




授课题目(教学章节或主题):Unit one: on being a student 授课学时


授课类型Theory 教学方法Teaching; discussion; instruction

教学手段Writing on the blackboard; internet

内容纲要:This text discusses how to be a good student and the qualities of being a good student, such as the 4As: attitude, academic skills, awareness, accomplishment, and some other factors like self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical habit of mind.

教学目的与要求:training and promoting the students reading skills, widening the students knowledge, and enlarging the students vocabulary, in short, make students learn and reading the materials fluently and smoothly.


New words; reading skills and methods; learning the new words and phrases from the context and familiar with the structure of long sentences; and the reading materials’theme argument, subject.


Teaching procedure and time:1. preview: 20minutes; 2. teaching: 30minutes 3: exercising: 20minutes; 4: discussion 30minutes

思考题.讨论题.作业等:Self-teaching: getting the best value for time

Group discussion: 1. What is the goal of university education? 2. How do you define “student”? What are the good qualities of a good student?

参考资料(含参考书.文献等):1.Reading course(1) Reference book:wang-shouren,Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2005,8. 2. college English reading course(1) and reference book: Dong-xin, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002,9.



Introduction to Reading Course

1. Teachers’ role in your learning

What role do you think teachers should play in your learning? Do you expect teachers to tell you everything you need? –impossible. We know it is absurd, but there are always some students who expect their teachers are omniscients. So the first thing you should know is that you should learn how to learn on your own. Teachers should be assistants in your learning.

2. What to learn in this course?

What are the teaching goals of this course? What should you expect and get from this course? Why should we learn this course as we have had Integrated Course? ----to get some information, to learn how to get information, to learn how to think, how to persuade others to accept your opinion, --- to learn how to

Teaching Plan: UNIT ONE University Student Life

Part one: Introduction

Text one discusses the definition of “student”, and how to be an excellent student .and points out the qualities that a good student should have, such as the 4As; attitude, academic skills, awareness, accomplishment, and some other factors, like self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical habit of mind, objectivity, humility.

The literary style of text one is argumentation.

记叙文narration, narrative composition议论文argumentation, argumentative essay说明文exposition

Part two: Language points in Text One

1. On being a student 关于如何定义“学生”的问题

2. A student means more than merely being a pupil. “学生”不仅仅意味着一种身份。

3. Suggest 1)to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about 建议;提议~ sth (to sb)

May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir? VN

I suggest (that) we go out to eat. V (that) I suggested going in my car. V -ing

2)to tell sb about a suitable person, thing, method, etc. for a particular job or purpose 推荐;举荐~ sb/sth (for sth) ~ sb/sth (as sth)

She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.

Can you suggest how I might contact him? V wh-

3)to put an idea into sb's mind; to make sb think that sth is true 使想到;使认为;表明~ sth (to sb)

All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money. 所有证据都表明是他偷了钱。V (that)

The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack. 症状显示这是轻微心脏病发作。VN

What do these results suggest to you? 照你看,这些结果说明什么呢?

·to state sth indirectly, indicate 暗示;言下之意是说His pale face suggests bad health.。

4. What makes the student stand out (much better or much more important) from the rest of the class? outstanding

5. Accomplishment: the action of accomplishing something 同义词:achievement;

an ability that has been acquired by training 同义词:skill, acquirement, acquisition, attainment The Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment.

阿波罗计划与其说是一项科学成果, 不如说是一项技术成就。

accomplishment test成绩测验accomplishment evaluation学业成绩评定

6. The four As certainly are a large part of it, and a student who has them will be very likely to earn As. straight-As

7. Intellectual 名词intellectual:

a person who uses the mind creatively 同义词:intellect

形容词of or relating to the intellect; of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind 同义词:rational, noetic appealing to or using the intellect; involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct 同义词:cerebral

He's a kind of intellectual superman. 他是智力超常的人.

He likes to set himself up as an intellectual. 他喜欢自命为知识分子.

We admired his intellectual providence to acquire vast stores of dry information. 我们钦佩他收集大量原始资料的远见卓识。

The argument was too intellectual for me; I couldn't follow a word of it. 这场争论对我来说太深奥了, 我一点都搞不明白。Intelligent: having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree

possessing sound knowledge 同义词:well-informed

exercising or showing good judgment 同义词:healthy, levelheaded, level-headed, sound

endowed with the capacity to reason 同义词:reasoning, thinking

Man can be incredibly intelligent at the point of danger.

8. When a professor’s style isn’t to your liking :If something is to your liking, it suits your interests, tastes, or wishes.

