




















问题-B 成绩给分的通胀


一些行政领导很为A Better class(ABL)学院的成绩给分担扰。平均说来,ABC 学院的教师一直在给高分(现在结出的平均成绩分数为A-),从而不可能区分好学生和中等水平的学生。金额很大的奖学金只能资助班上前10%的学生,因而要对班上的学生排名次。








AMCM99问题-A 大碰撞











问题- C大地污染


例子数据可通过https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,/mcm.prodata.xis 找到。

该数据集(一种电子表格文件an Excel file),它能卸载到大多数电子数据表(spreadsheets)展示了从1990到1997在10个监测井处地下水中污染物的数量数据。单位是微克(mg/l)。8个测井的位置和高度是已知的并在下表给出。头两个数是在一张地图的直角格点上井的位置的坐标。第三个数是井中水面高出平均海平面的高度(以英尺计)。

数据集中另两个井(MW-27和MW-33)的位置和高度不同。在该数据集中你还会看到数字后面的字母T(Top),M(Middle)或B(Bottom),它们分别表示测量是在井的含水层的顶部、中部和底部进行的。因此,MW-7B和MWffice:smarttags" />-7M是来自同一个井,但分别是底部和中部的测量。此外,其它的测量数据表明水有流向该区域中的MW-9号井的趋势。



2000 MCM Problems

Problem A Air traffic Control

To improve safety and reduce air traffic controller workload, the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) is considering adding software to the air traffic control system that would automatically detect potential aircraft flight path conflicts and alert the controller. To that end, an analyst at the FAA

r traffic control system that would automatically detect potential aircraft flight path conflicts and alert the controller. To that end, an analyst at the FAA has posed the following problems

Requirement A: Given two airplanes flying in space, when should the air traffic controller ld the air traffic controller consider the objects to be too close and to require intervention?

Requirement B: An airspace sector is the section of three-dimensional airspace that one air traffic controller controls. Given any airspace sector, how we measure how complex it is from an air traffic workload perspective? To what extent is complexity determined by the number of we measure how complex it is from an air traffic workload perspective? To what extent is complexity determined by the number of aircraft simultaneously passing through that sector (1) at any one instant? (2) During any given interval of time? (3) During particular time of day? How does the number of potential conflicts arising during those periods affect complexity?

Does the presence of additional software tools to automatically predict conflicts and alert the controller reduce or add to this complexity?

In addition to the guidelines for your report, write a summary (no more than two pages) that the FAA analyst can present to Jane Garvey, the FAA Administrator, to defend your conclusions

问题A: 空间交通管制


要求A: 对于给定的两架空中飞行的飞机,空中交通指挥员应在什么时候把该目标视为太靠近,并予以干预。

要求B: 空间扇形是指某个空中交通指挥员所控制的三维空间部分。给定任意一个空间扇形,我们怎样从空中交通工作量的方位来估量它是否复杂?当几个飞行器同时通过该扇形时,在下面情形所确定的复杂性会达到什么程度:(1)在任一时刻?(2)在任意给定的时间范



在作出你的报告方案的同时,写出概述(不多于二页)使FAA分析员能提交给FAA当局Jane Garvey ,并对你的结论进行答辩。Problem B Radio Channel Assignments

We seek to model the assignment of radio channels to a symmetric network of transmitter locations over a large planar area, so as to avoid interference. One basic approach is to partition the region into regular hexagons in a grid (honeycomb-style), as shown in Figure 1, where a transmitter is located at the center of each hexagon.

An interval of the frequency spectrum is to be allotted for transmitter frequencies. The interval will be divided into regularly spaced channels, which we represent by integers 1, 2, 3, ... . Each transmitter will be assigned one positive integer channel. The same channel can be used at many locations, provided that interference from nearby transmitters is avoided. Our goal is to minimize the width of the interval in the frequency spectrum that is needed to assign channels subject to some constraints. This is achieved with the concept of a span. The span is the minimum, over all assignments satisfying the constraints, of the largest channel used at any location. It is not required that every channel smaller than the span be used in an assignment that attains the span.

Let s be the length of a side of one of the hexagons. We concentrate on the case that there are two levels of interference

Requirement A: There are several constraints on frequency assignments. First, no two transmitters within distance of each other can be given the same channel. Second, due to spectral spreading, transmitters within distance 2s of each other must not be given the same or adjacent channels: Their channels must differ by at least 2. Under these constraints, what can we say about the span in,

Requirement B: Repeat Requirement A, assuming the grid in the example spreads arbitrarily far in all directions.

Requirement C: Repeat Requirements A and B, except assume now more generally that channels for transmitters within distance differ by at least some given integer k, while those at distance at most must still differ by at least one. What can we say about the span and about efficient strategies for designing assignments, as a function of k?

Requirement D: Consider generalizations of the problem, such as several levels of interference or irregular transmitter placements. What other factors may be important to consider?

Requirement E: Write an article (no more than 2 pages) for the local newspaper explaining your findings

问题B: 无线电信道分配


容许频率波谱的一个区间作为各传送站的频率.将這一区间规则地分割成一些空间信道,用整数1,2,3,…来表示.每一个传送站将被配置一正整数信道.同一信道可以在许多局部地区使用,前提是相邻近的传送站不相互干扰. 根据某些限制设定的信道需要一定的频率波谱,我们的目标是极小化频率波谱的這个区间宽度.這可以用跨度這一概念.跨度是某一个局部区域上使用的最大信道在一切滿足限制的配置中的最小值.在一个获得一定跨度的配置中不要求小於跨度的每一信道都被使用.


要求A: 频率配置有几个限制,第一,相互靠近的两个传送站不能配给同一信道.第二,由於波谱的传播,相互距离在2s內的传送站必須不配给相同或相邻的信道,它们至少差2.在這些限制下,关于跨度能说些什么.

要求B: 假定前述图1中的格子在各方向延伸到任意远,回答要求A.

要求C: 在下述假定下,重复要求A和B.更一般地假定相互靠近的传送站的信道至少差一个给定的整数k,同时那些隔开一点的保持至少差1.关于跨度和关于设计配置的有效策略作为k的一个函数能说点什么.

要求D: 考虑问题的一般化,比如各种干扰水平,或不规则的传送站布局.其他什么因素在考虑中是重要的.

要求E: 写一篇短文(不超过两页)给地方报纸,阐述你的发现.


Prepare a darting plan for parks of various sizes (300�25,000 elephants), with slightly different survival rates and transportation possibilities.




















2001 MCM Problems

Problem A: Choosing a Bicycle Wheel

Cyclists have different types of wheels they can use on their bicycles. The two basic types of wheels are those constructed using wire spokes and those constructed of a solid disk (see Figure 1) The spoked wheels are lighter, but the solid wheels are more aerodynamic. A solid wheel is never used on the front for a road race but can be used on the rear of the bike.

Professional cyclists look at a racecourse and make an educated guess as to what kind of wheels should be used. The decision is based on the number and steepness of the hills, the weather, wind speed, the competition, and other considerations. The director sportif of your favorite team would like to have a better system in place and has asked your team for information to help determine what kind of wheel should be used for a given course.

