】 巨大的进步 1 保罗最近结束了疯狂英语的课程,他为自己的成绩感到骄傲。他的家人发现他在说英语时,比以往更大声,更清楚,更流利,而且更加自信;他的老板发觉他在工作中更有效率和更成功了。他所有的朋友都告诉他,他变得比以前更友好,更直爽,而且不那么害羞/胆子也大了。保罗自己也察觉到他在众人前面说英语时,愈加轻松自如,甚至在派对上都玩得更开心。保罗这些天自我感觉好很多。这就是他现在向所有认识的人推荐“疯狂英语”的原因。 2 自我感觉良好是拥有更快乐和更有成就感的生活的关键/是拥有快乐生活和成功事业的关键。作为一个口语流利者,你一定会有一种全新的感觉。 【额外成就感】 notice: become aware of (sth/sb); observe *I'm so upset. You didn't notice my new dress. (我很沮丧/伤心/难过,你竟然没有注意到我的新衣服。) *I noticed a familiar face in the crowd. (我在人群中看到一张熟悉的脸。) *I noticed that he looked terrible. (我注意到他气色很不好。) *I noticed(that)he was wearing dirty socks. (我注意到他穿着脏袜子。)


《李阳疯狂英语》 《突破语法》 We're sick of boring grammar! Grammar is just like a bottomless sea.;我们厌倦了枯燥的语法!语法如浩瀚的海洋, You are simply turned offonce you read a grammar book!;一拿起语法书,学习英语的兴趣荡然无存! We are sick of those sentences fabricated for grammar teaching.;我们厌倦了专门为语法造出来的句子! Once we leave the school,those lfeless sentences become sheer rubbish.;一离开教室那此句子就变成了垃圾,显得苍白无力 Li Yang Crazy English gives you a brand new concept;;李阳疯狂英语给你一个全新的概念; Conquer English grammar through practical and beautiful sentences!;用最实用的句子、最精彩的对话全面突破语法难点Each grammar point is given vibrant,exciting dialogues or sentences;每条语法配数个生动、有趣的对话或句子! Just practice crazily and blurt it out! Throw away your boring grammar books!;疯狂操练,脱口而出!抛开无聊的语法书本, Forget about those dull grammar explanations!;摆脱乏味的语法解释, Put aside those sentences that even foreigners wonder at!;抛弃那此连外国人都不懂的句子! Grammar is no more than speaking!;学语法就是这么简单扼要!只不过是说说而已! We are both grammar experts and communication kings!;我们既是语法专家,更是沟通高手! 第一章动词时态; I love grammar. I hated grammar before I will be a grammar master.;我爱一般现在时: 我爱一般过去时:我爱一般将来时: I thought I would never learn grammar well.;我爱过去将来时: I'm working on my grammar now. I was struggling with my grammar .;我爱现在进行 时:我爱过去进行时: I will be speaking with perfect grammar. I've studied grammar for ten years.;我爱将来 进行时:我爱现在完成时: I had forgotten all the grammar I learned for exams.;我爱过去完成时: I've been studying grammar for ten years, but I still can't speak English.;我爱现在完成进 行时: 1、一般现在时--表示现在的特征或经 常性动作; Top 1: I like English very much.; 我 非常喜欢英语。 Top 2: I'm Chinese. I'm from Beijing.;我 是中国人,我来自北京 Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay here.;我 希望你在这里过得愉快 1.A:What's wrong with you? You look terrible.;你怎么了?看上去脸色很差。 B:I have a serious problem. I need your advice and support.;我碰到了大问题.我需要你 的忠告和支持。 2.A:My boss is in a bad mood today.;我老 板今天情绪不佳。 B: Really? My boss is in a bad mood every day!;真的吗?我老板每天情绪都不好。 3.A:How do I look? B:Fantastic!;我看 起来怎么样?太棒了! 【额外奉献】(1)It is very hot today.;今天 很热。 (2)You look nice in that dress.;你穿那条裙 子很漂亮。[每天都可以用的表扬.] (3)My mother gets up very early every morning.;我妈妈每天都很早起床。【我妈妈 就是这样!】 (4)I don't know much about China, but I want to know more.;我不太了解中国,但我想 知道更多。【外国人都有这种强烈的渴望!】 (5)I really like Chinese food.;我真的很喜 欢中国食物。 (6)I'm crazy about learning English.;我非 常热爱学英语。【我的朋友都是这样!】 (7)I work for an international company.;我 在一家国际公司工作。【非常遗憾,很多国际 大公司的职员连这个句子都说不好!】 (8)Jim learns quickly. Jim's brother Bob learns very slowly.;吉姆学东西很快。吉姆的 弟弟鲍勃学东西很慢。 (9)The bus runs every 10 minutes.;这路公 共汽车每10分钟开一班。 (10)I'm not interested in sports.;我对运动 不感兴趣。 (11)Does she enjoy her job?(Do you enjoy your job? Do they enjoy their job? );她喜欢她 的工作吗? (12)Do you know how late the store is open; 你知道这店开到几点钟吗 特别奉献:三最短文突破第三人称单数 A Very Outgoing Person;一个开朗外向的人 (1) Alice is a very outgoing person. She spends a lot of time with her friends.;(1)爱丽丝 是个非常外向的人。很多时间她和她的朋友 们一起共度。 She goes to parties. She goes to movies. And she goes to nightclubs.;她去聚会,去电影 院,她还去夜总会。 She takes a Crazy English class every weekend.;每个周末她去参加疯狂英语的课 程。 She knows everyone in her class. She's very popular.;她认识班里的每个人,她很受欢 迎。 (2) She also likes sports very much. She plays basketball. She plays baseball.;(2)她也很 喜欢运动。她打篮球、打棒球、 She plays volleyball. And she also plays golf.;打排球,她还打高尔夫球。 She's very athletic and she loves being outside.;她很喜欢运动,而且热爱户外生活。 (3) Alice doesn't stay home alone very often. She doesn't read many books.;(3爱丽丝 很少一个人呆在家里。她不怎么读书, She doesn't watch TV. She doesn't listen to music.;不看电视,不听音乐, And she doesn't talk on the phone. She's very active.;也不用电话跟人聊天。她很活跃。 She doesn't like to waste her time inside.; 她不喜欢把时间浪费在室内。 (4) As you can see, Alice is a very outgoing person.;(4)你可以看出,爱丽丝是个非常开朗 外向的人。 She's energetic and healthy. She has a lot of friends.;她精力充沛、身体健康。她有很多朋 友。 I enjoy her company very much. Everyone loves Alice.;我喜欢跟她在一起。人人都喜欢 爱丽丝。 再奉送给大家另一篇短文这里面既有第 三人称单数也有其他人称,操练时一定要注 意其中的区别:; (1) My sister and I are very different. I'm a teacher. She's a doctor.;(1)我姐姐和我是两个完 全不同的人。我是个老师她是个医生。 I live in Guangzhou. She lives in Shanghai. I have a small house in the suburbs.;我住在广 州,她住在上海我在郊区有间小房子, She has a large apartment in the city. I'm poor. She's very rich!;她在市区有套大公寓。 我很穷,她很富有。 My father likes me. My mother likes my sister.;我父亲喜欢我,我母亲喜欢我姐姐。 (2) I'm married. She's single. She doesn't want to get married.;2)我结婚了,她还单身一


