


The General Overview on International Business Negotiation

The General Procedures of International Business Negotiation

Five Links of International Business Negotiation

Cross-Cultural Problems in International Business Negotiation

Basic Qualities for Negotiators

Some Styles in International Business Negotiation

Tactical Expressions in Business Negotiation

Preparation for Exporting

Preparation for Negotiation

Business Negotiation I

Business Negotiation II

Business Negotiation III

Business Negotiation IV

After the Negotiation

Chapter One

e GTheneral Overview on International Business Negotiation

An Overall Framework of International Business Negotiation

Features of International Business Negotiation

Basic Rules of International Business Negotiation

Stock Phrases

Some Tips for Trade Delegation

1.What is Negotiation?

The word “negotiation” derives from the Latin Infinitive “negotiari”(做贸易或生意)which means “to trade or do business”. This word itself is from another word, “negare”(拒绝), meaning “ to deny” and a noun, otium(休闲), meaning “leisure”. Thus , the ancient Roman

businessperson would “deny leisure” until the business has been settled. Negotiation is a common human activity as well as a process that people undertake everyday to manage their relationships such a buyer and a seller, a husband and wife, children and parents. As the stakes in some of these negotiations are not very high, people need not have to get preparations for the process and the outcome. But in international business negotiations, the stakes are usually high, people cannot ignore this fact, they have to get preplans in a more careful way. Both parties in this kind of negotiation should contact each other so that they can get a better deal rather than simply accepting or rejecting what the other is offering. The whole process of negotiation is based upon the premise that both parties are interdependent, that is, one side cannot get what he/she wants without taking the other into consideration. In the process of negotiation, there are no rules, tradition, rational methods or higher authorities available to resolve their conflict once it crops up. Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving and taking where both parties amend their offers and modify their expectations so as to come closer to each other and they can quit, at any time.

2. Why do People Negotiate?

Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a common goal (profits) but divergent methods. These methods (the details of the contract) must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. As we will see later that it can be a very trying process that is full of confrontation and concession. Whether it is trade or investment, one party will always arrive at the negotiation table in a position of greater power. That power ( the potential for the profits ) may derive from the extent of the demand or from the ability to supply. The purpose of negotiation is to redistribute that potential. There is no such thing as “to take it or leave it” in international business. In fact, everything is negotiable. It all depends on the expertise of the negotiators.

3. An Overall Framework of IBN

International business negotiation (IBN) is a consultative process between governments, trade organizations, multinational enterprises, private business firms and buyers and sellers in relation to investment and import and export of products, machinery and equipments and technology. Negotiation is one of the important steps taken towards completing import and export trade agreements.

To reach the desired results, the negotiators must seriously carry out the relative trade policies of their own countries. They should have good manners and speak fluent English. They should have a profound knowledge of professional technology and international markets. They should know the specifications, packing, features and advantages of the products and be able to use idiomatic and professional terms. In general, an overall framework of international business negotiation cover the following aspects: background factors, the atmosphere and the process.

3.1 Background factors refer to objectives, environment, markets position, third parties and negotiators. They influence the process of negotiation and the atmosphere in a positive or negative way. Objectives mean what each side desires to achieve in the end. They are common, conflicting or complementary interests in both sides’ w anting a successful transaction to take place; their interests conflict as profit to one is cost to the other; and complementary interest brings them

together. Common and complementary objectives leave direct and positive effects while conflicting objectives have negative ones on the negotiation process. Environment here is defined as the political, social and structural factors related to both parties. It often hinders the process in international negotiation. Political and social aspects can affect the process whereas market structure does the atmosphere. The market position of the parties involved plays a leading role in the negotiation process. The third parties such as governments, brokers, consultants and so on may influence the process with their own objectives. Negotiators affect the negotiating process by means of their own experience and negotiating skills.

3.2 The atmosphere is of great importance to the whole process of the international business negotiation. The atmosphere and the process influence each other at each stage. Atmosphere refers to the perceived “milieu”(氛围) around the interaction, how each party regards the other’s behavior, and the properties of the process. It has to do with people’s perception of reality. To be more exact, in negotiation it is the perception of reality that is far more important than the reality itself. Some characteristics of the atmosphere are dominant at one stage; others at other stage. For example, cooperation is dominant at the pre-negotiation rather than conflict, as both sides look for mutual solutions. Different characteristics of atmosphere dominate from process to process. These characteristics are classified as conflict vs cooperation, power vs dependence and expectations. The existence of conflict and cooperation is a fundamental characteristic of the negotiation process. On one hand, both sides have some common interests in finding a solution to the problem that fits them both. On the other hand, a conflict of interest may arise, as cost to one can mean income to the other. The relation between power and dependence is closely related to the actual power relation, which is affected by the value of the relationship to the sides and their available alternatives. As for expectations, there are two types: long-term expectations with respect to the possibilities and values of future business; short-term expectations regarding prospects for the present deal. Expectations develop and change in different stages of the process.

3.3 The process of international business negotiation is made up of the three different stages. A stage is defined as a specific part of the process and covers all actions and communications by either side pertaining (relevant) to negotiations made during that part. Either side communicates with the other to exchange information within each stage. A specific stage comes to an end with where both sides decide to proceed on to the next stage or decide to abandon the communication if they see no point in further negotiations. The three different stages are: pre-negotiation, face-to face-negotiation and post-negotiation.

3.3.1 The pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. From this stage on, both sides begin to understand one another’s needs and evaluate the benefits of entering into the process of negotiation. This stage is more usually important than the formal negotiations in the international business relationship. Social and informal relationships between negotiators, trust and confidence in each other are of great help. Both sides now also start to form their strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events.

3.3.2 At Face-to-face stage, both sides know that they can work together for a solution to a joint problem in spite of that the fact that each side may view the situation in its own way. This indicates the importance of having face-to-face negotiation in an open-minded way and getting ready several alternatives. It is time for both sides to explore the differences in preferences and expectations so that they can come closer to each other. Generally, the negotiation process is controlled by the side that has arranged the agenda, for in the process, he can stress his own strengths and the opponent’s weaknesses, thus putting the other side on the defensive. However, the agenda may reveal the preparing side’s position in advance and hence permit the other side to prepare its countermeasures. Some people prefer to start negotiations by discussing and agreeing on broad principles. Another way to ensure success at this stage is an initial discussion on items of common interest, which can help create an atmosphere of cooperation between both sides. As for the choice of strategy, it depends on

3.3.3 All the terms and conditions at this(Post-Negotiation ) stage have been agreed upon with the contract being drawn up to be signed. What is worth noticing is that writing the contact and the wording in it is a negotiation process in itself, for meaning and values may be different between both sides. This stage may lead to a renewed face-to-face negotiation if there is negative feedback from background factors and atmosphere. Therefore, the terms and conditions agreed upon should be read to each other after concessions are exchanged and discussions be held by means of minutes of meetings, or something unpleasant and unexpected may arise later on in the course of the implementation of the contract unless both sides make sure that they have paid enough attention to every detail. It is necessary that both sides should make sure that they understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the negotiation table.

4. Three Targets of International Business Negotiation

For a successful agreement, participants need to know negotiation principles and tactics. There are two principles in international business negotiations. First, at the beginning of the negotiation, the negotiators should know well their desired results and not be willfully manipulated by their counterparts. Only with a definite purpose will the negotiators grasp the key to the negotiation and realize their expected purpose. Second, negotiators need to put forward what they expect, take a firm stand and make clear their position.

In international business negotiations, price is usually the key point because it directly concerns the economic benefits to both sides. Both sides seek a desired result.

To get the expected result or achieve a certain purpose, the negotiators, should calculate carefully and decide three different targets: 1) the best target; 2) the intermediate target; 3) the acceptable target

4.1 The best target is to achieve all desired results. You should know well whether your first quotation is high or low if it is generally accepted by your counterpart. Usually both sides have a few bargains before acceptance. In the beginning, make a high offer and negotiate for the best target. Generally speaking, persons who firmly maintain the desired objectives to the end can obtain the best deal.

