


考试日期: 10月27日

Reading Passage 1

Title: Intelligence

Question types:


Table completion







1. 关键词定位到原文中与题目出现重复的段落

2. 判断方式不包含任何逻辑推理

TRUE: 是原文中同义近义改写

FALSE: 对于原文信息的直接改写

NOT GIVEN: 原文没有信息,或经过原文信息不能直接推理出来3. 书写应该规范,大写全拼。

剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑桥5-3-2 Disappearing Delta 话题相似剑桥6-2-3 题型相似

Reading Passage 2

Title: Perfume hunting(重复 5月16日雅思考题)

Question types: Which paragraph contains the following information? TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN



英文原文阅读The Perfume Hunters

Sniffing out new smells for use in cosmetics and household products involves blood, sweat and plenty of insect repellent.

Tired, scratched and soaked in sweat, the hunters begin to think of turning back. Time is running out. Dusk is falling and they still haven't caught sight of their quarry. Suddenly they stop. One of the men lifts his head and sniffs. He knows they are close. He scans the undergrowth in the deepening gloom--and suddenly he spots what they have been looking for. There, hidden beneath some leaves at nose height is a tiny spike of flowers, the whole bunch no bigger than a thumbnail. Within minutes, the hunters have set their trap. All they have to do now is wait.

The hard work was worth it. The next morning, there in the trap is a rare

catch--a new sort of smell. For the men in the Madagascan forest are perfume hunters. And instead of rifles, they are armed with nothing more sinister than a few glass jars, a couple of pumps and some tubing which they will use to capture new and exciting fragrances to make our lives smell sweeter.

Ever since the unguentari plied their trade in ancient Rome, perfumers have had to keep abreast of changing fashions. These days they have several thousand ingredients to choose from when creating new scents, but there is always a demand for new combinations. The bigger the "palette" of smells, the better the perfumer's chance of creating something new and fashionable. Even with everyday products such as shampoo and soap, consumers are becoming increasingly fussy. Cheap, synthetic smells are out. Fresh, natural smells are in. And many of today's fragrances have to survive tougher treatment than ever before, resisting the destructive power of bleach or a high temperature wash cycle.

Chemists can now create new smells from synthetic molecules, but nature has been in the business far longer. Plants produce countless fragrant chemicals. Many are intended to attract pollinators. Others are produced for quite different purposes. The fragrant resins that ooze from wounds in a tree, for example, defend it against infection.

The island of Madagascar is an evolutionary hot spot; 85% of its plants are unique, making it an ideal source for novel fragrances. So last October an expedition, including Robin Clery, a chemist, and Claude Dir, a perfume company director, explored two contrasting landscapes in northern Madagascar. Their first stop was a remnant of rainforest in the national park of Montaigne d'Ambre. The second was the tiny uninhabited island of Nosy Hara off the northwest coast.

With some simple technology, borrowed from the pollution monitoring industry, and a fair amount of ingenuity, the perfume hunters bagged 20 promising new aromas in the Madagascan rainforest. Each day the team set out from their "hotel"--a wooden hut lit by kerosene lamps, and trailed up and down paths and animal tracks, exploring the thick vegetation up to 10 meters on either side of the trail. Some smells came from obvious places, often big showy flowers within easy reach. Others were harder to pin down. "Often it was the very small flowers that were much more interesting," says Clery.

In fact, some of the most promising fragrances were given off by resins that oozed from the bark of trees. Resins are the source of many traditional perfumes such as frankincense and myrrh. The most exciting resin that the

team found came from a Calophyllum tree, a relative of the Asian beauty leaf, which produces a strongly scented medicinal oil. The sap smelt rich and aromatic, but it also smelt of something the fragrance industry has had to learn to live without-castoretum, a substance extracted from the musk glands of beavers and once a key ingredient in many perfumes. "We don't use animal products any longer," says Dir, "so to find a tree with an animal smell is extremely precious."

