



tiramisu 提拉米苏甜点(全世界排名第一的甜点,意思是pick me up带我走,用乳酪,奶酪,鸡蛋,苦咖啡,手指饼干制成,本人做过一万多个,属高手)

pizza 比萨饼 (老外说当年马可波罗来中国,本来学的做馅饼,回去后, 记不起来馅是怎么放进去的了,干脆放面上得了,比萨产生了)

cappuccino 卡布其诺咖啡(咖啡热后,加点牛奶,表面起一层沫,国外很便宜)

espresso 浓咖啡,苦咖啡(很浓,少加点糖,困倦时喝一口特提神)

pistachio 开心果(咱们中国也很常见了,但这个词英语专业的都不一定会)

salami 腊肠(意大利产,常切片,放在比萨饼上面)

pepperoni 辣香肠(意大利产,只稍微有点辣;普通香肠叫sausage)

scampi 炸大虾,也指去头大虾(一般带头大虾叫tiger prawn,小点的虾叫prawn,虾仁叫shrimp) saltimbocca 嘴跳肉(人人皆知的西方世界经典名菜,已被新版牛津大词典正式吸入,包括上面的tiramisu;意思是jump in the mouth,在嘴里跳,所以意译之,用里脊肉片,再压上半熟的熏火腿片,鼠尾草并用白葡萄酒稍炖即好,真好吃啊)

osso buco 牛小腿肉(带骨,烤箱焖熟的,很适合中国人口味)

carpaccio 生拌牛肉(刨成薄片,撒橄榄油,柠檬汁,盐,黑胡椒,帕马奶酪,火箭菜而成)

Marsala 马沙拉甜酒(主要用于做甜点)

risotto 炒饭,烩饭(跟咱们的差不多,用料很多种)

bolognese 肉酱(用牛肉,猪肉,芹菜,洋葱,葫罗卜,蒜绞成馅,加红酒炖成,不咸,用于意大利面中)

antipasto开胃菜拼盘(多种凉菜拼成一盘,如芦笋,火腿,西红柿,鱼罐头,蜜瓜,大虾,橄榄,腌菜,奶酪等,爽口下饭) antichoke洋蓟(中国不多见,鳞片似的花型蔬菜,很有营养,常放在比萨饼上)

broccoli 西兰花菜(这个词是我们都会的,菜也常吃)

zucchini 小角瓜(欧洲一般用courgette,一般加工腌过的用zucchini)

parmesan 帕马奶酪(很贵的一种奶酪,特鲜,味精似的,意大利面常放,炸虾等)

prosciutto 熏火腿肉(意大利产,到处都卖,半生不熟似的,可直接吃,可做菜)

pancetta 咸肉(精选加工的五花肉,有点咸,bacon也是咸肉,但质量差很多,肉的部位也不一样)

caviar 鱼子酱(这个词一般都会)

al dente 咬着软硬适度,筋道(煮面时,咬一下,不软也不硬,就用这词)

pasta 意大利面(所有意大利面的总称,细分300多种,不包括比萨)




penne 斜切管形面(和腊肉,蒜片,西红柿,辣椒面同炒,上瘾)




tagliatelle小宽面条(和blue cheese丹麦臭奶酪同炒,特香啊)










gorgonzola 霉味硬奶酪(臭脚味,比臭豆腐还臭,不过越吃越上瘾,特贵的)



ricotta 瑞克塔奶酪(很软的奶酪,提于羊奶,常配熏三文鱼一起吃)

bel paese 贝尔佩斯奶酪(质地柔软滑口,常用于比萨和意大利面)


fresco 壁画

piazza 广场(注意和pizza 比萨饼区分)

portico 门廊(指带柱子的)

arcade 拱廊(房盖是拱形的)

corridor 走廊(这是个人人皆知的词)

facade 正面,外观(指建筑物的正面)

indigo 靛青,靛蓝色

intaglio 凹雕,凹版,阴文

cameo 刻有小浮雕的宝石,精彩片断

patina 铜绿,古色(就是古文物上生的绿色的锈)

graffiti 乱涂乱写(指在公共场所)

terra-cotta 赤土制的陶器,赤褐色(记词组:terra-cotta warriors兵马俑) mascara 睫毛膏(年轻男女必会日常生活用词,送礼收礼都可能见到的词) virtuoso 艺术界名家,名演奏家

maestro 艺术大师

solo 独唱,独奏

duet 二重唱,二重奏

trio 三重唱,三重奏

alto 男高音

soprano 女高音

cello 大提琴

viola 中提琴

violin 小提琴

harmonica 口琴

piano 钢琴

oboe 双簧管

bassoon 巴松管,低音管

libretto 歌剧词,歌剧剧本

opera 歌剧

orchestra 管弦乐队

sonata 奏鸣曲

concerto 协奏曲

finale 终曲,最后乐章

intermezzo 间奏曲,插曲

cadenza 华彩,装饰乐段

motto 座右铭,格言

scenario 电影脚本,未来的进程

stanza 段,节(指诗歌方面的)

sonnet 十四行诗,商籁体诗

imbroglio 纠纷,困境

manifesto 宣言(共产党宣言就是用这个词)

fiasco 惨败

incognito 乔装地,隐姓埋名

vendetta 仇杀

propaganda 宣传(政府方面的宣传)

confetti 五彩纸屑(婚礼上撒的)

torso 躯干

volcano 火山

granite 花岗岩

lava 溶岩

influenza 流行感冒

malaria 疟疾

pellagra 糙皮病

archipelago 群岛

buffalo 水牛

lagoon 泻湖,环礁湖

buffoon 小丑

bizarre 怪异的

casino 赌场

ghetto 少数民族居住区

bravo 喝彩,叫好

giraffe 长颈鹿

giro 救济支票,转帐服务

mafia 黑手党,黑帮人员

lotto 彩票

inferno 地狱般的景象,大火(电影无间道infernal affairs和此词有关)

portfolio 公事包,文件夹,

regatta 赛船会

stiletto 匕首,细高跟鞋

villa 别墅

vista 远景,展望(微软新开发的操作系统就是用这个词命名)

英语单词中的西班牙语词汇English words from Spanish origen

Abalone 鲍鱼

Adios 再见:来源于西班牙adiós

Aficionado 酷爱

Aqua 水仔细看看化妆品的瓶子上,补水的水一般用aqua , 用water太土了

Amigo 朋友:超级超级常用的词汇!

Ancho 宽广的

Anchovy 凤尾鱼

Angeleno 洛杉矶人

Armada 无敌舰队:源于西班牙语动词中armar,意味武装的

Arroyo 小溪

Avocado 鳄梨

Banana 香蕉

Barbecue 烧烤:源于西班牙语名词barbacoa

Barranca 大峡谷

Bolero 波列罗舞

Bonanza 带来好运之事,丰富的矿井

Bonito 漂亮的:非常常用!!

Breeze 微风:源于西班牙语中的brisa

Burrito 墨西哥鸡肉卷:去过肯德基的人应该都知道XD

Burro 驴,蠢材

Caballero 骑士:骑士,来源于非常著名的西班牙作家塞万提斯写的小说《堂吉诃德》中骑士的形象,caballero Cabana 小木屋

Cacique 酋长

Cafeteria 咖啡屋

Camarilla 小房子

Camino 道路

Caramba! 操!:墨西哥语

Cargo 货物,船货:来源于动词中cargar,意思是装载货物,其名词cargo

Caribbean 加勒比:不用多说,出美女的地方

Chile 红辣椒:和国家智利(Chile)一个词

Chocolate 巧克力

Cigar 雪茄

Coca 可卡:来自于亚马逊一代(尤其是哥伦比亚秘鲁巴西)的草本植物,印第安人通过咀嚼可卡液可以释放疲劳,结果之后被一个德国医生提取出可卡因就成毒品了,真悲剧...

Cojones 有勇气的,睾丸:非常地道的西班牙语词汇,注意发音:‖j‖是发‖h‖的音

Condor 秃鹫:美国国鸟

Conquistador 征服者

Corrida 斗牛

Crusade 改革运动:来源于西班牙语cruzado,意味―交叉后的‖

Desperado 亡命之徒:美国老鹰乐队非常非常出名的一首歌!

El Ni?o 厄尔尼诺现象:这个是地理常识

Embargo 禁运:来源于西班牙语动词embargar,意味封港

Fiesta 聚会

Florida 佛罗里达

Guerrilla 游击战,游击队员:来自西班牙语名词guerra,为―战争‖的意思,guerrilla为―游击战‖

Habanero 哈瓦那人

Hacienda 住宅庄园,大农场

Hombre 男人,勇士:西班牙语中man的说法,hombre!这个单词现在更多用在表示惊讶的情况,比如‖Ay hombre! How the hell you can do that to me!!!‖-―哎你妹啊!尼玛你杂会对俺做这种事呢!!‖Hurricane 飓风:来源于西班牙语名词huracán

Incommunicado 无法连接的

Junta 团体:来源于西班牙语动词juntar,意味一起

Llama 秘鲁羊驼,草泥马:是秘鲁土著Quechua词汇,英语中读作‖lama‖,西班牙语读作‖yama‖

Loco 疯狂

Macho 男子汉:西班牙语中为―雄性―的意思

Majordomo 管家

Matador 斗牛士:来源于西班牙语动词matar,意味―杀‖,matador为―杀手‖的意思

Mesa 桌子

Mestizo 混血儿(尤指拉丁民族与印第安族的):帅哥美女全在这里!!!

Mojito 莫吉托酒

Montana 山

Mulatto 混血儿(尤指白人和黑人的)

Mosquito 蚊子

Nacho 墨西哥烤干酪辣味玉米片

Nada 什么也没有

Negro 黑的:美语中有个单词是侮辱黑人的(慎用慎用!!):nigger,就是从这来的

Pampa 大草原,阿根廷潘帕斯草原

Patio 院子

Philippines 菲律宾

Piragua 独木舟

Playa 海滩

Poncho 斗篷

Potato 土豆:这小小的南美农作物,养活了整个地球上的人!!

Puma 南美狮,彪马

Quadroon 四分之一的混血儿:拉美人混血太厉害,以至于单词都搞这么详细...

