







象山公园地处市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,园内自然山水与人文景观相辉映。象山,栩栩如生,引人入胜,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。象鼻山位于市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、宏峰寺及寺内的太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等。附近还有隋唐开元寺仅存的舍利塔。水月洞紧靠江边, 漓水流贯其间, 如水中浮月,山石垂入水中又如象鼻饮水漓江, 景致极佳, 唐宋以来



The scenic spot name city

Lijiang River scenery Guilin

Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful rivers. The Lijiang River origin in “the South C hina first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good place.Upstream the Lijiang River the

mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River. Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the pinnacle is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body clothing.On the river bank dike, the blue two jiangs

four lake Guilin Lijiang River

, peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four lakes.The cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi have it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a land.In order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excavates 450,000 sides, is becomes.Therefore says wooden Long Lake. The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pavilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so on.The nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only saves.During the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Song

the reed flute crag Guilin

reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, have been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot area.Reed flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion

landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, Mt. Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”.From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynas ties mural 77 pieces.From 1959 discovered and opens


“千峰环野立,一水抱城流”——桂林城市中心区环城水系 规划设计 ——公共事业管理200804030039姚立林桂林是一座文化古城,两千多年的历史,使他具有丰厚的文化底蕴。在古代,这里是百越之地,战国时属于楚国。秦始皇统一中国后,设置桂林郡,开凿灵渠,沟通湘水和漓水桂林从此便成为南通海域,北达中原的重镇。据地质研究,大约在三亿多年前,桂林原是一片汪洋大海。由于地壳运动,海沉积的石灰岩上升为陆地,后经风化和溶蚀,终于形成千姿百态的峰林,幽深瑰丽的溶洞和神秘莫测的地下河。这些特殊的地貌和景象万千的漓江及其周围美丽迷人的田园风光融为一体,形成了独具一格、驰名中外的“山青、水秀、洞奇、石美”的桂林山水。 桂林市既是我国第一批24个历史文化名城,又是具有享誉中外的独特山水风景的旅游城市。完善和塑造符合未来“国际旅游城市”发展战略目标的功能和形象,构建“中心城区环城水系设计”是有意义的。下面我将从以下几个方面加以介绍桂林城市改造的背景情况: 一、自然观桂林是以山水风景为特色的旅游城市。早在隋代就已经是游览胜地,宋代就有“桂林山水甲天下”的说法。山清水秀,城在景中,景在城中,城景交融,“千峰环野立,一水抱城流”,“江作青罗带,善如碧玉簪”是对“山水盆景”之喻的桂林城的形象描述。说明了山水在桂林旅游环境的形成和发展中的重要地位。因此,自然山水是桂林城市的灵魂。山水景观环境的保护和利用是建设桂林国际性旅游城市的根本保障。目前,现实中的一些不和谐,乃至破坏性的建设使环境不够理想,但我们不能由此否定自然山水的固有价值。任何自然山水价值在桂林市都具有永恒性,中心区环城水系的规划设计必须建立在这一基本认识基础之上。 二、历史观桂林是一座具有两千多年历史的文化名城。自三国吴甘露元年(公元265年)设始安郡其,桂林便一直是历代广西和南方地区政治、军事、文化重镇,宋代已有“西南会府”之称。而今古城区的格局主要与历史上四朝的古城形态相关。一是汉代以现榕荫路为南北轴线修建的始安郡府;二是唐代将独秀峰、子成和象鼻山为南北轴线,修筑“夹城”和“外城”而形成的前朝后市,它奠定了桂林中心区的格局;三是宋成淳年间突破原有城市格局,依山傍水,因地制宜,形成了南北长、东西窄,山、水、城有机结合的城市形态。并将漓江和西护城河形容如两条巨龙,在鹦鹉山和铁封山之间建园形瓮城,创造出“双龙戏珠”势态;四是明朝洪武年间,在独秀峰下修建靖江王府,并将城池向南扩大之象鼻山,桃花江作为南护城河,将原护城河(榕杉湖)辟为风景湖面,同时十字街的商业中心形成。四朝古城和近代文物多有遗存,这些都是历史文化名城不可缺少的旅游和文化资源,规划中充分体现古城历史文化的延续性,是提高游览文化品位的重要方面。 三、发展观桂林中心城的护城河水系发展与城市总体形态紧密相关,其独特的环城水系有着悠久的历史。唐代以南面形成环城水系。当时桃花江与隐山西湖、榕湖、杉湖相通,可泛舟游览;宋代开凿“朝宗渠”和伏波山南渠,形成“一水抱换流”。到明代,筑坝引桃花江水东流直抵象鼻山北起护城作用。榕湖、杉湖和壕塘变成内湖,以后“朝宗渠”和伏波山南渠逐渐被毁,从城市和水系的演化中可以得出,随着时代的变迁,水系与城市都在变化,并且历代都形


