

Book 2 Unit 1

Ⅰ. 单词拼写:

1.The guest was given a warm ___________(接待) by the crowds in the street.

2.S he ___________(想象) herself being still young and beautiful, but she had to admit that she

was no longer young.

3.When I went into his room, he ___________(假装) to be reading.

4.We are going to buy some ___________(家具) for our new flat.

5.We have found some further ___________(证据) for the matter.

6.It’s said that there is much __________(财富) in that large tomb.

7.To tell you the truth, Wang Lin is c__________ to be my best friend.

8.Of the six people injured in the accident, only two s__________.

9.As we all know, the Great Wall is one of the w__________ of the world.

10.We should do everything we can to protect c________ relics instead of destroying them.

Ⅱ. 短语翻译:

1. 说实话________________________

2. 调查_____________________________

3. 别致的风格____________________

4. 加热时___________________________

5. 拆开;拆散___________________

6. 作为…的回报____________________

7. 庆祝生日_____________________ 8. 同意这个观点____________________

9. 充当;担当___________________ 10.高度评价________________________

Ⅲ. 动词填空:

1.I can’t go with you because a lot of work ___________ (remain) to be done.

2.A working group was set up _________________ (look into) the matter.

3.Fancy _____________ (meet) old friends here.

4.He used to be considered __________ (be) a good musician, but now he is considering

____________ (change) his job.

5.His idea ____________________ (think highly of) by the teacher.

6.Mary will go to see the film and the rest of the girls ________ (be) to go shopping.

7.Jack _________________ (not hear) about the secret from the expression(表情).

8.When I asked him to read the book, he pretended _________________ (read) it.

9.While ___________ (sing) a song, you’re learning grammar and vocabulary.

10.______________ (follow) the guide, we were walking deep into the forest.

Ⅳ. 完成句子:

1.Lions and tigers _____________________________(属于) the cat family.

2.He went into the kitchen _________________________________(想找点喝的).

3.It’s bad manners to make eating noises when _____________(在吃饭) in western countries.

4.The dictionary on the desk is ___________________________(非常有用).

5.______________________________(毫无疑问) he will be here tomorrow.

V. 课文改写:

The Amber Room, one of the great _______of the world, was _______ in the Second World War. It was a _____ given to Peter the Great from Frederick William Ⅰ, the king of Prussia. It _____ a

team of best artists ten years to make it and its design was ___ the fancy _____ _____ was popular in those days.

At first the Amber Room was part of Czar’s winter palace in St Petersburg and _______as a small _________ hall for important visitors. Then Catherine Ⅱhad it _____ to summer palace outside St Petersburg and told her artists to ___ more details to it.

In September 1941, the Nazi Army attacked the city and ______ the Amber Room, ______was not ______ in time by Russians. There is no ______ that the Amber Room was carried to Konigsberg by _____. After that, it _______ unknown ______ happened to the Amber Room.

Book 2 Unit 2

Ⅰ. 单词拼写:

1.They insisted that he should have a complete ____________(身体) examination.

2.He has ____________(允诺) to come tonight and he is sure to come.

3.The a_______ from all over the world will take part in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

4.Jobs are often _____________(登广告) in the newspaper.

5.An h_________ man will always tell truth.

6.The reporter will i__________ the President about the event.

7.The man ___________(承认) that he murdered a little girl and may be sentenced to death.

8.How many m________ did China win in the 28 th Olympic Games?

9.In Doha Asian Games athletes c__________ with each other for their own country.

10.Which country do you think will h________ the 30 th Olympic Games?

Ⅱ. 短语翻译:

1.每四年______________________________ 2.做出承诺______________________ 3.在现代______________________________ 4.被接纳为______________________ 5.与...比赛__________________________ 6.与…有关_____________________ 7.begin with____________________________ 8.as well as ______________________ 9.one after another_______________________ 10.be confident in doing ___________ Ⅲ. 动词填空:

1.We used to __________ (ride) to school, but now we have got used to __________ (take)

buses to school.

2.His sister ______________ (admit) to the party last year.

3.The naughty boy promised _______________ (hand in) their composition the next day.

4.Our school doesn’t allow _______________ (use) mobile phones.

5.Women ____________________ (not allow) to take part in the ancient Olympic Games.

6.The stubborn man ___________ (not attend) the meeting tomorrow even if _______ (invite).

7.The thief finally admitted _____________(steal) the rare Ming Dynasty vase.

8.A speech ___________________ (make) by a famous singer on TV tonight.

9.Not only ______ the teacher _________ (become) interested in football but all his students

______ (be) beginning to show an interest in it at present.

10.E-mail, as well as telephones, ___________ (play) an important role in our daily life now.

Ⅳ. 完成句子:

1.Visitors paid a visit to his office _____________________________ (一个接一个地).

2.We have a physical examination _________________________ (每隔几年).

