








此外还有特殊句式如there be-, 强调句,倒装句等。




包括下列情形:含有连词如and, both...and..., either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but (also), as well as;非谓语动词做主语;主语从句充当主语;同位语结构做主语等。如:

Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school,are “most likely to engage(从事) in dangerous and risky be havior.”(2019高考全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D) (as well as 连接those who...与those least liked ...做主语)

The gunners like to describe what they do as character-building, but we know that to wound an animal and watch it go through the agony(痛苦) of dying can make nobody happy. (动词不定式to do结构做主语)

Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services

provides a real joy. (2019高考全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解B) (-ing形式做主语)

Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn't even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. (2018全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解D) (-ing形式做主语)

What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes. (2019高考全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解B) (主语从句充当主语)

Shackleton,a onetime British merchant-navy officer who?had got to within 100 miles of the South Pole in 1908,?started?a business...(2016全国甲卷阅读理解D) (同位语结构做主语)


Mr. Robbins, together with his wife and children, is leaving London for Paris.

Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic,was hired to make the images, most of which have never before been published.(2016全国新课标甲卷阅读理解D)

According to the report's key findings, “the proportion(比例) who say they ‘never’ or ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”(2018全国卷Ⅱ阅读C)



One (reason) was that I was amazed at the fact that a sick person could feel much better after seeing a doctor. (2019高考全国卷Ⅱ短文改错)(表语从句中还含有一个同位语从句)

The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. (2018全国卷Ⅰ阅读C) (表语从句中还含有while并列句)



Dr. Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date--sharing, kindness, openness--carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.(2019全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D) (宾语从句中含有定语从句)

Back in 1983, two scientists, Jack Schultz and Ian Baldwin, reported that young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get.(2017全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解D)(宾语从句中含有-ing形式和定语从句)

In order to pass the class, among other criteria, we had to write a paper on ①how we plan to apply ②what we would learn in class to our future professions and ,eventually, to our lives. (2018全国卷Ⅱ完形填空) (①是介词on所带的宾语从句,②是动词apply所带的宾语从句)

Axani wrote in his post ①that he is not looking for anything in return and ②that the woman who uses the extra ticket can choose to either travel with him or take the ticket and travel on her own. (2017全国Ⅲ卷完形填空) (wrote带有2个由that引导的宾语从句,第②个宾语从句含有who引导的定语从句)



It’s an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. (2017全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解A)(省略了that/which的定语从句)

To people who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets,it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence, such as Decio which was grown by the Romans.?

(2016全国新课标丙卷阅读理解C) (who引导定语从句)

But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, when I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. (2016全国新课标乙卷语法填空) (when引导的定语从句中含有-ed形式和-ing形式做定语)

Thursday sees us make the short journey to Paris where we will visit Disneyland Paris park,staying until late to see the parade and the fireworks.(2018全国卷Ⅱ阅读

A) (where引导定语从句)

Readers also tended to share articles ①that were exciting or funny,or ②that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety,but not articles ③that left them merely sad.( 2016全国新课标丙卷阅读理解D) (含有三个that引导的定语从句)

Also, it is not uncommon any more to find carpenters (木匠)with college degrees and carpenters with a solid knowledge of mathematics,which would enable them to deal with more difficult house designs. (含有两个with介词短语做定语和which引导的定语从句)

Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby’s grave,scientists have compared the DNA from the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies.(含有两个-ed形式做定语和who引导的定语从句)


While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence that they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. (2019全国Ⅰ卷语法填空)

The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV.(2017全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解B)(that 引导同位语从句,同位语从句内部含有although引导的状语从句)

We shared the belief that if you’re fortunate enough to have success, you should put something back ---he with his Newman’s Own food and his Hole in the Wall camps for kids who are seriously ill, and me with Sundance and the institute and the festival.(2017年全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解B)(that引导同位语从句,同位语从句内部含有if引导的状语从句)



With the college entrance examination around the corner,all the students are occupied with their revision.(with介词短语做状语)

By translating the rich and humourous text of Love’s Labour’s Lost into the physical language of BSL(英式手语),Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.(2017全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解A) (两个by


When combined with berries or slices of other fruits,frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat “ice cream”.(2018全国卷Ⅱ阅读B) (-ed形式做状语)

The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named “DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are. (2017全国Ⅲ卷阅读理解D) (动词不定式to do做状语)