4.2 The intermediate target is fair for both sides, although slightly lower than the best target. Don’t begin negotiating at too low of a price. Your quotation is to be a little lower each time. Do it step by step. Each time you reduce the price, you should remain serious about the desired results. Under this situation, your counterpart may well accept your quotation as the best possible price. It is likely that you may reach an agreement at this price. Please keep in mind that taking a serious and firm attitude is the key to avoiding further price reductions and unnecessary expenses. This will result in increased profits. If you meet with negotiators who always bargain using harsh language, do not be angry. This indicates that they want to buy your products. You should be patient and friendly, using soft words and moderate speaking speed and tone, knowing well what not to say, what to say and when to say. When you feel in danger of going into a deadlocked negotiation, it is suggested to request a break or rest. Then readjust your plan and continue the negotiation.

4.3 The acceptable target is the minimum level both sides can bear. It should not be exposed to your counterpart at the beginning of the negotiation. Your counterpart may not believe it and although the price is the lowest, he may reject your quotation. On the other hand, even if the agreement is reached at the minimum acceptable price, your counterpart may not have a satisfactory sense of having brought your price down…

In brief, the purpose of the negotiation is to arrive at an agreement to both sides’ advantage. The successful results of the negotiations depend on the determined objectives, perseverance and the language expressed by the negotiators. They should do their best to use soft words, speak euphemistically, use less flowery language, have a sense of humor and create a harmonious atmosphere.

5. Basic Rules of International Business Negotiation


Concealment and Openness

Different Negotiating Situations

Bargaining Mix and Creativity

Proposal Exchange

Winner or Loser

5.1 Interdependence

“One palm cannot clap”. This is true of everyday life, and is also no exception to conducting a business negotiation, in which both sides are locked together on account of their goals. A seller cannot exist unless he has a buyer,which determines this relationship between them.

5.2 Concealment and openness

In many business negotiations, both parties may conceal their real intentions and goals to better their chances of best deal possible. As this is an open secret, smooth communication and good mutual understanding will to some degree become difficult, which does easily lead to misunderstanding. To achieve more satisfactory results, both parties will have to decide how open

and honest they should be about personal preferences and needs, and to what extent they should trust the other side.

5.3 Different Negotiating Situations

Both parties must change as required of them by situations. If either of them fails to find out which type of negotiation is necessary in a particular situation, the odds (chances) are he will fail.

5.4 Bargaining Mix and Creativity

How to make both “sides” meet in negot iations without causing much loss to either, which may bring both out of the win-lose mix and help accomplish their objective, requires creativity. And the discovery of this is based on the environment where negotiators feel cooperative and dedicated to se eking the best solution possible instead of meeting but one side’s needs.

5.5 Proposal Exchange

The heart of negotiation is the exchange of offers and proposals. There is an unstated assumption in negotiation that both sides will show their exchange of offers to the process of finding a solution by making concessions to the other side’s offer. And through the process of offer and counter-offer a point is reached on which both sides will agree. To be successful, a negotiator needs to be able to understand the events that are taking place during the exchange of offers, to know how to use them to advantage, to keep the other side from using them to the negotiator’s disadvantage.

5.6 Winner or Loser

In the process of business negotiation, if both parties try to reach an agreement that maximizes their outcome, it may lead either party to be concerned about only with his ends and ignore the needs of other side. Such a situation will most probably create problems.

Generally speaking, in a common negotiation the parties involved are either winner or loser, but in a formal international negotiation such a phenomenon will not probably occur just because of the engagement of experts.

Chapter Two

The General Procedures of International Business Negotiation

Preparing Stage

Agreement Concluding and Executing Stage

Contacting and Materially Negotiable Stage

1. Preparing Stage

Since there are typical time constraints of international negotiations, good preparations must be made before negotiation begins. Good negotiation preparations mainly cover two aspects: 1) gathering information and planning strategies and tactics; 2) manipulation of the negotiation situation. The best negotiators on both sides manage such details with great care. To get the most out of business negotiations it is important to have every causal factor working in your favor. The following checklist is the general works prepared for negotiation:

l Assessment of the situation and the people

l Agenda

l Concession strategies

l Facts to confirm during the negotiation

l Manipulation of the negotiation situation

1.1 Assessment of the Situation and the People

It is common to learn as much as possible about a potential client or partner before negotiations begin. All kinds of information might be pertinent depending on the nature of the contemplated deal.

Given the crucial nature of business negotiations, knowledge of a particular executive’s background, hobbies, and family status can be a great advantage. It should be clearly understood that knowing who you will be bargaining with is far more important than most people would assume.

The last step is estimate the probable goal and preferences of your counterpart by using the analysis of the their various data. For example, the Japanese tend to focus on business relations, and long-term, gradual growth are Japanese modes of business reasoning. The Japanese side will most likely be looking for stable growth over at least a ten-year period. Meanwhile, American companies and executives, looking at the same information, would be focusing on length of payback and profit in the first three years.

1.2 Agenda

In general, most business negotiators come to the negotiation table with an agenda for the meeting in mind. It is important to do two things with that agenda. First, write out the agenda for all members of your negotiating team. Second, don’t try to settle each issue at a time. In any bargaining situation, it is better to get all the issues and interests out on the table before trying to settle any one of them. This will be particularly true when the other side brings a carefully considered agenda. A safe strategy for you is to check beforehand with your counterpart about the agenda. However, tactics on agenda should be used with caution as it will result in great discomfort for your counterpart.

1.3 Concession Strategies

Concession strategies should be decided upon and written down before negotiations begin. Such a process—discussion and recording—goes a long way toward ensuring that negotiators stick to the strategies. In the midst of a long negotiation there is a tendency to make concessions. When making concessions, you need to have specific reasons for the size of each concession you make. When bargaining with Japanese, you will notice very quickly that they never make a concession without first taking a break. Issues and agreements are reconsidered away from the social pressure of the negotiation table. This is good practice for you to learn.

1.4 Facts to confirm during the negotiation

No matter how careful the analysis and how complete the information available, all critical information and assumption should be reconfirmed at the negotiation table. As part of the preparations a list of such facts should be discussed among the members of the negotiation team,

and specific questions should be written down.

1.5 Manipulation of the Negotiation Situation

Another aspect of negotiation preliminaries is manipulation of the negotiation situation to your company’s advantage. Particularly in a tough negotiation, everything should be working in your favor. If situational factors are working against you, it will be important to manipulate them before the negotiation begins. Also, management of situational factors may be important once the discussions have commenced. There are several situational factors that we consider particularly important: location, number of participants, communication channels, time limit

1.5.1 Location

The location of the negotiation is perhaps the most important situational factor for several reasons, both practical and psychological. Having the “home court” is an advantage because the home team has all its information resources readily available。Alternatively, the traveling team brings the minimum necessary resources, information, and negotiators stay in hotels. But perhaps a greater advantage the home team enjoy is psychological — a perception of power.

Although restaurant, bars, and golf courses are all important locations for bargaining, bargaining behaviors are quite different. Generally in these informal settings almost all talk is non-task sounding. Task-related matters are discussed indirectly, briefly, and toward the end of the evening, after a few drinks.

1.5.2 Number of Participants

In business negotiation, it is considered that one side with fewer participants to be a serious disadvantage. It is important to find out whom the other side is sending and then putting your team together in response. Moreover, you shouldn’t hesitate to include additional members in your team such as financial or technical experts. The extra expense may be a wise investment.

Japanese negotiators often bring along technical specialists and younger non-participants for on-the-job training. They will make one person be responsible for carefully observing your nonverbal and verbal response to their proposals; that person’s evaluation and comments will appear in a written report. By doing so, they might get more valuable information.

1.5.3 Communication Channels

Face-to-face negotiations with your clients are always recommended. Other channels of communication which might be used for international negotiation are effective and acceptable. Even though the negotiation is built around almost continuous face-to-face contact, other channels are also helpful and should be used effectively.

1.5.4 Time Limit

If location is not the single most important aspect of the negotiation situation, then the time limits are. The side that has more time is in a stronger bargaining position. Another side with less time is forced to make concessions in order to move the other toward agreement. The use of time can be a powerful bargaining tool.

Generally speaking, time constraints are established by factors beyond the control of negotiators. On the selling side, orders must be secured to keep the factory busy, the expenses of

foreign travel are substantial and the home office management may be in a hurry. Negotiators should try to determine beforehand what the other side’s time constraints are. In any case negotiators can manage time limit to their advantage.

