


Exercise One

1. This company has more than one vacancy in its factory.

2. Only graduate engineers will be considered.

3. This job requires qualifications but no previous experience.

4. Knowledge of two European languages is needed for the job.

5. Frequent international travel is part of the job.

6. Y ou will receive an extra payment every year, in addition to your basic salary.

7. Y ou will be employed for only a fixed period.




consultancy; graduate; graduate engineer; applicant; permanent post; inspector; accommodation; qualification; manufacturing; starting salary; basic salary; annual bonus

链接:What’s your ideal job?

Exercise T wo

1. Selecting staff and getting them to work together

2. Suggestions to help you improve your memory.

3. Advice on working with both senior and junior staff.

4. Suggestions for dealing with difficult clients.

5. Developing oral and written presentation skills.

6. Advice on negotiating staff complaints.

7. Guidance on using television, radio and the press to your advantage.



supremely; recommend; middle manager; time management; time-saving; best-selling; to get the most from; ambitious; to be new to;

链接:What's important when choosing a business book to study from?

Exercise Three

1. Y ou need to have worked in an office before attending this course.

2. Y ou would learn something about preventing accidents at work.

3. Y ou would be able to sit an examination in typing.

4. This course is useful if your job involves greeting people and dealing with enquiries.

5. This course would suit someone with budgetary responsibility.

6. Y ou would get practice in helping people in a group to communicate.

7. Y ou would learn how to change the appearance of a letter or memo.


Sit an examination; budgetary responsibility; Timetable; follow-up report; to be intended for; up-to-date; layout; “hands on”experience; comparable with; cash payments; taxation; computerized accounting; external; correspondence;

Exercise Four

1. Experience in advertising would be helpful in this job.

2. This job would probably suit somebody who has worked in the purchasing department of a

large chain of stores.

3. Three years’ experience would not be enough for this job.

4. For this job it would be useful if you have studied how to carry out surveys into consumer attitudes.

5. In this job you would take charge of a product which has been on the market for many years.

6. To get this job it is not necessary to have work experience.

7. Such a high-ranking position does not come up very often.


Purchasing department; Chain; customer attitude; high-ranking; food industry; turnover; marketing director; product management; long-established; accountancy; leisure industry; retailer; launch; promotional activity; fringe benefit;


What does a product manager do?

Product managers are responsible for the marketing and development of products. Product managers are both strategic and tactical.

Strategic because they responsible for positioning a product, assessing the competition and thinking about the future.

Tactical because they are in the field developing appropriate promotional campaigns, talking to reps about what customers want and think and doing the day-to-day sales tracking that's required for any major product category.

Product management professionals are excited about their ability to manage and strengthen brands. They are at the vortex of company life because their decisions directly affect the success of a business.


一、单项选择题 1、谈判的当事人包括( A )两类人员。 A、台上(一线)和台下 B、业务员和老板 C、委托人和受托人 2、所有谈判标的的共同谈判目标是( C )。 A、要求谈清楚 B、谈出结果 C、划分责、权、利 3、准合同的谈判的“准”的意义是( B )。 A、谈判准备 B、有先决条件 C、准备合同 4、意向书和协议书的谈判主要特点是( B )。 A、随意性、轻松、不保留 B、预备性、计较性、保留性 C、友好、试探、对抗小 5、买方地位谈判的特征是( B )。 A、虚实相映、紧疏结合、主动出击 B、情报性强、掏钱难、度势压人 6、代理地位的谈判特征为( B )。 A、共同语言、对抗性小、谈判广而深 B、姿态超脱、态度积极、权限意识强 7、客座谈判的特征为( B )。 A、谈判底气足、以礼压客、内外线结合、精神轻松 B、语言过关、客主易位、易坐“冷板凳”、反应灵活 1、先期探询的严谨原则表现在( A ) A、分析探询目标特点,周密部署探询行动,冷静预测探询结果。 B、事先内部统一,跟踪探询反映,有预防手段。 C、探询文字写得好,投递安全可靠,不怕没反映。 2、要让对手详细做价格解释的办法是( B ) A、大力施压、引诱、请第三者劝、搅乱谈判。 B、事先预定、晓以大义、坚持施压以及分解要求。 C、不解释就不谈,哄对方谈,发脾气。 3、报价解释分为技术解释和价格解释两大类,而技术解释并非纯交流阶段,而是()。A A、融合“交流与谈判”的软谈判阶段 B、价格谈判准备阶段 C、不必太介意的阶段

