




话题1 :Talk about sb’s information . (Unit 1---Unit 4)


家庭成员:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, parents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, son, daughter...

数字:one,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,

twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,

nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety,

one hundred.

国家: Britain,Australia,New Zealand,France,Germany,Japan,Russia, China, America, England, Singapore ,Canada...

外貌、性格: eye, nose, mouth, hair, face, ear...

cute, active, quiet, pretty, smart, clever, lovely, beautiful,


round, big ,small, young, old, long ,short ,tall, fat ,thin,

black, brown, yellow, white

职业: a) 单数:a writer/singer/dancer/policeman/policewoman/reporter/

worker/teacher/taxi river/doctor/nurse/postman/


an actor/actress...

b) 复数:writers, singers, dancers, policemen, policewomen,

reporters, workers, teachers, taxi drivers, doctors,

nurses, postmen, farmers, actors, actresses...

工作地点:bank,hotel,shopping mall,restaurant, company,library,school,hospital,shop,CCTV,cinema...

动词ing: sing-singing, , read-reading, dance-dancing, come-coming, ride-riding, skate-skating, run-running, sit-sitting,


1) 介绍: This is my… He’s my uncle. She’s my aunt.

2) 询问及应答:

a. 询问人物关系,姓名:

Who’s that man / woman/he/she?

He's/She's my ...

What’s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is... /


b. 询问年龄: How old are you/is he/is she? I’m/He’s/She’s...

扩充: What’s your/his/her age? I’m/He’s/She’s...

c. 询问班级: What grade are you/is he/is she in?

I’m/He’s/She’s in Class..., Grade...

d. 询问电话: What’s your/his/her phone number? It’s...

e. 询问学号: What’s your/his/her number? It’s...

f. 询问国籍: Where are you from? I’m from...

Where do you come from? I come from...

Where does he/she come from? He/She comes from...

g. 外貌、性格特征: What’s he/she like?

He/She has big eyes, a big nose...

扩充: What does he/she look like?

He/She has big eyes, a big nose...

He’s/She’s cute/active/quiet ...

h. 职业: What do you do? I’m a/an...

What does he/she do?

He’s/She’s a writer/an actor...

What's his/her job? He’s/She’s a worker/an actress...

What do your parents/they do? They are teachers...

扩充:What are you? I’m a teacher...

What's he/she? He’s/She’s a policeman...

i. 工作地点: Where do you work/study?

I work/study in a cinema/at Sunny School...

Where does your father/mother/he/she work/study?

He/She works/studies in Beijing Hospital/at CCTV/...

j. 住址: Where do you live?

I live in the Happy City/on Shanghai Road/at 56 Wuhan Road... k.兴趣爱好: I like both singing and dancing.

Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

l. 未来职业畅想: What do you want to be in the future?

I want to be a/an... I’ll be a/an...

话题2 Talk about sth. (Unit 5—Unit 6)




文具:a schoolbag/dictionary/ruler/crayon...

an activity book

复数:schoolbags, dictionaries, rulers, crayons, activity books... 水果:a pear/coconut/grapefruit/hami melon/cherry/strawberry/star fruit /longan/lychee/watermelon/peach/mango/banana/grape...

an apple/orange...

复数:pears,coconuts, grapefruits, hami melons,,longans,

star fruits,lychees,watermelons,bananas, grapes, apples,

oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, mangoes...

玩具: a hen/cow/horse/goose...

an elephant

复数: hens, cows, horses, geese, elephants...

特:fish-fish(单复同形) fish-fish


sheep-sheep (单复同行)

日常用品:a fan/sun cap /camera/watch...

an umbrella...

复数:fans, sun caps, cameras, watches, umbrellas...

b) 不可数

食物:food, fruit, bread ,pork, beef, rice ,chicken...

饮料: drink, milk, juice, water...

2. 功能


a. 物品所属

Is this/that your schoolbag/activity book... ?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Whose umbrella is this / that?

It’s Peter’s umbrella/fan...

b. 辨认识别

What’s this /that / in English /Chinese?

It’s a coconut / an orange/ juice…

Is this / that a cherry/ an apple…?

Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

What are these/ those? They’re grapes/ sheep/ kiwi fruit.

Is that your fish/hen/goose/cow/horse/elephant...? Yes, it is.

Is that your elephant? No, it isn’t.

c.请求: Can I have ...? Yes. I’ll buy....

Topic 3 关注中西文化差异,在复习中复现文化链接,熟练运用自然拼读。



1. 词法



国名:Britain,Australia,New Zealand,France,Germany,Japan,Russia, China ,America ,England ,Singapore ,Canada

地名: Shanghai Street, Beijing Road, Happy City, Tianjin, Wuhan,

Beijing Cinema, the Bank of China, Sunny School,CCTV,

Beijing Hospital, City Library

人名:Bob, Zhou Pei, Pat, Miss Liu, Perry, Ben, Bill, Betty, Carl, Kate, Cathy, Peter, Carla, Dick, Tim, Carol, Anne, Ken, Wei Min, Gao Wei, Mr White, Mrs Wu, Yang Ming, Lisa, Amy, Mike, Ann, Jim