After the luxuriance of the rainforest, the little-known island of Nosy Hara was a stark, dry place--geologically and biologically very different from the mainland. "Apart from two beaches, the rest of the island is impenetrable, except by hacking through the bush," says Clery. One of the biggest prizes here was a sweet-smelling sap weeping from the gnarled branches of some ancient shrubby trees in the parched interior. So far no one has been able to identify the plant.

The group also set out from the island to capture the smell of coral reefs. Odors that conjure up sunkissed seas are highly sought after by the perfume industry. "From the ocean, the only thing we have is seaweed, and that has a dark and heavy aroma. We hope to find something unique among the corals," says Dir.

The challenge for the hunters was to extract a smell from water rather than air. This was an opportunity to try Clery's new "aquaspace" apparatus--a set of filters that work underwater. On Nosy Hara, jars were fixed over knobs of coral about 2 meters down and water pumped out over the absorbent filters. So what does coral smell like? "It's a bit like lobster and crab," says Clery.

The team's task now is to recreate the best of their captured smells. First they must identify the molecules that make up each fragrance. Some ingredients may be quite common chemicals. But some may be completely novel, or they may be too complex or expensive to make in the lab. The challenge then is to conjure up the fragrances with more readily available materials. "We can avoid the need to import plants from the rainforest by creating the smell with a different set of chemicals from those in the original material," says Clery. "If we get it right, you can sniff the sample and it will transport you straight back to the moment you smelt it in the rainforest."


The perfume trade has a long history, dating back to (14) _____________.

Today, perfumers can choose from a wider range of chemicals, and many of these are synthetic. However, fresh, natural fragrances are more (15)

_____________ and perfumers continue to hunt for new smells from nature. Plants are a major source of perfumes, producing smells for many reasons, such as to encourage useful insects and to prevent (16) _________. Last October, perfume hunters traveled to Madagascar, a promising site for new smells because of the (17) _____________ of its trees and flowers. In a rainforest, the group collected an extremely valuable smell which resembled a chemical called castoretum. This new smell was considered very useful because today perfumers have stopped employing (18) _____________. At a small island, the fragrances of (19) _____________ were collected by the same team using equipment that works underwater. On returning to the laboratory, the group will attempt to reproduce the new smells using chemicals that are (20) _____________.




1. 彻底同义转换


2. 完全乱序


3. 部分题目存在重复选项


NB You may use any letter more than once.


4. 从题量上来看,存在着以下两种可能:

1) 题量=段落数+1(肯定带NB)

2) 题量小于段落数两个以上



5. 永远是第一个题型

不论在A类考试还是G类的考试中,我们发现,这种题目永远是出现在第一个题型,而且这种题型与段落标题配对题型List of headings属于“相克题型”,即这两者不可能同时出现。

6. 有部分题目与其后的题目有关联


题量=段落数+1, 且带NB的题型:


1. 阅读所有题目,划出关键词


2. 通读所有段落,依次寻找答案



1. 题目说明:

Questions 11-13: 11.__A___ 12___F___ 13___B____

Question 11: 11___AFB______(错一个就全错)

2. 选项在原文中的顺序:无特定顺序

3. 题目一般只考文中的部分信息

剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑6 Test 1 剑7 Test 1

Reading Passage 3

Title: Architecture and lifestyle Question types:





剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑5-3-1 剑6-1-1 剑7-2-1



度适中。本次考试中是非无判断题量增加,这应该是一件好事。可是在具体的考试中,很多学生依然对于是非无的判断把握不好。是非无的注意点:1. 定位;2. 判断,3. 书写,在平时的练习中一定要好好分析错误的原因。