4、价格解释是技术解释的继续,又是技术解释的补充,该阶段的重点在搞清()C A、价格贵不贵? B、价格构成 C、货与价的关系 5、价格性质主要指( C ) A、交易价格便宜还是贵。 B、可接受还是不可成交价 C、交易价格是固定价还是浮动价 6、构成调价的元素有( A ) A、物价、工资、通货膨胀率、汇率和调价意愿 B、原料价、人工、时间、环境和政府干预 C、物价、工资,双方谈判地位,市场和汇率。 7、评论价格解释的规则是( B )。 A、气势磅礴、穷追猛打、鸡蛋里挑骨头、群起而攻之。 B、攻防兼顾,进攻有序、穷追不舍、曲直交互,随布随收。 C、历数问题,大表不满,有利快收,乘胜追击。 8、讨价的方式有笼统讨价和具体讨价。做好具体讨价,首先要做到“具体的问题具体分析”。分析方式有二:()C A、分析对手和分析自己 B、分析技术和分析价格 C、分类和分档 9、讨价的力度规则具体表现为:( B ) A、决不留情、要求苛刻、次数多。 B、虚者以紧、蛮者以硬,善者以温。 C、狠挤油水,不怕对抗,力求多得。 10、确定还价起点的三个因素是( C ) A、成交的预算,谈判的优势及双方的态势。 B、交易物的客观成本,谈判地位及成交预算。 C、成交预算,交易物的客观成本及准备还价的次数 11、谈判中的礼节规则要求( C ) A、不与对方争执,不发火,不说谎话 B、招待周到,态度温和,讲话有风度 C、沉毅律己,尊重对方,松紧自如 12、再谈判操作的准确选用结构的规则主要体现:( B )。


初级商务英语阅读理解试题 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了初级商务英语阅读理解试题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 初级商务英语阅读理解试题(1) A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really kn ow their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is,

商务英语阅读(1-2)1 2013本科英语(商务英语方向) B卷 20140521

electric solutions during the survival course. A. practice B. produce C. approach D. Popularize 9.Why the company wants to relocate to Ireland still remains a brainteaser to a majority of staff. A.enigma B.disaster C. secret D. Burden 10. The purported function of the massage chair is that it can dispel your fatigue. A. supposed b. reclaimed C. publicized D. advertised 11. This is the era of the ―personal brand‖. A. time B. period C. aged D. Phase 12. Others felt it too outlandish to take seriously A. crazy B. outstanding C. strange D. Great 13. Her services are in demand from bankers, lawyers and other business people, all pondering ways to improve how they are perceived at work. A. deliberating B. concerning about C. considering D. thinking over 14. The outside world offers a little more illumination. A. enlightenment B. explanation C. strange D. Inspiration 15.She says there is evidence that Brand Stern is credible and respected, but she wonders if the markets aren‘t looking for something a bit meatier: ?Are you damping down your personality? Do they want more of you?‖ A. fatter B. more informative C. fleshier D. more important 16.Wouldn‘t it be cool if… I want to harness those ideas and let people have a forum? A.Discover B. make use of C. search for D. think about 17.Instead of setting up a traditional display booth at last year‘s Macworld convention, Kaufman handed out pads and pencils and invited attendees to sketch the products they wanted. A. box B. room C. stall D. Desk 18.Says his mother, Mindy, ?‖When you see someone who has a dream and a great idea, you don‘t want to stifle it ,, A. hurt B. smother C. damage D. safeguard 19. He sold the Mophie product line and rolled the proceeds into Kluster, a virtual forum that al-lows consumers and businesses to collaborate on the design of products and services. A. theoretic B. fake C. false D. fictitious 20. As Kaufman envisions Kluster, companies that want to create a new product vvill use the plat-form (https://www.360docs.net/doc/366726473.html,) to put out a challenge to a relevant group of consumers. A. theoretic B. fake C. false D. Fictitious 21. It‘s harder to estimate than you may think. A. guess B. Tell C. assess D. Imagine 22. But it‘s unavoidable, so what‘s the smart way to think about it now?