3.He didn’t see the film last night, ____________________________ (她也没看).

4.I haven’t seen ____________________________(和这枚邮票一样旧的) this since I began to

collect stamps.

5.He was ill yesterday and ___________________ (这就是原因) he was absent from work.

V. 课文改写:

The ancient Olympic Games _____ held every _____ years in Greece. Only Greek cities could_______ in the games. No other country could ___________ , _____ could slaves or women. The modern Olympic Games are different from the ancient ones. There’re two _____ of Games----- the Summer and the _______Olympics. ________ from different countries can take part, ________ women. Countries compete to _____ the Olympics as if to win an Olympic medal. The theme of the modern Olympic Games is still about being able to run _______, ______ higher and throw ________.

Book 2 Unit 3

Ⅰ. 单词拼写:

1.Bricks, sand, glass and so on are building ___________(材料).

2.We should master science and ___________ (技术) to make our country richer and stronger.

3.The army officers led a ___________ (革命) against the king.

4.He’s some kind of _______________ (数学) genius.

5.This brand of tins has no _______________ (人造) coloring.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,e your i___________, and you’re sure to be successful.

7.I t___________ agree with you. Y ou are completely right.

8.She had to make a c________ between the two dresses. It’s hard to decide.

9.P____________, I don’t quite agree with you on this point.

10.If any problem a________, please tell me.

Ⅱ. 短语翻译:

1.处理;对付_______________________ 2.走过;流逝____________________ 3.看守;监视_______________________ 4.在…的帮助下__________________ 5.在我看来_________________________ 6.毕竟___________________________ 7.in a way__________________________ 8.in common_____________________ 9.make up__________________________ 10.what’s more__________________Ⅲ. 动词填空:

1.I have no choice but ________________ (accept) his demand.

2.The computers ______________________ (join to) a network in the past two months.

3.All the students take turns ___________________ (make up) a dialogue in class.

4.His notebook computer ___________________(use) since he bought it.

5.The cost of the tour __________________ (not calculate) so far.

6.The little boy ___________________ (bring up) by his grandparents since his birth.

7._______________ (watch out) while crossing the street.

8.Y ou should try to get every chance _______________ (communicate) with others in English

while _________ (learn) it.

9.In this way, you will become more confident in ____________ (speak) English.

10.As time ____________ (go by), he loves mother more.

Ⅳ. 完成句子:

1.The poor boy felt sick because that fish _________________________ (不适合他).

2.The story is not true. It ________________________ (编造) by the writer.

3.Could you _______________________ (看管) my clothes while I have a swim?

4.Last summer he taught us ____________________________ (如何处理) fire accident. 5.Things will get easier and easier ______________________________ (随着时间的流逝). V. 课文改写:

I began as a ________ machine in 1642 in France. Then in 1882 I was built as an _________ machine. My real father, Alan Turing, built a “_________” machine to solve any __________ problem in 1936. Since I was huge at that time, people thought I was ___________.As the years have ________, I have been made smaller and smaller. There were times when my size was ______ changed. I became small and thin but I got cleverer and cleverer. In the early 1960’s, I was given a family ________ by a network. Since I was brought into people’s homes, my family and I have been used to______ information and___________ with each other around the world. I have _______ been built to serve the human race since my birth.

Book 2 Unit 4

Ⅰ. 单词拼写:

1.This hat will p_________ against the hot sun.

2.Don’t make e__________ with people; we should make friends with others.

3.Have you heard from your brother r____________?

4.Do you know how many s__________ a cow has?

5.I’m going to a__________ for the job.

6.The policewoman turned her ______________ (注意力) to the new problems.

7.The dog looks ___________ (凶猛), but it is very gentle really.

8.The girl in d_________ of falling off the bike is her sister.

9.What a teacher says has a great e__________ on her students.

10.The doctor ___________ (建议) that his father give up smoking at once.

Ⅱ. 短语翻译:

1.形成;产生_____________________ 2.在危险中__________________________ 3.向…申请_______________________ 4.保护…不受…(伤害)_________________ 5.结果___________________________ 6.和平地;和睦地______________________ 7.have an effect on_________________ 8.result from_________________________ 9.feel like doing___________________ 10.would rather do____________________ Ⅲ. 动词填空:

1.Don’t worry. The cause of the accident _______________________ (look into) now.

2.The drivers ________________ (tell) that the road ____________________ (repair) now.

3.I got ___________ (drink) for the first time in my life.

4.His health ____________________ (always affect) by the bad weather.

5.The rhinos are in danger of __________________ (die out) in Africa.

6.The students were interested in the speech ______________ (contain) some funny ideas.

7.Many people suggested that the government ___________ (take) immediate measures to keep

them away from pollution.

8.It’s hard for me ____________ (tel l) John from his brother because they just look the same.