Reconquista 再次征服

Rumba 伦巴,伦巴舞

Salsa 沙拉酱:英语中更偏向于用sauce,其实就是从salsa的发音中翻译过来的

Sierra 山丘

Siesta 午睡:墨西哥人特别懒,喜欢睡午觉,他们不会用‖take a nap‖这个句子,就说‖take a siesta‖,于是有了这个词儿。

Sombrero 墨西哥大沿帽

Taco 塔克(墨西哥食品)

Tango 探戈舞

Tequila 龙舌兰酒:我爱!:P

Tobacco 烟草:也是南美的农作物,肺癌的罪魁祸首

Tomato 西红柿:南美农作物不解释

Tornado 旋风:来源于西班牙语词汇tornar,意味―扭转‖

Turista 旅游者

Vamos! (or vomoose) 我们走吧!,匆匆离去:很地道的俚语!


à gogo 丰富地

in abundance. It pertains to the familiar language in French.

à la [...] 以某种方式,举止,行为……

in the manner of/in the style of [...]

à la carte 点菜

literally: on the menu; according to the menu. In restaurants it refers to ordering individual dishes rather than a fixed-price meal.


à propos关于,对于

regarding/concerning (note that the correct French syntax is à propos de)

abattoir 屠宰场


accouchement 坐月子;分娩

confinement during childbirth; the process of having a baby; only this last meaning remains in French


acquis communautaire共同体

used in European Union law to refer to the total body of EU law accumulated thus far.



farewell; literally means "to God," it carries more weight than "au revoir" ("goodbye", literally "Until next time"): it is definitive, implying you will never see the other person again. Depending on the context, misuse of this term can be considered as an insult, as you'll wish for the other person's death or will say that you don't wish to see the other person ever again while alive. It is used for "au revoir" in south of France[1] and to point a deprivation from someone or something.

adroit 灵活的,机敏的,熟练的

skillful, clever, in French: habile, as a "right-handed" person would be using his "right" hand, as opposed to his left one with which he would be "gauche" meaning "left".

aide-mémoire 备忘录

"memory aid"; an object or memorandum to assist in remembrance, or a diplomatic paper proposi ng the major points of discussion

allez! 上!加油!表示命令或鼓励

"go!" or "come on!", as a command or as encouragement

amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule 餐前小点心

a single, bite-sized hors d'?uvre.

ancien régime旧体制

a sociopolitical or other system that no longer exists, an allusion to pre-revolutionary France (used with capital letter in French with this meaning : Ancien Régime)


preview; a first impression; initial insight.

apéritif 开胃酒

a before-meal drink (in familiar French, it is shortened as "apéro"). In French, it means either the drink or food (amuse-gueules....) you take before a meal. Also, in France, even if you're supposed to eat after an apéritif, it is socially accepted to take your meal at home, therefore you can have an apéritif at a bar (with or without friends), or at a friend's before going back home.

appellation contr?lée原产地命名葡萄酒,即AOC

supervised use of a name. For the conventional use of the term, see Appellation d'origine contr?lée Après moi, le déluge直译:―洪水在我身后‖,意译:―身后之事与我何干‖

literally: After me, the deluge; remark attributed to Louis XV of France; used to denigrate the attitude of someone who acts irresponsibly, without worrying on the consequences that his/her acts could have; used in reference to the impending end of a functioning French monarchy and predicting the French Revolution. No. 617 Squadron Royal Air Force, famously known as the "Dambusters", uses this as its motto. Also a verse in the song Après Moi by Regina Spektor.


arête 脊,边缘

a narrow ridge. In French, also fishbone; edge of a polyhedron or graph; bridge of the nose. armoire衣橱

a type of cabinet; wardrobe.

art nouveau 新艺术

a style of decoration and architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It bears a capital in French (Art nouveau).



a person attached to an embassy; in French is also the past participle of the ver

b attacher (= to fasten, to tight, to be linked...)


Attaque au Fer 击剑

An attack on the opponent's blade in fencing, e.g. beat, expulsion, pressure.

au contraire 相反地

on the contrary.

au courant与时俱进,跟进最新的消息

up-to-date; abreast of current affairs.

au fait熟悉的,精通的,能上任的

being conversant in or with, or instructed in or with.

au jus原汁的,原汤的

literally, with juice, referring to a food course served with sauce. Often redundantly formulated, as in 'Open-faced steak sandwich, served with au jus.'. No longer used in French, except for the slan g "être au jus" (to be informed)

au pair互惠生

a young foreigner who does domestic chores in exchange for room and board. In France, those chores are mainly child care/education.


au revoir!再见,一会儿见

"See you later!" In French a contraction of Au plaisir de vous revoir (to the pleasure of seeing you again).

avant-garde (pl. avant-gardes)先锋派[艺术流派之一]

applied to cutting-edge or radically innovative movements in art, music and literature; figuratively "on the edge", literally, a military term, meaning "vanguard" (which is the deformation of

avant-garde) or "advance guard", in other words, "first to attack" (antonym of arrière-garde). avant la lettre前卫的

used to describe something or someone seen as a precursor or forerunner of something (such as an artistic or political movement) before that something was recognized and named, e.g. "a

post-modernist avant la lettre", "a feminist avant la lettre"; the expression literally means before the letter, i.e. "before it had a name".

avec plaisir很荣幸地,愉快地

my pleasure (lit. "with pleasure")

ballet 芭蕾

a classical type of dance

beau geste 优雅的姿态;故作大方

literally "beautiful gesture"; gracious gesture; also, a gesture noble in form but meaningless in substance. in French : a selfless/generous/fair-play act.


monumental architectural style of the early 20th century made famous by the Académie des Beaux-Arts

beaucoup 很多,许多

plenty, lots of, much; merci beaucoup: thanks a lot; misused in slang, for example "beaucoup money" (French would add the preposition de : "beaucoup d'argent"), especially in New Orleans, LA. Occasionally corrupted to Bookoo, typically in the context of French influenced by Vietnamese culture.

bel esprit (pl. beaux esprits) 才子, 才华出众的人

literally "fine mind"; a cultivated, highly intelligent person


a beautiful woman or girl. Common uses of this word are in the phrases the belle of the ball (the most beautiful woman or girl present at a function) and southern belle (a beautiful woman from the southern states of the US)

Belle époque 美丽时代

a period in European social history that began during the late 19th century and lasted until World War I.


literally "fine letters"; literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content; also, light, stylish writings, usually on literary or intellectual subjects

bien fait !干得好!做得很棒!

literally "well done"; used to express schadenfreude when someone is well-deservedly punished

bien pensant 善于思考

literally "well thinking"; right thinking, orthodox. Commonly implies willful blindness to dangers or suffering faced by others. The noun form bien-pensance is rarely seen in English.


unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity, jaded.

Bleu celeste天蓝色

literally "sky blue", is a rarely-occurring tincture in heraldry (not being one of the seven main colours or metals or the three "staynard colours").

bon appétit祝你胃口好,祝你用餐愉快

literally "good appetite"; enjoy your meal

bon mot警语,妙语

well-chosen word(s), particularly a witty remark

bon vivant 享乐主义者,享受舒适生活的人

one who enjoys the good life, an epicurean

bon voyage祝你旅途愉快

literally "good journey"; have a good trip!

bonjour 你好(早上或下午使用的问候语)

"good day", a standard greeting in the morning or afternoon

bonne chance祝你好运

"good luck" (as in, 'I wish you good luck')

les boules 厌烦

(vulgar) literally "the balls"; meaning that whatever you are talking about is dreadful

bourgeois 中产阶级分子,商人,资产阶级

member of the bourgeoisie. The word used to refer to shopkeepers living in towns in the Middle Ages. Now the term is derogatory, and it applies to a person whose beliefs, attitudes, and practices are conventionally middle-class.


small ornamental objects, less valuable than antiques; a collection of old furniture, china, plate and curiosities. Cf. de bric et de broc, corresponding to our "by hook or by crook", and brack, refuse. brioche 奶油蛋卷

a sweet yeast bun, kind of a crossover between a popover and a light muffin; French also use the term as slang for 'potbelly', because of the overhang effect.



a brown-haired girl. For brown-haired man, French uses brun and for a woman brune. "Brunette" is rarely used in French, unless in old literature, and its masculine form, "brunet" (for a boy), is almost unheard of.


bureau (pl. bureaux) 办公室

office. Also means "desk" in French.


?a ne fait rien 不要紧,没关系

"that doesn't matter"; rendered as san fairy Ann in British WWI slang.

cachet 封印;特征;标语;药包

lit. "stamp"; a distinctive quality ; quality, prestige.


a coffee shop (also used in French for "coffee").


café au lait 加奶咖啡

coffee with milk; or a light-brown color. In medicine, it is also used to describe a birthmark that is of a light-brown color (café au lait spot).



a copied term/thing

carte blanche[律]全权委托,署名空白纸(任人填写条件等)

unlimited authority; literally "white card" (i.e. blank check).

carte de visite名片

a calling card, literally "visiting card".

carte d'identité身份证

identity card. Its proper, but less commonly used administrative appellation, is "carte natio nale

d'identité" (national identity card), abbreviated as CNI.

c'est bon 很好,很棒

"that's good".

c'est la guerre! 这就是战争!

"That's War!"; or "Such is war!" Often used with the meaning that "this means war", but it can be sometimes used as an expression to say that war (or life in general) is harsh but that one must accept it.


c'est la mode. 这就是时尚。

"That's the fashion."

c'est la vie!这就是生活!

"That's life!"; or "Such is life!" It is sometimes used as an expression to say that life is harsh but that one must accept it.


c'est magnifique!非常棒!