2. Contacting and Materially Negotiable Stage

As we know, the most difficult aspect of an international business negotiation is the actual conduct of the face-to-face communication. Assuming that the best representatives have been chosen to represent your firm, and that those representatives are well prepared, and that the situational factors have been manipulated in your favor, things can still go wrong at the negotiation table. If negotiation situations haven’t been managed properly, then things will go wrong during the meetings.

In general, there are four (Non-task Sounding、Task-related Exchange of Information、Persuasion、Concession and Agreement)steps at the negotiations table in which international business negotiations all over the world tend to follow this sequence of events.

2.1 Non-task Sounding

Negotiators in some countries always discuss topics other than business at the negotiation table (e. g. the weather, family, sports, politics, and business conditions in general), but not for long. It is usually moved to the specific business at hand after 5 to 10 minutes. Such preliminary talk is much more than friendliness and politeness. Before getting to the business at hand, it is important to learn how the other side feels this particular way. You can determine during non-task sounding if your client’s attention is focused on business or distracted by other matters, personal or professional.

It is important to learn how to communicate with your clients by learning about their backgrounds and interests. If your counterparts’ backgrounds have much in common wi th yours, communication between you can be more efficient. Engineers can use technical jargon when talking to other engineers; golfers can use golfing analogies; family men and women can compare the cash drain of a fledgling business unit to putting kids through college.

2.2 Task-related Exchange of Information

Only after non-task sounding is complete, when acquaintance has been established, should business be introduced. It is advisable to let your counterpart signal when the task-related exchange of information should start. Usually, such signals will be given after tea or coffee has been served and may include a statement such as, “Can you tell me more about your company?” or “Tell me, what has brought you to the United States”?

A task-related exchange of information implies a two-way communication process. However, it has been observed that when Americans meets Japanese across the negotiation table, the information flow is unidirectional——from American to Japanese. The Japanese appear a) to ask “thousands of questions and b) to give little feedback. The first severely tests American negotiators’ patience, and the latter causes them great anxiety. If the negotiation takes place in Japan, both can add up to much longer stays there (compared to negotiating in other countries), which means higher travel expenses.

2.3 Persuasion

There is not a clear separation of the task-related exchange of information and persuasion in some countries (e.g. Japan ). The two stages tend to blend together as each side more clearly defines and refines its needs and preferences. So much time is spent at this task-related exchange of information that little is left to “argue” about the persuasion stage. Eastern negotiators tend to prepare for negotiations in a way very different from the Western countries. They developed defensive arguments with no consideration of persuading or selling or converting the other side. Nor did they consider what the other side might be thinking or offering, nor of anticipating strategies, nor of any concession strategies. However, a lot of countries regard persuasion as the heart of a negotiation. In America they have a wide range of persuasive tactics that can be often employed to change their clients’ minds.

2.4 Concession and Agreement

The final stage of business negotiations involves concession making, building toward agreement. Negotiation requires compromise. Generally speaking, both parties give up something to get even more. However, the approach used for compromise differs much.

American and other Western business executives tend to take a sequential approach to solving complex problems. That is, “Let’s discuss and settle quantity, then price, then delivery, then after-sale service” and so on. Alternatively, the Asian approach is more holistic-looking at all issues simultaneously and not agreeing on any single issue until end. Westerns often are very upset by such differences in style of concession making.

3. Agreement Concluding and Executing Stage

Once the seller and the buyer reach an agreement, it is time to consider what follows the negotiation. The main area will be the worded clauses in contract which one side may draw up and the other side may give his amendment on what he thinks it is more proper for both parties. Each should be concerned about the mutual benefits of the relationship, and consider the interest of the other. Consequently, writing contracts with Japanese and some other Asian countries’ businessmen are very short—two or three pa ges. The Western businessmen’s emphasis on tight contract is tantamount (equal) to planning the divorce before the marriage.

Chapter Three

Basic Qualities for Negotiators

Character Traits

The Role of the Chief Negotiator

The General Structure for Negotiators

The Importance of Teamwork

1. Character Traits







国际商务谈判准备 国际商务谈判准备工作(一)选配参加谈判的人员 在洽商交易过程中,买卖双方在确定价格和各种交易条件以及拟定合同条款方面,往往因利害关系不同而存在分歧和争论,有时这种分歧和争论甚至是十分激烈的。而且在洽商过程中,还可能出现种种预先没有估计到的变化。为了保证洽商交易的顺利进行,事先应选配精明能干的洽谈人员,尤其是对一些大型的和内容复杂的交易,更要组织一个坚强有力的谈判班子,这个谈判班子中须包括熟悉商务、技术、法律和财务方面的人员,应具有较高整体素质,要善于应战,善于应变,并善于谋求一致,这是确保交易成功的关键。 参加商务谈判的人员需要具备多方面的基础知识,并善于综合运用各种知识。一般他说,他们应具备下列条件: 1、必须熟悉我国对外经济贸易方面的方针政策,并了解国家关于对外经济贸易方面的具体政策措施。 2、必须掌握洽商交易过程中可能涉及的各种商务知识,如商品知识、市场知识、金融知识和运输、保险等方面的知识。 3、必须熟悉我国颁布的有关涉外法律、法令与规则,并了解有关国际贸易、国际技术转让和国际运输等方面的法律、惯例以及有关国家的政策措施、法规和管理制度等方面的知识。 4、应当熟练地掌握外语,并能用外语直接洽谈交易。 5、具有较高的政治、心理素质和策略水平,并善于机动灵活地处理洽商过程中出现的各种问题。 国际商务谈判准备工作(二)选择目标市场 在商务谈判之前,必须从调查研究入手,通过各种途径广泛收集市场资料,加强对国外市场供销状况、价格动态、政策法令措施和贸易习惯等方面情况的调查研究,以便择优选择适当的目标市场和合理地确定市场布局。在选择国外目标市场时,应当注意以下两个问题: 1.在考虑贯彻国家对外贸易方针政策和国别(地区)政策的同时,应尽量考虑经济效益问题,力争做到在政治上和经济上都体现平等互利。 2.应根据购销意图,合理选择国外销售市场和采购市场。在安排销售市场时,应当分清主次,并要有发展的观点,即在安排主销市场的同时,也要考虑辅销市场;在考虑市场现状的同时,也要考虑市场将来的发展趋势;在巩固原有传统市场的同时,还应不断开拓新市场,以利扩大销路。在安排采购市场时,既要考虑择优进口,也要防止过分集中在某个或少数几个市场。在同等条件下,应尽量从友好国家订购商品;应考虑多从我国有贸易顺差的国家订购商品,以利贸易上的平衡。 国际商务谈判准备工作(三)选择交易对象 在商务谈判之前,必须通过各种途径对客户的政治、文化背景、资信情况、经营范围、经营能力和经营作风等方面的情况进行了解和分析。为了正确地选择和利用客户,需要建立和健全客户档案,以便对各种不同类型的客户进行分类排队,做到心中有数,并实行区别对待的政策。


国际商务谈判试题 (04) 课程代码:00186 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内.错选、多选或未选均无分. 1.价值型谈判也叫() A.软式谈判 B.硬式谈判 C.原则型谈判 D.让步型谈判 2.商务谈判中数量最多的一种谈判是() A.货物贸易谈判 B.劳务贸易谈判 C.技术贸易谈判 D.违约赔偿谈判 3.在西方国家,送礼忌讳用的数字是() A.3 B.4 C.13 D.14 4.以下各种商务谈判信息,属于按信息活动范围划分的是() A.经济性信息 B.自然环境信息 C.社会环境信息 D.消费心理信息 5.商务谈判成交阶段的主要目标不包括() A.力求尽快达成协议 B.争取最后的利益收获 C.力争获得更多的让步 D.保证已取得的利益不丧失 6.以下各项中,正确的国际商务谈判技巧是() A.注重立场 B.对事不对人 C.尽可能让步 D.不让对方获益 7.喜欢在饭店、酒吧和艺伎馆里达成谈判交易的是() A.中国人 B.日本人 C.韩国人 D.巴西人 8.下列属于国际商务谈判的人员风险的是() A.政治风险 B.市场风险 C.自然风险 D.沟通风险 9.以下各项中,既属于我国国际商务谈判的基本原则,也是我国对外经贸关系的基本准则的是() A.平等互利 B.灵活机动 C.友好协商 D.依法办事 10.对国际商务谈判的环境因素作系统归类和分析的是() A.马什所著的《谈判的艺术》 B.马什所著的《合同谈判手册》 C.尼尔龙伯格所著的《谈判的艺术》 D.尼尔龙伯格所著的《合同谈判手册》 11.谈判开始,双方立场均谨慎、现实,尽量寻求适合各方谈判需要的不同谈判方式.这种谈判风格属于() A.软弱型模式 B.进取型模式 C.合作型模式 D.强有力型模式