商务谈判实务模拟试题及答案 一.填空题(每空1分,共10分) 1.按谈判的地点可以把谈判分为主座谈判.______________谈判.______________谈判。2.谈判桌上要求越多,所得到的______________(越多/越少)。 3.谈判策略主要包括______________政策.______________.一揽子交易.______________政策。 4.谈判的终结方式有______________.______________.______________。 5.索赔的主要依据是______________。 二.单项选择题(每题1分,共10分) 1.______________性格谈判对手对成功期望高.关系要求高.权力要求低。 A.进取型B.关系型 C.权力型 D.保守型 2.下列哪种说法不正确______________ A.原则谈判理论是由美国哈佛大学教授罗杰费希尔提出 B.原则谈判理论主张谈判重点应放在利场上而不是利益上 C.原则谈判理论认为衡量谈判成功的标准是谈判的价值 D.谈判的结果是各方公平协商的结果而不应该是某一方的意志决定 3.下列哪种合同以其它合同的成立为前提______________ A.诺成合同B.主合同 C.从合同D.正式合同 4.非原装短缺引起的货物实际数量少于提单所列的数量属于______________方责任。A.卖方B.买方C.承运方D.保险公司 5.谈判过程中发现对方克意营造低调气氛,若不扭转会损害本文的切实利益,可以用下列哪种开局策略______________。 A.协调式开局策略 B.保留式开局策略 C.坦诚式开局策略 D.进攻式开局策略 6.下列四种提问方式易引起他人的焦虑______________。 A.归纳成结论 B.取情报 C.引起他人的注意 D.让对方好好的思考 7.下列哪个选项不是商务谈判的特点______________。 A.谈判对象的广泛性B.谈判环境的复杂性 C.谈判的目的性D.谈判条件的原则性和不可伸缩性 8.需要理论是由______________提出的 A.罗杰-费希尔B.查勒德-尼尔伦伯格C.马什D.马斯洛 9.在商务谈判中,双方地位平等是指双方在_______________上的平等。 A.实力 B.经济利益 C.法律 D.级别 10.商务谈判中,作为摸清对方需要,掌握对方心理的手段是_____________。 A.问 B.听 C.看 D.说 三.多项选择题(每题2分,共16分) 1.商务谈判的基本要素有____________。 A.谈判当事人B.谈判议题 C.谈判目的D.谈判地点

