









分享人:Congcong 2015-10-18







Chapter 1 Water Resources P9


(1)resource:资源(2)ground water:地下水(3)freshwater:淡水





(1)有限的:finite (2)污染:pollution (3)概略地:roughly/summarily (4)有创造力的:creative (5)咸水:saltwater (6)变量:variant

(7)水源:water supply (8)渗透:penetrate (9)粒子:particle



(1)Converting saltwater to freshwater is generally too expensive to be used for in-dustrial,agricultural or household purpose.

(2)Only 3% of the word’s water supply is fresh water and two-thirds of that is salt-water,forming the polar icecaps,glaciers,and icebergs.

(3)Surface water is visible above the ground surface, such as creeks, rivers,ponds and lakes.

(4)Ground water is water that either fills the spaces between soil particles or pene-trates the cracks and spaces within rocks.

Chapter 2 Planning for Water Resources Development P15



(3)engineering judgment:工程经验判断(4)most desirable:最适宜的

(5)project plan:工程规划(6)flood-plain:洪泛平原

(7)feasibility study:可行性研究(8)specifications:说明书


(1)单个工程:single project (2)区域水管理:regional water management

(3)工程技术:engineering (4)趋势:tendency (5)调和:coordination (6)流域:basin (7)发展:development (8)效力:effectiveness (9)原则上:in principle


(1)Planning can be defined as the orderly consideration of a project from the ori-ginal statement of purpose through the evaluation of alternatives to the final decision on a course of action.

(2)An overall water-management plan,developed with care and closely coordinat-ed with other regional plans,may be a useful tool in determining which of many pos-sible actions should be taken.

(3)There is no substitute for “engineering judgment”in the selection of the met-hod of approach to project planning.

(4)It is the basis for the decision to proceed with (or to abandon)a proposed project and is the most important aspect of the engineering for the project.

Chapter 4 Hydrology P29


(1)lithosphere:岩石圈(2)hydrosphere:水圈(3)atmosphere:大气圈(4)water supply:水源,供水(5)ground-water hydrology:地下水文学(6)bedrock:岩床,根底(7)hydrology:水文学(8)occurrence:产生(9)pathway:路,径(10)rainfall:降雨


(1)干旱:drought (2)污染:contamination (3)推论:deduce

(4)泛滥:flooding (5)蒸发:evaporation (6)冰川:glacier

(7)转移:divert (8)下游的:downstream (9)造成:pose


(1)The cycle of movement of water between atmosphere ,hydrosphere ,lithosphere and biosphere is termed hydrologic cycle.

(2)This information is essential to design and evaluation of natural and man-made channels,bridge openings and dams.

(3)Hydrology is the science that encompasses the occurrence,distribution,move- ment and properties of the waters of the earth and their relationship with the environ-ment within each phase of the hydrology cycle.

Chapter 5 Water Cycle P36



(4)droplet:小滴(5)condensation:凝结,凝聚(6)water vapor:水汽

(7)precipitation:降雨(8)hydrologic cycle:水文循环(9)melt:融化

(10)moist:潮湿的(11)vegetation:植物,草本(12)rock layers:岩石层2、汉译英

(1)池塘:pond (2)大气:atmosphere (3)海洋:ocean (4)水循环:water cycle (5)凝结:condensation (6)水汽:water vapor (7)减去:subtract (8)小滴:droplet (9)固体:solid (10)渗透:infiltration (11)液态水:liquid water (12)蓄水库:reservoir 3、完善句子

(1)As water goes through its cycle, it can be a solid ice, a liquid water, or a gas water vapor.

(2)Water that runs into rivers flows into ponds, lakes, or oceans where it eva-porates back into the atmosphere.

(3)Water vapor condenses into millions of tiny droplets that form clouds.

(4)As a result of evaporation, condensation and precipitation, water travels from the surface of the earth, goes into the atmosphere, and returns to earth again. Chapter 6 Principle of Hydrograph-Unit Hydrographs P43


(1)runoff:径流(2)rainfall:降雨(3)intensively:强烈地,集中地(4)peak discharges:洪峰流量(5)predict:预测(6)watershed:流域(7)implicit:暗含的,含蓄的(8)distribute:分布(9)consequently:所以(10)variations:变化,变动


(1)明确说明:specify (2)暴风雨(雪):storm (3)持续的:duration (4)一致的:uniformly (5)片段:fraction (6)重要性:magnitude (7)假定:assume (8)改变:alter (9)瞬间的:instantaneous 3、完善句子

(1)Ways to predict flood discharges and discharge hydrographs from rainfall events have been intensively since the early 1930s.