英国旅游景点概述 一、简要阐述英国伦敦的旅游景点. 1唐宁街10号 建于1680年,18世纪以来一直是英国历届首相官邸和办公处。唐宁街为17世纪后半叶由唐宁(Downing)爵士开发建筑的私人住宅街道,后来保留了四所住宅。1733年,英国国王将10号辟为首相府邸,11号现为财政大臣官邸,12号是财政大臣的办公室。 唐宁街10号楼内最有名的房间是内阁室,从室内可远眺皇家禁卫军的换岗仪式和圣?詹姆斯公园(St.James’sPark)。第二次世界大战期间邱吉尔(Churchill)将地下室的一间房间用做餐厅。二楼有早餐厅、国宴厅、书房及第二会客厅,其中最大的为国宴厅。客厅内挂有名贵油画,大部分借自博物馆和画廊。唐宁街10号一直室英国政府做出重大决定、制定政策和举行改变世界的会议的中心。 2大本钟 大本钟介绍 中国人给大本钟起了一个可爱的外号叫做“大笨钟”。大本钟(Big Ben)代表了英国古典文化,是伦敦的标志,也是英国人的骄傲。大本钟即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称。 大本钟基本信息 位于威斯敏斯特桥的南面桥头,与英国议会大厦相连,英国议会大厦的北角。作为伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,大本钟巨大而华丽。大本钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,根据格林尼治时间每隔一小时敲响一次,至今将近一个半世纪,尽管这期间大本钟曾两度裂开而重铸。现在大本钟的钟声仍然清晰、动听。自从1859年投入使用后,英国政府每隔五年就要对大本钟实施维护,包括清洗钟体、替换大本钟的报时轮系和运转轮系等。

外形特点 钟楼高95米,钟直径9英尺,钟重14 吨,时针和分针长度分别为2.75米和4.27米,钟摆重305公斤,每15分钟响一次。大本钟巨大而华丽,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右,每个钟面各由312块乳白色玻璃镶嵌而成。大本钟自1859年被安装在钟楼上。成为世界上第二大的同时朝向四个方向的时钟。每个钟面的底座上刻着拉丁文的题词,“上帝啊,请保佑我们的女王维多利亚一世的安全。” 历史意义 大笨钟曾经激发起英国人无比崇高的爱国热情和一往无前的英勇气概,是伦敦人民的骄傲。 在第二次世界大战中,伦敦遭受了1224次空袭,而大笨钟始终播送着它那安定人心的钟声。特别令人肃然起敬的是每年的休战纪念日(11月的第一个星期天)上午11:00鸣响的钟声,那是在哀悼在第二次世界大战中阵 亡的英国军人,此时,整个城市交通停止,人们脱帽肃立,仰望那雄伟的大笨钟。每当议会召开会议的时候,大钟上方的灯就会点亮。一到夜晚,大钟在灯光的照耀下,静静地浮在夜空中,从对岸观望更觉壮观。门票: 免费 开放时间: 每周一、周二、周四14:30-22:00,周三10:00-14:30,周五9:30-15: 3杜莎夫人蜡像馆 杜莎夫人蜡像馆旅游简介 杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussaud’s)是位于英国伦敦的一间蜡像馆,其在阿姆斯特丹、纽约、香港和拉斯维加斯都有分馆,在中国的上海分馆也于2006年开幕。蜡像馆是由蜡制雕塑家杜莎夫人建立的,有众多世界名人的蜡像,其中恐怖屋最为出名。整个馆由3层楼及地下室组成,分4个展览层。