4. A: hear about听说;接到消息 * I have never heard about him. (我从未听说过他。) * I heard about your accident. (我听说你出了事故。) * I heard about your success in the TOEFL exam. (我听说你通过了托福考试。) B: flatter过分夸赞;奉承;阿谀 * She only flatters you so you will help her. (她只是奉承你,以便你能帮助她。) * I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow som e money from me. (我知道他只是在拍我的马屁,因为他想跟我借钱。) 5.B:wonderful奇妙的;极好的;令人惊奇的 * This is a wonderful place for a picnic. (这里是野餐的好地方。) * The weather has been wonderful! (近来天气好极了!) * It's wonderful how she has helped those poor children! (她帮了那些可怜的孩子们,真是太好了!) 10.A: impression印象;感想 * What were your first impressions of Shanghai? (你对上海的最初印象如何?) * What's your impression of Jim's girlfriend? (你对吉姆女朋友的印象如何?) * My impression was that he didn't care. (我的印象是他并不在乎。) B: scenery景色;风光 * The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. (山里的景色非常美。) * Foreigners are attracted by the beautiful scenery in Guilin and Yangshuo. (外国游客被桂林和阳朔美丽的风景所吸引。) 15.A: look up寻访;探访(某人) * On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine. (在回家的路上,我去看望了一下我的一个老朋友。) * Look me up when you are in Guangzhou. (你到广州的时候来看一下我。)