(2)The ordinates are then added at corresponding times t determine the total hydro-graph.

(3)This is generally not true ;consequently, variations in ordinates for different storms of equal duration can be expected.

Chapter 8 Flood P61



(4)rainfall:降雨(5)arid region:干旱地区(6)absorb water:吸收水分

(7)flash flood:山洪,暴洪(8)flood plain:洪泛平原

(9)shallow water:浅滩水


(1)流域:river basin (2)防洪堤:levee (3)邻近洪泛平原:adjacent flood plain (4)农业田地:agricultural land (5)严重洪水:severe flood

(6)有毒物:toxic material (7)海生物:maritime life (8)溢流:overflow



(1)When a rainfall does occur ,it can sometimes result in a sudden flood of water filling dry stream beds known as a “flash flood”.

(2)When heavy rainfall or melting snow causes the river’s depth to increase and the river to overflow its banks ,a vast expanse of shallow water can rapidly cover the adjacent flood plain.

(3)Floods may also cause millions of dollars worth of damage to a city ,both evict-ing people from their homes and ruining businesses.


Chapter 1

1、三水:地表水(surface water)、地下水(ground water)、大气水(atmos-pheric vapor)[四水:土壤水(soil moisture);五水:生物水(biowater)];

2、公共用水系统(public water systerms)开采地下水(tap ground water)的方式是打井(operate wells);

3、人们用水的类型(The types of people using water)分为消耗性用水(

consumptive use)和非消耗性用水(nonconsumptive use);


原始状态(Consumptive use means that the water is not returned to nature),非消

耗性用水指不管污染与否回到系统中的水(Nonconsumptive use returns water ,polluted or not,to the system);

5、消耗性用水和非消耗性用水举例:consumptive use:drinking water(喝水);nonconsumptive use:creating hydroelectric power(水力发电)、shipping(航运)

6、有关水资源存在的问题主要是通过对比(by comparing)来阐述的。Chapter 2

1、规划(planning )的三部分或者是一项工程有序研究(orderly consideration

of a project)的三步骤:the original statement(初始陈述)、the evaluation of al-ternatives(方案评价)、the final decision(最终的抉择);

2、工程规划(project planning)既需要工程经验(engineering judgment)也需

要定量分析(quantitative analysis);

3、地区规划机构的出现(existance of regional planning groups)和地区水规划部门的产生(occurrence of regional water planning)例如中国水利部的长委(Changjiang Water Resources Commission of Hydrology Ministry)和水利部的黄

委(Yellow River Conservancy Commission of Hydrology Ministry),这些地区规

划分支机构的出现是为了考虑到国家不同地区的差异性(to allow for differences between the various regions of the country);

4、在最终规划(the final plan)出现(emerge)前,工程规划经历(pass through)的几个阶段(several phases)有普查阶段(reconnaissance study)、初步可行性分

析阶段(pre-feasibility study)、可行性研究阶段(feasibility study)、最后阶段(the final phase);

5、工程规划的最后阶段需要提交的成果有工程图纸(construction drawings)和


Chapter 4

1、水循环(hydrologic cycle)的含义就是指水在大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物

圈之间的运动(The cycle of movement of water between atmosphere, hydrosphere,lithosphere and biosphere is termed the hydrologic cycle);

2、水文学(Hydrology)有两大分支(two broad sub-disciplines)分别是地表水

水文学(surface-water hydrology)和地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology);

3、地表水水文学应用(examples of applications of surface water hydrology)的例子:洪水和干旱(flooding and droughts);

4、地下水水文学的应用(applications of ground water hydrology):水源、灌溉

和环境工程(water supply、irrigation and environmental engineering);


Chapter 5

1、水循环中水的状态可能是固态的(冰)、液态的(水)或者是气态的(水蒸汽)(As water goes through its cycle,it can be solid(ice),a liquid (water),or a

gas(water vapor).);

2、当对水加热就发生了蒸发(If heat is added to water,it evaporates.)