9. Academic skills

10. logic逻辑(学), 逻辑性, 合理的推理:

the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference ;

reasoned and reasonable judgment

the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation

a system of reasoning 同义词:logical system, system of logic

the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies the machine's representation of logical operations

His thinking goes against all logic. 他的思维完全不合逻辑.

Logical: capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning

based on known statements or events or conditions 同义词:legitimate

marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts 同义:coherent, consistent, ordered, orderly capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner 同义词:coherent, lucid

11. When taking a course in political science, you should relate what you are learning to what is happening around the

world. 前一个分句是一个时间状语从句,逻辑主语和主句的主语一致,故省略。relate…to…

12. Accomplishment is demonstrated by the successful application of what you understand.

Demonstrate: vt. 示范, 演示, 证明vi. 示威

show or demonstrate something to an interested audience 同义:show, demo, exhibit, present

establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment 同义:prove, establish, show

provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes 同义:attest, certify, manifest, evidence

She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four. Please demonstrate how the machine works.

13. application: a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school; the work of applying something eg. I didn't receive an acknowledgement of my application.

14. The goal of education is to achieve the ability to apply one’s knowledge in new, creative, and correct ways. 表/补语

15. Abilities are not entirely what you are born with; some are achievable through dedicated efforts.

16. Efficient: being effective without wasting time or effort or expense;

able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively 同义词:effective adj. 效率高的, 胜任的The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient. 最近供暖设备已稍加改动以提高效率。

The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.

Sufficient: of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant足够的, 充分的

Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment. 我们对入侵之敌采取牵制的方针, 以备组织好兵力将之击退。

Given sufficient goodwill on both sides, there's no reason why this dispute shouldn't be resolved. 只要双方都有充分的善意, 这种纠纷是没有理由解决不了的。

Deficient: inadequate in amount or degree 同义词:lacking, wanting

of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement 同义词:insufficient

falling short of some prescribed norm 同义词:inferior, substandard

eg. We are deficient in hands. 我们人手不够。

17. initiative: readiness to embark on bold new ventures 同义词:enterprise, enterprisingness, go-ahead

the first of a series of actions 同义词:first step, opening move, opening

形容词serving to set in motion 同义词:inaugural, initiatory, first, maiden

adj.创始的, 初步的, 自发的n. 第一步, 首创精神; 主动权

I put it all down to her hard work and initiative.归因于

The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police. It's only the initiative of the investigation.

18. fad: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal 同义:craze, rage His interest in photography is only a passing fad.

19. Comprehensive: including everything that is needed or relevant. 综合的, 广泛的, 理解的

eg. He was educated at the local comprehensive school. 他曾在地区的综合中学受教育。

The reporter has made a comprehensive report.

20. rationally: consistent with or based on or using reason adj. 合理的, 理性的, 能推理的

of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind 同义词:intellectual, noetic

capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers

having its source in or being guided by the intellect (distinguished from experience or emotion) No rational person would go to work in his pyjamas. 任何神智正常的人都不会穿着睡衣去上班。

21. evaluate: place a value on; judge the worth of something 同义词:measure, valuate, assess, appraise, value

form a critical opinion of 同义词:pass judgment, judge

The school has only been open for six months, so it's too early to evaluate its success.开办还不过六个月, 所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。Let's evaluate the evidence. 让我们评定一下此证据的价值。

22. claim: an assertion of a right (as to money or property) ; an assertion that something is true or factual;

demand for something as rightful or due; the right to do something

动词:assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing; assert one's right or title to 同义词:lay claim, arrogate; demand as being one's due or property; ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example

n. 要求, 要求权; 主张, 断言, 声称; 要求物vt. 要求, 请求; 主张, 声称, 断言

eg. The matter claimed our serious attention. 这件事需要我们认真注意。

Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident? 出了车祸后, 你向保险公司要求赔偿了吗?

He set up a claim to the throne. 他自称王位是属于他的。

Deception: 骗局, 诡计, 欺诈a misleading falsehood 同义:misrepresentation, deceit;the act of deceiving 同义:deceit an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers 同义词:magic trick, conjuring trick, trick, magic eg. His pretended friendship was part of the deception. 他所谓的友谊是一种骗局.

It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke. 那是个无伤大雅的骗术, 开个玩笑而已。

Deceive: be false to; be dishonest with; cause someone to believe an untruth

eg. It's not honorable to deceive them. He deceived me into signing the papers.

You are deceiving yourself if you still believe that she loves you.

