

















































初二关于旅行英语作文80词【7篇】 一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己...下面给大家带来一些初二关于旅行英语作文80词,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二关于旅行英语作文80词1 Last vacation,I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable. We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first day,we went to Tian"an Men Square,It is so big. and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting. The second day was cloudy,so we went to the museums. We saw many old things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We were tired. So the next day we stayed at the hotel. The last day we went shopping and bought lots of things. I had a happy vacation. 初二关于旅行英语作文80词2 Since I was very small, there was a song about Guilin“I want to Guilin, but when I have money, I don’t have time…’’, this is the first impression I have on Guilin, it is so attracting. As the song’s great power, I said to myself, when I grew up, I must go toGuilin. When I


去北京旅游作文850字 篇一:我的国庆北京游[850字] 周汉琳 今年国庆假期,我们一家去了北京游玩,我们去了天安门广场、故宫、香山公园、颐和园、八达岭长城度过了一个快乐的假期。 第一天,我们来到宏伟的天安门广场,看到了雄伟的英雄纪念碑,庄严的毛主席纪念堂。来自全国各地的游客把广场挤满了,广场上人山人海,有的拍照留念,有的在广场上漫步,大家都面带笑容,我感受到大家的欢乐,也拍了不少照片留念。 穿过天安门广场,我们来到故宫,也就是紫荆城,以前皇帝们居住的地方。穿过午门,我们依次参观了金水桥,太和门三大殿、乾清门、御花园感叹着几百年前的劳动人民建造这样宏伟高大的建筑是多么的不寻常,想象着以前的帝王们在这里办公、生活的场景应该是很舒适的吧。 第二天,天空万里无云,我们去有名的香山公园,我坐上了没有玻璃防护的缆车,缆车噌噌地往上滑行,不一会就到了半山腰,我往下看过去,发现自己离地面真高啊,紧张地抓住妈妈的手,生怕自己掉下去。妈妈叫我放轻松看远处的风景,我试着往远处望去,遍地的花草树木,绿油油的,美极了,我真的就不紧张了,爸爸还在我们前面的缆车上给我们拍了照。我想我以后再坐缆车应该不会再害怕了吧。 从香山出来,我们还去了颐和园,据说这是古时候皇帝的花园。这个花园真是大,我们走了半天,才来到昆明湖,湖的两旁柳树成荫,柳枝随风飘动,湖水碧绿,湖面有制造浪涛的快艇、载着游客的大画舫、匀速前进的电瓶船,还有大小不一的脚踏船在飘荡。我们绕着湖转了一会,发现如果走路绕湖一圈很是费劲,我们决定租一艘脚踏船游湖。我和爸爸配合着踩着踏板,小船在湖中缓缓地前进了,湖面的船还真不少,一不小心就要撞船,我们才避开一艘画舫,又遇上了一艘电瓶船,还有快艇不时制造大浪,让我们的船飘来荡去,竟然还有一架直升机从我们头顶飞过,我们玩得不亦乐乎。 我们还去了著名的八达岭长城。那天我们凌晨四点多就起床准备出发,顺利地坐上了去八达岭的第一班火车。到了八达岭,风吹到脸上,冷飕飕的,往长城上面看过去,已经是黑压压的人群。我们慢慢地往上爬,来到了一段很陡峭的破路,我双手紧抓栏杆,脚趾抓地,一步一步地往上爬,总算走过了这一段难走的路,又出现了一段很陡的阶梯,这一次我手脚并用,很快地爬了上去,还把爸爸妈妈甩在了后面呢。还有几位外国来的朋友请我们帮他们拍照,爸爸很爽快地答应了,接过相机,给他们拍了好几张,还给我和其中一个外国朋友抓拍了一张合影。 我们还参观了恭王府,逛了后海的胡同,也还有一些想去没时间去的地方,希望以后还有机会再去北京。 篇二:瞳孔中的北京[850字] 汪海涛 尘土跳了跳,再次回到了地面。 激动!对,心情真的很激动,虽说不是第一次出远门了,不过对于首都北京的憧憬依然心潮澎湃。 看着窗外不停飘过的事物,眼前突然迷离起来,北京,是不是众所皆知的天安门、长城这么简单呢?


