










兰州大学考博英语真题及其精解 1.This rock has to be_______in order to build a road. A.blasted B.explored C.hired D.maintained 2.He did not go to the party last night,which_______her feelings deeply. A.wounded B.injured C.hurt D.injury 3.When they returned to the river,they found that the boat had _______away. A.framed B.frosted C.frowned D.floated 4.If you need further information,please_______our office. A.constant B.construct C.contact D.contain 5.During the war,many soldiers were killed not by_______,but by disease. A.bulledts B.devil C.bible D.depth 6.We watched the ship until it became only a_______in the distance. A.point B.jar C.stove D.dot 7.The English proverb‘_______the rod and spoil the child’means that if you deep from punishing the child,you will spoil its character.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi. A.rule B.rug C.clap D.spare


兰州大学2020年博士研究生招生考试考场规则知晓书 一、考生应讲诚信并自觉服从考务工作人员管理,不得以任何理由妨碍考务工作人员履行职责,不得扰乱网络考场秩序。 二、考生在招生考试前应当按照报考学院的要求在线上提交报考学院要求的相关材料,并按规定时间参加招生考试。 三、考生在招生考试前须按要求准备、安装、调试相关硬件、软件,确保招生考试过程中网络通畅,考生要确保设备和软件能够正常使用,在整个笔试过程中有足够的电量。 四、考生应选择独立安静房间独自参加笔试。整个考试期间,考生必须保持安静,不得随意起立、走动;房间必须保持安静明亮,房间内不得有其他人,也不允许出现其他声音,不得大声喧哗或引起异常响动等行为扰乱网络远程笔试考场的秩序。 五、除招生考试要求的设备和物品外,招生考试场所考生座位1.5米范围内不得存放任何书刊、报纸、资料、电子设备等。仅可在桌面摆放身份证、《准考证》、《诚信应试承诺书》,以及学院要求的文具。招生考试过程中考生须配合考务工作人员要求展示相关证件。 六、不得由他人替考,也不得接受他人或机构以任何方式助考。 七、招生考试各环节考核前,考生须提前45分钟候考,并根据考务工作人员的指令开展身份认证、应试环境检查等系列动作。正式开考前15分钟未进入线上考场的考生,取消考试资格。 八、招生考试期间视频背景必须是真实环境,不允许使用虚拟背景、更换视频背景。考生在答题纸的密封线外规定的地方答题。不准用规定以外的笔和纸答题,不准在答题纸上做任何标记。 九、笔试全程考生应保持在摄像头前,不得离开。招生考试期间不得以任何方式查阅资料,不得开启其他无关软件或程序。主机位设备应全屏显示试题界面,严禁在考试同时打开任何与考试相关电子资料,不得开启其他无关软件或程序,否则按违纪处理。 十、考生主机位设备音频视频必须根据考务工作人员要求进行开启,全程正面免冠朝向摄像头,确保第一机位须可看到考生本人手部以上头肩部,和第二机位须可看到考生第一机位屏幕、考生面前桌面及手部动作,


兰州大学 2003 年招收攻读博士学位研究生 英语考试试题 Section Ⅰ(20%) 1.To control intelligence in the attempt to insure only benevolent consequences would sentence the human race to ignorance, stagnation and decadence, and probably would be impossible. A. deception B. decline C. revelation D. disclosure 2. During the 1800s and early 1900s the academic disciplines such as chemistry and physics made great headway. A. sacrifice B. progress C. forefront D. preconceptions 3. The purpose of the law is to prevent discrimination on the grounds of. Sex A. nationality B. race C. gender D. profession 4. The governor`s helicopter hovered over the field for a long time before landing. A. stayed B. adjusted C. confronted D. subdued 5.The noise was so faint that it was impossible to be sure what it was or even where it came from. A. loud B. frightening C. general D. indistinct 6.An understanding of the quantum theory is vital in the study of solid-state physics. A. helpful B. alive C. acquired D. essential


【人大经院考博】2019年中国人民大学经济学院世界经济学考博真题、考试时间、院校选择、参考书推荐,了解一下! 关于中国人民大学经济学院世界经济考博最新信息,了解一下!前言:国内考博院校选择浅析关于经济金融类专业博士,北京地区好学校很多,而且由于考博可以报考多所院校,所以很多考生不知道如何选择。从考试形式来看,主要是分申请考核制和考试制。当然大家在选择的时候也要重点关注考试时间问题,有一些院校的考试时间会有冲突,在此给大家梳理北京地区经济金融类考博院校,主要有:一档:北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学二档:中央财经大学、对外经济贸易大学、中国社会科学院、中国财政科学研究院、北京师范大学三档:中共中央党校、北京交通大学、北京工业大学、中国矿业大学(金融工程与风险管理)、首都经济贸易大学【这只是个人的一个划分,个人之见,并非权威,大家仅供参考】关于京外学校的简析1、上海财经大学。几乎全是高微和高宏和高级计量经济学,四个计算题2、复旦、上交,计量和数理化程度比上财还要难3、厦门大学,同上,计量难度很大。4、南开大学,报考考生质量较高,另外也偏数理经济学。5、武汉大学,有用英文出计量的习惯!6、暨南大学,地方院校,没有关系还是谨慎点好!7、兰州大学,地方院校,没有关系还是谨慎点好!关于:最前言消息【官网发布】2018年,除经国家下达和学校设立的个别专项计划外,各专业原则上不再招收以不脱产方式攻读博士学位人员,即要求学生在基本学习年限内全日制在校学习。关于:考试最重要的几个时间(每年不完全一样)网上报名时间:xx年12月1日10:00-12月30日17:00、xx年1月9日10:00-2月19日17:00。初试日期:xx年3月24-25日(地点:中国人民大学)复试日期:xx年4月中旬(地点:中国人民大学)关于:学费、年限我校所有类别博士生的学费标准均为:10000元/人·学年。我校博士生的基本学习年限为4年。关于:考博招生目录020105-世界经济初试考试科目:①经济理论②世界经济与国际贸易③外


附件 兰州大学各学科研究生在学期间完成科研成果的基本要求 目录 01 哲学、社会学学位评定分委员会 (1) 02 经济学学位评定分委员会 (3) 03 法学学位评定分委员会 (4) 04 政治学、马克思主义理论学位评定分委员会 (5) 05 教育学学位评定分委员会 (7) 06 中国语言文学学位评定分委员会 (9) 07 外国语言文学学位评定分委员会 (10) 08 新闻传播学学位评定分委员会 (12) 09 艺术学学位评定分委员会 (13) 10 民族学、历史学学位评定分委员会 (14) 11 管理学学位评定分委员会 (16) 12 数学学位评定分委员会 (18) 13 物理学、材料科学与工程、电子科学与技术学位评定分委员会 (21) 14 化学、化学工程与技术学位评定分委员会 (23) 15 资源环境科学学位评定分委员会 (25) 16 大气科学学位评定分委员会 (28) 17 核科学与技术学位评定分委员会 (30) 18 信息科学与工程学位评定分委员会 (33) 19 生命科学学位评定分委员会 (35) 20 作物学、植物保护、畜牧学学位评定分委员会 (38) 21 土木工程、地质工程、力学学位评定分委员会 (40) 22 基础医学、中西医结合学位评定分委员会 (42) 23 临床医学学位评定分委员会 (45) 24 口腔医学学位评定分委员会 (47) 25 公共卫生与预防医学学位评定分委员会 (49) 26 药学学位评定分委员会 (51)

01 哲学、社会学学位评定分委员会 研究生在学期间完成科研成果的基本要求根据学校关于研究生在学期间完成科研成果的有关文件精神,为了推行以分学科评价为基准,定性目标与量化指标相结合的,以有利于培养研究生创新能力为目的,导师评价、管理机构评价、同行专家评价、客观量化评价有机综合的学位评价机制,进一步推进研究生评价机制改革,全面提高研究生教育质量,在充分体现学科特色和学科间差异的基础上,制定哲学、社会学研究生在学期间完成科研成果的基本要求。 一、指导思想 从学科发展的实际情况出发,考虑政策的连续性。以科学发展观为指导,以保证和提高研究生教育质量,培养研究生创新能力为核心,充分发挥学位评定分委员会各位专家的重要作用,充分尊重研究生导师在研究生培养中的核心地位,分类指导,体现特色,尊重差异,全面提高研究生教育质量。 二、硕士研究生在学期间完成科研成果的基本要求 硕士研究生必须在导师指导下开展一定的科研工作,完成基本的科研训练,培养基本的科研能力。硕士研究生在申请学位前应满足下列要求之一: 1、作为主要作者在公开出版的学术刊物至少发表1篇与学位论文有关的学术论文;或在中国科技论文在线发表论文1篇,且综合评价三星以上;或作为作者之一,至少有1篇与学位论文有关的学术论文在SCI、EI、SSCI、A&HCI等收录刊物及文科权威刊物发表;或在国际会议(或者国家级学会会议)上公开发表1篇论文(被收入论文集),且本人署名为前三名;或作为主要作者在高校和省级以上出版社出版的学术专著中撰写1章以上;或在高校和省级以上出版社出版的学术论文集中作为主要作者发表与学位论文相关的论文1篇。 2、从事应用性研究的硕士生,以本人为主获得发明专利1项或其专利申请至少已处于实质审查期;或作为项目组成员(以项目立项书等为依据)参加导师主持的生均3万元以上经费的科研项目。 3、在学期间无学术论文公开发表或无其它科研成果提交的硕士生,经导师同意,其硕士学位论文可申请同行专家匿名评审,匿名评审由学院统一组织,匿名评审通过,可组织学位论文答辩和学位申请。


武汉大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生外语综合水平考试试题 (满分值100分) 科目名称:英语科目代码:1101 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions:In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong with the figures. One possibility is that they fail to count the huge consumer surplus given away free of charge on the internet. But this is unconvincing. The official figures may well be understating the impact of the internet revolution, just as they downplayed the impact of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it enough to explain the recent decline in productivity growth. Another, second line of argument that the productivity revolution has only just begun is more persuasive. Over the past decade many IT companies may have focused on things that were more “fun than fundamental” in Paul Krugman’s phrase.But Silicon Valley’s best companies are certainly focusing on things that change the material world.


2015年武汉大学考博英语考试真题 一、阅读理解 Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty. Because justice is regarded as one form. of equality, we find in its earlier expressions the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the Old Testament is the expression "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." That is, the individual who has done wrong has committed an offence against society. To make up for his offence, society must get even. This can be done only by doing an equal injury to him. This conception of retributive justice is reflected in many parts of the legal documents and procedures of modern times. It is illustrated when we demand the death penalty for a person who has committed murder. This philosophy of punishment was supported by the German idealist Hegel. He believed that society owed it to the criminal to give a punishment equal to the crime he had committed. The criminal had by his own actions denied his true self and it is necessary to do something that will counteract this denial and restore the self that has been denied. To the murderer nothing less than giving up his own will pay his debt. The demand of the death penalty is a right the state owes the criminal and it should not deny him his due. Modern jurists have tried to replace retributive justice with the notion of corrective justice. The aim of the latter is not to abandon the concept of equality but to find a more adequate way to express it. It tries to preserve the idea of equal opportunity for each individual to realize the best that is in him. The criminal is regarded as being socially ill and in need of treatment that will enable him to become a normal member of society. Before a treatment can be administered, the cause of his antisocial behavior. must be found. If the cause can be removed, provisions must be made to have this done. Only those criminals who are incurable should be permanently separated front the rest of the society. This does not mean that criminals will escape punishment or be quickly returned to take up careers of crime. It means that justice is to heal the individual, not simply to get even with him. If severe punishments is the only adequate means for accompanying this, it should be administered. However, the individual should be given every opportunity to assume a normal place in society. His conviction of crime must not deprive him of the opportunity to make his way in the society of which he is a part. 1. The best title for this selection is () A. Fitting Punishment to the Crime B. Approaches to Just Punishment C. Improvement in Legal Justice D. Attaining Justice in the Courts 2.The passage implies that the basic difference between retributive ju


浙江理工大学 2013年博士研究生招生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语代码: 1001 (请考生在答题纸或答题卡上答题,在试题纸上答题无效) Part I Vocabulary (20 marks, 1 mark each) Section A Directions:In this section there are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center. 1. If you never do any work, you will only have yourself ____ if you fail your examination. A.to fault B. to reprove C. to mistake D. to blame 2. I’d like to study under your guidance, because I know you are a(n) ____ scientist in physics. A.prominent B. requisite C. desperate D. impatient 3. Before their skins were used, their feet were ____, leading to the misconception that the birds never had feet. A.cut down B. cut into C. cut over D. cut off 4. With the constant change of the conditions, the outcome is not always _____. A. favorable B. reasonable C. dependable D. predictable 5. The television station is supported by ______ from foundations and other sources. A. pensions B. accounts C. donations D. advertisements 6. We’ll all take a vacation in the mountains as soon as I finish working _____ my project. A. with B. on C. in D. about 7. Her husband is interested in designing electronic _________. A. safety B. management C. routine D. devices 8. Gestures are an important means to _______ message. A. study B. convey C. keep D. exploit 9. ________ preparations were being made for the Prime Minister's official visit to the four foreign countries. A. Elaborate B. Wise C. Neutral D. Optional 10. ____ adults, young children find little difficulty in imitating sounds in foreign languages. A.Not like B. Unlike C. Being not D. Not as Section B Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrases underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding


兰州大学经济学考研各专业复试分数线 一览 本文系统介绍兰州大学经济学考研难度,兰州大学经济学就业,兰州大学经济学研究方向,兰州大学经济学考研参考书,兰州大学经济学考研初试经验五大方面的问题,凯程兰州大学经济学老师给大家详细讲解。特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的经济学考研机构! 六、兰州大学经济学复试分数线是多少? 2015年兰州大学经济学专业复试分数线是330分。研究生复试包括资格审查、专业潜质面试和外语听说能力测试三个部分。 考研复试面试不用担心,凯程考研有系统的专业课内容培训,日常问题培训,还要进行三次以上的模拟面试,还有对应的复试面试题库,你提前准备好里面的问题答案,确保你能够在面试上游刃有余,很多老师问题都是我们在模拟面试准备过的。五、兰州大学经济学考研参考书是什么? 兰州大学经济学考研参考书很多人都不清楚,凯程经济学老师推荐以下参考书: 《政治经济学》(资)全国三十九所高等院校编写组,柳欣、林木西主编,陕西人民出版社 《政治经济学》(社)全国三十九所高等院校编写组,张彤玉、张桂文编,陕西人民出版社 《西方经济学》第五版,高鸿业主编,中国人民大学出版社 《发展经济学概论》第二版,谭崇台主编,武汉大学出版社 《金融学》(第二版)黄达编著,中国人民大学出版社 《国际金融》(第四版)陈雨露主编,中国人民大学出版社 《中国经济体制:变革与挑战》高新才主编,兰州大学出版社 以上参考书比较多,实际复习的时候,请按照凯程老师指导的重点进行复习,有些内容是不考的,帮助你减轻复习压力,提高复习效率。四、兰州大学经济学考研辅导班有哪些? 对于兰州大学经济学考研辅导班,业内最有名气的就是凯程。很多辅导班说自己辅导中财经济学,您直接问一句,兰州大学经济学参考书有哪些,大多数机构瞬间就傻眼了,或者推脱说我们有专门的专业课老师给学生推荐参考书,为什么当场答不上来,因为他们根本就没有辅导过中财经济学考研,更谈不上有兰州大学经济学考研的考研辅导资料,有考上兰州大学经济学的学生了。在业内,凯程的兰州大学经济学考研非常权威,基本上考兰州大学经济学考研的同学们都了解凯程。凯程有系统的《兰州大学经济学讲义》《兰州大学经济学题库》《兰州大学经济学凯程一本通》,也有系统的考研辅导班,及对兰州大学经济学深入的理解,在中财有深厚的人脉及时的考研信息。不妨同学们实地考察一下。并且,在凯程网站有成功学员的经验视频,其他机构一个都没有。三、兰州大学经济学专业培养方向介绍2015年兰州大学经济学考研学费总额2.4万元,学制3年。 兰州大学经济学培养方向如下: 01政治经济学 02经济史 03人口、资源与环境经济学 04区域经济学


兰州大学经济学院2019年硕士研究生第一志愿考生复试名单(专业学位) 序号姓名考生编号报考专业代码报考专业名称政治理论外国语业务课一业务课二总分备注 1朱昌庆107309021012314025100(专业学位)金融69.068.0124.0100.0361.0 2张苗107309021012484025100(专业学位)金融66.078.084.0129.0357.0 3杨志兵107309021012315025100(专业学位)金融68.070.0101.0111.0350.0 4刘蕊蕊107309021012378025100(专业学位)金融75.084.0115.0115.0389.0 5马渊明107309021012302025100(专业学位)金融65.061.0112.0110.0348.0享受少数民族政策6陈雪姣107309021012290025100(专业学位)金融77.077.0116.0135.0405.0 7张新福107309021012489025100(专业学位)金融72.069.0127.0121.0389.0 8吴婷107309021012321025100(专业学位)金融64.074.096.0131.0365.0 9李婷107309021012462025100(专业学位)金融64.069.0111.0113.0357.0 10唐玉锋107309021012363025100(专业学位)金融69.073.0109.0120.0371.0 11贾明芳107309021012471025100(专业学位)金融69.066.0112.0105.0352.0 12邓志豪107309021012352025100(专业学位)金融75.067.0117.0118.0377.0 13张梅佳107309021012360025100(专业学位)金融70.074.0103.0108.0355.0 14郭清雲107309021012265025100(专业学位)金融71.082.089.0125.0367.0 15张珍芳107309021012418025100(专业学位)金融76.069.0101.0124.0370.0 16周春107309021012396025100(专业学位)金融77.070.085.0121.0353.0 17李琪琪107309021012285025100(专业学位)金融68.071.0116.0118.0373.0 18符进辉107309021012523025100(专业学位)金融70.067.0103.0120.0360.0 19高怡心107309021012531025100(专业学位)金融75.076.092.0119.0362.0 20胡小双107309021012542025100(专业学位)金融70.069.0117.0109.0365.0 21吴燕玲107309021012266025100(专业学位)金融70.084.0107.0141.0402.0 22苏笑天107309021012295025100(专业学位)金融70.060.087.0146.0363.0 23邓永江107309021012397025100(专业学位)金融66.079.0101.0130.0376.0 24马蕊107309021012460025100(专业学位)金融68.075.0102.0115.0360.0 25徐涛涛107309021012340025100(专业学位)金融69.066.0109.0120.0364.0 26张华107309021012477025100(专业学位)金融69.066.0104.0140.0379.0 27方沁元107309021012488025100(专业学位)金融66.075.0105.0132.0378.0 28武剑锋107309021012481025100(专业学位)金融68.069.080.0136.0353.0 29苟倩倩107309021012458025100(专业学位)金融63.064.0105.0123.0355.0 30韩明明107309021012417025100(专业学位)金融71.057.098.0127.0353.0 31王贤107309021012348025100(专业学位)金融73.065.0110.0129.0377.0 32叶慧敏107309021012381025100(专业学位)金融77.073.0107.0121.0378.0 33李青鑫107309021012465025100(专业学位)金融65.048.096.0143.0352.0 34廉兴107309021012393025100(专业学位)金融64.063.097.0126.0350.0 35庄砚107309021012494025100(专业学位)金融68.079.0104.0117.0368.0 36田彩梅107309021012485025100(专业学位)金融71.072.0104.0121.0368.0 37周慧文107309021012375025100(专业学位)金融71.062.0119.0127.0379.0


兰州大学2007年考博英语试题 注意:答案请一律写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。 Part One Structure and Vocabulary (40%) Directions:In this part there are two sections In Section One, you are to choose from the four choices under each sentence the one which is similar in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence. And in Section Two, you are to choose the one that can beat complete the sentence in question. Section I 1. An important function of early stone took was to extract highly nutritious food from large animal carcasses A. destroy B. identify C. remove D. compare 2 Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying communities and highways as well as with urban affairs A. outlandish B. remote C exempted D. exclusive 3. Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass- or soap-making cither would do. A. advantageous B. convenient C. identifiable D. equivalent 4. With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on Earth may be unique in the system was strengthened A. continuation B. beginning C. expansion D. outcome 5. When the glaciers thawed after the last ice age% the five Great Lakes of North America were formed A. melted B. advanced C evaporated D. exploded 6. New York is a shopper's paradise whether one wants to spend large sums of money in elegant department stores or rifle though goods displayed on street barrows A. a fortune B. a dime C. much D. quite lot 7. During the rainy season the Mississippi River may carry away hundreds of acres of valuable topsoil from one area and arbitrarily deposit it in another. A. lawfully B. subsequently C. randomly D. mercilessly


关于公开选拔兰州大学经济学院团委各职能部门 负责人的通知 经济学院团委各职能部门: 为加强经济学院团委内部建设,提升各职能部门的工作效率,选拔一批政治素养高、工作能力强、品学兼优的同学参加到院团委的工作中来,经院团委会议研究,面向全院2012级全体成员公开选拔院团委各职能部门负责人。现将有关事宜通知如下: 一、竞选岗位 组织部部长及副部长 实践部部长及副部长 新大学时代部长及副部长 新闻中心时讯部部长及副部长 新闻中心经韬报刊编辑部部长及副部长 青年志愿者协会部长及副部长 二、竞选条件 参选人员应具备以下条件: (一)参选人必须为拥有兰州大学经济学院2012级学籍的全日制本科生,并有全心全意为同学服务的意识和责任心; (二)参选人必须有一年以上(含一年)学生干事工作经历(包括班级干部、党支部干部、团委或学生会职能部门干事),对其所报部门工作有一定了解,热爱所报部门工作,热心服务同学,热爱并认同团委工作; (三)参选人必须德才兼备,政治立场坚定,遵纪守法,未受过任何校纪、党纪、团纪处分;

(四)参选人必须为人正直,关心集体,团结同学,在同学中有较高威信; (五)党员、预备党员、学习成绩优秀者在同等条件下予以优先考虑。 三、公开考核 本次公开选拔分为两个部分对参选者进行考核:PPT答辩以及面试。 (一)本次公开选拔现场答辩环节定于2013年6月6日8:30在天山堂B603进行。答辩时首先由参选者进行PPT展示,每人时间不超过5分钟。PPT展示后为答辩环节,与会人员均可对参选人进行提问,参选人必须当场作答,针对每个竞选者提问不得多于三个。答辩结束后,团委老师、团委常委、团委各部门部长及副部长进行打分。评分满分100,占考核总分的60%。 (二)活动组委会由院团委老师及院团委、学生会常委组成,将针对参选人对所报部门工作的了解及发展见解对参选人进行评分,评分成绩满分100,占考核总分的40%。 (三)工作业绩、日常表现及个人考勤等将纳入考虑范围。 四、公示任命 在综合考虑各考核环节成绩的基础上,由兰州大学经济学院团委会议研究并确定兰州大学学经济学院团委各职能部门负责人人选;随后,院团委将对各职能部门负责人人选将在校内进行公示,公示期三天;公示无异议后,经院团委会研究讨论后正式任命。 共青团兰州大学经济学院委员会 2012年6月1日
