

She was called “the April of this world”. The well-known poet Xu Zhimo had pursued her. The famous philosopher Jin Yuelin also fell in love with her and didn’t marry all his life time for her. Moreover, she was so lucky to have the best husband Liang Sicheng. She was the legend women, Lin huiyin.

Many people hear of Lin because of Xu Zhimo, so do I. When I learn about Xu Zhimo’s poem, for the first time I came to know her poem that you are the April of this world, which was considered to be written for Xu Zhimo by some people but others thought it was for her son. No matter whom it was written for, this poem is so fresh and warm and deeply impressed me. This poem is the masterpiece of her as a writer. She wrote poems, essays, short stories and plays. Many of her works were praised for its subtlety. At the same time, she was an architect, the first female architect in China. Throughout the 1980s, Lin and her husband traveled many places in China to study and record the Chinese ancient architecture and became the pioneer in this field with great achievements. She was involved in the design of the National Emblem of the People’s Republic of China and the Monument to the People’s Heroes located in the Tiananmen Square.

Apart from her main achievements, her versatility was reflected in many aspects. Born in a wealthy family, she pursued her degrees both in England and the United States. So, her English was quite well. In 1924, the old Indian poet Tagore visited China, Lin Huiyin and Xu Zhimo worked together to do interpretation work for Tagore, during which Lin distinguished herself with her fluent English and also won the admiration of the great poet. Lin Huiyin also loved drama and had played the leading role of Tagore’s poem drama which deeply impressed on literary and art circle. In her spare time, she often held the party to discuss current events. Most of the people participating the party were public celebrities. Lin as the party’s focus pointed out the problem and remarked properly. Her unique views always won her friends’admiration.

At that age, men mostly thought highly of her, while women didn’t seem to like her, they thought that this case maybe have something to do with her straightforward character. Lin Huiyin as a talented woman generally dealt with public celebrities. It was rare to find a woman like her, so talented. The ordinary women neither had the same level to talk with her, nor did Lin Huiyin pretend to be modest to explain to those women. Then we can imagine the misunderstanding or even jealous sense from the same sex was somehow reasonable but not her fault.

In a word, Lin Huiyin was not my admired scholar but also a perfect woman in my mind.


转帖一 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the present ation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the pre sentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so plea se feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentatio n -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perha ps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come to day. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this pre


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorr ow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning proces s. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better p erson. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations. Love Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Witho ut love a person could go hayward and also bec ome cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and beco mes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and m ature and help us to understand life better. Happiness and Sorrow Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We rea lize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basic ally due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things a re temporary and pass away. Failure and Success Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our hea d on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for besto wing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectf ul to the less fortunate ones. Hope and Despair Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us n ot to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there i s a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep movi ng on in life and be hopeful. Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is be yond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or d ull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a b etter tomorrow.


英文Presentation常用句式 成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end

A presentation 英语范文

On behalf of Grant Telecommunications, I’d like to welcome you. My name is Joseph Green. Today I’d like to give you a product presentation for the new XT 3000 mobile phone. My presentation is divided into three parts. First, I’ll explain the features of the new phone. Then, I’ll talk about how the phone compares with others on the market. And lastly, I will highlight the USPs of the new product. Right, let’s start with the features first. The new XT 3000 is great and it has some excellent new features. These include voice-activated dialing. What this means is that you can say the name of the person you would like to call into the phone and it will automatically find the person’s number and dial. Another fantastic feature is the 100 mega pixel camera—you won’t miss another precious moment. When compared to other products, the XT 3000 comes out on top. I will run through some comparisons against the following three products: HR 500, Elektra v1.2 and SP 989. The HR 500 doesn’t have such an excellent 100 mega pixel camera. The Elektra v1.2, which is a similar price to the XT 3000, does not have the voice-activated dialing facility. And the SP 989, which has all the same features as the XT 3000, is much more expensive than the XT 3000. This brings me to the final part of my presentation. I would like to briefly highlight the USPs (Unique Selling Points) of the XT 3000. Firstly, it is very competitively priced. It also has the most features of any phone on the market at this price. Additionally, customers are able to buy the different parts of the phone in different colours, which enables them to customise their phone to the look they want. And finally, there are lots of accessories to further customise it. All in all, the XT is a fantastic buy! Thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions?