3、构成水循环的六个重要过程(There are six important processes that make up

the water cycle),它们分别是蒸发(evaporation)、冷凝(condensation)、降水(precipitation)、地表径流(surface runoff)、下渗(infiltration)、植物蒸腾(transpiration);










9、冰山:iceberg 10、水蒸气:water vapor 11、地表水:surface water

12、地下水:ground water 13、岩石:rock 14、水资源:water resources

15、径流:runoff或river runoff 16、降水:precipitation 17、降雨:rainfall

18、蒸发:evaporation 19、下渗:infiltration 20、水循环:water cycle

21、水源:water supply 22、用水量:water consumption 23、规划:planning

24、流域:watershed/basin 25、可行性研究:feasibility study

26、说明书:specifications 27、水管理:water management

28、水文学:hydrology 29、大气圈:atmosphere 30、水圈:hydrosphere

31、水文循环:hydrologic cycle 32、降雪:snowfall 33、洪水:flooding

34、干旱:drought 35、污染:contamination/pollution 36、水库:reservoir

37、土壤:soil 38、固态:solid 39、液态:liquid 40、气态:gas

41、冷凝:condensation 42、小滴: droplet 43、水流:stream

44、雨水:rainwater 45、气压:air pressure 46、暴雨:storm

47、重要性、广大:magnitude 48、单位线:unit hydrograph

49、泛滥、溢出:overflow 50、洪泛平原:flood plain 51、防洪堤:levee

52、浅水:shallow water 53、排水:drainage 54、污水:sewage 55、飓风:hurricane 56、海啸:tsunami 57、火山:volcano 58、融雪:snow melt 59、地形:terrain 60、地下室:basement 61、干旱地区:arid region 62、沟:gully 63、净雨:net rain/excess rain 64、历时:duration 65、洪峰流量:flood peak discharge 66、滞时:lag time 67、经验法则:rule of thumb 68、无资料的:ungauged 69、纵坐标:ordinate 70、干冰:dry ice 71、环境工程:envrionmental engineering

72、造成问题:pose a problem 73、水利工作者:hydrologist

74、协调:coordination 75、工程经验: engineering judgment


施工总平面布置Construction general layout 施工总平面布置 (施工总体布置 ) construction general layout 施工组织 Consruction Programming 施工组织设计 construction planning 施工坐标系(建筑坐标系) construction coordinate system 湿化变形 soaking deformation 湿润比 percentage of wetted area 湿润灌溉 wetting irrigation 湿室型泵房 wet-pit type pump house 湿陷变形系数soaking deformation coefficient 湿陷起始压力 initial collapse pressure 湿陷系数 (湿陷变形系数 ) coefficient of collapsibility 湿周 wetted perimeter 十字板剪切试验 vane shear test 石袋 honeycomb 时均流速 time average velocity 时均能量 time average energy 时效硬化 (老化) age hardening (ageing) 时针式喷灌系统 (中心支轴自走式系统 ) central pivot sprinkler system 实测放大图 surveyed amplification map 实腹柱 solid column 实际材料图 primitive data map 实时接线分析real time connection analysis 实时控制 real-time control 实时数据和实时信息 real time data and real time information 实体坝 solid dike 实体重力坝 solid gravity dam 实物工程量 real work quantity 实验站 experimental station 实用堰 practical weir 示流信号器 liquid-flow annunciator 示坡线 slope indication line 示误三角形 error triangle 示踪模型 tracer model 事故 failure (accident) 事故备用容量reserve capacity for accident 事故低油压 tripping lower oil pressure 事故音响信号emergency signal (alarmsignal) 事故运行方式 accident operation mode 事故闸门 emergency gate 事故照明 accident lighting 事故照明切换屏accident lighting change-over panel 势波 potential wave 势流 potential flow 势能 potential energy 势涡 (自由涡 ) potential vortex 视差 parallax 视差法测距(基线横尺视差法) subtense method with horizontal staff 视差角 parallactic angle 视准线法 collimation line method 视准轴(照准轴) coolimation axis 试验处理 treatment of experiment 试验端子 test terminal 试验项目 Testing item 试验小区 experimental block 试运行 test run 试运行 test run 收敛测量 convergence measurement 收敛约束法convergence-confinement method 收缩断面 vena-contracta 收缩缝(温度缝) contraction joint (temperature joint) 收缩水深 contracted depth 手动[自动]复归manual [automatic] reset 手动[自动]准同期 manual [automatic] precise synchronization 手动调节 manual regulation 手动控制 manual control 手动运行 manual operation 手工电弧焊 manual arc welding 首曲线(基本等高线) standard contour 首子午线(本初子午线,起始子午线) prime meridian 受油器 oil head