①Delighted as I was by the tomatoes in sight, my happiness deepened ②when I learned that Brown’s Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty, a newly opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton, where —— luckily for me —— I was planning to have dinner that very night.(2015全国新课标Ⅰ阅读理解B) (as和when 引导状语从句)

It was calculated that when its population reached its highest point, there were more than 3 billion passenger pigeons – a number equal to 24 to 40 percent of the total bird population in the United States, making it perhaps the most abundant birds in the world.(2014全国新课标Ⅰ阅读理解B) (when引导状语从句中,含有-ing形式做状语)

Given that many people's moods (情绪)are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate,it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to a drug store of Chinese medicine. (2013全国新课标Ⅱ阅读理解C) (-ed形式做状语, before引导状语从句)

In a second study presented at the meeting, scientists from the UK and Denmark showed that even a few days of high temperatures can severely reduce production of crops, such as wheat, soya beans, rice and groundnuts(花生),if it occurs when the plants are flowering. (福建卷) (if 和when引导状语从句)

According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly.(2011广东卷B)(两个if 引导并列状语从句)


He likes ①that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper ②with whom he's on a first-name basis③if he wants to have a little interaction(交流).((2019高考全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解C) (①是宾语从句,②是定语从句,③是


For this courier job, you’re consciously aware?①that in that box you’ve got something?②that?is potentially going to save somebody’s life.( 2016全国乙卷阅读理解C) (①是宾语从句,②是定语从句)

Therefore, ①when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, ②what may be implied(暗示)is③that the person wants the listener to consider④what has been said before continuing.( 2016全国新课标乙卷阅读理解D) (①是状语从句,②是主语从句,③是表语从句,④是宾语从句)

①If someone knocks and it’s not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know ②you’re busy so they can get the hint (暗示)③that ④when the door is closed, you’re not to be disturbed.(2017全国Ⅱ卷阅读七选五) (①是状语从句,②是宾语从句,③是同位语从句,④是状语语从句)

But you can’t be successful①when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship ②that results from an action③where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.(2015全国新课标Ⅰ阅读七选五) (①是状语从句,②是定语从句,③是定语从句)

Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering ①where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers②who had gathered around me were arguing as to ③who should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house. (2007高考广东卷) (①是宾语从句,②是定语从句,③是宾语从句)

Studies show①that social science majors are most suited for change,②which is the leading feature of the kind of high speed, high pressure, high-tech world③we now live in. (①是宾语从句,②是定语从句,③是定语从句)

It is important ①because it shows ②that regular physical exercise enables us to make better use of the oxygen ③we breathe in and④that this training, in fact, reduces the amount of work ⑤our hearts do. (辽宁卷) (①是状语从句,②是宾语从句,③是定语从句,④是并列宾语从句,⑤是定语从句)


The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work.(2019高考全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D)

We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, but?I often had crazy dreams?in which?I was to blame for Miller’s accident.(2016全国丙卷完形填空)

Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating, for people are often less self-conscious(难为情) when they’re in poorly lit places —— and so more likely to eat lots of food..(2015全国新课标Ⅱ阅读理解B)

When the weather is fair and settled,they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their beautiful shapes on the clear evening sky, but sometimes when it is cloudless, gray steam gathers around the top of the mountains which, in the last rays of the setting sun, will shine and light up like a crown of glory. (2004全国卷)


Then?the person?leaves?it in a public place,?①hoping that the book will have an adventure,?②traveling?far and wide with each new reader?who?finds it. (2016全国甲卷阅读理解C)

He reported the case to the police and then sat there, ①lost and lonely in a strange city, ②thinking of the terrible troubles of ③getting all the paperwork ④organized again from a distant country while ⑤trying⑥to settle down in a new one. (2014全国新课标Ⅱ阅读理解A)


1.Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too. (2019高考全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D) (not only开头的倒装句)

2.We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates. But so had those who were high in status. (2019高考全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D) (so开头的倒装句)

3.Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore,74 percent,according to statistics from the report. (2019高考全国Ⅱ卷阅读理解C) (only开头的倒装句)

4.Of course,not only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China-some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese." (2019高考全国Ⅲ卷阅读理解B) (not only开头的倒装句)

5."The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says. (2019高考全国Ⅲ卷阅读理解B) (so开头的倒装句)