"That's great!"; literally it's magnificent.

c’est tout就这么多,全部就是这些

that is everything, "That's all." See also un point c’est tout.

chacun ses go?ts / à chacun ses go?ts / à chacun son go?t / chacun à son go?t [all are used]

"to each his (their) own taste(s)" or "each to his own taste".

chaise longue躺椅

a long chair for reclining; (also rendered chaise lounge or chase lounge via folk etymology). Champs-élysées 香榭丽舍大道

literally "Elysian Fields"; Avenue des Champs-élysées, one of the largest boulevards in Paris. Often referred as simply "les Champs". Pronounced chanz-ay-lee-zay


chanteuse 女歌手

a female singer


a hat. In French, chapeau is also an expression of congratulations similar to the English "hats off to...."

chargé d'affaires代办,临时代办

a diplomat left in charge of day to day business at a diplomatic mission. Within the United States Department of State a chargé is any officer left in charge of the mission in the absence of the titular chief of mission.


a person who is a fraud, a fake, a hoaxer, a deceiver, a con artist.

chateaux en Espagne 空中楼阁

literally "castles in Spain"; imaginary projects, with little hope of realisation (means the same as "castles in the air" or "pie in the sky"). No known etymology, though it was a lready used in the 13th century in the Roman de la rose.


chauffeur 司机


chef d'?uvre 杰作

a masterpiece

cherchez la femme 对于一个男子举止异常又难于解释原因,就用这个表达来形容。

"look for the woman", in the sense that, when a man behaves out of character or in an otherwis e apparently inexplicable manner, the reason may be found in his trying to cover up an illicit affair with a woman, or to impress or gain favour with a woman. First used by Alexandre Dumas (père) in the third chapter of his novel Les Mohicans de Paris (1854).

chevalier d'industrie 商业骗子

"knight of industry" : one who lives by his wits, specially by swindling.


at the house of : often used in the names of restaurants and the like; Chez Marie = "Marie's"




a hairstyle worn in a roll at the nape of the neck

cinéma vérité纪实电影

realism in documentary filmmaking

cinq, cinque五

five; normally referring to the 5 on dice or cards. In French, always spelt cinq.



lit. negative; trite through overuse; a stereotype


a small exclusive group of friends without morale; always used in a pejorative way in French. commandant 司令官

a commanding officer. In France, used for an airline pilot (le commandant de bord), in the Army as appellative for a chef de bataillon or a chef d'escadron (roughly equivalent to a major) or in the Navy for any officer from capitaine de corvette to capitaine de vaisseau (equivalent to the Army's majors, lieutenant-colonels and colonels) or for any officer heading a ship.

comme ci, comme ?a 马马虎虎,不好不坏

"like this, like that"; so-so, neither good nor bad. In French, usu. couci-cou?a.

comme il faut这是必须的;适当的,妥当的

"as it must be" : in accord with conventions or accepted standards; proper.


lit. communicated; an official communication.


a receptionist at a hotel or residence. As they have a reputation for gossiping, concierge is also a mild insult if you call anyone who isn't a receptionist that (meaning you're a shameless gossiper). concordat契约

an agreement; a treaty; when used with a capital C in French, it refers to the treaty between the French State and Judaeo-Christian religions during the French Empire (Napoleon) : priests, ministers and rabbis became civil servants. This treaty was abolished in 1905 (law Church-State separation) but is still in use in Alsace-Lorraine (those territories were under German administration during 1871–1918)


a colleague, esp. in the medical and law professions.


a departure; in French refers to time off work


a short story, a tale; in French a conte has usually a fantasy context (such as in fairytales) and always begins with the words "Il était une fois" ("Once upon a time").


against the blow

contre-jour 逆光

against daylight


an awkward clash; a delay

coquette 卖弄风骚的女人;狐狸精

a flirtatious girl; a tease

cordon sanitaire防疫封锁线

a policy of containment directed against a hostile entity or ideology; a chain of buffer states; lit. "quarantine line"

cortège 送葬队伍

a funeral procession; in French has a broader meaning and refers to all kinds of processions.



forced labor for minimal or no pay. In French, overall an unpleasant/tedious task.

cotte d'armes盾形纹章,盾徽

coat of arms.

coup de foudre霹雳,雷电,意外

lit. thunderbolt ("strike of thunder"); a sudden unforeseen event, usually used to describe love at first sight.



a fashion designer (usually refers to high fashion, rather than everyday clothes design)


a nativity display; more commonly (in UK), a place where children are left by their parents for short periods in the supervision of childminders; both meanings still exist in French

crème br?lée法式焦糖布丁

a dessert consisting primarily of custard and toasted sugar, that is, caramel; literally "burnt cream" crème de la crème精华,精髓

best of the best, "cream of the cream", used to describe highly skilled people or objects. A synonymous expression in French is ? fin du fin ?.

crème fra?che鲜奶油

literally "fresh cream", a heavy cream slightly soured with bacterial culture, but not as sour or as thick as sour cream


a thin sweet or savoury pancake eaten as a light meal or dessert


a crescent-shaped bread made of flaky pastry

cri d'amour爱的歇斯底里

a "cry of love"


a critical analysis or evaluation of a work, or the art of criticizing.

cuisine minceur瘦身食物

gourmet cooking for staying thin


a dead-end (residential) street; literally "bottom (buttocks) of the bag".


in accord; agreed; sure; OK; of course

de nouveau再一次,又一次

again; anew. Cf. de novo

de règle惯常的,合乎习惯的

according to custom;

de rigueur严格规定的

required or expected, especially in fashion or etiquette

de trop过多的,过分的

excessive, "too much"


of inferior social status


the layout and furnishing of a room


decoration with cut paper


the end result




witchcraft, deviltry, or, more figuratively, "wickedness"


an amusing diversion; entertainment


a file containing detailed information about a person; it has a much wider meaning in modern French, as any type of file, or even a computer directory

douceur de vivre生活的甜蜜

"sweetness of life"


the senior member of a group; the feminine is doyenne

droit du seigneur初夜权

"right of the lord" : the purported right of a lord in feudal times to take the virginity of one of his vassals' brides on her wedding night (in precedence to her new husband). The actual French term for this hypothetical custom is droit de cuissage (from cuisse 'thigh').

eau de toilette香水

perfume; can be shortened as eau (water); literally "grooming water." Usually refers to a product which is less expensive, because it has less aromatic compounds, and is thus used more for everyday purposes


a card game


dance movement foot position

éclat 荣誉,光辉

Great brilliance, as of performance or achievement. Conspicuous success. Great acclamation or applause

en escalier坐自动扶梯

going up like stairs; the English tends to be used of text.

en plein air室外

literally "in the open air", and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors.

en pointe顶端的,高峰的

(in ballet) on tiptoe. Though used in French in this same context, it is not an expression as such. A "pointe" is the ballet figure where one stands on tiptoes. The expression "en pointe", though, means "in an acute angle", and, figuratively, it qualifies the most progressive or modern things (ideas, industry...).

en principe, oui原则上是可以的

"in principle, yes" : a diplomatic way of saying 'no'

en route在路上

on the way



entre nous在我们之中

confidentially; literally "between us"


literally "entrance"; the first course of a meal (UK English); used to denote the main dish or course of a meal (US English).


desserts/sweet dishes. More literally, a side dish that can be served between the courses of a meal. entrepreneur企业家

a person who undertakes and operates a new enterprise or venture and assumes some accountability for the inherent risks


a plump, hourglass figure.




writing desk; spelled "écritoire" in current French

esprit de corps团队精神

"spirit of the body [group]" : a feeling of solidarity among members of a group; morale. Often used in connection with a military force.

l'état, c'est moi!朕即国家

"I am the state!" — attributed to the archetypal absolute monarch, Louis XIV of France


small ornamental case for needles or cosmetics


excuse me; can be used sarcastically (depends on the tone)


extraordinary, usually as a following adjective, as "musician extraordinaire"

et toi?你呢?

and you? (Je m'appelle (your name), Et toi ?)(my name is (your name) and yours?)


the front view of an edifice (from the Italian facciata, or face); a fake persona, as in "putting on a fa?ade" (the ? is pronounced like an s)


false, ersatz, fake.

faux amis虚伪的朋友

"false friends" : words in two different languages that have the same or similar spelling, and often the same etymology but different meanings, such as the French verb rester which means "to stay" rather than "to rest"

faux pas失足

"false step" : violation of accepted, although unwritten, social rules

femme fatale无法抗拒的女人

"deadly woman" : an attractive woman who seduces and takes advantage of men in order to achieve personal goals after which she discards or abandons the victim. Used to describe an attractive woman with whom a relationship is likely to result, or has already resulted, in pain and sorrow fiancé/e未婚夫(妻)

betrothed; lit. a man/woman engaged to be married.

film noir黑色电影

a genre of dark-themed movies from the 1940s and 1950s that focus on stories of crime and immorality


used after a man's surname to distinguish a son from a father, as George Bush fils (in French, "fils" = son)


a cooking procedure in which alcohol (ethanol) is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames, meaning "flamed" in French. Also used colloquially in reference to something on fire or burned.

flaneur 游手好闲的人

a gentleman stroller of city streets; an aimless idler

foie gras鹅肝

fatty liver; usually the liver of overfed goose, hence: paté de foie gras, paté made from goose liver. However, "foie gras" generally stands for "paté de foie gras" as it is the most common way to use it. folie à deux二联性精神病

a simultaneous occurrence of delusions in two closely related people, often said of an unsuitable romance.

gaffe 大错,蠢事



literally "boy" or "male servant"; sometimes used by English speakers to summon the attention of a male waiter (has a playful connotation in English but is condescending and possibly offensive in French)

garde manger食物柜

literally "keeper of the food" or pantry supervisor, refers to the task of preparing and presenting cold foods.


tactless, does not mean "left-handed" (which is translated in French as "gaucher"), but does mean "left"




member of a gendarmerie; the word is often incorrectly used in English to refer to any French policeman.


a type or class, such as "the thriller genre"

grace à多亏了

"thanks to", "by the grace of", naming credit or fortune


one who regularly frequents a place

haute couture高级时装

"high sewing" : Paris-based custom-fitted clothing; trend-setting fashion

haute cuisine高级料理

upscale gastronomy; literally "upper cooking".

haute école大学校,好学校

advanced horsemanship; literally "upper school"


arrogance; lit. height


"closed door" : an enclosed space such as a room or cell, where action or speech can not be seen or heard from outside; title of a play by Jean-Paul Sartre


a deadlock.