第二章第一篇 To say that we live in an age of electronics is an understatement. From the omnipresent integrated circuit to the equally omnipresent digital computer, we encounter electronic devices and systems on a daily basis. In every aspect of our increasingly technological society— whether it is science, engineering, medicine, music, maintenance, or even espionage—the role of electronics is large, and it is growing. 谈论关于我们生活在一个电子学时代的论调是一种空泛的论调。从无处不在的集成电路到同样无处不在的数字计算机,我们在日常活动中总会遇到电子设备和电子系统。在我们日益发展的科技社会的方方面面——无论是在科学、工程、医药、音乐、维修方面甚至是在谍报方面——电子学的作用是巨大的,而且还将不断增强。 In general, all of the tasks with which we shall be concerned can be classified as "signal-processing“tasks. Let us explore the meaning of this term 一般说来,我们将要涉及到的工作被归结为“信号——处理”工作,让我们来探究这个术语的含义吧。 A signal is any physical variable whose magnitude or variation with time contains information. This information might involve speech and music, as in radio broadcasting, a physical quantity such as the temperature of the air in a room, or numerical data, such as the record of stock market transactions. The physical variables that can carry information in an electrical system are voltage and current. When we speak of "signals", therefore, we refer implicitly to voltages or currents. However, most of the concepts we discuss can be applied directly to systems with different information-carrying variables. Thus, the behavior of a mechanical system (in which force and velocity are the variables) or a hydraulic system (in which pressure and flow rate are the variables) can often be modeled or represented by an equivalent electrical system. An understanding of the behavior of electrical systems, therefore, provides a basis for understanding a much broader range of phenomena. 信号就是其与时间有关的量值或变化包含信息的任何物理变量。这种信息或许像无线电广播的演讲和音乐,或许是像室内温度的物理量,或许像股市交易记录的数字数据。在电气系统中能够载有信息的物理变量是电压和电流。因此当我们谈到“信号”,我们不言而喻指的是电压和电流,然而,我们要讨论的大多数概念是可以被直接应用于载有不同信息的变量的系统,因此,一个机械系统(在这个系统中力和速度是其变量)或者液压系统(在这个系统中压力和流速是其变量)的性能通常可以用一个等效的电气系统来模拟或表示。因此,我们对于电气系统性能的理解为理解更宽领域的现象打下了一个基础。 A signal can carry information in two different forms. In an analog signal the continuous variation of the voltage or current with time carries the information. An example, in Fig.2-l, is the voltage produced by a thermocouple pair when the two junctions are at different temperatures. As the temperature difference between the two junctions varies, the magnitude of the voltage across the thermocouple pair also varies. The voltage thus provides an analog representation of the temperature difference. 一个信号可以以两种形式来承载信息。在一个模拟信号中电压或电流随时间而产生的连续变化载有信息。在图2-1中,当一对热电偶的接头处于不同的温度时由热电偶所产生的电压就是一个例子。当两个接头之间的温度差改变时,一对热电偶两端的电压也将改变。于是电压就提供了温度差的模拟表现形式 The other kind of signal is a digital signal. A digital signal is one that can take on values within two discrete ranges. Such signals are used to represent ON-OFF or YES-NO information. An ordinary household thermostat delivers a digital signal tocontrol the furnace. When the


Unit 1 safety management system Accident causation models 事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件 Machine guarding 机械保护装置 House-keeping 工作场所管理 Top management 高层管理人员 Human errors 人因失误Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型 Munitions factory 军工厂Causal factors 起因Risking taking 冒险行为Corporate culture 企业文化Loss prevention 损失预防Process industry 制造工业Hazard control 危险控制Intensive study 广泛研究Organizational performance 企业绩效 Mutual trust 相互信任Safety officer 安全官员 Safety committee 安全委员会Shop-floor 生产区Unionized company 集团公司Seniority 资历、工龄Local culture 当地文化 Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Power relations 权力关系Status review 状态审查 Lower-level management 低层管理者 Business performance 组织绩

效 Most senior executive 高级主管 Supervisory level 监督层Safety principle 安全规则Wall-board 公告栏Implement plan 执行计划Hazard identification 危险辨识 Safety performance 安全性能 One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration –that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。 The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of , an organization’s health and safety management. 译文:组织的安全文化由以下几项内容组成:个人和群体的价值观、态度、观念、能力和行为方式。这种行为方式决定了个人或团体对组织健康安全管理的责任,以及组织健康安全管理的形式和熟练程度。 Unit 2 System Safety Engineering System safety engineering 系统安全工程By-product 附带产生的结果


