


合同号: Contract No:______________ 签字日期: Date of Signature :______________ 签字地点: Place of Signature:______________ 本专有技术许可合同(以下简称合同)是由___________公司(根据_____国法律成立注册的公司,以下简称许可方)为一方与_____公司(根据中华人民共和国法律成立注册的公司,以下简称被许可方)为另一方,双方通过友好协商而签订的。

This Know-how Licensing Contract (hereinafter referred to as Contract) is made and entered into through friendly consultation and negotiation by and between ___________________ , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of___________________(the licensor`s country) as one party (hereinafter referred to as Licensor), and China___________________ Corporation,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the People`sRepublic of China as the other party, hereinafter referred to as Licensee) 鉴于许可方长期从事设计、制造、安装、销售____(以下简称合同产品); Whereas Licensor has long been engaged in designing, manufacturing, assembling, inspecting and selling____________(hereinafter referred to as Contract Products); 鉴于许可方拥有设计、制造、安装、检验合同产品的有价值且成熟的专有技术; Whereas Licensor possesses valuable and mature Know-how

on the design, manufacture, assembly and inspection of Contract Products; 鉴于许可方有权并且同意向被许可方授权利用与合同产品相关的专有技术; Whereas Licensor has the right and agrees to grant Licensee a license to exploit Know-how in connection with Contract Products, and 鉴于被许可方希望获得许可其利用该专有技术制造、使用和销售合同产品。

Whereas Licensee desires to obtain a license for exploiting Know-how to manufacture, use and sell Contract Products; 许可方与被许可方同意就以下条款签订本合同。

Now and therefore, Licensor and Licensee agree to enter into the Contract under the following terms and conditions: 第一章定义Chapter 1 Definition 除另有明确的规定外,下列术语具有所指明的含义:

The following expressions have the meanings set forthbelow, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.1 验收标准是指合同产品在验收测试中符合的标准,详见附件一。

1.1 Acceptance Standard refers to the standards that Contract Products shall meet in the acceptance test , delails of which are specified in Appendix


1.2 商业性生产是指工作现场生产__________(数量)合格产品


1.2 Contract Products shall meet in the acceptance test, details of which are specified in Appendix


1.3 合同产品是指与用专有技术和技术资料设计、制造、安装或检验的各类产品,详见附件。

1.3Contract Products refers to all types of the products designed, manufactured, assembled, or inspected with Know-how and Technical Documentation, details of which are specified in Appendix


1.4 合同生效日期是指本合同的双方政府有关当局中的最后一方批准合同的日期。

1.4 Date of Effectiveness refers to the date when Contract is approved by the petent authorities of the respective parties countries, whichever es later.

1.5 目的地机场是指中华人民共和国的__________机场。

1.5 Destination Airport refers to _________ Airport, P.R.C.

1.6 改进是指在合同有效期内由合同的任何一方以新设计、规则、处方、成分、数值、参数、计算或任何其它指标的形式对本专有技术进行的新发明和/或修改。

1.6 Improvement refers to new findings and/or modifications made in the validity period of the Contract by either party in

Know-how in the form of new designs, formulas, recipes, ingredients, indices, parameters, calculations, or any other indicators.

1.7 工作现场是指被许可方以使用许可方提供的专有技术和技术资料制造合同产品的场所,即中华人民共和国_________省、_______ 市、_________工厂。

1.7 Job Site refers to __________ Factory, _________City, ________ Province, PRC, where Licensee manufactures Contract Products with Know-how and Technical Documentation.

1.8 专有技术是指本合同生效前尚不为公众或被许可方所知晓、由许可方开发、所有或合法取得、占有并由许可方披露给被许可方的关于设计、制造、安装、合同产品的检验等方面的任何有价值的技术知识、资料、数值、图纸、设计和其它技术信息,许可方已采取了适当措施使专有技术处于保密状态,专有技术的具体描述规定在附件二中。

1.8 Know-how refers to any valuable technical knowledge, data, indices, drawings, designs and other technical information, concerning the design, manufacture, assembly, inspection of Contract Products, developed and owned or legally acquired and possessed by Licensor and disclosed to Licensee by Licensor, which is unknown to either public or Licensee before the Date of Effectiveness of the Contract, and for which due protection measures have been taken by Licensor for keeping Know-how in secrecy. The specific description of Know-how is

set forth in Appendix 2.