关于旅游的英语作文 关于旅游的英语作文 篇一:关于旅游的.英语作文His time most unforgettable was the first time traveling with his wife, as this is the first time, therefore, was extremely excited. On May 20 this particular day I have to play as early as 7:00 in the morning we arrived at the place to be on the train, the 6:00 bell on my wife and finishing up a good point. 7:01 to start on time. The coach and I was full of a sense of curiosity, for the first time for everyone to do there is always a special feeling. Coach travel on the highway, the window quickly from the scene before flying, I have been looking out the window, could not feel happy. Over time, unconsciously I fell asleep. After about four hours by car, we have finally reached the destination - Nanbei Hu. We arranged to stay in the Expo in Hangzhou Hotel, the room is very spacious, this is the first time I was admitted to a five-star hotel, I am excited about the West, Zhang Zhang looked at, to see that the door opened, the door opened Look Look, everything I feel very fresh. After lunch,


暑假去北京的英语作文 北京是我国的首都,有许多历史文化建筑,那么关于暑假去北京的英语作文怎么写呢?以下是为大家整理的暑假去北京游玩的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。 暑假去北京游玩的英语作文篇一This summer holiday I visited to Beijing with my aunt. We visited to many famous places such as Tian'ann Men Square the Imperial Palace the Summer Palace the Great Wall and so on. Before that I just saw them on TV but this summer holiday they were all in front of my eyes. I was so exciting. Among them I like theSummerPalacethe most because it's so amazing and the scenery is very beautiful. BesidesBeijingis a modern city. There are many tall buildings. I like this city very much and I hope I can visit there again. 翻译: 这个暑假,我和叔叔到北京旅游。我们参观了很多地方,比如天安门广场,故宫,颐和园和长城等等。 在那之前我只是在电视上看见过它们,但是这个暑假我亲眼看到它们就在我的前面,我很兴奋。

一场说走就走的旅行 A Trip Without Plan(大学英语作文)

一场说走就走的旅行A Trip Without Plan 大学英语作文 Today, as the life standard has improved, people have more money to chase amusement, travel is their first choice. So there are a lot of people on the journey during the public vacation, some people even quit their jobs to do it. The trip without plan was favored by many people since a few years ago, it was the attitude towards life.今天,随着生活水平的提高,人们有更多的钱去追逐娱乐,旅行是他们的第一选择。因此在公共假期期间,有很多人在旅途中,有些人甚至放弃自己的工作去旅游。说走就走的旅行在几年前就受到了欢迎,这是一种生活态度。 Though people are proud of taking the independent travel, especially when they just go anytime and anywhere, only a few people take action. Some day, as I had the long summer vacation, I suddenly had the idea that I could take a trip without plan. So I asked two of my friends to joined my team. We booked the tickets and and hotel, then the next day, we took the train. We talked and appreciated the scenery


去北京旅游作文600字 去北京旅游作文600字一:北京旅游 6月12 0,我们去北京游玩。一到北京,第一站就去了天坛。这是明、清两代皇帝祭天的地方。 天坛北为圆形,南为方形,代表天圆地方。 一进大门,我看到了一排排古老的柏树,那柏树跟我以前看到的截然不同,每棵柏树的树干像巨大的麻花辫。其中有一棵最特别,它的树干像九条龙,龙头向下,龙尾向上,也被称为“九龙树”。传说是一个大火球掉下来形成的。把手伸向九龙树,会发觉手掌比较凉,导游告诉我们, 这是磁场的关系。 接着,我们去了“祈年殿”。祈年殿雄伟壮观。高米,是圆形的,总共有三层,层层收缩。覆盖着蓝色的琉璃瓦。走近一看,里面居然没有一砖一石,全部采用木结构,殿内只见28根大柱支撑着整个殿顶的重量。 过了祈年殿,我们来到了地坛,地坛中间有一块圆圆的石块,据说这是皇帝祭天前跟上天对话的地方,所以有很多人站在上面许愿呢,我和外婆也迫不及待地站在上面许了愿。

走下地坛,我们看到了几个大缸,那是放供品的,据说,祭天结束后,所有的供品全要烧掉,意思是说上天把所有的供品都打包走了。 在游览天坛的过程中,我不仅欣赏了古代伟大的建筑, 也了解了明清皇帝祭天的过程,祭天是古代皇帝的一件大事,有很多讲究,而且祭天那天四点多就得步行到天坛,看来,当皇帝也挺不容易的。 去北京旅游作文600字二:去北京游玩 昨天晚上,我们全家还有我三姨和表哥来到了向往已久的遥远的北京。北京的天气也比较热。我们住在故宫附近的一个宾馆里,今天早上吃过早饭后我们就直接去了故宫。 故宫里很大很大,就象个谜宫一样。里面有乾清宫、景阳宫、正阳门还有太和殿等其它宫殿。听说以前的皇帝就在太和殿里办公的,里面还有皇帝坐过的龙椅和龙床呢……。从故宫出来正赶上降旗的时间,我们来到天安门广场,那里已经人山人海,大家