案例一: 美国Y公司向中国石家庄工厂销售了一条彩色电视机玻壳生产线,经过安装后,调试的结果一直不理想,一晃时间到了圣诞节,美国专家都要回家过节。于是全线设备均要停下来,尤其是玻璃熔炉还要保温维护。美方人虽过节是法定的,中方生产线停顿是有代价的,两者无法融合。 美方走后,中方专家自己研究技术,着手解决问题,经过一周的日夜奋战将问题最大的成型机调试好了,这也是全线配合的关键。该机可以生产合格的玻壳后,其它设备即可按其节奏运转。 等美方人员过完节,回到中方工厂已是三周后的事,一见工厂仓库的玻壳,十分惊讶,问“怎么回事?”当中方工厂告诉美方,自己调通生产线后,美方人员转而大怒,认为:“中方人员不应动设备,应该对此负责任。”并对中方工厂的外贸代理公司作出严正交涉:“以后对工厂的生产设备将不承担责任,若影响其回收贷款还要索赔。” 问题: 1.如何看美方的论述? 2.如何看中方人虽调设备的行为? 3.中方外贸代理面对美方论述会怎么回答? 4.最终结果应如何? 分析: 1.美方沦述属诡辩范畴,主要运用了:平行论证(中方行事理由与美方行事理由分别沦证)和以现象代替本质(中方表面行为代替其执行合同的效果)。 2.中方自己调设备具有一定的风险性,按合同规定会产生问题。没把握,绝对不能轻率行事。此时.可行使向美方索赔的权利,此处.重在判断。当有把握时,通过“等与行”的对比推演决定行动,是一个推理的正常结果,从本质意义对中美双方均有积极效果。 3.中方代理,先从概念人手——依据合同谁有过?再依过推算谁损失最大(应负过之责),再推导出美方应取何种态度。 4.最终结果:美方应感谢中方为其减少负担.井应继续履行未完的合同义务。 案例二 澳大利亚A公司、德国D公司与中国c公司,谈判在中国合作投资滑石矿事宜,中方c 公司欲控制出口货源.但又不能为该合作投入现金,只想用人力与无形资产投入。 A公司和B公司代表来华欲参观考察矿山,c公司积极派人配合并陪同前往,整个日程安排周到.准备有效,在有限的时间里满足了A公司和B公司的该次访问的要求‘双方在预备会和小结会上对合作投资方式进行了讨论。 A公司:我公司是较大的滑石产品的专业公司,产品在国际市场占有相当份额,尤其在精细滑石产品方面o B公司:他们在中国投资过,但失败了,正在纠纷中,但他们认为中国资源丰富,潜在市场大,很想找一个合作伙伴再重新干。


第一单元选择题 1 “要把谈判对方当成合作伙伴,而不仅视为谈判对手”这体现了商务谈判中的什么原则? A. 合作原则 B. 平等原则 C. 互利原则 D. 求同原则 2 美国纽约印刷工会领导人伯特仑·波厄斯以“经济谈判毫不让步”而闻名全美。他在一次与报业主进行的谈判中,不顾客观情况,坚持强硬立场,甚至两次号召报业工人罢工,迫使报业住满足了他提出的全部要求。报社被迫同意为印刷工人大幅度增加工资,并承诺不采用排版自动化等先进技术,防止工人失业。谈判结果是以伯特仑为首的工会一方大获全胜,报业主却陷入困境。最终结果是三家大报被迫合并,小报社倒闭,数千名报业工人失业。该案例中的伯特仑·波厄斯违背了谈判的什么原则() A. 合作原则和求同原则 B. 自愿原则和平等原则 C. 互利原则和平等原则 D. 求同原则和合法原则 3 谈判的含义包括()(1)建立在人们需要的基础上(2)是两方以上的交际活动(3)是寻求建立或改善人们社会关系的行为(4)是一种协调行为的过程 A. (1) B. (1)(2) C. (1)(2)(3) D. (1)(2)(3)(4) 4 商务谈判的主体是指() A. 参与谈判的当事人 B. 进入谈判活动领域的议题 C. 谈判中占优势的一方 D. 谈判领导者 5 商务谈判的特征包括()(1)谈判对象的广泛性和不确定性(2)谈判双方的排斥性和合作性(3)谈判的多边性和随机性(4)谈判的公平性和不平等性 A. (1)(3)(4) B. (2)(3)(4) C. (1)(2)(3)(4) D. (1)(2)(3) 6 商务谈判的基本原则包括()(1)自愿原则(2)平等原则(3)竞争原则(4)求同原则(5)合法原则(6)合理原则(7)合作原则(8)互利原则 A. (1)(3)(4)(5)(6) B. (1)(2)(4)(5)(7)(8) C. (2)(3)(4)(6)(7)(8) D. (1)(2)(4)(5)(6)(7) 7 下面哪个说法是商务谈判的作用() A. 使得企业与企业之间的竞争更加激烈 B. 促使我国从计划经济转变为商品经济 C. 促进我国对外贸易的发展 D. 促进企业的繁荣与发展 8 下面哪个不是谈判活动的评价标准() A. 谈判目标的实现程度 B. 谈判一方的利益最大化程度 C. 谈判各方互惠合作关系的维护程度 D. 谈判效率的高低 9 根据谈判理论,评价标准的不同,商务谈判可分为() A. 国内谈判和国际谈判 B. 一对一谈判,小组谈判和大型谈判 C. 主座,客座和主客座轮流谈判 D. 输赢式谈判和双赢式谈判



你代表一家医疗器械销售公司向某家大型医院洽谈业务,其中一款设备报价是800元,你可以将价格降到720元成交,因此你谈判的空间是80元。怎样让出这80元是值得探讨的。下面是几种常见的让步方式。 给出底线反遭怀疑步步紧逼让你难招架80元、90元、100元1100元小额渗透不实际遭反感对手不买账5元、15元、25元、35元。四平八稳落价格对手摸透规律更宰你20元、20元、20元、20元。先大后小刺激求成欲望让对方觉得已砍到价格最底线40元、20元、15元、5元。 谈判是双方不断地让步,最终达到利益交换的一个过程。让步既需要把握时机,又需要掌握一些基本的技巧,也许一个小小的让步会涉及整个战略布局,草率让步和寸土不让都是不可取的。 一些谈判者急于求成,不清楚让步的真实目的,最终的结果往往是将自己逼入绝境,而对手却在静观其变。这种对于谈判的理解在业界是非常普遍的,但却是极端危险的。不要以为你善意的让步会感动对方,使谈判变为更加简单而有效,这只是一厢情愿的想法,事实上恰恰相反,在你没有任何要求的让步下,对方会更加有恃无恐、寸土不让,并且还会暗示你做出更大的让步,想以让步来换取对方的让步是绝不可能的。要记住:谈判桌前并不是朋友间的馈赠,其核心是利益之争,因此,在使用让步策略时千万不可心慈手软。 中国玩具批发网是一家主营圣诞礼物的专业型企业,主力产品是圣诞卡、圣诞老人及各种毛绒玩具,因为专业性强,在业界享有极高的知名度,其产品遍及市内所有中高档商场。雅贵商厦是一家著名的综合性商场,地理位置极佳且交通便利,每个重要节日都会创造极高的销售额。双方在每年的圣诞节都会有愉快的合作,各自都能达到预期的销售目标。而今年雅贵商厦提高了进店费用,这令美妙公司极为不满,因为这将增加该公司的运营成本,会影响其经营利润。于是双方进行了沟通,在十月初进行了一次失败的谈判后谁也没提出第二次会面时间,但圣诞节却越来越近了。 中国玩具批发网认为他们是圣诞行业中无可争议的第一品牌,每年销量都在上升,消费者非常认可美妙品牌,如果在圣诞期间雅贵商厦没有该产品的销售,在经营上将造成较大的损失,所以他们计划使用时间压力策略,在最后时刻等待雅贵方的让步。


