

Teaching Program for International Business Law


Shandong University

School of Law, Institute of International Law


Prof. & Dr. Jiang Zuoli

Tel: 86333313

For the Whole Course


1.To provide an introduction of various theories of international business law

and explore their claims in terms of being descriptive (claiming to tell us how the law is), explanatory (claiming to tell us why the law as it is), prescriptive (claiming to tell us how the law should be), predictive (claiming to tell us how the law would be) and constitutive (claiming to tell us how the theory shapes the way the law is)

2.To provide a critical overview of some of the major issues and concepts of

international business law

3.To give students the opportunity to develop a more critical awareness of the

intricacy of law and the international legal systems

4.To help students develop skills of doing international business

Basic Contents

I.Introduction to International Business Law

II.Forms of International Business

III.Legal System of International Business

IV.Contract Law for International Sale of Goods

V.Finance of International Trade

VI.The Law of Agency

VII.International commercial Dispute settlement

Important and Difficult Points

I.Sources of International Business Law

II.International Organizations

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4615109219.html,parison of Municipal Legal Systems

IV.Some Important Trade Theories

V.UN Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)

VI.UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts(PICC)

VII.International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(Incoterms 2000)

VIII.Validity and Formation of International Sale of Contracts

IX.Battles of Forms

X.Remedies for Breach of Contracts

XI.Anticipatory Breach of Contract

XII.Passing of Risk

XIII.Excuses for Non-performance

XIV.Bill of Exchange

XV.Collection of Documentary Bills through Banks

XVI.Important Principles of Letters of Credit

XVII.Fraud Exception in Letter of Credit

XVIII.Duties of Agent and Principal

XIX.Termination of an Agency

XX.Jurisdiction and Venue for Settlement of International Commercial Disputes

XXI.Alternative Dispute Resolution

XXII.The Application of Procedure Law and Substantive Law XXIII.Arbitration Agreement

XXIV.Recognition and Enforcement of Awards

Chapter One Introduction to International Business



1.To provide a general and brief survey of history and sources of

international business law

2.To give a general introduction to the more important international


3.To make a comparison of municipal legal systems

Basic contents

1.The concept of international business law

2.The history of international business law

3.The sources of international business law

4.International Organizations

5.The Roman-Germanic Civil Law System and the

Anglo-American Common Law System

Important and Difficult Legal Concepts and Issues

1.International business law is originated in commercial practices

of European merchants known as international trade usages and


2.Merchant law

3.National law is also a source of international business law

4.The Roman-Germanic Civil Law System and the

Anglo-American Common Law System are developed

difficultly but are coming more and more close in recent


I.What is International Business Law

International business law is the body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried out outside the legal boundaries of states. In particular, it regulates the business transactions of private persons internationally, and the international relationships of international commercial organizations.

In comparison with the traditional international business law, contemporary international business law covers much more extensively, such as law for the international trading of goods, company law, negotiable instrument law, maritime law, insurance law, law of international technology transfer, industrial property law, international investment law, international financial law, international tax law, law of international dispute settlement.

II.Merchant law

European merchants have developed many practices and usages, and the courts worked out practical and fair rules and procedures based on the merchants? customs. Soon these same rules were being applied both in governmental and church courts, and eventually the lex mercatoria(商人习惯法)became an international body of generally accepted commercial rules that transcended national boundaries. It also proved to be more influential than even the civil law, spreading to England where the Roman law tradition was resisted by the local legal community. Today, many of the concepts contained in the law merchant are incorporated in modern commercial law codes, such as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

III.International model law

International model law means the rules and norms worked out and passed by some international organizations for the free choice by individual nations. International model law is not international treaties or conventions and is of no certain legal validity, however, it incorporates many general principles of law from various legal systems and also most well-known customs and usages in international business practices. Therefore, many countries like to use it as a means of interpreting international business customs, and as model for their national legislature. So, international model law is an important source for international business law.

IV.International trade customs and usages

International trade customs and usages mean the general rules and practices in international trade activities that have become generally adopted through unvarying habit and common use. “The existence and scope of a usage of trade are to be determined as questions of fact. If a usage is embodied in a written trade code or similar writing the interpretation of the writing is to be determined by the court as a question of law. Unless otherwise agreed, a usage of trade in the vocation or trade in which the parties are engaged or a usage of trade of which they know or have reason to know gives meaning to or supplements or qualities to their agreement .”

V.Civil Law and Common Law Systems

Historically, the civil law dates to 450 B.C, the traditional date when Rome adopted its Twelve Tables. The most significant historical event in the development of the civil law, however, was the compilation and codification of all Roman law done under the direction of Byzantine Emperor Justinian (A.D. 483-565). This code, known as the Corpus Juris Civilis, was compiled between A.D. 528 and 534. It was important because it preserved the ancient legal system in written forms. The Roman law was displaced to some extent by the rules of the Germanic tribes when they overran the Western Empire. Germanic tribal law, however, recognized the principle of personal (as opposed to territorial) law, so the former Roman subjects and their descendants were allowed to follow the Roman law. The medieval Roman Catholic Church also played an important role in preserving the ancient law because its Canon law, the law used in church courts, was based on Roman law.

With the revival of interest in classical culture in Western Europe in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, accompanied by the discovery of a copy of the long lost Corpus Juris Civilis(国法大全), active study of the ancient Roman law began in earnest. At universities in northern

Italy—especially Bologna—the Corpus Juris Civilis was systematically analyzed, first by glossators (who added notes—annotations—explaining its meaning) and later by commentators (who attempted to adapt it to the needs of their time). Students from throughout Europe, who traveled to Italy to study, returned to their own countries to start the new profession of lawyers. They not only set up new universities in Paris, Oxford, Prague, Heidelburg, Cracow, and Coperhagen, but also found work both in the Church and as advisors to princes and municipalities. Their common background led to the creation of a new civil law, one based on the Roman law, canon law, and the huge body of writings created by the glossators and commentators. This was called the jus commune, or the common law of Europe.

The origins of the Anglo-American Common Law System can be traced back to the year 1066,when the Normans conquered England and William the Conqueror began to centralize his new kingdom?s governmental administration. The name “common law” is derived from the theory that the king?s courts represented the common custom of the realm, as opposed to the local customary law practiced in the county and manorial courts.

Development of the enduring principles of the common law was largely the product of three courts created by Henry II (1133-1189). The Court of Exchequer settled tax disputes; the Court of Common Pleas dealt with matters that did not involve the king?s direct interest, such as title to land, enforcement of promises, and payment of debts; and the Court of King?s Bench handled cases of a direct royal interest, such as the issuance of “writs” (written decrees) to control unruly public officials. Eventually, the jurisdiction of the King?s Bench was used to control abuses of power by the king himself, establishing a fundamental doctrine of the common law: the supremacy of the law. Also, when the Court of Common Pleas began to charge large fees to hear cases, much of its jurisdiction was taken over by the King?s Bench. The judges of the King?s Bench did this by broadly interpreting the writ of trespass so that it took in virtually every kink of tort, and by expanding the meaning of the writ of assumpsit so that it applied to most forms of contracts.

Review questions:

1. What is meant by the term …International Model Law?? Briefly list three of its main features.

2. Explain international treaties, using two examples.

3. Outline three circumstances in which international trade customs and usages are effective to the parties to a contract.

4. Compare and contrast the Roman-Germanic Civil Law System and the Anglo-American Common Law System.

5. Briefly describe how and why China came to accept international business law.

6. The CISG contains no provisions that a contract for the sale of goods be supported by consideration. Further, the CISG does not address questions related to the validity of the contract, including legality, mistake, fraud, duress, or undue influence. How will national courts handle these issues in cases that they might be called upon to decide under the CISG? In common law countries? In civil law countries? How has this been addressed by courts in China?

Chapter Two Forms of International Business


To provide a general survey of important trade theories for the students to help to obtain a better understanding of international business law considering the fact that international business law is devoted to the regulation of international business activities.

Basic Contents

1.Some important trade theories: specialization, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, opportunity cost

2.A brief introduction to some terms such as tariffs, nontariff barriers, export restrictions, and international licensing agreement

Important and difficult concepts and legal issues

specialization, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, opportunity cost

I. Specialization

Why nations trade? Economists in western countries believe that the reason is that all nations benefit from specialization(专业化). All nations have particular talents and resources; like individuals, whole nations are able to specialize in one or many activities. For example, the islands of the Caribbean have abundant sunshine and good weather year round, and so the islands specialize in tourism. Specialization here means that each nation should specialize by applying the law of comparative advantages to its resource endowment. It enables nations to emphasize the activities at which they are most efficient and at the same time gain certain advantages through trade. Nation A will specialize in X, if that is where its comparative advantage lies, and produce all X demanded by itself and Nation B. It will obtain from B since B produces enough for both. If costs rise as outputs increase, specialization will not be complete; trade will be carried to the point where costs are equalized in the countries.

II. Absolute Advantage

Adam Smith said trade between nations would increase real wealth via the division of labor. He assumed an absolute advantage (绝对优势)necessary, in that an exporting industry must be

able to produce, with given inputs, a larger output than any rival. Assume that two nations use the same composite input mix of land, labor, and capital with the result that nation A produces twice as much of two commodities as nation B. Nation A has absolute advantage with respect to both commodities; therefore, B cannot produce for export trade.

III. Comparative Advantage

Absolute advantage explains that trade between two countries will likely emerge because each can specialize at what it does best—emphasizing the production at which it is most efficient—and with the other country for its requirements the other goods. So, both countries will be better off because specialization and trade lead to increases in production and there to increases in the attainable consumption levels of both goods in both countries. However, this trade theory does not explain why a country with the ability to produce two or more goods but at higher input cost trade with other countries with the same ability. That?s to say, neither countries have absolute advantage in production of any goods.