23. validity: the quality of being logically valid 同义词:rigor, rigour有效性, 正确性, 正当

the quality of having legal force or effectiveness 同义词:validness

eg. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something →valid, invalid valid: well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force; still legally acceptable

24. See through: perceive the true nature of; support financially through a period of time; remain with until completion

eg. Move out of the way, please: I can't see through you! 请借光, 你挡著我就看不见了。

Poke two holes in the sack so you can see through it. 在袋子上戳两个洞就能透过它看了。

25. humility: a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride 同义:humbleness; a humble feeling 谦逊, 谦虚, 谦卑

eg. Humility in the wake of all those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me.

我谦卑是因为在我之前, 许多美国历史上伟大的建设者们都曾经在这里发过言。

1944年12月,麦克阿瑟Douglas Macarthur被授予五星级上将军衔。1951年,他与家人回到美国。在这



Address before Congress在国会的演讲

26. carrel: a small table with “walls” around three sides

27. cummulative: increasing by successive addition累积的, 附加的同义accumulative It is a cumulative process.逐渐积累Accumulate: get or gather together 同义:roll up, collect, pile up, amass, compile;

collect or gather 同义:cumulate, pile up, gather, amass eg. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.

Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not clean regularly. 房屋不经常打扫, 尘土很快就越积越多。

28. prominent: noticeable; having a quality that thrusts itself into attention 同义词:outstanding, spectacular, striking

conspicuous(显著的, 显而易见的, 显眼的) in position or importance 同义词:big, large杰出的, 显著的, 突出的eg. The house is in a prominent position on the village green. Einstein was a prominent scientist.

Part three: Language points in Section B

29. atomophere: a particular environment or surrounding influence;the mass of air surrounding the Earth 同义词:air

eg. There is an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country, quite different from the atmosphere of a big city.

The peoples are in a festal atmosphere. 各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。

The plants drink in moisture from the atmosphere.

30. booth 电话亭,亭,小间,货摊I'll give him a call from the phone booth on the corner.

31. lighting:having abundant light or illumination eg .The stage lighting give the effect of a moonlit scene

the act of setting something on fire

32. prefer A to B; prefer swimming to hiking

33. they spend many hours sitting.

34. in other words: otherwise stated 同义:put differently

His wife is my daughter, in other words, I am his mother-in-law. In other words, none of us can go to the movie. 35. oral: N: an examination conducted by word of mouth

Adj: using speech rather than writing; of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth

"The Cambridge Business Exams are part written, part oral." The old man told us a story passed on by oral tradition. 36. factor: anything that contributes causally to a result; anything that make something happen

Factory: -ory is a suffix that indicate a place

manufact: to make something by hand fact=make

37. contradict: vt. 反驳, 与...矛盾The report contradicts what we heard yesterday. Don't contradict your father.

deny the truth of; be resistant to 同义:oppose, controvert; prove negative; show to be false 同义:negate

38. honor system: a system of conduct in which participants are trusted not to take unfair advantage of others 荣誉制度

39. cheat on the exam:

40. turn in homework done by someone else is forbidden. Turn in : n. 向里弯曲(进去, 归还, 缴还, 上床就寝)

to surrender someone or something to another 同义:hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, get in, deliver, render make an entrance by turning from a road

41. Violation of the honor system can result in a student’s failing a course.

Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏.

Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration. 紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。

42. suspicion: 猜疑, 怀疑

an impression that something might be the case; doubt about someone's honesty; the state of being suspected

eg. We regard her behaviour with suspicion. His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.

43. professional: engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood ;

of or relating to a profession adj. 职业(上)的, 专业的n. 专业人员

Don't wear those clothes to work; try to look more professional! She is a real professional.

Amateur: engaged in as a pastime 同义:recreational, unpaid

lacking professional skill or expertise 同义:amateurish, inexpert, unskilled

Amateur actors often overact. The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals. He is an amateur painter.

44. You would be silly to feel fed up about this. Fed up: annoyed, unhappy, tired of sth厌倦

She's fed up with being her husband's stooge(附属品). I am just a bit fed up.

Part four: Language points in Section C ( text two )

45. Are you satisfied with what you achieve in the hours spent studying?

Satisfaction: the contentment you feel when you have done something right 赔偿, 满意, 妥善处理, 乐事, 确信

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 包你满意。The store owner received satisfaction for the damage.

46. Here are some hints to help you make the most of your study time.

help somebody do/to do/with something/doing something.

Hint: an indirect suggestion 同义:intimation(暗示, 讽示, 通知), breath(呼吸, 气息, 微风, 迹象, 精神);

a slight indication 同义:clue

He has given us no intimation of his intentions/what he intends to do.