●直接+s, 如:book-books

●末尾字母是s,x,ch,sh的名词,+es,如:glass-glasses, box-boxes, watch-watches,





●以字母o结尾的名词,无生命的+s, 如:photo-photos

有生命的+es, 如:tomato-tomatoes

●以f、fe结尾的名词,去f变v+es, 如:knife-knives


a)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice

man---men woman---women

b) 单复同形,如:sheep,fish,Chinese



注: people 当“人”讲时是集合名词


2.)人称代词,物主代词: you, I , he, she, it, you, we, they

your, my, his, her, its, your, our, their

3.)指示代词: this, that, these, those

4.)词类转换: sing singer, teach teacher, farm farmer,

work worker, report reporter, wait waiter

write writer, dance dancer, drive driver

actor, doctor, tailor, visitor

actress, waitress

scientist, artist, dentist, physicist

5)动词的第三人称单数形式:动词加s, 共有5种变法:








6)介词: in, on, at... 表示地点和位置的常用介词的用法

7)数词: 1-100

2. 句法



A: 补充完整对话

T: Hello, Mary!

M: Hello!

T: What _________(be)her job ?

M: My mother is an __________(act).

T: Where _________(do) she work?

M: She _______(work) in Tianjin Singing and Dancing Group. She’s __________(friend). Many visitors come to enjoy her performances(表演) every year.

T: Does your father ________(work) in the group, too?

M: No, my father isn’t an _________(act). He works in a hotel.

T: So he’s a waiter(男服务员), isn’t he?

M: Yes. He likes both _________(read) and ________( write)very much.

T: What do you want_______(be) in the future?

M: I want to be a waitress(女服务员) in a restaurant like my father. T: Great!


部编版五年级上册语文全部知识点汇总 第一单元 一、字词盘点 1.字 (1)难读的字 嫌(xián) 喙(huì) 嗜(shì) 澄(chénɡ) 榨(zhà) 矮(ǎi) 蔓(màn) 睑(jiǎn) 眸(móu) (2)难写的字 鹤:不要写得太宽,左边部分不要少横。 嫌:注意左右穿插,右部是“兼”。 (3)多音字 澄空便鲜挨 2.词 (1)必须掌握的词 精巧色素配合身段生硬寻常常见 忘却流线型结构青色清晨安稳 (2)近义词 精巧~精致适宜~适合生硬~僵硬 寻常~平常忘却~忘记设计~策划 (3)反义词 精巧→粗笨生硬→自然寻常→特殊 安稳→危急或许→一定便宜→昂贵 (4)词语归类 ①AABB式词语:指指点点 ②ABAC式词语:飞来飞去蹦来蹦去 ③表示神情的成语:神气十足 ④量词:一只白鹭一幅画面一首散文诗

⑤动词:站着钓鱼埋在地里挂在枝头上伸出脑袋盖在鸟笼 上躲进丛林趴在肩头 ⑥修饰词:精巧的诗粉红的朱鹭鲜红嫩绿的果实桂花的香 气舒适又温暖的巢跳动的小红爪子细腻的绒毛美好的境界 ⑦与鸟有关的四字词语 鸟语花香笨鸟先飞惊弓之鸟鸟尽弓藏百鸟朝凤展翅高飞 二、佳句积累 1.比喻句 (1)在清水田里,时有一只两只白鹭站着钓鱼,整个的田便成了一幅嵌在玻璃框里 的画面。 这句话把白鹭站在水田里钓鱼比作是玻璃框里的画面,把清水比作玻璃,把田比作玻璃框,非常生动地描写出了当下的画面,让人感觉身临其境。 2.拟人句 (1)人们说它是在望哨,可它真是在望哨吗? 这句话用拟人的修辞手法把白鹭站着时的样子说成是在望哨,写出了白鹭站着时的情景。 3.夸张句 杭州有一处小山,全是桂花树,花开时那才是香飘十里。 句话的“香飘十里”是夸张写法,写出了桂花的芳香。 4.含义深刻的句子 (1)花生的好处很多,有一样最可贵:它的果实埋在地里,不像桃子、石榴、苹果那 样,把鲜红嫩绿的果实高高地挂在枝头上,使人一见就生爱慕之心。 作者将花生与桃子、石榴、苹果进行比较,突出了花生的朴实无华。 三、考试热点


人教版五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案最好的 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

六年级英语试卷 听力部分(40分)(每题读两遍) 一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10分) ( ) 1. A. tall B. kind C. funny ( ) 2. A. thin B.active C.quiet ( ) 3. A. Sunday B.Monday C.Wednesday ( ) 4.A.watch TV B.read books C.do homeworks ( ) 5. A.tomatoes and fish B.tomatoes and mutton C.tomatoes and pork ( ) 6. A.sour B.salty C.sweet ( ) 7. A.do the dishes B.empty the trash C.wash clothes ( ) 8. A.curtain B.closet C.mirror ( ) 9. A.near B.under C.beside

( ) 10. A.river B.path C.take 二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出正确答语。8分) ( ) 1. A. Bananas. B.Brown. ( ) 2.A.Tofu and pork. B.Chinese and math. ( ) 3.A.Thin and tall B.Apples and oranges. ( ) 4.A.Yes,there is. B.Yes,it is. ( ) 5.A.No,there aren’t. B.No,there isn’t. ( ) 6.A.Clean the bedroom. B.Yes,she can. ( ) 7.A.Yes,I do. B.Watching TV ( ) 8.A.Saturday B.Read books. 三、Listen, match and number.(听下句,接下句,并在答案前标号。10分)( ) I can put away the clothes. ( ) No, there aren’t. ( ) I have green beans and rice. ( ) She’s our principle. ( ) It’s Thursday.