1. 扩大眼睛扫描的宽度,训练自己一眼看过至少阅读到3-5个单词。

2. 快速泛读不同领域的书籍,理解和掌握书中主要内容即可,拓宽自己的知识面。

3. 计时阅读,养成计时阅读的习惯,计时阅读每次进行5-10分钟即可,不宜太长。在加快阅读速度的同时努力迅速总结每段大意。


2012年9月1日的雅思考试过后,环球雅思也在第一时间整理了完整的2012年9月1日雅思阅读机经,在此次的雅思阅读考试的三篇文章中,其中比较典型的几个题型的TRUE\FALSE\NOT GIVEN、Complete table、多选题、Sentence completion的出题比例依旧比较稳定,可以看到判断TRUE\FALSE\NOT GIVEN还是2012年9月1日雅思阅读机经中的重头戏。 考试日期:2012年9月1日 Reading Passage 1 Title:Man and Machine Question types:段落细节信息配对题填空题summary 文章内容 回顾 关于机器人的,MIT和日本的一些研究 英文原文阅读Types of Robots Humanoid Entertainment Robots ASIMO, manufactured by Honda QRIO, by Sony HOAP(*1) Robot Series (Humanoid for Open Architecture Platform), Manufactured by Fujitsu Toyota Partner Robot, manufactured by Toyota. EMIEW, by Hitachi

Androids Androids are robots designed to strongly resemble humans. Actroid, a realistic female robot demonstrated most prominently at Expo 2005 in Japan Hanako, a humanoid robot designed for dentist training HRP-4C, a humanoid robot with a realistic head and the average figure of a young Japanese female Animal (four legged) robots Aibo playing with kids AIBO is a commercial robotic dog manufactured by Sony Electronics. Social robots PaPeRo Paro, a robot baby seal intended for therapeutic purposes Wakamaru Guard robots Guardrobo D1 is manufactured by Sohgo Security Services. Banryu, manufactured by Sanyo and TMSUK. Domestic robots SmartPal V, manufactured by Yaskawa Electric

2019-2020-雅思阅读同义词替换(剑八TEST 3)-实用word文档 (2页)

2019-2020-雅思阅读同义词替换(剑八TEST 3)-实用word文档 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思阅读同义词替换(剑八TEST 3) 雅思阅读同义词替换 Cambridge 8 TEST 3 1. building = property = construction n .建筑 2. support = back = be behind = in support of = back somebody up v .支持 3. financial support = fund = financial aid 资助 4. stumbling block = difficulty = trouble n .麻烦 5. create = generate = form = produce v .形成 6. direct = guide = lead = instruct = give order / instruction v .指导 7. beam = laser = ray = glow = glare n .光线,激光 8. aim = direct at = purpose = point = idea = objective = goal = target n .目的 9. test in real = field test 实地测试 10. genius = giftedness / talent / intellectual = intelligence = brains = brilliant = wisdom n .天才 11. inherit = run in family = receive = get = be given = be awarded v .继承 12. talent = prodigy = skill = ability = craftsmanship = flair = have a knack = a natural ability to do something well n .才能,技能 13. lessen = minimize = subside = lighten = relieve = ease = allay v .减少



考试日期: 8月25日 Reading Passage 1 Title: Dirty But Clean River ---(FLOOD) Question types: TRUE\FALSE\NOT GIVEN 9题 Complete table 5题 文章内容回顾flood对生态群系的重要性,但某处flood愈发减少以致人们不得不模拟flood。 问flood or fire对森林更有害,后面问自从1663年t鱼就开始减少,还有flood最多可到3500每秒,1996的人造flood开始被认为成功了,cube鱼的减少是因为t鱼的引入,人造flood比天然的大,以前flood含有干净的水。 题型难度分析难度偏低,本文只有两种题型,且都是有顺序的题目,降低了做题难度。是非无判断的题量较大,在一定程度上降低了定位的难度。在表格填空题中,还有两道是时间(数字)的定位,难度降低。 题型技巧分析是非无判断题: 解题思路: 1. 关键词定位到原文中与题目出现重复的段落 2. 判断方式不包含任何逻辑推理 TRUE: 是原文中同义近义改写 FALSE: 对于原文信息的直接改写 NOT GIVEN: 原文没有信息,或经过原文信息不能直接推理出来3. 书写应该规范,大写全拼 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑桥5-3-2 Disappearing Delta 话题相似剑桥6-2-3 题型相似 Reading Passage 2 Title: graffiti(涂鸦) Question types: Which paragraph contains the following information? 5题连续两个5选2 (4题) Sentence completion 4题 文章内容回顾 graffiti(涂鸦)是艺术还是犯罪,主要讲各种去除涂鸦的方法,不足之处和注意事项 等。 英文原文阅读Graffiti (singular: graffito; the plural is used as a mass noun) is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. Stickers and other adhesives are not considered graffiti, apparently because they are less common. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.[2] In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become