Do I detect a touch of jaundice (ie a slight hint of jealousy, etc) in that remark? 我听出那话里有点儿忌妒之意吧?

Well, can't just not give her a hint. 噢, 我不能不给她一个暗示。

47. lecture note: 讲义the note taken when listening to a lecture

48. It can be helpful to go over new work with other students to check that you have grasped all the points.

Go over: hold a review (of troops) 同义:review, survey; examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition

同义:check, check up on, look

into, check out,

check over, check


She went over the room with a duster. 她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净。

She went over her lines before the first night of the play. 她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词。

49. revise and review regularly.

Revise : make revisions in; revise or reorganize, especially for the purpose of updating and improving n. 校订, 修正, 再校稿v. 校订, 修正, 校正eg. He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher.

Review : look at again; examine again 同义词:reexamine; appraise critically 同义词:critique

a new appraisal or evaluation同义词:reappraisal, revaluation, reassessment

an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play) 同义:critique, critical review, review article eg. The government is reviewing the situation. The play was very well reviewed.

All prices are subject to review.一切商品的价格都有可能调整。

Regulate: fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of; bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations 同义词:regularize, regularise, order, govern

eg. Your watch is always slow; it needs to be regulated.

Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families. 即便是在管理最好的家庭, 事故有时也会发生的。50. This way, you will consolidate the groundwork and avoid panic before exams.

consolidate: unite into one; make firm or secure; strengthen; bring together into a single whole or system; form into a solid mass or whole v. 巩固, 联合, 统一

eg. The two companies consolidated last year. He bribes his leader to consolidate his position.

Groundwork: the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained

同义词:basis, base, foundation, fundament, cornerstone;

lowest support of a structure 同义词:foundation, base, fundament, foot, substructure, understructure;

preliminary preparation as a basis or foundation

eg. Constant practice is the groundwork for success in play the piano. The groundwork or source of something.

51. When you revise, space out the time devoted to any one topic.

Space out : 把...间隔开divide something in to some minor part

I was supposed to meet her, but I spaced out and forgot. 我本应该和她见面的, 但我昏昏沉沉地以致把事给忘了

Space out the type more. 把铅字的行间空大些。

devoted: give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause 同义词:give, dedicate, consecrate, commit, devote dedicate 同义词:give, pay, devote adj. 投入的, 深爱的v. 投入

eg. He is devoted to his country. He was at one time so devoted to piano playing.

52. Limit your block of study to two hours on any one topic or type of work.

Block n. 街区, 木块, 石块, 阻塞(物), 障碍(物) v. 阻塞

a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides)

a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings 同义词:city block

v. render unsuitable for passage同义词:barricade, blockade, stop, block off, block up, bar

stop from happening or developing 同义词:stop, halt, kibosh

interfere with or prevent the reception of signals 同义词:jam

eg. She chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow. The heating system in this block doesn't work well.

The trees outside the window blocked off the sun.

53. You begin to tire and concentration weakens.

tire---tired---tiresome tyre 轮胎

concentration: complete attention; intense mental effort 同义词:engrossment, absorption, immersion

great and constant diligence and attention 同义词:assiduity, assiduousness

bringing together military forces

strengthening the amount of a substance in a unit amount of another substance (as of a solute

in a mixture) by removing the other substance

increase in density

eg. The tennis players need total concentration during play.

54. If you tend to feel sleepy in the afternoon, …… tendency

Tend to : vt. 倾向于(有助于, 易于, 引起, 造成, 势必)

He's a good salesman, but his offhand manner does tend to put people off. 可是他那随便的态度容易使人产生反感。

Does he tend to lose?他常常输吗?

55. retrace your steps to get the books you need.

Retrace: to go back over again 同义词:trace; reassemble mentally同义词:reconstruct, construct

eg. I dropped my keys and had to retrace my steps for nearly a mile before I found them.

The police retraced the movements of the murder victim. 警方追溯了被谋杀者当时的动作。

He often retraces the happy time during his young age. 他经常回忆起年轻时代的幸福时光。

56. Commit yourself to studying a particular assignment at a particular time. v. 委托(托付), 犯罪, 作...事, 承诺give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause 同义词:give, dedicate, consecrate, devote

confer a trust upon 同义词:entrust, intrust, trust, confide

perform an act, usually with a negative connotation 同义词:perpetrate, pull

eg. One cannot commit crimes with impunity. 一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。

I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself.我问她她是怎么想的, 但她拒不表示意见。

He would not commit himself in any way.他不愿做出任何承诺。

She committed herself to philanthropy.她专心从事慈善事业。The girl was committed to the care of an aunt.被交给姨母照顾

57. strenuous adj. 奋发的, 热心的, 有奋斗之必要的He made strenuous attempts to stop her.