江城色彩:Color of River City 昙花林Tan Hualin 武汉之夜Wuhan in Night 古德寺Gude Temple 户部巷Hubu Lane 武汉公交Urban Mass-transit 红钢城Honggangcheng 黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower 江汉关Hankow Customs 武大樱花城堡Sakura Castle of Wuhan University 昙华林:螃蟹岬、凤凰山、花园山像相拥而眠的小猫们,昙华林就安静地躺在他们温暖的躯体里面。 Tan Hualin:Crab Cape,Phoenix Mountains and Garden Hills are like cats relying on each other hugged and sleeping.Besides,Tan Hualin is lying quitely inside their warm bodies. 武汉之夜:夜里的武汉像一只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,武昌、汉口、汉阳是摊开的淡黄色翅膀。Wuhan in Night:Wuhan in night is like a dancing butterfly,Wuchang,Hankou and Hanyang are the spread yellow wings. 古德寺:她静静地守在上滑坡路的尽头,华丽与苍凉被奇妙地组合。 Gude Temple:She quietly waited at the end of the landslide road, gorgeous and desolation are wonderfully combined. 古琴台:龟山西麓,月湖东畔,清风明月本无价,流水高山自有情。 the Ancient Guqin Terrace:It’s located at the Mt. Nan of Tortoise Hill .The leisure is priceless and the scenery has its own feelings. 户部巷:惺忪的武汉从热气腾腾的“过早”中醒来,然后充满元气的一天就开始了 Hubu Lane :Dreamless Wuhan wakes up from steaming breakfast , and then begins with a day full of vitality . 武汉公交:这里有全国最疯狂的公交车。 Urban Mass-transit:Here is the most crazy buses in China. 红钢城:从空中鸟瞰,红钢城的八、九街就像一个中国传统的大红色的“囍”字。Honggangcheng :Honggangcheng's eight,nine streets are like a Chinese traditional character "Double Happiness" in aerial scene. 黄鹤楼:从三国的夏口楚城,再到宋、元、清的黄鹤楼,各个时代的建筑在蛇山叠加成了一个通天的黄鹤楼。 Yellow Crane Tower:From the Xiakou Chu City of Three Kingdoms, to the Yellow Crane Towers of Song, Yuan and Qing Dynasty, each era buildings in the Snake Hill superimposed into a Yellow Crane Tower that could nearly reach the sky. 江汉关:浑厚的钟声伴着长江里的浪花,穿过悠远的岁月,回到儿时闷热的夏夜,钟声敲响的时候整个城市都会变得安静。 Hankow Customs:ring in Hankow Customs accompanied with the Yangtze River waves are travel through distant years, backing to childhood sultry summer night.When the clock strikes, throughout the city will become quiet.


广西桂林猫儿山介绍 猫儿山是漓江、浔江、资江发源地,是桂林漓江山水的“命根子”。越城岭主峰,海拔2142米,居五岭之冠,堪称“华南第一峰”。猫儿山国家级自然保护区位于广西桂林市的北部,地处北桂林旅游区的中心,周边分布有兴安县的灵渠、乐满地、华江超然派,资源县的八角寨国家森林公园、国家丹霞地质公园,资江、五排河漂流,龙胜县的龙胜温泉、龙脊梯田等众多著名景区。大自然的鬼斧神工,把浩瀚的猫儿山原始矮林修剪得高低起伏,错落有致,犹如浩瀚无垠的绿色海洋。傲然耸立的孑遗植物——南方铁杉群,古朴苍劲,造型典雅,是猫儿山的“镇山之宝”。山顶常有云海浮现,而四时的佛光环罩更是堪称一绝,可以领略大自然的无比神奇。 景点信息 地址:地处兴安、资源两县交界处,距离兴安县城56公里,距离桂林81公里。 门票:50元,持桂林身份证为40元,一般打折后为30元,自驾车可免司机门