9.Rather than _________ (take) a crowded bus, he always prefers _________ (ride) a bicycle.

10.What do you feel like ____________ (do) when you are free at home?

Ⅳ. 完成句子:

1.The farmers hunted a lot of antelopes for fur. ________________ (结果) , many of them

___________________ (已经灭绝).

2.If you want to go abroad, the first thing you should do is to

_______________________________ (向政府申请) a passport.

3._______________ (实际上), the first computer ______________ (产生) in 1642 in France.

4.I _____________________ (想喝) a cup of coffee.

5.It surprised me that he crawled ________________________ (从床底下).

V. 课文改写:

One day Daisy went to see the animals that gave fur to make her _______ in a flying chair. It flew away to _____ in China first, ________ she saw an ________. The antelope told her that they were killed for the ____ that was taken from under their ________. Then the chair flew away to Zimbabwe, where Daisy saw an excited ________. Daisy got to know the farmers there no longer ______them. That’s because the________decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of money. Daisy took a _____ of the elephant quickly. Then the flying chair rose again and almost at once they were in a ________ rain forest. A monkey was ________ a millipede _______ which contains a __________ drug over his body because it could protect him from __________. So Daisy decided to produce this new ______ with the help of _____. The chair rose and flew home.

Book 2 Unit 5

Ⅰ. 单词拼写:

1.To be honest, when to start is still u______________ to me.

2.Many fans were once impressed by Liu Yifei’s wonderful p_______________.

3.I asked for an _____________ (额外) day to finish the work .

4.Beethoven was one of the greatest ________________ (音乐家).

5.I’m sorry. To work ou t this difficult problem is beyond my a_____________.

6.Now many children are learning to play different kinds of musical i________________.

7.If this matter becomes known, it will ruin your r_______________.

8.As far as I know, he enjoys listening to ____________ (民间) music.

9.I’m told that she is an _______________ (有吸引力的) girl.

10.If you want to sell your sofa, why not put an ______________ (广告) in the local newspaper?

Ⅱ. 短语翻译:

1. 对…说老实话_______________________

2. 分类____________________________

3. 偶然; 意外地________________________

4. 戏弄____________________________

5. 坚持______________________________

6. 打碎;分裂________________________

7. above all_____________________________

8. dream of__________________________

9. or so________________________________ 10.base on/upon______________________ Ⅲ. 动词填空:

1.I was made _______________ (clean) father’s car and __________ (get) it filled.

2.The thief _________________ (bring in), with his hands __________ (tie) behind his back.

3.The theory he stuck to __________________ (prove) wrong.

4.With Peter _____________ (lead) the way, we had no trouble in finding Lucy’s house.

5.The rocks _________________ (form) more than 4,000 years ago.

6.When his boss came in, Tom pretended ______________________ (type).

7.The poor man earns a living by ________________ (perform) to the passers-by in the street .

8.As a matter of fact, nobody likes ___________________________ (play a joke on).

9.__________________ (stick to) this task until it is finished.

10.Her job is __________________ (sort out) letters in the post office.

Ⅳ. 完成句子:

1.The old man _____________________________________ (靠打鱼生活) when young.

2.To her joy, she got such a big prize ________________________ (碰巧).

3.I feel silly in these funny clothes. Everyone in our class _______________________________

(会取笑我) .

4.There are forty students ___________________ (大约) in the reading-room.

5.She spent a happy afternoon ______________________________________ (整理她的邮票). V. 课文改写:

If we are ________ _______ ourselves, most of us have _______ ______ being famous. Most musicians meet and _______ a band because they like to write and play music. They sometimes may play to __________ in the street or subway ______ ______ they can earn _______ money.

People put an __________ in the newspaper ______ ______ rock musicians, who ______ ____ ____ each other as well as played music. Their music and jokes were loosely _______ _____ the Band called “ The Beatles”. However, the performances were so _______ that after a year ___ ___, the band whose name was “The Monkees” started to play their own __________ and write their own songs. After producing many records the band _______ _____ in about 1970s. However, it ________ in the mid-1980s and produced a new record as a ______ of their time as a real band.