第一章国际商务谈判概述 一、谈判的动因是什么?(顺序不得调换)背 1、追求利益 2、谋求合作 3、寻求共识 二、何谓国际商务谈判? 概念:国际商务谈判,是国际商务活动中不同的利益主体,为了达成某笔交易,而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程。 国际商务谈判是指在国际商务活动中,处于不同国家或地区的商务活动当事人为了满足一定需要,彼此通过交流沟通协商妥协而达成交易目的的行为过程。 简单地说,国际商务谈判就是谈判参与各方跨越了国界的商务谈判,是国内商务谈判在国际领域的延伸和发展。 (其内涵的基本点:目的性、相互性、协商性) 三、国内谈判与国际谈判最大的不同 四、国际商务谈判的主要特征 (一)国际商务谈判的一般性特征 1、国际商务谈判以获得经济利益为目的,追求谈判的经济效益。 2、国际商务谈判以价格为核心,其他因素可折算为价格。 3、国际商务谈判各方是“合作”与“冲突”的对立统一 4、商务谈判中双方利益追求受一定的利益界限的约束。 5、商务谈判各方最终获利的大小,取决于谈判各方的实力和谈判能力。 6、商务谈判注重合同条款的严密性与准确性。 (二)国际商务谈判的特殊性特征 1、跨国性 2、政策约束性 3、文化差异性 4、因素的复杂性 5、内容的广泛性 6、人员素质的严格性 五、国际商务谈判的构成要素(背) 1、商务谈判当事人——主体 ?谈判的主体是指主持谈判、参与谈判以及与交易利益相关的人员 ?谈判主体可以是一个人,也可以是一个合理组成的群体 2、商务谈判的标的——客体(中心) ?国际商务谈判客体是指谈判涉及的交易或买卖的内容 ?任何可以买卖的有形、无形产品都可以作为谈判标的 3、谈判的背景(环境) ?是指当事人与谈判标的均处在某个特定的客观环境 ?主要包括:政治环境、经济环境、人际关系环境等 六、国际商务谈判的类型


Keys to the exercises Chapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation Communication Exercises 1. Change the sentences from negative to positive. 1) I want a job. 2) I work hard. 3) My job is terrific. 4) This office is great. 5) My co-workers are super. 6) The Personnel Director is nice. 7) My health is good. 8) My attitude is positive. 9) I make a good impression. 10) I understand. 2. Change or add to these sentences so that they do not just state what you want, but invite your negotiating partner’s opinion. a) Could we finish at five---if that’s all right with you? b) I hope you don’t mind if Miss Li sits in during the negotiation? c) Perhaps we could take a break now. Is that OK? d) Could we look at these three areas this morning? e) I would like to go through the written offer clause by clause, if that’s OK?


国际商务谈判案例分析 专业: 09国经贸 姓名:李斌 学号: 09990877

国际商务谈判案例分析 摘要 商务谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换有关的各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。如果谈判技巧掌握不合适,不但会使双方发生冲突导致贸易的破裂,更会造成经济上的损失。在商务谈判中,应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考,抓住问题的本质,然后将自己所要表达的内容,运用恰当的方式与策略将其准确、简练的表达出来。其次,在谈判过程中分析谈判技巧,会体现出诸多谈判的特点。

(一)案例 中方某公司向韩国某公司出口丁苯橡胶已一年,第二年中方又向韩方报价,以继续供货。中方公司根据国际市场行情,将价从前一年的成交价每吨下调了120美圆(前一年1200美圆每吨)。韩方感到可以接受,建议中方到韩国签约。中方人员一行二人到了汉城该公司总部,双方谈了不到20分钟,韩方说:“贵方价格仍太高,请贵方看看韩国市场的价,叁天以后再谈。”中方人员回到饭店感到被戏弄,很生气,但人已来汉城,谈判必须进行。中方人员通过有关协会收集到韩国海关丁苯橡胶进口统计,发现从哥伦比亚、比利时、南非等国进口量较大。中国进口也不少,中方公司是占份额较大的一家。价格水平南非最低但高于中国产品价。哥伦比亚、比利时价格均高于南非。在韩国市场的调查中,批发和零售价均高出中方公司的现报价30%一40%,市场价虽呈降势,但中方公司的给价是目前世界市场最低的价。为什么韩国人员还这么说?中方人员分析,对手以为中方人员既然来了汉城,肯定急于拿合同回国。可以借此机会再压中方一手。那么韩方会不会不急于订货而找理由呢?中方人员分析,若不急于订货,为什么邀请中方人员来汉城?再说韩方人员过去与中方人员打过交道,有过合同,且执行顺利,对中方工作很满意,这些人会突然变得不信任中方人员了吗?从态度看不像,他们来机场接中方人员.且晚上—起喝酒,保持下良好气氛。从上述分析,中方人员共同认为:韩方意在利用中方人员出国心理,再压价。根据这个分析,经过商量中方人员决定在价格条件上做文章。总的讲,态度应强硬,(因为来前对方已表示同意中方报价),不怕空手而归。其次,价格条件还要涨回市场水平)即1000美元/吨左右)。再者不必用二天给韩方通知,仅一天半就将新的价格条件通给知韩方。 在—天半后的中午前。中方人员电话告诉韩方人员:“调查已结束.得到的结论是:我方来汉城前的报价低了,应涨回去年成交的价位,但为了老朋友的交情,可以下调20美元,而不再是120美元。请贵方研究,有结果请通知我们。若我们不在饭店,则请留言。”韩方人员接到电活后一个小时,即回电话约中方人员到其公司会谈。 会谈中,韩方认为:“中方不应把过去的价再往上调。”中方认为:“这是韩方给的权利。我们按韩方要求进行了市场调查,结果应该涨价。”韩方希望中方多少降些价,中方认为原报价已降到底。经过几回合的讨论,双方同意按中方来汉城前的报价成交。这样,中方成功地使韩力放弃了压价的要求,按计划拿回合同。


-■ L r 2011-2012学年第1学期 国际商务谈判 课程考试试题(B )卷 类别成教学院夜大学 拟题人 孟静 适用专业 2011级国际经济与贸易专科 (答案写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上无效) 一、 填空题(每空1分,共30分) 一个谈判队伍应包括 ____________ 、 、 、 ____ 介绍的顺序各个国家不大一致,我国习惯是 _____________ 优先。 谈判人员应具备的基本观念 ______________________________ 、 着装是女性在商务谈判中遇到的首要问题。女性在春秋季节应以 1 、 2 、 3 、 4 、 优先,而西方国家是 .为 佳。 --t = F - O t - 6、 宴请的形式: ______________ 、 、 、 7、 在酒席上一般不要谈生意,在酒席上的谈话一般不要涉及他人的隐私,对 问题也要慎重。 8、 挑选谈判人员的标准可分为 — 9、 保加利亚、尼泊尔等国家,摇头表示 10、 亚洲是世界第一大洲, 其次 _______________ 教。 11、 企业培训的四个步骤: 二、 多项选择题(本题共 、点头表示 在当地所有信教的居民中信奉 ______________ O 的居民较多, _________ 、 、 、 ____________ O 7小题,每小题3分,共21分。在每小题列出的选项中有一 -----O F 至四个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。多选、少 选、错选均无分) 最理想和富有人情味的谈判是( ) A 原则型谈判 B.让步型谈判 C.立场型谈判 D.软式谈判 ( )的谈判应选择全能型的谈判人员 A.间接的书面谈判 B. 一对一的个体谈判 C.面对面的口头谈判 D.集体谈判 一个成功国家的国际商务谈判时( ) A 互惠互利的 B 己方获利多 C 对方获利少 D 双方获利一样多 若国家对企业管理程度较低,这时,谈判的成功主要取决于: B.企业自身 D.己方和对方中实力较强的一方 ) D.还盘 1、 2 、 3 、 A.政府部门 C.政府与企业的共同决定 正式谈判一般 要经历哪些环节( A.邀请发盘 B.询盘 C.发盘 6、要想打破谈判中僵局,应当( E.接受