雅思阅读高频词汇 雅思阅读高频词汇表(一)138个 accessible 易于得到的accompany 伴随accurate准确的activate 使活动,刺激adapt 适应adequate充足的affect 影响 alter 改变altitude 高地analyse 分析 anticipate预感,预期apparent明显的approach接近,方法appropriate 恰当的arise 出现,升起 arrange 整理,安排artificial 人造的assess 估计,评定assign指派,指定 attribute 把..归因于,属性authority 权力 available 可用的behave 举止,表现breed 繁殖,引起budget 预算 bully 恐吓burst 爆炸calendar 日历campaign 运动capable 能够的 capacity 容量capture 捕获cargo 货物 chronic 慢性的circumstance 环境,遭遇civil 文明的,民事的,国民的code 代码,法典communal 公用 的community 社会,社区component 元件constant 不断的,永恒的consult 商量,咨询contrast对比core 核心 corporate 全体的,社团的counterpart 与对方地位相当的 人 cure治愈curriculum 课程deduce 演绎,推断depict 描绘derive 得到,起源于 descend 下降,传下来despite 尽管,轻蔑discipline 训练,处罚,纪律distribute 分发dramatic 戏剧的,引人注目的 dynamic 动态的,有生气的ease 安逸,缓和efficient 有能力的element 要素 eliminate 消灭emphasize 强调engage 从事,占用enhance 提高entitle 给予权利,给题名 equivalent 相等的,等价物 evaluate 评价exceed 超过expand 扩张,延伸expose 暴露,揭露external 外面的extract 提 取,摘录 faculty 能力,院系,全体教职员forage 到处搜寻foundation 创办,基础fragile脆弱的fundamental 基本的

10月24 号最新雅思阅读机经

10月24 号最新雅思阅读机经 10月刚过去,对于11月将要考雅思的同学来说,10月的雅思真题机经很重要,多了解最近的考试趋势和考试形式有助于考试成绩的提高,郑州培雅雅思培训专注雅思培训多年,对于考试的趋势和预测把握很深,欢迎各位河南地区的同学前来免费咨询。 一、考试概述: 本次考试三篇文章两旧一新,第一篇内容关于娃娃的发展起源,第二篇为人们工作中所接触到的压力,第三篇介绍的是关于一种蜥蜴。对于历史发展类,工作类和生物类的文章大家可以参考剑桥系列中C8T1P1,C10T1P3和C7T3P1进行复习。 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Doll 内容:娃娃的发展起源,材料及制作过程 题型:填空题7+判断题6 参考答案: 1-7 Completion 2000BC 埃及坟墓里经常可以发现由平整的木头制成的娃娃,“头发”由1. clay或木珠子制成,可以追溯到公元前2000多年。 600BC 希腊和罗马,女孩长到不再适合玩娃娃的年纪时,她们就会把娃娃奉献给女神们2. goddesses;公元前600年前娃娃已经有了可活动四肢3. movable limbs和可拆服装。 16-17th century 德国Grodnertal生产许多4. peg wooden dolls(木制挂钩娃娃),这种娃娃有着非常简单的挂钩关节,类似于衣夹。 1700-1800 除了木质娃娃,蜡质娃娃在17和18世纪也很流行。第一个以婴儿为模板的蜡质5.wax娃娃产于19世纪初的英国。