欢迎使用,祝您学有所成。 第一单元 1)state 指“国家”时,常表示“政权,国体”等政治性概念,首字母常常大写。 表示“状态,情况”时,为可数名词,常作单数;in a state表示“处于混乱或者是不整洁的状态”;get into a state变得十分紧张。 in state 庄严堂皇的,隆重的 state也可以作动词,表示“陈述,阐明,声明”,多用于正式场合或者是公文,商务信函,日常用语中应该避免。 表示“据说,据称”常用于it或者sb/sth作主语的被动句中。 2)rare 作形容词,表示“罕见的,稀少的,稀有的,难得的”,可形容人或者是物。 rare也可以指肉,表示“未熟的,半熟的”。 rare也是作副词,相当于rarely,意思是“很,非常”。 rare和and连用,相当于一个副词,意思是“很,极,非常”。 3)belong 不能用于被动语态和进行时。 belong in 适宜于,用利于,应该用在……。 4)gift 表示“礼物”。 表示“天赋,才能”后接for或者是of。 表示“捐赠”常与of连用。 5)melt 表示“融化,溶解”。 melt into逐渐融入,逐渐变成。 melt还可以表示“心变软,生怜悯之情”。 melt sth down 重新融化,回炉。 6)heat 作不可数名词,表示“热,炎热,热度,发热”,前面常用定冠词。 表示“供暖(费)”。 作动词,表示“变热,变暖”,常与up连用;也可以表示“使激发愤怒”。 7)design 作动词,表示具体,确切地“计划,设计”。 也可以表示“打算,预定”,指为一目的而作安排,常用于被动语态。 表示“设计样式,设计图案”为可数名词;表示“设计工艺,设计布局,意图”为不可数名词。 by design 故意地have designs upon/on sb(sth)图谋(生命,财产)。 8)fancy 作动词,多用作及物动词,后接名词,从句或者是动名词。 fancy接从句时,意为“认为,猜想”。 fancy接名词,代词,动名词(不能接不定式),意思为“想想,设想,想要”。 用于感叹句,意为“真想不到,谁能想到……竟然”。


高一英语知识点归纳和总结必修2第一单元 一、重点短语回顾 1. in search _________ 寻找,搜寻 2. _______ to 属于 3. in _________ 作为报答,回报 4. at _________ 处于交战状态 5. _______ than 少于 6. be __________ doing 值得做 7. add A ______ B 把A添加到B 8. serve _______ 充当 9. agree ______ 同意;赞成 10. care _______ 关心;在乎 11. rather _______ 而不是 12. for _________ 亲自 13. to one’s _______ 令某人吃惊的是 14. think _______ of 看重;器重 15. search _______ 寻找 1. of 2. belong 3. return 4. war 5. less than 6. worth 7. to 8. as 9. with 10. about 11. than 12. oneself 13. to 14. highly 15. for 二、课本知识点 2. in search of 寻找,找寻in the search of (?) in one’s search for = in the search for (?) search sp.某地for sb./sth 搜查某地寻找某人某物in one’s research of (×) 3. could have done 意思1:过去可能做过某事 I can't imagine how he could have thought of doing such a thing。 我不能想象他怎么会想到做这样的事。 这里的could表示对可能性的一种推测。 意思2:本来可以做某事(而实际上没做)*- But for your help, I could have fed the fishes. 若不是你搭救,我恐怕已经葬身鱼腹了 4.must have done 肯定干了某事 can’t have done = couldn’t have done 肯定没干某事 5. may have done = might have done 可能干了某事 may not have done = might not have done 过去可能没做过某事 6. need have done 本应该做某事但是没有 needn’t have done 本不必做某事(而实际上做了) 7. should have done = ought to have done 本该做某事(而实际上未做) 8. shouldn’t have done = oughtn’t to have done 本不该做某事(而实际上做了) 9. would have done 本来会做某事 10. would not have done 本来不会做某事(但是做了) 11. imagine doing 想象做某事imagine sb doing 想象某人干某事 imagine sb’s doing 想象某人干某事


必修二unit 1 单词练习题 2 一,单项选择题 1.It is really a pity that as many as 58 lives didn’t ________ the big high-rise(摩天大楼) fire that happened in Shanghai on 15th November, 2010. A. perform B. succeed C. remove D. survive 2. There are concerns that the beggars in the street may not ______ the freezing winter. A. survive B. live C. suffer D. experience 3. The police as well as the lost child’s parents set out, ________ the nearby forest for the boy. A. searching B. searching for C. in search of D. in search for 4. –What do you think of the sudden news? – Well, it’s quite ______ and I am quite _____ at it. A. amazed; amazed B, amazed; amazing C. amazing; amazing D. amazing; amazed 5. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health ____________poor. A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. Continues 6. We should learn from the spirit of the Foolish Old Man _____ the mountains in our daily study. A. removed B. moved D. who removed D. who moved 7. There are two buildings, ______ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 8. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _____ are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 9. The old man used ____ in front of his house and he has got used to _____like that. A. to sit; doing B. to sitting; do C. to sit; do D. to sitting; doing 10. It is not _____ to discuss the question again and again. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worth while 11. You should understand the traffic rules by now. You’ve had it ______often enough. A. explaining B, to explain C. explain D. explained 12. You’ll find this map of great ______ in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness 13. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ____ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 14. With the help of the government, a large number of people _____after the terrible earthquake of May 12th, 2008. A. survived B. remained C. lived D. saved 15. Though is was dark and raining hard, the children went out _____their lost dog. A. in honor of B. in celebration of C. in danger of D. in search of 16. The young man helped the company recover, so his boss gave him an apartment _______. A. in return B. in turn C. in charge D. in fact 17. Judging from the look on his face, he didn’t think ____ of our plan. A. well B. good C. nice D. high 18. –Why was he ____from his position? --- Because he broke the rule on purpose. A. disappeared B. gone C. removed D. beaten 19. The news _______ any doubts about the company’s future. Everybody in the company was happy. A. removed B. renamed C. reminded D. replaced 2o. The princess’s hat was really fancy, which ______with gold and jewels. A. dressed B. decorated C. was dressed D. was decorated 21. There are many dictionaries here. Which one _____ you? A. is belonging to B. is belonged to C. belongs to D. belongs 22. There is no doubt _____ you will be given a ______reception.


