高考英语 语法专题复习讲义荟萃情景交际

高考英语 语法专题复习讲义荟萃情景交际
高考英语 语法专题复习讲义荟萃情景交际


( )1. — ________ were you so late this morning?

—I forgot to set the alarm before going to bed last night.

A.how about B.Why

C.how come D.how

( )2. — Try this yellow shirt.


—how about the red one?

—That’s OK.

A.But I don’t like the size

B.I like it very much

C.But I don’t like the color

D.I’ll take it

( )3. — I have got a cough and my chest hurts.

—________. Let me examine you.

A.Don’t mind

B.Take it easy

C.You should learn to protect yourself

D.Keep calm. You will recover soon

( )4. — ________ It will help you a lot.

—That’s a good idea. Let’s make some.

A.I promise to get you some coffee.

B.Would you please make me some coffee?

C.Help yourself to some coffee.

D.You’d better have some coffee.

( )5. — The girl was punished too seriously.


A.but I think not

B.and I was afraid not

C.and I thought not

D.but I had thought not

( )7. — Well,my wife and daughter take great interest in most of the food on the menu.

— Thanks.________?

—Salad,fried fish,chips and orange juice,please.

A.Shall I take your order

B.At your service

C.Can I help you

D.What to follow

( )8. —My daughter has passed the exam.

—Congratulations! She’s really intelligent.


A.No,no,she is nothing.

B.Oh,thank you.

C.Sometimes she is intelligent.

D.You are right.

( )9. —My children are always arguing.


A.Just ignore them.

B.That’s all right.

C.Are you sure?

D.How old are the boys?

( )10. —Don’t forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know you’ve arrived safely.

—I won’t forget. Good-bye then.


A.With pleasure B.have a nice trip

C.Don’t mention it D.It’s very kind of you

( )11. —Don’t forget to post the letter.


A.Yes,I will B.No,I won’t

C.I don’t think so D.Sorry,I wouldn’t

( )12. —What’s going on?


A.No,we won’t go on. We need rest.

B.The Times Theatre is on fire.

C.I’m going on telling the story.

D.How about some ice cream?

( )13. — ________ that he came here yesterday?

—By taxi.

A.How it was B.How was it

C.How are you D.How were you

( )14. —I’m sorry to hear that your mother is ill in hospital.


A.That’s all right.

B.Don’t be so sorry. She’s well soon.

C.It’s nothing.

D.It’s very kind of you.

( )17. —I can not thank you enough for the gift you sent me.


A.No,thanks B.With pleasure

C.My pleasure D.Please don’t say so

( )18. —What do you think of that tea set as a gift for Mary’s birthday?

—________,but I don’t particularly care for the design.

A.It’s the right thing

B.I think it’s a Chinese style

C.Not bad

D.Let me think it over once again

( )19. —Tom,I’ve lost my keys again.

—Here,not again! You________ your keys.

A.always lost

B.always lose

C.are always losing

D.have always been losing

( )20. —Bruce was killed in a traffic accident.

—________ I talked with him yesterday morning!

A.What a pity! B.I beg your pardon?

C.Sorry to hear that. D.Is that so?


1. B 此题询问原因。why引导的特殊疑问句要用why+一般疑问句。how come意为“怎么会;为什么”。如:how come you’re so late?你怎么会来得这么迟?how come后面接陈述语序。

2. C 由how about the red one? 可知顾客不喜欢衬衫的颜色。

3. B 考查看病用语。在此take it easy是医生对病人的安慰,意为“别紧张;慢慢来”。

4. D had better表示提出建议,意思是“最好”。

5. D 答语表示同意上句的看法,并阐述自己的想法。此题通过对话考查think的过去完成时态表示与事实相反,译为“原以为”。句意:“那孩子被罚得太重了。”“是的,我原以为不是这样。”

6. B Maybe I should 是Maybe I should take a rest.的省略回答。

7. A 此题是就餐用语。首句表示顾客对食物的赞扬,第二句是服务员先表示感谢,再根据下句的内容,可知是让客人点菜。at your service意为“听您吩咐;随时提供方便”,不合题意。故答案为A。

8. B 回答祝贺、祝愿或赞扬时,可说“Thank you.”或“It’s very kind of you.”等。

9. A 答语应是提出建议。Just ignore them.意思是“别管他们”。

15. C 介绍用语及应答。Pleased to meet you也可用Nice/Glad to meet you, 意为“见到你很高兴”。

16. A 让对方重复其姓名,是因为没有听清(表示事实);catch 此处意为“听清”。B项是干扰项。说话人要表述的是“刚才没有听清”,而不是“不能听清”。

17. C 上句意为“非常感谢你送给我的礼物”,下句答语该表达“不用谢,不客气”之类。With pleasure意为“很乐意”,是回答请求时的用语,不合题意。故答案选C。

18. C 答语中的but是关键词,答语意为“还不错,但不太喜欢它的样式。”

19. C always与进行时态连用表示厌恶、赞扬等感情色彩,意为“总是”。

20. D 答语的后半部分是感叹句,说明惊讶的原因;D项“Is that so?”是用问句的语气表示惊讶;C项与后面的语气不一致,是干扰项