1800-1900 木材的替代品是1800年代发展起来的。纸浆木或纸张6.pulped wood or paper混合而成的合成物被用来制造娃娃的头和身体。 Mid of the 19th 19世纪40年代,德国,法国和丹麦开始制造瓷质娃娃头。19世纪60年代,陶制bisque娃娃取代了7.china娃娃头。 8-13 True/False/Not Given 8. 法国的dolls比德国的bisque dolls more costly—TRUE 9. The first rag doll 是在1850s制造出来的—NOT GIVEN 10. 赛璐璐celluloid娃娃容易掉色easily fade away—TRUE 11. only开头的判断题—FALSE 12. plastic与此前的材料resembled但是can last a longer time—TRUE 13. 待补充 Passage 2: 题目:Stress Level 内容:人类压力 题型:配对题5+选择题3+单选题6 参考文章(仅供参考): Stress of Workplace A How busy is too busy? For some it means having to miss the occasional long lunch; for others it means missing lunch altogether. For a few, it is not being able to take a "sickie" (病假) once a month. Then there is a group of people for whom working every evening and weekend is normal, and frantic is the tempo of their lives. For most senior executives, workloads swing between extremely busy and frenzied. The vice-president of the management consultancy AT Kearney and its head of telecommunications for the Asia-Pacific region, Neil Plumridge, says his work weeks vary from a "manageable" 45 hours to 80 hours, but average 60 hours. B Three warning signs alert Plumridge about his workload: sleep, scheduling and family. He knows he has too much on when he gets less than six hours of sleep for three consecutive nights;


2013年6月8日雅思阅读机经分析 南京环球雅思名师:李冠群 考试日期:2013年6月8日(本次考试解析题源来自于澳洲悉尼考场)Reading Passage 1 Title: Indoor Air Pollution Question types:Short Answer Summary TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN 文章内容回顾本篇文章为新文章,首次出现在雅思考试中。 内容:室内污染的一大来源为做饭产生的空气污染。 建议参考: 剑桥真题5:The truth about environment 了解污染类话题的背景词汇。 剑桥真题9:The history of the tortoise 本篇真题的三个题型与本次考试的这一篇高度相似,建议参考解题规划。 原文拓展阅读1:DEVELOPMENT REPORT - Breathing Easier: The Art of Stove Making More than three billion people are at risk from indoor air pollution because of the heating or cooking fuels they use. Most live in Africa, India and China. They use biomass fuels like wood, crop waste, animal waste or coal. These solid fuels may be the least costly fuels available. But they are also a major cause of health problems and death. For more than thirty years, the Aprovecho Research Center has been designing cleaner, low-cost cooking stoves for the developing world. Dean Still is the director of the group which is based in the United States. He notes a World Health Organization estimate that more than one and a half million people a year die from breathing smoke from solid fuels. DEAN STILL: "And half of the people on planet Earth every day use wood or biomass for cooking. These are the people on Earth who have less money, and the richer people use oil and gas. It's been estimated that wood is running out more quickly than oil and gas. And so it is very important for the poorer people to


Writing Task2 Topics 2-2 “Prevention is better than cure.” Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 3-2 When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 6-GB Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? 5-2 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. 4-GB Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that it is important for young children to go to school as soon as possible. What do you think are the advantages of attending school from a young age? 6-2 Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 6-4 Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 3-3 In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this? 4-2 Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 4-4 In many countries schools have severe problems with students behavior. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 5-GB Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?


Bernice 6月机经总结解析与7月预测 文章具题目:Fishbourne Roman Palace

6.19 本次考试出现了两旧一新,属于中等难度。第一篇文章的题材是文明发展史,是旧题,类似的剑桥真题是C9T4P1。第二篇文章是新题,题材是心理学,剑桥真题的C8T3P2题材和题型都与其相似,可供参考。第三篇论述艺术的评判标准,是2012年12月出现过的旧题。本次考试没有出现较难的自然科普类文章,因此阅读难度不大。另外,本次考试涉及的题型有:简答,判断(是非及对错),填空(图表),配对(人名理论配对及句子配对),单选和多选。其中,具有顺序性且偏简单的判断和填空占了大比重,多选和配对都出现了两次,因此题型难度偏中等。 建议烤鸭们平时要多练习高频题型,对于6月底的烤鸭,建议多看些自然科普类文章,并多练习List of headings和段落信息配对题。