高中英语必修 2 词汇表(新课标人教版)英语必修 2 Book 2 Unit 1 △ cultural /'k ?lt ??r?l/ adj. 文化的 △ relic /'relik/ n. 遗物;遗迹;纪念物 rare /r ε/? adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 valuable /'v? lju?bl/ adj. 贵重的;有价值的 survive /s?'vaiv/ vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 vase /vɑ:z/ n. 花瓶;瓶 dynasty /'din ?sti, 'dai-/ n. 朝代;王朝 △ Taj Mahal /ta:d ? m?'ha:l/ 泰姬陵 △ ivory /'aiv ?ri/ n. 象牙 △ dragon /'dr? ɡ?n/ n. 龙 △ amber /'? mb?/ n. 琥珀;琥珀色 in search of 寻找 △Frederick William I /'fredrik 'wilj ?m e? 'f?:st/ 腓特烈·威廉一世(普鲁士国王) △Prussia /'pr ???/ n .(史)普鲁士(位于北欧) amaze /?'meiz/ vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 amazing / ?'meizi?/ adj. 令人吃惊的 select /si'lekt/ vt. 挑选;选择 honey /'h ?ni/ n. 蜜;蜂蜜 design /di'zain/ n. 设计;图案;构思 vt. 设计;计划;构思 fancy /'f? nsi/ adj. 奇特的;异样的 vt. 想象;设想;爱好 style /stail/ n. 风格;风度;类型 decorate /'dek ?reit/ v. 装饰;装修 jewel /'d ?u:?l/ n. 珠宝;宝石 artist /' ɑ:tist/ n. 艺术家


Unit 3 Computers 语言点 编稿:张桂琴审稿: 目标认知 重点词汇 signal,spoil, common , solve, anyhow, type, follow, calculate, arise 重点短语 In a way, go by, as a result, deal with, after all, make up 重点句型 It will be+时间段+ before So/such.....that.. There are/were times when There was a time when ... 知识讲解 重点词汇 【高清课堂:词汇精讲B2 unit3】 signal 【原句回放】 For example, I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal. 例如,我已经学会使用计算机信号向队友发出信号示意队友把球传给我,当我面前没人防守有机会射一个好球的时候 【点拨】signal (v./n./adj.) 信号,暗号。 1.Vt./Vi. She signaled, and the waiter brought the bill. The whistle signaled the end of the match. She signaled to the children to come inside. The bell signaled that school was over. Both sides have signaled their willingness to start negotiations. 2.n. When she got up from the table, it was obviously the signal for us to leave.


新高一英语必修二各单元复习提纲新高一英语必修二各单元复习提纲 新高一英语必修二各单元复习提纲 高一英语必修II unit 1 复习提纲 I、根据中文意思写出词组 考虑,关心,想起浏览,观察 属于搜索,寻找 做为报答尊重,看重 处于交战中增加,加到 在吃饭注意,重视 同意,适合确定,确信

供职、充当增添 而不是说实话 同意(某人) II、根据中文意思补全句子 1、这是一个稀有的明朝花瓶,拥有他的人坚持说这是属于他的家族的 It is a Ming Dynasty vase. The man who has it ______ that it his family. 2、虽然摸起来像石头一样硬,可是加热后就很容易熔化。 Although it feels _____ ______ ______stone, it easily______when ______ . 3、后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。 Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room to the palace outside St Petersburg

She spent her summers. 4、可悲的是,虽然琥珀屋是世界上伟大而令人赞叹的奇品,但是现在却找不到 了。 Sadly, although the Amber room was one of the great _______ of the world, it is now . 5、在唐山地震时,他搜遍整个城市以确认他的朋友是否安全 During the Tangshan earthquake, for example, he the city for all his friends to they were safe. 6. 这条裤子是谁的?(belong to ) ___________________________________________? 7. 还有很多工作要做