案例一真诚赞美 1. 哈尔滨橡胶厂通过真诚赞美湖北橡胶厂厂长,卖掉了搁置三年的陈旧设备。 2. 一位广告公司的业务员,由于赞美制鞋厂第八代旧产品款式新颖而拉业务失败。(1)通过分析第一个案例,我们能得出什么谈判技巧? (2)通过分析上述两个案例的不同结果,请回答在具体运用该谈判技巧时,应注意哪些问题? 答:(1)通过分析第一个案例,我们可以得出“真诚赞美”是商务谈判中的一个重要 技巧。诚挚而又不虚伪地赞扬对方,显示对方的“重要性”和“伟大”,是获得商务谈判成功的一种行之有效的方法。 (2)通过对比这两个案例我们可以得出在运用真诚赞美法进行商务谈判时,要特别注意感情的真实和言语的恰当,虚情假意不但不能引起对方感情上的共鸣,相反还可能被对方认为是对他的讥讽和嘲弄。言过其实,无限拔高,极容易使对方觉得你是在阿谀奉承。在第二个案例中,广告业务员由于感情不真实,不但没拉到广告,相反还弄得非常尴尬就是例证。总之,如果不顾实情,盲目赞美,就激发不起对方愉悦情感,达不到预期的谈判目标。 案例二橘子难题,互利性 林达和君安两个人由于课程研究需要,都要买仅剩的唯一一箱橘子,如何处理? 答:以上例子表明,林达和君安的根本利益不仅是不冲突的,而且还可以协商得到更 加有利的购买方案而使双方更加有利,即合买一箱橘子,节约购买费用。如果从传统的冲突角度去进行这一谈判,显然得不到这一有利结果。因此,谈判的互利互惠原则就是要协调双方的利益,提出互利性的选择。在一定的情况下,谈判能否达成协议取决于能否提出互利性的选择方案。为了更好地协调双方的利益,不仓促地确定选择方案,在双方充分协商、讨论的基础上,进一步明确双方各自的利益,找出共同利益、不同利益,从而确定哪些利益是可以调和的。 互利性选择方案可以考虑以下两种方式:(1)打破传统的分配模式,提出新的创新分配方案选择。人们的习惯性思维往往是,对于争论的东西,或是我得到,或是你得到。好像没有更好的选择形式。这种观念是影响人们寻找互利解决方案的主要障碍。要打破传统的分配方法,提出新的选择形式,就要考虑头脑中没有的东西,就需要创造性,需要灵感。一方面要收集大量的信息资料作为考虑问题的依据; 另一方面,要突破原有的习惯思维模式,鼓励谈判小组成员大胆发表个人简介,集思广益,并付诸实施。(2)寻找共同利益,增加合作的可能性。当双方为各自的利益讨价还价、激烈争辩时,很可能会忽略了双方的共同利益。如果你的谈判战术就是坚持某一点不动摇、不退让,许多情况下,就会使谈判在枝节问题上就陷入僵局,甚至破裂。事后冷静下来,权衡考虑如果达成协议对各方的利益,常常追悔莫及。一个根本原因是什么?就是当时考虑的都是各自的利益。如果能从大局出发,多考虑双方共同利益,把双方的利益由互为矛盾转化为互为补充,那么就会形成“我怎样才能使整个馅饼变大,这样我就能多分了”的观念认识。寻找共同利益要注意:尽管每一合作都存在着共同利益,但是它们大部分都是潜在的,需要谈判者去挖掘、发现。共同利益不是天赐,要把它明确地表示出来,最


际商务谈判准备 国际商务谈判中,要坚持平等互利的原则,既不强加于人,也不接受不平等条件。为了做好国际商务谈判这项艰难复杂而又十分重要的工作,必须事前做好充分准备。需要准备的事项很多,下面我整理了国际商务谈判准备工作,供你阅读参考。 国际商务谈判准备工作(一)选配参加谈判的人员 在洽商交易过程中,买卖双方在确定价格和各种交易条件以及拟定合同条款方面,往往因利害关系不同而存在分歧和争论,有时这种分歧和争论茯至是十分激烈的。而且在洽商过程中,还可能出现种种预先没有估计到的变化。为了保证洽商交易的顺利进行,事先应选配精明能干的洽谈人员,尤其是对一些大型的和内容复杂的交易,更要组织一个坚强有力的谈判班子,这个谈判班子中须包括熟悉商务、技术、法律和财务方面的人员,应具有较高整体素质,要善于应战,善于应变,并善于谋求一致,这是确保交易成功的关键。 参加商务谈判的人员需要具备多方面的基础知识,并善于综合运用各种知识。一般他说,他们应具备下列条件: 1、必须熟悉我国对外经济贸易方面的方针政策,并了解国家关于对外经济贸易方面的具体政策措施。 2、必须掌握洽商交易过程中可能涉及的各种商务知识,如商品知识、市场知识、金融知识和运输、保险等方面的知识。 3、必须熟悉我国颁布的有关涉外法律、法令与规则,并了解有关国

际贸易、国际技术转让和国际运输等方面的法律、惯例以及有关国家的政策措施、法规和管理制度等方面的知识。 4、应当熟练地掌握外语,并能用外语直接洽谈交易。 5、具有较高的政治、心理素质和策略水平,并善于机动灵活地处理洽商过程中出现的各种问题。 国际商务谈判准备工作(二)选择目标市场 在商务谈判之前,必须从调查研究入手,通过各种途径广泛收集市场资料,加强对国外市场供销状况、价格动态、政策法令措施和贸易习惯等方面情况的调查研究,以便择优选择适当的目标市场和合理地确定市场布局。在选择国外目标市场时,应当注意以下两个问题: 1.在考虑贯彻国家对外贸易方针政策和国别(地区)政策的同时,应尽量考虑经济效益问题,力争做到在政治上和经济上都体现平等互利。 2.应根据购销意图,合理选择国外销售市场和采购市场。在安排销售市场时,应当分清主次,并要有发展的观点,即在安排主销市场的同时, 也要考虑辅销市场;在考虑市场现状的同时,也要考虑市场将来的发展趋势;在巩固原有传统市场的同时,还应不断开拓新市场,以利扩大销路。 在安排采购市场时,既要考虑择优进口,也要防止过分集中在某个或少数儿个市场。在同等条件下,应尽量从友好国家订购商品;应考虑多从我国有贸易顺差的国家订购商品,以利贸易上的平衡。 国际商务谈判准备工作(三)选择交易对象 在商务谈判之前,必须通过各种途径对客户的政治、文化背景、资信 情况、经营范围、经营能力和经营作风等方面的情况进行了解和分析。 为了正确地选择和利用客户,需要建立和健全客户档案,以便对各种不同


国际商务谈判案例分析 精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

国际商务谈判案例分析 巴西一家公司到美国去采购成套设备。巴西谈判小组成员因为上街购物耽误了时间。当他们到达谈判地点时,比预定时间晚了45分钟。美方代表对此极为不满,花了很长时间来指责巴西代表不遵守时间,没有信用,如果老这样下去的话,以后很多工作很难合作,浪费时间就是浪费资源、浪费金钱。对此巴西代表感到理亏,只好不停地向美方代表道歉。谈判开始以后似乎还对巴西代表来迟一事耿耿于怀,一时间弄得巴西代表手足无措,说话处处被动。无心与美方代表讨价还价,对美方提出的许多要求也没有静下心来认真考虑,匆匆忙忙就签订了合同。等到合同签订以后,巴西代表平静下来,头脑不再发热时才发现自己吃了大亏,上了美方的当,但已经晚了。这个是一个挑剔式开局策略的运用,在一开始的时候对对手的某项错误或礼仪失误严加指责,使其感到内疚,从而达到营造低调气氛,迫使对方让步的目的。 在本次案例中,其实巴西作为买方,通常占据主导优势,美方居于弱势,但是本案例中美国谈判代表成功地使用挑剔式开局策略,利用这个战略和机会,美方迫使巴西谈判代表自觉理亏在来不及认真思考的情况而匆忙签下对美方有利的合同。这种气氛贯穿了整个谈判过程,但是我与此同时我们更需要注意的是,这也是一个关于国际的商务谈判,其中就没有很好的运用我们上文中所提出的观点应该在谈判之前了解对方的文化,并且应该想好一旦迟到的情况下应该如何是好,如何地应对这种文化上的差异.同时谈判过程中如果巴方人员也比较强硬,就可能导致他们另外寻找卖方了,并不适合每种案例。 日本有一家着名的汽车公司在美国刚刚“登陆”时,急需找一家美国代理商来为其销售产品,以弥补他们不了解美国市场的缺陷。当日本汽车公司准备与美国的一家公司就此问题进行谈判时,日本公司的谈判代表路上塞车迟到了。美国公司的代表抓住这