58. ……, allow yourself “unwinding” time before bed. Unwind 退卷解退退绕

Reading is a good way to unwind. 阅读是休息的好方式

Unwind: cause to feel relaxed 同义词:relax, unstrain, unlax, loosen up, unwind, make relaxed

become less tense, rest, or take one's ease 同义词:relax, loosen up, unbend, unwind, decompress, slow down

reverse the winding or twisting of 同义词:unwind, wind off, unroll

separate the tangles of 同义词:unwind, disentangle

59. timetable: a schedule listing events and the times at which they will take place ;

a schedule of times of arrivals and departures

eg. Look up the time of the next train in the timetable. The change of the weather has mucked up our sports timetable 60. routine: an unvarying or habitual method or procedure occurring at fixed times or predictable intervals

adj. 常规的, 例行的n. 例行公事, 常规

eg. We must introduce some system into our office routine.

She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement. She felt fenced in by domestic routine.被家务事束缚住了。

61. Cross out each item as you deal with it. remove from a list 同义词:cross off, strike out, strike off, mark

62. If you give study hours top priority, the remaining hours will be really free.

Priority:status established in order of importance or urgency 同义词:precedence, precedency

preceding in time 同义词:antecedence, antecedency, anteriority, precedence, precedency

63. Chinese proverb: A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.

Proverb: a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people 谚语, 格言vt. 用谚语表达

eg. The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。Industrious 多产的

Part five: Language points in exercises ( including word pretest, vocabulary building, glossary and cloze)

1. philosophically: of or relating to philosophy or philosophers 同义词:philosophic; 哲学的, 哲学上的, 冷静的

characterized by the attitude of a philosopher; meeting trouble with level-headed detachment eg. These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。

She seemed fairly philosophical about the loss. 她对所受损失似乎很看得开。

2. scholarly: characteristic of scholars or scholarship学究气的(学者派头的)

He could not fully understand these involved scholarly lectures. 这些艰深的学术讲演他不能完全听懂。

A commercial book, not a scholarly tome(大本书, 大册书). 一本以赚钱为目的而不是学术性的书籍

3. Protest: a formal and solemn declaration of objection 同义词:protestation

the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent 同义词:objection, dissent

the act of making a strong public expression of disagreement and disapproval

V: express opposition through action or words 抗议,抗议书, 反对 vi. 反对, 抗议, 断言vt. 坚持地表示, 对..提出异议eg. His protests on human rights sound hollow. He protested his innocence. 他声言自己无罪。

She protested that she had never seen the accused man before. 她坚持说她以前从未见过这一被指控的男子。

4. Sample: a small part of something intended as representative of the whole; items selected at random from a population

and used to test hypotheses about the population 同义:sample distribution, sampling;

all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class. ex+sample=example 动词:take a sample of 同义词:try, try out, taste

eg. What I need is nothing but a sample. Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample.

We sampled the stuff and found it satisfactory. The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests.

5. Diverse: many and different 同义词:divers[dai'v?:z]; distinctly dissimilar or unlike 同义词:various

eg. concerned with diverse subjects or aspects. 多方面的与不同的主题或方面有关的

They are the people from diverse cultures. The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and Beijing Opera. Diversity: variety, diverseness

Unique: 独一无二/独特/稀罕的radically distinctive and without equal 同义词:alone, unequaled, unequalled, unparalleled (followed by `to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality

the single one of its kind 同义词:singular; highly unusual or rare but not the single instance

The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢.

6. leggings: a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle) 绑腿, 裹腿legging, leg covering

7. fade: become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly;

lose freshness, vigor, or vitality 同义词:wither; disappear gradually 同义:blow over, pass off vi. 褪色, 消失, 凋谢vt. 使褪色n. 淡入, 淡出adj. 平凡的, 乏味的 eg. Flowers soon faded when they have been cut.

As evening came the coastline faded into darkness.夜晚来临, 海岸线融入茫茫夜色中。

8. sympathy: an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion 同义词:understanding

sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish) 同义词:fellow feeling, compassion

a relation of affinity or harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other

同情, 忠诚, 感应The story stirred her sympathy. 这故事激起了她的同情心。→passionate,

9. modesty: freedom from vanity or conceit (自负, 自大)同:modestness; formality and propriety of manner 同:reserve

Modesty is not his long suit. 谦虚可不是他的长处。Her modesty is all put on. 她的谦虚全是假装的。10.recreation:an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates 同义词:diversion;activity that refreshes and recreates;

activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation 同义:refreshment Sport and recreation have always been part of university life. 运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部分。

In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.