必修二Unit 1 1、adj 文化的__________ 2、n遗物;遗迹;纪念物__________ 3、adj 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的__________ 4、adj 贵重的;有价值的__________ 5、vi幸免;幸存;生还__________ 6、n 花瓶;瓶__________ 7、n 朝代;王朝__________ 8、n 泰姬陵__________ 9、n 象牙__________ 10、n 龙__________ 11、n 琥珀;琥珀色__________ 12、寻找__________ 13、n 腓特烈·威廉一世(普鲁士国王)__________ 14、n(史)普鲁士(位于北欧)__________ 15、vt 使吃惊;惊讶__________ 16、adj 令人吃惊的__________ 17、vt 挑选;选择__________ 18、n 蜜;蜂蜜__________ 19、n 设计;图案;构思__________ vt 设计;计划;构思__________ 20、adj 奇特的;异样的;vt想象;设想;爱好__________ 21、n 风格;风度;类型__________ 22、v 装饰;装修__________ 23、n 珠宝;宝石__________ 24、n 艺术家__________ 25、vi 属于;为……的一员__________ 26、属于__________ 27、彼得大帝(俄国皇帝)__________ 28、作为报答;回报__________ 29、n 沙皇__________ 30、n 群;组;军队__________ 31、n 圣彼得堡(俄罗斯城市)__________ 32、n 接待;招待会;接收__________ 33、叶卡捷琳娜二世(俄国女34皇) __________ 35、处于交战状态__________ 36、vt 移动;搬开__________ 37、少于__________ 38、adj 木制的__________


Practice makes perfect! 高一英语 Book 2Unit 1 Cultural relics 1.survive 幸免;幸存;生还(survival 幸存 , survivor 幸存者) 2.in search of 寻找 (介词短语 ) search for sth 寻找 (动词短语 ) search sb/ sp 搜身 /搜某地 3.to one's amazement 令人惊讶的是(amazed 感到惊讶的 , amazing 令人惊讶的 ) 4.select 精选 ,choose 普通选择 ,elect 选举 5.be designed for sb/sth 计划或打算给某人 /某物用 be designed to do sth 设计目的是做某事 by design=on purpose 有意地 (by chance/ accident 偶然 /意外地 ) 6.fancy 奇特的;异样的;想象/喜欢( +doing ) 7. decorate sth with sth用...装饰... be decorated with被装饰; 8.belong to 属于不用于被动结构、完成时和进行时态 9.worth 值得的;相当于的价值;值钱的 be +worth +doing ( 主动形式表被动含义) It is really/well/very much worth doing. be worthy of being done= be worthy of to be done It is worthwhile doing/to do 10.doubt 怀疑;疑惑There is no doubt that.... 毫无疑问 .... doubt 作动词时,用在肯定句中通常后面接whether 或 if 引导的名词性从句,在否定或疑 问句中通常后接that 引导的名词性从句 She doubted whether/if the story was true.; Do you doubt that he can do the work well? 11.in return 作为报答;回报(in turn 依次 / 反过来 , in return for sth作为对的回报 12.remain 保存,保留 ,任然 ; remain a mystery任然是个迷; remain at home ; remain to be done 有待于被 ...remain beautiful 13.at war 处于交战状态“ at+n.”处于某种状态 14. think highly/ well / much of看重;器重;对评价高( think poorly / ill / badly of对评价不高) ---被动 : be highly thought of 15 否定词 / 否定介词短语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装( 参见优化P16) Unit 2 The Olympic Games https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,pete with/against sb(for sth) 与某人(为某事物)竞争 compete in参加..比赛/竞争(competitor 竞赛者 ; competition 竞赛 ) 2.take part in sth 参与,参加 (较大型活动 ), take part 不接宾语take an active part in 积极参加( join 参加组织机构并成为其中一员,join in 参加游戏或小型活动, attend 出席会议 ,讲座 ,上课 ,婚礼 ; ) join sb( in doing)加入某人(一起做) 3.stand for( 字母或符合 )代表,象征,表示; stand by 袖手旁观 ; stand out 突出,显眼 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,ed to do sth 过去常常做 ; be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做; 5.be used to do sth 被用来做某事 6.be admitted to /into 被 ....接受 /录取admit (to)doing sth承认做了某事 7.as well 也,又,还 (句末 ); as well as 和 (谓语形式取决前面名词),与 ...一样好 8.replace by/with用...替换/取代=take the place of, be in place of , 9.take one's place 10.in charge of 主管 / 负责 ; in the charge of 被 /由主管 / 负责 charge sb some money for sth 因某事(物)收某人钱 charge sb with (doing) sth控诉某人做某事; free of charge 免费