Comparative advantage (比较优势)means that countries will specialize in producing several products and services in which they have lower opportunity costs than their trading partners. For example, a hilly, rocky country will not be able to raise as many sheep per acre as a country with fertile grasslands, but the rocky land cannot support any production other than sheep raising, whereas the grassland will support more lucrative cattle production. Even though the grassland is absolutely more efficient at producing both sheep and cattle, the rocky land has a comparative advantage in sheep growing because the opportunities forgone are nearly worthless. The rocky country will therefore tend to specialize in sheep, the grassy country in cattle.

It is clear that comparative advantage explain that even a country that does not have any absolute advantage in producing several goods, can benefit from trading with other countries.

IV. Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost theory (机会成本理论)is one of the most important theories in international trade and the well-known concept of sustainable development of world economy. Opportunity cost means the value of the benefit that is given up to produce one economic good as opposed to another.

The concept of opportunity cost is crucial to all economic activities, because all resources are limited. Steel used to product girders cannot be used to produce locomotives; labor services used to product shoes cannot be used to build houses. Therefore, in order to ascertain the cost of choosing one alternative use of a given set of limited resources rather than another, the economist uses the opportunity cost concept. He measures the “real” cost of doing business by its opportunity cost, not by its explicit, or outlay, cost. The real cost of producing nails, for example, is the value of another product, say rails, that might have been produced from the same amount or resources.

In utilizing the opportunity cost concept, however, it is not sufficient simply to compare the values of different products that can be produced by utilizing a given set of resources in more or less the same manner. To illustrate, assume that a man has a farm and has invested his life savings in land and equipment, with all of which he grows alfalfa. The opportunity cost of such economic

activity might be the difference between the value of alfalfa and the value of some other crop that he could also produce. He could have put his self-owned, self-employed resources to entirely different uses, however. By using his resources as he has, he has forgone the opportunities of (1) lending his savings and receiving interest on that investment, (2) renting his land and receiving income therefrom, (3) working for someone else for wages. If the total return from such alternative uses of his resources were greater than the return from the production of any other crop that he might grow, it is that return that is the measure of the opportunity cost to him of growing alfalfa.

From the point of view of economics, the most rational use of resources is that use which produces the greatest return. Although opportunity cost is the true measure of the cost of one use of a given set of resources as compared with any other use, the most rational use is that which produces the greatest return. Therefore, the economically relevant opportunity cost of a given activity is the difference between the values of the benefit that would have been produced by the most rational alternative use of the resources concerned.

VI. Tariffs and Nontariff Barriers to Trade

Tariffs are taxes placed on imports either by value (ad valorem duty) (从价税)or per unit of quantity (specific duty)(从量税). They are imposed for many reasons, including (1) the collection of revenue, (2) the protection of domestic industries from foreign competition, and (3) political control (e.g., to provide incentives to import products from politically friendly countries and to discourage importing products from unfriendly countries.)

Nontariff barriers are all barriers to importing or exporting other than tariffs. Nontariff barriers are generally a greater barrier to trade than are tariffs, because they are more insidious. Unlike tariffs, nontariff barriers are often disguised in the form of government rules or industry regulations and are often mot understood by foreign companies.

VII. International Licensing Agreement

Intellectual property rights are a grant from a government to an individual or firm of the exclusive legal right to use a copyright, patent, or trademark for a specified time. Copyrights are legal rights to an artistic or written work, including books, software, films, music, or to a layout design of a computer chip. Trademarks include the legal right to use a name or symbol that identifies a firm or its product. Patents are governmental grants to inventors assuring them of the exclusive legal right to produce and sell their inventions for a period of years. Copyrights, trademarks, and patents compose substantial assets of many domestic and international firms. And as valuable assets, intellectual property can be sold or licensed for use to others through a licensing agreement(许可协议).

Review questions:

1. Briefly describe, giving two examples, how …comparative advantage? is applied to promote international economics.

2. Explain the differences between …comparative advantage? and …absolute advantage?, giving three examples.

3. Define …opportunity cost? and identify its main features.

4. Outline three reasons why a state imposes tariffs.

5. List and explain three basic forms of international business.

6. What industries in your province are the leading exporters? Who are the leading export firms? What do you think is the impact of exports on your province?s economy? What role does your provincial government play in promoting exports?

Chapter Three Legal System of International



1. To offer a general survey of legal system of international business

2. To provide an analysis of important international business rules such as CISG, UNIDROIT and Incoterms 2000

3. To introduce some important practical skills in doing international business Basic Contents

!. The drafting and applicability of the CISG

2. Origin and general principles of the UNIDROIT PICC

3. Incoterms 2000

Important and Difficult Concepts and Legal Issues

1. CISG and its general principles


3. Incoterms 2000

3. FOB and CIF

I. Applicability of the CISG

The CISG applies if the following three conditions are met:

(1) The contract is for the commercial sale of goods.

(2) It is between parties whose places of business are in different countries (nationality or

citizenship of individuals is not a determining factor).

(3) The places of business are located in countries that have ratified the convention.

The following types of sales have been specifically excluded from the convention:

(1) Consumer goods sold for personal, family, or household use

(2) Goods bought at auction

(3) Stocks, securities, negotiable instruments, or money

(4) Ships, vessels, or aircraft

(5) Electricity

(6) Assembly contracts for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced wherein the

buyer provides a “substantial part of the materials necessary for such manufacture or production”

(7) Contracts that are in “preponderant part” for the supply of labor or other services

(8) Liability of the seller for death or personal injury caused by the goods

(9) Contracts where the parties specifically agree to “opt out” of the convention or where

they choose to be bound by some other law.

II. General Principles

CISG calls for courts to look to the general principles on which the Convention is based when interpreting its provisions, but it gives no list of general principles. It is for the courts to divine those principles. Two that have been suggested are (a) a party to a contract has the duty to communicate information needed by the other party, and (b) parties have the obligation to mitigate damages resulting from a breach. Both concepts appear, in varying forms, throughout the Convention.

Although CISG does not give a list of general principles, it does set out the mechanism for determining them. They must be derived from particular sections within the Convention, and then extended, by analogy, to the case at hand. In choosing this particular mechanism the drafters rejected the adoption of general principles derived from public or private international law. As well as from domestic law codes. This limitation on the sources that the courts may turn to in creating general principles was consciously made, and reflects the drafters? concern for uniformity and consistency, both in the drafting and in the evolution of the Convention.

III. Origin and Preparation of UNIDROIT PICC

UNIDROIT PICC is a non-legislative means of unification or harmonization of law in the area of international commerce. The great French comparativist Edouard Lambert, at the beginning of 20th century, stressed the fact that legislation was only one, and perhaps not even the most important channel to arrive at the establishment of such a supranational law. The ancient ius commune (Latin: “common law”), which had for centuries constituted a uniform legal framework in medieval Europe, notwithstanding its division into a myriad of distinct political entities each of which had its own particular statutes, is as old as the movement for unification itself.

Yet, while such a common legal framework was long considered to be little more than a utopia, its realization has recently been advocated as a veritable necessity in the far from satisfactory present situation of uniform law. A first attempt in this direction may be seen in the Restatements of the Law in the United States, prepared and periodically brought up to date by academics and practitioners under the auspices of the American Law Institute. These Restatements deal with a variety of subjects, such as contract, tort, agency, restitution, conflict of laws, etc. which traditionally fall within the competence of the common law of each State. Their success is shown by the fact that there now already exists a second, or even a third, “generation”of the various Restatements.

UNIDROIT?s initiative for the elaboration of “Principles of International Commercial Contracts” goes in the same direction, but is even more ambitious since the UNIDROIT PICC are intended to be applied globally and to meet the needs of international trade relationships, including those between developed and less developed countries.

6.General Principles of the UNIDROIT PICC

1. Freedom of Contract

One of the most fundamental ideas underlying the UNIDROIT PICC is that of freedom of contract. This principle is expressly stated in Art. 1.1 (“Freedom of contract”) which reads: “The parties are free to enter a contract and to determine its content.” As pointed out in the Comment, “ The right of business people to decide freely to whom they will offer their goods or services and by whom they wish to be supplied, as well as the possibility for them freely to agree on the terms of individual transactions, are the cornerstones of an open, market-oriented and competitive international economic order.”

2. Openness to Usages

Another essential element of the UNIDROIT PICC is its marked openness to usages. In other words, like other legal instruments specifically dealing with international commercial transactions, in particular CISG, the UNIDROIT PICC accords usages and practices developing within the different trade sectors a central role in the determination of the rights and duties of the parties to each individual contract. The reason for this is to be found in the general objective pursued by the UNIDROIT PICC to provide a regulation sufficiently flexible to permit of its constantly adapting to the ever-changing technical and economic conditions of cross-border trade

3. Favor Contractus

Another principle underlying the UNIDROIT PICC is the so called favor contractus, i.e. the aim of preserving the contract whenever possible, thus limiting the number of cases in which its existence or validity may be questioned or in which it may be terminated before time. The reason behind this is the acknowledgement that despite shortcomings which might arise in the course of the formation or performance of the contract it is normally in the interest of both parties to do all possible to keep their original bargain alive than to renounce it and to look for alternative goods or services elsewhere on the market.

4. Observance of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in International Trade

Paragraph 1 of Art. 1.7. clearly states: “each party must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing (诚信及公平交易)in international trade,” and this clearly indicates that under the system of the UNIDROIT PICC it is throughout the life of the contract, including the negotiation process, that the parties? behavior must conform to good faith and fair dealing. In this respect the UNIDROIT PICC follow an approach familiar to the generality of civil law systems, but not

necessarily to common law systems which, even where admitting good faith and fair dealing as a general principle, confine its operation basically to the performance of contracts.