11. relaxation: (physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers;

a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry 同义:easiness;

freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility) 同义:rest, ease, repose

12. casual: without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand; suited for everyday use 同义词:everyday

occurring or appearing or singled out by chance 同义词:accidental, chance

Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.

13. subordinate: n. 属下, 附属物adj. 下级的, 次要的, 附属的vt. 使居下位, 使服从, 把...放在次要

Adj: lower in rank or importance 同义词:low-level;subject or submissive to authority or the control of another

V:rank or order as less important or consider of less value; make subordinate, dependent, or subservient 同义词:subdue N:an assistant subject to the authority or control of another 同义词:subsidiary, underling, foot soldier

a word that is more specific than a given word 同义词:hyponym, subordinate word

eg. All the other issues are subordinate to this one. 所有问题都要从属于这一问题。

He was always friendly to his subordinates. He subordinated his wishes to the general good of the group.使…服从于14. submission:

Submit: yield to the control of another; submit or yield to another's wish or opinion 同义词:bow, defer, accede, give in accept or undergo, often unwillingly 同义词:take, undergo

refer for judgment or consideration; 同义:subject refer to another person for decision or judgment同义:pass on put before 同义词:state, put forward, posit; hand over formally 同义词:present

vt. 呈送, 递交, 主张vt. 使服从, 屈服vi. 屈从; 忍受

Please submit your application form in quadruplicate. We should submit our plans to the council for approval.

15. counselor: someone who gives advice about problems 同义词:counsellor顾问, 参事, 法律顾问

someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp;

a lawyer who pleads cases in court 同义词:advocate, counsel, counsellor, counselor-at-law, pleader

She is a marriage guidance counselor. He is a wise counselor in time of need. 在困难时他是个好参谋。

Plead: appeal or request earnestly; offer as an excuse or plea; enter a plea, as in courts of law

vt. 辩护, 恳求, 提出借口vi. 辩护, 反对→please, plea恳求, 申诉, 请愿, 抗辩, 借口, pleading恳求Pleading ignorance of the law won't help you if you are caught. 假若因犯法被抓住, 藉口不知是犯法亦无济於事。He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus. He did not attend the dinner; his plea was that he was too busy to come. She made an impassioned plea for justice. 激昂地抗辩, 恳求获得公正。


Higher education

Enrollment enroll: register formally as a participant or member 同义词:inscribe, enter, enrol, recruit登记, 使加入, 卷起He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.

Registration登记/注册/挂号The registration of students for an examination has been over. the act of enrolling enrollment, Academic year学年

Attendance出席, 出席人数, 出席率the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.) 同义词:attending

the frequency with which a person is present; the number of people that are present

He didn't have perfect attendance this year.有缺勤At Easter, attendances at church rose. 复活节期间, 到教堂做礼拜的人多了Compulsory course

Selective course

Credit信用, 荣誉, 贷款, 学分v. 归功于, 赞颂, 信任recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours 同义:course credit; money available for a client to borrow approval 同义词:recognition动词:give someone credit for something;give credit for 同义:accredit

accounting: enter as credit ;have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of Extra-curricular: outside the regular academic curriculum 同义词:extracurricular

outside the regular duties of your job or profession 同义词:extracurricular

Humanities: studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills) 人文学科I prefer science to the humanities. 我喜爱自然科学, 不喜欢人文科学。

Liberal arts=humanities

Social science

Major: the principal field of study of a student at a university主修

Minor: of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization副修科目

seminar (大学的)研究班, 研讨会any meeting for an exchange of ideas; a course offered for a small group of advanced students The purpose of this seminar is to reform the old closed system so as to establish the new system of educational assessment.

研讨会旨在改革旧的封闭式的评价制度, 从而建立新的教育评价体系。Faculty才能, 能力; 全体教员; (大学的)系, 科, 院the body of teachers and administrators at a school 同义词:staff;

one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind 同义词:mental faculty

Should the new department form part of the Faculty of Arts? Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech.