票。 开放时间:全天开放,游览时间约4小时。 交通:桂林至猫儿山(高寨)有班车,全程81公里,票价18元。从兴安至至猫儿山(高寨)的班车,全程56公里,票价6元。由于白竹铺至升坪15公里;桂林到高寨大约用2.5小时;兴安到高寨大约2个小时。从高寨村可以租车上山,价格在120元左右,如果需要在山上住一天,第二天再下山,给司机加20元,他自己会解决食宿的问题。 住宿:猫儿山脚下的高寨村有多家家庭式旅馆,卫生间、淋浴间共用,卫生条件一般,价格为10-15元/床。山顶有一家“云峰饭店”,以前是239广播电台的招待所。山顶常年潮湿雾气弥漫,客房没有空调,电热毯倒是必备之物!卫生间、浴室皆为共用。单人间80/间,双人间120/间,3人间150/间,5人间200/间,10人间200/间(无彩电)。 美食:山下高寨村的小旅馆也供应餐饮,饭菜简简单单,价格不贵。山上“云峰饭店”的饮食明码标价,只此一家,不吃也得吃。土鸡火锅60元,排骨火锅40元,油炸花生米15元/碟,红烧茄子15元/盘。不过,分量给的还是蛮足的。来猫儿山穿越的朋友建议带上炉具和食物。 猫儿山地图


1:The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire[ 格洛斯特郡(英格兰)], and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary(河口). It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 metres (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington [特丁顿(英国国立物理研究所所在地)]Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife. the river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as ―Liquid History‖. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, skiffing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


武汉市 武汉市,简称汉,湖北省省会,因武昌、汉口、汉阳三地合称而得名,是中国中部地区中心城市。 武汉位于中国腹地中心、长江与汉江交汇处、江汉平原东部,是中部六省唯一的副省级城市,也是中部第一大都市。世界第三大河长江及其最大支流汉江横贯市区,将武汉一分为三,形成武昌、汉口、汉阳跨江鼎立的格局。唐朝诗人李白在此写下“黄鹤楼中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”,因此武汉自古又称“江城”。 武汉历来被称为“九省通衢”之地,是中国内陆最大的水陆空交通枢纽,中国的经济地理中心,国家重要的科技、工业、信息、产业、通信中心,内陆地区的金融、商业、贸易、物流、文化中心,被誉为世界开启中国内陆市场的“金钥匙”,经济发展的“立交桥”,具有承东启西、接南转北、吸引四面、辐射八方的区位优势。 Wuhan, composed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, is the capital of Hubei Province. The three towns, separated by the Yangtze and Hanshui rivers, are linked by bridges, and because these municipalities are so closely connected by waterways, Wuhan is also called the "city on rivers." Being the largest inland port on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and a major stop on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan is one of China…s most important hubs of water and rail transportation and communications. Wuhan has an old history and rich cultural traditions. It began to prosper as a commercial town about two thousand years ago, when it was called Yingwuzhou (Parrot beach). From the first century to the beginning of the third century, the towns of Hanyang and Wuchang began to take shape. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the area became one of the most prosperous commercial centers along the Yangtze River. By the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Hankou had become one of the four most famous cities in China. Today, Wuhan is the political, economic, and cultural center of Central China. It boasts of one of China…s leading iron and steel complexes -- the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. Wuhan is also a city with a strong revolutionary tradition.