2018考研英语长难句小练精讲2 1句精讲: Parents claimed more positive emotions and more meaning in their lives than non-parents, and a closer look revealed it was fathers who most enjoyed these benefits. 【分析】 ●Parents 是主语,claimed是谓语动词,宾语是positive emotions and more meaning in their lives的并列结构,其中more… than…构成了比较级。 ●And 构成了并列句连接,后面分句中a closer look是主语,revealed是谓语,宾语从句it was fathers who most enjoyed these benefits 本身也是一个it was…who…. 构成的强调句。●these benefits 指代前方的more positive emotions and more meaning in their lives。 【词汇】 ●claim v. 声称,断言 ●a closer look 仔细观察 【译文】 相比那些还没做父母的人,为人父母者具有更积极的情感和生活也更有意义。通过更加仔细的观察,可以发现父亲在上述方面更明显。 2句精讲: Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term downshifting has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality. 【分析】 ●本句主干是my experiment... has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality。注意其谓语是一个turn sth. into sth.的结构。 ●前面两个逗号之间的是时间状语。主语的修饰部分in what the Americans term downshifting ,此处的难点是term用作动词,term A. B.把…说成…,此处的A就是放置前方的what。 【词汇】 ●term n.学期,条款,术语;v.把…称为 ●tired excuse老掉牙的借口 【译文】 奇怪的是,我在大约两年半的时间里完成两本小说之后,我这个被美国人称为放慢生活节奏的试验已经将我老掉牙的借口变成了确凿的现实。[由于本句截取,中文意思会有些断章取义] 3句精讲: It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. 【分析】 ●本句是简单句,it主语,serves….. to assist为谓语部分,a rapid distribution of goods是宾语,at reasonable price是状语,后面紧接and连接的两个分词结构,做伴随状语:第一个结构是动宾结构,第二个结构是make it adj. to do sth. it作形式宾语,provide for export at competitive prices是真正的宾语。 【词汇】 ●serve to用于 ●distribution n.分配 【译文】它能够直接帮助货物以比较合理的价格被迅速分销出去,因此可以建立一个稳固


历届高考英语长难句100句精选(1) 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. (NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. (NMET2003.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. (NMET2003.E篇) 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. (NMET2003.D篇)


高考真题长难句解析100句 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. 这些术语,主要从英语和汉语引入,经常会变成不再被说本族语的人们理解的形式。 简析:关键词term术语。


2005 Part A Text 2 6. Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn’t know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive,the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?人生中最幸福的就是身体健康 【译文】还记得科学家们宣扬吸烟会致人死亡,而那些怀疑者们却坚持认为我们无法对此得出定论的时候吗?还记得怀疑者们坚持认为缺乏决定性的证据,科学也不确定的时候吗?还记得怀疑者们坚持认为反对吸烟的游说是决心摧毁我们的生活方式,而政府应该置身事外的时候吗? 【析句】这里有三个问句,第一个问句的结构比较明了,而后两个问句则省略了Do you remember… insisted,只有两个由that引导的宾语从句。注意英语中,常会省略并列结构中的相同成分。 【讲词】 lobby作名词时意为“大厅”,作动词时表示“游说”。The President lobbied the bill through Congress.(总统游说国会通过这项提案。)作动词的lobby 其名词形式可以是lobbying(游说,院外活动),也可以是lobby。进行院外活动的人、进行疏通的人或说客,英文叫lobbyer或lobbyist。out to(d o…)“力图要……的”。 7. There are upsetting parallels today,as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. 【译文】科学家们一波接着一波,试图告诫我们要认清全球气候变暖正在带来日益严重的威胁,在此情形之下现在又出现了令人不安的类似事情。 【析句】 as在句中是连接词,引导一个从句,说明在什么背景之下又出现了类似的事情。在这样的结构中,as可以翻成“当(在)……时候”,或者适度对句子进行调整。不管怎样,应该清楚There are upsetting parallels today是主句,是全句的核心。

考研英语真题学习考研英语长难句300句 (36)