国际商务谈判试题(02) 课程代码:00186 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.国际商务谈判与一般贸易谈判的共性体现在() A.较强的政策性 B.以价格为核心 C.谈判内容广泛 D.影响因素复杂 2.商务谈判人员的最佳年龄一般在() A.20~45岁 B.25~55岁 C.30~55岁 D.40~60岁 3.在任何欧洲国家都只用于万圣节和葬礼,而不宜送人的花是() A.荷花 B.菊花 C.玫瑰花 D.茉莉花 4.套期保值者根据现货交易情况,先在期货市场上建立空头交易地位,然后再以多头进行平仓的做法叫() A.卖期保值 B.买期保值 C.掉期交易 D.期权交易 5.双方谈判人员适当互赠礼品的做法是() A.求助 B.贿赂 C.为了理解 D.润滑策略 6.在谈判的交锋过程中,成功的谈判者花在听上的时间占到总谈判时间的()A.30%以下 B.30%~40% C.40%~50% D.50%以上 7.无论穿什么,都不会把手放到口袋里,因为这样做会被认为是粗鲁的。具有这种行为习惯的是() A.德国人 B.美国人 C.韩国人 D.日本人 8.在国际商务谈判中,认为手帕象征亲人离别,是不祥之物,不能送人的国家是()A.美国 B.英国 C.法国 D.意大利 9.商务谈判成为必要是由于交易中存在() A.冲突 B.攻击 C.合作 D.辩论 10.从法律学角度来讲,其结果是终局性的是() A.协商 B.调解 C.仲裁 D.诉讼 11.在一支谈判队伍中,负责对交易标的物的品质进行谈判的是() A.技术人员 B.法律人员 C.商务人员 D.谈判领导人 12.若我方在谈判中实力较强,可采取的外汇风险防范方法是() A.硬货币计价法 B.对等易货贸易法


第七章国际商务谈判前的组织和准备 一、选择谈判人员,组织谈判班子 (一)谈判班子的规模 应根据谈判地点、时间、内容和对方人数乃至己方人员的素质确定。通常情况是:内容繁多技术性强的谈判,人数应多一些,反之则少一些。对方人数多,我方人数也应多一些。在现代社会里,谈判一般是比较复杂,谈判班子的规模一般要超过一个人。根据谈判实践,谈判班子一般由4-5 人组成较好。理由主要从以下方面考虑: 1、谈判班子的工作效率。 2、有效的管理幅度。 3、谈判所需专业的范围。 4、对谈判班子的调换。 (二)谈判班子中专业人员的配备 1、工程师 2、经济师 3、律师 4、语言翻译 5、领队(根据需要) 应注意的是谈判班子中的“三师”作用非常重要,可以避免许多失误。同时,使用翻译至少可以得到三个好处:1)可以得到一次更正失误的机会或借口。

2)可以利用翻译的时间,观察对方的反映,决定下一步的策略。 3)可以避免自己外语水平过早暴露,起到监听作用。 (三)谈判班子中人员的性格搭配 根据现代医学研究表明,人们的性格可以分为以下四种。 1、胆大好胜,判断力强,头脑灵活,处事果断迅速,给人以敢作敢为直爽无欺的感觉。但急噪,欠周到,遇到刺激难于冷静,愤怒冲动中常常失去理智。 2、忧郁型。沉着冷静,办事心细,责任心极强,严守机密,不易失误,但过于拘谨,头脑难以转弯,一旦受到冲击,常常难以自己应付和解脱。 3、活泼型。思维敏捷,谈笑风生,亲切随和,善于回避尖锐问题,能以巧妙的方式解脱突如其来的攻击和困境,但常常缺乏责任心。 4、粘液型。亲切随和,坚定倔强,有较严格的逻辑思维和敏锐的观察力,但易受感情支配,郁郁寡断。 若能在一个谈判班子中兼顾到各种性格的人,则可以起到互补的作用。当然,如果能根据 对方组员性格的情况进行有针对性的组合搭配,有的放矢,则能收到更明显的效果。如对方是粘液型,我方应注意配备暴躁型与活泼型,使对方在压力下让步。对方是暴躁型的性格,我方则应配备粘液型,以柔克刚。等等。


2015—2016学年第一学期闽江学院考试试卷 考试课程:国际商务谈判 试卷类别:A 卷口 B 卷□" 适用专业年级:2012级 班级 姓名 考试形式:闭卷□" 开卷口 学号 题号 ——一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 A.软式谈判 B.集体谈判 C.横向谈判 D.投资谈判 10. 下列哪种说法不正确(|B ) A. 原则谈判理论是由美国哈佛大学教授罗杰费希尔提出 B. 原则谈判理论主张谈判重点应放在利场上而不是利益上 C. 原则谈判理论认为衡量谈判成功的标准是谈判的价值 D. 谈判的结果是各方公平协商的结果而不应该是某一方的意志决定 11. 在国际商务谈判中,首先提出含有较大虚头的开价,然后再讨价还价,直至 达成交易的是(A ) A.西欧式报价 B. 东欧式报价 C.北欧式报价 D. 日本式报价 12. 谈判过程中发现对方克意营造低调气氛,若不扭转会损害本文的切实利益, 可以用下列哪种开局策略 (■) 一、 单项选择题(每题1分,共15分,15% 1. 在商务谈判中,双方平等关系是指( C A.利益平等 B .职权平等 C.地位平等 D .实力平等 2. 在国际商务谈判中,千万不能赠送酒类礼品的国家是 ( A.美国 B. 英国 C.法国 D. 阿拉伯 3. 以下风险中,不属于非人员风险的是(A ) A.沟通风险 B. 市场风险 C.合同风险 D. 自然风险 4. 下列哪个选项不是商务谈判的特点(D ) A.谈判对象的广泛性 得分 B.谈判环境的复杂性 C.谈判的目的性 D.谈判条件的原则性和不可 伸缩性 5.“您第一次发现商品含有瑕疵是在什么时候 ?”这种商务谈判的发问类型属于 (A ) A.封闭式发问 B. 澄清式发问 C.借助式发问 D. 探索式发问 6. 在缺乏谈判经验的情况下,进行一些较为陌生的谈判,谈判人员应采取 ________ 的让步方式。(B ) A.坚定 B. 等额 C. 风险性 D. 不平衡 7. 谈判中的讨价还价主要体现在 —上。(D| ) A.叙 B. 答 C. 问 D. 辩 8.谈判中以与别人保持良好关系为满足的谈判心理属于是 (B ) A.进取型 B.关系型 C. 权力型 D. 自我型 9.按谈判中双方所采取的的态度,可以将谈判分为立场型谈判、原则型谈判和 (A ) A. 协 调: 开 局 策 略 B.保留式 开局策略 C. 坦 诚: 开 局 策 略 A.法律人员 B.商务人员 C.财务人员 D.技术人员 14.英国人的谈判风格一般表现为 (C ) A.讲效率 B.守信用 C. 按部就班 D. 有优越感 15.日本人的谈判风格一般表现为 (D ) A.直截了当 B.不讲面子 C.等级观念弱 D.集团意识强 D.进攻式开局策略 13.价格条款的谈判应由 _____ 承提。(■ 二、多项选择题(每题2分,共16分,16% 1. 谈判成交阶段的主要目标有( ACD ) A.力求尽快达成协议 B .控制和影响对方 C.争取最后的利益 D .尽量保证已取得的利益不丧失 2. 要了解对方的商业信誉情况主要应调查以下几个方面的情况 A.产品质量 B .技术标准 C.产品的技术服务 D .商标及品牌 3. 涉外商务合同签订的内容包括(ABCD A 、品名条款 C 数量条款 4. 商务谈判成败的评价标准包括(ABC A 、谈判目标 C 人际关系 B 、品质条款 D 、包装条款 B 、谈判效率 D 、谈判协议 ABCD )