Lesson 1 力学的基本概念 1、词汇: statics [st?tiks] 静力学;dynamics动力学;constraint约束;magnetic [m?ɡ'netik]有磁性的;external [eks't?:nl] 外面的, 外部的;meshing啮合;follower从动件;magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d] 大小;intensity强度,应力;non-coincident [k?u'insid?nt]不重合;parallel ['p?r?lel]平行;intuitive 直观的;substance物质;proportional [pr?'p?:??n?l]比例的;resist抵抗,对抗;celestial [si'lestj?l]天空的;product乘积;particle质点;elastic [i'l?stik]弹性;deformed变形的;strain拉力;uniform全都相同的;velocity[vi'l?siti]速度;scalar['skeil?]标量;vector['vekt?]矢量;displacement代替;momentum [m?u'ment?m]动量; 2、词组 make up of由……组成;if not要不,不然;even through即使,纵然; Lesson 2 力和力的作用效果 1、词汇: machine 机器;mechanism机构;movable活动的;given 规定的,给定的,已知的;perform执行;application 施用;produce引起,导致;stress压力;applied施加的;individual单独的;muscular ['m?skjul?]]力臂;gravity[ɡr?vti]重力;stretch伸展,拉紧,延伸;tensile[tensail]拉力;tension张力,拉力;squeeze挤;compressive 有压力的,压缩的;torsional扭转的;torque转矩;twist扭,转动;molecule [m likju:l]分子的;slide滑动; 滑行;slip滑,溜;one another 互相;shear剪切;independently独立地,自立地;beam梁;compress压;revolve (使)旋转;exert [iɡ'z?:t]用力,尽力,运用,发挥,施加;principle原则, 原理,准则,规范;spin使…旋转;screw螺丝钉;thread螺纹; 2、词组 a number of 许多;deal with 涉及,处理;result from由什么引起;prevent from阻止,防止;tends to 朝某个方向;in combination结合;fly apart飞散; 3、译文: 任何机器或机构的研究表明每一种机构都是由许多可动的零件组成。这些零件从规定的运动转变到期望的运动。另一方面,这些机器完成工作。当由施力引起的运动时,机器就开始工作了。所以,力和机器的研究涉及在一个物体上的力和力的作用效果。 力是推力或者拉力。力的作用效果要么是改变物体的形状或者运动,要么阻止其他的力发生改变。每一种


水工建筑物专业词汇 岸墙land wall 坝顶dam crest,dam top 坝踵dam heel 坝趾dam toe 板桩sheet pile 边墩side pier,land pier 变形模量deformation modulus 鼻坎bucket lip 毕肖普法Bishop method 冰压力ice pressure 剥离desquamation 侧槽式溢洪道side channel Spillway 沉降settlement 齿墙cut-off trench 冲沙闸(排沙闸)silt-releasing Sluice 纯拱法independent arch method 刺墙key-wall 大头坝massive-head buttress dam *buttress 是扶壁的意思单宽流量discharge per unit width 单曲拱坝single-curvature arch dam 挡潮闸tidal sluice

导流隧洞river diversion tunnel 倒悬度Overhang degree 底流消能energy dissipation by underflow 地震作用earthquake action 垫座cushion abutment 动水压力hydrodynamic pressure 断层fault 堆石坝rock-fill dam 多拱梁法multi-arch beam method 阀门valve gate 防浪墙wave wall 防渗铺盖impervious blanket 非常溢洪道emergency spillway 分洪闸flood diversion sluice 副坝auxiliary dam 刚体极限平衡法limit equilibrium method for rigid block 拱坝arch dam 拱冠梁crown cantilever 拱冠粱法crown cantilever method 工作桥service bridge 固结灌浆consolidation grouting 灌溉隧洞irrigation tunnel