高中英语必修二第二单元知识点 高中英语必修二第二单元重点短语知识点 1.the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会2. stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护3. take part in 参加有组织的、重大的活动join in参加在进行着的活动或游戏(球赛,游戏,舞会等)join参加团体、党派、组织、某人join sb. in doing sth.加入某人做某事attend参加婚礼、典礼、讲座、会议、上课等(wedding, ceremony, lecture, meting, class, school)4. come on a magical journey 做梦幻之游come on (表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始5. be a volunteer for 做……志愿者volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事6. nowadays当今,现在7. used to do sth.过去常常做某事be used to do sth.被用来做get/be used to (doing) sth.习惯做...8. every two days, every second day, everyother day每两天/每隔一天every few meters每几米9. on a regular basis定期地10. together with和…一起11. host n.主人,主持人v. 主办,举行12. admit(admitted, admitting )承认,容纳,接纳be admitted as 作为…被接受admit n./doing sth./having done sth./that从句承认某事/(已经)做了某事be admitted to/into… 被…录取,被允许、接纳进入admit sb./sth. to be 承认某人/某物是…13. as well 也;又;同样as well as (除...之外)也,既...又conj. 以及,又14. take responsibility for…be responsible for对……负有责任,负起对……的责任15. replace(=take the place of ) replacesb./sth.取代某人/某物replace…with/by …以…取代16. put forward 呈上;提出;提前come up with提出,相出17. advertise sth.打广


1.cultural 2.relic 3.rare 4.valuable 5.survive 6.vase 7.dynasty 8.in search of 9.amaze 10.amazing 11.select 12.honey 13.design 14.fancy 15.style 16.decorate 17.jewel 18.artist 19.belong to 20.in return 21.troop 22.reception 23.at war 24.remove 25.less than 26.doubt 27.former 28.worth 29.rebuild 30.local 31.apart 32.take apart 33.painting 34.trial 35.evidence 36.explode 37.entrance 38.sailor 39.sink 40.maid 41.think highly of https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,rmal 43.debate 44.ancient https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,pete 46.take part in 47.medal 48.stand for 49.mascot 50.magical 51.volunteer 52.homeland 53.regular 54.basis 55.athlete 56.admit 57.slave 58.nowadays 59.gymnastics 60.stadium 61.gymnasium 62.as well 63.host 64.responsibility 65.replace 66.motto 67.swift 68.similarity 69.charge 70.in charge 71.physical 72.fine 73.poster 74.advertise 75.glory 76.bargain 77.foolish 78.goddess 79.pain 80.one after another 81.deserve 82.calculate 83.PC https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,ptop 85.analytical 86.universal 87.simplify 88.sum 89.operator 90.logical 91.logically 92.technology 93.technological 94.revolution 95.artificial 96.intelligence 97.intelligent 98.solve 99.from…on 100.reality 101.designer 102.personal 103.personally 104.tube 105.transistor 106.chip 107.as a result 108.total 109.totally 110.so…that… https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,work 112.web 113.application 114.finance 115.mobile 116.rocket 117.explore 118.anyhow 119.goal 120.happiness 121.human race 122.supporting 123.download 124.programmer 125.virus 126.signal 127.teammate 128.type 129.in a way 130.coach 131.arise 132.with thehelp of 133.electronic 134.appearance 135.character 136.mop

必修二英语 语言点 提纲 归纳

Unit 1 cultural relic rare valuable survive vase dynasty Taj Mahal ivory dragon amber in search of Prussia amaze amazing select honey design fancy style decorate jewel artist belong belong to in return Czar troop reception at war remove less than wooden doubt mystery former worth rebuild local apart take apart painting castle trial eyewitness evidence explode entrance sailor sink maid think highly of informal debate 1.could never have done 也许从未做过情态动词+have done 过去情况的描述 might 可能做过/ must 一定做过have done (推测) Should (not) have done 本(不)应该做need not have done 本来不必做 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3618426189.html,ed (v) to do sth 过去常常做某事 be used (adj) to doing sth 习惯做某事 3.in…style 以…的风格 4.design :(1)名词设计企图in design 在设计上/ by design and not by accident 是故意不是偶然/ have a design on sth 对…有野心 (2)动词设计筹划design sb for sth 打算让某人从事什么的职业/ design sth for sth 预定某物做什么用途/ be designed for 被设计成 5.decorate with 用…来装饰 6.belong to 没有被动形式不能用于进行时态/ belong in 适宜放在哪里 7.return in turn 依次/ in return 回报/ by turns 轮流/时而…时而/ return sth to sb 把…归还给某人 8.buy-bought-bought bring-brought-brought 9.have sth done ○1让某人把某事做好/ ○2主语遭到不好的情况 ○1I will have my hair cut tonight . / ○2He had his legs injured in a car accident . have sb /sth doing sth 让某人/某事一直做…(被动)/have sb do sth 让某人做主动 10.way表示方法:当way前面没有adj修饰时介词in 可以省略 当way前面有adj修饰时介词in 不能省略 Way后面接定语从句可用that / in which 11.light-lit-lit 点亮shine-shone-shone照耀 12.time 可数名词时期 13.remove 除去撤去/ move 位置的移动从一地到另一地 14.There is not doubt that … (1)同位语从句that没有意义不作成分不能省略 doubt news fact idea hope thought +that… (2)若doubt前面没有否定词时常接whether 引导的从句 15.remain+n/adj 保持 16.make sth do sth 让某物做主动/ make sth doing sth 被动 17.(it)be worth (doing) sth be worthy (adj) of being done / to be done / of doing sth 18.prove + adj / n 19.any other 包括any 不包括 20.agree disagree (1)agree with 同意某人的意见 (2)agree to 同意意见计划= a plan /suggestion