关于去北京的英语作文 北京是中国的首都,是经济、政治、文化的中心,也是一座历史悠久的现代化城市。下面小编为大家搜集整理有关北京的英语作文,仅供阅读! 北京Beijing Id like to go to a beautiful place. I think it would be Beijing. Beijing is not only our capital city, but also a famous city with long history and wonderful culture. Beijing is also Chinas political and cultural center. Therere many old places of great interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Tiananmen Square. Once you see Tiananmen Square, you will think of Beijing. It has been the symbol of Beijing since 1949. 我想去一个美丽的地方。我觉得那应该是北京。北京不仅仅是我们的首都,也是有着悠久的历史和精彩地文化的著名城市。北京也是中国的政治和文化中心。有很多古迹,比如,长城,颐和园,紫禁城,天坛,天安门广场。只要你看到天安门广场,你就会想起北京。自从1949年起它就是北京的象征了。 北京之旅Journey to Beijing This summer holiday, I visited toBeijingwith my aunt. We visited to many famous places, such as TiananMen Square, theImperialPalace,


英语作文:旅行的意义 导语:你认为旅行有什么意义?下面是小编为备考的同学准备的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 旅行的意义TheMeaningofTravel Travelisagoodwaytorefreshandbroadenourhorizon.Duringyou rtravel,youcanturnoffyourcellphoneandkeepfarfromtheInte rnet.Youcanforgetyourwork,yourstudyoryourfamily,andjust enjoytheleisuretime.Fromthemomentwhenyoustartyourjourne y,allthetriflesshouldbelockedatyourhouse.Duringthetrave l,youcankillyourtimeslowlytohaveagoodrest,andyoucancont actwithdifferentpeople.Theymaybeawindowforyoutoknowadif ferentworld.Meetvariouspeople,experiencethings,whichmak eyourworldbigger.Youjustcleanupyourentiremindandyoucang etthetruemeaningoftravel. 【参考译文】 旅行是消除疲劳开阔眼界的好方式。在旅行中,你可以关掉手机,远离网络,可以忘记你的工作、学习或家庭,只需静静地享受旅行的闲暇。从踏上旅程的那一刻起,所有的琐事都应该被紧锁在家里。旅行的时刻,你可以慢慢打发时间,好好休息,也可以和不同的人打交道,这些人可能是你开启另一个世界的窗口。遇见不同的人,经历不同的事,这都可以使你的世界更宽广。


【关于旅游】It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of traveling that to urism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries. The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday traveling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder. Traveling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through traveling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.


关于难忘的旅行英语作文【三篇】 【篇一】关于难忘的旅行英语作文 I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing. I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit. 【篇二】关于难忘的旅行英语作文 I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains. So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.


在北京旅游的作文 关于旅游的作文一 今年暑假,我和妈妈怀着崇敬的心情,乘飞机来到了祖国的心脏——北京。 来到北京的第一天,我们就去了明清两朝皇帝居住的宫殿——故宫。故宫可真大啊!有百十个宫殿,每个宫殿都是琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩绘。这些宫殿大多是高达数十丈,长、宽几十米的巨型建筑物。我不由惊叹,故宫正是太壮丽了!故宫里比较著名的宫殿有太和殿、中和殿、保和殿、养心殿、乾清宫、坤宁宫……太和殿是整个故宫中最华丽的建筑,人们又称它为“金銮殿”;养心殿是皇帝处理日常事务的地方;乾清宫是皇帝居住的地方,有几十个皇帝都在那里居住过;秀美的坤宁宫则是皇后居住的地方……故宫太大了,短时间没法看完,最后我们只能恋恋不舍地从神武门离开故宫接着,我们又来到了天安门广场。天安门广场果真名不虚传,真大呀!天安门城楼上挂着毛主席的画像,左右还有两行字,分别是“中华人民共和国万岁”、“世界人民大团结万岁”。天安门的前面,是缅怀烈士的人民英雄纪念碑。人民英雄纪念碑的旁边是人民大会堂,那是中国全国人民代表大会开会的地方;人民英雄纪念碑的前面是主席纪念堂,那里可以让我们瞻仰主席的遗容。 我们还游览了长城,刚来到长城脚下,我就被长城磅礴的气势所征服。我们坐索道上了长城,啊!这蜿蜒起伏的长城就像是准备腾飞 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