【开场】: -Thank you very much, Prof. William, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium. -Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. -Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. -Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough? -Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about… - Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car? 【欢迎听众(正式)】 - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 【欢迎听众(非正式 )】 - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's great to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. 【受邀请在会议上致词】 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It's my pleasant duty today to... - I've been asked to... 【告知演讲的话题】 - the subject of my presentation is... - I shall be speaking today about... - My presentation concerns... - Today's topic is...


good afternoon,everyone. he is my favorite singer---vae.do you know the chinese meaning of ‘vae’?he does not look handsome at all.sometime,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented. his was born on 14th march,in 1986.he graduated from anhui medical university.attention,he is a doctor.isn’t it amazing that xusong turns to be a famous musian finally? roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。) star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱) sad lyrics,sad melody,vae’s interpretation (艺术表现)of the plain with a little bit sad. vae is a man who can tell us what is independence.he is my idol.his perserverance,his effort,his great idea,always inspire me.篇二:英语presentation 演讲稿 before i start my presentation, let’s see some pictures;. yes, thesepictures lead us into my topic today: to be good netizens. nowadays we have stepped in a totally new age, in which we mainly receive the information from the internet. and we can see,the netizen population is growing fast the last decade. by 2000 it was just several millions of netizens in china but now, ten years later, we have more than 50 million. this number increased so fast that we have no time for preparing, so this lead to the situation that i show you before. and why that situation is so bad, let’s look at this picture. we can see, besides the large number, we have another problem: most of the netizens are young people; in other words, the next generation. such a bad internet environment can really influence their future, which means: influence our nation’s future. and although there is many benefits, we should first know whether our movement helps (even if just help a tiny little.) these are four big events which we netizens make many contributions: the event of south china tiger, the 2008 olympic, the train event, and the event of extracting bile from live bears. with our effort, a lot more people know these four events and that really helped to force the government to deal with it more properly. so we now know a good harmonious environment is important and we do can take actions to help create it. so why do we move right now. and these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go.篇三:presentation演讲稿 at first, i will give an overview [???v??vju:] of hubei. hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and qichun as my birthplace. hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. it is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9 provinces(chinese:九省通衢)”for its networks of transportation by air, water, highway and railway. hubei is the birthplace for chu culture. chu culture is a highly developed and


①Hello everyone, today I want to show you a part of how the earth was made, and mainly talk about Yellowstone. ②As continents shift and clash, volcanoes erupt, and glaciers grow and recede, the Earth’s crust is carved in countless fascinating ways, leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind. And one of the greatest is Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. This is one of the world’s most geologically active places, shaken by up to 5000 earthquakes every year, and with more geysers and hot springs than in the rest of the world combined. Scientists studying Yellowstone are uncovering a violent past. Carved water, crushed by ancient glaciers and blasted by the biggest volcanic eruptions ever known on the planet. And even today, Yellowstone is one of the most dangerous places on Earth. ③Yellowstone is one of the most amazing places on Earth, and it’s unique. It contains some of America’s most stunning scenery and wildlife. Yellowstone is the world’s first national park which is in the northw estern corner of Wyoming and overlaps into Montana and Idaho. The park covers 3468 square miles, 63 miles north to south and 54 miles east to west. It’s a very unusual geology that created the park. ④Old Faithful is the star attraction of Yellowstone. It’s one of the most predictable geographical features on Earth , erupting almost 91 minutes.