1.9 许可方的银行是指_______________________。

1.9 Licensee`s Bank refers to

1.10 被许可方的银行是指____________________。

1.10 Licensee`s Bank refers to

1.11 净销售价是指被许可方对合同产品的销售或以正常的、善意的商业交易中的其它处理方法的发票价格扣除销售折扣、回扣、退货、佣金、间接税、保险费、运费、包装费、进口合同产品的原材料、半成品、零配件关税等方面的费用以及与销售合同产品直接有关的支出。(付款为入门费加提成)

1.11 Net Selling Price refers to the gross invoice price of Contract Products sold of otherwise disposed of by Licensee in normal, bona fide, mercial transactions without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts, rebates, returns, missions, indirect taxes, insurance premiums, freights, packing expenses, transportation charges, duties on the imported raw materials, intermediate goods, parts, ponents for the manufacture of Contract Products and other expenditures directly relating to the sale of Contract Products.[In case of payment on initial fee plus royalty basis].

1.12 提成期是指自商业性生产开始至本合同到期或终止的期间,提成期内,被许可方应向许可方支付提成费。(付款为入门费加提成)

国际技术咨询服务合同 (中英文)

国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文) Technical Consultancy Service Contract 合同号:Contract No________________ 签订日期:Date of Signature:________________ 签订地点:Place of Signature:________________ 中国____________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,______国______________ 公 司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就_____________的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。 This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China____________________ (hereina fter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of__________, under the following terms and conditions: 第一条合同内容 Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就_____提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 技术咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 技术咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 技术咨询服务自合同生效之日起_____个月内完成,将在_____个月内提交最终技术咨询报告,包括图纸、设计资料、各类规范和图片等。咨询方应免费通报委托方类似工程的最近发展和任何进展,以便委托方能改进该工程的设计。 Consultant shall complete the Services within__________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within____months. Consultant shall keep aware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.


英文技术服务合同范本 Contract No.:________________________. Date of Signature:____________________. Place of Signature:____________________. This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of__________, under the following terms and conditions: Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 Consultant shall complete the Services within__________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within____months. Consultant shall keep aware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.

国际技术咨询服务合同范本 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 国际技术咨询服务合同 委托方:___________________________ 咨询方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

中国________________________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,_____国 __________________________ 公司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就 _________________________的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。 This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China_________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and__________________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of________________________, under the following terms and conditions: 第一条合同内容 Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就___________________________提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 技术咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 技术咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3.


编号:_____________技术服务合同 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

项目名称: project name: 签订时间: Signing time: 签订地点: Signing location: 委托方(甲方): consignor: 电话: Tel: 通讯地址: Adress: 传真: Fax: 受托方(乙方): Consignee: 通讯地址: Adress: 电话: Tel: 本合同甲方委托乙方就项目进行专项技术服务,并支付相应的技术服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。

JingQi bio-nanotechnology . Technical service remuneration. Two parts agree as follows according to the provisions of the contract law of the People's Republic of China , on the basis of fully express their will. 第一条甲方委托乙方进行技术服务的内容如下 The content of the technical service 技术服务的内容: Content: 乙方应按下列要求完成技术服务工作 complete technical services as required 1.技术服务地点: Location of technical service: 2.技术服务期限:个月 Technical service period: 第二条为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事项 JINGQI should offer some working conditions to assure RU could complete the job perfectly 1.提供技术资料; Provide technical information 2.提供工作条件; Provide work condition


英文技术服务合同模板 篇一:国际技术咨询服务合同 (中英文 )】 国际技术咨询服务合同 (中英文) technical consultancy service contract 合 同 号: contract no ___ 公司(以下简称委托方)为一方, ___________ 公司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就 的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本 合同。 this contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between china ___________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “ client ” ), as one party, and ________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “ consultant ”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of __________ , under the following terms and conditions: 第一条 合同内容 article 1 contents of technical consultancy service whereas client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from consultant and consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 签订日期: date of signature: 签订地点: place of signature: 中国 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就 方愿意提供此项服务。 提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询


协议编号:LX-FS-A36339 技术合同英文标准范本 After Negotiation On A Certain Issue, An Agreement Is Reached And A Clause With Economic Relationship Is Concluded, So As To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests. 编写:_________________________ 审批:_________________________ 时间:________年_____月_____日 A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑

技术合同英文标准范本 使用说明:本协议资料适用于经过谈判或共同协商的某个问题,在取得一致意见后并订立的具有经济或其它关系的契约条款,最终实现保障各自的合法权益的结果。资料内容可按真实状况进行条款调整,套用时请仔细阅读。 合同contract 日期:合同号码: date: contract no.: 买方:(the ;buyers) 卖方:(the sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: this contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:


维护服务合同 The maintenance service contract 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关的法律和法规,委托方和受托方本着平等互利,等价有偿,诚实信用的原则,在协商一致的基础上签订本合同,就委托方的服务事宜,达成以下协议。 This contract was made, with the principal of mutual benefit and good faith, in accordance with the “Contract Law of the PRC”and related law, regulation and/or interpretations, by and between the entrusting party and trustee, subject to the services that provided hereunder. 一、服务范围和服务时间、服务条款、合同金额 Ⅰ, Scope of services, Business Hours, Service Items and Contract Value 1、受托方负责对附件一的服务产品清单,按合同约定在服务期间内完成技术服务。 The trustee shall, within the agreed service period hereof, be responsible for complete the technical services that exhibit in Appendix 1 2、受托方将按照合同附件一约定的服务条款标准在合同约定期限内,提供合同所列的服务。 The trustee shall, in accordance with service standard of the Appendix 1 of this contract and within the agreed contract period, provide the listed service. 3、合同附件一:服务产品清单及服务条款,是本合同不可分割的一部分。Appendix 1: Product list and service items shall be deemed as an integral part of this contract. 4、服务合同总金额为¥_______ 元,大写:人民币________元整,此价格为包括服务费、差旅费、人工费、税费等项费用的最终价格。 the total amount of this service contract is ¥________ (RMB _______ only), this amount is all-in prince and shall include but not limited service fees, travel expenses, labor cost, taxes and other expenses. 二、双方的义务 Ⅱ, the obligations of the parties 委托方的义务 Entrusting Party’s obligation 1、当故障发生时,须以书面或电话、邮件形式向受托方提供详细的故障说明,以帮助受托方人员作出正确的故障判断。 Whenever the failure happens, the entrusting party shall use written notice, telephone or email inform trustee with detailed failure explanations; to convenient the trustee make correct resolve solution. 3、为受托方实施服务提供必要的人员、场地和其他环境安排。 The entrusting party shall, for the convenient of trustee, provide the necessary personnel, venues and other environmental arrangement. 受托方的义务 The Trustee's Obligations


Technology Development Contract 技术开发(委托)合同 Contract No.: P-1309-33 Date:2013-11-08 Entrusting Party (Party A): 委托方(甲方): Address: 地址: Tel: Fax: Entrusted Party (Party B): 受托方(乙方): Address: 地址: Tel: Fax: Party A entrust Party B to research and develop Technique Proposal Of Smart T/R Verification System. Party B will develop key circuits verification for the Solution and will be in charge of general thought plan.The following articles are reached and abided by the both parties. 甲方委托乙方设计智能收发验证系统技术方案,乙方将设计开发方案的验证电路及负责整体思路的建立,为此订立以下协议,并由双方共同恪守。 Article 1 Definitions 第一条定义

1.1 "Technique Proposal Of Smart T/R Verification System (hereinafter referred to as “the Solution ”)" shall mean all the required techniques to construct the general idea which will commit the attached technical requirements. The Solution shall include all technical details of all designing schemes and experimental verification for key circuits. 智能收发验证系统技术方案(以下简称“方案” ),是指设计满足附件要求的总体技术方案,所需要的解决方案。该解决方案包括全部设计方案资料及关键电路验证技术资料。 1.2"Technical documentations" shall mean all the necessary documents to design the Solution and all the verification documents that Party B will use in designing the Solution. 技术资料,指研发解决方案所必需的资料,包含乙方在设计方案的过程中,所使用的全部有关验证技术资料。 1.3 “R&D ”shall mean research and development. “R&D ”,是指研究和开发。 1.4 ”T/R ”shall mean transmit and receive. T/R ”,是指发射和接收。 1.5 ” Soc ” shall mean system on chip. “SOC ” ,是指系统级芯片。