6. Jenny Is Always Late 珍尼总是迟到 BACKGROUND 背景 A girl is complaining about her friend always being late. 一个女孩在抱怨她的朋友总是迟到。 A: Hi, Ken. 嗨,肯。 B: Hi, Lily. What are you so upset about? 嗨,莉莉。你为什么事这么生气? A: I’m furious with Jenny! She’s always late. 珍尼快气死我了!她总是迟到。 B: Always? Why don’t you talk it over with her? Encourage her to be on time, or tell her how much it annoys you? 总是?你为什么不和她好好谈一谈,鼓励她准时一点,或者告诉她你对这件事很恼火呢? A: Look! I’ve talked till I’m blue in the face. It’s out of the question. 告诉你,我已经费尽口舌,却毫无成效。要说服她真的是不可能的。 B: There must be something you can do. 你一定会有办法的。 A: I doubt it. Last night we went to a concert. Do you know what time we got there? Just in time to go out for the intermission! We missed half of the show!


1.使我们痛苦的东西在真正锻造我们。 What pains us trains us. 2.成功没有电梯,只有一步一个脚印的楼梯。 There is no elevator to success—only stairs. 3.成功的秘密在于始终如一地忠于目标。 The secret of success is constancy to purpose. 4.成功来自于克服困难的斗争。 Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. 5.只有在字典中,成功才会出现在工作之前。 The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. 6.除辛勤工作之外,我别无成功的秘诀。 I have no secret of success but hard work. 7.人们总是问我是否知道成功的奥秘,能否可以告诉别人怎样才能使他们的梦想成为现实。我的回答是:成功和实现梦想的诀窍是努力工作。成功是干出来的,不是想出来的。 People often ask me if I know the secret of success,and if I could te ll others how to make their dreams come true.My answer is,you do it b y working. 8.做最好的打算,做最坏的准备。/从最好的地方着想,从最坏的地方准备。Hope for the best,but prepare for the worst. 9.这个世界上只有一种成功,那就是能够以自己的方式度过自己的一生。 There is only one success—to be able to spend your life in your own way. 10.肤浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。 Shallow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success . 11.人不是为失败而生存的。 Man is not made for defeat. 12.生活很艰苦,但你可以更加强大。 Life is tough,but you can be tougher. 13.当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了。 You make the failure complete when you stop trying. 14.心怀伟大的理想,你将会变得伟大。 Think great thoughts and you will be great! 15.要想成为伟大的领导者就必须有伟大的希望。 To be a great leader,you must have great hopes! 16.如果你想成功,不要去刻意追求。只要你干自己热爱的工作并相信它,成功自然会到来。 Don′t aim for success if you want it;just do what you love and belie ve in,and it will come naturally. 17.伟大的希望造就伟大的人物。