做presentation的一些常用句型: 1. Right, let's get started. 2. Let me introduce myself. 3. I've divided my presentation into three main parts. 4. Just to give you a brief overview. 5. I'll be saying more about this in a minute. 6. I'm sure the implications of this are clear to all of us. 7. There's an important point to be made here. 8. OK, let's move on. (go on to make your next point) 9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves. 10. To go back to what I was saying earlier. 11. Are there any questions you'd like to ask at this point? 12. I'd like to look at this in more detail. 13. Let's put this into perspective. (to explain it this way) 14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little. 15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan) 16. So, to sum up? 17. That brings me to the end of my talk. 18. Thank you. I'm sure you all have lots of questions.


口试框架及语言表述范例 Introduction: ?Capture attention↗greeting ↘welcoming, gratitude, compliment ?Establish credibility→self-introduction ?Give an overview↗topic, purpose, importance ↘outline Capture attention时可参考的例句 Good afternoon everyone. It’s a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen. It is my honor to have the opportunity to stand here to give my presentation. Thank you very much, Prof. Smith, for your kind introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I consider it a great honor to be asked to talk about … in this session of our symposium. (讨论会) Give an overview可参考下面的例句 Today I’m going to give a presentation on …it is necessary to …. First, I’d like to talk about… Then, I’ll … Finally, I’ll… In my presentation today I’ll be discussing…The purpose of it is to …My presentation will be given in four parts. The first part deals with… The second part relates to … The third part concerns…And the last part discusses… Body: 在介绍主体部分时要根据一定的逻辑顺序展开内容 Chronological progression Spatial progression Progression from most to least Cause and effect Problem and solution Compare and contrast Classification Case study Hypothesis and proving 在每个内容之间要用过渡(Transition),例如: We’ve discussed/looked at …, now let’s move on to … Now that I’ve discussed …, I’d like to continue by discussing … In addition to … (what you just covered), another important aspect is … Next, let me talk about … Conclusion: ?Signal and give a conclusion ?End the presentation and express gratitude ?Invite questions Signal and give a conclusion可参考的例句: Now I am about to conclude my presentation. I have explained…


英语presentation演讲稿 篇一:英语Presentation演讲稿 Good afternoon,everyone. Turn on the QQ music chart,the first is always JAY,and the followed is VAE,a spotless(一尘不染的)clean boy and have the name of his photo,light can’t imagine that this is a boy who has high popularity in the Internet. He is my favorite you know the Chinese meaning of ‘Vae’He does not look handsome at ,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented. His was born on 14th March,in graduated from AnHui Medical ,he is a ’t it amazing that XuSong turns to be a famous musian finally So far he realeased four I would like to point out that the albums are his own independence,including the lyricsist,composer,arranger,singing,production and cover designing. Roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。) Star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱) Sad lyrics,sad melody,Vae’s interpretation (艺术表现)


成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语 应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of t he presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questi ons-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions a t any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentat ion---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II.


Chapter I Beginning the Speech T ext I. Opening Remarks开场: Sample Opening Remarks 1)Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium. Honor: 荣誉,敬意 Symposium:专题讨论会,座谈会 Session: 会议,会期,一段时间 2)Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. Address:演讲,演说 Distinguished: 卓越的,著名的 3)Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. 4)Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough? 5)Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about… Appreciate:感激,欣赏 6)Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car? A show of hands:举手表决 Expressing thanks to the Chairperson 向主持人致谢 Mr. Chairman, thank you for your introduction. First, I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his gracious introduction. Gracious:亲切的,有礼貌的 Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. I would like to thank Dr. Huang (主持人或推荐你来发言的上司)for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience. Permit:允许,许可 Privilege:特权 Forms of Address and Greetings对听众的称呼 Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Members of the conference! Expressing Pleasure and Honor 向听众致意 I am very happy/glad/pleased to be here in Hong Kong. I am honored/privileged to be here (with you this afternoon). I am proud to be here on this special occasion. Occasion:场合,机会 It’s a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference.
