

1、 After repeated failures and disappointments he was tempted to throw up the sponge, but continued perseverance finally brought success. 多次的失败和失望险些让他自暴自弃,但是坚持不懈的努力最终给他带来了成功。

2、 The passenger declared that he had lost his ticket, but the inspector suspected that he was trying it on, and that actually he had not paid for fare. 这位乘客声称丢失火车票,检票员怀疑他实际上没有买票,而想蒙混过关。

4、 If he refuses to take my advice on this occasion, as he has done so often before, I shall wash my hands of the affair, and he can fend for himself.


5、There are a few creases in the jacket, where it has been folded up in a suitcase, but they will wear out.


6、 A reward of £5 will be paid to anyone who shall give information leading to the apprehension of the thief.

凡提供缉拿小偷的线索者,均可获赏金 5 英镑。

9、 Details of the train alterations were written up inside the main entrance to the station. 列车时刻的变动情况贴在火车站的入口处

10、I used to see him quite frequently, but since he became wrapped up in business, I have lost touch with him.


12、I will be here for another two weeks and would appreciate a confirming letter from you before my departure. 我还将在此停留两周,离开之前如能受到你的确认书,我将不胜感激 13、I still treasure your sketch of the fat German tourists

staring with such visible lack of appreciation at the Mona Lisa. 至今我仍珍藏着你那几张素描:几个肥胖的德国游客,两眼直直地盯着蒙娜丽莎画像,显然缺乏欣赏力。

15、 The strenuous sightseeing of the previous weeks left me exhausted and unable to ignore any longer the recurring back pains that are the inevitable

toll of cobblestone streets. 前几个星期的观光游览弄得我上奔波的结果。

16、 How I look forward to sitting across from you at supper again, listening to you describe your new profit-sharing plan. 我多么希望再次坐在你的对面,一面吃晚餐,一面聆听你讲述你的分享利润辛计划呀。

20、 Forgive me for conferring the title of grandfather on a man who earned it only through marriage , but, never having had a child to call him father, Tom is doubly grateful for the role of grandfather.


5.There are a few creases in the jacket, where it has been folded up in a suitcase, but they will wear out.


a.I ' ll be back in a couple of da我ys几天后回来。

b.It was said that they would back the plain. 据说他们会支持这个计划。

c.It 's the last straw that breaks the camel k. 最后添加的'一根s b稻a草c 压


Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 汉斯对那位先生说他是他所见的最勇敢的人。他明显是阿谀奉承。 Mr.

Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 布朗先生收到邀请他作演讲的邀请函感到受宠若惊。

There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef. 在地里放牧的是牛,我们在餐桌上吃的是牛肉。

It is a white lie.

这不是恶意的撒谎 /这是善意的撒谎。(这是白色的谎言。)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/423133459.html,k the cow 挤牛奶

https://www.360docs.net/doc/423133459.html,k the bull 徒劳之举

c.out of question 不成问题

d.out of the question 不可能

e.people-to people diplomacy 民间外交

win-win talks 双赢会谈 e-commerce 电子商务 e-government 电子政务

Today a politician without elbows is as lost as a politician without principles.

Elbows 意为“勇气( macho) ,指总统候选人应有的品格译文:如今一个没有勇气的政治家就像一个没有原则的政治家一样无所作为。

b. This campaign shows that Mondale, far from being a patsy(懦夫), is a politician with elbows.

译文:这次竞选表明蒙代尔不是一个懦夫,而是一个勇气十足的政治家 c. He is always politically incorrect.


――“ I don 't know what you do with your brass, ” said Mr. Scurridge.

―― “ I spend it on you, ” she said, “ Always a good table, you must have. Never anything short.

――“不知你掖着臭钱干什么用 , ”史力卡先生说。


a.The face is the index of the mind. 心中有事,必形于色。

b.Far from eye, far from heart. 别久情疏。

c.Mr. Lear is trying to oil the judge 's p李alm尔.王想贿赂法官。

d.He has stolen a match on m

e. 我让他占了先。

e.Today in the New York Stock Exchange, all the brokers are tailed up. 在今天的纽约证券交易所大厅里,经纪人无不神采飞扬,兴致勃勃。

“You think we might he g”la n–ced at the hut-“ have been like this —you and I? ”

She shook her head.


Mr. Smith laid off Miss Black. (一般过去时)史密斯先生把布莱克小姐给解雇了

They tried to stamp out the fire, which spread all the more furiously throughout the block. 他们试图扑灭大火,结果火势愈来愈猛,烧遍了整个街区



It will be a couple of years before we meet again. 两年后我们会再见面的。

5、 My husband made quite a name for himself in real estate and insurance circles during the eight years we lived in Dallas. 我们在达拉斯生活的八年间,我丈夫在不动产与保险业界颇负盛名。

6、 I am more alive in the presence of a letter from you than in the company of most of the people I encounter in my life. 令我感到精神抖擞的与其说是与我一生中交往的大多数人相遇,毋

宁说是见到你的来信 10、As your future husband has chosen a field of endeavor where the

risks areas high as the potential rewards, be prepared to offer him any support necessary

to achieve his goals; only then will you have earned the right to share in his success. 如



11、 Farming is an occupation that will never hold much interest for her ,since she is a

city dweller at heart though it took 18 years of her life and marriage to an ambitious man

to realize it.