a nonchalant man/woman


an innocent young man/woman, used particularly in reference to a theatrical stock character who is entirely virginal and wholesome. L'Ingénu is a famous play written by Voltaire.


literally, I adore. I love to the full extent.

je m'appelle 我的名字叫

my name is...

je m'en fous我不关心

"I don't give a damn "

je ne regrette rien我不后悔

"I regret nothing" (from the title of a popular song sung by édith Piaf: "Non, je ne regrette rien"). Also the phrase the UK's then Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont chose to use to describe his feelings over the events of September 16, 1992 ('Black Wednesday')

je ne sais quoi 我不知道是什么

"I-don't-know-what" : an indescribable or indefinable 'something' which distinguishes the object in question from others which are superficially similar.

je t'aime我爱你

I love you. Implies "I like you" too. The French word "aimer" implies all the different kinds of love (love = like). In order to differentiate the two, one would say simply "je t'aime" to one's love whereas one would say "je t'aime bien" (lit. I love you well) to a friend.

je suis我是

I am

jeu d'esprit妙语,趣味游戏

"play of spirit"; a witty, often light-hearted, comment or composition

jeunesse dorée游手好闲的青年

"gilded youth"; name given to a body of young dandies who, after the fall of Robespierre, strove to bring about a counter-revolution. Today used for any offspring living an affluent lifestyle.


separation of the State and the different Churches (at first, it concerned especially Catholicism). In France, where the concept originated, it means an absence of religious interference in government affairs and government interference in religious affairs. But the concept is often assimilated and changed by other countries. For example, in Belgium, it usually means the secular-humanist movement and school of thought.


"let do"; often used within the context of economic policy or political philosophy, meaning leaving alone, or non-interference. The phrase is the shortcut of Laissez faire, laissez passer, a doctrine first supported by the Physiocrats in the 18th century. The motto was invented by Vincent de Gournay, and it became popular among supporters of free-trade and economic liberalism. It is also used to

describe a parental style in developmental psychology, where the parent(s) does not apply rules nor guiding.


a travel document, a passport

lanterne rouge车队中的最后一辆车

the last-place finisher in a cycling stage race; most commonly used in connection with the Tour de France


a set of clothing and accessories for a new baby

lèse majesté谋害君主

an offense against a sovereign power; or, an attack against someone's dignity or against a custom or institution held sacred (from the Latin "crimen laesae maiestatis": the crime of injured majesty) liaison联系,交情

a close relationship or connection; an affair. The French meaning is broader; "liaison" also means bond such as in "une liaison chimique" (a chemical bond)

Liberté, égalité, Fraternité平等,自由,博爱

"Liberty, Equality/Egality, Brotherhood" (motto of the French Republic)


from Latin locus ("place"); in lieu of: "instead of", "in the place of". This is illustrated for instance in the English word "lieutenant", which literally means "place-holder"


an intellectual (can be pejorative in French, meaning someone who writes a lot but does not have a particular skill)


of questionable taste;

Louis Quatorze路易十四

"Louis XIV" (of France), the Sun King, usually a reference to décor or furniture design. Also the namesake of the winner of the 1996 Preakness.


young unmarried lady, miss; literally "my noble young lady"

mais oui 当然是

"but of course!". Often used as a sarcastic reply in French, in order to close the debate by feigning to agree.




a general sense of depression or unease

mal de mer晕船的

motion sickness, literally "seasickness"

Mardi gras忏悔星期二

Fat Tuesday, the last day of eating meat before Lent. Note that there isn't a capital to gras marque商标,记号

a model or brand


supplies and equipment, particularly in a military context (French meaning is broader and corresponds more to "hardware")


a mixture


a confused fight; a struggling crowd

merci beaucoup非常感谢

"Thank you very much!"




a field of work or other activity; usually one in which one has special ability or training


social environment; setting (has also the meaning of "middle" in French.)

mirepoix 米尔普瓦调味汁

a cooking mixture of two parts onions and one part each of celery and carrots

mise en scène上映

the process of setting a stage with regard to placement of actors, scenery, properties, etc.; the stage setting or scenery of a play; surroundings, environment

moi 我

"me"; often used in English as an ironic reply to an accusation; for example, "Pretentious? Moi?" moi aussi我也是

"me too", used to show agreeing with someone

Mon ami我的朋友

my friend (male) or 'mon amie': my friend (female)

Mon Dieu! 上帝啊

my God!

monsieur (pl. messieurs) 先生

a man, a gentleman. Also used as a title, equivalent to Mr. or Sir.


a blending of pictures, scenes, or sounds

le mot juste准确的词

"the just word"; the right word at the right time. French uses it often in the expression chercher le mot juste (to search for the right word)


a pursing together of the lips to indicate dissatisfaction, a pout

né, née出生

"born" : a man/woman’s birth name (mai den name for a woman), e.g., "Martha Washington, née n'est-ce pas?不是吗?

"isn't it [true]?"; asked rhetorically after a statement, as in "Right?"

nom de plume笔名,化名

author's pseudonym, literally "pen name". Originally an English phrase, now also used in France nouveau (pl. nouveaux ; fem. nouvelle ; fem. pl. nouvelles) 新


nouvelle cuisine新菜式

new cuisine

nouvelle vague新潮流

Literally meaning "new wave". Used for stating a new way or a new trend of something. Originally marked a new style of French filmmaking in the late 1950s and early 1960s, reacting against films seen as too literary (whereas the phrase "new wave" is used in French to qualify some '80's music, such as Depeche Mode.)

objet d'art 工艺品

a work of art, commonly a painting or sculpture


"work", in the sense of an artist's work; by extension, an artist's entire body of work



oui 是的


pain au chocolat巧克力面包

lit. chocolate bread. Unlike what its name may suggest, it's not made of bread but puff pastry with chocolate inside. The term "chocolatine" is used in some Francophone areas, but not in English. papier-maché混凝纸

lit. chewed paper; a craft medium using paper and paste

par avion坐飞机

by air mail. The meaning is broader in French, it means by plane in general.

par excellence 杰出的

"by excellence" : quintessential

parvenu 新贵

a social upstart.

pas de deux双人舞

a close relationship between two people; a duet in ballet

pas de problème没问题

no problem


a document or key that allows the holder to travel without hindrance from the authorities or enter any location.

pastiche 模仿作品

a derivative work; an imitation


a dialect; jargon


lit. father, used after a man's surname to distinguish a father from a son, as in "George B ush père." peut-être可能

perhaps, possibly, maybe


literally "black foot", a European Algerian in the pre-independence state.


"foot-on-the-ground" or "foothold"; a place to stay, generally applied to the city house in contradistinction to the country estate of the wealthy


"worse"; an undesirable option selected because the other choices were even worse


referring to skiing at a ski area (on piste) versus skiing in the back country (o ff piste).

plat du jour当天特菜

a dish served in a restaurant on a particular day but which is not part of the regular menu; literally "dish of the day"

plongeur (fem. plongeuse)跳水运动员

a male (or female) dishwasher

plus royaliste que le roi 维护别人利益比其本人更起劲

"more royalist than the king", i.e. more enthusiastic than the cause deserves

point d'appui据点(军事),支点

a location where troops are assembled prior to a battle. While this figurative meaning also exists in French, the first and literal meaning of "point d'appui" is a fixed point which a person or a thing uses in order to execute a movement (e.g. a footing in climbing or a pivot).




"poser" : a person who pretends to be something he is not; an affected or insincere person: a wannabe

pour encourager les autres为了鼓励其他人

"to encourage others"; said of an excessive punishment meted out as an example. The original is from Voltaire's Candide and referred to the execution of Admiral John Byng.


"for drink"; gratuity, tip; donner un pourboire: to tip.


"ready to wear" (clothing off the shelf), in contrast to haute couture

première dame第一夫人

"first lady"


"pray [to] God"; a type of prayer desk

prix fixe固定价格

"fixed price"; a menu where multi-course meals with only a few choices are charged at a fixed pri ce protégé/e得宠者

a man/woman who receives support from an influential mentor.


a polemicist

Quai d'Orsay凯道赛(法国外交部所在地)

address of the French foreign ministry in Paris, used to refer to the ministry itself.

Quatorze juillet7月14日法国国庆

"14th July" Bastille Day. The beginning of the French Revolution in 1789; used to refer to the Revolution itself and its ideals. It is the French National Day.

quel dommage!多遗憾

"What a pity!"

quelle horreur!多么恐怖啊!

What a horrible thing! (can be used sarcastically).

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?这是什么

"What is this/that?"

quoi de neuf?怎么了?

"What's new?" What's up?

raconteur 叙述者

a storyteller

raison d'état借口国家利益

reason of state (always with a capital "é" in French).

raison d'être存在的理由

"reason for being" : justification or purpose of existence


to be in someone's "good graces"; to be in synch with someone; "I've developed a rapport with my co-workers"; French for: relationship


the establishment of cordial relations, often used in diplomacy


meaning rebirth, a cultural movement in the 14-17th centuries


reporting; journalism

répondez s'il vous pla?t. (RSVP) 请您回电

Please reply. Though francophones may use more usually "prière de répondre", it is common enough. (Note: RSLP ["Répondre s'il lui pla?t"] is used on old-fashioned invitations written in the 3rd person, usually in "Script" typography — at least in Belgium.)

ressentiment 不满,很怒

a deep-seated sense of aggrievement and powerlessness


a restaurant owner

Rive Gauche巴黎塞纳河的右岸

the left (southern) bank (of the River Seine in Paris). A particular mindset attributed to inhabitants of that area, which includes the Sorbonne

roi fainéant甩手国王

"do-nothing king" : an expression first used about the kings of France from 670 to 752 (Thierry III to Childeric III), who were puppets of their ministers. The term was later used about other royalty who had been made powerless, also in other countries, but lost its meaning when parliamentarism made all royals powerless.


a part or function of a person in a situation or an actor in a play

roman à clef根据真人真事写的小说

"novel with a key" : an account of actual persons, places or events in fictional guise


"cold blood" : coolness and composure under strain; stiff upper lip. Also pejorative in the phrase meurtre de sang-froid ("cold-blooded murder").