商务英语阅读(第二版)参考译文 王关富编

Chapter 1 Why China Works 中国是今年唯一呈现出重大发展的主要经济体(economy),由于它通常是唯一敢于打破经济教科书中每一条例的经济体。事实上,中国不像其他五大经济体那样发展缓慢的主要原因是,它宏观调控的能力(its capacity for macro-economic control)。 为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?(market economic system)目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及金融业实施新的有力规定(regulations),走向宏观调控。但问题更加紧迫(the question has a new urgency)。中国看上去最能驾驭(navigate)七十年内最糟的经济滑坡(downturn)。 在危机中,中国官员既能吸取像西方同行(counterparts)的传统市场工具,也能吸取中国市场经济体系的积累经验(arsenal)。去年早期,由于房地产市场(housing market)过热,中国官员仅命令银行削减房贷(cut back on housing loans),然后随着房屋销售量下降(fall),他们提供类似更低的房屋购置税(lower taxes on home purchases)。最近几周,他们展开类似西方的经济救援行动(launch economic rescue efforts),其中包括价值6000亿的大计划以增加政府开支和大幅利率削减(ramp up government spending)(big interests cuts)。但同时,他们也发布在西方国家眼里是不合理的干涉的命令,例如,上周中国官员召集包括钢铁建筑等行业的国有行业并购(buy up)国内外新资产(at home and abroad)以积极(actively)发挥在经济中的作用。 曾把中国宏观调控视为不成熟经济的弊病(immature economy),现在是稳定的保障(bulwark of stability)。CLSA经济学家AR说,”政府对大多数资本密集型产业的控制,让我看好中国的未来。政府会对这些领域的公司说,继续花吧,不要由于你们的投资计划“。尽管最大的出口及股票市场出现下滑,中国经济在09年看上去增加7%多,虽比近些年两位数(double-digit)增速有所下滑,但与其他国家相比仍然坚挺。随着国有银行放松信贷(loose credit),企业贷款率切实(actually)增加。摩根斯坦利的亚洲首席SR说,在一个投资支持可持续发展,并占GDP的40%的国家,政府再次增加投资以抵抗对增长的威胁。他又说,在危机时期,中国的指挥控制系统切实比其他市场基础系统有效。


《新编商务秘书实务》考试题 一、填空题(每空格1分,共20分) 1.秘书文书工作包括三个方面:一是,二是,三是。 2.秘书按服务对象分可分为和两种。 3.秘书的职业形象包括个人的、等方面。 4.公文的密级可分为:、、三个等级。 5.使公文草稿转变成定稿,标志其已批准成为代表发文机关的文书。 6.国务院2000年8月24日公布的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》规定的公文有种,其中属平行文的是。 7.文件立卷可分为和两种。 8.会议计划主要包括:、、、。 9.会议通知一般采用形式。 二、单选题(每题2分,共20分) 1.()是对秘书工作的基本要求。 A 热情 B 细致 C 周到 D 耐心 2.办公室工作的特殊性决定了秘书的主要职能是()。 A 服务群众 B 甘于奉献 C 服务领导 D 严守机密 3.某公司没有专门的保洁人员,也没有指定打扫卫生的轮值制度,办公室的卫生由公司职员自己打扫,如果你是该公司职员,你通常会采取哪一种做法?() A 上班后,看有没有人做卫生。如果没人做,就自己做。 B 不管别人做不做,自己都做。 C 如果公司有比自己年轻的同事,可以让他们去做。 D 等领导安排自己的时候再做。 4.下列()属于横向沟通方式。 A 召开会议 B 文件传达 C 座谈会 D 同事之间任意交谈 5.公文形成的准备阶段是()。

A 交拟 B 议拟 C 撰拟 D 审核 6.在会议筹备方案的内容中,首先要确定的内容是()。 A 会议议程 B 会议主题 C 会议时间 D 经费预算 7.办公室空调的温度保持在()的恒温状态比较适宜。 A 22℃~26℃ B 18℃~22℃ C 24℃~28℃ D 20℃~22℃ 8.关于安排约见,下面的哪种做法是错的()。 A 上司出差前一天不宜将约见日程排满 B 各种约见之间,应留出10~15分钟的间隙 C 于本单位人员的约见应安排在上午早些时候 D 重要约见不宜首尾衔接安排 9.把文档分为电子文档和纸面文档的分类标准是()。 A 按文档的载体分类 B 按文档所对应的工作性质分类 C 按事件的发展过程分类 D 按文档的功能分类 10.公文审核的重点首先是()。 A 公文内容 B 公文体式 C 文字表达 D 是否需要行文 三、多选题(每题3分,共15分) 1.议拟阶段的步骤有()。 A 认真领会领导意图 B 收集材料 C 拟写提纲 D 撰写初稿 2.印制公文包括的内容有()。 A 审核 B 缮印 C 核对 D 用印 3.拟办应遵循的原则有()。 A 同性原则 B 完整性原则 C 规范性原则 D 相关性原则 4.公文处理效率低下的原因属于办理环节上的有()。 A 来文质量不高 B 拟办质量不高 C 催办不严格 D 办文分工不科学5.提高公文处理效率要讲究时效,包括()。 A 强化责任观念 B 强化时间观念 C 缩短运转周期 D 简化办文程序 四、简答题(20分)