桂林山水导游词介绍范文 桂林山水导游词介绍(1) 桂林市着名的旅游胜地,俗话说:“桂林山水甲天下。”桂林以她山清,水秀,洞奇,石秀的秀丽风光闻名于世,每年吸引着千万的海内外的游客带桂林来观光旅游。 桂林这一带的山,一座座高峭耸立,拔地而起,各不相接。桂林的水蜿蜓弯曲,清澈见底,在日后的行程中我将带领大家乘着小舟去观赏桂林最美的一条江——漓江。漓江的水是出奇的静,静得我们根本感觉不道它在流动;丽江的水清澈见底,可以看见有许多美丽的鱼儿游来游去。 桂林的山还多奇石,著名的有月牙山的剑柄石象鼻山的垂钓石,伏波山的试剑石……桂林的洞更是一绝。下面我请大家跟我一块儿上岸去欣赏欣赏神秘的七星岩。 七星岩溶洞的面积巨大,可容纳一万多人,请看这儿,洞内有着造型奇特的各种景物:有莽莽的原始“森林”,高耸挺拔的“宝塔”,还有洁白鲜嫩的“竹笋”……有“大自然艺术宫”之称。大家请看这边儿,形形色色的钟乳石,在彩灯的照耀下,是不是更有情趣了呢?这些钟乳石还有着动听的名字,什么“狮岭朝”,“石乳罗帐”,“云台揽胜”等等。请大家自由欣赏,一定要注意安全! 桂林以山青、水秀、石美、洞奇。这绝世无双的美丽景色,赢得了“桂林山水甲天下”的赞誉。构成了一幅长达80余千米的山水画卷。 桂林山水导游词介绍(2) 各位游客朋友们: 大家好!

我是你们这次游览的导游。我叫Lily!今天,我来带领大家游览 迷人的桂林山水。 来,请大家一个一个地、慢慢地上船。哎,小心!好了,咱们一 边欣赏山两边秀丽的风景,一边来听我讲解吧!从桂林到阳朔,160 里漓江水路,满眼画山绣水,这是大自然的千古杰作。漓江的碧绿 碧绿的,沿江攒聚着怪石奇峰,峰峰都是瘦骨嶙嶙的,却又千奇百怪,姿态万千。在薄霭轻雾中,若隐若现,时远时近,请看漓江两岸,竹子的色调使两岸春光常在,而它那风度翩翩的倩影,又使漓 江在人们心中倍增亲切。 3亿多年前,这里还是一片汪洋大海,海底沉积了巨厚的石灰石 岩层。后来地壳上升为陆地,石灰岩经过水的溶蚀和风化作用,形 成了挺拔秀丽的峰林和曲折幽深的岩洞。人们说,桂林的美可以概 括为八个字:山青、水秀、石美、洞奇。 先说这山吧。什么象鼻子、磨米山,斗鸡山、螺狮山,数不胜数!位于市内的独秀峰,有"南天一柱"之称。清代诗人袁枚写过一首诗 赞美她:"来龙去脉绝无有,突然一峰插南斗。"请看这里,这是另 一处景物,名叫叠彩山。这里的岩石层层横断,远远望去,好像是 一(匹匹堆叠起来的彩缎,因此而得名。 桂林的山还多奇石,著名的有月牙山的剑柄石象鼻山的垂钓石,伏波山的试剑石......桂林的洞更是一绝。下面我请大家跟我一块 儿上岸去欣赏欣赏神秘的七星岩。七星岩溶洞的面积巨大,可容纳 一万多人,请看这儿,洞内有着造型奇特的各种景物:有莽莽的原始"森林",高耸挺拔的"宝塔",还有洁白鲜嫩的"竹笋"......有"大 自然艺术宫"之称。 大家请看这边儿,形形色色的钟乳石,在彩灯的照耀下,是不是更有情趣了呢?这些钟乳石还有着动听的名字,什么"狮岭朝","石 乳罗帐","云台揽胜"等等。请大家自由欣赏,一定要注意安全! 桂林以山青、水秀、石美、洞奇。这绝世无双的美丽景色,赢得了"桂林山水甲天下"的赞誉。构成了一幅长达80余千米的山水画卷。


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.