国际商务谈判技巧英语 篇一:商务谈判技巧英文 英语商务谈判的语言技巧 美加电话英语认为随着现在社会的发展以后英语学者面临着谈判也随着发展的需求而增 加,在谈判中很多英语高手都会手忙脚乱,如果大家按照小编我说的以下方法去仔细的细分 出自身行业中的英语,那么在盼盼的时候你就是高手。 1.英语商务谈判的词汇选择英语商务谈判中,对于语言的选择很有讲究。首先是词汇上的选择,要求有以下几个原 则: 简洁性的词汇 英语商务在词汇上的选择首先要注意简洁性。商务词汇的应用与生活中英

语不一样,与 文学上的词汇选择更不相同,不需要很多的修饰和夸张手法。英语谈判中所选择的词汇尽量 端正、简练、清晰,不使用繁复、模糊的词汇。 精确性的词汇 其次英语商务谈判中的词汇选择要注意精确性,尽量避免歧义的产生而导致对方的不满 和不理解。同时也不要为了表现谈判者的英语水平而使用英语方言、英语俚语、英语谚语、双关语、洋泾浜语等。 少用表示情感的词汇在商务英语的谈判中,尽量少用修饰词或者带有感情色彩的词汇。因为谈判语言的要求 是实事求是,而感情色彩的词汇往往让人觉得虚假和不可信,甚至有吹嘘的嫌疑。结果是令 人反感。相反,事实和陈述数据的利用往往能确切地反映出某种商品的特点,而且更具有说服力。

2.英语商务谈判的句型结构除了英语商务谈判的词汇选择之外,句子结构的选择也非常有讲究,而且有些句型结构 是可选的,有些句型是一定不要选择或者尽量避免的。 可选的句型结构 1)条件句的应用 条件句型在英语里按其意义可分为真实条件句和非真实条件句 两大类。真实条件句所表示的条件是事实或者在说话人看来有可能实 现的事情。商务谈判者在商务谈判中,通常要选择真实条件句来表达。恰如其分地掌握和运 用条件句,是谈判成功的重要因素之一。此外,虚拟条件句的运用可以表示委婉语气。通常情况下,表示请求、咨询、否定等口 气时可以使用。这样可以避免发生令人不愉快的事件。 (2)疑问句的应用


关于中方代理欧方新风系统产品事宜 的谈判方案策划书 课程名称国际商务谈判 姓名陈利江 学号09103887 班级市场营销2班 任课老师孟丽 2012 年12 月28 日 。

一、谈判背景介绍(也就是整个谈判的由来、进程、目标以及最终的结局): 由来:欧洲奥得奥(Airdow)AB公司,在遭受欧洲债务危机影响之前生产的产品除了出口到别国以外,从未打算在海外开拓市场,此次危机使该公司的销售渠道受阻,直接导致资金周转困难,而出口国除了亚洲,欧洲,美国,日本市场在最近的经济都表现出疲软的状态,所以欧洲奥得奥(Airdow)AB公司想到的解决方案,就是把更多的产品销售到中国市场,可是该公司对中国的市场行情不清楚,于是他们想到的办法就是寻求中国内地市场的代理商,他们马上想到和他们在以往合作最多的宁波凯伦环保科技有限公司,宁波该公司以前进口他们的产品,有过业务往来,于是欧洲奥得奥(Airdow)AB公司找到了宁波凯伦环保科技有限公司,来进行这场代理产品的谈判。而对于宁波凯伦环保科技有限公司,在得知这个消息之后,立马分析了具体情况,一方面该公司虽然企业规模不大,但目前公司还有很多闲余资金可以进行投资;另一方面,在以往和欧洲奥得奥(Airdow)AB公司合作的业务中,进口的他们生产的产品,在我国销售得也比较畅销,对新产品的市场前景很看好。除此之外,该公司也想通过这次机会提升自己企业在国内的地位,还有知道欧洲该公司正在遭受欧债危机带来的影响,对谈判时很有优势的,于是宁波凯伦环保科技有限公司接受这次谈判。 进程:在准备阶段,双方各自就谈判等内容进行准备,包括谈判人员的准备,信息的收集,谈判方案的准备;在开局阶段,双方就准备的内容进行实质性的谈判,采取一定的策略开始报价;在磋商阶段,双方展开利益的竞争,对自己拟定的最优目标和次优目标以及最低目标进行正面交锋,采取一定的策略,为自己的利益做最大的争取;在签约阶段,在这个阶段还可以为自己的利益做最后一步的争取,然后进行合同的签订,拟订合同,审核合同都要认真仔细;最后在善后阶段,在此次谈判中,对于代理的后续问题要双方保持密切的联系,履行合同里的条款,为双方的共同利益达到最大化。 目标:欧洲奥得奥(Airdow)AB公司在利润分配方面,我方要求只能给予20%的佣金。以100万给予对方代理权。 在利润分配方面,中方要求对方支付25%的佣金,以85万取得对方代理权,取得中国内地市场唯一代理权。 最终结局:最终以28%的佣金,代理年限为3年,以及宁波凯伦环保 科技有限公司以88万元的代理费取得中国内地唯一代理 权,达成双赢局面,双方公司建立长期友好合作关系,如 果发展良好可以延长代理年限。


国际商务谈判试题 (05) 课程代码:00186 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.谈判人员具备了“T”形知识结构,这表明谈判人员是( ) A.技术专家 B.商务专家 C.全能型专家 D.法律专家 2.先报有较大虚头的价格,然后适时压低价格。这种报价术被称为( ) A.西欧式报价术 B.日本式报价术 C.北美式报价术 D.阿拉伯式报价术 3.讲究节俭,反对浪费,把浪费看成是“罪恶”的是( ) A.中国人 B.德国人 C.韩国人 D.意大利人 4.随时准备为达成协议而让步,希望通过谈判签订一个皆大欢喜的协议。这种谈判被称为 ( ) A.软式谈判 B.硬式谈判 C.原则型谈判 D.价值型谈判 5.一个谈判小组组长最佳的领导效益为( ) A.3~4人 B.3~5人 C.3~6人 D.3~7人 6.如果是1个小时的谈判,精力量旺盛的阶段只有最初的( ) A.3~5分钟 B.4~6分钟 C.5~8分钟 D.6~9分钟 7.谈判中,强调“一时多用”的是( ) A.瑞士人 B.中东人 C.德国人 D.北美人 8.下列选项中,不属于合同风险的是( ) A.交货风险 B.质量风险 C.数量风险 D.会计风险 9.与阿拉伯商人接触时不能赠送酒类礼品,因为饮酒在阿拉伯国家是被严格禁止的。这突出反映的是商务谈判影响因素中的( ) A.政治状况因素 B.法律制度因素 C.商业习惯因素 D.社会习俗因素

10.在买卖做成之后,会举行一个长时间的宴会,请对方洗蒸气浴的是( ) A.中国人 B.日本人 C.韩国人 D.芬兰人 11.“按照贵方要求,我们的观点不是已经阐述清楚了吗?”这种商务谈判的发问类型属于 ( ) A.借助式发问 B.探索式发问 C.强调式发问 D.澄清式发问 12.下列选项中,不属于应对利率风险的技术手段是( ) A.利用远期交易 B.利用平衡法 C.利用期权交易 D.利用利率期货市场 13.在商务谈判中贯彻“有理、有利、有节”的方针。这体现的是商务谈判的( ) A.平等互利原则 B.灵活机动原则 C.友好协商原则 D.依法办事原则 14.国际商务谈判策略制定的第四步是( ) A.寻找关键问题 B.确定具体目标 C.形成假设性方法 D.形成具体谈判策略 15.下列各项中,不属于善言灵巧的谈判对手的性格特征是( ) A.乐于交际 B.容易激动 C.善于表达 D.处世机灵 16.眉毛上耸,表示此人处于( ) A.愤怒状态 B.困窘状态 C.戒备状态 D.惊喜状态 17.商务谈判中必须要实现的目标被称为( ) A.最低目标 B.实际需求目标 C.可接受目标 D.最优期望目标 18.在执行合同过程中双方对合同条款理解不同而导致的僵局被称为( ) A.初期僵局 B.执行期僵局 C.协议期僵局 D.中期僵局 19.“贵方某先生的问题提得很好,我曾经在某一份资料上看过有关这一问题的记载,就记忆所及,大概是……”。这种答复谈判对手的技巧是( ) A.以问代答 B.避正答偏 C.答非所问 D.推卸责任