sans 没有



"without knee-pants", a name the insurgent crowd in the streets of Paris gave to itself during the French Revolution, because they usually wore pantaloons (full-length pants or trousers) instead of the chic knee-length culotte of the nobles. In modern use: holding strong republican views. saperlipopette天哪(表示惊讶)

goodness me


lit. jumped ; quickly fry in a small amount of oil.

savant 博学的;学者

"knowing" : a wise or learned person; in English, one exceptionally gifted in a narrow skill.


literally "know how to do"; to respond appropriately to any situation.


fact of following conventional norms within a society; etiquette (etiquette also comes from a French word, "étiquette")

s'il vous pla?t (SVP)请您

"if it pleases you", "if you please"

si vous préférez如果您喜欢

"if you prefer"


an assumed name, a nickname (often used in a pejorative way in French)

soi-disant 自称的

so-called; self-described; literally "oneself saying"


fashionable; polished


an evening party


a very small amount (In French, can also mean suspicion)

soupe du jour当日靓汤

"soup of the day", meaning the particular kind of soup offered that day.

succès d’estime只受到行家的赏识

a "success of esteem" [critical success], sometimes used pejoratively

Système D脱身的妙计

resourcefulness, or ability to work around the system; from débrouillard, one with the knack of making do. A typical phrase using this concept would translate directly to "Thanks to System D, I managed to fix this cupboard without the missing part."


chalkboard. The meaning is broader in French : all type of board (chalkboard, whiteboard, notice board...). Refers also to a painting (see tableau vivant, below) or a table (chart).

tableau vivant 由活人扮演的静态画面

literally "living picture", the term describes a striking group of suitably costumed actors or artist's models, carefully posed and often theatrically lit.

tant mieux 太好了

so much the better.

tant pis算了,活该,倒霉

"too bad," "oh well, that's tough".


"head to head"; an intimate get-together or private conversation between two people.


the process of dressing or grooming. Also refers in French, when plural ("les toilettes"), to the toi let room.

tour de force力气活;壮举

"feat of strength" : a masterly or brilliant stroke, creation, effect, or accomplis hment.

tout de suite立刻

lit. everything (else) follows; "at once", "immediately" (per Oxford English Dictionary).

très beau非常美

very beautiful


photograph-like realism in painting; literally "trick the eye"

trou de loup有尖桩的陷阱

literally "wolf trap", a kind of booby trap.


One of a kind. Unique is considered a paradigmatic absolute and therefore something cannot be very unique.


Go Ahead! Used to encourage someone (pronounced vah-zee)


imperative form, like above, literally meaning "Go from here" but translating more closely as "Go away". Roughly equivalent to idiomatic English get lost or get out.

vendu (pl. vendus) 已售的

sellout. Lit. sold (past tense of "vendre" = to sell); used as a noun, it means someone who betrays for money.

vin de pays非名酒,普通酒

literally "county wine"; wine of a lower designated quality than appellation controlée


salad dressing of oil and vinegar; diminutive of vinaigre (vinegar)


"face to face [with]" : in comparison with or in relation to; opposed to. From "vis" (conjugated form of "voir", to see). In French, it's also a real estate vocabulary word meaning that your windows and your neighbours' are within sighting distance (more precisely, that you can s ee inside of their home). vive [...]! 万岁

"Long live...!"; lit. "Live"; as in "Vive la France!", "Vive la République!", ―Vive la Résistance!‖, "Vive le Canada!", or "Vive le Québec libre!" (long live free Quebec, a sovereigntist slogan famously used by French President Charles de Gaulle in 1967 in Montreal). Unlike "viva" (Spanish) or "vivat" (Latin), it cannot be used as such, it needs a complement.


literally "see there"; in French it can mean simply "there it is"; in English it is generally restricted to a triumphant revelation.


a complete reversal of opinion or position, about face


英汉外来词的对比及翻译 摘要:一种语言借用、吸收另一种语言的词语,这是语言的普遍现象。而在语言的动态发展变化中,词汇的变化是最敏感、最快捷、最频繁的。对比英汉外来词的产生方式,分析其原因,促进翻译的发展,反应事物文化,将符合人们心理的优质外来词吸入本族语言,丰富本族语言,推进语言的发展。 关键词:外来词对比翻译方式 随着世界各民族之间的各种形态接触,一个民族语言中的某些形式传至另一个民族的语言,于是就产生了外来词,吸收和使用外来词成为语言词汇变化的重要因素。叶斯帕森说,“没有任何一种语言是绝对纯洁的,我们也找不出一个没有吸收外来词的民族。”萨丕尔也曾指出, 由于交际的需要, 使说一种语言的人们直接或间接和那些邻近的或文化优越的语言说者发生接触。然而各种语言对外来词语吸收、消化的能力,存在着很大差异。 1 汉字吸收外来词的主要方式 汉字既有表意功能,又有表音功能。因此,外来词要进入汉语的词汇系统,必须接受汉语的语音、语法和构词规则等各方面的改造,以符合汉语的发音习惯、语法和词汇规则。因为现代汉字是“表意和表音文字”。外来词有音译词、意译词、音意兼译词和直接借用四种主要形式。 通过音译借用吸收,语音和语义全部借自外族词,例如,“罗曼蒂克”,这四个字内部并无一定的语义关系,它只是音译了英语(romantic)。音译是用发音近似的汉字将英语翻译过来,这种被译音了的汉字不再有其自身的原意,只是保留其语音和书写形式。再如:歇斯底里(hysteric)、幽默(humor)、布丁(pudding)、康乃馨(carnation)、马赛克(mosaic)、扑克(poker)、马拉松(Marathon)等。 通过意译改造融合。意译词是运用本族语言的构词材料和规则构成的新词,把外语中的某个意义移植进来。例如,“传真(fax)”、“安乐死(euthanasia)”、工会(trade union)、篮球(basketball)等。 通过音意兼译。用汉字记录外来词的读音的同时也用汉字的意义表示其意义。如:奔驰(bonze)、香波(shampoo)、蹦极跳(bungee)。也可采用半部分音译,半部分意译,如:呼拉圈(hula-hoop)、绷带(bandage)、白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)、水上芭蕾(water ballet)、奶昔(milk shake)等。 直译。这种词往往有两个以上的构成部分,直译的时候就按照这些构成部分进行意译,然后拼凑成词。如将“honey”直译为“蜜”,将“moon”直译为“月”,结构形式也是直接照搬,同外语原词同构,如原词“honeymoon”,译词也作“蜜月”。如:马力(horse power)、篮球(basketball)、白领阶层(white collar)、自我实现


英语中的汉语外来词大全 众所周知,语言是人类交流的工具。中国与外界的接触、特别是近30年来的改革开放,汉语吸收了大量的外来词(主要是英语),最常见的词汇包括迪斯科(disco),沙发(sofa),芭蕾 (ballet),基因(gene),克隆(clone),高尔夫球 (golf),巴士(bus),博客(blog)等,不胜枚举。俗话说,来而不往非君子,那么英语是否也吸收了来自于汉语的词汇呢?答案是肯定的。不过,在数量上并不那么突出。现根据网上搜索结果整理如下,如有遗漏之处,请读者自行添加。 以英语字母为序 1.banzai 来自“万岁”的日语发音 2.Beijing 北京 3.Bok choy来自“白菜”,比pe-tsai常用,后者已淘汰 4.Bonsai来自于“盆栽”的日语发音) 5.Canton 广东 6.chai 来自于“茶” 7.Changshan“长衫”,男子用 8.Cheongsam “旗袍”,来自于“长衫” 9.chi 或 qi 气(功) 10.chin chin (toast) ,你好、再见、举杯祝酒,干杯 11.China 或china“中国”或“瓷器” 12.china ware 瓷器 13.Ching,Qing 清(朝) 14.chop chop 来自于“快”广东话发音(kap) 15.chopsticks 筷子 16.Chop-suey 来自“杂碎” 17.Chow mein 来自“炒面” 18.chow 或 chow chow“狗”广东话发音 19.chow (food) 炒饭,食品

20.Chung-Kuo 中国,已不常用 21.Confucius来自“孔子” 22.coolie(koolie))来自“苦力” 23.Cumshaw赏钱,来自“感谢” 24.dazibao 或 big character newspaper 大字报 25.Dim sum 来自“点心”,现广泛用作“小吃”,“早点” 26.Dingho来自“顶好”,虽然此词被收入部分辞书,但一般美国人似乎不懂 这个词的意思 27.dojo 道场 (武术训练场),日语发音 28.egg foo young 蛋芙蓉 29.Feng shui 来自“风水” 30.futon 沙发床,来自于日语汉字“布团”的发音 31.gaijin 外国人,来自于日语汉字“外人”的发音 32.geisha 艺伎日语汉字“艺伎”的发音 33.ginkgo银杏,可能来自于“银杏”日语发音ginkyo ,但在写作时出现错误 而将错就错了 34.Ginseng来自“人参” 35.Gung ho或gung-ho(热情高涨)。这个词在英语里用的很多,并有电影电 视节目,乐队取此名的。举例:At first everyone is gung-ho about this idea. But now no-body even talks about it.(刚开始大家对这个想法都抱有极大的兴趣和热情。而现在谁也不提它了)。对于这个词的来源说法不一。有人认为是从“干活”这个词派生而来,也有人认为是从公共合作社的缩写“公合”而来,还有人认为是从“更好”这个词转化来的。笔者倾向于此词派生于“干活”的说法。 36.gwailo 鬼佬,广东话 37.Han 汉族 38.Hanoi 河内(越南城市) 39.hanzi 汉字