介绍桂林风景作文600字范文精选 桂林山水甲天下,这是大家都知道的。但美景在书上看到与现实中看到的是完全不一样的感觉。你知道要怎么样写好介绍桂林风景作文吗?下面是小编为大家整理的介绍桂林风景作文,供大家分享。 介绍桂林风景作文:桂林游记俗话说的好:桂林山水甲天下。我们来到了美丽的山水之国桂林,欣赏美丽的桂林风光。 我们来到了阳朔的漓江旁,看见了许许多多的竹筏荡漾在漓江上。我们坐着竹筏顺江而行。桂林的水真清啊!清得能看见水中的自己;桂林的水真绿啊!绿得仿佛是一块无暇的翡翠;桂林的水真凉啊!用脚轻轻地触摸着水,一股沁人心脾的凉意涌遍全身。师傅一边给我们划船,一边为我们介绍美丽的漓江的风景。你瞧,那就是九马画山,顾名思义就是九匹马构成了一座山的风景。还有形态各异的山,如猪八戒背老婆、青蛙看江、乌龟爬山最有名气的一道风景是二十元人民币反面的风景。看完后,让我不尽想起一句阳朔山水甲桂林。 快点、快点!原来,我们来到了龙脊梯田。欣赏梯田风景秀丽,景色宜人,一排排、一列列的像楼梯一样,真有趣!一开始,天气雾蒙蒙的,只能看见隐隐约约的一点红瑶族的村庄,还能看见隐隐约约的梯田轮廓。中午,当阳光穿过云雾,金灿灿的梯田出现在我眼前。我情不自禁的赞叹起来,红瑶族人智慧的结晶!能开垦出如此秀丽的梯田,真让我流连忘返。

象鼻山屹立在漓江和桃花江之间。我们先从象尾拾级而上,来到了象头,站在观景台上,能看见桂林的全景。远看象鼻山像一头无比巨大的象拖着它那长长的鼻子垂到了水中,正在水中嬉戏。在象鼻山前,我还做了一回渔民,坐在竹筏上,掌控着鱼鹰。 随着的课本的脚步,我们游览了桂林象鼻山,参观了刘三姐故居,荡漾在阳朔的山水之中,有舟行碧波上,人在画中游感觉。 介绍桂林风景作文:我的桂林之行记得在我上小学二年级的时候,有一篇课文描写桂林山水的景色,就在那时候我知道了桂林山水甲天下的美誉。今天,我终于实现了我的桂林之行梦想,来到了少数民族很多的城市广西桂林,欣赏桂林的山山水水。 坐了两个多小时的飞机后,第二天一大早,导游就带着我们去乘坐游船,游览百里画廊漓江。坐在船上看着沿途美丽的山水真是令人陶醉。一山高,一山低,连绵起伏。近处的山碧绿,远处的山朦胧,千姿百态。一会儿导游让我们看船的正前方有一座山,山名叫九马画山,并且让我们找找山上九匹马的形状。听导游说要是谁找出的马越多,那么这个人就越了不起。船上的人听了立即都往九马画山上看去,你数一匹,我看一匹大家都十分地认真。于是,我也加入了数马的队伍当中去。一会儿船又经过了一座笔架山,一会儿船又经过了一座骆驼山,真是一山有一山的姿态,看得我目不暇接,眼花缭乱。 上岸了,我们接着游览世界熔岩奇观银子岩。银子岩汇集了不同地质年代发育生长的各种各型的钟乳石,以音乐石屏、广寒深宫、雪山飞瀑三绝、佛祖论经、独柱擎天、混元珍珠伞三宝景点为代表,栩