The faculty expressed their sympathy with the students' action. This boy has a faculty of making friends easily. Regulation规则, 规章, 管理adj. 规定的, 官方的

Discipline:纪律, 训练, 惩罚; 学科vt. 训练, 惩罚

a system of rules of conduct or method of practice; the trait of being well behaved;

training to improve strength or self-control; the act of punishing 同义词:correction

a branch of knowledge 同义词:subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study

Participation参加, 参与

Term paper学期报告a composition intended to indicate a student's progress during a school term

I must settle down this morning and finish the term paper.

Subject 科目、主题a branch of knowledge 同义:discipline, subject area, subject field, field

the subject matter of a conversation or discussion 同义:topic, theme

Oral examination written test

Scholarship奖学金, 学问, 学识financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit;

profound scholarly knowledge 同义词:learnedness, learning, encyclopedism, encyclopaedism He won a scholarship to Cambridge. 他获得一份到剑桥大学读书的奖学金。

The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. 先生的学问博大精深。

Student union

Physical education体育

Plagiarism:a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work;

the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own 同义词:plagiarization, plagiarisation Deen 系主任, 学院院长vi. 当系主任an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college

He was elected the dean of our department.

Office hours: 办公时间Office hours vary from company to company and country to country.

Monitor The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.

Diploma: a document certifying the successful completion of a course of study 同义:sheepskin

eg. Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.

He obtained a diploma in architecture.

Graduate: a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)

receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies

Undergraduate: a university student who has not yet received a first degree

Postgraduate: a student who continues studies after graduation 同义词:graduate student, grad student;

of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree 研究生adj. 大学毕业后的

tutorial: a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students;

of or relating to tutors or tutoring 个别指导adj. 个别指导的

auditorium: the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits -ium is a suffix that indicate a place eg. The crowd overflowed the auditorium. 人群挤得礼堂无法容纳。

auditor: someone who listens attentively 同义词:hearer, listener, attender; 听者, 收听者, 稽核员

a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit;

a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organization Gymnasium: athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training 同义词:gym体育馆, 健身房

eg. A new gymnasium has been built on our campus.

Gymnast: an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics 体操运动员gymnastics gymnastic (adj)

Lecture hall 讲堂, 讲演厅

Cafeteria: a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a cashier 自助餐厅adj. 有多种选择的

Café: a small restaurant where drinks and snacks(小吃, 点心) are sold咖啡馆, 小餐馆coffeehouse, coffee shop, coffee bar Canteen食堂a restaurant where sells food and personal items to personnel at an institution or school or camp etc.

restaurant in a factory; where workers can eat; a recreation room in an institution

a restaurant outside; often for soldiers or policemen 同义词:mobile canteen

Campus: a field on which the buildings of a university are situated校园, 场地

Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T Section C 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F Unit 2 Music Section A Word Pretest 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B Reading comprehension


K e y s t o R e a d i n g C o u r s e2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B Section C Unit 2 Music Section A Word Pretest 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B Reading comprehension


《英语阅读》(1)练习答案1-10 Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest DBBC DDAB Reading Comprehension FTFT FFTF Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotion established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest flexible established panic strenuous

priority routine Rationally recreations Suffix familiarize visualize merely idealize finalize necessarily physically highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Section B DCCB CBDD Section C DABD CBCA Unit 2 Culture Shock Section A Word Pretest CADC CBAD Reading Comprehension CDD DDC Vocabulary Building Word Match exaggerate say more than the truth about something slang nonstandard vocabulary adapt make or become suitable insecure weak; uncertain; unprotected distinct different; separate



Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments.

4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms




枣庄学院泛读课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题):Unit one: on being a student 授课学时 授课时间第5周第节 授课类型Theory 教学方法Teaching; discussion; instruction 教学手段Writing on the blackboard; internet 内容纲要:This text discusses how to be a good student and the qualities of being a good student, such as the 4As: attitude, academic skills, awareness, accomplishment, and some other factors like self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical habit of mind. 教学目的与要求:training and promoting the students reading skills, widening the students knowledge, and enlarging the students vocabulary, in short, make students learn and reading the materials fluently and smoothly. 重点与难点: New words; reading skills and methods; learning the new words and phrases from the context and familiar with the structure of long sentences; and the reading materials’theme argument, subject. 教学过程(主要教学环节设计.时间分配.板书设计等): Teaching procedure and time:1. preview: 20minutes; 2. teaching: 30minutes 3: exercising: 20minutes; 4: discussion 30minutes 思考题.讨论题.作业等:Self-teaching: getting the best value for time Group discussion: 1. What is the goal of university education? 2. How do you define “student”? What are the good qualities of a good student? 参考资料(含参考书.文献等):1.Reading course(1) Reference book:wang-shouren,Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2005,8. 2. college English reading course(1) and reference book: Dong-xin, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002,9. 说明:1.授课类型:指理论课,实验课,实践课,技能课,习题课等;2.教学方法:指讲授.讨论.示教.指导等;3.教学手段:指板书.多媒体.网络.模型.挂图音像等教学工具;4.首