第一篇 My Pledge My Oath Today I believe— This unique trip will completely change my life! Today I believe— That all my efforts will produce generous returns! Today I believe— English will be a powerful weapon in my life! Therefore, I must devote all my energy to learning English with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor! I will enjoy losing face! I will pour all my effort into leaning English. I must be absolutely responsible for myself! I must not waste one minute, or even one second! I must challenge my limits and then surpass them! I will conquer English and charge toward success! I can speak good English! 【李阳老师的“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:15秒】 【你的“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:秒】 我的誓言 今天我相信—— 这段特殊的旅程将彻底改变我的一生! 今天我相信—— 我所有的付出终将得到丰厚的回报! 今天我相信—— 英语一定会成为我人生奋斗的强有力的武器! 所以,我一定要精神饱满、热情高涨、热爱丢脸、疯狂投入! 我必须对自己百分之百地责任! 我必须每一分每一秒全力以赴! 挑战极限、超越自我! 征服英文,迈向成功! 我一定能讲一口最漂亮的英文! 【见到李阳老师时一定别忘了卖弄这段话!】第一节疯狂演绎一百个句型 ——以一顶十、以一顶百的核裂变超级句型 【疯狂短评】 “死记一万个单词,硬背一千条语法,不如活用一百个句型。”我们不负众望,为大家精挑细选了100个地道实用的句型!希望你不要放弃,坚持下去,付出的汗水定会结出累累硕果! Pain past is pleasure! 【学习建议】 按照我们多年研究的最科学的学习方法,建议大家以一个星期为单位,前五天,每天20个句型,星期六、星期天复习巩固!连续一个月,四个轮回,基本上可以全面掌握这100个句型! 1.According to... 按照/根据…… According to my watch, it's five twenty now. 按我的手表看,现在是5点20分。 According to our teacher, we should practise English for at least 30 minutes a day. 据我们老师要求,我们每天至少要用半个小时来练习说英语。 2.again and again 不断地/一遍又一遍地…… Why do you make the same mistake again and again? 你怎么不断地犯同一个错误啊? 3.All I want... 我所想要的…… All I want is a little peace and quiet. 我所想要的就是一点安宁。 All I want is you. 我所想要的就是你。 4.anything but... 除了……,什么都有/并不,根本不……【六星级句型】 【李阳老师的话】 这是让我感到最头疼的句型。别说脱口而出了,阅读的时候我都不能立刻看懂! 【学习指南】 这个句型是听力考试中的难点,等到考试的时候去分析语法不如平时反复操练,学以致用,突破听力难点也不过就是脱口而出。除了“...anything but...”,还有一个让人头疼的句型,那就是“...nothing but...”,这个两个句型表达的意思刚好相反。“...nothing but...”这个句型的学习请参看句型72。 I will eat anything but pork! ①我什么都吃,就是不吃肉。 ②除了肉,我什么都吃。 ③我吃除了肉以外的任何东西。 ④我就是不吃肉。(语气强烈时)


语法突破两百句(第一期) 1.现在进行时 现在进行时表示正在发生的动作。 Keep quiet! The baby is sleeping. (安静!娃娃在睡觉。) 现在进行时也表示即将发生的动作。 I'm tired. I'm going home now. Goodnight! (我累了。我要睡觉了。晚安!) Look! The bus is coming! (看,车来了!) My boss is leaving for South Korea. (我老板马上要去韩国。) 2.一般现在时 一般现在时表示真理或规律性的动作。 Rice doesn't grow in cold climates. (寒冷的气候不适于水稻生长。) I always go to work by car. (我总是开车上班。) 比较现在进行时与一般现在时:前者表示正在发生的动作,后者表示经常存在的状态。 I can't understand why he is being so selfish. He isn't usually like that. (我不明白他此刻怎么这么自私。他平时不这样。) 3.一般过去时 一般过去时是简单陈述过去发生的事情。 We invited them to our party but they decided not to come. (我们请了他们参加聚会,但他们决定不来。) I was angry because they were late. (我生气,因为他们迟了。) 4.过去进行时 过去进行时表示过去某个具体时刻正发生的动作。 I was walking home when I met Dave. (我碰到大卫时,我正往家走。) Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking. (汤姆做饭时烫了手。) 5.现在完成时 现在完成时表示:刚刚完成的动作;曾经有过的经验;重复发生的过去动作;过去动作或状态延续至今或者强调过去动作对现在的影响。 I have just finished my work. (我刚刚完成我的工作。) I have never been abroad. (我没迈出过国门半步。)

李阳疯狂英语 口语突破 单词 1

achieve v. 完成;实现;达到 No one can achieve anything without effort. 没有人能不劳而获。 Set a goal and work on it till you achieve it. 定下目标,为之努力直到你实现你的目标。 Our company has achieved all its goals this year. 我们公司今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。 Everyone wants to achieve something in life. 每个人都想在一生中有所作为。 I hope to achieve all my goals soon. 我希望尽快达到所有目标。 If you believe it,you can achieve it. 如果你相信,你就能做到。 I know I can achieve success if I keep on trying. 我知道,如果我不断尝试,我就会获得成功。 Good English will help us achieve modernization. 流利的英语有助于我们实现现代化。 He achieved a great deal because he was a hard worker. 他取得成功是他努力的结果。 Keep a record of all your achievements,no matter how small. 记录下你所有的成绩,不论有多小。 You should be proud of your achievement. 你应该为你的成就感到自豪。 I'm never satisfied with my achievements.I always want to do more. 我从来不满足于我的成绩。我总想要做得更多。 China has had a lot of achievements in the past year. 在过去一年中,中国取得了很多成就。 agree v. 同意,赞成 I agree with you. 我同意你(的意见)。 I couldn't agree more. 我非常同意。 Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的意见吗? He agreed to my idea. 他接受了我的意见。 She can't agree to your demands. 她不可能接受你的要求。 I find it impossible to agree to your terms. 我认为不可能接受你们的条件。 Tom agree to do the work. 汤姆答应做这件工作。 My friends agreed to lend me the money. 我的朋友们答应借钱给我。 Do you agree with him about/on that matter? 关于那件事,你同意他的意见吗? I don't agree with a single word that you have said. 你说的话我一个字都不赞成。 She agreed with his plan. 她赞成这个计划。