BEC中级reading part4选词填空题巧解 阅读第四部分应试技巧—完形填空题 (一)题型介绍 BEC Vantage阅读第四部分不仅是考查对文章的理解,还考查语法、词汇和结构,如词的搭配、固定短语等。考生首先必须阅读文章,了解文章的大意,在这个基础上再根据上下文确定最佳选择。具体而言,这部分主要考查考生以下三个方面:一是语法知识,主要包括时态、语态、虚拟语气、从句、强调句、倒装句等 二是词汇,包括近义词、形近词、介词搭配、形容词搭配、动词搭配、名词搭配等; 三是考生对语篇的理解和推理能力。 (二)解题技巧 以下是这部分常见解题技巧: 1.排除无关选项:把握文章的主题,将一些看上去和文章主题毫不相关的选项排除在正确答案之外。 2.把握文章结构:充分利用文章结构来做出选择。譬如总分结构,总述是分述的总结和概括,而分述又是对总述的展开。当一些未知填空出现在总述中时,解出这些填空的相关已知线索很可能出现在与其对应的分述部分。 3.积累商务词汇: 4.从文章衔接入手:如果填空题中需填人的词为名词,还需要确定其单数或复数形式。要特别注意填空题后面的代词,每个代词都会表明它所代表的名词或名词短语。因此,找到填空题后面的代词,对确定所要填入的名词有很大帮助。如果是动词,也应确定其相应

的形式,如是否用第三人称单数等。 (三)答题步骤 考生可按以下步骤做题: 1.把握文章主旨:细读文章首句。与其他阅读部分不同,完形填空的第一句一般不留空白(或者空白处是例子,答案已给),是完整的一句,全文信息从此开始,通过该句预测文章主旨。然后,快速浏览全文,阅读时要一气呵成,尽管有空格、生词或不明白之处,仍要快速读下去;注意找出关键词、核心词,划出承上启下的词组,以便于抓住文章主旨和线索,形成思路。 2.灵活选择答案:注意从上下文及其逻辑关系人手寻找最佳选项。先读所填词的句子及其上下文。如果一句中有两处空白,在做题时要“双管齐下”,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。如果答案一时难以确定,可从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐一分析试填,从而排除干扰项,判定最佳选项。 3.速读填好的短文:考生在检查已填好的文章时应注意上下文的一致性,即时态语态的一致,代词、连词、单复数的一致;注意语法、惯用法、习惯搭配,看是否符合上下文的逻辑;同时也应注意段与段之间、句与句之间的衔接是否自然、连贯。 常考点: 1、固定搭配,尤其是动词固定搭配 2、动词加副词性小品词搭配 3、词的辨析 4、选在商务英语中经常考察的词,不要选自己不认识的词,不要想得太复杂 5、常考词 1)Base \basis On the basis of\be based on\customer base\manufacture base\skill base\use base其他情况使