V. Concept and Role of Trade Terms

International trade is, in contrast to national trade, characterized by long distance between parties, more comprehensive scope, more complex links, more risks, etc. If parties in every transaction have to allocate the rights and obligations and risks in negotiation, this must undoubtedly prove to be not only time-consuming, but also expensive. In order to save time and reduce trade costs, merchants in European countries began gradually to use trade terms as a shorthand method of expressing shipping terms as well as allocating the risk of loss. Trade terms are usually expressed in the form of abbreviated symbols, such as FOB or CIF. They permit the parties to express their agreement quickly, with little confusion, and with few language problems. If the parties use a trade tem in their contract, they must define it. If it is not defined in the contract a court would have to look to the applicable law, such as the UCC or Incoterms, for its interpretation. The most common method of defining trade terms, however, is to incorporate them into the contract by reference to some independent source or publication. The most important source for trade terms is the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms revised in 2000 (hereafter called “Incoterms2000”).

VI. Contents of Incoterms 2000

Incoterms 2000 include thirteen trade terms that are classified into four groups—E, F, C, and D—according to the relative responsibilities of each party and to the point at which the risk of loss passes from seller to buyer. Incoterms apply to a contract of international sale of goods only if the parties have incorporated them into their contract.

The present edition of Incoterms lists the following trade terms:

1. E Terms

E term refers EXW term (Ex Works: works, mill, factory, mine warehouse, etc.). Under this term, the seller need only make the goods available at its factory (or mill, farm, warehouse, or other place of business) and present the buyer with an invoice for payment.

2. F Terms

F terms include FCA (free carrier), FAS (free alongside ship), and FOB (free on board). Generally, under F terms the buyer pays the cost of the main international carriage. The seller places the goods in the hands of a carrier named by the buyer and at a time and place named in the contract. The risk of loss passes from seller to buyer at that time. The buyer arranges the transportation and pays all freight costs, however, if it is convenient and the parties agree, the

seller may pay the freight and add that amount to the invoice price already quoted.

3. C Terms

C terms include CFR (cost and freight), CIF (cost, insurance and freight), CPT (carriage paid to), and CIP (carriage and insurance paid to). C terms are also shipment contracts. Under CFR terms the seller should contract for transport and pay freight charges to the named port of destination; arrange for loading goods on board ship, usually of seller?s choice, and pay costs of loading; obtain export license; notify buyer of shipment, etc. The buyer should purchase document of title and take delivery from ocean carrier; pay import duties, etc.

4. D Terms

D Terms include DAF (delivered at frontier), DES (delivered ex quay), DEQ (delivered ex quay), DDU (delivery duty unpaid), and DDP (delivered duty unpaid). Contract with D terms of sale are destination contracts. If the seller in China is willing to enter into a destination contract, then he must be willing to accept far greater responsibility than under any other terms. For the price stated in the contract, the seller must not only deliver the goods at the port of destination, but bear the risk of loss throughout the journey. DES and DEQ are destination terms used for ocean cargo.

VII.FOB (free on board)(port of shipment)

Historically, FOB originated in Venice in Italy, is one of the earliest trade terms, and one of the most popular two in the eye of Chinese merchants. According to Incoterms 2000, FOB (船上交货,指定装运港)is used only in connection with the carriage of goods by sea, but in common law countries it is also used for inland carriage aboard any “vessel, car or other vehicle.”

Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer

According to the Incoterms 2000, the seller must:

Supply the goods in conformity with the contract of sale, together with such evidence of conformity as may be required by the contract.

Deliver the goods on board the vessel named by the buyer, at the named port of shipment, in the manner customary at the port.

At his own risk and expense obtain any export license or other governmental authorization necessary for the export of the goods.

Bear all costs and risks of the goods until the goods pass the ship?s rail.

Provide at his own expense the customary packing of the goods.

The buyer must:

At his own expense, charter a vessel or reserve the necessary space on board a vessel and give the seller due notice of the name, loading berth of and delivery dates to the vessel.

Bear all costs and risks of the goods from the time when they shall have effectively passed

the ship?s rail at the named port of shipment, and pay the price as provided in the contract.

Mention must be made to the provision of Incoterms 2000 that under this trade terms the risk passes from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship?s rail at the named port of shipment.

Some important issues

Problems often arise of the application of FOB in the practices of international trade:

(1) Dispute may arise of the class of the carrying ship assigned by the buyer. If the buyer charters carrying ship in low class after the conclusion of contract, he can reduce the expenses, while the seller may require him to charter carrying ship in higher class. In order to avoid possible dispute, the best choice for both the seller and buyer is to make detailed provisions as to the classification, age etc. in the contract.

(2) The timing of the arrival of the carrying ship is also an important issue. If the arrival of the ship is well in advance of the stipulated date of shipment, the buyer may well be placed in an awkward position as the goods may not be ready for shipment, then who is going to pay the shipowner for the idle time, i.e, the demurrage? Conversely if it is far behind the stipulated time, the warehousing expenses thus incurred should be borne by the buyer who is responsible for chartering the ship. Occasionally, the buyer may entrust the seller with chartering business, however in case he fails to charter a ship as required owing to some unforeseen circumstances, the seller is not liable for any expenses arising therefrom.

(3) An FOB contract with additional services are sometimes applied in international trade practices. Clearly, in an FOB contract it is the duty of the seller to place the goods over the ship?s rail and to deposit them on board the ship. The contract of carriage by sea has to be made by, or on behalf of the buyer, and the cost of freight and likewise of insurance has to be borne by the buyer if the buyer wishes to insure the goods. However, in an FOB contract with additional services, the parties have agreed that the arrangements for the carriage by sea and insurance shall be made by the seller, but for and on behalf of the buyer and for his account. If after the conclusion of the contract of sale these charges are increased, the buyer has to bear the increase. If the seller has paid the increased charges, he is entitled to have them refunded by the buyer.

(4) Who should bear the loading expense is also a possible issue. FOB (free on board) seems literally to indicate that all the expenses before the goods on board the ship should be borne by the seller. But, due to the fact that different countries and regions may interpret the term “on board the ship” differently, there often arise the problem that who should bear the expense of carrying the goods alongside the ship, of crane lifting the goods on board the ship, of stowing the goods in ship?s hold, of trimming a ship? Customarily, in order to avoid the possible dispute on this problem, the parties should make detailed provisions in the contract:

a. FOB liner terms. This means that the seller does not bear the loading expenses as the practices of liner vessel.

b. FOB stowed. This means that the loading expenses including the expense of stowing the goods in ship?s hold should be borne by the seller.

c. FOB trimme

d. This means that the loading expenses including the expense of trimming a ship should be borne by the seller.

VIII. CIF (cost, insurance and freight) (port of destination)

CIF(成本加保险费、运费,指定目的港)is a trade term most favored by Chinese merchants. The well-known judge Sumner has defined CIF trade term in the case “Biddell Bros. V. E. Clemens Horst Co. (1911)”: “A seller under a contract of sale containing such terms has firstly to ship at the port of shipment goods of the description contained in the contract; secondly to procure a contract of affreightment, under which the goods will be delivered at the destination contemplated by the contract; thirdly to arrange for an insurance upon the terms current in the trade which will be available for the benefit of the buyer; fourthly to make out an invoice as described by Blackbum J. in Ireland v. Liningston (1872) L. R. 5 H. L. 395 or in similar form; and finally to tender these documents to the buyer so that he may know what freight he has to pay and obtain delivery of the goods, if they arrive, or recover for their loss if they are lost on the voyage. Such terms constitute an agreement that the delivery of the goods, provided they are in conformity with the contract, shall be delivered on board ship at the port of shipment. It follows that against tender of these documents, the bill of lading, invoice, and policy of insurance, which completes delivery in accordance with that agreement, the buyer must be ready and willing to pay the price. ”

According to Incoterms 2000 “cost, insurance and freight" means that the seller delivers the goods over the ship?s rail in the port of shipment.The seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination but the risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time of delivery, are transferred from the seller to the buyer. However, in CIF the seller also has to procure marine insurance against the buyer?s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage.

Consequently, the seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium. The buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is required to purchase insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements. The CIF term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport. If the parties intend to deliver the goods across the ship?s rail, the CIP term should be used.

1. Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer

The seller must

supply the goods in conformity with the contract of sale, together with such evidence of conformity as may be required by the contract.

Contract on usual terms at this own expense for the carriage of the goods to the agreed port of destination by the usual route, in a seagoing vessel, and pay freight charges and any charges for unloading at the port of discharge which may be levied by regular shipping lines at the time and port of shipment.

Procure, at his own cost and in a transferable form, a policy of marine insurance against the risks of carriage involved in the contract.

Bear all risks of the goods until such time as they shall have effectively passed the ship?s rail at the port of shipment.

The buyer must

(1)Accept the documents when tendered by the seller, if they are in conformity with the

contract of sale, and pay the price as provided in the contract.

(2)Receive the goods at the agreed port of destination and bear, with the exception of the fright and marine insurance, all costs and charges incurred in respect of the goods in the course of their transit by sea until their arrival at the port of destination, as well as unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, unless such costs and charges shall have been included in the freight or collected by the steamship company at the time freight was paid.

(3)Bear all risks of the goods from the time when they shall have effectively passed the ship?s rail at the port of shipment.

2. Some Important Problems:

Under CIF terms, the seller is obligated to arrange insurance and pay insurance premium. It is provided for in Incoterms that the goods should be covered on FPA terms at 110% of the invoice value. However, sometimes, the buyers request WPA insurance instead of FPA and occasionally demand inclusion of war risks or other special risks in insurance coverage. There are times when the buyers in some Asian countries intend to better protect his cost and profit, they require the insured value to be 150% or anywhere more than 110% of the invoice value. How to cope with such a situation?

In view of the limited protection offered by FPA terms, it is deemed necessary that the CIF buyer, when the contract is made, requires the seller to get more extensive cover; but it must be made clear in the contract that the additional expenses thus incurred shall be for the buyer?s account.

Under CIF terms, it is the seller?s responsibility to book shipping space in the case of relatively small consignment, i.e., less than shipload, or to charter a tramp vessel in the case of shipload cargo, and pay the freight up to destination. If the buyer requests the seller to ship his goods on board of a designated vessel of certain type, nationality, class, age etc., how does he cope with this request? From the legal point of view , the seller has the right to decline the buyer?s request as such. Notwithstanding that, the seller may accommodate the buyer?s request provided that this arrangement is entirely feasible from the seller?s point of view and does not add anyth ing to his transportation cost.

Under CIF terms, the seller shall pay the freight, but whose responsibility it is to pay unloading expenses at the port of destination is to be decided according to the custom of the port. At some ports, it is the responsibility of the shipowner to pay unloading expenses; at some others, the seller has to pay the additional expenses incurred for moving the cargo from ship to wharf; but sometimes the situation is quite different, those expenses should be borne by the buyer alone. Therefore it is equivocal which party shall pay the unloading expense under CIF terms the seller or the buyer. For this reason, the following CIF variants are introduced to clarify the doubtful point:

CIF Liner terms

The unloading expenses will be for the account of the party who pays the freight, i.e. the seller under CIF terms.

CIF Ship?s Hold

The buyer is to pay all unloading expenses when the goods are discharged from the ship?s hold to the wharf.

These CIF variants clarify the division of expenses between buyer and seller. The risks pass from seller to buyer in the same manner as under CIF terms, i.e. At the time when the goods have effectively passed the ship?s rail.

(4) The central feature of CIF term is the symbolic delivery. This means that under CIF term the seller by delivery of the shipping documents to the buyer, and not by physical delivery of the goods. So long as the seller deposits the goods on board the ship at contracted time and place, and provides the required documents including the bill of lading, the insurance policy or certificate, the invoice, etc., the seller is said to have already fulfilled his obligation, and he is not obligated to assure the arrival of the goods. Even if the seller knows that the goods have been lost at the time the shipping documents are tendered, he can still compel the buyer to take and pay for them. Conversely, in the case of the fact that the seller has delivered the documents not in conformity with the contract, even the goods have arrived in perfect and complete condition, the buyer still has the right to reject payment.

Review questions:

1. Outline three reasons that helped the international business law develop, giving examples if possible.

2. Under what circumstances arise the conflicts between the applicability of the CISG and national law of a CISG member state?

3. State three ways in which the UNIDROIT PICC was prepared.

4. Briefly describe the differences and similarities between the CISG and the UNIDROIT PICC.

5. What are the main principles of the UNIDROIT PICC?

6.How is …trade term? defined under the Incoterm 2000?

7. List and explain the roles of trade terms in international trade practices.

8. Compare and contrast …FOB? and …CIF?, and list the main differences between them.

9. Seller agreed to ship 10,000 tons of potatoes FOB Tacoma, Washington, to Buyer in Japan. Buyer designated the SS Russet to take delivery at pier 7 in Tacoma. On the agreed date for delivery, Seller delivered the potatoes to pier 7, but the ship was not at the pier. Because another ship using the pier was slow in loading, the Russet had to anchor at a mooring buoy in the harbor and Seller had to arrange for a lighter to transport the potatoes in containers to the ship. The lighter tied up alongside the Russet and a cable from the ship?s boom was attached to the first container. As the container began to cross the ship?s rail the cable snapped. The container then fell on the rail, teetered back and forth for awhile, and finally crashed down the side of the ship and capsized the lighter. All of the potatoes were dumped into the sea. Buyer now sues Seller for failure to make delivery. Is Seller liable?

10. Buyer and seller entered into a contract for the sale of sugar from the Philippines to New York on CIF terms. They added language to the contract that delivery was to be “at a customary safe wharf or refinery at New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore to be designated by the buyer.”Before the sugar arrived, the United States placed a quota on sugar imports. The sugar was not allowed to be imported and was placed in a customs warehouse. The buyer refused the documents

and the seller sued, claiming that the import restriction was no excuse for the buyer?s nonpayment. The buyer argued that the language calling for delivery to a U.S. port converted a shipment contract into a destination contract. Was this a CIF contract or a destination contract? What was the effect of the additional shipping language used by the parties? Why should the parties not attempt to modify a trade term or add other delivery language?


对国际商法的认识 俗话说,编筐编篓,贵在收口。因此,在此时纵观本学期的商法学习就显得尤为重要了。本学期,通过对国际商法的学习,很是受益匪浅,虽然我是一名国际经济与贸易的学生,但经济贸易与法本就是息息相关,密不可分的。国际商法是法学的一门重要学科,尤其是随着中国的入世,它在国际贸易实务以及商事往来中发挥的作用越来越重要。 下面,我就谈一下通过这半个学期的学习,我对国际商法的基本认识,以及国际商法的一些基础知识。 一、国际商法的概念 1、国际商法的含义 国际商法(International Business Law):是调整跨国境的贸易活动的法律制度和法律规范的总称,主要包括调整平等主体间的商业交易活动的私法规范和国家对贸易活动进行管理的公法规范。同国际经济法的渊源一样,国际贸易法主要表现为国际公约、国际惯例和国家或国家集团的立法、规章。 2、国际商法的特征 主体的普遍性 调整对象的广泛性 法律规范的多样性 二、国际商法的历史渊源与发展 国际商法是一门古老的法学学科,并且不断发展。其调整范围由原来的商事交易范围扩大到贸易管理规范,从性质上已不再限于私法;由货物买卖扩大到技术贸易、服务贸易。与国内法相比,其渊源不仅包括国家立法、国际条约,还包括没有当然约束力的国际惯例。商人之间的国际贸易越来越受到国家乃至国际组织制定的规范的影响。自然人、法人、其他经济组织、国家、国际组织,都是国际贸易舞台上的主角。 国际商法是国家间商事交往发展到一定规模后产生的。11世纪起,随着欧洲商业的复兴和发展,在地中海沿岸出现了一些国际性的商业中心城市,这些城市中的商人从封建领主那里买得了自治权,组建商人法庭,适用他们在商事交往中形成的习惯规则调整商事交易关系,由此而形成的法律被称为“商人法”,以区别于当时占主导地位的封建法、教会法等法律体系。后来,随着欧洲航海贸易的发展,商人法逐步扩及到西班牙、法国、英国、德国等国家,实际上成了商人在欧洲各地港口或城市用以调整他们之间经济贸易活动的法律和国际惯例。商人法从产生之时起就与当时占主导地位的封建法、教会法截然不同,以自己特有的调整对象和调整手段成


名词解释: 1、普通合伙企业:简称GP,是指依法设立的、由全体合伙人对合伙企业的债务承担无限连带责任的合伙企业。 2、有限合伙:简称LP,指由至少一名普通合伙人和至少一名有限合伙组成的企业,前者对合伙企业的债务负无限责任,后者则只负有限责任,即仅以其出资额为限对合伙承担有限责任。 3、有限责任合伙:简称LLP,是指由两个或两个以上的合伙人组成,经依法核准登记入册,以合伙财产对合伙债务承担责任,各合伙人对自己的行为引起的合伙组织债务承担无限责任,对于其他合伙人的疏忽、不当、渎职等行为引起的合伙组织债务以自己在合伙中的利益为限承担有限责任的实体。 4、有限责任公司:也称有限公司,是指由股东出资组成的,股东对公司的债务以其出资额为限承担有限责任,公司以其全部财产对外承担责任的企业法人。 5、股份有限公司:也称股份公司,是指公司资产分为若干等额股份,有一定以上的股东人数组成,股东以其认购持有的股份为限对公司承担有限责任的公司。 6、意定代理:指代理人根据被代理人的授权而产生的代理。 7、法定代理:指被代理人于法律上或事实上不能为法律行为时,按照法律直接规定由他人代为进行法律行为的代理。 8、直接代理:代理人在代理权限内以代理人的身份,即以被代理人的名义与第三人订立合同的行为。 9、间接代理:代理人以自己的名义,但是为了被代理人的利益与第三人订立合同,日后再将其权利与义务通过另外一个合同让与被代理人的行为。 10、表见代理:是指代理人虽不具备代理权,但因某种表象,足以使善意第三人相信代理人对本人有代理权而与代理人为法律行为,由此产生的法律效果依法直接归本人承担的代理。 11、显名代理:代理人在订约时不但表明了自己的代理身份,而且还表明了被代理人的身份或姓名、商号。 12、隐名代理:代理人在订约时根本不披露有代理关系的存在,既不表明自己的代理身份,因为表明被代理人的存在。 13、给付不能:指债务人由于种种原因不可能履行其合同义务,而不是指有可能履行合同而不去履行。 14、违反条件:即指违反合同中的重要条款。(时间、地点、品质及数量、支付工具及方式等条款) 15、违反担保:指违反合同的次要条款或随附条款。 16、根本违约:如果一方当事人违反合同的结果,使另一方当事人蒙受损害,以至于实际上剥夺了他根据合同有权期待得到的东西,即为根本违反合同。构成根本违约的基本标准是,实际上剥夺了受损一方根据合同有权期待得到的东西,即受害方预期利益的丧失,同时还必须满足两个标准:违约方应当预知这种结果,第三人能预知这种结果(客观标准)。 17、票据行为:指具备票据法规定的特定要件,能够发生、变更、消灭票据法律关系的行为。 18、汇票:出票人签发的委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。 19、本票:出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。 20、支票:出票人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的银行或者金其他融机构在见票时无


判断、单、多、简答、案例、论述 第一章绪论p21 1. 什么是国际商法?它具有什么特征?P1 国际商事法,简称国际商法,它是调整国际商事交易和商事组织的各种法律规范的总称。 特征: 1)国际商法具有商事性 国际商法调整商主体和商行为 商主体——依照商法的规定具有商事权利能力和商事行为能力,能够以自己的名义独立从事商事行为,在商事法律关系中享有权利和承担义务的个人和组织 商主体只能是商自然人、商合伙、商法人 商行为——商主体进行的营利为目的的经营活动 2)国际商法具有国际性 国际商事法律关系的主体、客体、法律事实至少一个以上具有涉外因素,则该商事关系具有国际性。 国际商事法律关系一般有三种情况: ①商主体有涉外因素 ②商事法律关系的客体有涉外因素 ③商事法律事实有涉外因素 2. 国际商法有哪些渊源?P11 国际商法的渊源,主要是指国际商事产生的依据及其表现形式 1)国际条约——国家间为确定相互之间权利义务而达成的协议 2)国际惯例——国际贸易领域的常用习惯做法 3)各国商事立法 在国际冲突法规则指引下,各国商法也会成为国际商法的组成部分。 3. 国际商事规则在国际商事交往中如何得以正确适用?P19 (1)当事人选择法律 意思自治是首要规则。 国际商事交易相对人在合同中选择一国法律、国际条约或国际惯例作为合同准据法,或在法律行为发生争议后当事人选择一国法律、国际条约或国际惯例作为可适用法律的行为。 (2)在当事人没有选择法律的情况下,应当按照冲突法规则选择所适用的法律。 在国际商事交易法律适用规则中,在当事人没有对法律适用做出选择的情况下,如果存在我国缔结或参加的国际条约的,该国际条约应当优先使用。 习题:判断 1.当国际商事条约与国内商事法律发生冲突时应采纳“条约优先适用”原则。 2.在“国际商法”这一概念中,“国际”一词的含义是指“国家与国家之间”的意思。 3.国际商法在性质上主要是私法。 4.法国、德国、西班牙、葡萄牙、荷兰等欧洲大陆国家均属英美法系。 5.国际商事条约是在长期反复的国际商事交往实践中逐步形成并得到各国普遍承认或遵守的商事活动的习惯做法,由此成为公认的国际商事原则或规则。 习题:单选 1.国际商法的调整对象是()。 A.国际贸易关系 B.国际商事关系 C.国际经济关系 D.国际投资关系


1.国际商法的构成和特点:国际商法的范围超出传统商法;国际商法属于跨国私法;国际商法的发展轨迹不同于其他法律分支;国际商法的渊源为国际立法、国际商事惯例以及各国相关立法,尤以前两者为主。 2.大陆法系的概念和影响范围:大陆法系是指以罗马法为基础、以法国民法典和德国民法典为典型的法、德两国法律以及效仿其法例的其他国家法律的统称。大陆法系在13世纪形成于西欧,除法国、德国外,其他如比利时、西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、奥地利、卢森堡、瑞士、荷兰、丹麦、瑞典、挪威、芬兰、冰岛等欧洲大陆国家均属于大陆法系。曾受大陆法国家殖民统治的拉丁美洲、非洲的一些国家,也属于大陆法系,英美法系国家中的个别地区,如美国的路易斯安那州和加拿大的魁北克省,也实行大陆法。另外,日本、土耳其等国,中国台湾地区、澳门地区,也先后引入了大陆法。中国大陆实际上秉承了大陆法传统。 3.英美法下的概念和影响范围:英美法系又称英国法系、海洋法系、普通法系,是指英国中世纪以来的法律以及受其影响或者仿此模式制定的美国及其他国家法律的总称。英美法系形成于英国,以后又扩展到美国及其他曾受英国殖民统治的国家和地区,如加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、爱尔兰、印度、巴基斯坦、马来西亚、新加坡、中国香港等。南非、菲律宾、斯里兰卡则先采用大陆法,后又引入英美法,形成两大法系混合的局面。美国独立以后的法律制度还逐渐形成了自己的特点。 4.英国的先例拘束力原则是怎么体现的:先例拘束力原则着重体现为下列三点:(1)上议院的判决是具有约束力的先例,全国各级审判机关均须遵循,只有上议院本身可不受约束;(2)上诉法院的判决可构成对其自身以及下级法院有约束力的先例;(3)高级法院每一个庭的判决对所有低级法院均有约束力。具有约束力的判决分为判决理由和判决词中为解释判决理由所阐述的法律规则两个部分,只有前者对同类案件有约束力,后者只有说服力。 5.5.两大法系的发展趋势:大陆法系中判例的作用日益增强;英美法系中成文法的数量迅速扩大;两大法系取长补短,逐渐融合。 1.简述公司及其法律特征:公司为依法设立的营利性社团法人。它具有营利性、法人性、社团性和依法认可性4个特征。 2.中国大陆主要的合伙企业形式有哪些?:有普通合伙、特殊的普通合伙、有限合伙3种。 普通合伙企业,是指由两个或两个以上的合伙人通过订立协议,约定共同出资、合伙经营、共享收益、共担风险,并对合伙企业债务承担无限连带责任的营利性组织。 特殊的普通合伙企业,是指一个合伙人或者数个合伙人在执业活动中因故意或者重大过失造成合伙企业债务的,应当承担无限责任或者无限连带责任,其他合伙人以其在合伙企业中的财产份额为限承担责任的合伙企业。 有限合伙企业,是指由对企业债务承担无限责任的普通合伙人,与对企业债务承担有限责任的合伙人组成的合伙企业。 3.何为授权资本制:授权资本制是指法律通常允许公司章程确定一个拟发行股份总数或


1. 下列对于中外合作经营企业管理层的说法不正确的是() A、合作企业应当设立董事会或者联合管理机构,依照合作企业合同或者章程的规定,决定合作企业的重大问题 B、中外合作者的一方担任董事会的董事长、联合管理机构的主任的,由他方担任副董事长、副主任 C、董事会或者联合管理机构可以决定任命或者聘请总经理负责合作企业的日常经营管理工作。总经理对董事会或者联合管理机构负责 D、合作企业成立后改为委托中外合作者以外的他人经营管理的,无须经董事会或者联合管理机构同意,只要向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记手续即可 本题考察的知识点是中外合作经营企业的行政管理制度 2. 以下对于外资企业说法错误的是() A、外资企业的组织形式是有限责任公司,经过批准才可以是其它责任形式 B、外资企业中的外国投资者最长缴付出资年限为营业执照签发之日起三年 C、外国投资者以工业产权、专有技术出资的,该工业产权必须是外国投资者所有 D、外资企业不可以用人民币出资 本题考察的知识点是外资企业的概念及法律特征 3. 一家登记为有限责任公司的中外合作经营企业,其合作合同和章程中规定:外方以设备和现金出资,中方以厂房和土地使用权出资,双方按各50%的比例分配收益;合营期满时,该企业的全部固定资产无偿归中方所有。根据我国法律,应当如何认定该合作合同和章程?() A、该合作合同和章程违反法律,应属无效 B、该合作合同和章程显失公平,应变更为技出资比例分配的方案 C、该合作合同和章程合法有效,该企业可以登记为有限责任公司 D、该合作合同和章程合法有效,但该企业不得登记为有限责任公司 本题考察的知识点是中外合作经营企业的出资方式与利润分配原则 4. 中国A公司与英国B公司拟在北京投资400万美元成立一家中外合资经营企业


(A)1.美英法有 A.衡平法与普通法之分 B.公法与私法之分 C.大陆法与海洋法之分 D.习惯法和制定法之分 (B)2.大陆法有 A.衡平法与普通法之分 B.公法与私法之分 C.大陆法与海洋法之分 D.习惯法和制定法之分 (C)3.以下不属于英美法系的国家为() A.英国 B.美国 C.瑞士 D.印度 补充:采用英美法的国家:英国(不包括苏格兰)、美国(不包括路易斯安娜州)外,还有加拿大(不包括魁北克省)、澳大利亚、新西兰、回归前的香港等原曾是英国殖民地的一些国家和地区。 (C)4.下列不属于大陆法系的国家为 A. 法国 B. 日本 C. 加拿大 D.瑞士 (A)5.下列属于冲突法规则的国际条约有 A.《国际货物买卖合同适用法律公约》 B.《国际汇票与国际本票公约》 C.1980年《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》 D.《国际商事合同通则》

(C)6.下列属于实体法规则的国际条约有 A.《国际货物买卖合同适用法律公约》 B.《国际商事合同通则》 C.1980年《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》 D.《国际贸易术语解释通则1990年修订本》 (A)7.在英美法国家,合同法主要是 A.判例法 B.成文法 C.贸易惯例 D. 习惯法 (B)8.在大陆法国家,合同法是以 A. 判例法形式出现 B. 成文法形式出现 C. 即包括在成文法中,又包含在判例法中 D.习惯法形式出现 (C)9.我国现行的有关合同的法律制度见诸于 A. 《经济合同法》 B.《涉外经济合同法》 C.《民法通则》和《合同法》 D.《宪法》 (D)10.民商法中,债是指 A. 债权 B. 债权与债务关系 C. 债务 D.A.B.C. (A)11.大陆法根据合同的权利和义务的关联性,把合同划分为A.双务合同和单务合同 B.诺成合同和实践合同


国际商法对国际贸易的意义 摘要:国际商法是在国际商业社会领域内,调整跨国境的贸易活动的法律制度和法律规范的总称。随着经济全球化进程的不断加速和深化,世界各国之间的联系和交往日益频繁,作为调整国家间经济交往的国际商法日益受到人们的重视。文章通过阐述国际商法的内涵、起源及作用,分析了学习国际商法的必要性,并紧密结合国际商业社会的现实深入探寻其对发展国际贸易的重要性,这对我国经济贸易的发展具有重要的现实意义。 关键词:国际商法;国际贸易;必要性;意义 经济全球化是全球化进程中最主要也是最具动感的部分。自20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化的加快发展使得全球范围内的国际贸易活动空前活跃。商业活动本身固有的扩张性、同一性与世界性以及国际商事关系的快速发展,要求贸易活动中尽量减少或消除各国法律的歧异,避免法律冲突,以便交易的顺利进行。但是,各国法律规则的不统一,不仅增加了国际商事往来的不确定性,使商人在交易中缺乏预见性和安全感,而且还造成了交易成本的增加和效率的显著降低。因此,作为在世界范围内调整国际商事关系的国际商法顺应而生并得到了较大发展。 一、国际商法的涵义及特征 国际商法(International Business Law):是调整跨越国界或区域的商事组织之间从事国际商事交易活动所形成的各种关系的法律规范的总和,主要包括调整平等主体间的商业交易活动的私法规范和国家对贸易活动进行管理的公法规范。同国际经济法的渊源一样,国际贸易法主要表现为国际公约、国际惯例和国家或国家集团的立法、规章。 国际商法具有以下特征: 1、主体的普遍性 2、调整对象的广泛性 3、法律规范的多样性等特点 二、国际商法的起源和发展 第一,从国际商法的产生看,国际商法从一开始就是作为一个独立的法律部门出现的。它最初所调整的商事关系就不是一国国内商人之间的商事关系,而是跨国界的、不同国家商人之间的国际商事关系。其调整范围已由原来的商事交易范围扩大到贸易管理规范,从性质上已不再限于私法;由货物买卖扩大到技术贸易、服务贸易。国际商法是随着商品经济的产生和发展而产生和发展起来的。国际商法的形成来源于实践,它的系统化过程不是由于国家的立法或学者的传播,而是由于其适用者兼推行者的努力。 第二,由于当代国际商事关系的多样性和复杂性,国际商法发展到今天,已经由单一层次的国际商事惯例演变为多层次的国际商法,是一个以国际商事惯例为主体内容的,既包括国际法规范,也包括国内法规范的综合的法律部门。 国际商法已成长为一个多门类、跨学科的综合的法律部门。由于国际商法是用来调整从事跨越国境商事交往的各种公、私主体之间商事关系的法律规范,所


名词解释 一有限合伙企业(p14) 是指由对合伙债务承担有限责任的有限合伙人和对合伙债务承担无限责任或无限连带责任的普通合伙人共同组成的合伙企业。 有限合伙企业与普通合伙企业相比,具有一定的优势。它将有限责任引入到合伙制度,为合伙企业融资提供了方便,而且具有资本和信用优势。 二先履行抗辩权(p72) 先履行抗辩权,又称不安抗辩权,是指双务合同中,应先履行的当事人有证据证明对方当事人不能履行义务,或者有不能履行合同义务的可能时,在对方当事人没有履行或者提供担保之前,有权中止履行合同义务。 在双务合同中,应当先履行的当事人虽没有后履行抗辩权,但可享有不安抗辩权,即在对方无能力履行的情况下享有拒绝履行合同义务的权利。 三实际履行(specific performances)(p76) 即具体履行或依约履行,一般有两层含义:一是指债权人要求债务人按合同的规定履行义务;二是指债权人向法院提起实际履行之诉,由执行机关运用国家的强制力,使债务人按照合同的规定履行义务。 违约的救济方法(remedies for breach of contract) 是指一个人的合法权利被他人侵害时,法律上给予该受损害人的补充方法。 四提存(deposit)(p95) 是指债务人履行债务时,由于债权人受领延迟,债务人有权把应给付的金钱或其他物品寄托于法定的提存所,从而使债务的关系归于消灭的一种行为。提存必须具备的条件是:债权人受领迟延;不能确定谁是债权人。 五产品责任的概念与特征 (p174) 产品责任是指产品的生产者或销售者因为产品有缺陷,从而给消费者或使用者造成财产损失甚至人身伤亡时所应当承担的赔偿责任。产品责任具有以下3个特征1产品责任是由产品的缺陷引起的 2产品责任是一种侵权责任 3产品责任是一种损害赔偿责任 六疏忽说(p178) 疏忽说又称疏忽责任原则。所谓疏忽,是指产品的生产者或者出售者有疏忽之处,致使产品有缺陷(不仅包括实际生产上的缺陷,而且包括为使产品安全使用必需的各种要素,包括标签,说明书,包装,提醒用户注意事项等),而且由于这种缺陷使消费者的人身,财产受到损害,对此造成的损失及责任应由生产者,销售者承担。 七严格责任说(p180) 严格责任说又称无过失责任原则,指责任方已经合理的注意,但产品还是有缺陷,对产品的消费者造成伤害。即:只要产品存在缺陷,对使用者或消费者具有不合理的危险,并因此使他们的人身受到损害,生产者、销售者都应承担赔偿责任。这是对消费者最有利,最充分的一种原则,所以也称“无过失责任原则”。 八法定代理(p206):凡不是由于本人的意思表示而产生的代理权成为法定代理权,具有这种代理权的人成为法定代理人。 法定代理权的产生主要有以下几种情况: (1)根据法律的规定而享有代理权; (2)根据法院的选任而取得代理权,例如法院指定的法人清算人; (3)因私人的选任而取得代理权,例如亲属所选任的监护人及遗产管理人等。


第一章国际商法绪论 1. 国际商法的概念: 国际商事法(International Business Law),简称国际商法,它是指调整国际商事交易和商事组织的各种法律规范的总称 2.国际商事法与国际经济法的联系与区别 共同点:都是调整跨国之间商事活动(包括商事组织本身)的各种关系的法律规范总和 不同点:国际经济法的主体更加广泛 3.大陆法系与英美法系的区别 大陆法系的特点:强调成文法的作用;区分公法和私法;进行大规模的法典编纂工作 英美法系的特征:以判例法为主要法律渊源;法官对法律的发展所起的作用举足轻重;以归纳为主要推理方法;不严格划分公法和私法 4.中国法律的渊源:制定法;法律解释;判例 第二章代理法 1.代理的概念:所谓代理是指代理人按照本人的授权,代表本人同第三人订立 合同或作其他的法律行为,由此而产生的权利与义务直接对本人发生效力2.狭义的无权代理与表见代理 狭义的无权代理:行为人既没有本人的实际授权,也没有足以使第三人善意误信其有代理权的外观,但行为人与第三人所为行为之利益牵连与本人的法律关系。 表见代理:行为人虽无代理权,但善意第三人客观上有充分理由相信行为人具有代理权,而与其为法律行为,该法律行为的后果直接由本人承担的无权代理。 3.代理人的义务:代理人应勤勉地履行其代理职责;代理人对本人应诚信、忠 实;代理人不得泄露他在代理业务中所获得的保密情报和资料;代理人须向本人申报账目;代理人不得把他的代理权委托给他人 4.代理权消灭的原因:根据本人与代理人之间的协议终止代理权;授权代理的 事务完成;本人撤销代理权或者代理人放弃代理权;根据代理协议适用的法律规定而终止 5.间接代理的规定(大陆法、英美法、我国合同法) 大陆法系所采取的标准:在确定第三人究竟是同代理人还是同本人订立了合同的问题时,大陆法所采取的标准是看代理人是以代表的身份同第三人订立合同,还是以他自己个人的身份同第三人订立合同。 英美法系所采用的标准:代理人在同第三人订约时具体指出本人的姓名;代理人表示出自己的代理身份,但不指出本人的姓名;代理人事实上有代理权,但他在订约时不披露代理关系的存在 我国合同法: 《合同法》第四百零二条受托人以自己的名义,在委托人的授权范围内与第三人订立的合同,第三人在订立合同时知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,该合同直接约束委托人和第三人,但有确切证据证明该合同只约束受托人和第三人的除外。


第一章 一、单项选择题 1.商人习惯法在11世纪出现于(A) A.威尼斯 B美国 C日本 D印度 2.英国法的主要渊源是(B) A学理B判例法 C成文法 D习惯 3.下列国家中,其成文法要通过判例法才能起作用的是(B) A英国 B美国 C德国 D日本 4.普通法来源于(D) A成文法 B习惯法 C衡平法D判例法 5.下列法律中,其效力仅次于宪法和法律的是(D) A地方性法规 B特别行政区的法律 C制定法D行政法规 6.中国法律最重要的渊源是(B) A判例法B成文法 C宪法 D习惯法 二、多项选择题 1.在国际上从事国际商事交易的主体基本上是(BC) A.国家 B.企业 C.公司 D.地区 E.国际组织 2.大陆法的渊源主要有(ABCD) A.法律 B.判例 C.习惯 D.学理 E.法典 3.下列国家中,属于大陆法系的是(ABDE) A.法国 B.德国 C.印度 D.意大利 E.比利时 4.大陆法各国的法院的共同之处是(AB) A.法院的层次基本相同 B.各国除普通法院外,还有一些专门法院与普通法院同时存在 C.法院对法律是否符合宪法行使监督权 D.各国都设有独立的行政法院 E.监督专门人民法院的审判工作 5.中国最高人民法院的职权包括(BCD) A.监督地方各级人民法院的审判工作 B.审判全国重大刑事案件 C.审判民事的第一审案件 D.在审判过程中对具体应用法律的问题进行司法解释 E.监督专门人民法院的审判工作 四、简答题 1.指出国际商法和国际经济法的异同点。 答:共同点:两者都是调整商事主体跨国之间商事活动的各种关系的法律规范的总和。 区别:国际商法的主体仅限于各国的商人及各种商事组织,不包括国家、国际组织。相比而言,国际经济法的主体范围更加广泛,它除了包括商人及商事组织之外,还包括国家及国际组织。 2.论述国际商事惯例的法律效力。 答:第一,国际商事惯例取得法律效力的途径 国际商事惯例不是国家立法,也不是国际条约,不具有当然的法律效力,要取得法律效力必须经过国家的认可。国家认可国际商事惯例的法律效力一般有间接和直接两种途径。1.间接


国际商法地位及体 系的演变

国际商法地位及体系的演变 咸鸿昌论文天下论文网法学论文国际法论文-11-22 9:50:00 摘要:国际商法是随着国际商事关系的出现而产生并发展的。从产生之日起,它就是一个独立的法律部门。近代以来,国际商事法律规范的表现形式出现了多样化、复杂化的发展趋势。当前,应突破传统法律部门划分方法的局限,确立国际商法独立法律部门地位,明确其体系结构,将多种多样的法律渊源作为一个整体加以综合分析,以推动国际商事法律规范的统一,更好地适应国际商事交往发展的需要。 关键词:国际商事关系;法律部门;法律渊源;法律体系 随着国际经济一体化趋势的发展,作为调整国家间经济交往的国际商法日益受到人们的重视。可是,随着中国对外开放事业的发展和法学研究的深入,国内学术界对国际商法是否是一个独立的法律部门,对国际商法的概念和体系存在着争议,这不但阻碍了国际商法学研究的深入展开,而且不利于系统普及国际商法知识,不能满足中国对外经济交往的迫切需要。在中国加入WTO以后的今天,明确国际商法概念的内涵和外延及地位、体系结构,对于推动中国法学事业的发展与繁荣,进一步适应经济发展的需要,无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。 关于国际商法的地位问题,实质上就是国际商法与相关法律部门之间的关系问题,即调整国际经济关系的法律规范的部门分类

问题。依法学的一般理论,划分法律部门的主要标准为法律规范的调整对象,其次为法律的调整方法[1](P291),后者主要是刑法与其它法律部门间的区分标准。其实持这种双重划分标准的观点是值得商榷的。因为法律的调整方法归根到底是由法律的调整对象派生出来的,法律调整对象的性质和特点决定着法律调整方法及法律规范的性质和特点。刑法的任务是调整由于犯罪所引起和发生的社会关系,刑法的调整方法(刑罚)是由这种需要调整的社会关系的特殊性质决定的。因此划分法律部门时必须坚持统一的标准,否则就会造成逻辑上的混乱,而根本标准只有一个,就是法律所调整的社会关系,凡调整同一种类社会关系的法律规范就构成一个独立的法律部门。 国际商法作为调整国际商事关系的法律规范的总称,是有自己特有的调整对象的,即国际商事关系。所谓国际商事关系,是以营利为目的的国际商事主体参与的商品流转关系,其主体不论是个人、法人、国家政府或国际组织,只要这种商事关系的当事人分属于两个以上不同的国家或国际组织,或其所涉及的商事问题超越一国国界的范围,这种关系就可称之为国际商事关系。国际商法的调整对象不但在空间上超越了一个国家的国界,而且在内容上也以“商事”①为质的规定性,从而决定了国际商法既不同于以主权国家地域内的社会关系为调整对象的国内法体系,也与以国家之间非商事关系为调整对象的国际法不同。 国际商事关系是一个发展的、历史的范畴。相应地,作为调整


案例一:提单的作用 某公司A从国外进口一批钢坯,以集装箱运输,装箱单及提单上均在名为21箱。货交甲船运输后,由于市场情形的变化,A公司将货物转售给B公司,双方签订买卖合同,A公司向B公司背书交付了提单及各项单据。待船到目的港,B公司持单提货时,发现货物只有20箱,B公司要求甲船偿付漏装一箱的货款,船方经仔细审查,发现在大副记载的有关日志中,写明实际收货20箱。对此,船公司提出抗辩,拒绝承担赔偿责任。 问:在不考虑保险的情况下,短缺的一箱货物损失由谁承担?为什么? 分析: 本题考查的是提单的作用,其中一个作用为将货物装船的证明。即提单是承运人已按提单上所载情况,收到货物的初步证明。若承运人实际收到的货物与提单上所记载的内容不符,承运人必须证明自己尽了适当谨慎职责,否则应按提单内容向提单持有人负责。本案中,承运人没有在运输前按提单清查货物,导致了收货人的损失,船公司应该赔偿A公司的责任。 案例二:货物的专利权问题 沈阳A公司向香港B公司出口一批机床,出口合同中明确约定该批机床将被销往埃及。沈阳A公司经调查得知,该批机床在埃及不会遇到任何专利侵权问题。然而,因B公司自身经营状况发生变化,这批机床被B公司出口给了意大利D公司,结果在意大利被D公司以侵犯专利权起诉。 问:(1)沈阳A公司是否会因意大利D公司提起的侵犯专利之诉而对香港B公司或者意大利C公司承担全力担保责任?说明理由。 (2)如果该批机床在香港被当地的一家公司提起诉讼,认为该机床侵犯了其专利权,沈阳A公司是否应对香港B公司承担权利担保责任?说明理由。 分析: 本题考查的是卖方对货物担保责任重中涉及的货物专利权的问题,公约规定:卖方应担保货物在其进口国和转售国不侵犯专利权,否则视为应承担相关的法律责任。(1)由于B公司经营状况发生变化,导致其转售国发生改变,这种改变是A公司无法预知的,所以A公司不承担担保责任;(2)由于香港是A公司的出口国,按规定应该担保货物不侵犯当地的专利权,而香港当地的公司提出了诉讼,说明货物有侵权行为,故A公司承担担保责任。 案例三:要约的实质性变更问题 我某出口公司于2月1日向美方报出某农产品,在发盘中除列明各项必要条件外,还表示:“Packing in sound bags”。在发盘有效期内美方复电称:“Refer to your telex first accepted, packing in new bags”。我方收到上述复电后,即着手备货。数日后,该农产品国际市场价格猛跌,美方来电称:“我方对包装装条件作了变更,你方未确认合同并未成立。”而我出口公司则坚持合同已经成立。 问:合同是否已经成立?为什么? 分析: 本案涉及到要约的实质性变更的问题,公约规定:一旦要约发生了实质性的变更,那么,要约将失去效力。本案中,美方对包装条件的修改不属于实质性变更,所以合同依然成立。 案例四:要约的实质性变更问题 A公司向B公司发出要约,供应100匹马力的拖拉机50台,每台CIF香港3500美元,订立合同后两个月装船,不可撤销信用证付款。B公司收到后立即垫付承诺,表示接受A公司的要约,并要求订立合同后立即装船。A公司未作任何答复,也没有提交货物。事后,以A公司违反合同为由要求损害赔偿。 问:B公司要求是否合理,为什么? 分析: 本案涉及到要约的实质性变更问题,公约规定:若要约发生了实质性变更,则邀约失去效力。本案中B公司虽然做出了承诺,但是对装船条件的更改属于实质性变更,合同失去效力,因此,B公司的要求不合理。 案例五:要约的撤销和撤回问题 甲公司在4月1日上午用航空信寄一要约给乙,该要约有“不可撤销”字样,规定受要约人在4月10日前付到有效。后来甲于4月1日下午电报发出撤回要约的通知,该通知于2日上午送达乙处,乙于4月3日收到甲寄来的要约。他考虑到要约的价格对他十分有利,于是立即电报发出承诺,该承诺第二天到达甲。双方为合同是否成立的问题发生争议。 问:甲乙双方订立的合同是否成立?为什么(甲乙均为公约的缔约国) 分析: 本案涉及要约的撤销与撤回问题,由于要约一经到达就生效,所以,要约的发出者要在要约的生效之前发出要约



国际商法第三版答案 【篇一:国际商法课后习题答案】 txt>第一章国际商法概述 一、判断题 1、国际商法包含在国际公法的范围之内。 2、内国商法是国际商法的最主要渊源。 对对错错 对 错 错错3、国际商法的特征使今年随着经济一体化的发展才出现的。 4、国际商事惯例具有法律约束力。 5、德国商法采用民商分离的立法模式。 二、选择题 1、在下列法律部门中,与国际商法关系最密切的是( 对对 a、国际私法 b、国际公法 c、国际经济法 d、内国公法 2、下列属于民商合一立法模式主张的理由是( 遍商化 c、受国际商事习惯影响较大 d、有一些特有的法律制度

3、其本国的商法典不具有法律效力,但对本国的商法影响较大,这个国家是 ( a、从事营利性活动的自然人、法人等,是抽象的经营型单位 b、民事主体的普 a、法国 b、英国 c、德国 d、美国 三、简答题 1、简述国际商法的发展历史。 2、简述美国商法的特点。 3、试述在普通法系中,如美国,其判例的拘束力的表现。 4、结合实际,谈一下对国际商法特点的认识。 5、怎样判断国际条约的效力? 6、国际商事惯例具有怎样的效力? 7、试讨论中国民商事法律制度受大陆法系的影响大,还是受英美法系的影响大。 四、案例分析题 2003年8月,中国杭泽经贸公司与日本某公司签署了一份货物买卖合同,双方 约定了货物的价格及运输的条件,后双方发生纠纷,在适用何种法律来解决纠纷方面也产生了分歧:日本公司认为双方价格条件的约定基本是依据《国际贸易术语解释通则》的fob贸易术语签订的,而最新的贸易术语解释通则在2000年进行了修订,因此,应适用2000年通则;而中方杭泽公司则主张应适用合同的签订地及履行地,即中国的《合同法》。请问:双方应如何解决这一纠纷?


第一章国际商法导论 一、单项选择题 1、我国法律最重要的渊源是() A.制定法 B.立法解释 C.判例 D.司法解释 2、下列国家中,属于普通法体系的有( )。 A.新西兰B.比利时C.荷兰 D.瑞士 3、英国的普通法来源于( )。 A.成文法B.判例法C.衡平法 D.普通法 4、大陆法的主要特点是( )。 A.法典化B.受罗马法影响小C.先例约束力原则 D.民商合一 5、判例在法律上和理论上不被认为是法律的渊源的国家是( )。 A.英国B.美国C.德国D、香港 6、大陆法各国都把全部法律分为公法和私法两大部分,这种分类法最早是由( )提出来的。 A.法国法学家B.罗马法学家C.德国法学家D、美国法学家 7、英国法的主要渊源是() A、学理 B、判例法 C、成文法 D、习惯 8、英国法的主要特点是( ) A、法典化 B、条理化 C、逻辑性 D、二元性 9、普通法来源于( ) A、成文法 B、习惯法 C、衡平法 D、判例法 10、中国法律最重要的渊源是( ) A、判例法 B、成文法 C、宪法 D、习惯法 11、大陆法系国家最主要的法律渊源是() A、成文法 B、判例法 C、习惯法 D、国际法 12、大陆法的结构特点之一是把全部法律分为( ) A、普通法与平衡法 B、实体法与程序法 C、国内法与国际法 D、公法与私法 二、多项选择题 1、传统的商法主要包括( )。 A.公司法B.票据法C.海商法D.保险法E.产品责任法 2、下列国家中,属于大陆法系的是( )。 A.法国B.加拿大C.美国 D.英国 E.意大利 3、大陆法中的公法包括( )。 A.民法B.宪法C.行政法D.刑法E.诉讼法 4、大陆法的渊源主要有( )。 A.法律B.法理C.习惯D.判例E.法典 5、普通法与衡平法的主要区别有() A.救济方法不同B.诉讼程序不同C、法院的组织系统不同D.法律术语不同E.管辖权不同 6、在国际上从事国际商事交易的主体基本上是( ) A、国家 B、企业 C、公司 D、国际机构 E、国际组织


《国际商法学》课程论文 题目:浅谈国际商法发展趋势及存 在的问题 学生姓名:田聪 学号:20121347010 院部:经管院 专业:物流管理 班级:物流1班 二O一四年 6 月 1 日

浅谈国际商法的发展趋势及存在的问题 摘要:国际商法是随着国际商事关系的出现而产生的一个独立的法律部门。随着国际商事关系的发展,国际商法的体系也在不断发展变化。将来,国际商法将更加“全球化”, 统一化。由于国际商法法律渊源方面的多样性、复杂性,为人们认识和把握国际商法的体系带来了困难,使得国际商法的进一步统一困难重重。 关键词:国际商法发展趋势问题对策 一、国际商法的定义 国际商法(international business law),也称国际商事法,是调整国际商事交易和国际商事组织的法律规范的总称。国际商法随着国际商事关系的出现而产生并发展成为一个独立的法律部门,既调整国际商事交易关系,又调整国际商事组织关系。 二、国际商法的发展趋势 从根本上来说,国际商法的发展趋势与国际商事关系有着必然的联系,从国际商事关系的发展来看,随着经济全球一体化进程的不断加快,国际商事关系逐步向着国际性、协调性、安全性等方向发展,因此,受国际商事关系发展方向的影响,国际商法的发展趋势呈现以下特点: (一)国际商法的“全球化”发展趋势 国际商法的“全球化”发展趋势,是就国际商法的功能而言的,由于在全球经济一体化的过程中,每个国家存在的商法具有一定的局限性,并且给协调国际间的商业往来造成了一定的阻碍,在这样的情况下,必须要有一套能专门且统一适用于全球范围内的国际商事交易的规则,因此,出于这样的功能,国际商法应运而生,同时由于在此功能下产生 的国际商法,必然要求国际商法的实用性要有“全球化”,即要能满足世界各个国家商业贸易的需要,要能被世界各个国家接受和认可。这样,各个国家在才会积极的加入国际商事公约,才能积极的接受国际商法规定的相关条例,而世界各个国家的加入与积极接受又将进一步推动国际商法的“全球化”,所以说,国际商法的“全球化”,是一个必然的发展趋势。国际商法的“广泛化”发展趋势,是就国际商法的应用范围而言的,从目前来看,国际商法是协调世界各国商业事物的主要条例,这一点已经得到普遍的认同,虽然,从目前的国际商法的应用范围来看,所涉及的各个国家之间的商业领域还不是很全面,但伴随着世界各个国家之间商业事物的不断发展和扩大,特别是一些新的商业事物的出现和新的交易方式的应用,国际商法作为一种被世界上普遍认可的国际条例,必然会将这些商业事物纳入到自身的应用范围当中来,所以说国际商法的“广泛化”,是其发展的必然趋势。 (三)国际商法的“统一化”发展趋势 国际商法的“统一化”发展趋势,是相对于各国比较商法而言的,各国比较商法是建立在本国商业事物需求的基础之上的,具有明显的局限性,随着各个国家商业事物交往的不断加剧,国际经济全球进程的不断加快,必然要有一部法律来打破国家与国家在商业事物之间的隔阂,对各个国家之间的商业事物进行统一的约束和规范,而国际商法就是要最终将国际商业事物进行规范化,实现各个国家商业事物交往的统一,同时,国际商法的建立基础更多的集中于传统民商法的理论和实践研究。比较民商法研究等内容,这也为国际商法的%统一化&发展提供了重要的可靠性。 (四)国际商法的“盈利与社会效益兼顾”的发展趋势 国际商法的营利与社会效益兼顾的发展趋势,是就国际商法的价值观和取向而言的,从商业的本质属性来看,盈利是其根本目的,这也是很多传统理论的观点,但随着社会经济的不断发展,现代商业却越来越多的开始向社会公共福利和社会效益靠拢,以盈利为目的的商业开始发生转变,在这种作用下,国际商法的“盈利与社会效益兼顾”的发展趋势越来越明显。 三、国际商法存在的问题



对国际商法的认识 俗话说,编筐编篓,贵在收口。因此,在此时纵观本学期的商法学习就显得尤为重要了。本学期,通过对国际商法的学习,很是受益匪浅,虽然我是一名国际经济与贸易的学生,但经济贸易与法本就是息息相关,密不可分的。国际商法是法学的一门重要学科,尤其是随着中国的入世,它在国际贸易实务以及商事往来中发挥的作用越来越重要。 下面,我就谈一下通过这半个学期的学习,我对国际商法的基本认识,以及国际商法的一些基础知识。 一、国际商法的概念 1、国际商法的含义 国际商法(International Business Law):是调整跨国境的贸易活动的法律制度和法律规范的总称,主要包括调整平等主体间的商业交易活动的私法规范和国家对贸易活动进行管理的公法规范。同国际经济法的渊源一样,国际贸易法主要表现为国际公约、国际惯例和国家或国家集团的立法、规章。 2、国际商法的特征 主体的普遍性 调整对象的广泛性 法律规范的多样性 二、国际商法的历史渊源与发展 国际商法是一门古老的法学学科,并且不断发展。其调整范围由原来的商事交易范围扩大到贸易管理规范,从性质上已不再限于私法;由货物买卖扩大到技术贸易、服务贸易。与国内法相比,其渊源不仅包括国家立法、国际条约,还包括没有当然约束力的国际惯例。商人之间的国际贸易越来越受到国家乃至国际组织制定的规范的影响。自然人、法人、其他经济组织、国家、国际组织,都是国际贸易舞台上的主角。 国际商法是国家间商事交往发展到一定规模后产生的。11世纪起,随着欧洲商业的复兴和发展,在地中海沿岸出现了一些国际性的商业中心城市,这些城市中的商人从封建领主那里买得了自治权,组建商人法庭,适用他们在商事交往中形成的习惯规则调整商事交易关系,由此而形成的法律被称为“商人法”,以区别于当时占主导地位的封建法、教会法等法律体系。后来,随着欧洲航海贸易的发展,商人法逐步扩及到西班牙、法国、英国、德国等国家,实际上成了商人在欧洲各地港口或城市用以调整他们之间经济贸易活动的法律和国际惯例。商人法从产生之时起就与当时占主导地位的封建法、教会法截然不同,以自己特有的调整对象和调整手段成


国际商法是调整国际商事关系的法律规范的总称。它的调整对象是国际商事关系,这种选系是各国商事组织在跨国经营中所形成的商事关系。 国际商法的调整方法,既包括协商与调解等调整方法,也包括仲裁与诉讼等调整方法,既包括国内法的调整方法,也包括国际法的调整方法。因此,从法律调整方法的角度考察,也可说明国际商法是一个独立的法律部门。 2001.12.11 中国正式成为世贸组织成员。开始用国际商法来保护自己的利益 由于中国已经逐渐成为了世界上最大的制造和贸易国,对于全球的经济已经起到了举足轻重的地位了,而国与国的经济往来,也需要有关的国际商法来约束双方的行为,而中国遵守国际商法的可信程度到底高不高?这些并不是由中国自己说了算,只有那些与中国有经济往来和外交的国家才能够下定论。 我们说国际商法是一个独立的法律部门,是基于国际商事法律规范的内容、性质进行的分类,而非就其表现形式进行的分类。近代以来国际商法的渊源出现了新的变化,但并不影响国际商法的独立性。相反,法律渊源的丰富反映了国际商法体系在随着国际商事关系的发展而不断完善,在不同的法律渊源间的相互作用下,国际商法成为一个有机的整体。 国际商事关系是一个发展的、历史的范畴。相应地,作为调整这种社会关系的法律规范也是一个不断发展的范畴。只有用历史的、辩证的观点分析国际商法的演变,才能正确认识国际商法在现代社会中的地位。国际商法是国家间商事交往发展到一定规模后产生的。11世纪起,随着欧洲商业的复兴和发展,在地中海沿岸出现了一些国际性的商业中心城市,这些城市中的商人从封建领主那里买得了自治权,组建商人法庭,适用他们在商事交往中形成的习惯规则调整商事交易关系,由此而形成的法律被称为“商人法”,以区别于当时占主导地位的封建法、教会法等法律体系。后来,随着欧洲航海贸易的发展,商人法逐步扩及到西班牙、法国、德国、英国等国家,实际上成了商人在欧洲各地港口或城市用以调整他们之间经济贸易活动的法律和国际惯例。商人法从产生之时起就与当时占主导地位的封建法、教会法截然不同,以自己特有的调整对象和调整手段成为一个特殊的、独立的法律部门。这种打破地域限制的跨国界商事交易法的形成和发展,极大地促进了欧洲各国间的经济贸易往来,为各国商业的发展创造了良好的法律环境,而国际商事交易的发展反过来又为国际商法的进一步完善提供了物质基础。地位和体系讨论国际商法的地位和体系,必须把国际商事法律规范与国际商法的渊源区分开。国际商法的渊源,指国际商事法律规范的表现形式,其与国际商事法律规范之间是形式和内容的关系。我们说国际商法是一个独立的法律部门,是基于国际商事法律规范的内容、性质进行的分类,而非就其表现形式进行的分类。近代以来国际商法的渊源出现了新的变化,但并不影响国际商法的独立性。相反,法律渊源的丰富反映了国际商法体系在随着国际商事关系的发展而不断完善,在