Figure 1: A solid wheel is shown on the left and a spoked wheel is shown on the


The director sportif needs specific information to help make a decision and has asked your team to accomplish the tasks listed below. For each of the tasks assume that the same spoked wheel will always be used on the front but there is a choice of wheels for the rear.

?Task 1. Provide a table giving the wind speed at which the power required for a solid rear wheel is less than for a spoked rear wheel. The table should include the wind

speeds for different road grades starting from zero percent to ten percent in one

percent increments. (Road grade is defined to be the ratio of the total rise of a hill

divided by the length of the road. If the hill is viewed as a triangle, the grade is the sine of the angle at the bottom of the hill.) A rider starts at the bottom of the hill at a speed of 45 kph, and the deceleration of the rider is proportional to the road grade. A rider

will lose about 8 kph for a five percent grade over 100 meters.

?Task 2. Provide an example of how the table could be used for a specific time trial course.

?Task 3. Determine if the table is an adequate means for deciding on the wheel configuration and offer other suggestions as to how to make this decision.

Problem B: Escaping a Hurricane's Wrath (An Ill Wind...)

Evacuating the coast of South Carolina ahead of the predicted landfall of Hurricane Floyd in 1999 led to a monumental traffic jam. Traffic slowed to a standstill on Interstate I-26, which is the principal route going inland from Charleston to the relatively safe haven of Columbia in the center of the state. What is normally an easy two-hour drive took up to 18 hours to complete. Many cars simply ran out of gas along the way. Fortunately, Floyd turned north and spared the state this time, but the public outcry is forcing state officials to find ways to avoid a repeat of this traffic nightmare.

The principal proposal put forth to deal with this problem is the reversal of traffic on I-26, so that both sides, including the coastal-bound lanes, have traffic headed inland from Charleston to Columbia. Plans to carry this out have been prepared (and posted on the Web) by the South

Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division. Traffic reversal on principal roads leading inland from Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head is also planned.

A simplified map of South Carolina is shown. Charleston has approximately 500,000 people, Myrtle Beach has about 200,000 people, and another 250,000 people are spread out along the rest of the coastal strip. (More accurate data, if sought, are widely available.)

The interstates have two lanes of traffic in each direction except in the metropolitan areas where they have three. Columbia, another metro area of around 500,000 people, does not have sufficient hotel space to accommodate the evacuees (including some coming from farther north by other routes), so some traffic continues outbound on I-26 towards Spartanburg; on I-77 north to Charlotte; and on I-20 east to Atlanta. In 1999, traffic leaving Columbia going northwest was moving only very slowly. Construct a model for the problem to investigate what strategies may reduce the congestion observed in 1999. Here are the questions that need to be addressed:

1.Under what conditions does the plan for turning the two coastal-bound lanes of I-26

into two lanes of Columbia-bound traffic, essentially turning the entire I-26 into

one-way traffic, significantly improve evacuation traffic flow?

2.In 1999, the simultaneous evacuation of the state's entire coastal region was ordered.

Would the evacuation traffic flow improve under an alternative strategy that staggers the evacuation, perhaps county-by-county over some time period consistent with the

pattern of how hurricanes affect the coast?

3.Several smaller highways besides I-26 extend inland from the coast. Under what

conditions would it improve evacuation flow to turn around traffic on these?

4.What effect would it have on evacuation flow to establish more temporary shelters in

Columbia, to reduce the traffic leaving Columbia?

5.In 1999, many families leaving the coast brought along their boats, campers, and

motor homes. Many drove all of their cars. Under what conditions should there be

restrictions on vehicle types or numbers of vehicles brought in order to guarantee

timely evacuation?

6.It has been suggested that in 1999 some of the coastal residents of Georgia and Florida,

who were fleeing the earlier predicted landfalls of Hurricane Floyd to the south, came up I-95 and compounded the traffic problems. How big an impact can they have on the evacuation traffic flow? Clearly identify what measures of performance are used to

compare strategies. Required: Prepare a short newspaper article, not to exceed two

pages, explaining the results and conclusions of your study to the public.

Clearly identify what measures of performance are used to compare strategies.

Required: Prepare a short newspaper article, not to exceed two pages, explaining the results and conclusions of your study to the public.

2002 MCM Problems

Problem A

Authors: Tjalling Ypma

Title: Wind and Waterspray

An ornamental fountain in a large open plaza surrounded by buildings squirts water high into the air. On gusty days, the wind blows spray from the fountain onto passersby. The water-flow from the fountain is controlled by a mechanism linked to an anemometer (which measures wind speed and direction) located on top of an adjacent building. The objective of this control is

to provide passersby with an acceptable balance between an attractive spectacle and a soaking: The harder the wind blows, the lower the water volume and height to which the water is squirted, hence the less spray falls outside the pool area.

Your task is to devise an algorithm which uses data provided by the anemometer to adjust the water-flow from the fountain as the wind conditions change.

Problem B

Authors: Bill Fox and Rich West

Title: Airline Overbooking

You're all packed and ready to go on a trip to visit your best friend in New York City. After you check in at the ticket counter, the airline clerk announces that your flight has been overbooked. Passengers need to check in immediately to determine if they still have a seat.

Historically, airlines know that only a certain percentage of passengers who have made reservations on a particular flight will actually take that flight. Consequently, most airlines overbook-that is, they take more reservations than the capacity of the aircraft. Occasionally, more passengers will want to take a flight than the capacity of the plane leading to one or more passengers being bumped and thus unable to take the flight for which they had reservations.

Airlines deal with bumped passengers in various ways. Some are given nothing, some are booked on later flights on other airlines, and some are given some kind of cash or airline ticket incentive.

Consider the overbooking issue in light of the current situation:

Less flights by airlines from point A to point B

Heightened security at and around airports

Passengers' fear

Loss of billions of dollars in revenue by airlines to date

Build a mathematical model that examines the effects that different overbooking schemes have on the revenue received by an airline company in order to find an optimal overbooking strategy, i.e., the number of people by which an airline should overbook a particular flight so that the company's revenue is maximized. Insure that your model reflects the issues above, and consider alternatives for handling "bumped" passengers. Additionally, write a short memorandum to the airline's CEO summarizing your findings and analysis.

2003 Contest Problems

PROBLEM A: The Stunt Person

An exciting action scene in a movie is going to be filmed, and you are the stunt coordinator! A stunt person on a motorcycle will jump over an elephant and land in a pile of cardboard boxes to cushion their fall. You need to protect the stunt person, and also use relatively few cardboard boxes (lower cost, not seen by camera, etc.).

Your job is to:

determine what size boxes to use

?determine how many boxes to use

?determine how the boxes will be stacked

?determine if any modifications to the boxes would help

?generalize to different combined weights (stunt person & motorcycle) and different jump heights

Note that, in "Tomorrow Never Dies", the James Bond character on a motorcycle jumps over a helicopter.

PROBLEM B: Gamma Knife Treatment Planning

Stereotactic radiosurgery delivers a single high dose of ionizing radiation to a radiographically well-defined, small intracranial 3D brain tumor without delivering any significant fraction of the prescribed dose to the surrounding brain tissue. Three modalities are commonly used in this area; they are the gamma knife unit, heavy charged particle beams, and external high-energy photon beams from linear accelerators.