Book II(U1) 1.be rare and valuable invaluable=priceless valueless=worthless 2.survive in the crash survive the traffic accident survivor survival 3. search vt.search sb.意为“搜身”,search sp.意为“在……中搜查” They searched the guard at the gate.他们在门口搜查了那个士兵。 search for意为“寻找”,指搜寻某个特定的目标,相当于look for I searched everywhere for the lost pen. 我到处找丢失的钢笔。 search…for意为“搜查某人或某场以寻找某物”。 The police searched the house for the stolen jewelry. 警察搜索那栋房屋,寻找被偷的宝石 He ____all his pockets but failed to find money. A. searched B. searched for C. was in search of D. looked for 4.could never have imagined should have done ought to have done may have done can have done needn’t have done must have done -----Did you visit the Big Ben in London? -----No, we____it, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could visit B. could have visited C. must have visited D. can have visited ---Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. ---Y ou____it in the wrong place. A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put 5.select choose pick out 6.be designed for sth. be of the latest design This experiment is designed to test the new drug. This room is designed for children.=as a children’s playroom She has designs on his money. 抱不良企图 Did you do this by design or by accident? The reference book, mainly ______ use in colleges, is a bestseller this year. A. designed for B. designed to C. designing of D. designing for 7.in the fancy style fancy doing sth. =imagine fancy sb. to be(as)…


1、adj 文化的__________ 2、n遗物;遗迹;纪念物__________ 3、adj 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的__________ 4、adj 贵重的;有价值的__________ 5、vi幸免;幸存;生还__________ 6、n 花瓶;瓶__________ 7、n 朝代;王朝__________ 8、n 泰姬陵__________ 9、n 象牙__________ 10、n 龙__________ 11、n 琥珀;琥珀色__________ 12、寻找__________ 13、n 腓特烈·威廉一世(普鲁士国王)__________ 14、n(史)普鲁士(位于北欧)__________ 15、vt 使吃惊;惊讶__________ 16、adj 令人吃惊的__________ 17、vt 挑选;选择__________ 18、n 蜜;蜂蜜__________ 19、n 设计;图案;构思__________ vt 设计;计划;构思__________ 20、adj 奇特的;异样的;vt想象;设想;爱好__________ 21、n 风格;风度;类型__________ 22、v 装饰;装修__________ 23、n 珠宝;宝石__________ 24、n 艺术家__________ 25、vi 属于;为……的一员__________ 26、属于__________ 27、彼得大帝(俄国皇帝)__________ 28、作为报答;回报__________ 29、n 沙皇__________ 30、n 群;组;军队__________ 31、n 圣彼得堡(俄罗斯城市)__________ 32、n 接待;招待会;接收__________ 33、叶卡捷琳娜二世(俄国女34皇) __________ 35、处于交战状态__________ 36、vt 移动;搬开__________ 37、少于__________ 38、adj 木制的__________ 39、n 怀疑;疑惑vt 怀疑;不信__________ 40、n 哥尼斯堡__________ 41、n 波罗的海__________ 42、n神秘;神秘的事物__________ 43、adj 以前的;从前的__________ 44、prep 值得的;相当于……的价值__________ n 价值;作用adj [古]值钱的__________ 45、vt 重建__________ 46、adj 本地的;当地的__________ 47、adv分离地;分别地__________ 48、拆开__________ 49、n 列宁格勒(苏联城市)__________ 50、n 绘画;画__________ 51、n 城堡__________ 52、n温莎城堡(英国著名城堡)__________ 53、n 审判;审讯;试验__________ 54、n 目击者;证人__________ 55、n 根据;证据__________ 56、n 简·哈兹克(男名)__________ 57、n 捷克共和国(东欧国家)__________ 58、vi 爆炸__________ 59、n 入口__________ 60、n 汉斯·布朗(男名)__________ 61、n 水手;海员;船员__________ 62、vi 下沉;沉下__________ 63、n 安娜·帕特罗夫(女名)__________ 64、n 少女;女仆__________ 65、n 柏林(德国首都)__________ 66、看重;器重__________ 67、约翰·韦伯(男名)__________ 68、adj 非正式的__________ 69、n 争论;辩论vi争论;辨论__________