Business English A Reading course(整理版) 商务英语阅读的主要内容: 商务英语阅读主要包括世界经济形势、经济全球化、国际贸易与投资、金融风险与管理、商业文化、企业管理等。这些阅读材料不但传递最新的世界经济和国际商务信息,开阔学生的视野,还提供最新、最典型的商务语言和词汇,有助于学生熟悉并掌握商务英语文章的典型语言用法、语言风格及语言特点等。 1)阿迪达斯Impossible Is Nothing. 没有什么是不可能 2)香奈儿Fashion passes, style remains. 流行稍纵即逝,风格永存 3)飞利浦Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好 4)麦氏咖啡Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 This Bill of exchange shall be accepted first and then can be honored by the acceptor. (该汇票应先承兑,然后由承兑方进行支付) Words & expressions: Transnational road warriors 从事跨国商务活动的人 Faculty and alumni Performance-review process 绩效考核过程 Make an assessment of sb 对某人作出评价 In a group setting 公共场合 Have a one-on-one session with sb 进行单独会话 Tone down 缓和语气 Career progression 事业发展 Cultural gulf 文化鸿沟 In the arena of international commerce 在国际商务的平台上 Common ground 共同点 At the institutional level 制度层面 Fall short 结果,后果 Ongoing cross-pollination 不断学习他国先进事物 Trait 特征 Be customer-centric 以客户为本 Implement 实施 Commonality 共性 The integration of the global economy 全球经济一体化 See local context ad integral 本土文化语境知识 一些跨国公司英文名称: Procter & Gamble Company 宝洁公司 Johnson & Johnson Ltd. 强生公司 Carrefour China Inc. 家乐福 Bayerische Motor en Werhe AG宝马公司


Unit 1 1. 显著经济增长、significant economic growth 2. 将银行业与汽车业国有化nationalizing the banking and car industries 3. 削减房贷cut back on housing loans 4. 收购国内外资产buying up new assets at home and abroad 5. 大幅提升盈利能sharply raising profitability 6. 获得动力gain momentum 7. 小幅升值a modest appreciation 8. 下岗工人laid-off workers 9. 摸着石头过河crossing the river by feeling for stones 10. 可持续增长的支柱the backbone of sustainable growth 11. 资金密集型行业capital-intensive sector 12. 放宽信贷loosen credit 13. 减少对出口的依赖reducing China's dependence on exports 14. 战略思考strategic thinking 15. 燃油补贴fuel subsidies 16. 解除价格管制deregulated prices 17. 休克疗法shock therapy 18. 支撑经济增长bolster economic growth 19. 经济刺激一揽子计划stimulus package 20. 精明(娴熟)的管理savvy management 21. 边远地区remote areas 22. 回应个人投诉answer individual complaints 23. 取消印花税scrapping the stamp tax 24. 振兴股市revive the stock market 25. 繁荣与稳定prosperity and stability 26. 内幕交易insider trading 27. 进行民意测验conduct public polls 28. 遭遇信贷危机experiencing a credit crisis Unit 2 1.The great depression in the 1930s 1930年的经济大萧 条 2.The old industrial economies 老工业经济体 3.The global economic and political elite 全球经济与 政治精英 4.Amass great wealth 产生巨大财富 5.Welfare states福利国家 6.Emerging economies 新兴经济体 7. A beggar-thy-neighbor populism 以邻为壑民粹主义 8.Double-dip recession 双底衰退 9.Sovereign-debt crisis 主权债务危机 10.The worst-case scenarios 最糟糕的情况 11.Bitter social unrest 激烈的社会动荡 12.Cutting public budgets 削减公共预算 13.Excessive stimulus 过度刺激计划