最新人教版小学五年级语文上册全册知识点总结 ◆◆第一单元◆◆ 一、难读的字 长喙(huì) 玻璃框(kuànɡ) 镜匣(xiá) 嗜好(shì) 榨油(zhà) 半亩(mǔ) 茅亭(tínɡ) 爱慕(mù) 糕饼(bǐnɡ) 叶蔓(màn) 眼睑(jiǎn) 眸子(móu) 二、难写的字 匣:被包部分是“甲”,不要写成“田”。 鹤:左边是“隺”,不要写成“隹”。 浇:右边是“尧”,上面不要多写一点。 缠:右边不是“厘”,不要少写一点。 三、形近字组词 宜(适宜) 宣(宣传) 嫌(嫌弃)谦(谦虚) 框(画框) 眶(眼眶)浇(浇水) 烧(发烧) 吩(吩咐)纷(纷乱)慕(爱慕)幕(银幕)浸(沉浸) 侵(侵犯) 捡(捡起) 检(检查) 杭(杭州) 抗(反抗) 豪(文豪)毫(丝毫)享(享受) 亨(亨通)咂(咂嘴)砸(砸碎)

四、多音字组词 散sǎn(散文诗) sàn(分散) 便pián(便宜) biàn(方便) 挨āi(挨近) ái(挨打) 笼lónɡ(鸟笼)lǒnɡ(笼罩) 五、重点词语 精巧色素配合身段生硬寻常常见忘却结构青色清晨安稳 悠然黄昏恩惠播种浇水收获食品吩咐天色好处榨油爱慕 成熟体面桂花台风糕饼至少完整茶叶流线型散文诗 木兰花美中不足 六、近义词 精巧——精美寻常——平常 忘却——忘记恩惠——恩泽 爱慕——羡慕完整——完好 七、反义词 忘却——牢记寻常——特别安稳——危急成熟——幼稚 完整——残缺美中不足——十全十美 八、词语搭配

( 精巧)的诗( 优美)的歌(细腻)的绒毛( 美好)的境界 ( 使劲)地摇( 仔细)地寻找(开辟)空地睡得(好熟) ( 摇落)桂花( 放开)胆子 九、课文重点理解: 1.《白鹭》通过对白鹭的描写,突出了白鹭的平凡而美好、朴素而高洁的特点,赞颂了白鹭的美。 2.《落花生》采用了借物喻人的写法,赞美了花生不图名利,默默奉献的品格,说明做人要做有用的人,不要做只讲体面,而对别人没有好处的人。 3.《桂花雨》表现了儿时生活的乐趣,字里行间充满了对家乡、对童年生活的无比怀念。 4.《珍珠鸟》一文写出了珍珠鸟由怕人到信赖人的变化过程,让我们深刻地体会到:无论是人与鸟,人与人之间,都需要真诚的信赖。信赖,是创造美好境界的基础。 ◆◆第二单元◆◆ 一、难读的字: 渑池(miǎn)和氏璧(bì)抵御(yù)廉颇(lián ) 推辞(cí)蔺相如(lìn )游隼(sǔn )上卿(qīng )


2019—2020学年度第一学期 小学《英语》五年级上册(译林版)期末考试试题 听力部分(共30分) 一、听句排序(每小题1分,共5分) 听录音,根据所听到的顺序用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号,并将答案填写 在图下的括号内。每个句子读两遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听句应答(每小题1分,共5分) 听录音,选出最佳应答语,并将答案填写在题前的括号内。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. A. I can see five. B. There’s only one. C. They’re two nice birds. ( ) 2. A. Long ears. B. Long tails. C. Small wings. ( ) 3. A. Let’s go and play. B. Let’s play again. C. Good idea. ( ) 4. A. Here’s a computer. B. There’s a computer. C. It’s a computer. ( ) 5. A. She’s a cook. B. She can cook. C. She cooks food for us. 三、听句选图(每小题1分,共5分) 听录音,根据所听到的内容,选出适当的图片,并将答案填写在题前的括号内。每段话读两遍。 ( ) 1. Where is the baby bear? A. B. C. ( ) 2. Which is on the third floor? A. B. C. ( ) 3. Where does Mrs Smith live now?