The gamma knife unit delivers a single high dose of ionizing radiation emanating from 201 cobalt-60 unit sources through a heavy helmet. All 201 beams simultaneously intersect at the isocenter, resulting in a spherical (approximately) dose distribution at the effective dose levels. Irradiating the isocenter to deliver dose is termed a ―shot.‖ Shots ca n be represented as different spheres. Four interchangeable outer collimator helmets with beam channel diameters of 4, 8, 14, and 18 mm are available for irradiating different size volumes. For a target volume larger than one shot, multiple shots can be used to cover the entire target. In practice, most target volumes are treated with 1 to 15 shots. The target volume is a bounded, three-dimensional digital image that usually consists of millions of points.

The goal of radiosurgery is to deplete tumor cells while preserving normal structures. Since there are physical limitations and biological uncertainties involved in this therapy process, a treatment plan needs to account for all those limitations and uncertainties. In general, an optimal treatment plan is designed to meet the following requirements.

1.Minimize the dose gradient across the target volume.

2.Match specified isodose contours to the target volumes.

3.Match specified dose-volume constraints of the target and critical organ.

4.Minimize the integral dose to the entire volume of normal tissues or organs.

5.Constrain dose to specified normal tissue points below tolerance doses.

6.Minimize the maximum dose to critical volumes.

In gamma unit treatment planning, we have the following constraints:

1.Prohibit shots from protruding outside the target.

2.Prohibit shots from overlapping (to avoid hot spots).

3.Cover the target volume with effective dosage as much as possible. But at least 90% of

the target volume must be covered by shots.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,e as few shots as possible.

Your tasks are to formulate the optimal treatment planning for a gamma knife unit as a sphere-packing problem, and propose an algorithm to find a solution. While designing your algorithm, you must keep in mind that your algorithm must be reasonably efficient.

2004 MCM Problems

PROBLEM A: Are Fingerprints Unique?

It is a commonplace belief that the thumbprint of every human who has ever lived is different. Develop and analyze a model that will allow you to assess the probability that this is true. Compare the odds (that you found in this problem) of misidentification by fingerprint evidence against the odds of misidentification by DNA evidence.

PROBLEM B: A Faster QuickPass System

"QuickPass" systems are increasingly appearing to reduce people's time waiting in line, whether it is at tollbooths, amusement parks, or elsewhere. Consider the design of a QuickPass system for an amusement park. The amusement park has experimented by offering QuickPasses for several popular rides as a test. The idea is that for certain popular rides you can go to a kiosk near that ride and insert your daily park entrance ticket, and out will come a slip that states that you can return to that ride at a specific time later. For example, you insert your daily park entrance ticket at 1:15 pm, and the QuickPass states that you can come back between 3:30 and 4:30 pm when you can use your slip to enter a second, and presumably much shorter, line that will get you to the ride faster. To prevent people from obtaining QuickPasses for several rides at once, the QuickPass machines allow you to have only one active QuickPass at a time.

You have been hired as one of several competing consultants to improve the operation of QuickPass. Customers have been complaining about some anomalies in the test system. For example, customers observed that in one instance QuickPasses were being offered for a return time as long as 4 hours later. A short time later on the same ride, the QuickPasses were given for times only an hour or so later. In some instances, the lines for people with Quickpasses are nearly as long and slow as the regular lines.

The problem then is to propose and test schemes for issuing QuickPasses in order to increase people's enjoyment of the amusement park. Part of the problem is to determine what criteria to use in evaluating alternative schemes. Include in your report a non-technical summary for amusement park executives who must choose between alternatives from competing consultants

B 题: 更快的快通系统

无论是在收费站、游乐场或其他地方正出现着越来越多的“快通”系统以减少人们排队等候的时间。请考虑一家游乐场的快通系统的设计。这家游乐场已经为几种受欢迎的乘骑项目提供快通系统的服务作为试验。该系统的设计思想是对某些受欢迎的乘骑项目,游客可以到该娱乐项目旁边的一个机器前并将当天的门票插入, 该机器将返回给你一张纸条,上面写着你可以在某个特定的时间段回来。比如说你把你的门票在1:15pm插到机器里,快通系统就告诉你可以在3:30-4:30pm回来,你可以凭你的纸条第二次排队,这时队伍可能比较短,你就可以较快进入景点. 为了防止游客同时在几个乘骑娱乐项目上使用这个系统。一个顾客在同一时刻只能得到一次快通系统的服务。

为改进快通系统的运作你们队被聘为几个合格的顾问之一. 游客一直在抱怨该试验系统的一些异常现象. 比如说, 顾客有时看到快通系统提供的回到景点时间是4小时以后. 但是才过一小会,在相同的景点系统所提供的回到景点的时间只有1小时或稍多一点时间。有时按照快通系统安排的游客的人数和等待时间几乎和正常排队的人数和所花费的时间一样多。


2005 MCM Problems

PROBLEM A: Flood Planning

Lake Murray in central South Carolina is formed by a large earthen dam, which was completed in 1930 for power production. Model the flooding downstream in the event there is a catastrophic earthquake that breaches the dam.

Two particular questions:

Rawls Creek is a year-round stream that flows into the Saluda River a short distance downriver from the dam. How much flooding will occur in Rawls Creek from a dam failure, and how far back will it extend?

Could the flood be so massive downstream that water would reach up to the S.C. State Capitol Building, which is on a hill overlooking the Congaree River?

MCM2005 A 题: 洪水估计

位于美国南卡罗莱纳州中部的Murray 湖是因为发电需要而建造的一座大型土

坝而形成的,大坝建成于1930 年。假设一场灾难性的大地震造成大坝决口,试对由此而产生的下游洪水进行建模。两个值得注意的问题: `# O$ }- {$ G) O 1、Rawls 河是一条四季不断流的、距大坝下游很近的Saluda 河的支流。当大坝决口形成洪水的时候,Rawls 河将遭受多大的洪水?河水倒流会延伸多远?' D; `0 j0 J& U4 T& H x/ {# c+ a2、洪水会波及位于Congaree 河边一座小山上的南卡罗莱纳州议会大厦吗?


PROBLEM B: Tollbooths

Heavily-traveled toll roads such as the Garden State Parkway , Interstate 95, and so forth, are multi-lane divided highways that are interrupted at intervals by toll plazas. Because collecting tolls is usually unpopular, it is desirable to minimize motorist annoyance by limiting the amount of traffic disruption caused by the toll plazas. Commonly, a much larger number of tollbooths is provided than the number of travel lanes entering the toll plaza. Upon entering the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles fans out to the larger number of tollbooths, and when leaving the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles is required to squeeze back down to a number of travel lanes equal to the

number of travel lanes before the toll plaza. Consequently, when traffic is heavy, congestion increases upon departure from the toll plaza. When traffic is very heavy, congestion also builds at the entry to the toll plaza because of the time required for each vehicle to pay the toll.

Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza. Explicitly consider the scenario where there is exactly one tollbooth per incoming travel lane. Under what conditions is this more or less effective than the current practice? Note that the definition of "optimal" is up to you to determine.

MCM2005 B 题: 公路收费亭的设置

诸如美国新泽西州的风景区干道,95 号州际公路等交通繁忙的收费公路都是多车道的交通干线,每隔一定距离设有过路费收费区。由于收取过路费一般是不得人心的,因此通过限制由于过路费收费区造成的交通混乱把驾车人的烦恼减到极小是很值得做的。通常,收费区内收费亭的数目远多于进入过路费收费区的车道数。进入过路费收费区时,车流扇形散开分流,分别在各个收费亭交费;离开收费区时,车流又会汇合到和进入收费区时一样多的车道离开。因此,在交通繁忙时,通行的车辆会在离开收费区时出现拥塞;更严重的时候,收费站的入口也会出现拥堵。


2006 MCM Problems

PROBLEM A: Positioning and Moving Sprinkler Systems for Irrigation

There are a wide variety of techniques available for irrigating a field. The technologies range from advanced drip systems to periodic flooding. One of the systems that is used on smaller ranches is the use of "hand move" irrigation systems. Lightweight aluminum pipes with sprinkler heads are put in place across fields, and they are moved by hand at periodic intervals to insure that the whole field receives an adequate amount of water. This type of irrigation system is cheaper and easier to maintain than other systems. It is also flexible, allowing for use on a wide variety of fields and crops. The disadvantage is that it requires a great deal of time and effort to move and set up the equipment at regular intervals.

Given that this type of irrigation system is to be used, how can it be configured to minimize the amount of time required to irrigate a field that is 80 meters by 30 meters? For this task you are asked to find an algorithm to determine how to irrigate the rectangular field that minimizes the amount of time required by a rancher to maintain the irrigation system. One pipe set is used in the field. You should determine the number of sprinklers and the spacing between sprinklers, and you should find a schedule to move the pipes, including where to move them.

A pipe set consists of a number of pipes that can be connected together in a straight line. Each pipe has a 10 cm inner diameter with rotating spray nozzles that have a 0.6 cm inner diameter. When put together the resulting pipe is 20 meters long. At the water source, the pressure is 420 Kilo- Pascal’s and has a flow rate of 150 liters per minute. No part of the field should receive more than 0.75 cm per hour of water, and each part of the field should receive at least 2 centimeters of water every 4 days. The total amount of water should be applied as uniformly as possible

A 题: 灌溉喷洒系统的布置与移动问题

目前有很多种田间灌溉的技术. 从先进的滴灌系统到周期性的漫灌等各种技术. 用于较小农场的技术之一就是使用“手动”灌溉系统. 带有喷头的轻质铝管放置在田间, 定时用手移动它们以确保所有农田都能够得到充足的水. 这种灌溉系统比其他系统更加便宜, 更加容易管理、维护. 它们的使用非常灵活,可用于各种农田和农作物的灌溉. 其缺点是,每过一段时间, 就要花费很多时间和精力来移动和安装设备. 考虑到要使用这种灌溉系统, 怎样安装才能用最少的时间去灌溉一片80 米×30 米的农田? 为完成这项任务, 请求你们去寻求一种确定怎样灌溉这块矩形农田使得农场主管理、维护该灌溉系统所需要的时间最少. 这块农田上将使用一套管组. 你们需要确定喷头的数量以及喷头之间的距离, 同时还要给出一个移动管道, 包括需要把管道移动到什么位置的工作进度表. 一套管组由若干互相连接成直线形的管子组成. 每根管子的内壁直径为10 厘米,并带有一个内壁直径0.6 厘米的可旋转喷嘴. 把管子连接在一起, 其总长为20 米长. 水源处的压力为420 千帕(Kilo-Pascal), 流率为每分钟150 升. 农田任何部分接受的水量不得超过每小时0.75 厘米, 同时农田的每个部分每4 天至少要接受2 厘米的水量. 尽可能均匀地使用洒水的总量.

PROBLEM B: Wheel Chair Access at Airports

One of the frustrations with air travel is the need to fly through multiple airports, and each stop generally requires each traveler to change to a different airplane. This can be especially difficult for people who are not able to easily walk to a different flight's waiting area. One of the ways that an airline can make the transition easier is to provide a wheel chair and an escort to those people who ask for help. It is generally known well in advance which passengers require help, but it is not uncommon to receive notice when a passenger first registers at the airport. In rare instances an airline may not receive notice from a passenger until just prior to landing.

Airlines are under constant pressure to keep their costs down. Wheel chairs wear out and are expensive and require maintenance. There is also a cost for making the escorts available. Moreover, wheel chairs and their escorts must be constantly moved around the airport so that


PROBLEM A: The Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass Rule In countries where driving automobiles on the right is the rule (that is, USA, China and most other countries except for Great Britain, Australia, and some former British colonies), multi-lane freeways often employ a rule that requires drivers to drive in the right-most lane unless they are passing another vehicle, in which case they move one lane to the left, pass, and return to their former travel lane. Build and analyze a mathematical model to analyze the performance of this rule in light and heavy traffic. You may wish to examine tradeoffs between traffic flow and safety, the role of under- or over-posted speed limits (that is, speed limits that are too low or too high), and/or other factors that may not be explicitly called out in this problem statement. Is this rule effective in promoting better traffic flow? If not, suggest and analyze alternatives (to include possibly no rule of this kind at all) that might promote greater traffic flow, safety, and/or other factors that you deem important. In countries where driving automobiles on the left is the norm, argue whether or not your solution can be carried over with a simple change of orientation, or would additional requirements


2015年: A 题 一个国际性组织声称他们研发出了一种能够阻止埃博拉,并治愈隐性病毒携带者的新药。建立一个实际、敏捷、有效的模型,不仅考虑到疾病的传播、药物的需求量、可能的给药措施、给药地点、疫苗或药物的生产速度,而且考虑你们队伍认为重要的、作为模型一部分的其他因素,用于优化埃博拉的根除,或至少缓解目前(治疗)的紧张压力。除了竞赛需要的建模方案以外,为世界医学协会撰写一封1-2页的非技术性的发言稿,以便其公告使用。 B 题 回顾马航MH370失事事件。建立一个通用的数学模型,用以帮助失联飞机的搜 救者们规划一个有效的搜索方案。失联飞机从A 地飞往B 地,可能坠毁在了大片水域(如大西洋、太平洋、印度洋、南印度洋、北冰洋)中。假设被淹没的飞机无法发出信号。你们的模型需要考虑到,有很多种不同型号的可选的飞机,并且有很多种搜救飞机,这些搜救飞机通常使用不同的电子设备和传感器。此外,为航空公司撰写一份1-2页的文件,以便在其公布未来搜救进展的新闻发布会上发表。 2014美赛A 题翻译 问题一:通勤列车的负载问题 在中央车站,经常有许多的联系从大城市到郊区的通勤列车“通勤”线到达。大多数火车很长(也许10个或更多的汽车长)。乘客走到出口的距离也很长,有整个火车区域。每个火车车厢只有两个出口,一个靠近终端, 因此可以携带尽可能多的人。每个火车车厢有一个中心过道和过道两边的座椅,一边每排有两个座椅,另一边每排有三个座椅。 走出这样一个典型车站,乘客必须先出火车车厢,然后走入楼梯再到下一个级别的出站口。通常情况下这些列车都非常拥挤,有大量的火车上的乘客试图挤向楼梯,而楼梯可以容纳两列人退出。 大多数通勤列车站台有两个相邻的轨道平台。在最坏的情况下,如果两个满载的列车同时到达,所有的乘客可能需要很长时间才能到达主站台。 建立一个数学模型来估计旅客退出这种复杂的状况到达出站口路上的时间。假设一列火车有n 个汽车那么长,每个汽车的长度为d 。站台的长度是p,每个楼梯间的楼梯数量是q 。使用您的模型具体来优化(减少)前往主站台的时间,有如下要求: 要求1. 一个满载乘客的火车,所有乘客都要出火车。所有乘客都要出楼梯抵达出主站台的路上。 要求2. 两个满载列车的乘客都要出车厢(所有乘客出到一个公用站台), 所有乘客都要出楼梯抵达出主站台的路上。 要求3. 如果你能重新设计楼梯沿着站台的位置,那么这些楼梯应放置在哪,以缩短一列或两列火车的乘客出站所用的时间? 要求4. 乘客到达出主站台的路上所用的时间跟构建楼梯的台阶数有怎样的关系?要求5. 如果楼梯可以容纳K 个人,那么时间会如何变化?k 是大于1的整数 、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案 。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


