

选修7 Unit 4 Shari


作者: 日期:

Unit 4 Shari ng

privilege arran geme nt toast don ate volu ntary purchase sew


1. adj.

有关的;切题的 2. vi.& vt.

调整;(使)适合 3. vi.

参与;参加 4. con




releva nt





n. 特权;特别优待

6. n.安排;排列

7. vt.& n.烤(面包等);敬酒;烤面包

& vt. 捐赠



自愿的,无偿的 10.

vt.& n. 买;购买


vi.(用针线)缝 I .重要单词聚焦


vt. (片);干杯 13

. vt. 分配,分发



n. 分配;分发;分布状态 12. adj. 政治的;政党的


vi.& vt. 工作;运转;操作



distribute distributi on security operate clinic


1. hear 接收……的信

2. the day 不久前的一天

3. dry (指河流、井等)干涸

4. to 适应

5. to be 诚实的说

6. Get 通过

7. set 建立;开张

& (be) to do 极想;渴望做某事

9. dry (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透from other up adapt hon est through up dyi ng out

10. in 在困难中;在危急中

11. come 遇见

12. stick 伸出

n eed across



1. Once the fire was going , he laid stones on it.



_________________________________________ , you will know he is a good person.

【答案】Once you talk to him

2. He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam.

[信息提取]本句式中leave为动词,意为让..... 继续处于某种状态”构成"leav e宾语+



He went out to play , _________________________________ .

【答案】leavi ng his homework unfini shed

3. You asked whether I am getting to know any local people.

[信息提取]whether conj.引导名词性从句或状语从句,意为是否,会不会,不管,不论”


_________________________________________________ , you ' ll have to do it.

【答案】Whether you like it or not

4. We walked for two and a half hours to get there —first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.

[信息提取]from where引导定语从句修饰 a ridge。


We could have _________ ________ _________ _______ ________ ________ _______

【答案】 a good view of the lake from where we lived participate vt.参与;参力口

I participate in your sufferi ng and joy.


They actively participate in local politics.


She didn ' t participate in the discussion.


1. ______________________________________________________ Every four years , many athletes from different countries _____________________________________ the Olympic Games.

A . take part in B. participate in

C. join D . both A and B


2. Students in our school are encouraged to _______ more activities after class in order to broaden

their kno wledge.

A . attend B. join

C. take part D . participate in

【解析】participate in = take part in表示参加集体活动"的意思。


3. All of them thought it necessary that he _______ the meeting.

A . attend

B . join

C . participate in

D . take part in

【解析】attend a meeting参加(出席)会议。


adjust vt.& vi.调整;使适合

("adjust sth.to sth.调整.... 以适应 ....

My camera can be adjusted to take pictures in cloudy or sunny con diti ons.


She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.她把座椅调到适合她孩子的高度。

adjust/adapt on eself to 使自己适应于...

She soon adjusted/adapted herself to his way of life.


She found it hard to adjust to working at ni ght.