Most people can formulate a mental picture of a computer, but computers do so many things and come in such a variety of shapes and sizes that it might seem difficult to distill their common characteristics into an all-purpose definition. At its core, a computer is a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions. Computer input is whatever is put into a computer system. Input can be supplied by a person, by the environment, or by another computer. Examples of the kinds of input that a computer can accept include the words and symbols in a document, numbers for a calculation, pictures, temperatures from a thermostat, audio signals from a microphone, and instructions from a computer program. An input device, such as a keyboard or mouse, gathers input and transforms it into a series of electronic signals for the computer. In the context of computing, data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas. Computers manipulate data in many ways, and we call this manipulation processing. The series of instructions that tell a computer how to carry out processing tasks is referred to as a computer program, or simply a "program." These programs form the software that sets up a computer to do a specific task. In a computer, most processing takes place in a component called the central processing unit (CPU), which is sometimes described as the"brain" of the computer. A computer stores data so that it will be available for processing. Most computers have more than one location for storing data, depending on how the data is being used. Memory is an area of a computer that temporarily holds data that is waiting to be processed, stored, or output. Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis when it is not immediately needed for processing. Output is the results produced by a computer. Some examples of computer output include reports, documents, music, graphs, and pictures. An output device displays, prints, or transmits the results of processing. Computers are versatile machines, which are able to perform a truly amazing assortment of tasks, but some types of computer are better suited to certain tasks than other types of computers. Computers can be categorized as personal computer, handheld computers, workstations, mainframes, supercomputers , and servers. 大多数人可以制订一个电脑精神的图片,但电脑做很多事情,出现这样的形状和大小不同,它似乎难以提炼成一个全能的定义,它们的共同特点。在其核心,一台计算机是一种装置,它接受输入,处理数据,存储数据,并产生输出,根据对所有存储一系列指示。 什么是计算机输入到计算机系统的压力。输入可提供的一人,由环境,或由另一台计算机。对输入的各种例子,一个计算机可以接受包括文字和符号的文件,规定计算,图片,从恒温器的温度数字,音频信号从一个麦克风,从电脑程序指令。一个输入设备,如键盘或鼠标,集输和转换成一个电子信号的计算机的一系列。 在计算中,数据是指以符号代表的事实,对象和想法。计算机操作在很多方面的数据,我们称之为操作处理。一系列的指令,告诉计算机如何进行处理任务,被称为一个计算机程序,或只是一个“程序”。这些方案形成了软件,建立了计算机做特定的任务。在计算机中,大部分处理发生在一个组件的地方称为中央处理单元(CPU),有时为“大脑的计算机”来形容。 计算机存储数据,以便它会被用作处理可用。大多数计算机有多个用于存储数据的位置,这取决于数据如何被使用。内存是计算机的一个领域,数据是暂时持有等待处理,存储或输出。在数据存储,是可以在一个地区长期离开时,没有立即处理所需。 输出是由电脑产生的结果。电脑输出的一些例子包括报告,文件,音乐,图形,图片。输出设备显示,打印,或传送的处理结果。 电脑是多功能机,它能够执行各种各样的任务十分惊人,但某些类型的计算机更适合比其他类型的计算机的某些任务。计算机可以被归类为个人电脑,掌上电脑,工作站,大型机,超级计算机和服务器。


安全工程专业英语 Unit1 1. Because of the very rapid changes in these jobs and professions, it is hard for students to learn about future job opportunities. It is even more difficult to know about the type of preparation that is needed for a particular profession-or the qualities and traits that might help individuals succeed in it. 由于这些工作和职业的飞速变更,其变化之快使得学生们很难了解未来有什么样的工作机会,更不知道为未来的具体职业生涯做出怎样的准备,也就是说学生们很难知道掌握何种知识、具备何种能力才能成功适应未来的社会。 2. The purpose of this article is to provide in depth information about the safety profession that should help students considering a career in this challenging and rewarding field. 这篇文章将提供较为深入的安全专业方面的具体信息,它应该能够为安全专业的学生们在这个充满挑战也蕴含着发展机遇的职业中获得良好的发展而提供帮助。 3. While these efforts became more sophisticated and widespread during the twentieth century, real progress on a wide front did not occur in the U.S. until after Word War Ⅱ. 尽管这些专业手段在20世纪已经发展的较为成熟,也具有一定的广泛适应性,但在美国,这些都是第二次世界大战以后才取得的突破性进展。 4. This legislation was important because it stressed the control of workplace hazards. This, in turn, defined a clear area of practice for the previously loosely organized safety profession. Other legislation passed during the next twenty years has increased the scope of safety practice into areas of environmental protection, product safety, hazardous materials management and designing safety into vehicles, highways, process plants and buildings. 这部法律很重要,因为它强调工作场所的危险控制,同时这部法律也为以前不成体系的安全业务划定了工作范围。此后20年中通过的一


A: asphalt沥青 aquifer含水层 adiabatic绝热的 archdam拱坝astorageorconservationreservoir蓄水水库accessory附件, 配件 atthefootof..坝后 archaction拱效应 abutment坝肩 ancillary附属的 available可获得的 availablematerial现有的材料 angle折角 air-driven气动annualtemperaturecycle稳定温度appurtenantstructure次要建筑物 age龄期 alkali-aggregatereaction碱骨料反应absorption吸水性 B: bus母线, 总线 bemonolithicwith与..连成整体 bed河床beawayfrom..引水式bulkcement散装水泥bituminous沥青的bestadvantage最优bindingagent胶凝材料buttressdam支墩坝Bulk-mineral矿物质batch配料 batchplant拌和楼bucket料, 罐 C: construction施工concrete混凝土 creep徐变, 渗水cutoff截流 constant常数condensation凝结conceptual概念上的cyclone气旋 collide碰撞convection对流convergence集中conduit管道conduitsystem输水系统