问题D:优化机场安全检查站乘客吞吐量 继2001年9月11日美国发生恐怖袭击事件后,全世界的机场安全状况得到显着改善。机场有安全检查站。在那里,乘客及其行李被检查爆炸物和其他危险物品。这些安全措施的目的是防止乘客劫持或摧毁飞机,并在旅行期间保持所有乘客的安全。然而,航空公司有既得利益,通过最小化他们在安全检查站排队等候并等待他们的航班的时间,来保持乘客积极的飞行体验。因此,在最大化安全性和最小化对乘客的不便之前存在对立。 在2016年,美国运输安全局(TSA)受到了对极长线路,特别是在芝加哥的奥黑尔国际机场的尖锐批评。在此公众关注之后,TSA投资对其检查点设备和程序进行了若干修改,并增加了在高度拥堵的机场中的人员配置。虽然这些修改在减少等待时间方面有一定的成功,但TSA在实施新措施和增加人员配置方面花费了多少成本尚不清楚。除了在奥黑尔机场的问题,还有在其他机场,包括通常排队等待时间较短的机场,会出现不明原因和不可预测的排队拥挤情况的事件。检查点排队状况的这种高度变化性对于乘客来说可能是极其不利的,因为他们面临着不必要地早到达或可能赶不上他们的预定航班的风险。许多新闻文章,包括[1,2,3,4,5],描述了与机场安全检查站相关的一些问题。 您的内部控制管理(ICM)团队已经与TSA签订合同,审查机场安全检查站和人员配置,以确定潜在的干扰乘客吞吐量的瓶颈。他们特别感兴趣的解决方案是,既增加检查点吞吐量,减少等待时间的变化,同时保持相同的安全和安全标准。 美国机场安全检查点的当前流程如图1所示。 区域A: 乘客随机到达检查站,并等待队列,直到安全人员可以检查他们的身份证明和登机文件。 区域B: 然后乘客移动到打开检查的队列;根据机场的预期活动水平,可能开放更多或更少的线路。 一旦乘客到达这个队列的前面,他们准备所有的物品用于X射线检查。乘客必须去除鞋子,皮带,夹克,金属物体,电子产品和带液体容器,将它们放置在单独的X射线箱中;笔记本电脑和一些医疗设备也需要从其袋中取出并放置在单独的容器中。 他们的所有物品,包括包含上述物品的箱子,通过传输带在X射线机中移动,其中一些物品被标记,供安全人员(D区)进行额外的搜索或筛选。 o同时乘客排队通过毫米波扫描仪或金属探测器检查。 o未能通过此步骤的乘客接受安全官员(D区)的轻击检查。 区域C: 乘客然后前进到X射线扫描仪另一侧的传送带,收集他们的物品并离开检查站区域。


2014年数学建模美赛题目原文及翻译 作者:Ternence Zhang 转载注明出处:https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,/zhangtengyuan23 MCM原题PDF: https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,/detail/zhangty0223/6901271 PROBLEM A: The Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass Rule In countries where driving automobiles on the right is the rule (that is, USA, China and most other countries except for Great Britain, Australia, and some former British colonies), multi-lane freeways often employ a rule that requires drivers to drive in the right-most lane unless they are passing another vehicle, in which case they move one lane to the left, pass, and return to their former travel lane. Build and analyze a mathematical model to analyze the performance of this rule in light and heavy traffic. You may wish to examine tradeoffs between traffic flow and safety, the role of under- or over-posted speed limits (that is, speed limits that are too low or too high), and/or other factors that may not be


题目F:隐私成本 电子通讯和社交媒体的普及和(人们对之的)依赖已成为普遍现象。其结果是,一些人似乎愿意分享私人信息(PI),有关他们的人际交往、恋爱关系、购物信息、信仰、健康状况和行踪,而其他人则认为他们这些方面的隐私很重要。不同领域对隐私的保护也存在显著差异。例如,由于快速降价,有些人很快就放弃了对购物信息的保护,不过(他们)不太可能同时分享其疾病状况或健康风险的信息。类似地,如果某些群体或子群体察觉到某些特定信息会对个人或社区造成风险,他们会保护这类个人信息的。风险可能包括安全、钱财和贵重物品的损失以及知识产权(IP)或人的电子身份的丢失。其他的风险包括专业丑闻,丢掉职位或工作,社交损失(如友谊破裂),社交歧视或边缘化。对政府的政建有异议的政府雇员愿意保护其社交媒体私人资料,而年轻的大学生可能没有压力限制他们发表政治观点或社会信息。在网络空间下,个人信息保护、互联网和系统安全方面的个人选择可能会对自由、隐私、便利性、社会地位、经济效益和医疗就医等造成风险和获取回报。 个人信息(PI)与私人财产(PP)和知识产权(IP)类似吗?一旦合法获得,PI可以出售或赠予他人,使其有权拥有该信息或成为信息的所有者吗?人类活动的具体信息和元数据变得越来越有社会价值,特别是在医学研究、疾病传播、抢险救灾、企业发展(如营销、保险、和收入),个人行为记录,信仰表达,和体育运动等方面,这些具体信息和元数据可能成为有价值的、可量化的商品。个人私人数据的交易和风险与收益相伴,风险和收益则会因信息领域(如购买、社交媒体、医疗)和分组(如公民身份、职业介绍、年龄)而不同。 我们能量化电子通信和跨社会交易的隐私成本吗?也就是说,保护PI的货币价值是多少,或者其他人使用PI的成本是多少?政府应该监管这些信息,还是任由隐私产业或个人发展更好?这些信息和隐私仅仅是个人的决定吗?个人必须评估自己做出的选择,并提供自我保护吗? 在评估隐私成本时,有几点需要考虑。首先,数据共享是公共利益吗?例如,疾病控制中心可以利用这些数据来追踪疾病的传播,以防止进一步的爆发。其他的例子包括管理风险人群,比如16岁以下的儿童,自杀的风险人群和老年人。此外,还要考虑那些试图隐藏他们活动的极端分子。为国家安全考虑,他们的数据是否应该由政府追踪?要考虑个人浏览器,电话系统,和互联网植入个性化广告;这个客户值多少钱? 总的来说,在评估隐私成本时,我们需要对这些有所权衡。保护数据隐私的潜在收益是什么?这样做的损失又是什么? 作为一个国家决策者的政策分析团队,你的团队的任务是: 任务1:制定一个价格点来保护个人隐私和PI在不同的应用程序中。为了评估这一点,你可能想要将个人划分到具有相似风险级别或者相关的数据域的子组。需