疯狂英语口语突破:问候陌生人常用语 1. Greeting Strangers 问候陌生人 【疯狂英语实战对话一】 A:Hi, there. My name’s Paul Brown. I’m from the United States. (你好。我叫保罗?布朗。我来自美国。) B:Nice to meet you, Paul. My name’s Kelly Cook. You can call me Kelly. I’m from Canada. (很高兴理解你, 保罗。我叫凯利?库克。你能够叫我凯利。我 来自加拿大。) A: Nice to meet you, too, Kelly. Canada is a beautiful country! (理解你我也很高兴, 凯利。加拿大是一个美丽的国家。) 【疯狂评论】 千万不要小看上面这段简短的对话,不同的流利水准和不同的信心,说出来的感觉是完全不一样的!就连美国本国人在和陌生人见面、求职面试或演讲之前都要反复操练! 【使用背景】 在酒吧,在沙滩,在聚会上结识新朋友,都能够使用上面的对话。如果去掉“there”,就能够用在比较正规的场合。 初次问候常用短句 (1)Hi, there. 你好。

【Kim’s Note】This is a very casual and common way to greet someone. However, guys use this greeting to girls much more frequently than girls use it to guys. It is a little bit flirtatious because it sounds as though someone has just caught your eye for attention. But if you want to get a guy’s attention, I highly recommend this greeting! 这是非常随意且十分常见的问候他人的方式。不过小伙子用这句话来问候姑娘远多于姑娘问候小伙子。因为这句话听起来好似某个人吸引了你的眼光,引起你的注意,所以有点调情的味道。但是如果你想吸引一个小伙子的注意力,我强烈推荐你使用这个问候语。 (2)Nice to meet you. 很高兴理解你。 还能够说:I’m glad/pleased to meet you. 或Nice meeting you. 通常回答:Nice to meet you, too. (正式) 或Same here. 我也是。(非正式) 【疯狂英语实战对话二】 A:I don’t think we’ve met before. My name’s Sam. (我们大概没见过吧。我叫山姆) B: No, I don’t think so either. Nice to meet you. I’m Ann. (我想我们没见过。很高兴理解你。我叫安。) 【疯狂英语实战对话三】 A:Hello! Are you a friend of Bill’s? (你好!你是比尔的朋友吗?)