选修四中外历史人物评 说知识点归纳 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

选修四《中外历史人物评说》知识点归 纳 第一单元东西方先哲 一、儒家文化的创始人孔子 [课标要求]:了解孔子的生平、基本思想观点和政治主张,探讨孔子在中国以及世界思想史上的地位和影响。(一)、历史背景:春秋末期(奴隶社会向封建社会的转变时期) 1、经济上:生产力的发展,私田出现,井田制瓦解; 2、政治上:分封制瓦解,周王室衰微,诸侯争霸; 3、社会状况:礼崩乐坏,违背周礼行为司空见惯,人际关系紧张。 4、文化上:学术下移,“士”阶层出现。 (二)、成就: 『思考』儒家思想是在怎样的社会背景下产生的孔子创立儒家思想的目的是什么 背景:春秋是奴隶社会向封建社会转变时期,“礼崩乐坏”,违背周礼行为司空见惯。 目的:孔子恢复周礼,传承礼乐文化,创立儒家学派。 1、开创儒家思想(基本思想和主张) ①礼:即周礼,以礼来规范人与人之间的关系,把礼作为立国立身的基础。 ②仁:即仁者爱人;对统治者:以“德”和“礼”治理社会,反对苛政和刑杀。体现了人道主义和对百姓的关爱。对普通人:己所不欲,勿施于人;仁是孔子思想的核心。 ③中庸:在协调礼与仁的关系上,中庸思想是儒家学说的核心内容。 ④三者之间的关系:“仁”是核心,属于伦理范畴;礼是表现,属政治范畴;两者结合不可分割;用“中庸”来协调“仁”和“礼”的关系,用“仁爱”的精神来讲“礼乐”。 2、孔子的教育思想: ①教育对象:“有教无类”,一视同仁; ②教育内容:《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》《忆》《春秋》;还教学生“政事”和治国的本领。 ③教育目标:“成人”、成“君子”; ④教学方法:因材施教,言传身教。 ⑤办学形式:收徒讲学,开创私学。 3、整理文化典籍:“六经”,是中国古代传统文化的核心内容。他的思想被弟子们整理成《论语》,成为儒家学派的经典。 (三)、局限性:目的是维护奴隶社会的等级秩序,具有阶级局限性。(四)、实质:维护奴隶主阶级的统治。 (五)、影响:1、对中国: ①文化上:《六经》成为中国古代传统文化的核心内容; ②思想上:儒家思想的内涵渗透到社会秩序和个人行为规范中; ③教育上:奠定了中国古代教育传统,如开创私学,打破了贵族垄断教育的局面。 2、对人类文明: ①对亚洲:传入韩国、日本等,使儒家思想成为这些国家传统文化的组成部分; ②对欧洲:18世纪传入西方,被启蒙思想家所借鉴。 [拓展延伸] 孔子哪些思想对当今建立和谐社会和推进素质教育具有现实意义 提示:①以德治国,以民为本,有助于建立和谐社会; ②“和而不同”思想,有助于化解各种矛盾;


1. The old farmer,________ the badly-injured and wounded soldier, came out of the burning house, __ ______for help. A. supporting; calling B. supported by; called C. being supported by; called D. being supporting; called 2. -Oh, it’s already a quarter past six. What shall we do at the meeting this evening? -We’ll go on with the matter________ this afternoon. A. be discussed B. being discussing C. discussed D. which discussed 3. The brave man died,_______ his young wife nothing but a________ cottage. A.left; breaking B.leaving; broken C.left; broken D.to leave; breaking 4. ________hard before, Tom is afraid of failing in the exam. A. Having been worked B. Not to have worked C. Having never worked D. Never have worked 5.________the exam, the boy was punished by his father. A. No passing B. Having passed C. Not passing D. Not having passed 6. Time________, I can have done it better. A. permit B. be permitted C. permitting D. to permit 7.________, the boy couldn’t enter his house. A. Since the key has lost B. The key been lost C. Lost the key D. Having lost the key 8. ____into many languages, the story is well known all over the world now. A. Being translated B. Having translated C. To be translated D. Having been translated 9. ________for the terrible accident, as the public thought, the mayor felt nervous and was at a loss what to do. A. Having blamed B. To blame C. Being to be blame D. Being to blame 10. ________from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him where ver he goes. A. Suffered B. To suffer C. Having suffered D. Being suffered 11. ______from what he said, he must be the thief who has stolen the car. A. Judging B. Judged C. To judge D. Judge 12. ________with fright, a hungry fox hid himself in a small cave, ________his tail to the rain. A. Trembling; exposing B. Trembled; exposed C. Trembled; exposing D. Trembling; exposed 13. Many teachers were praised at the meeting, Mr. Zhou________. A. including B. being including C. to include D. included 14. -Who were those people with the flags? -A group________ itself the League of Peace. A. calls B. calling C. called D. being called 15. ________you the truth, she knows nothing about it. A. Tell B. Telling C. To tell D. Told 16. We slept with the light________ all night long last night. A. burnt B. to burn C. being burnt D. burning 17. Linda can’t attend the party________ at Tom’s house at present because she is preparing a speech for the party _______ at Marie’s house tomorrow.


【2019-2020】高考英语一轮核心考点探究与练习教材复习篇 Unit5Thepowerofnature(含解析)新人教版选修6 The power of nature 李仕才 【短文语法填空】 3-D printers 1. (be) around us for some time.There is a lot you can do and imagine with a 3-D printer.Now add “building a house in a day” 2. the list. (recent) used 3-D printers to make ten full-size houses in just 24 hours.And each of the houses covers an area of 200 square meters.These houses are printed with special “ink”4. has been made from industrial construction waste.The using of cheap material makes 5. (friend) and cost-effective.”He plans to set up 100 recycling factories across China and continue 7. (change) waste into cost-effective “ink” for 3-D printers.He also hopes his printers can be used to build tall 8.(build).However,at present,multi-storey 3-D printed buildings are not allowed in China.So it’s impossible that the 3-D printing technology will be 9. (wide) used to build homes any time soon.Maybe there is still 10. long way to go. 1.have been 2.to 3.recently 4.that/which 5.it 6.friendly 7.changing/to change 8.buildings 9.widely 10.a (对应学生用书P154) appoint vt.任命,委派;指定;约定 (1)appoint sb.as/to be...任命某人为…… appoint sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事 appoint a time/place for为……约定时间/地点 (2)appointment n.任命;约会