《泛读教程》第三册王守仁课后答案上海外语教育 出版社 Unit 1 Section A V ocabulary Building: I. 1. practical, practice, practices, practical, practiced 2. worthless, worthy, worthwhile, worth, worth 3. vary, variety, variation, various, Various 4. absorbing, absorbed, absorb, absorption, absorbent II. 1. effective, efficient, effective 2. technology, technique 3. middle, medium, medium Cloze Going/about/trying, expectations/predictions, questions, answers, predictions/expectations, tell, know/foretell, end, develop/present, worth Section B TFTT, CBCC, TFF, CAA, CCA Unit 2 Section A V ocabulary Building: I. mess, preference, aimlessly, remarkable, decisive, shipment, fiery, physically, action, housing II. 1. aptitude, attitude 2. account, counted, counted 3. talent, intelligence Cloze Other, just/only, has, some/many, than, refuse, see/know/understand, that, without, If, ready/willing/educated/taught, wrong/incorrect/erroneous Section B ACC, CC, CCC, ACB, ABA Section C CCDDAC Unit 3 Section A V ocabulary Building: I. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb admission admit admissible Admissibly reliance rely reliable Reliably definition define definite Definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming Assumedly/assumingly behavior Behave behavioral Behaviorally variety Vary Various/varied Variously/variedly


英语泛读教程王守仁答 案 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】

Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B Section C Unit 2 Music Section A Word Pretest 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B

大学 英语专业 《泛读教程》 第三册 王守仁 (Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案

《泛读教程》第三册王守仁(Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案Unit 1 Section A Word Pretest BCBBBAACCB Reading Skill CBCABBAA Vocabulary Building 1 1 practicable practice practices practical practiced 2worthless worthy worthwhile worth worth 3vary variety variation various various 4absorbing absorbed absorb absorption absorbent 2 1effective efficient effective 2technology technique 3middle medium medium Cloze

going expectations questions answers predictions tell know end develop worth Section B TFTT CBCC TFF CAACCA Section C FFTFFTTT Unit 2 Section A Word Pretest ABACCABABCC Reading Skill CBB FTFFTT Vocabulary Building 1 1mess 2preference 3aimlessly 4remarkable 5decisive 6shipment 7fiery 8physically 9action 10housing 2


《英语阅读》(1)练习答案1-10 Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest DBBC DDAB Reading Comprehension FTFT FFTF Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotion established accepted。 recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful。 requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular。 usual priority first concern relaxation rest flexible established panic strenuous priority routine Rationally recreations Suffix familiarize visualize merely idealize

finalize necessarily physically highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Section B DCCB CBDD Section C DABD CBCA Unit 2 Culture Shock Section A Word Pretest CADC CBAD Reading Comprehension CDD DDC Vocabulary Building Word Match exaggerate say more than the truth about something slang nonstandard vocabulary adapt make or become suitable insecure weak。 uncertain。 unprotected distinct different。 separate challenging difficult, but in an interesting way range vary within limits adjust change slightly in order to make suitable aggressive ready for conflict cope with deal with occur happen identity the distinguishing character or personality of an individual automatic self-acting。 under its own power

英语泛读教程第2册答案(王守仁 姚媛)

英语泛读教程第二册 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat


《英语阅读》(1)练习答案1?10 Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest DBBC DDAB Readi ng Comprehe nsion FTFT FFTF Vocabulary Buildi ng Word Match flexible established panic stre nu ous rati on ally in a way based on reas on rather tha n emoti on established accepted; recog ni zed various differe nt pan ic sudde n fear con solidate stre ngthe n assig nment homework biological of liv ing thi ngs flexible not fixed stre nu ous stressful; requiri ng effort and en ergy master overall recreati on way of spe nding free time estimate calculate roughly rout ine regular; usual

priority first concern relaxati on rest priority rout ine Rati on ally recreati ons Suffix familiarize visualize merely idealiz fin alize n ecessarily physically highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect n eed several changes Section B DCCB CBDD Section C DABD CBCA Unit 2 Culture Shock Section A Word Pretest CADC CBAD Readi ng Comprehe nsion CDD DDC Vocabulary Buildi ng Word Match exaggerate say more tha n the truth about somethi



Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments.

4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms
