







通过对例子文的批改,同学们大体知道了怎么样批改一篇作文,可以先让同学们说一说一篇优秀的作文该从哪几个方面着手:作者的观点是否明确;各个段落是否符合该观点的论述; 段与段之间的过渡是否自然;语言的表达是否流畅; 结尾是否做到了首尾呼应或深化

主题, 或提出了解决问题的建议等。再让学生对照标准, 评价自己的作文。这样做的目的在于让学生明白作文评分要从内容( 思想和材料) 、语言和结构。从而,让自己有一个深刻的认识以及获得最直接最快速的反馈。

英语写作有多方面需要注意,当然可以从简单的几个大方面入手。1.标点符号及大小写。2.单词的选择与搭配。3. 文章的逻辑和结构安排。4. 语法方面的关注,时态语态等等的运用。

In English class, we need to treat it seriously.

First of all, it is very important to follow our teachers' instructions. If you miss a class, you will find it difficult to keep up with the next lesson . When you have some questions related to the missed lesson, you need to work them out with the help of your teacher or classmates. Otherwise, it will keep appearing until you figure them out.

Second of all, we should take part in activities about English after class. We can still speak English in the public. We do not need to be afraid of making mistakes. It

is normal and necessary for us to improve our English. We will learn our lessons from making errors. The more you speak, the better you can speak and the more you want to speak.

Last but not the least, taking notes is a great way to learn English. As we all know, when we go to universities, we will listen to a lot of lectures and note-taking is a very important skill.

Let's try these out./Let's give it a shot!






Winter holiday is approaching. What am I going to do?I want to go to Bei ___g which I have never been to.

As living in the south, I seldom saw snow before. So I want to go to Bei ___g especially for the snow. And I also want to feel the different winter.

Bei ___g is the capital city of China with lots of places of interests, Such a s forbidden city and the great wall. I am imagining how these place would look like in winter and they must be a great scene. So I want to go to Bei ___g in winter vacation.Hope to have pletely holidays.

My name is Li Ming.My hobby is collecting and making kites (像两个HOBBY啊).I think it's bery(very吧?打错了) interesting.I have more than 100 kites now.I collect and make kites at the age of 9(九岁用不用过去式?).I have some different kinds of kites with(in) different colours.The biggest kite is 6 metres and the smallest one is as big as a book.I think hobbies is(hobbies是复数,后面还有is,再后面还有it,还是用hobby吧) very important for us,because it can make you grow as a person,develop your interests and help you learn new skills.






I don't like studying and I think nobody likes studying at school. ( at school比in school更常见,因为school不是一个大地点,所以用at。如果是一个大地点,例如一个城市,我们说in)

However, if I don't study, I won't have a good mark. (写作时,however比but更为正式。But更偏向口语)

I must study very hard, although I don't like it.

Sometimes I want to have some fun, so I don't study hard. (中文说“有时我想玩”,但是英文却不是用Play来解释的,英语里说have fun.如果说i want to have fun,就是我想要找点乐趣,也就近乎与“玩”了)

My parents are a bit worried about me, and they always urge me, "Don't watch TV and don't go online! You must study!" (这里你也可以说they always say to me, 不过我觉得Urge是“劝”,可能更有那种你想表达的意思)

I appreciate that they help me so much(thank是一个动词(有时也做名词),所以应该是i thank...he thanks,不过即使你

用了i thank them,这种表达也是几乎没人说的。有一种可以是,i thank them for helping me so much.但是我觉得thank them,听起来多多少少别扭。所以你可以用一个更高级的词,appreciate,感激。还有一个问题就是,they help me more.如果前面你有提到他们帮主你什么,你可以说more,这里只要说很多就可以了。)

They love me, I know.

I always talk to myself, (跟谁说话的时候,可以说talk to someone,talk with someone,但是talk with someone是和一个人说话,当你想表达“对自己说”的时候=talk to myself) and promise myself that i must do well. (不要前面用现代时,后面用过去时。前面说talk to myself,又说say to myself太过重复。所以换成Promise)

But I can't stick to my promise for many days or even months.

Maybe this is why I don't usually get a good mark.

(it's about why...如果你换成this is why...强调性会更强)


Dear Dad(更为亲切),

How are you these days?Father's Day is ing.(不需加soon. are u okey的确是语意有重复)l miss you very much at this special time of the year.(点明特殊时间更好)l know

that you have to be away from our family because of your job.l also realize that you want to offer me a better life.(原句不是很通顺这样改我认为比较清晰~)And it seems that you are always in my mind.(用mind更好)Thank you for making my life so perfect (give一般指实在的物,不适合用在这

里。)The love you show me is as deep as sea.(讲父亲对我的爱应该放在一起,然后再谈自己。)l am very happy with you. l will work hard to make you feel gratified.(欣慰的意思)

Finally,please take good care of yourself.(少了care)Remember,l always love you.(always通常是一般现在时)