current流 c.大约的 cyclopeanmasonry巨石 cf.参阅 constrain抑制 concreteface面板 curvature曲率cupolaordoublecurvaturearchdam双曲拱坝 cut-off防渗墙 categorized分类 coarse-grained粗粒度的 compact压实 consideration考虑因素 cure养护 cementhydrationprocess水泥硬化过程coarseaggregate粗骨料 crane起重机 cableway缆机 content用量 consolidate巩固 consolidation密实 consistency稠度 closestpracticable最可行的correctemphasison恰如其分地强调crushingstrength抗压强度cylinder圆柱体 cube立方体 cuttingcore取芯样chemicalattack化学侵蚀 crack裂缝 compositematerial复合材料compressivestrength抗压强度compressivestress压应力 D: dispose处理, 处理 deposition沉积作用, 沉淀droplet小水滴 dewpoint露点 depression洼地 dissipate消散 diversionsystem引水系统drafttube尾水管 drymortal干砂浆 derivative衍生物 dome圆屋顶 deckedbuttress大头坝 draw-off抽取


第一章第一篇sectiong Two variables u(t) and i(t) are the most basic concepts in an electric circuit, they characterize the various relationships in an electric circuitu(t)和i(t)这两个变量是电路中最基本的两个变量,它们刻划了电路的各种关系。 Charge and Current The concept of electric charge is the underlying principle for explaining all electrical phenomena. Also, the most basic quantity in an electric circuit is the electric charge. Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in coulombs (C). 电荷和电流电荷的概念是用来解释所有电气现象的基本概念。也即,电路中最基本的量是电荷。电荷是构成物质的原子微粒的电气属性,它是以库仑为单位来度量的。 We know from elementary physics that all matter is made of fundamental building blocks known as atoms and that each atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons. We also know that the charge e on an electron is negative and equal in magnitude to 1.60210×10-19C, while a proton carries a positive charge of the same magnitude as the electron. The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an atom neutrally charged. 我们从基础物理得知一切物质是由被称为原子的基本构造


1.2 总线互连 总线是连接两个或多个设备的通信通路。总线的关键特征是,它是一条共享传输介质。多个设备连接到总线上,任一个设备发出的信号可以为其他所有连接到总线上的设备所接收。如果两个设备同时传送,它们的信号将会重叠,引起混淆。因此,一次只能有一个设备成功地(利用总线)发送数据。 典型的情况是,总线由多条通信通路或线路组成,每条线(路)能够传送代表二进制1和0的信号。一段时间里,一条线能传送一串二进制数字。总线的几条线放在一起能同时并行传送二进制数字。例如, 一个8位的数据能在8条总线线上传送。 计算机系统包含有多种不同的总线,它们在计算机系统层次结构的各个层次提供部件之间的通路。连接主要计算机部件(处理机, 存储器, I/O)的总线称为系统总线。系统总线通常由50~100条分立的(导)线组成。每条线被赋予一个特定的含义或功能。虽然有许多不同的总线设计,但任何总线上的线都可以分成三个功能组:数据线、地址线和控制线。此外可能还有为连接的模块提供电源的电源线。 数据线提供系统模块间传送数据的路径,这些线组合在一起称为数据总线。典型的数据总线包含8、16或32根线,线的数量称为数据总线的宽度。因为每条线每次传送1位,所以线的数目决定了每次能同时传送多少位。数据总线的宽度是决定系统总体性能的关键因素。 地址线用于指定数据总线上数据的来源和去向。例如,如果处理机希望从存储器中读一个字的数据,它将所需要字的地址放在地址线上。显然,地址总线的宽度决定了系统最大可能的存储器容量。 控制线用来控制对数据线和地址线的访问和使用。由于数据线和地址线被所有部件共享,因此必须用一种方法来控制它们的使用。控制信号在系统模块之间传送命令和定时信息。定时信息指定了数据和地址信息的有效性,命令信号指定了要执行的操作。 大多数计算机系统使用多总线,这些总线通常设计成层次结构。图1.3显示了一个典型的高性能体系结构。一条局部总线把处理机连接到高速缓存控制器,而高速缓存控制器又连接到支持主存储器的系统总线上。高速缓存控制器集成到连接高速总线的桥中。这一总线支持连接到:高速LAN、视频和图形工作站控制器,以及包括SCSI 和FireWire的局部外设总线的接口控制器。低速设备仍然由分开的扩充总线支持,用一个接口来缓冲该扩充总线和高速总线之间的通信流量。 PCI 外部设备互连是流行的高带宽的、独立于处理机的总线,它能够作为中间层或外围设备总线。当前的标准允许在66MHz频率下使用多达64根数据线,其原始传输速率为528MB/s, 或4.224Gbps。PCI被设计成支持各种各样基于微处理机的配置,包括单处理机和多处理机的系统。因此,它提供了一组通用的功能。PCI使用同步时序以及集中式仲裁方案。 在多处理机系统中,一个或多个PCI配置可通过桥接器连接到处理机的系统总线上。系统总线只支持处理机/高速缓存单元、主存储器以及PCI桥接器。使用桥接器使得PCI独立于处理机速度,又提供快速接收和传送数据的能力。 2.1 光存储介质:高密度存储器 2.1.1 光盘 光盘技术最终可能使磁盘和磁带存储淘汰。用这种技术,磁存储器所用的读/写头被两束激光代替。一束激光通过在光盘上刻制微小的凹点,对记录表面进行写;而另一束激光用来从光敏感的记录表面读取数据。由于光束容易被偏转到光盘上所需要的位置,所以不需要存取臂。 对用户而言,光盘正成为最有吸引力的选择。它们(光盘)对环境变化不太敏感,并且它们以每兆字节比磁盘低得多的存储器价格提供更多的直接存取存储器。光盘技术仍在出现,并且还需要稳定;然而,目前有三种主要类型的光盘。它们是CD-ROM、WORM盘和磁光盘。 CD-ROM 1980年引入的,非常成功的CD,或紧密盘是设计来提高音乐的录音重放质量的光盘。为了制作一张CD,把音乐的模拟声音转换成等价的数字声音,并且存储在一张4.72英寸的光盘上。在每张光盘上可以用数字格式(用20亿数字位)记录74分钟的音乐。因为它的巨大存储容量,计算机工业的企业家们立刻认