2017年商务英语阅读理解试题 应当随时学习,学习一切;应该集中全力,以求知道得更多,知道一切。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年商务英语阅读理解试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 中国的“钢铁公主” 作为中国最富有的女性之一,陈宁宁(diana chen)并不是人们印象中典型的钢铁大王。 diana chen, one of china’s richest women, is not your typical iron industry baron. 陈宁宁今年36岁,是受过西方教育的“高弟”她已故的外祖父吕东曾于上世纪60年代和70年代担任原冶金工业部部长。 ms chen, 36, is a western-educated “princeling”, as the children and grandchildren of china’s communist elite are known. her late grandfather, lu dong, was china’s metallurgy minister in the 1960s and 1970s. 今年夏天,陈宁宁对香港上市的中国东方集团(china oriental group)发起了敌意收购。此前,她与持有东方集团45%股权的主席韩敬远闹翻。东方集团控制着湖北省一座中等规模的钢铁厂。 this summer, ms chen launched a hostile takeover for hong kong-listed china oriental group, which controls a mid-sized steel mill in hebei province. her bid came after a falling out with han jingyuan, oriental’s chairman, who controls 45 per cent of the company. 在由陈宁宁外祖父等保守派中央计划官员打造出的钢铁产业中,这种举动颇不寻常。但这位中国“钢铁公主”的职业路径就颇不寻常。 such manoeuvres are unusual in an industry forged by conservative central planners such as ms chen’s grandfather. but then so is the career path of china’s “iron princess”. 上世纪90年代早期,陈宁宁到纽约理工学院(new york institute of technology)攻读mba 学位,毕业后回香港与母亲一同创办了嘉鑫钢铁集团有限公司(pioneer iron & steel group)。她的母亲在大学期间曾学习冶金专业,但此前从未涉足该行业。在此后短短10年时间,嘉鑫钢铁成为中国最大的铁矿石民营进口商。去年,《福布斯》杂志(forbes)估计,陈宁宁个人财富高达2.16亿美元。 in the early 1990s, ms chen studied for an mba degree at the new york institute of technology before returning to hong kong to start pioneer iron & steel group with her mother, who had studied metallurgy in university but was not previously involved in the industry. in little more than a decade since, pioneer has become one of the largest private importers of iron ore into china. last year forbes magazine estimated ms chen’s wealth at $216m. “这其实就是通过非传统手段进入一个传统行业,”陈宁宁表示,“从前,所有人都从事简单的贸易。我们利用无形资产和技术帮助(武汉钢铁集团和鞍钢新轧等国有企业)获得贷款,并对其进行改造,准备进行首次公开发行(ipo)。” “it was a matter of using non-traditional means to approach a traditional industry,” ms chen says. “before, everyone just did simple trading. we used intangible assets and skills to help [state-owned companies such as wuhan iron and steel group, and angang new steel company] get loans and to reform themselves to prepare for ipos.” 陈宁宁表示,这些服务都是免费提供的,但它们有助于建立关系,并使她对这些公司有了深入了解。到世纪交替之际,钢铁行业开始在中国经济发展的推动下复苏,当时,嘉鑫处在将中国钢铁制造商与外国铁矿企业结合的良好位置。她表示:“到2003年,中国大约15%至20%的铁矿石由我们进口。”

Business English Reading 商务英语阅读

Business English reading I have learned a lot in the Business English Reading classes. This course mainly analyses business stratages during the development of some famous companies, and introduces some main influencial factors. We talked about P&G Company at the very beginning. P&G is a well-known and successful company all over the world. It produces various products of different brands, for example VS, Pantene, OLAY, Crest, Pampers, Safeguard, Tide, Whisper and Gilllete and so on. These products are trusted generally by consumers and used almost in each family. P&G is a successful example in the same kind of company absolutely. However, it is not easy to gain the big success. It has ever been in danger of becoming another Eastman Kodak Co., a once great company that had lost its way. Thank to Lafley, the current CEO, taking some effective measures, the P&G could get through the trouble. Different with the former CEO, the first thing he told his managers when he took the job was just what they were thinking: focus on selling the company’s major brands, instead of trying to develop new brands. He has replaced more than half of the company’s top 30 officers and cut 9,600 jobs. And he has move more women into senior positions. He wants a focused, flexible company, that’s why he does all the things. To reach this goal, he has adopted the policy of outsourcing: he outsourced P&G’s information-technology operation to Hewlett Packard Co.. As to sales, Lafley suggests that they should remain the biggest retailer Wal-Mart stores, and develop more wholesalers to promote sales quotas. All these correct decisions owe to Lafley’s significant cognition and well preparation. Of course, there are many other successful examples. Too much factors can have effects on a company’s destiny.Of all the factors, the most important is the ability of leadership in management and decision making. Leadership includes the top leaders, CEO or president or general manager, and managers of each department. These leaders can be regarded as the main body of a company, so the quality of the body directly influences the whole company’s development. Every department has its own responsibility, only all departments work well can the whole company goes well. No matter what happened, capable leaders always catch up with proper methods to solve those problems to keep company running normally. Although sometimes it may be suffer a big shock, like economic crisis, good leadership must be able to negotiate a countermeature to avoid loss or reduce loss. This’s the most important function of leaders. Therefore, if we want to know whether a company can go further or not, we just need to realize what kind of leadershis it has. In my opinion, if a company wants to become a success, it should have the following points: first, it is based on quality-reliable products; second, it should win a good credit by considerate service and reasonable products price; third, keep communicating with consumers in order to know what the product that consumers really want is; forth, it should have an outstanding leading group to manage the company. For this reason, I think P&G is really an example of success.