篇一:各类合同_中英文样本(含15份)1 中英文版法律顾问服务合同 法律顾问服务合同 legal counseling agreement 聘请方: (下称甲方) consigner: 地址: address: 法定代表人: legal representative: 受聘方: consignee: (hereinafter referred to as “party b”) 地址:上海市淮海中路283号香港广场26楼 address:26/f,hongkang plaza 283 huaihai road shanghai 本合约由上列甲乙双方于中华人民共和国上海市订立。 this agreement is made and entered into by and between the two parties in shanghai, the people’s republic of china 鉴于: whereas: 甲方为促进业务发展,防范法律风险,决定聘请乙方为其常年法律顾问; party a want to promote its business and keep away law risks, decides to assign party b as its long-term law consultant. 乙方系一家在中国境内注册设立并经中国政府特许、可持续运营的劳动法律服务机构,经与甲方商洽,同意接受聘请,担任其常年法律顾问; 为此, now, therefore 甲乙双方本着相互信任、合作共赢的原则,经友好、充分之协商,就聘请合约的条款及内容达成如下协议: the two parties based on principle of trusting and win-win cooperating, after friendly and thorough negotionation, the parties agreed the following terms and conditions on the consigning. 第一条聘约期间 article one consignment periods 1.1 甲方聘请乙方作为常年法律顾问的期间为壹年,自________至_______;聘期届满后,本合约自动终止。 party a consign party b as it’s long-term law consultant, the consignment period is one year, from _____________ to ___________, the agreement will terminate after expiration. 1.2乙方指定________作为主要联系人,负责跟进和处理法律顾问事宜。如因甲方的工作内容需要或_____出差在外地,乙方可另行指派其他专业人员提供法律服务。 the party b assign lawyer______ as major coordinator, he willbe responsible for following and settling law consulting affairs. if the working assignment of party a requires or lawyer______ are out to other cities on business, party b can assign other professional lawyer to provide legal service.1.3本合约聘期届满后,若甲方


国际技术咨询服务合同 国际技术咨询服务合同 合同号:________________ 签订日期:________________ 签订地点:________________ 中国____________公司(以下简称委托方)为一方,______国______________ 公司(以下简称为咨询方)为另一方,双方就_____________的技术咨询服务,授权双方代表按下列条款签订本合同。 第一条合同内容 1.1 委托方希望获得咨询方就_____提供的技术咨询服务,而咨询方愿意提供此项服务。1.2 技术咨询服务范围详见本合同附件一。 1.3 技术咨询服务的进度安排详见本合同附件二。 1.4 技术咨询服务的人员安排见本合同附件三。 1.5 技术咨询服务自合同生效之日起_____个月内完成,将在_____个月内提交最终技术咨询报告,包括图纸、设计资料、各类规范和图片等。咨询方应免费通报委托方类似工程的最近发展和任何进展,以便委托方能改进该工程的设计。 第二双方的责任和义务 2.1 委托方应向咨询方提供有关的资料、技术咨询报告、图纸和可能得到的信息并给予咨询方开展工作提供力所能及的协助,特别是委托方应在适当时候指定一名总代表以便能随时予以联系。 2.2 委托方应协助咨询方向有关机构取得护照签证、工作许可和咨询方要求的其它文件以使咨询方能进入委托方国家和本工程的现场,但费用由咨询方负担。 2.3 除了合同附件三所列的技术人员外,咨询方还应提供足够数量的称职的技术人员来履行本合同规定的义务。咨询方应对其所雇的履行合同的技术人员负完全责任并使委托方免受其技术人员因执行合同任务所引起的一切损害。 2.4 咨询方应根据咨询服务的内容和进度安排,按时提交咨询技术咨询报告及有关图纸资料。 2.5 咨询方应协助委托方的技术人员获得进入咨询方国家的签证并负责安排食宿,食宿费用由委托方负担。咨询方应为委托方的技术人员提供办公室、必要的设施和交通便利。 2.6 咨询方对因执行其提供的咨询服务而给委托方和委托方工作人员造成的人身损害和财产损失承担责任并予以赔偿,但这种损害或损失是由于咨询方人员在履行本合同的活动中的疏忽所造成的。咨询方仅对本合同项下的工作负责。 2.7 咨询方对本合同的任何和所有责任都限定在咨询方因付出专业服务而收到的合同总价之内,并将在本合同第7.3条规定的保证期满后解除。 第三条价格与支付 3.1 本合同总价为___________(币种)_______(大写:__________)。各分项的价格如下:分项一的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);分项二的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);分项三的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);分项四的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:)。 3.2 本合同总价包括咨询方所提供的所有服务和技术费用,为固定不变价格,且不随通货膨胀的影响而波动。合同总价包括咨询方在其本国和委托方国家因履行本合同义务所发生的一切费用和支出和以各种方式寄送技术资料到委托方办公室所发生的费用。如发生本合同规定