人教精通版六年级英语上册全册单元知识点 Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00 重点词汇: 1. get up起床 2. have breakfast吃早餐 3.go to school 去上学 4.School begins.开始上课。 5.have lunch吃午饭 6.School is over放学。 7.go home回家 8.have dinner吃晚饭 9.watch TV看电视 10.go to bed睡觉 11.breakfast早餐 12.lunch午餐 13.dinner晚餐 14.cook breakfast做早餐 15.teach English教英语 16.take a walk散步 17read stories读故事 18. walk走;步行 19. every每一个 20. morning早晨 21.afternoon下午 22.evening晚上;傍晚 23.see a film看电影 24.play the piano弹钢琴 25.clean the window擦窗户 26.clean the door擦门 27.clean the floor擦地板 28.often时常 29.easy容易 30.difficult困难 重点词组: 1.daily life日常生活 2.get up起床 3.in the morning在早晨\上午 4.in the afternoon在下午 5.in the evening在晚上 6.have breakfast吃早餐 7.have lunch吃午餐8.have dinner吃晚餐 9.go to school去上学10.go home回家 11.watch TV看电视12.do some reading阅读 13.go to bed睡觉14.cook breakfast做早餐 15.take a walk散步16.teach English教英语 17.read stories读故事18.every morning每天早晨


部编版五年级上册课本内 生字词汇总 一、识字表(250字) 第一单元 1.大青树下的小学 坝汉艳扮扬读摔跤凤洁 2.花的学校 荒笛罚假裳 3.不懂就要问 背诵例圈段练糊涂呆戒厉挨楚 第二单元 4.古诗三首 径斜赠刘残犹傲君橙橘挑 5.铺满金色巴掌的水泥道 洼印凌增棕靴 6.秋天的雨 钥匙缤枚争勾喇厚曲丰 7.听听,秋的声音 抖蟋蟀振韵掠吟辽阔 第三单元

8.去年的树 融伐斧锯切煤燃 9.那一定会很好 缩努茎推吱拆旧 10.在牛肚子里旅行 咱偷答应卷骨齿嚼吞胃悲咽几泪眯 11.一块奶酪 宣处诱舔毅强犯禁稍豫跺聚 语文园地三 申介绍宗乙召孝 第四单元 12.总也倒不了的老屋 暴凑喵孵叽饿偶尔 13.胡萝卜先生的长胡子 萝卜愁沾晾 14.不会叫的狗 吗讨厌怒批访担压差忍模中弹疯汪搞 语文园地四 典基础阁佳盲唐

第五单元 15.搭船的鸟 父啦鹦鹉悄 16.金色的草地 蒲英耍欠钓拢 第六单元 17.古诗三首 亦抹宜庭未磨盘 18.富饶的西沙群岛 富饶优瑰岩参虾划武粪辈设19.海滨小城 滨鸥胳臂睬载凰亚榕凳逢除20.美丽的小兴安岭 兴侧欣浸乳剑梢舍显材膝临库语文园地六 蝌蚪蛾鲤鲫鲨 第七单元 21.大自然的声音 妙奏呢喃伟击汇喳

22.父亲、树林和鸟 黎凝畅瞬猎 23.带刺的朋友 枣馋缓讶测监恍悟逐扎聪 第八单元 24.司马光 司跌皆弃持 25.掌声 默落姿势投调况烈镇述普忧联26.灰雀 宁胸脯惹仰渣或者惜诚 27.手术台就是阵地 斗棒恩大血撤险瓦帘迅速夺秒语文园地八 眨瞪瞅眶睹

二、写字表(250字) 第一单元 1.大青树下的小学 晨绒球汉艳服装扮读静停粗影2.花的学校 落荒笛舞狂罚假互所够猜扬臂 第二单元 4.古诗三首 寒径斜霜赠刘盖菊残君橙送挑5.铺满金色巴掌的水泥道 铺泥晶紧院印排列规则乱棕迟6.秋天的雨 盒颜料票飘争仙淡闻梨勾曲丰 第三单元 8.去年的树 冷离等剩斧砍谷柴煤油诉睁接10.在牛肚子里旅行 旅咱怜救命拼扫胃管刚流泪算第四单元


人教版五年级英语上册期末考试试题 一、单选题(共20题;共40分) 1.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 A. boy B. girl C. student 2.There _____a lot of rain in spring in New York. A. are B. is C. do 3. is in my class. name is Sally. A. She, her B. Her, she C. She, Her 4.Lily 愁眉苦脸的,你关心地问道: A. What's wrong? B. What do you do? 5.Look!A funny monkey! A. B. 6.The panda is from _____. A. USA B. UK C. China 7.My favourite is Readers. A. newspaper B. magazine C. dictionary 8.We are going to have _________ English test. A. a B. an C. / 9.I don't like ________ bikes. A. ride B. riding C. rides 10.- Are these your parents? () - __________. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, he is. 11. A. This book is about animals. B. I've got a book about sport. 12.你有什么建议? A. What do you suggest? B. What does you suggest? 13.功夫熊猫说它的笔是黑白色的,应该怎么说: A. It's black and red. B. It's black and white. 14.-Tell me about your new school, please. ( ) - _____________. A. The teachers' office was on the second floor. B. There was no gym in my time. C. There is a new library in it. 15.别人问你“What do you do on Sunday?”,你应该回答:_________ A. I like Sunday. B. It is Sunday today. C. I often watch TV and read books. 16.There ______ many shops on the street. A. is B. are C. am 17.Wait a minute. I will be back soon. A. hour B. before C. often 18.—__________________ —Yes, he does. A. Does he ride a bike in the afternoon? B. Do you ride a bike in the afternoon? 19.选出不同项() A. on B. by C. go D. in 20.What did you have dinner? A. for B. to C. in 二、填空题(共8题;共24分) 21.I can ________ (说英语). 22.—Where is the ball? —It's ________ the box. 23.There are many green ________ in the city.(树) 24.A: Is there a ________(小山)? B: No, there isn't. 25.She is our English teacher. Is she kind? Yes, she is ________ and ________. 26.—________you swim? —Yes, I can. 27.A: ________ B:I went fishing with my friends on my holiday. 28.—What________(do) Ann do last Sunday, Peter? —She________(visit) her grandparents. She usually________(visit) them on Sundays. She________(visit) them again this Sunday. 三、句型转换(共3题;共6分) 29.I am going to take a trip. (对划线部分提问) ________ 30.What's the weather like in Xiamen?(看图回答问题)