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《新编商务秘书实务》考试题 一、填空题(每空格1分,共20分) 1.秘书文书工作包括三个方面:一是,二是,三是。 2.秘书按服务对象分可分为和两种。 3.秘书的职业形象包括个人的、等方面。 4.公文的密级可分为:、、三个等级。 5.使公文草稿转变成定稿,标志其已批准成为代表发文机关的文书。 6.国务院2000年8月24日公布的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》规定的公文有种,其中属平行文的是。 7.文件立卷可分为和两种。 8.会议计划主要包括:、、、。 9.会议通知一般采用形式。 二、单选题(每题2分,共20分) 1.()是对秘书工作的基本要求。 A 热情 B 细致 C 周到 D 耐心 2.办公室工作的特殊性决定了秘书的主要职能是()。 A 服务群众 B 甘于奉献 C 服务领导 D 严守机密 3.某公司没有专门的保洁人员,也没有指定打扫卫生的轮值制度,办公室的卫生由公司职员自己打扫,如果你是该公司职员,你通常会采取哪一种做法?() A 上班后,看有没有人做卫生。如果没人做,就自己做。 B 不管别人做不做,自己都做。 C 如果公司有比自己年轻的同事,可以让他们去做。 D 等领导安排自己的时候再做。 4.下列()属于横向沟通方式。 A 召开会议 B 文件传达 C 座谈会 D 同事之间任意交谈 5.公文形成的准备阶段是()。

A 交拟 B 议拟 C 撰拟 D 审核 6.在会议筹备方案的内容中,首先要确定的内容是()。 A 会议议程 B 会议主题 C 会议时间 D 经费预算 7.办公室空调的温度保持在()的恒温状态比较适宜。 A 22℃~26℃ B 18℃~22℃ C 24℃~28℃ D 20℃~22℃ 8.关于安排约见,下面的哪种做法是错的()。 A 上司出差前一天不宜将约见日程排满 B 各种约见之间,应留出10~15分钟的间隙 C 于本单位人员的约见应安排在上午早些时候 D 重要约见不宜首尾衔接安排 9.把文档分为电子文档和纸面文档的分类标准是()。 A 按文档的载体分类 B 按文档所对应的工作性质分类 C 按事件的发展过程分类 D 按文档的功能分类 10.公文审核的重点首先是()。 A 公文内容 B 公文体式 C 文字表达 D 是否需要行文 三、多选题(每题3分,共15分) 1.议拟阶段的步骤有()。 A 认真领会领导意图 B 收集材料 C 拟写提纲 D 撰写初稿 2.印制公文包括的内容有()。 A 审核 B 缮印 C 核对 D 用印 3.拟办应遵循的原则有()。 A 同性原则 B 完整性原则 C 规范性原则 D 相关性原则 4.公文处理效率低下的原因属于办理环节上的有()。 A 来文质量不高 B 拟办质量不高 C 催办不严格 D 办文分工不科学5.提高公文处理效率要讲究时效,包括()。 A 强化责任观念 B 强化时间观念 C 缩短运转周期 D 简化办文程序 四、简答题(20分)