汉语所吸收的英语外来词很多是跟日常生活密切相关的词语。现代生活节奏加快,新事物、新产品不断涌现,这些在外来词的吸收上可以得到明显反映。如: 1)饮食方面: 奶昔(milkshake)、热狗(hot dog)、土司(toast)、三文鱼(salmon)、沙丁鱼(sardine)、速溶咖啡(instant coffee)、扎啤(a jar of beer)、雪碧(Sprite) 2)穿着方面: 你裙(miniskirt)、比基尼(bikini) 3)日常用品方面: 隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、香波(shampoo)、马赛克(mosaic)、交通工具方面:空中客车(airbus)、ATV (air-terrain vehicle能行驶于各种地形的全地形汽车) 4)其他“ 桑拿浴(sauna)、太阳浴(suntan)、伟哥(V iagra) 代沟(generation gap)、单身母亲(bachelor mother)、裸体飞跑(streaking) 军事:radar雷达,tank坦克基因(gene)、博客(blogger)“NEET”啃老族:是“Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training ”或“Not in Education, Employment or Training”的缩略语。美国英语则称之为“boomerang child/kid” “马甲”(sock puppet)“袜子木偶”,是网络社区中为了隐藏身份而注册的ID Scene kid(非主流少年):指衣着不遵循传统风格,并且喜欢嘻哈、情绪嘶吼、朋克摇滚以及其他非主流音乐类型的人。他们通常把头发染成鲜艳的颜色并高高梳在头顶,描着夸张的眼线,穿着修身牛仔裤。非主流少年们一般年龄都在14到21岁之间,有时也可能大一些或小一些。 政治:Ku Klux Klan三K党,KGB克格勃 科技:Laser莱塞(激光),collotype珂罗版(印刷法) 金融:mark马克,rupee卢比 交通:bus巴士,taxi的士,Boeing波音 机械:turbine透平(机)[涡轮(机)],combine康拜因(联合收割机) 电力:volt伏特,siemens西门子 5)文艺及运动 爵士乐(jazz music)、肥皂剧(soap opera)、迪斯科(disco)、霹雳舞(break dance)、派对(party)、MTV (music television)、呼啦圈(hula-hoop)、保龄球(bowling)、拉力赛(rally)、蹦极跳(bunge jumping)、水上芭蕾(water ballet)、局点(game point)、 "灰领阶层"(gray collar,从事维修保养技术工作的人)、"粉领阶层"(pink collar,指从业人员多半为妇女的职业)和"铁领阶层"(iron collar,指机器人)。 高科技园(hi-tech park)、硅谷(silicon valley)、传真(fax)、激光打印机(laser printer)、电视电话(videophone)、试管婴儿(test-tube baby)、克隆羊(clone sheep) 地球村(global village)、CAI (computer-assisted instruction,计算机辅助教学)、网络人(cyber-naut)、网迷(cyber mania)、网吧(cyber bar)、网络文化(cyber culture) blitz(德)闪电战/ sputnik (俄)人造地球卫星/ sado / judo / karate / kimono / hara-kiri / sayonara :柔道茶道空手道和服剖腹自杀(日)attache (法)随从paparazzo (意)狗仔队embargo (西)禁运percent (拉)百分比Tai Chi (太极拳)、Kung-fu (拳术,武术,功夫)、silk(丝)、mahi ong(麻将)、Yangkof秧歌)、Shi Ching (诗经)、Taois m (道教)、fengshui (风水)、Confucius (孔子)、Mencius (孟子)、Maois m (毛泽东思想) bonsai:盆栽(花卉) cheongsam :旗袍(音译粤语“长衫”) coolie:苦力ginseng:人参,西洋参Kowtow:叩头,磕头oolong:乌龙茶Taoteching:道德经 tofu:豆腐tycoon:大亨,大款typhoon:台风yamen衙门lama:喇嘛僧人


2007年9月观晤学司·学术探讨·浅析英语中外来语的来源、成因及影响蒋咏梅(连云港师范高等专科学校初等教育系江苏连云港)【摘要】本文首先对英语外来词的历史进行探源,对其发展过程作了概述,并对其成因进行概述,然后主要分析了数量众多的外来语对英语语言本身的影响,从而得出结论:外来语反映了不同的文化联系,丰富了英语词汇,使英语更加国际化,了解英语外来语的发展过程、成因和来源,有利于加强对英语的理解。【关键词】外来语发展来源成因影响ABriefAnalysisOftheLoanWOrds.mEnglish.1iangYongmei(Primary刖wattonDepartment,LiangyungangTeachers?CollegeLianyungang,JiangsuProvince)【.Abstracts】nethesisfirst0fauprobesint0山eorigi…nnfEnglishvocabularywithexemplifyingwords,inthenextplat:eexpatiatest|lecause0fitsformation.andthenanalyzesthee~ctsthatloanwordshave·0ntheEn glishlanguage__Eventuallyanaturalconclusioncomes?mtobeing:Theloanwordsreflectcuhurallinksandendch【heEnglishvocablll。rys0that_lhasbecomeamomuniversMlan—guage.Furthermore,ac(1um?nlangyourselveswitht}Ieorigin,developmentandcanseofformationisDfgreathelprorEnglishleamerst0deepentheunderstand ing0f|heEnglishlangu~e.【Keywords】loanwords0n?ga?ndevelopmentcause0fformationeffect英语词汇主要由本族词和外来词组成,词汇量大,据最新统计,英语词汇量大约在100万左右。英语词汇量之所以如此巨大,是因为英语在发展过程中吸收了大量的外来词。打开英语词典来看,大约百分之八十的词都是从其它语言借来的,绝大多数的外来语来自拉丁语,其中一半以上是通过法语借来的,另外大量的词直接或间接来自希腊语。相当多的词来自斯堪的纳维亚语,还有一些词来自意大利语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和荷兰语,少数词来自世界各地的其它语种。如:Ⅲ,taxi来自法语;opera,studio来自意大利语;mosquito来自西班牙语;kowtow则来自汉语。有人说英语是一种“贪婪”的语言。英语词汇中外来词如此之多,以致于在英语运用的每一个句子中,都有可能出现外来词,看一个例句:Their cups are black,这个简单句只有4个单词,但其中your·是斯堪的纳维亚语外来词,black是法语外来词,cup是拉丁语外来词,只有are是本族词。这些外来语词,由于经常使用或使用时间已久,已经完全英语化,即使以英语为母语的很多人也未必能说出它们的来源。由此可见,外来词已成为英语语言中必不缺少的部分。随着社会的进步,英语新词汇也在应运而生。若干年后,恐怕没有人能说出英语究


现代汉语中的英语借词类型及其成因探析 前言: 在历史发展的过程中,民族和民族之间总会发生交流。当某种事物的名字在交流的一方所使用的语言中不存在,或者是其中一方特别强大的时候,借词就应运而生了。所以,顾名思义,借词就是一种语言从另一种语言中借过来的词汇。 中国近现代史的过程中,中国人被迫或自愿和西方进行了接触交流。洋泾浜英语就是这个时代的产物。现代汉语在近代化的过程中也首次出现了英语借词。近些年来,随着中国的进一步开放,政治、经济、文化达到了空前的繁荣。中国与西方国家之间的联系得到了更快地发展,使得现代汉语中的英语借词更加多样化多元化。 目前,我国语言学界对于借词的界定一般持两种观点。第一种认为音译词等于借词,意译词不是借词;第二种观点认为意译词也是借词,笔者同意第二种观点。 1、现代汉语中英语借词的类型 1.1纯粹音译借词 1.2音译加汉语意符借词 1.3半音译半意译借词 1.4英语或者字母缩写借词 1.5英语字母附加汉字借词 2、借词的类型及其多样化形成的原因 2.1历史原因 由于地理位置的不同、交通不便等原因,近代以前中国与西方英语国家几乎没有直接的接触交流。但是随着鸦片战争的爆发,西方列强的入侵,一些有志于振兴中华民族的有识之士,掀起了一股向西方学习的热潮。西方先进的自然科学思想、社会科学等等大规模地传入了中国,对当时闭关自守的中国学术、思想、政治和社会经济均产生了巨大的影响。这个时期许多英语词汇被借用进入了汉语。上个世纪改革开放以后,西方英语国家对中国的影响越来越大,中国人与外界之间的交流达到空前的繁荣。 2.2社会原因 在地球村概念的影响之下,由于西方英语国家强大的经济实力,英语顺理成章成为了全球的强势语言。随着中国经济实力的不断加强,渴望更多的参与国际事务,这就需要对交流的工具英语有更深入的了解。同时,我国国内的教育体制也是不断强调英语的重要性。英语水平测试的类型也越来越多,仅权威的国际国内英语测试考试目前就有几十种。国外比如托福、雅思、托业、bec;国内的大学四六级、pets等等。英语培训机构更是遍地开花,英语学习的教材书籍在书店中长期占据主导位置。这些都表示国人渴望更多融入国际社会,这种主观意识也是现代汉语中英语借词产生以及多样化的重要原因之一。 2.3经济原因 2.4翻译原因 2.5文化原因 现代汉语中有一些不雅或者敏感性的词汇,用英语来表达会淡化其不雅的色彩。比如用bra来代替人们日常熟悉的胸罩,可以淡化掉胸罩中包含的不雅色彩;再如用sexy来取代性感,因为sexy在英语词汇中是个具有褒义色彩的词语,隐去了性别色彩同时增添了有魅力的意思,而性感在现代汉语词汇中,有轻挑、风骚的意思,所以在公众场合,人们更乐意用sexy 来取代性感一词。 2.6语言学原因 2.7港台影响原因 港台地区由于特殊的身份和重要的地理位置,在中国的地现代化过程中与其他国家有更


Three Primary Borrowed Languages of English 辽宁大学外国语学院英语国际贸易系 09级3班 崔野

Abstract Historical marks can be seen in English in every period from old English to middle English and from middle English to modern English New words from other nations came into use in English. English vocabulary has been broadening and developing. The openness of English vocabulary can also be seen in its regional varieties. There are different characteristics in Britain English, Canadian English and so on. According to some experts? estimate, there are about one million vocabularies of English. To our surprise 80% of English vocabularies are borrowed language. The three major languages are Latin French and Greek. There is little change when English borrowed from the other three languages. In my paper I introduced three points about the borrowed languages: three major resources, characteristics, and the influence to English. [Key words] English, varieties, borrowed