选修6 Unit 1 Art-Reading A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD. The Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. The Renaissance (15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values graduallv replaced those held in the Middle Ages.People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess t heir own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements. One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the roles of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century) In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal. from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally, these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.


选修四总复习提纲 第一单元――古代中国的政治家㈠统一中国的第一个皇帝秦始皇 一、秦始皇能够统一六国的原因①根本原因:统一是历史必然趋势;②国力因素:商鞅变法奠定经济和军事基础;③民心因素:人民渴望统一;④个人因素:嬴政具有雄才大略。 二、秦始皇巩固统一采取的具体措施 ①政治上:建立皇帝制,推行郡县制和三公九卿制,建立专制主义中央集权制度;②经济上:统一货币、度量衡,促进经济发展;③军事上:修筑长城,北击匈奴,南征百越,增设闽中、南海、桂林、象郡,奠定了中国统一多民族国家的基本疆域;④文化上:统一文字(小篆),有利于国家的统一和国内经济文化的交流;⑤交通上:建立起以咸阳为中心的水陆交通网,有利于各地经济的发展和交流。 三、秦始皇的暴政的表现和暴政的影响 ⑴表现:①焚书坑儒,钳制了思想,摧残了文化;②大兴土木,劳民伤财。③徭役繁重。④刑法严酷。⑵影响:激化阶级矛盾,加速秦的灭亡。 四、评价秦始皇 ①秦始皇统一中国,结束诸侯割据的政治局面,建立大一统的中央集权王朝,开创了中华民族历史发展的新纪元;另一方面他的暴政又导致秦朝很快灭亡;②秦始皇是封建社会初期地主阶级杰出政治家,但是他又是统治残暴的封建皇帝。 ㈡大唐盛世的奠基人唐太宗 一、“贞观之治”出现的原因和表现 ⑴原因:①客观上:吸取隋朝灭亡的教训,总结历代兴衰的经验。②主观上:唐太宗心存百姓,选贤与能,励精图治,善于用人与纳谏,社会稳定,经济恢复和发展。 ⑵主要表现:①政治上:虚心纳谏,选贤与能,加强中央集权,使唐朝政治清明,社会安定; ②经济上:强调存百姓思想,实行休养生息政策,使社会经济迅速恢复和发展;③法律上:慎用刑法,使社会风气得到了很大改观;④思想上:文德治国,崇儒尊孔,有利于提高官员素质,扩大统治基础;⑤民族关系上:采取民族平等政策,加强与边疆少数民族的往来或控制,促进民族关系发展;⑥对外关系上:采取积极友好态度和开放政策,促进中外经济文化交流。 二、唐太宗在中国封建社会历史发展中的作用 ①唐太宗励精图治,使唐朝社会稳定,经济发展,阶级矛盾缓和,开创了“贞观之治”的局面,这就为“开元盛世”的出现奠定了坚实的基础。②唐太宗采取开明的民族政策,加强了同周边各族之间的联系,加强了民族团结,促进了统一多民族国家的发展,使统一的多民族国家过入了鼎盛时期。③唐太宗实行开放的对外政策,对外来文化采取兼收并蓄的方针,这使中国文化呈现出多元化的色彩; ㈢统一多民族国家的捍卫者康熙帝 一、康熙帝初年面临问题 ①郑成功收复台湾后,坚持抗清;②沙俄势力正在东来;③游牧于漠西和漠北的蒙古各部需要加强管理;④地方割据实力的威胁尚未清除⑤满汉矛盾尚未平复。 二、康熙帝巩固中国统一的举措 ①平定三藩,有利于安定统一;②收复台湾:启用郑氏降将施琅。收复后台湾设一府三县,隶属福建省。加强了台湾和大陆联系,促进了台湾开发,巩固了海防。台湾正式隶属于清朝