李阳疯狂英语快速突破法---"十大焦点"(一) 第一焦点一切以句子为中心!句子就是一切!句子就是财富! 我最大的爱好就是疯狂地收集各种好句子,My only hobby in life is collecting beautiful sentences! 第一绝招:打招呼 1. Long time no see. (好久不见了。)特别注意这个句子的发音,因为它包含了漂亮的双元音和长元音! 2. A: How are you doing? (你过得好吗?)【最地道的打招呼用语】【发泄、夸张地“怒吼”!】 B: I'm doing great. / Super. Yourself? (我过得很好。)A: Couldn't be better. 能将上面这个回合潇洒自如地脱口而出,已经可以给外国人一个惊讶,因为绝大多数中国人只会“How are you?”“Fine, thank you. And you?”“I'm fine, too. Thank you. Bye-bye.”这样的老套路。 3. How is your business? (你的生意如何?)上面这个句子绝对管用。 4. How's your family? (你的家人都好吗?) 5. How's everything? (一切都好吗?)【最偷懒、最全面的问候办法!】 6. Are you as busy as before? (你跟以前一样忙吗?) 第二焦点最口腔肌肉训练法 学习外语就是“训练口腔肌肉”,使之轻松地发出“陌生的外国声音”,变成灵活的“国际肌肉”;学习外语就是苦练脱口而出!只有这样才是真正地拥有语言! 训练方法:用“最大声、最清晰、最快速”的办法反复操练句子或小短文直至脱口而出。每次记录时间,争取打破上次成绩,也可互相比赛。 第一篇经典三最: [1] I can't stand my poor English! I want to improve my situation! I want to change my life. I don't want to let my parents down! I don't ever want to let my country down! Most importantly, I don't want to let myself down! [2] I want to speak perfect English! I want to understand all kinds of accents! I want to write beautiful articles. I want to read thousands of books! I want to translate freely between Chinese and English. I want to be the master of the world's two most important languages: Chinese and English. 【李阳老师的“三最”记录为:16秒】 参考译文:[1] 我不能忍受我的破烂英语!我要改变我的处境!我要改变我的生活!我不要让我的父母失望!我不想让我的祖国失望!最重要的是,我不想让我自己失望! [2] 我要说一口纯正的英语!我要听懂各种口音!我要写出漂亮的文章!我要读成千上万的书!我要在中英文之间自由转换!我要成为世界上两门最重要的语言-中文和英文-的主宰和大师! 第二篇经典三最: [1] Please don't care how poorly or how well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak! Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face. The more you speak, the better your English will become. The more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make. You must enjoy speaking poor English, because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. Don't give up. Just try your best. [2] Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. You can make it. 参考译文: [1] 管它说好说坏,只要有机会“说”就可以!热爱丢脸,干脆忘记面子的存在。你说得越多,你的英语就越好!你必须享受说破烂英语的快乐,因为说是通向成功唯一的法宝。别放弃!竭尽全力! [2] 嘴动一次,记忆就深刻一次,肌肉就发达一点!你一定可以成功! 这其实是一篇我典型的国际演讲稿。我在世界各地介绍“疯狂英语”的时候,就字正腔圆地将上面的话脱口而出,每次都会博得大家的热烈鼓掌!请你反复模仿录音带,争取也成为一个帮助别人学习英语的“疯狂老师”! 第三焦点一口气底气十足训练法 这个方法主要训练你说英语的“底气”。做法很简单,你只需要深呼吸,然后在一口气里尽量多读。经过一段时间的训练,原来需要换几


228句口语要素(语音版) 口语要素”是李阳疯狂英语突破法的一个重要概念,特别地道,含含糊糊,一闪而过,听起来想一个单词一样的口语单位!李阳.克立兹要求学员必须首先掌握一定数量的口语要素,打好坚实的口语、听力基础,增强交流信心,达成说一句顶十句的疯狂境界和自信。 下面为大家提供口语要素228例精选。最好的验证是否掌握的方法是看着汉语脱口而出英文,或由别人说汉语,你立刻翻译成英文!不要只是反复地、机械地、大脑几乎麻木地读! 一定要把这些句子变成你的拿手好戏,随时随地脱口而出,并经常用来自言自语以保持口腔肌肉高度灵活! 1.It's up to you. (由你决定。) 2.I envy [羡慕]you. (我羡慕你。) 3.How can I get in touch with you? (我怎么和你联系?) 4.Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?) 5.What's the weather like today? (今天天气如何?) 6.Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?) 7.I wasn't born yesterday. (我又不是三岁小孩。) 8.What do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]? (你做什么消遣?) 9.It’s a small world. (世界真小!) 10.It’s my treat[请客、款待] this time. (这次我请客!) 11.The sooner the better. (越快越好。) 12.When is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time for you? (你什么时间方便) 13.Take your time. (慢慢来/别着急。) 14.I'm mad about Bruce Lee. (我迷死李小龙了。) I'm crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。) 15.How do I address you? (我怎么称呼你?) 16.What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?) 17.Would you care for[喜欢] a cup of coffee? (要杯咖啡吗?) 18.She turns me off. (她使我厌烦。) 19.So far so good. (目前为止,一切都好。) 20.It drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy. (它把握逼疯了。) 21.She never showed up[出席;露面]. (她一直没有出现。) 22.That's not like him. (那不象是他的风格。) 23.I couldn't get through. (电话打不通。) 24.I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。) 25.Be my guest.(请便、别客气) 26.Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?) 27.Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。) 28.Let's call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)]. 29.I couldn't help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。) 30.Something's come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了) 31.Let's get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。) 32.Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。) 33.That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发) 34.I'll be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。) 35.Chances are slim[渺茫的;微小的].(机会很小。) 36.Far from it.(一点也不。) 37.I’m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。) 38.It's a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事) 39.We're in the same boat.(我们处境相同。) 40.My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)