的卧龙,它展现了我国古代劳动人民的智慧…… 北京的历史悠远流长,景色美不胜收,让人流连忘返! 关于旅游的作文二 暑假的时候我去北京五日游了,那是我第一次乘坐了飞机,我很开心。最遗憾的就是爸爸妈妈没陪我去,因为他们工作实在很忙走不开。我和我奶奶、大妈妈、哥哥还有一些大妈妈朋友一起去的。 北京,是我国的首都。坐上飞往北京的飞机,我非常的高兴。因为是中午的飞机,我可以从窗口往外看,一朵朵浮云像棉花糖一样飘在空中,轻轻地游动,感觉像棉花糖一样,我多伸出手去抓来尝尝天空中的棉花糖呀。飞机的速度就是不一样,一眨眼就到了天津。然后我们旅游团的大巴去北京的。 五日游其实只有三日游,来回算两天。我们第一天到那边下午了,自由活动;第二天去了纪念堂、故宫、王府井;第三天去了八达岭、鸟巢、水立方;第四天去了天坛、颐和园、清华北大;第五天就回来了。 这些行程当中最让我值得说起的就是我爬了长城,一开始大人们还担心我小孩子会累的爬不上去,或者是上去了下不来。但是最后我都是靠自己上去自己下来的,导游叔叔还表扬了我,我很遵守秩序,也不乱跑,一起行动听导游叔叔的。最后叔叔还奖励了我一支钢笔,还希望我好好读书,将来能上清华北大。我非常感谢叔叔对我这么大的期望,我会好好学习的,尽量不辜负你对我的期望。 关于旅游的作文三 端午节假期里,我去了北京。


关于旅行的英语作文50字 Yesterday, mom and dad took me to follow tour group to visit the west lake together. To the west lake, I saw the beautiful west lake scenery, attracts many tourists. From a distance, the west lake lake calm like a big mirror bright. After a while, we followed the guide on the ship. Boat, tour guide will introduce us to the west lake. The west lake have broken bridge, why called middle-east? Actually broken bridge isn't broken, it is snow in winter, snow on the broken bridge. Melting, seen from the sky, I feel like a broken. There is leifeng pagoda, gem mountain west lake... We listened with relish. The ship stopped, we went to the just, saw many green lotus leaves, they each other, like small handfuls of umbrella. Some lotus flowers in bud, some lotus in full bloom already. Beside the lotus has two mandarin duck to swimming merrily on the surface of the lake. Then we saw quite a few big carp. Visitors to give food to big carp, carp jump up and splash water around


北京旅游作文九篇 篇一:北京旅游终于要去北京玩了。这是我想好久的旅游胜地,我听说北京有很多好玩的,比如、天坛公园,颐和园、圆明园、园博园,天安门广场,国子临,大前门,故宫,明十三陵……好多好多景点,但是我最想去的地方还是天安门广场和颐和园。 我坐着高铁欣赏着一路上风景很快就到了北京。一到北京就去了我非常向往的天安门广场,那里可真是雄伟。一块高大的人民英雄纪念碑竖立在中间,它的西边有一座庄严的人民大会堂。毛主席纪念堂在广场的南边。而天安门城楼在广场北边俯看着整个广场。让我看到了庄严的美。 第二天,我们去了一个在北京很少能看到的有绿色景点——颐和园,我们一下船我就看到许多树木和一个昆明湖,湖上波光粼粼还不时有几条小船慢慢的驶过,又走了一会儿突然发现在我们旁边的一个长廊都是精美的图画,长廊旁的老人的歌声,有小鸟的叫声,一片和乐的景象,不愧是清朝帝王的行宫和园。 北京之游戏很快就过去了,但是他的美一直都会在我和记忆里。 篇二:北京旅游五一假期里,我去了北京,看到了面积最大的天安门广场、世界公园和颐和园。 天安门广场上人来人往,真是人山人海。有的游客在此画画,有的照相,还有的滑旱冰,也有外国人,好不热闹。远望,几个五星红旗随风飘荡。还有一根似柱子的长方形柱子,其中两面有字,有“人 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