国际技术转让合同(中英文对照) 点击次数: 国际技术转让合同 (中英文对照) 合同目录(Contents) 第一章定义(Definition) 第二章合同范围(Object of the Contract) 第三章合同价格(Contract Price) 第四章支付条件(Terms of Payment) 第五章技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software) 第六章技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service and Personnel Training) 第七章合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products)第八章保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims) 第九章侵权和保密 (Infringements and Confidentiality) 第十章税费 (Taxes and Duties) 第十一章履约保函 (Performance Bond) 第十二章不可抗力 (force Majeure) 第十三章争议的解决 (settlement of Disputes) 第十四章合同生效及其他 (Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous) 第十五章法定地址(Legal Addresses) 签字日期: _______年_______月_______日 签字地点: ____________________________ 合同号: __________________________________


英文技术服务合同范本4篇Model contract for technical services in English 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日

英文技术服务合同范本4篇 小泰温馨提示:合同是民事主体之间设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。依法成立的合同,受法律保护。本文档根据服务合同内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英文技术服务合同范本 2、篇章2:翻译服务合同英文模板文档 3、篇章3:翻译服务合同英文模板文档 4、篇章4:翻译服务合同英文模板文档 篇章1:英文技术服务合同范本 Contract No.:________________________. Date of Signature:____________________. Place of Signature:____________________. This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between

China____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as“Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of__________, under the following terms and conditions: Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 Consultant shall complete the Services within__________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service


英文技术服务合同范本 导语:技术服务合同是指当事人一方以技术知识为另一方解决特定技术问题所订立的合同。下面小编分享英文技术服务合同范本,欢迎参考! Contract No.:________________________. Date of Signature:____________________. Place of Signature:____________________. This Contract is made and entered into through friendly negotiation by and between China____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”), as one party, and____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”),as the other party, concerning the technical consultancy service of__________, under the following terms and conditions: Article 1 Contents of Technical Consultancy Service 1.1 Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services. 1.2 The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1. 1.3 The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2. 1.4 The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3. 1.5 Consultant shall complete the Services


AMERICAN TECHNICAL SERVICE CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section one Service Items 第一条服务项目 Section 2 - Compensation And Expenses 第二条酬金和费用 Section 3 - Confidentiality 第三条保密条款 Section 4 - Term And Termination 第四条协议有效期间和协议终止 Section 5 - Publicity And Publication 第五条宣传和公布 Section 6 - Independent Contractor 第六条独立承包商 Section 7 - Force Majeure 第七条不可抗力 Section 8 - Patents, Rights In Work Product And Trade Secrets 第八条专利权,工作成果权利和商业秘密 Section 9 –Liability, Warranty and Indemnification 第九条责任、保证和补偿条款 Section 10 - Audits 第十条检查 Section 11 - Communications And Payments 第十一条通知与支付款项 Section 12 –Arbitration and Applicable Law 第十二条仲裁和适用法律 Section 13 –Survival 第十三条效力持续 Section 14 –Validity of Provisions and Severability 第十四条条款的效力和可分割性 Section 15 - Miscellaneous 第十五条杂项 Party A (Employer) 甲方:雇主 Party B (Provider of Service) 乙方:技术服务提供商 Section one Service Items 第一条服务项目 1.1 PARTY A hereby retains PARTY B to provide the services outlined in Exhibits A and B which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement (the “Services”). 甲方在此聘请乙方向其提供附件 A 和附件 B (附件 A 和附件 B 构成本协议不可分割之一部分)所列明的服务项目(下文简称为服务项目)。 1.2 PARTY B hereby accepts the obligations contained in this Agreement and subject to terms and conditions hereinafter set forth agrees to provide the Services. 乙方在此接受本协议项下之义务提供服务项目,并同意遵守本协议条款。 1.3 PARTY B shall also provide additional services specified in any future exhibit which may be agreed to between the parties in writing and subsequently incorporated into this Agreement. If PARTY A wishes to change the scope of the Services covered by this Agreement or wishes to obtain additional services not initially covered by this Agreement and/or not listed in an Exhibit, PARTY A shall so advise PARTY B and shall submit specifications to PARTY B. After receipt of the specifications, PARTY B shall promptly provide PARTY A with a cost estimate for performing the changed or additional services. Each work assignment shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and by such supplementary written amendments of this Agreement or Exhibits as may be , from time to time, executed between the parties. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and an Exhibit, the terms of this Agreement shall govern.