河北屯镇中心小学教案2016-2017学年度第1学期 任教年级: 六 任教学科: 英语 任课教师: 李俊侠 河北屯镇中心小学教务处制 2017年8月

教案编写说明 一、编写原则 1.教案编写要依据教学大纲和教材,从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。一般要符合以下要求:(1)明确地制订教学目的,具体规定传授基础知识、培养基本技能、发展能力以及思想政治教育的任务。(2)合理组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。(3)恰当地选择和运用教学方法,调动学生学习的积极性,面向大多数学生,同时注意培养优秀学生和提高后进生,使全体学生得到发展。 2.教师应提前一周备课,并在每次授课时携带教案授课。 3.教案按每次授课单元填写,一般以2~4学时为宜。 二、编写说明 1.“授课时间”、“章节名称”必须填写。 2. “教学目的”:依照教学大纲要求,本课程学生应掌握、熟悉、了解的要点。“教材版本”包括教材系列、教材名称、主编、出版社、版本及出版时间。 3. “教学重点”是依据教学目标,在对教材进行科学分析的基础上而确定的最基本、最核心的教学内容,一般是一门学科所阐述的最重要的原理、规律,是学科思想或学科特色的集中体现。它的突破是一节课必须要达到的目标,也是教学设计的重要内容。 4. “教学难点”是指学生不易理解的知识,或不易掌握的技能技巧。难点不一定是重点,也有些内容既是难点又是重点。 5.“教学方法”是教师和学生为了实现共同的教学目标,完成共同的教学任务,在教学过程中运用的方式与手段,包括讲授法、现场演示法、讨论法、练习法、案例分析法等。 6.“课程资源准备”:包括教室条件说明、教具准备、多媒体或电子教案准备、教学参考资料等内容。 7.“教学设计”:主要包括本次授课的主要教学内容(板书设计)、时间分配、教学模式(如理论教学、实践教学、讨论式教学等)、教学方法等设计内容。


1.( )当你想知道这是什么东西时,说:A. Who is it ? B. What is it ? 2.( )如果你也想要一个,应说: A.Can I have one ? B. I want to have one . 3. ( )当你想让对方知道这是一个西瓜时应说:A.It is a waterrmelon . B. Is it a watermelon . 4.( ) ____ strawberry is this ?A. Who B. Whose C. What 5.( ) ___ this a strawberry ?A. Are B. Is C. Does 6.( ) _____ are wrong .A. Your B. You C. Yours 7.( ) Is that ____ star fruit ?A. a B. an C. none 8.( ) ___ is that ?A. Whose B. What C. How 9.( ) Can ____ have a cherry ?A. me B. my C. I 10.( ) It ____ five fins . A. have B. has C. having 11.( ) Is that _____ cherry ?A. a B. an C. none 12.( ) ___ is this ?A. What B. How C. Whose 13.( ) ______ are you from ?A. What B. Where C. How 14.( ) Can ____ have one ?A. me B. my C. I 15.( ) ___ is this ?A. Whose B. Where C. What 16.( ) Can ____ have one ?A. me B. my C. I 17.( ) I’ll buy one ____ you .A. to B. of C. for 18.( ) It is ____ watermelon .A. an B. a C. none 19.( )I can ____ it .A. do B. does C. doing 20.( ) That is ______ apple .A. a B. an C. none 21.( ) ____ will buy one in a shop .A. We B. Us C. Our 22.( ) I’ll buy one ____ you .A. to B. of C. for. 1.( ) Here ____ come .A. we B. us C. our 2.( ) It is ___ fish .A. a B. an C. none 3.( ) ____ a big cow .A. How B. What C. Where . 4.( ) That ____ sweet .A. sound B. sounds C. sounded 6.( )如果你想告诉对方这是你的照相了机,应说:A.It is my camera . B. It is your camera. 7.( )如何询问这是谁的太阳帽:A.Whose sun cap is this ? B. Where is the sun cap ? 8.( )当你想知道谁穿了一件暖和的羊毛衫,应说: A. Who wears a warm sweater ? B. Whose sweater is warmer ?