Unit1 课内练习答案(P3Ex.1) P3Ex.3 1F2T3T4T5T6T P4Ex.1 1superb2aim3ridiculous4faith5evident 6conventional7gallery8abstract9technique10sculpture P4Ex.2 possess a great deal By coincidence adopt attempted On the other hand predict 详解: 翻译:《这些作品是凡高的真迹吗?》最受欢迎的艺术风格在西方国家就是印象派,许多人想拥有一幅印象派作品并且不惜花巨资去买一幅,巧合的事是,一些采用印象派画法的画家也可以画出不为人知的“杰作”,有一位画家,奥托?沃森,用凡高的风格作画并且迅速赚了很多钱,许多评论家都觉得它是凡高的真迹,一方面,一些评论家发现了,另一方面,一些评论家好奇是否有许多“杰作”被挂在画廊上,一位膜拜凡高作品的人说:“如果这种杰作的数量超过200,我也不会惊奇.”于是有人预言下一幅“杰作”在什么地方什么地点会被发现? P5Ex.2 1W2F3W4F 5.If he had right to choose his holiday,he would go to Mexico. 6.If I were not allergic to shellfish,I would enjoy eating them. 7.If the marble statue were not big for her garden,the housewife would

8.If we knew more about the disease,we would be able to treat the patients very effectively. P5Ex.3 1were would make2were would be3were would be 4could would paint5were would help6could take 7knew would send8could9were would be 10would come could P7Ex.2

【英语1对1教师辅导讲义】人教版选修6UNIT3 A healthy life及语法it探究

accustom oneself to (doing)sth.使自己习惯 于(做)某事 be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 4.have an effect on对……有影响 5.decide on对……作出决定 6.feel like (doing)想要(做)……如:Use it to remind yourself of why you want to stop,whenever you feel like smoking 摸上去像,如:It feels like silk.这东西摸起来像丝绸。 7.in spite of不顾;不管 8.take risks (a risk)冒险 9.get into陷入;染上(坏习惯) 10.at risk处境危险;遭受危险 语境活用[运用上述短语完成片段] More and more children 1 _________(对……上瘾)the Internet games,which will 2______________________ (对……产生不良影响) them. Once they 3________________ (养成习惯),they won’t quit it.4._______________ (尽管) the fact that they know the danger,children still 5.___________(冒险). Keys: 1. are addicted to 2. have a bad effect on 3 . get into the habit 4. In spite of 5. take risks


2017—2018人教版英语选修六Unit 5习题及(解析)答案 人教版选修六Unit Five The power of nature 一、语法填空 (一)单句语法填空 1.After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide ________ (accommodate) for the homeless families. 2.The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any direct ________ (solve). 3.After living in Quanzhou for five years, she had developed an ________ (affect) for the city. 4.The police are trying to find out the ________ (identify) of the woman murdered in the bathroom. 5.The Harry Potter books enjoy great ________ (popular); they are in great demand in this city. 参考答案 1.accommodation 2.solution 3.affection4.identification 5.popularity (二)短文语法填空 (2017高考选练)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个或者3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2017·成都第一次诊断) Over 2,200 years ago, Chengdu was threatened by frequent floods. Li Bing, together with his son, decided to construct an irrigation system on the Minjiang River, __1__ (prevent) flooding. __2__ having a long study and a lot of hard work by the local people, the great Dujiangyan Irrigation System was completed. Since then, the Chengdu Plain __3__ (be) free of flooding and the people have been living peacefully and wealthily. It is the __4__ (old) and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world. It is also