试论英语外来词对现代汉语的影响 作者:刘爽 (天津财经大学 2006级硕士研究生英语语言文学专业) 摘要:在中国近三十年的改革开放中,跨语言、跨文化交际的广度和深度达到了前所未有的程度,与此同时,大量外来词涌入汉语,其中尤以号称世界语言的英语为最。本文主要从汉语中英语外来词的应用范围、借用方法、产生原因等几方面对现代汉语中英语外来词的现状进行分析,并从个人的角度出发提出了对于汉语中的英语外来词应采取的正确态度。 关键词:英语外来词、现代汉语 自改革开放以来,中国与世界的交融越来越广泛和深入,中国在社会、政治、经济、文化等方面的发展,无不深受世界大环境的影响。汉语,作为中国文化的重要组成部分,也在与世界各种文化的交流和碰撞中,不断演化。在这一过程中,大量外来词的涌入,尤为引人注目,特别是大量英语外来词的不断涌入,为汉语不断地注入了新鲜血液。 本文主要从汉语中英语外来词的应用范围、借用方法、产生原因等几方面对现代汉语中英语外来词的现状进行分析,并从个人的角度出发提出了对于汉语中的英语外来词应采取的正确态度。 1. 涉及范围 伴随着中国与世界各族人民的经济文化交流,大量外来词,特别是英语外来词,进入汉语,几乎充斥着社会生活的方方面面,在科技、商业、社会文化生活、经济生活等诸多方面都对汉语产生了很大影响。 1.1 科技领域 由于现代科技的飞速发展,科技词汇大量出现,汉语中出现了大量科技外来词,如克隆(Clone)、纳米(Nanometer)等。而其中最显著的是计算机领域。由于欧美、特别是美国在计算机技术方面发展水平最高,在这一领域中,英语词汇毋庸置疑地占据着主导地位。特别是伴随着网络的迅猛发展,每天都会涌现大量英语新词,而往往这些英语词汇很难在汉语中找到合适的对等词,于是人们干脆把这些词直接拿过来使用,如因特网(Internet)、伊妹儿(E-mail)等。伴随着网络的急速发展,网络语言逐渐成为当下流行语中最重要的组成部分,并逐渐向现实生活的各个角落蔓延。 1.2 商业领域 自改革开放以来,在经济全球化的大背景下,众多跨国公司进入我国发展的同时,也将众多国际商业品牌引入国内,大量外来词以音译等方式出现,进入汉语体系中,如奔驰(Bench)、耐克(Nike)、柯达(Kodak)等。


英语外来词的文化分析及翻译方式 英语外来词的文化分析及翻译方式 英语是当今世界上使用最广泛的语言,随着我国对外交往的日益频繁,来自英语的外来词(借词)日益增多,特别是在中国进行改革开放的新时期,中外文化的多层次、多渠道的交流为词语的借用提供了多种条件。中国成功加入WTO,也促使更多的英语词汇进入了我们的生活。正如美国的语言学家萨丕尔所言:"一种语言对另一种语言最简单的影响是词的'借贷'.只要有文化借贷,就可能把有关的词也借过来。"汉语中从英语借来的大量新词就是这种文化交流和融合的产物。因此,我们可以从借词中窥见文化交流的方方面面,并通过词语借用方式来发掘沉积在一个民族心理结构中的深层内蕴。新时期源于英语的借词涉及哪些方面,它们是如何在汉语中"安家落户"的,又出现了哪些新的借入形式,这些外来词对我们民族传统观念和文化心理有何影响?这些正是本文所要探讨的内容。 一、源自英语外来词所涉及的内容 汉语所吸收的英语外来词很多是跟日常生活密切相关的词语。现代生活节奏加快,新事物、新产品不断涌现,这些在外来词的吸收上可以得到明显反映。如: 饮食方面:绿色食品(green food)、肯德基(Kentucky)、麦当劳(McDonald's)、自助餐(buffet)、奶昔(milkshake)、热狗(hot dog)、奶酪(cheese)、土司(toast)、三文鱼(salmon)、沙丁鱼(sardine)、配司(paste)、西冷牛排(sirloin steak)、培根(bacon)、速溶咖啡(instant coffee)、扎啤(a jar of beer)、雪碧(Sprite)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、百事可乐(Pepsi-cola)、软饮料(soft drink)。 穿着方面:牛仔裤(jeans)、迷你裙(miniskirt)、比基尼(bikini)、运动夹克衫(bi-swing)。日常用品方面:隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、香波(shampoo)、席梦思(shermons)、腊克(locquer)、马赛克(mosaic)、特氟隆(teflon)。交通工具方面:汽轮机列车(turbotrain)、空中客车(airbus)、ATV (air-terrain vehicle能行驶于各种地形的全地形汽车)等。 此外还有桑拿浴(sauna)、太阳浴(suntan)、士多店(store)、超市(supermarket)、SOS儿童村、伟哥(Viagra)、爱滋病(AIDS)等等,也都与现代生活密切相关。 艺术、娱乐、体育方面,如:爵士乐(jazz music)、肥皂剧(soap opera)、迷幻摇滚乐(acid rock)、摇滚舞音乐(big beat)、爵士摇滚(jazz rock)、乡村摇滚(rockability)、迪斯科(disco)、霹雳舞(break dance)、甲壳虫乐队(the Beetles)、辣妹合唱组(the Spice Girls)、派对(party)、MTV (music television)、背景音乐(background music)、迪斯尼乐园(Disney land)、溜溜球(yo-yo)、NBA (美国职业蓝球联赛)、呼啦圈(hula-hoop)、保龄球(bowling)、高尔夫球(golf)、拉力赛(rally)、卡丁车(karting)、蹦极跳(bunge jumping)、飞镖(boomerang)、水上芭蕾(water ballet)、局点(game point)、赛末点(match point)、冠军点(championship point)等。帕默尔说:"语言忠实地反映了一个民族的的全部历史、文化,忠实地反映了它的各种游戏和娱乐、各种信仰和偏见,这一点现在是十分清楚了。"这一观点在此可以得到印证。 大众传媒迅速发展使不同文化相互融合,有关西方道德文化价值观念的词也不断涌现:代沟(generation gap)、文化差距(culture gap)、单身母亲(bachelor mother)、应召女郎(call girl)、嬉皮士(Hippies)、雅皮士(Yuppies)、荫皮士(Yumpies)、朋克(punk)、裸体飞跑(streaking)等等。随着社会分工日益明确,除了传统上的"白领阶层"(white collar)、"蓝领阶层"(blue collar)外,又出现了"灰领阶层"(gray collar,从事维修保养技术工作的人)、"粉领阶层"(pink collar,指从业人员多半为妇女的职业)和"铁领阶层"(iron collar,指机器人)。新的科学理论的创立和新技术的出现产生一批新词:高科技园(hi-tech park)、硅谷(silicon valley)、传真(fax)、激光打印机(laser printer)、


外来语翻译 当代中国人的生活中,最有影响的两个外来语恐怕就是卡拉OK和网络产生的新词——伊妹儿了。而像WTO、IT、IP、SOS、CPU、MTV、CD、DVD等外来语,不仅拒绝着所谓的“本土化”,而且直接 “大写”着像UFO一样降临我们的头顶。以至有些语言学家惊呼,入侵汉语的“狼”(英语缩略语)来了! 一、源自英语外来词所涉及的内容 汉语所吸收的英语外来词许多是跟日常生活密切相关的词语。现代生活节奏加快,新事物、新产品不断涌现,这些在外来词吸收上可以得到明显反映。如在饮食方面:绿色食品 (green food)、肯德基 (Kentucky)、麦当劳 (McDonald’s)、自助餐 (buffet)、奶昔 (milkshake)、热狗 (hot dog)、奶酪 (cheese)、土 司 (toast)、三文鱼 (salmon)、沙丁鱼 (sardine)、配司 (paste)、西冷牛排(sirloin steak)、培根 (bacon)、速溶 咖啡 (instant coffee)、扎啤 (a jar of beer)、雪碧 (Sprite)、可口可乐 (Coca-Cola)、百事可乐 (Pepsi-cola)、软 饮料 (soft drink)。穿着方面有:牛仔裤 (jeans)、迷你裙 (miniskirt)、比基尼 (bikini)、运动夹克衫 (bi-swing)。日常用品方面:隐形眼镜 (contact lenses)、香波 (shampoo)、席梦思 (shermons)、腊克 (locquer)、马赛克 (mosaic)、特氟隆 (teflon)。交通工具方面:汽轮机列车 (turbotrain)、空中客车 (airbus)、ATV (air- terrain vehicle能行驶于各种地形的全地形汽车)等。此外还有桑拿浴 (sauna)、太阳浴 (suntan)、士多店 (store)、超市 (supermarket)、SOS儿童村、伟哥 (Viagra)、爱滋病 (AIDS)等等,也都与现代生活密切相关。 在艺术、娱乐、体育方面,如:爵士乐 (jazz music)、肥皂剧 (soap opera)、迷幻摇滚乐 (acid rock)、摇滚舞音乐 (big beat)、爵士摇滚(jazz rock)、乡村摇滚 (rockability)、迪斯科 (disco)、霹雳舞 (break dance)、 甲壳虫乐队 (the Beetles)、辣妹合唱组 (the Spice Girls)、派对 (party)、MTV (music television)、背景音乐 (background music)、迪斯尼乐园 (Disney land)、溜溜球 (yo-yo)、NBA (美国职业蓝球联赛)、呼啦圈(hula-hoop)、保龄球 (bowling)、高尔夫球 (golf)、拉力赛 (rally)、卡丁车 (karting)、蹦极跳 (bunge jumping)、飞 镖 (boomerang)、水上芭蕾 (water ballet)、局点 (game point)、赛末点 (match point)、冠军点 (championship point)等。帕默尔说:“语言忠实地反映了一个民族的的全部历史、文化,忠实地反映了它 的各种游戏和娱乐、各种信仰和偏见,这一点现在是十分清楚了。”这一观点在此可以得到印证。 大众传媒迅速发展使不同文化相互融合,有关西方道德文化价值观念的词也不断涌现:代沟 (generation gap)、文化差距 (culture gap)、单身母亲 (bachelor mother)、应召女郎 (call girl)、嬉皮士 (Hippies)、雅皮士 (Yuppies)、荫皮士 (Yumpies)、朋克 (punk)、裸体飞跑 (streaking)等等。随着社会分工 日益明确,除了传统上的“白领阶层”(white collar)、“蓝领阶层”(blue collar)外,又出现了“灰领阶层”(gray collar,从事维修保养技术工作的人)、“粉领阶层”(pink collar,指从业人员多半为妇女的职业)和