Earth and rock dam Summary Earth and rock dam, with another name as "local material dam",is mainly built with earth and rock materials near the site. It can be classified based on the materials it used, earth dam mainly with earth, sand, grit, and gravel, and rock dam mainly with rock ballast, gravel, and exploded rocks. Features of earth and rock dam Strong points With convenient supply of materials, many building materials such as steel, cement, and timbers can be saved.With granular structure more suitable to foundation deformation, it demands less on the foundation.Very flexible from simple artificial filling to highly mechanized construction, the procedure become simple, the construction become efficient, and the quality guarantee become easy.Simply structured, the?cost is low, the operation is convenient, works?is reliable, and maintenance and height adding is convient. Weak points Overflow not allowed, spillway has to be built.Diversion?less convenient, cost increases.Section larger, earth to be filled is easy to be affected by climate. This kind of difficult means possible extention of time limit and cost increase Earth and rock dam types Based on constructing ways, earth and rock dams can be classified into rolled ones of earth & rock, thrown rock-filled ones,?rock-filled ones with?directional detonation, ones with earth thrown into the water, and ones filled by hydraulic forces.?Among them, rolled ones are most popular. Based on the earth proportion and the location of anti-seepage?parts, there 概述 土石坝又称“当地材料坝”,主要由坝址附近的土石料填筑而成,根据坝体所用材料不同又可分为土坝和堆石坝。坝体材料以当地土料和砂、砂砾、卵砾为主的称土坝,以石渣、卵石、爆破石料为主的称堆石坝。 土石坝的特点 优点 筑坝材料就地取材。可节省大量钢材、水泥、木材等建筑材料。适应地基变形能力强。土石坝散粒体结构具有适应地基变形的良好条件,对地基的要求比混凝土坝低。施工方法选择灵活性大。能适应不同的施工方法,从简单的人工填筑到高度机械化施工都可以;且工序简单、施工速度快,质量也易保证。结构简单。造价低廉、运行管理方便、工作可靠,便于维修加高。 缺点 坝顶不能溢流,常须另开溢洪道施工。导流不如混凝土坝方便,因而相应增加了工程造价坝体断面大,土料填筑的质量易受气候影响。这给施工带来困难,甚至延长工期、增加造价。 土石坝的类型 土石坝按施工方法的不同可分为:碾压式土石坝,抛填式堆石坝,定向爆破堆石坝,水中倒土坝和水力冲填坝等。其中尤以碾压式土石坝应用最广。 按土料在坝体中配置和防渗体的位置不同,又可分为均质坝,分区坝,人工防渗材料坝。均质坝优点:材料单一、工序简单;缺点:
