


我的习惯英语作文一:我的生活习惯 My Living HabitEveryone has their own habit. I have some living habits. I will take off my shoes and put on the slippers when I arrive home. And I get used to drink some soup before having dinner. What’s more, I have to keep my room light on until I fall asleep. If I am forced to change anything about this, I will be very uncomfortable. For example, if I don’t wear slipper at home, I will be very uncomfortable. If I can’t drink soup before dinner, I can’t eat anything. And I can’t fall asleep if the light is off. This is my living habit. Maybe I will change it one day, but now I can’t receive any change about them.每个人都有自己的习惯。我有一些生活习惯。到家后我要换拖鞋。我习惯在吃饭之前喝点汤。还有就是睡着前我都要开着房间灯。如果我被强迫改变,我会


我的习惯英语作文二:我有一个坏习惯 I Have a Bad HabitI have many bad habits, but there is one always makes me upset. I like nodding off in class. Nearly everyone will have this bad habit in summer. But I will nod off in every class and every season. Usually, I will nod off when the class begins about ten minutes.

I hate this. I have tried my best to correct it. But I failed in the end. This habit troubles me lot.我有很多的坏习惯,但有一个让我一直都很心烦。我喜欢在课堂上打瞌睡。在夏天几乎每个人都会有这种坏习惯。但是,一年四季每一堂课我都会在课堂上打瞌睡。通常,开始上课十分钟左右我就会打瞌睡了。我很讨厌这一点。我也曾努力改正过。但最后我还是失败了。这个习惯让我很心烦。

我的习惯英语作文三:我的饮食和生活方式 My Diet and

LifestyleHi! My name is Pauline. I am 14 years old. I want to be a teacher or a doctor when I grow up. To be a doctor, I must be healthy. It is important for a doctor to be healthy.Before, I seldom ate vegetables. Because I disliked vegetables. I liked sweet snacks. They taste delicious but they are not good for me. They give me energy but they are not healthy. So I must change my diet. Now, I eat a bowl of rice for breakfast, and I often eat an egg.For lunch, I usually eat a bowl of soup, vegetables and a bowl of rice. I eat meat and vegetables for dinner. If I want to be healthier, I must exercise. So I changed my lifestyle now. Now, I often exercise once a week. I do not eat snacks or fast food any more. So I think I am healthy.Now, I am very happy. I hope everybody is healthy and happy.


全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试题 课程代码:00597 I. Correct the errors in the following sentences.(改写病句)10% Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television .I resolved never to buy that brand again. After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television, I resolved never to buy that brand again. 1.Those berries are poisonous don’t eat them. 2.Our city’s buildings are not as modern as your city. 3.To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase. 4.He told me that Mary had returned home for a week. 5.I read the book on the bus which did not interest me at all. II. Read the following passages and identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it.(阅读以下每段文章,然后在每段文章的主题句下划线。)20% 1. The biggest problem in ancient DNA reserch is getting the DNA in the first place. The favorite material to work with is bone, and a small chunk of it is best. Cells can lie inside the hard bone structure waiting to be liberated after the calcium has been dissolved away. That’s the easy bit. Getting the DNA out, what little of it that remains is horrendously difficult and many teams have succumbed to pitfalls in the past. The rule is that it has to be done in a clean room better than used to assemble spacecraft to go into deep space, and it has to be done away from any other source of potentially contaminating DNA. 2. Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics, might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals. 3. Many TV commercials imply that a woman’s self-esteem depends on her cleaning ability. In one commercial, we see a woman terribly upset because her guests find spots on her glassware. Countless other commercials blur out the message that a woman will pass muster as a person if her kitchen floor gleams and her toilet bowl is blue. This idiocy must work, because the images of women scrubbing, moping, waxing and smiling keep on coming over the air. 4. As human beings, we are constantly in the stage of change. Our bodies change everyday. Our attitudes are constantly evolving. Something we swore by five years ago is now almost impossible for us to imagine ourselves believing The clothes we wore a few years ago now look strange to us in old photographs. Everything is changing. This is a prediction I can make with absolute certainty. 1