British Tourist Attractions 国名:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国( The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 伦敦的主要景点有:白金汉宫、唐宁街10号、大英博物馆、威斯敏斯特宫、伦敦塔、海德公园、格林尼治天文台、福尔摩斯博物馆、大本钟、伦敦塔桥、伦敦等。 英格兰:伦敦London伯明翰Birmingham布里斯托Bristol曼彻斯特Manchester 纽卡斯尔Newcastle利兹Leeds利物浦Liverpool诺丁汉Nottingham 谢菲尔德Sheffield 剑桥Cambridge 牛津Oxfod等 1 景点名称:Edinburgh castle爱丁堡城堡 特色介绍:The main introduction Edinburgh castle is the symbol of Edinburgh, Scotland spirit even standing at the top, High in death volcanic rocks overlooking Edinburgh city, every August in this FenLieShi (Military Tattoo held marching) and, more will be Edinburgh castle solemn majestic atmosphere shows. To Edinburgh tourist would not miss Edinburgh castle, because in Edinburgh castle volcano in granite top, Edinburgh castle in downtown every corner can be seen. Edinburgh castle in the 6th century became the royal fort, Edinburgh castle thenceforth become important royal residence and the state爱丁堡城堡是爱丁堡甚至于苏格兰精神的象征,耸立在死火山岩顶上,居高俯视爱丁堡市区,每年八月在此举办军乐队分列式,更将爱丁堡城堡庄严雄伟的气氛表露无遗。到爱丁堡旅游的人都不会错过爱丁堡城堡,爱丁堡城堡在市中心各角落都可看到。爱丁堡城堡在6世纪时成为皇室堡垒,爱丁堡城堡自此成为重要皇家住所和国家行政中心。 2 景点名称:Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 特色介绍:The main introduction Buckingham Palace is the monarch’s present London home,facing St. James ‘park. It was built for the Duke of Buckingham and Normandy John Sheffield in 1703. Buckingham House was bought by George III for his wife at the price of 28,000 pounds in 1761 and the royal family moved there from St. James ‘Palace. It was enlarged in the Palladian style by John Nash in the reign Of George IV and then the building became known as Buckingham Palace. When Victoria came to the throne,she made it the royal palace. In the palace can be found the Marble Hall,Sculpture Gallery,the Picture Gallery,the Throne Room,the Drawing Room,the Library,the Royal Stamp-Collecting Room,the Grand Staircase and V estibule,over 600 rooms and halls in all. The grounds cover 40 acres and there are collections of famous paintings and of furniture,most of which are works dating from George IV’s time. Since 1993,Buckingham Palace has been open to the public during the summer months only. 白金汉宫英国的王宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。 1762年英国王乔治三世购买了当时在现址上的一所房子作为私人住宅。1821年开始兴建


免费旅游景点详细介绍(含非免费景点) 免费景点: 1. 楚河汉街 地址:武昌中北路,公交车站----东湖路楚河汉街,14路; 411路; 552路; 578路; 701路; 709路; 810路,原武重宿舍,与大学、大学中南医院等建筑毗邻。 楚河夜景 楚河夜景

汉街雨景(此街两侧房屋里客购物、喝茶等) 汉街景象 此处进入为汉街,汉街旁的河为楚河,与东湖、沙湖相连。 楚河汉街是中央文化区一期项目重要容。项目规划面积1.8平方公里,总建筑面积340万平方米,是万达集团投资500亿元人民币,倾力打造的以文化为核心,兼具旅游、商业、商务、居住功能的世界级文化旅游项目。定位是“中国第一,世界一流,业朝拜之地”,将打造成世界文化新品牌。楚河汉街不仅是商业,更是城市历史文化和生态景观工程,经济社会综合效应十分显著。“楚河”贯穿中央文化区东西,是文化区的灵魂。楚河”全长2.2 公里,连通东湖和沙湖,是国务院批准的市“六湖连通水网治理工程”的首个工程。 2.东湖梨园


东湖生态旅游风景区位于市的东部,总面积82平方公里,其中水面33平方公里,是中国最大的城中湖。主席自建国后除了中南海外,在东湖居住的时间最长。东湖生态旅游风景区的核心景区之一——听涛景区以秀丽的江南风光和源远流长的屈子文化而闻名。景区岬湾交错、树种繁多,堤路将多个半岛相连在一起,亭阁相望,岸线绵长,四季景色美不胜收。东湖听涛景区还建有全国陆最大的海沙沙滩浴场、中国第一座寓言雕塑园、楚风园、鳄鱼园等。梨园景区在东湖西北岸,与对岸滩头相望。为东湖生态旅游风景区主要园林之一。建国后培育,占地500余亩,种有各种果树和名贵花木,其中以梨为主,因以园名。园中所有树木,皆依地势而起伏,高低重叠,苍翠幽深。一年四季,繁花不断,沁人心脾,尤其梨花盛开时,酷似无数粉蝶满园飞舞,殊为壮观。 3.省博物馆 地址:武昌东湖路,乘14、108、402、411、552、578、701、709路公交到省博物馆站下车,乘605、712、777路到黄鹂路下车即到。