Module 6 Unit 4 1. There are many such organizations under _______ of the government ______ are ______ of the poor people across the world. A. the umbrella; as; for the purpose B. the charge; that; for the purpose C. the charge; as; to the purpose D. the umbrella; that; to the purpose 2. A Goodwill Ambassador’s visits to countries ________ the UN has program mes to help people will encourage people working on the projects and _______ local people’s attention to the situation. A. in which; to draw B. in which; drawing C. where; draw D. where; drew 3. The girl ______ forward to buying a new gold watch. A. referred to look B. refers to looking C. referred to looks D. referring to look 4. It is required that the students _______ mobile phones in their school, so seldom ______ them using one. A. s houldn’t use; you will see B. not use; will you see C. don’t use; will you see D. shan’t use; you will see 5. _____ in experience, she didn’t manage to pass the interview. A. Lack B. For lack of C. Lack of D. Lacking 6. We need ____ knowledge. We also need skills on how to use knowledge in reality. A. no more than B. more than C. less than D. not more than 7. It has been ______ cold this week .He went three ____ to see his grandma yesterday. A. specially; especially B. especially; specially C. specially; specially D. especially; especially 8. Children are not ________ of the fact that life is hard for their parents to send them to school. A. known B. awake C. idea D. aware 9. But for the help of my English teacher, I the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won 10. They demanded that the books __________ to the school library at once. A. return B. should return C. be returned D. would be returned 11. _____ not to miss the flight at 18:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 12. The doctor that will _________ him is attempting to _________ the facilities/equipment for operation. A. operate on; operate on B. operate; operate C. operate on; operate D. operate; operate on 13. Chinese people _______ the largest percentage of the population of Macao. A. add up B. make up C. set up D. hold up 14. ________ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B. When C. What D. As 15. When you come across a new word, you can _________ the dictionary. Which is NOT true A. look up B. refer to C. turn to D. look it up in 16. I have kept that picture __ I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. in which B. where C. whether D. when 17. It is agreed that constant arguing doesn’t _____ a happy marriage. A. make out B. make for C. make up D. make up for 18. My former boss ________ us ________ a new company. A. helped; in setting up B. assisted; in setting up C. assisted; into setting up D. helped; into setting up 19. ---- We ________ to have you here tonight. --- Thank you and it is ______ for me to be invited. A. honour; honourable B. honour; an honour C. are honoured; honourable D. are honoured; an honour 20. China's National Earthquake Disaster Emergency Rescue Team to Haiti _____ 60 search and rescue personnel and three sniffer dogs. A. makes up of B. consists of C. made up of D. consisting of 21. --- Do you really want to go out --- It may rain. _________, I shall go out; I don’t mind the


精品文档用心整理 人教版高中历史选修一 知识点梳理 重点题型( 常考知识点 )巩固练习 北魏孝文帝改革 考点解读 考点提示 北魏孝文帝改革 知识经纬 知识清单 北魏孝文帝改革的历史背景 1、有利的社会条件:__①__的崛起及统一黄河流域(公元439年) 北魏统一黄河流域后,初步结束北方分裂割据的局面,社会环境较为安定,生产发展,民族融合加强;北魏参照汉族政权的一些统治方式,拓跋族由游牧生活转向农业为主的定居生活;北魏重用汉族儒生、兴办太学,越来越多地吸收汉族先进文化。 2、改革的必要性——社会矛盾尖锐 由于北魏经济文化相对落后,各种制度的建设有许多不够完善和欠缺之处,致使社会矛盾日益激化。一是农民负担沉重、阶级矛盾尖锐,二是民族矛盾激化,导致社会动荡不安。 3、个人因素:冯太后和__②__深受汉族先进文化的影响。 执掌朝廷实权的冯太后,积极推动北魏统治者学习汉族先进文化。使年幼的君主孝文帝对汉文化十分敬佩和仰慕,深感要巩固统治必须借鉴汉族封建国家的统治经验,改革鲜卑族落后的统治方式。 北魏孝文帝的改革措施 1、冯太后临朝称制时期的改革 (1)制定官吏俸禄制,整顿吏治。 (2)设立__③__,保证国家对人民有效控制。 (3)推行均田制和租调制。 2、孝文帝亲政时期的改革 (1)迁都洛阳:为了接受汉族先进文化,加强对黄河流域的控制,孝文帝决定迁都洛阳。_④_年正式迁都洛阳。