to revolve and it gave Hargreaves the idea that a whole line of spindles could be worked off one wheel. In 1764 Hargreaves built what became known as the Spinning-Jenny. The machine used eight spindles onto which the thread was spun from a corresponding set of rovings. By turning a single wheel, the operator could now spin eight threads at once. Later, improvements were made that enabled the number to be increased to eighty. The thread that the machine produced was coarse and lacked strength, making it suitable only for the filling of weft, the threads woven across the warp. Hargreaves did not apply for a patent for his Spinning Jenny until 1770 and therefore others copied his ideas without paying him any money. It is estimated that by the time James Hargreaves died in 1778, over 20,000 Spinning-Jenny machines were being used in Britain. James Hargreaves was born near Blackburn in about 1720. Hargreaves received no formal education and was unable to read or write. He worked as a carpenter and weaver but had a strong interest in engineering. By the 1760s Hargreaves was living in the village of Stanhill and was one of the many weavers who owned his own spinning wheel and loom. It is claimed that one day his daughter Jenny accidentally knocked over over the family spinning wheel. The spindle continued to revolve and it gave Hargreaves the idea that a whole line of spindles could be worked off one wheel. In 1764 Hargreaves built what became known as the Spinning-Jenny. The machine used eight spindles onto which the thread was spun from a corresponding set of rovings. By turning a single wheel, the operator could now spin eight threads at once. The thread that the machine produced was coarse and lacked strength, making it suitable only for the filling of weft, the threads woven across the warp. Originally Hargreaves produced the machine for family use but when he began to sell the machines, spinners from Lancashire, fearing the possibility of cheaper competition, marched on his house and destroyed his equipment. Hargreaves did not apply for a patent for his Spinning Jenny until 1770 and therefore others copied his ideas without paying him any money. Hargreaves moved to Nottingham where he erected a small spinning-mill. Others began to make improvements to the Spinning-Jenny and the number of threads was increased from eight to eighty. By the time James Hargreaves died in 1778, over 20,000 Spinning-Jenny machines were being used in Britain. Passage 2:


2019年雅思考试阅读理解模拟练习试题及答案A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti- globalisers’favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing https://www.360docs.net/doc/445985739.html,st year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says

【最新2019】雅思阅读的真题机经:磁疗word版本 (2页)

【最新2019】雅思阅读的真题机经:磁疗word版本 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思阅读的真题机经:磁疗 Magnet Therapy Magnet therapy , magnetic therapy , or magnotherapy is an alternative medicine practice involving the use of static magnetic fields . Practitioners claim that subjecting certain parts of the body to magnetostatic fields produced by permanent magnets has beneficial health effects . These pseudoscientific physical and biological claims are unproven and no effects on health or healing have been established . Although hemoglobin , the blood protein that carries oxygen , is weakly diamagnetic and is repulsed by magnetic fields , the magnets used in magnetic therapy are many orders of magnitude too weak to have any measurable effect on blood flow . Methods of application Magnet therapy is the application of the magnetic field of electromagnetic devices or permanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits . Some practitioners assign different effects based on the orientation of the magnet ; under the laws of physics , magnetic poles are symmetric . Products include magnetic bracelets and jewelry ; magnetic straps for wrists , ankles , knees , and the back ; shoe insoles ; mattresses ; magnetic blankets ; magnetic creams ; magnetic supplements ; plasters / patches and water that has been magnetized . Application is usually performed by the patient . Purported mechanisms of action Perhaps the most common suggested mechanism is that magnets might improve blood flow in underlying tissues . The field surrounding magnet therapy devices is far too weak and falls off with distance far too quickly to appreciably affect hemoglobin , other blood components , muscle tissue , bones , blood vessels , or organs . A 1991 study on humans of static field strengths up to 1 T found no