问题A:除非超车否则靠右行驶的交通规则 在一些汽车靠右行驶的国家(比如美国,中国等等),多车道的高速公路常常遵循以下原则:司机必须在最右侧驾驶,除非他们正在超车,超车时必须先移到左侧车道在超车后再返回。建立数学模型来分析这条规则在低负荷和高负荷状态下的交通路况的表现。你不妨考察一下流量和安全的权衡问题,车速过高过低的限制,或者这个问题陈述中可能出现的其他因素。这条规则在提升车流量的方面是否有效?如果不是,提出能够提升车流量、安全系数或其他因素的替代品(包括完全没有这种规律)并加以分析。在一些国家,汽车靠左形式是常态,探讨你的解决方案是否稍作修改即可适用,或者需要一些额外的需要。最后,以上规则依赖于人的判断,如果相同规则的交通运输完全在智能系统的控制下,无论是部分网络还是嵌入使用的车辆的设计,在何种程度上会修改你前面的结果? 问题B:大学传奇教练 体育画报是一个为运动爱好者服务的杂志,正在寻找在整个上个世纪的“史上最好的大学教练”。建立数学模型选择大学中在一下体育项目中最好的教练:曲棍球或场地曲棍球,足球,棒球或垒球,篮球,足球。 时间轴在你的分析中是否会有影响?比如1913年的教练和2013年的教练是否会有所不同?清晰的对你的指标进行评估,讨论一下你的模型应用在跨越性别和所有可能对的体育项目中的效果。展示你的模型中的在三种不同体育项目中的前五名教练。 除了传统的MCM格式,准备一个1到2页的文章给体育画报,解释你的结果和包括一个体育迷都明白的数学模型的非技术性解释。 使用网络测量的影响和冲击 学术研究的技术来确定影响之一是构建和引文或合著网络的度量属性。与人合写一手稿通常意味着一个强大的影响力的研究人员之间的联系。最著名的学术合作者是20世纪的数学家保罗鄂尔多斯曾超过500的合作者和超过1400个技术研究论文发表。讽刺的是,或者不是,鄂尔多斯也是影响者在构建网络的新兴交叉学科的基础科学,尤其是,尽管他与Alfred Rényi的出版物“随即图标”在1959年。鄂尔多斯作为合作者的角色非常重要领域的数学,数学家通常衡量他们亲近鄂尔多斯通过分析鄂尔多斯的令人惊讶的是大型和健壮的合著网络网站(见http:// https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,/enp/)。保罗的与众不同、引人入胜的故事鄂尔多斯作为一个天才的数学家,才华横溢的problemsolver,掌握合作者提供了许多书籍和在线网站(如。,https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,/Biographies/Erdos.html)。也许他流动的生活方式,经常住在带着合作者或居住,并给他的钱来解决问题学生奖,使他co-authorships蓬勃发展并帮助构建了惊人的网络在几个数学领域的影响力。为了衡量这种影响asErdos生产,有基于网络的评价工具,使用作者和引文数据来确定影响因素的研究,出版物和期刊。一些科学引文索引,Hfactor、影响因素,特征因子等。谷歌学术搜索也是一个好的数据工具用于网络数据收集和分析影响或影响。ICM 2014你的团队的目标是分析研究网络和其他地区的影响力和影响社会。你这样做的任务包括: 1)构建networkof Erdos1作者合著者(你可以使用我们网站https://files.oak https://www.360docs.net/doc/45867179.html,/users/grossman/enp/Erdos1.htmlor的文件包括Erdos1.htm)。你应该建立一个合作者网络Erdos1大约有510名研究人员的文件,与鄂尔多斯的一篇论文的合著者,他但不包括鄂尔多斯。这将需要一些技术数据提取和建模工作获


翻译 问题C:数据的财富 在其创建的在线市场中,亚马逊为客户提供了对购买进行评分和评价的机会。个人评级-称为“星级”-使购买者可以使用1(低评级,低满意度)到5(高评级,高满意度)的等级来表示他们对产品的满意度。此外,客户可以提交基于文本的消息(称为“评论”),以表达有关产品的更多意见和信息。其他客户可以根据这些评论提交有帮助或无帮助的等级(称为“帮助等级”),以协助他们自己的产品购买决策。公司使用这些数据来深入了解其参与的市场,参与的时间以及产品设计功能选择的潜在成功。 阳光公司计划在在线市场上推出和销售三种新产品:微波炉,婴儿奶嘴和吹风机。他们已聘请您的团队担任顾问,以识别过去客户提供的与其他竞争产品相关的评分和评论的关键模式,关系,度量和参数,以: 1)告知其在线销售策略; 2)识别潜在重要的设计特征,以提高产品的吸引力。Sunshine Company过去曾使用数据为销售策略提供信息,但他们以前从未使用过这种特殊的组合和数据类型。Sunshine Company 特别感兴趣的是这些数据中的基于时间的模式,以及它们是否以有助于该公司制造成功产品的方式进行交互。 为了给您提供帮助,Sunshine的数据中心为您提供了该项目的三个数据文件:hair_dryer.tsv,microwave.tsv和pacifier.tsv。这些数据代表在数据指示的时间段内,在亚马逊市场上出售的微波炉,婴儿奶嘴和吹风机的客户提供的评分和评论。还提供了数据标签定义的词汇表。提供的数据文件包含您应用于此问题的唯一数据。 要求 1.分析提供的三个产品数据集,以使用数学证据来识别,描述和支持有意义的定量和/或定性模式,关系,量度和参数,这些数据将在有助于评估阳光的星级,评论和帮助等级之内和之间公司在其三项新的在线市场产品中取得了成功。 2.使用您的分析解决阳光公司市场总监的以下特定问题和要求: a.一旦三种产品在在线市场上出售后,就可以根据评级和评论确定最能为Sunshine Company 跟踪的数据度量。 b.在每个数据集中识别并讨论基于时间的度量和模式,这些度量和模式可能表明产品在在线市场中的声誉在上升或下降。 c.确定最能表明潜在成功或失败产品的基于文本的度量和基于评级的度量的组合。 d.特定星级会引起更多评论吗?例如,在看到一系列低星级评级之后,客户是否更有可能撰写某种类型的评论? e.诸如“热情”,“失望”之类的基于文本的评论的特定质量描述符是否与评分水平紧密相关? 3.写一两页的信给阳光公司市场总监,总结您团队的分析和结果。包括针对您的团队最有信心地推荐给市场总监的结果的具体理由。 您的提交应包括: ?一页的摘要表 ?目录