, 精品文档 用心整理 (2)移风易俗: __⑤__:鲜卑贵族一律改穿汉装。 讲汉话:孝文帝宣布以汉语为“正音”,称鲜卑语为“北语”,要求朝臣“断诸北语,一从正音”。 改汉姓,定门第等级。孝文帝下诏,将鲜卑人原有的姓氏改为汉姓。他还参照汉族门阀制度的做法,来确定鲜 卑贵族的门第高下,并按照门第高低来选拔人才,任命官吏。 通婚姻:孝文帝提倡鲜卑人与汉人通婚,通过这种政治联姻把两族统治者的利益和命运紧密连在一起,以巩固 统治。 改籍贯:凡已迁到洛阳的鲜卑人,一律以洛阳为原籍。 【历史上重大改革回眸专题之北魏孝文帝改革 369639 北魏孝文帝的意义】 北魏孝文帝改革的意义 1、性质:北魏孝文帝改革是自上而下掀起的一次改变北魏社会面貌的__⑥__改革。 2、意义: (1)促进了北方经济的恢复和繁荣 繁荣原因:黄河流域的统一,社会安定:孝文帝改革政策的推动:各族人民的辛勤劳动,民族交流。 表现:不仅农业、畜牧业得到发展,手工业和商业也日趋活跃。洛阳呈现出商业贸易繁荣的景象。 (2)加速政权封建化进程 迁都洛阳以后,鲜卑统治者接受了汉族先进文化制度,大大加速了北魏政权的封建化进程,对北魏社会政治生 活乃至整个中国历史产生了深远的影响。推行的封建化措施有:尊儒崇经,兴办学校:恢复汉族的礼乐制度:采纳 汉族__⑦__制度。 (3)促进了民族的交流和融合 北魏孝文帝改革不仅缓和了民族矛盾,巩固了封建统治,更促进了民族的__⑧__,为结束长期分裂局面,重新 走向国家统一奠定了基础。 参考答案: ①北魏 ②孝文帝 ③三长制 ④495 ⑤易服装 ⑥封建化 ⑦封建统治 ⑧大融合 要点精析 要点一:详解北魏孝文帝的改革措施及其作用 【历史上重大改革回眸专题之北魏孝文帝改革 369639 北魏孝文帝的改革措施】 措施 内容 作用 推行均田制 颁布均田令,把国家掌握的荒地分给农民,由 恢复和发展了北方经济,促进了民族政权 农民承担一定的租税、徭役和兵役 的封建化,加强了民族融合 前期冯太 后主持, 重点创建 新制 设立三长制 改宗主督护制为三长制(邻长、里长、党长) 加强了对地方政权的统治,有利于中央集 直属州郡,负责检查户口和田亩,征收徭役和 权的巩固 兵役 整顿吏治 制定了俸禄制度,官吏的俸禄由国家征收和发 北魏吏治得到改善;农民赋役负担减轻, 后期孝文 帝主持, 放 推行租调制 规定一对夫妇每年向政府缴纳一定数量的租 调 迁都洛阳 原因:旧都平城不能适应社会发展需要。①政 治上:保守势力强大,民族隔阂深,改革阻力 大。②经济上:经济落后,交通不便,粮食供 应困难。③军事上:受柔然威胁,也不利于经 略南方。④地理上:平城偏处塞上,远离中原 核心地带。而洛阳是中原的政治经济文化中 北方农业得到迅速恢复和发展 使农民的负担大为减轻,许多受庇于豪强 的农民也纷纷转向政府,成为国家的编户 齐民,增加了政府的收入 ①打击了保守势力,保证了改革的深入; ②有利于胡汉民族文化的融合,使中华文 明得到进一步发展;③洛阳再次成为北方 政治、经济的中心;④为孝文帝进一步的 改革奠定了基础


高二选修6 Unit 5 Grammar教案 引标: 1. Review the usage of –ing form below. Examine the sentences and discuss in what way the structures similar to each other and in what way they are different. 示标: 1)Looking carefully at the ground, I made my way to the edge of the crater. 2)Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn’t take much notice. 区别: 学标: -ing 形式的用法 1)–ing 形式作状语 ①Walking along the street, I met Mary. = While I was walking along the street, I met Mary.(时间状语从句) 在街上走的时候,我遇到了玛丽。 ②Being tired, I stopped to take a rest. =Because I was tired, I stopped to take a rest. (原因状语从句) 因为疲倦,我停下来休息。

③Turning to the left, you will find the school. = If you turn to the left, you will find the school.(条件状语从句) 向左走,你就会找到那个学校。 ④Knowing where I live, he never come to see me . = Though he knows where I live, he never comes to see me. (让步状语从句) 尽管他知道我的住处,但从不来看我。 2)–ing形式的完成式 Having +p.p. …, 主语+谓语 (Having been) +p.p. …, 主语+谓语 –ing形式的完成式所表示的时间在谓语动词之前表示被动可直接用过去分词 ⑤Having finished my work, I went home. = After I had finished my work, I went home。 工作做完只后,我就回家了。 ⑥(Having been) written in haste, the book has some faults. 这本书因仓促写成,所以有些缺憾。 3)使用- ing形式需注意的几个问题。 分词(短语) 作状语时, 其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果不一致,必须用独立主格结构来表示,也就是在分词前面加上它的逻辑主语。 My wife had a long talk with Sally, explaining why she didn’t want the