民英雄永垂不朽”八个大字。至于另一面嘛,太多了没看清楚。 世界公园里全部都是仿建世界有名的建筑物。如:埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、长城……做的真是惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生。它也让我见识了异国建筑物。 颐和园我是“早闻大名”因为它被保存的比较好,只有佛香阁等在维修。据说颐和园遭到过两次野蛮破坏,我真恨英法联军和八国联军。长大后,我一定会让颐和园更完好。 篇三:北京旅游童年的我天真、活泼、可爱,对生活充满了憧憬,令我印象最深的一件事——就是爸爸妈妈带我去梦寐以求的首都北京。 记得那是国庆节,爸爸、妈妈、我和哥哥一同去北京游玩。 第一站我们去了军事博物馆,那里到处都是古代、现代战争年代用的各种枪炮,看着这些武器,我想象到了以前打仗的残酷场面。 第二站是科技博物馆,在那里我知道了许多我们中国人发明的高科技如:智能机器人、电子望远镜……中国人真聪明啊! 第三站是我最想去的万里长城,古人说:“不到长城非好汉”,我也要登上长城,当个好汉。我们坐上缆车,香山美丽诱人的景色尽收眼底,不知不觉的我们就来到了长城脚下。准备登长城的时候,我激动地说:“我们可以一边走、一边说,这样就不累了”,我和哥哥说说笑笑转眼间就登上了最高处的烽火台,看到了雄伟壮观、绵延万里的长城,我们的心情无比激动,情不自禁的一起欢呼“长城,我来看您啦!”。 篇四:北京旅游很小的时候,爸爸妈妈就告诉我北京是中国


关于旅游的英语作文(篇1) I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,”such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't forget to bring your backpack! 关于旅游的英语作文(篇2) There are varied ways of defining tourism. Some people regard it as a pollution-free industry; others think of it an invisible school, Both are based on an accepted fact that tourism cannot only produce profits bearing no pollution along with, but help broaden knowledge and fortify healthy. Aside from the above there exists awidespread theory, claiming that whatever is of the ability to increase in capital belongs to productive industry. In this sense, tourism should hold a position in the scope and ought to be treated as such. It is true that there is some sense in the theory, yet another equally or even more important aspect should be granted more publicity to. Tourism, in terms of its objective purposes, has a social function which contributes to human communication. Coming from vadous social backgrounds, having motives and goals of every kind, tourists get together, draw close and exchange ideas of their own, from which a fresh state of mind will be created. So what kind of production is it? To the question we should have good reason to give a proper answer: it is a spirit production, a reproduction of relations of production. And the more frequently such exchanges are made, the more good they will do to promoting social and economic development of the mutual. If it is the case that making money through tourism means a dent we have made, so it foretells a fortune to provide cultural service along with tourism. Therefore, to keep close eyes on the latter involves changing our minds first, that is, tourism is by no means a pure economic concept, but takes plenty of ideological activities as its content. To sum up, unlike other economic forms, the profits from tourism economy cannot be measured completely by means of how much output value, profit, and foreign exchange it will produce. In addition to the reputation of pollution-free industry, its social and far-reaching profit should be probed more deeply. As such the existing scenic spots ought to be kept in good maintenance, and some new ones exploited. Moreover, constructing first-class soft and hard surroundings is desired to attract tourists, the foreign and the domestic。 关于旅游的英语作文(篇3) Travel is a very good means of broadening a person39s perspective.Travel may relieve a person of boredom and gloom. Travelers can choose differentmodes of transportation which have


北京旅游景点的中英文介绍 天安门广场 Tian’an Men Square 故宫 Former Imperial Palace 天坛 Temple of Heaven 地坛 The Temple of Earth 长城 the Great Wall 颐和园 the Summer Palace 十三陵 the Ming Tombs 雍和宫 Yonghegong Lamasery 卢沟桥 Lugou Bridge 碧云寺 Biyun Temple 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 卧佛寺 Wofo Temple 戒台寺 Jietai Temple 法海寺 Fahai Temple 云居寺 Yunju Temple 白云寺 Baiyun Temple 白云观 the White Cloud Taoist Temple 恭王府 Prince Gong’s Mansion 清东陵 Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity

北海公园 Beihai Park 香山公园 Xiangshan Park 世界公园 Beijing World Park 圆明园遗址 the Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 北京动物园 Beijing Zoo 中华世纪坛 China Century Altar 故宫博物院 the Palace Museum 人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People 民族文化宫the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫 Working People's Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆 Beijing Worker's Stadium 革命历史博 物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History


关于旅游的英语作文(5篇)旅游经历英语作文 Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you e into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature. Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences,thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. The field's his study, nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and unfortable.