办农场绝非是十分令她感兴趣的职业,尽管为此她花费了 18 年的心血,付出了嫁给一个野心勃勃的男


12、 The conductor told the boy off for throwing litter on the floor of the bus.


13、 The manufacturers have high hopes of the new model

s performance, but it has yet to be tested out. 各厂家对这种新型产品的性能抱有很高的期望,但有


14、Honest and courageous people could be quieted when they came to realize that outspoken opposition was fruitless, the dishonest could band together to divide spoils. 正直勇敢的人



15、I have found since that time there are countless people over the country willing to

commit themselves in the same way, without thinking of personal reward 毫不计较个人得失

16、I remember thinking that, second only to governmental reorganization, improving the criminal justice system in my state could be my greatest contribution as governor. 我记得曾经想过,除了改组政府以外,作为州长,我的第二大任务时改善本州的刑事司法制度

17、He seemed delighted to come back South to work at improving Georgia 's prison system with the full backing of my administration.


18、 Our radio transmitting equipment was drowned out by the pounding salt water, and we could not send our daily location report to Pacific Fleet Headquarters. 连续不断冲击的海水


19、In 1994, the electric consumption in the textile mill went up 15%, while its consumption

of coal down 30%.

1994 年,这家纺织厂的电耗量上升了 15%,而煤耗量减少了 30%。

20、 Our lives were so interdependent, dependent on every man knowing his job, that no lack of enthusiasm was tolerated, and that on one who was lackadaisical remained uncriticized and uncondemned.


21、 The whole settlement was amazed at the stream of big black Cadillacs, Packards, and Lincolns which had come from other states.


22、Our farm and sore are about one-half mile east of Archery on the dirt road towards plains. 我们的农场和商店坐落在通往平原镇的土路上,在阿切里以东约半英里的地方。

23、Our early years of my life in an out-of-the-way village full and enjoyable, isolated but not lonely.


24、As a 12-year-old boy, I was appalled when I checked the book War and Peace out of the library because it was about 1,400 pages long, written by the Russian novelist Tolstoy, and of course, not about cowboys.

12 岁那年,我从图书馆里借到一本《战争与和平》,不禁大吃一惊。原因是这部由俄国小说家托尔斯泰写的长达 1400 多页的巨著,与牛仔全然无关

1、 The 1.248 billionth Chinese was born in 1999.

到了 1999 年,中国人口已达到 12.48 亿。

2.The substance that gives up hydrogen is said to be oxidized and the one, which accepts the hydrogen, is said to be reduced.


3.Too clearly, it is a topic we shall do no justice to in this place. (T.Carlyle:On Heroes and Hero-worship) 很显然,像这样一个问题,我们在这里是不可能讲透彻的

4、 He had left a note of welcome for me as sunny as his faces. 他留下一封短信,对我表示欢迎,那信写得热情洋溢,一如其人。

5、 What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range. 他的诗形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴,这是显而易见的。

6、 He acts a lot older than his years.


7、 Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar. 文明人剥去一层皮,就变成野蛮人了 /文明不能改变本性。

8、The plumber didn ' t feel disturbed by Mrs. Smith 听'了s c史om密p斯la太int太. 的抱怨,修


9、The chickens fluttered excitedly when they saw the dog. 这些小鸡一见狗来了,立刻惊恐地飞到一边。

10、After a sleepless night, during which Joe smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, his eyes

were blood-shot, and his breath smelled of tobacco.


11、 Very straightforward by nature, Mrs. Frank believes in speaking her mind. 弗兰克太太天性直率,认为心里想啥就该说啥。

12、 She gave me the impression of having more teeth than were necessary for any practical purpose.


13、He is the last person I will see. His rudeness is beyond endurance. 他是我最不愿意见到的人。他的粗鲁真让人受不了。

14、As a precaution the old man transferred his will from the drawer to the safe. 老人把遗嘱从抽屉移到保险柜里,以防万一。

15、I was past caring now, so I ordered coffee for myself and an ice-cream, and coffee for her. 我给她要了份冰淇淋和咖啡,还为自己要了杯咖啡———豁出去了。

16、 Cigarettes are the death of me. I became acquaintance with my killer when I was 14. 香烟是我的死神。我 14 岁时就结识了这一杀手。

17、 One of the crucial facts about soccer is that goals are not made very often, with 2-1

a typical score.


18、I have just had a marvelous steak, but know better by now than to say so. 我刚刚吃了一顿美味牛排,但我深知还是不说为妙。

19、 Last spring, Mother Nature made April Fools of all of us who live in New England. 去年春天大自然捉弄了我们所有居住在新英格兰的人。

20、A friendship network is absolutely crucial for our well-being as adults. 一个友谊网对我们成年人的幸福至关重要。