2012 Contest Problems MCM PROBLEMS PROBLEM A: The Leaves of a Tree "How much do the leaves on a tree weigh?" How might one estimate the actual weight of the leaves (or for that matter any other parts of the tree)? How might one classify leaves? Build a mathematical model to describe and classify leaves. Consider and answer the following: ? Why do leaves have the various shapes that they have? ? Do the shapes “minimize” overlapping individual shadows that are cast, so as to maximize exposure? Does the distribution of leaves within the “volume” of the tree and its branches effect the shape? ? Speaking of profiles, is leaf shape (general characteristics) related to tree profile/branching structure? ? How would you estimate the leaf mass of a tree? Is there a correlation between the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree (height, mass, volume defined by the profile)? In addition to your one page summary sheet prepare a one page letter to an editor of a scientific journal outlining your key findings. 2012美赛A题:一棵树的叶子 (数学中国翻译) “一棵树的叶子有多重?”怎么能估计树的叶子(或者树的任何其它部分)的实际重量?怎样对叶子进行分类?建立一个数学模型来对叶子进行描述和分类。模型要考虑和回答下面的问题: ? 为什么叶子具有各种形状?& y0 _' P* K/ R" s& O. } ? 叶子之间是要将相互重叠的部分最小化,以便可以最大限度的接触到阳光吗?树叶的分布以及树干和枝杈的体积影响叶子的形状吗?5 }( s, ?! _$ |1 d ? 就轮廓来讲,叶形(一般特征)是和树的轮廓以及分枝结构有关吗? ? 你将如何估计一棵树的叶子质量?叶子的质量和树的尺寸特征(包括和外形轮廓有关的高度、质量、体积)有联系吗?& |4 }, q' Q, r3 M# { ! A6 i, f$ }( s, s2 @; K+ M 除了你的一页摘要以外,给科学杂志的编辑写一封信,阐述你的主要发现。

2011 2010年美赛题目

2011年美国数学建模竞赛题目 (2011-02-11 11:56:05) PROBLEM A: Snowboard Course Determine the shape of a snowboard course (currently known as a “halfpipe”) to maximize the production of “vertical air” by a skilled snowboarder. "Vertical air" is the maximum vertical distance above the edge of the halfpipe. Tailor the shape to optimize other possible requirements, such as maximum twist in the air. What tradeoffs may be required to develop a “practical” course? PROBLEM B: Repeater Coordination The VHF radio spectrum involves line-of-sight transmission and reception. This limitation can be overcome by “repeaters,” which pick up weak signals, amplify them, and retransmit them on a different frequency. Thus, using a repeater, low-power users (such as mobile stations) can communicate with one another in situations where direct user-to-user contact would not be possible. However, repeaters can interfere with one another unless they are far enough apart or transmit on sufficiently separated frequencies. In addition to geographical separation, the “continuous tone-coded squelch system” (CTCSS), sometimes nicknamed “private line” (PL), technology can be used to mitigate interference problems. This system associates to each repeater a separate subaudible tone that is transmitted by all users who wish to communicate through that repeater. The repeater responds only to received signals with its specific PL tone. With this system, two nearby repeaters can share the same frequency pair (for receive and transmit); so more repeaters (and hence more users) can be accommodated in a particular area. For a circular flat area of radius 40 miles radius, determine the minimum number of repeaters necessary to accommodate 1,000 simultaneous users. Assume that the spectrum available is 145 to 148 MHz, the transmitter frequency in a repeater is either 600 kHz above or 600 kHz below the receiver frequency, and there are 54 different PL tones available. How does your solution change if there are 10,000 users?

2014 数学建模美赛B题

PROBLEM B: College Coaching Legends Sports Illustrated, a magazine for sports enthusiasts, is looking for the “best all time college coach”male or female for the previous century. Build a mathematical model to choose the best college coach or coaches (past or present) from among either male or female coaches in such sports as college hockey or field hockey, football, baseball or softball, basketball, or soccer. Does it make a difference which time line horizon that you use in your analysis, i.e., does coaching in 1913 differ from coaching in 2013? Clearly articulate your metrics for assessment. Discuss how your model can be applied in general across both genders and all possible sports. Present your model’s top 5 coaches in each of 3 different sports. In addition to the MCM format and requirements, prepare a 1-2 page article for Sports Illustrated that explains your results and includes a non-technical explanation of your mathematical model that sportsfans will understand. 问题B:大学教练的故事


PROBLEM A: Eradicating(根除)Ebola The world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced(晚期的). Build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine needed, possible feasible (可行的)delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of Ebola, or at least its current strain(压力). In addition to your modeling approach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement. PROBLEM B: Searching for a lost plane Recall the lost Malaysian flight MH370. Build a generic(一般的)mathematical model that could assist "searchers" in planning a useful search for a lost plane feared to(恐怕) have crashed in open water such as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, or Arctic Ocean while flying from Point A to Point B. Assume that there are no signals from the downed (坠落的) plane. Your model should recognize that there are many different types of planes for which we might be searching and that there are many different types of search planes, often using different electronics or sensors. Additionally, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical paper for the airlines to use in their press conferences concerning their plan for future searches.


2020 ICM周末1 问题D:团队合作策略 随着社会之间的联系越来越紧密,他们面临的挑战也越来越复杂。我们依靠具有不同专业知识和不同见解的跨学科团队来解决许多最具挑战性的问题。在过去的50多年中,我们对团队成功的概念性理解有了很大进步,从而使更好的科学,创意或物理团队可以解决这些复杂的问题。研究人员报告了组建团队的最佳策略,队友之间的最佳互动以及理想的领导风格。跨各个部门和领域的强大团队能够通过个人努力或一系列队友的附加贡献来完成无法完成的复杂任务。 探索团队过程的最有用的设置之一是竞技团队运动。团体运动必须遵守严格的规则,包括但不限于球员人数,他们的角色,球员之间的允许接触,他们的位置和动作,获得的积分以及违规后果。团队的成功不仅仅是个人能力的总和。而是基于许多其他因素,这些因素涉及队友的比赛表现。这些因素可能包括团队是否具有多种技能(一个人可能很快,而另一个人很精确),团队在个人绩效与集体绩效之间的平衡程度(明星球员可以帮助利用其所有队友的技能),以及球队在一段时间内有效协调的能力(一名球员从对方手中抢断球,另一名球员准备进攻)。 根据您的建模技巧,爱斯基摩人,您的家庭足球(在欧洲和其他地方称为足球)团队的教练已要求您的公司Intrepid Champion Modeling(ICM)帮助您了解团队的动态。尤其是,教练要求您探索球员之间在现场的复杂互动如何影响他们的成功。目标不仅是检查直接导致得分的互动,而且还探索整个比赛以及整个赛季的团队动力,以帮助确定可以改善下赛季团队合作的特定策略。教练已要求ICM量化并正规化已为团队成功(但未成功)的结构和动态特征。爱斯基摩人提供了上个赛季的数据[1]详细信息,包括他们与19个对手进行的38场比赛(每场对战球队两次)。总体而言,该数据涵盖366名玩家(30名哈士奇玩家和336名来自对立团队的玩家)之间的23,429次传球,以及59,271次比赛事件。 为了回应赫斯基教练的要求,您的ICM团队应使用提供的数据解决以下问题: 为球员之间的传球创建一个网络,其中每个球员都是节点,每个传球都构成球员之间的链接。使用您经过的网络来识别网络模式,例如二元和三元配置和团队组成。还要考虑游戏中的其他结构指标和网络属性。你应该 [1]该数据集来自一个更大的数据集,涵盖了来自五项欧洲国家足球比赛以及2018年世界杯的近2000场比赛[1]。