2000 Passage 2 5. The grand mediocrity of today — everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring — means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper middle class India compared to the tribes. 【译文】今天这种极其显著的平均化——每个人的生存机会和子女数量都相同——意味着,与部落相比较,自然选择在印度中上阶层已经失去了80%的效力。 【析句】该句的主语是The grand mediocrity,谓语是means,其后跟着that引导的宾语从句,其中compared to the tribes是过去分词结构作状语,完整的说法是if/when it (the natural selection) is compared to the tribes。破折号中间的成分(everyone…of offspring)是插入语,其中survival和number of offspring都是介词in的宾语。【讲词】 mediocrity意为“平常,平庸”或指“平常的人,平庸的人”。其形容词是mediocre(平庸,平凡,普通)。When something is distinctly not as good as it could be, it is mediocre.(要是某个东西没有明显的好坏之处,那肯定是一个平庸的东西。)结合插入语(破折号里的词语),可以确定the grand mediocrity of today是指每个人的生存机会和后代的数量相同,因此这个词组可以译为“今天这种很普遍的平均化”。offspring有子女的意思,但在这里建议译成“后代”,因为显然难以确定只是指一代人。 6. Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship,as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.” 【译文】达尔文有一句话描述那些对进化一无所知的人:他们“看待有机的生命如同野人看着一艘大船,以为是某个完全不能理解的东西”。


历届高考英语长难句100 句精选 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique.(NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难, 包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理 工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet.(NMET2003.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的 人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求 主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E 篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身, 印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。


考研英语历年真题阅读长难句100句精析 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

考研英语历年真题阅读长难句100句精析 1. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary —the dangers of drug interactions,for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations,it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. 【译文】尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的——比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告——许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们) 并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任。 【分析】在这个主从复合句中,it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured是主句。主句用了一个形式主语it,真正的主语是that引导的从句,而that从句之后是一个if引导的条件从句。从句由两个部分组成,中间用and连接。破折号之间的部分是举例说明warnings的内容。注意:many are required by state or federal regulations中的many是指many warnings。 2. Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements—themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport . 【译文】由于人口猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易) 所引起的各种问题也会对社会造成新的压力。 【分析】句子主干结构是Additional social stresses may also occur because of...简单句+ because of表示的原因状语,整句翻译应该根据先原因后结果的原则,将主句放在最后;because of后面有两个宾语the population explosion or problems;名词problems带有现在分词短语作后置定语arising from mass migration movements;themselves指前面的名词短语mass migration movements,后面的过去分词短语是themselves的定语。 3. There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers,which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers. 【译文】新闻记者和读者之间存在着社会和文化方面的脱节,这就是为什么新闻编辑室的“标准模式”似乎与许多读者的意趣相差甚远。 【分析】主句也是一个there加系动词的用法。而表语后都有一个定语从句。本句的定语从句是which helps explain why the “standard templates”of the newsroom seem alien to many readers。Alien 本义为异国的,此处是相差甚远,背道而驰。如果考生不了解standard templates的意思,可以从上下文中找其相同作用和功能的词组,如上句中的 a story line和backbone,那么就应该知道它们指的都是记者们在写新闻和评论时固定的套路和思维。 4. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms,of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy. 【译文】这种现象引起了人们对小型经济实体、民族商人的作用以及世界经济的最终稳定性的极大关注。 【分析】全句的主干是This phenomenon has created serious concerns。人们的担忧实际包含两个方面(即句子的两个状语):一个是the role (of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen) ,另一个是the ultimate stability (of the world economy) 。但是由于两个状语太长,建议在翻译时调整一下句子的结构,这样句子肯定更通畅些。


掌门1对1教育高中英语 历年高考英语长难句精选100句(51-75) 51. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.(NMET2003.31) 新闻报道说这两个国家的和平谈判失败,没有达成协议。 简析:关键词break down失败,reach an agreement达成协议。 52. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have they quarreled with each other.(NMET2003.34) 这对老年夫妇结婚40年了,两人从来没有一次争吵。 简析:含主谓倒装句。 53. After all, Ed’s idea of exercise has always been nothing more effort-making than lifting a fork to his mouth.(NMET2003) 要记住的是,伊德搞锻炼的想法根本没有进餐使用刀叉那么费力。 简析:含比较级句型。 54.As a result , at the point in our game when I’d have figured on (predicted) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor , it was instead 7 to 9 —and Ed was leading.(NMET2003) 就在我们比赛之前,我曾预料这场比赛对我有利,比分大概是9比1,结果比分反而是7比9,伊德暂时领先。 简析:关键词figure on预计,估计;in one’s favor对某人有利。 55.So when Ed arrived for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered


1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。


考研英语长难句经典例子解析 来源:文都图书 考研英语的长难句在广大考生心中一直是一个超级大难点,数不清的生词,看不明白的句型和混乱的时态都让考生脑袋大了不止一圈儿,所以今天这篇文章就和大家分享一下攻克长难句的技巧。以《考研英语长难句解密》中的一句超长的长难句为例。 【经典长难句】 The increase in numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of house work and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire. 【词汇突破】 have to do with…与…有关 Economic necessity 经济需求 pool of single women workers 单身女工的资源 high marriage rates 高结婚率 【参考译文】20世纪,在家庭外被雇佣的女性人数增加了,这与其说是由于家务活的机器化和闲暇时间的增加,还不如说是由于女性自身的经济需求和由于高结婚率。正是高结婚率减少了单身女工劳动力资源的数量,而在这之前很多情况下,她们是雇主们会雇佣的唯一女性。 像书中的解句顺序一样,攻克长难句首先应该拿下句中的生词和短语,这是基础,是盖房所需的砖瓦,然后再攻克句法,拿下房屋结构,这样再对照参考译文,以前觉得很难的长难句就“柳暗花明又一村”了。希望大家首先消除内心对长难句的恐惧心理,静下心来好好分析,好好学习,争取早日拿下长难句,拿下考研英语!加油!

考研英语真题学习考研英语长难句300句 (33)

2001 Passage 5 18. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although,in the manner of a disgraced government minister,I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to s pend more time with my family”. 【译文】一次平级的人事调动伤了我的自尊心,并阻断了我的事业发展,这促使我放弃自己相对高调的职业,当然,就像出丑的政府部长那样,我借口“我想有更多的时间与家人呆在一起”来掩饰我的去职。 【析句】本句中a lateral move是主语,promoted是谓语,that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress是a lateral move的定语,although,…with my family是状语,其中逗号之间的in the manner of a disgraced government minister 是插入语。 【讲词】 lateral move译成“侧面人事调动”着实让人费解。lateral有“侧面的”意思,但它也表示“平级的”。 block作名词意为“木块,石块,街区,阻挡”,作动词时一般表示“妨碍,阻塞”。体育活动中的阻挡,英语就用block来表示。 high profile意为“较高的姿态,较引人注意”,其反义词是low profile。例如:She likes to keep a low profile.(她喜欢保持低调。) 19. Curiously,some two-and-a-half years and two novels later,my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality. 【译文】奇怪的是,我在大约两年半的时间里完成两本小说之后,我这个被美国人称为“放慢生活节奏”的试验,却使我老掉牙的借口变成了确凿的现实。


历年高考英语长难句100例大汇总(上) 1. First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,虽然几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. 这些术语,主要从英语和汉语引入,经常会变成不再被说本族语的人们理解的形式。 简析:关键词term术语。 6. It is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers’ shelves. 它是现在很畅销的许多外语书中的一本。 简析:比喻生动形象。 7. The mass media and government white papers play an important part in the spread of foreign words. 大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)在外国词传播过程中起重要作用。 简析:关键词the mass media and government white papers大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)。


高考英语阅读长难句分析100句 1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from dise ases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associa tions with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a p erson's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history f rom the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业 的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questio ned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have bro ught many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀 疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。 10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowde d with a larg e number o f passengers.


考研英语长难句:名词性从句-同位语从句所谓同位语,就是用来补充说明名词的成分。当我们用一个完整的句子来补充说明名词时,即构成同位语从句。所以同位语从句都是位于一个名词后面,用来进一步说明前面的名词的内容,这个名词就是同位语的先行词。 1.它一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明该名词表示的具体内容。后面可以接同位语从句的名词通常有news,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,words(消息),possibility,decision等(一般的“抽象”名词都可用),例如: 【第1句】 I’ve come from Mr Wang with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon. 我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。 2.英语中引导同位语从句的词通常有连词that(不能省略),whether,连接代词what,who。连接副词how,when,where等。(注:if不能引导同位语从句。)例如:【第2句】 He must answer the question whether he agrees with it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意这样一个问题。 We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.

到哪儿去度暑假,这个问题我们还没有决定。 Our teacher gave us some advice how we (should) use the computer. 老师给我们提出了一些如何使用电脑的建议。 3.有时同位语从句可以不紧跟在说明的名词后面,而被别的词隔开。The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.他突然想起敌人可能已经逃出城了。 1. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the random by-products of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. (2005 Text 3) 【念念有词】 I)formulate v. 制定;规划(策略,提议);(简练或系统地)阐述;用公式表示。formulate a policy / theory / plan / proposal 制定一项政策/理论/计划/提议;She has lots of good ideas, but she has difficulty formulating them.(她有很多好想法,但很难把它们表达出来。)