五年级上册期末复习知识点归纳 1、小数乘整数:意义一一求几个相同加数的和的简便运算。 女口: 1.5 >3表示1.5的3倍是多少或3个1.5是多少。 计算方法:先把小数扩大成整数;按整数乘法的法则算出积;再看因数中一共有几位小数;就从积的右边起数出几位点上小数点。 2、小数乘小数:意义一一就是求这个数的几分之几是多少。女 口: 1.5 >.8 (整数部分是0)就是求1.5的十分之八是多少。 1.5 >.8 (整数部分不是0)就是求1.5的1.8倍是多少。 计算方法:先把小数扩大成整数;按整数乘法的法则算出积;再看因数中一共有几位小数;就从积的右边起数出几位点上小数点。 注意:计算结果中;小数部分末尾的0要去掉;把小数化简; 小数部分位数不够时;要用0占位。 3、规律:一个数(0除外)乘大于1的数;积比原来的数大;一个数(0除外)乘小于1的数;积比原来的数小。 4、求近似数的方法一般有三种: ⑴四舍五入法;⑵进一法;⑶去尾法 5、计算钱数;保留两位小数;表示计算到分。保留一位小数; 表示计算到角。 6、小数四则运算顺序跟整数是一样的。

7、运算定律和性质: 加法:加法交换律:a+b=b+a 加法结合律:(a+b)+c二a+(b+c) 乘法:乘法交换律:a>b=b^a 乘法结合律:(a >b) >C=a>(b >C)见2.5找4或0.4;见1.25找8或0.8乘法分配律:(a+b) >=a>C+bxc 或a?+b>C=(a+b) > (b=1 时;省略 b) 变式:(a-b) C=a>C-b >C 或a>C-b 沁=(a-b) C 减法:减法性质:a-b-C=a-(b+C) 除法:除法性质:a~b^C=a^(b >C) 第二单元位置 &确定物体的位置;要用到数对(先列:即竖;后行即横排)。用数对要能解决两个问题:一是给出一对数对;要能在坐标途中标出物体所在位置的点。二是给出坐标中的一个点;要能用数对表示。 第三单元小数除法 10、小数除法的意义:已知两个因数的积与其中的一个因数;求另 一个因数的运算。如:0.6 <3表示已知两个因数的积0.6; —个因数是0.3;求另一个因数是多少。


小学五年级期末考试 英 语 试 卷 I.选出每组单词中画线部分读音与其它两个发音不同的选项。 (共5小题,计5分) ( ) 1. A. cow B. brown C. yellow ( ) 2. A. doctor B. short C. morning ( ) 3. A. cake B. cap C. ant ( ) 4. A. engineer B. driver C. English ( ) 5. A. cloudy B. mouth C. young Ⅱ.看图片,写单词。 (共5小题,计10分) 6.__________ 7. __________ 8.__________ 9. __________ 10. __________ Ⅲ. 根据首字母提示并联系上下文写出恰当的单词,使句子或对话意思完整。(共5小题,计10分) 11. —What color do you like? —I like red, but I d________ like yellow. 12. —________ is that boy? The small one. —Oh, that ’s Bob. 13. —Mom, I want to go out to play. —OK. It ’s cold outside. P________ on your coat, gloves and boots. 14. —What ’s your grandfather l________, David? —He is short and has short white hair. 15. It ’s r________ today. Don ’t forget the umbrella and the raincoat. Ⅳ) ——No. ________. They ’re very kind and friendly to people. 18. —Who ’s that man? —________? —The tall one. 19. —Li Ming, let me draw a picture for you. —Why not? ________. 20. —Oh, dear. It ’s raining outside. Shall we ________ at home?


六年级英语(精通版)上册单词表 Unit 1 get up起床 have breakfast吃早餐 go to school 去上学 School begins.开始上课 have lunch吃午饭 School is over放学 go home回家 have dinner吃晚饭 watch TV看电视 go to bed睡觉 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner晚餐 cook breakfast做早餐 teach English教英语 take a walk散步 read stories读故事 walk走;步行 every每一个 morning早晨 afternoon下午 evening晚上;傍晚 see a film看电影 play the piano弹钢琴 clean the window擦窗户 clean the door擦门 clean the floor擦地板 often时常 easy容易 difficult困难 Unit 2 collect toy cars搜集玩具汽车 collect stamps搜集邮票 collect maps搜集地图 collect picture cards搜集图片 open开;打开 hobby爱好 map地图 box盒子 colour颜色go fishing去钓鱼plant flowers种花cook meals做饭 dad爸爸 mum妈妈 plant植物;种植flower花 drink喝 tea茶 play computer games玩电脑游戏

make dolls take photos照相 photo照片 kid小孩baby婴儿 hungry饿的 cry哭 Unit 3 invite your friends to your party邀请朋友参加聚会 celebrate your birthday with your friends与朋友庆祝生日 time时间 after在......后then那时 me我(I 的宾格) bye再见 star-shaped cake星形蛋糕 jelly果冻 fruit pie水果派;水果馅饼 kind种类 chocolate巧克力 ice cream冰激凌 candy糖果 sure当然 light the candles点蜡烛sing the birthday song唱生日歌 make a wish许愿blow out the candles吹蜡烛 cut the cake切蛋糕 eat the cake 吃蛋糕here在这里for给;为了light点燃 Unit 4 the first month of the year一年里的第一个月 the second month of the year一年里的第二个月 New Year's Day元旦 Spring Festival春节 January一月 February二月 back回原处;后面 their他(她,它)们的