浅析汉语中的英语外来词 要强 摘要:近年来,英语外来词在汉语中大量出现,并产生一些新的现像如字母词异军突起、音译词回潮,这对汉语产生了正反两方面的影响。本文综述了英语外来词的来源形式和发展变化,尤其随着近些年来网络涌入人们的生活以及国际一体化的进程,英语外来词在内容上也不断更新。本文在分析了英语外来词带给汉语发展的利与弊之后,提出我们应该对英语外来词进行合理地运用和规范,使它能够起到促进汉语发展的观点。 关键词:英语外来词;发展;递增;影响;规范 中图分类号:H313.5 Analysis of Chinese loan words in English Yao qiang Abstract: In recent years, the English loan words in Chinese in the appearance of large numbers and produce a number of new words are like the letters such as the emergence, resurgence of the word who, which the Chinese have both positive and negative implications. In this paper, the source of loan words in English form and the development and changes, particularly in recent years with the network into people's lives as well as the international integration process, English loan words in content is also constantly updated. Based on the analysis of English loan words in Chinese to the development of the pros and cons, the proposed outside of the English language should be a reasonable use of words and norms, so that it can play a role in the promotion of Chinese development. Keywords: English loan words; Development; Incremental; Influence; Norms 引言 所谓“外来词”指的是一种语言从另一种语言中吸收进来的词语。外来词是世界各民族间政治、经济、文化和科技交流的必然产物。语言大师萨丕尔曾经说


第5卷第6期辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版) Vol.5,No.62003年11月 Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Social Science Edition ) Nov.2003 谈英语中的外来语 刘艳华 (辽宁工程技术大学外语系,辽宁 阜新 123000) 摘要:英语外来语是英语不可缺少的组成部分,发挥着重要的作用。首先介绍了英语外来语的发展过程,阐述了其成因,即历史原因和社会原因。然后主要介绍了来自欧亚两洲的外来语,其中包括来自欧洲的拉丁语、希腊语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语及欧洲其他语言;来自亚洲的阿拉伯语、汉语、日语和亚洲其他语言。外来语反映了不同的文化联系,丰富了英语词汇,使英语更加国际化。了解英语外来语的发展过程、成因和来源地,有利于加强对英语的理解。关键词:外来语;发展;来源地 中图分类号:H 313.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-391X (2003)06-0089-03 Discuss the loan words in English L IU Yan -hua (Foreign Language Department ,Liaoning Technical University ,Fuxin 123000,China ) Abstract :Loan words are an indispensable part of English ,which exerts important effect.Firstly ,the paper presents the development course and contributing factors of loan words.It includes historical and social causes.Then it describes loan words that derive from European and Asian languages ,such as Latin ,Greek ,French ,I 2talian ,Spanish ,G erman ,Arabic ,Chinese ,Japanese and other languages in Europe and Asia.Loan words reflect the different cultural connection and enrich English vocabulary ,thus it makes English more internationalized.It will make learners further understand English if they get more knowledge about the development course ,contributing factors and original countries of loan words.K ey w ords :loan word ;development ;origin 收稿日期:2003-01-21 作者简介:刘艳华(1974-),女,辽宁阜新人,辽宁工程技术大学外语系讲师,学士,主要从事高校公共英语及英语专业教学研究。 1 英语外来语的发展进程 从其它语言中“借”词的现象已有很长的历史 了。早在古英语初期,由于和罗马人的联系,英语从拉丁语中借用了大量词汇,在古英语时期,英语继续借用拉丁词汇,当时大部分是宗教用语。古英语到现代英语的过渡时期,随着1066年诺曼征服,显现出法语的巨大影响,法语应用于所有政治事务及大部分社会及文化事务。因此,当时的英语语言体现出英语词汇的巨大而显著的变化———大量法语单词的吸收,这体现在词汇的所有分支中。现代英语时期,文艺复兴使英语词汇发生了很大变化。由于重 视对古典文化的研究,结果导致大量拉丁词汇的引入。因此为英语外来语的引入打开了新的源泉。在此之前古英语和中世纪英语中引入了希腊语,但都是间接地通过拉丁语或法语。自16世纪以来,英语所借用的语言种类大大增加了,主要有三种罗曼语:法语、西班语和意大利语。英语还从欧洲其它语言中吸收词汇。Caste 和pagoda 来自葡萄牙语;bis 2muth 、cobalt 、nickle 和zinc 则来自德语;dock freight 和keel 来自荷兰语;vadka 、troika 、ruble 和tsar 则来自俄语。19世纪和20世纪之交,由于海外探险,开拓殖民地以及贸易发展,许多非欧洲国家和地区的语言也用于英语中,英语的发展同外来语的引入是分不开的,外来语已成了英语词汇的一部分。 2 英语外来语的成因 要深入了解外来语,我们必须找出英语借用外 来语的原因。通常来说,外来语进入英语有两个主要原因:一是历史原因,二是社会原因。


英语中的外来语一览 来自汉语: bok choy 白菜(1938年进入英语) chop suey 杂碎(1888年进入英语) chow mein 炒面(1903年进入英语) cumshaw 赏钱(音译自闽南语“感谢”)(1839年进入英语) dim sum 点心(1948年进入英语) fengshui 风水(1797年进入英语) gung ho 热心(一说来源“更好”,一说来源“干活”)(1939年进入英语)kaolin 高岭土(1727年进入英语) kowtow 叩头(1804年进入英语) kung fu 功夫(1966年进入英语) kylin 麒麟(1857年进入英语) longan 龙眼(1732年进入英语) lychee(litch)荔枝(1588年进入英语) mahjong(mah-jong)麻将(1920年进入英语) paktong 白铜钱币(1775年进入英语) petsai 白菜(1795年进入英语) petuntse 白墩子(1727年进入英语) sampan 舢板(1620年进入英语) souchong 小种茶(1760年进入英语) suan pan 算盘(1736年进入英语)

sycee 银锭(1711年进入英语) tai chi 太极(1736年进入英语) taipan 大商行的总经理(大班)(1834年进入英语)Tao 道(1736年进入英语) tofu 豆腐(1880年进入英语) toumingdu 透明度(1980年进入英语) Tuchun 督军(1917年进入英语) tung 油桐(1788年进入英语) typhoon 台风(1771年进入英语) wampee 黄皮果(1830年进入英语) whangee 黄藜竹(1790年进入英语) wok 炒锅(1952年进入英语) wonton 云吞(馄饨)(1948年进入英语) yamen 衙门(1747年进入英语) yin-yang 阴阳(1671年进入英语) yum cha 饮茶(20世纪末进入英语) bonsai 盆栽(花卉) cheongsam 旗袍(音译粤语“长衫”) Confucious 孔夫子 coolie 苦力 dingho 顶好


Chapter 3 (II) 英语中的外来词 Teaching objectives 1)understand the borrowed words from German ,French and Italian 2)Comprehend the relationship between word borrowing and culture Teaching approach 1)oral discussion 2)Brainstorming 3)Group talk Teaching procedure 汉语与英语词汇 Kung pao chicken Large meatball Peaceful rising Three reprensative theory Four modernization Confucianism Four books Five classics 法语对汉语的影响 1)法语的借词 官方用词英语当中与政府,管理等有关的词汇大多数都是来自于法语。比如: government, govern, administer, crown, state, empire, realm, reign, authority, tyrant, court, council, parliament, assembly, treaty, alliance, record, tax等词汇,从中不难看出,法国贵族当时在统治阶层当中的巨大影响。 官职的用词也是来自于法语,比如: chancellor, treasurer, chamberlain, marshal, governor,councilor, minister, warden, mayor, 表示社会上层的用词也是来自法语,比如: noble,nobility, peer, prince, princess, duke, duchess,count, countess, baron。


英语中的汉语外来语(转载) 英语中的外来语为数众多,但是来源于汉语的并不多,而且其中大部分也不常用。主要原因大概还是因为明朝锁国之后,中国的国际影响力一直比较低的原因。这些汉语借词主要还是集中在食品上,语源和借入年代来自于韦氏大词典。 B Bok choy:白菜。来源于粤语的“白菜(baahk-choi)”,1938年。 C Cheong-sam:旗袍。来源于粤语的“长衫(cheuhng-saam)”,1952年。 chop-chop:快点,赶快。来源于中国洋泾浜英语,粤语的“急(gup)”的叠音, 1834年。 chopstick:筷子。来源于中国洋泾浜英语,chop + stick,1699年。 chop suey:杂烩菜。来源于粤语“杂碎(jaahp-seui)”,1888年。 chowchow:腌什锦菜,蜜饯。来源于中国洋泾浜英语,可能是粤语的“炒”的 叠音,1850年。 chow mein:炒面。来源于粤方言台山话的“炒面(cháau-mihn)”,1898年。 coolie:苦力。有些字典认为这个词来源于汉语的“苦力”,有些字典认为来源于印地语或者乌尔都语。1638年。 cumshaw:赏钱,消费。来源于厦门话“感谢(kam siā)”,1839年。 D dim sum:点心。来源于粤语的“点心(dímsām)”,1948年。 F fan-tan:一种赌博游戏。来源于粤语的“番摊(fantan)”,1878年。 feng shui:风水。来源于官话的“风水(fengshui)”,1797年。 foo dog:佛犬,指佛像前的狮子。来源于普通话的“佛(fo)”+ dog,1953年。 G ginseng:人参。来源于官话的“人参(renshen)”,1654年。 gung ho:齐心协力的,强烈的。来源于汉语的“工合”,是“中国工业合作社”的简称,1942年。 hoisin sause:海鲜酱。来源于粤语的“海鲜酱(hóisīn-jeung)”,1968年。 K kowtow:磕头。来源于官话“叩头”,1804年。