https://www.360docs.net/doc/445985739.html,/ 济南新航道学校 IELTS READING 雅思阅读 高分必备习题集 注:本习题集仅供济南新航道内部学员使用,严禁翻印,传阅。

https://www.360docs.net/doc/445985739.html,/ Contents 1.Amateur naturalist 业余自然学家(P3) https://www.360docs.net/doc/445985739.html,municating Styles and Conflict 交流的方式与冲突(P6) 3.Health in the Wild 野生动物自愈.(p10) 4.The Rainmaker 人工造雨(P13) 5.Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter 舒梅克彗星撞木星(P16) 6. A second look at twin studies 双胞胎研究(P19) 7.Transit of Venus 金星凌日(P22) 8.Placebo Effect—The Power of Nothing安慰剂效应(P25) 9.The origins of Laughter 笑的起源(P29) 10.Rainwater Harvesting 雨水收集(P32) 11.Serendipity:The Accidental Scientists科学偶然性(P36) 12.T erminated! Dinosaur Era! 恐龙时代的终结(P40) https://www.360docs.net/doc/445985739.html, ADDICTION 电视上瘾(P43) 14.E I nino and Seabirds 厄尔尼诺和水鸟(P46) 15.T he extinct grass in Britain 英国灭绝的某种草(P50) 16.E ducation philosophy教育的哲学(P53) 17.T he secret of Yawn打哈欠的秘密(P57) 18.c onsecutive and simultaneous translation交替传译和同声传译(P60) 19.N umeracy: can animals tell numbers?动物会数数么?(P63) 20.G oing nowhere fast(P66) 21.T he seedhunters种子收集者(P69) 22.T he conquest of Malaria in Italy意大利征服疟疾(P72)



考试日期: 6月16日Reading Passage 1 Title: Green Sahara Question types: TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN Short-answer questions Summary Completion 文章内容回顾先是T/F/NG题,第一个是说那个男博士是偶然间在那个沙漠发现人类残骸的,是True, 因为原文里说她是被那个骨头绊倒(stumbled) 才发现的。另外有一题是问那个人和另一个人之前就已经合作了,是False, 因为是从这次发现那个骨头才开始合作的。之后就是问 答题,先问她们在那个沙漠的前几个星期produce了什么,是a map。然后说那个女博士 把什么送去检查,是teeth。第三个是问检查以后,骨骼比较大的那个多少岁,是9000。剩下的一组是填空题,说打鱼和另一种生活状态人们体格之类的区别。先是peaceful life是从没有injuries看出来的,然后从她们肌肉的attachment看出生活很strenuous, 另外她们的食物里的protein很高,因为常吃鱼。然后是另一部分人,说她们是饲养畜牧的生活,可是只发现了牛的骨骼,因此答案是cow, 然后说可能是她们处在一个转化状 态,答案是transition。 英文原文阅读Paleontologist Paul Sereno and his team were scouring the rocks between harsh dunes in northern Niger in when they stumbled across the graveyard, on the shores of a long-gone lake. The scientists eventually uncovered 200 burials of two vastly different cultures that span five thousand years—the first time such a site has been found in one place. Called Gobero, the area is a uniquely preserved record of human habitation and burials from the Kiffian (7700 to 6200 B.C.) and the Tenerian (5200 to 2500 B.C.) cultures, says a new study led by Sereno of the University of Chicago. The "watershed" find also offers a new window into how these tribes lived and buried their dead during the extreme Holocene period, when a grassy Sahara dried up in the world's largest desert. Coming across such a site "sends a tingle up your spine," said Sereno, a National Geographic explorer-in-residence. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News.) "You're not looking at [dinosaurs], you're looking at your own species." One of the most striking discoveries was what the research team calls the "Stone Age Embrace": A woman, possibly a mother, and two children laid to rest holding hands, arms outstretched toward each other, on a bed of flowers. Sereno and colleagues have also made several dinosaur discoveries in the