五年级上 Unit 1 单词: 国家单词: Britain 英国Australia 澳大利亚 New Zealand 新西兰France 法国 Germany 德国 Russia 俄罗斯 China中国 Canada 加拿大 America 美国 Singapore新加坡四会句子: 三会句子: I'm Bob。I’m eleven。 I e from Britain、 Where are you from? Where doyoue from? I’mfrom China。I e from New Zealand、 What’s your name? Where do you live? My name is Carl。 I live onShanghai Street、 Unit 2 描述人得形容词: clever 聪明得 quiet 安静得 pretty漂亮得 smart 聪明得 cute可爱得 lovely 可爱得 active活泼得beautiful 漂亮得 handsome 英俊得 身体部位单词: Eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子hair 头发ear耳朵 arm胳膊foot脚face 脸 mouth 嘴leg腿hand手 四会句子: 三会句子: What’s his name? He’s clever. His name is Peter、 She's pretty、 What’s her name?How old ishe? Her name is ZhouPei。 Heis eleven、 He’s smart、 Howold are you? How old is she ?


【五年级上册语文总复习】五年级上册期末总 复习总结 《【五年级上册语文总复习】五年级上册期末总复习总结》的范文,觉得有用就请下载哦这里给大家。五年级上册期末总复习总结 (来自: 精品) 小学语文五年级上学期教学总结 西建中英文学校文婷静 时光流逝,转眼间一个学期过去了,五年级二班在学校领导的亲切关怀和教导处的正确领导下,加上全体师生的共同努力,顺利地完成了本学期的语文教学任务,实现了学期初制定的教学目标。为了更好地完成今后的教学任务,使教学工作做到有的放矢,特对本学期的语文教学工作总结如下: 一、结合教材的编排特点,继续推进素质教育,提高学生的阅读能力。 根据大纲“加强综合,突出重点,注重语言的感悟,积累和运用,注重基本技能的训练,从整体上提高学生的语文素养。”的精神。在教学中,注重结合课文的思想性和典范性激发学生的学习兴趣,要求学生先读课文了解文章的内容,提出不懂的问题,查阅有关的资料,同位或小组合作自己试着解决,培养学生

的自主合作的学习能力。重视学生的朗读能力的训练,使朗读和理解紧案理解基础上通过朗读准确表达课文的思想感情。提倡学生独立思考,通过教师的指导,展开讨论交流,鼓励学生发表不同的见解,让学生在阅读的实践中逐步学会独立思考,学会读书。 二、在教学的过程中对学生进行思想教育。 在对学生进行扎实的语文基本功训练的同时,使学生受到热爱祖国热爱中国****** 热爱社会主义的教育,了解革命战争的艰苦,懂得幸福生活来之不易,学会革命前辈的远大志向和献身精神, 从小树立为祖国刻苦学习的理想;范文TOP100继承和发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,受到尊敬师长关心他人助人为乐等社会主义思想品德教育;培养热爱科学勇于实践和创新的精神,培养环境保护意识和社会责任感,陶冶爱美情趣。 三、对学生进行扎实的语文基本功的训练培养学生语文能力。 通过本学期的学习,使学生能利用汉语拼音识字,学习普通话。培养独立识字的能力,能读准字音,认清字形,了解在语言环境中的字意,并能正确书写;认识70个生字,能读准字音。能联系上下文,结合实际或查字典理解词语的意思,学过的词语大部分能在口头或书面中运用。养成了积累语言的习惯。引导学生自觉地运用查字典联系上下文和生活实际准确理解词语,含意深


五年级上册英语期末考试卷及答案 更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂 五年级上册英语期末考试卷及答案 (共100分) 一、选出与其他单词不同类的词。(12分) ( ) 1. A. fantastic B. super C. lost D. nice ( ) 2. A. plants B. tulips C. violets D. bluebells ( ) 3. A. sometimes B. often C. always D. else ( ) 4. A. high B. low C. fast D. gift ( ) 5. A. happy B. nice C. tired D. fine ( ) 6. A. camera B. notebook C. pen D. dictionary 二、用英文写出下列单词。(10分) 1(忘记____________ 2(规则________________ 3(道路____________ 4(说__________________ 5(大象____________ 6(狮子________________ 7(熊猫____________ 8(家庭________________ 9(好笑的__________ 10. 强壮________________ 三、选择最佳答案填空。(20分) ( ) 1. _____you tomorrow at the gate of the bookshop. A. Seeing B. See C. Sees ( ) 2. The train will leave here at half _____ nine_____ Monday. A. on, on B. past, on C. by, in ( ) 3. Are they going to get there by ship _____ by bus? A. with B. or C. for


本学期教学进度一览 Unit1 I go to school at 8:00 Lesson 1 一知识与能力目标 1.学习简单介绍自己的日常生活和学习情况。 2.熟悉英文e-mail的格式,并在实际生活中应用。 二教学过程与方法目标 能够正确地听、说、认读下面的单词和句子:e-mail、daily life、after dinner 、best wishes、London、minutes等I get up at 7:30 in the morning. 三情感态度与价值观目标 在日常生活中主动养成良好的学习、生活和劳动习惯。 四教学重点: I get up at 7:30 in the morning. I go to school at 8:30. 难点: e-mail、daily life、after dinner 、best wishes、London、minutes等 三、教学工具: Pictures、tape、recorder.