数学建模竞赛(MCM / ICM)汇总表 基于细胞的高速公路交通模型 自动机和蒙特卡罗方法 总结 基于元胞自动机和蒙特卡罗方法,我们建立一个模型来讨论“靠右行”规则的影响。首先,我们打破汽车的运动过程和建立相应的子模型car-generation的流入模型,对于匀速行驶车辆,我们建立一个跟随模型,和超车模型。 然后我们设计规则来模拟车辆的运动模型。我们进一步讨论我们的模型规则适应靠右的情况和,不受限制的情况, 和交通情况由智能控制系统的情况。我们也设计一个道路的危险指数评价公式。 我们模拟双车道高速公路上交通(每个方向两个车道,一共四条车道),高速公路双向三车道(总共6车道)。通过计算机和分析数据。我们记录的平均速度,超车取代率、道路密度和危险指数和通过与不受规则限制的比较评估靠右行的性能。我们利用不同的速度限制分析模型的敏感性和看到不同的限速的影响。左手交通也进行了讨论。 根据我们的分析,我们提出一个新规则结合两个现有的规则(靠右的规则和无限制的规则)的智能系统来实现更好的的性能。1介绍 1.1术语 1.2假设 2模型 2.1设计的元胞自动机 2.2流入模型 2.3跟随模型 2.4超车模型 2.4.1超车概率 2.4.2超车条件 2.4.3危险指数 2.5两套规则CA模型 2.5.1靠右行 2.5.2无限制行驶规则 3补充分析模型 3.1加速和减速概率分布的设计 3.2设计来避免碰撞 4模型实现与计算机 5数据分析和模型验证 5.1平均速度 5.2快车的平均速度 5.3密度 5.4超车几率 5.5危险指数 6在不同速度限制下敏感性评价模型 7驾驶在左边 8交通智能系统 8.1智能系统的新规则


MCM1998 问题-A 磁共振成像扫描仪 引言 用于工业和医疗的磁共振成像扫描仪诊断机对像脑那样的三维物体进行扫描,并把扫描的结果以三维像素阵列的形式传送之。每个像素由一个指示其颜色或灰度的数构成,它对像素所在位置处的被扫描物体的一个小区域中含水量(浓度)的度量进行编码。例如,0能以黑色来描绘出高含水量(脑室、血管),128能以灰色来描绘出中等含水量(脑核和灰质),而255以白色来描绘出低含水量(组成有髓体轴的富含脂类白质)。这类磁共振成像扫描仪还包括能在屏幕画出通过该三维像素阵列的平行或垂直片(与三个笛卡尔坐标轴平行的平片)的设备.能够描绘出斜的平片的算法是专卖的。眼下的算法利用了角度及可供使用的参数选择而受到限制,算法的执行也有赖于大量使用专用的工作站;在切片之前缺少在画面上作点的输入能力;从而使原始像素间明晰的边界变得模糊。 能在个人计算机上实现的更为准确可靠的、灵活的算法对于以下几方面来说将是极为有用的: ①设计尽可能少的介入处理; ②校准磁共振成像扫描仪; ②研究诸如动物研究中尸体解剖组织部分那样的在空间中斜向的结构; ④能作出以任意角度和由黑白固线组成的脑图谱相交的截面。 为设计这样的算法,就要能存取任意像素的值和位置,不仅仅是由扫描仪收集到的原始数据。 问题 设计并测试能产生与三维阵列在空间任意指向的平面的截面部分的算法,并尽可能保持原始的灰度值。 数据集 典型的数据集由表示物体在位置处的浓度的由数A(i,j,k)构成的三维阵列A典型的情形,A(i,j,k)的取值范围为0到255.在大多数应用中,该数据集是相当大的。 参赛队要设计用以测试井论证其算法的数据集。数据集应能反映大概是有诊断意义的情况。参赛队还应叙述限制其算法有效性的数据集的特征。


2014 MCM Problems PROBLEM A: The Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass Rule In countries where driving automobiles on the right is the rule (that is, USA, China and most other countries except for Great Britain, Australia, and some former British colonies), multi-lane freeways often employ a rule that requires drivers to drive in the right-most lane unless they are passing another vehicle, in which case they move one lane to the left, pass, and return to their former travel lane. 在一些以行车靠右为规则的国家中(比如美国、中国以及除了大不列颠、澳大利亚和一些前英属殖民国家以外的其他国家),多行道的高速公路经常采用要求驾驶人在除超车以外时都靠右行驶的交通规则。 Build and analyze a mathematical model to analyze the performance of this rule in light and heavy traffic. You may wish to examine tradeoffs between traffic flow and safety, the role of under- or over-posted speed limits (that is, speed limits that are too low or too high), and/or other factors that may not be explicitly called out in this problem statement. Is this rule effective in promoting better traffic flow? If not, suggest and analyze alternatives (to include possibly no rule of this kind at all) that might promote greater traffic flow, safety, and/or other factors that you deem important. 1、请你建立和分析一个数学模型来分析这个规则在交通畅通和交通堵塞条件下的表现。你可能乐意在交通流通和安全性、过低或者过高的限速(即速度限制太高或者太低)、以及其他可能不能从这个问题的陈述中直接发现的因素中找到一个平衡。这个规则是否有效地促进了交通更好地流通?如果没有,请你提出并分析可能促进交通流通、保证交通安全、改善其他你认为重要的因素的其他规则。 In countries where driving automobiles on the left is the norm, argue whether or not your solution can be carried over with a simple change of orientation, or would additional requirements be needed. 2、在一些以行车靠左为准则的国家中,讨论你的解决方案是否可以在仅仅改变方向时被应用,或者是否需要额外的要求? Lastly, the rule as stated above relies upon human judgment for compliance. If vehicle transportation on the same roadway was fully under the control of an intelligent system – either part of the road network or imbedded in the design of all vehicles using the roadway – to what extent would this change the results of your earlier analysis? 3、最后,上面陈述的规则是基于人们对于是否遵守规则的主观判断的。如果现在在同一条道路上的车辆交通完全在一个智能的系统(系统被内嵌于所有车辆都使用道路的设计中,系统是路网的一部分)的控制之下,那么这会在何种程度上改变你的早期预测的结果? PROBLEM B: College Coaching Legends