【教学过程】: 1.热身/ 复习(Warming-up / Revision) 1)师生问好。 T: Good morning .S: Good morning: Nice to see you again! S: Nice to see you again! 2)猜谜游戏:教师向学生介绍说自己结识了一个外国新笔友,并请学生根据国旗图片呈现说出是哪个国家的。教师可参考使用以下语言:I have a new pen pals.She often write e-mail to me and I often write e-mail to her, too.Let's look at the pictures in her e-mails.Can you guess where they come from? 2.新课导入(Presentation) 1)教师总结游戏结果,可以提问2~3名学生:Where does Luce come from?学生答出:Luce comes from London. 2)教师以对话的方式,引导学生说出:An e-mail,然后,教师告诉学生看别人的东西需要事先征得同意。 3)教师简介英语电子邮件的写作格式。请几名学生说一说他们的电子邮箱地址。4)出示准备好的图片,播放两遍录音,让学生听一听Lucy是如何介绍她的日常生活的。参考问题:What is the e-mail about? Where does she have lunch? 5)教师带领全体学生做填空游戏。让学生合上书,教师大声读出邮件中的部分内容,留出一些具体信息(参见下文画线部分),让学生凭记忆说出。 3.趣味操练(Practice) 向学生介绍申请电子邮箱的方法,小组内交流各自已有的和即将申请的电子邮箱地址。


what which how how old how many 缩写形式I’m It’s What’s She’s They’re isn’t can’t Let’s动原I’ll动原I’d like 反义front 前面big long tall fat new wrong 错哪一个 如何;怎样 多大;几岁 多少+名词复数 完全形式 I am It is What is She is They are is not can not Let us动原 I will动原 I would like 词 back 后面 small short short thin old right 对 同音 to too see 对应 brother this 这个 these 这些 here 这里 Mr 先生 单数 potato tomato fish sheep goose foot dictionary strawberry cherry man woman peach am be is 词 two for sea 大海 词 sister that 那个 those 那些 there 那里 Miss 小姐 复数 potato es tomato es fish 鱼 sheep 羊 geese feet dictionar i es strawberr i es cherr i es men women peach es I am 单三 其它人称are 原型 work do go watch stud y have 动词原形 play dance ※shop 第三人称单数 works does goes watches stud i es has ※ 可数名词复数 doing sth V.ing形式 playing 人称代词和物主代词 第一人称第二人称第三人称 用法 单数复数单数复数单数复数 人称代词主格I we you you he she it they 动前为主宾格me us you you him her it them 动后为宾 物主代词形容词 性 my our your your his her its their 后跟名词名词性mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs 本身名词 { { { {


五年级上册英语试卷及答案 目录 五年级上册英语试卷 (2) 听力部分(30分) (2) 笔试部分(70分) (3) 五年级上册英语试卷听力部分材料 (7) 五年级上册英语试卷答案 (8)

五年级上册英语试卷 时间:60分钟分值:100分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(5分) ()1.A.bear B.bed C.bread ()2.A.house B.horse C.housework ()3.A.have a try B.have a look C.have a good time ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/424467925.html,rge https://www.360docs.net/doc/424467925.html,ugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/424467925.html,ntern ()5.A.kitchen B.chicken C.children 二、根据所听内容,判断图意是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(听两遍)(每小题1分,共8分) 1、() 2、() 3、() 4、() 5、() 6、() 7、() 8、() 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(12分) ()1.A.It’s on the Christmas tree. B.They’re under the chair. C.Yes,there are. ()2.A.She is a writer. B.She goes to work by car. C.She writes stories at home. ()3.A.No,there aren’t.

B.No,he isn’t. C.Yes,he does. () 4.A.It’s just right. B.It’s beside the door. C.Yes,there is. () 5.A.They are five squares. B.There are five squares. C.I can see some squares. ()6.A.We like playing with yo-yos. B.We are playing with yo-yos. C.We can play with yo-yos. 四、听录音,并根据首字母提示,将下列短文补充完整。(听三遍)(5分) Hi,my name is Zhang Jie.I am______years old.I am a student.My father is a bus________, and my mother is a________.I’d like to find a pen friend.My________address is zhangjie@https://www.360docs.net/doc/424467925.html,.Please________to me soon. 笔试部分(70分) 五、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5分) ()1.A body B soft C cold ()2.A pretty B bed C leg ()3.A has B some C music ()4.A fly B why C year ()5.A sun B duck C student 六、选择题。(15分) ()1.Jack is good at________. A.draw B.drawing C.draws ()2.My e-friend can________Chinese. A.speak B.talk C.say ()3.There are two reading rooms.One is on the third floor,________is on the first floor. A.one B.the other C.two ()4.Tom swims very________. A.well B.good C.quick