六级考试作文范文 1.描述一下你在公共场所所亲眼目睹的扒窃事件 2.谴责这种不文明行为 3.在构建和谐社会进程中,人人都应该有正义感。 【参考范文】 Yesterday, I witnessed a theft incident on my way home. A woman took her wallet out and paid for a newspaper at Xinzhuang around 9:00 am. She put her wallet back and turned to leave when a mid-aged man brushed past him muttering "Excuse me". She didn't notice his wallet was missing. The rampant pickpocket has become a national epidemic and poses a grave threat to residents' and visitors' property safety. Pickpocket prevention, a daunting task for

police, makes sense. All sides involved in this problem must join their forces to remove this social cancer. We all expect "A World Without Thieves". Everyone shares the huge responsibility for demonstrating his/her justice at proper time. Personal responsibility is vital to building a socialist harmonious society. 不比父辈们坚守在岗位上一呆就是几十年,现在的年轻人们热衷“跳槽”。小编之前看不太惯跳槽,但当进入社会之后,发现每个人跳槽是有原因的,可能因为工资,可能因为环境,可能因为单纯的喜好,只要不要太过频繁,还是可以接受的。 【作文题目】 My View on Job-Hopping


关于我喜欢的作文 精选作文:我喜欢(450字)作文 我喜欢春天的景物,我喜欢看小花儿重新崭开笑脸,小草又恢复了往日的生机,就算树梢冒出的一点儿小牙儿,人们也惊喜万分。我喜欢夏日的骄阳。虽然那阳光狠狠地打在人们身上很热,可这展示出了它的固执,倔强。我喜欢秋天的田野。我喜欢红彤彤的高梁,粉楚楚的荞麦,白生生的棉花,黑黝黝的绿豆荚,绿莹莹的白菜&&我喜欢看农民伯伯脸上的笑容,这说明今年又是个大丰收。我喜欢冬天的雪。尤其喜欢在下着鹅毛大雪时,我和伙伴们堆雪人,打雪仗,滑雪&&我喜欢在雪地里听到伙伴们的嬉戏声,叫喊声,在这个冰天雪地的世界里,仿佛充满了柔和的阳光的温暖。我也喜欢在课堂上看到同学们争先恐后地举手发言。这说明他们在上课时一定把老师讲的每一个字,每一句话都听得清清楚楚,我真为他们而感到高兴。我还喜欢看书,不管是什么类型的。我喜欢看关于教育的书,关于科普的书,关于自信的书,关于亲情的书,以及有趣的漫画书,幽默,搞笑,恐怖,我认为它们能丰富我的童年生活。我喜欢生活,而且深深地喜欢能在我心里充着这样的多的喜欢。我喜欢!五年级:pink王翘楚篇一:我喜欢作文800字 我喜欢作文800字 幸福,或许很简单,更或许很复杂;生活,或许很简单,更或许很复杂;自己,或许很简单,更或许很复杂;喜欢,或许很简单,更或许很复杂。———题记我喜欢在课间十分钟一边哼哼曲调,一边

沐浴漫无目的反射在我肩头上的太阳光,一边欣赏粉笔灰在空中肆意跳跃的舞步。听,窗外树枝上的鸟儿伴随我唱和;瞧,微风拂过,两鬓发丝妖娆可爱的舞动着;看,窗外的榕树在当伴舞,树叶在伴奏——“沙沙沙”。随着铃声,又进入了课堂。等待下一个十分钟。我喜欢音乐,一个人,静静地。我喜欢流行歌曲,吉他的狂野激情,小提琴的温柔婉转,钢琴的意味深长,都令我神往,我好似被带进了一个神奇的世界,在那小提琴也疯狂,吉他也轻悠,钢琴也变得雄伟,这是音乐奇侠世界,在这个世界里,找不到一丝杂念。不知何时,我也成为了音乐奇侠?? 我喜欢看书,独自坐在家里的书桌前,翻动着手中的页码,任春风吹拂,任阳光灿烂,任时间匆匆从我身旁流去。独自得读着自己喜欢的书,徜徉在书的海洋里,闻着书香的气息,看着哲人的事迹,这是对心灵的浇灌。 我喜欢在忙绿了一天后,贪婪的趴在桌上,拿起一支笔,在那夹着香气的淡蓝色本子上,记载这一天中的趣事和收获。不管是快乐的还是不快乐,不管是否忧愁都毫无顾忌,毫无保留的倒叙在本子上,当窗外得灯红酒绿隐设于黑暗,我坐在转椅上,忘我的写下去,我写下的那一行行凌乱无序的文字,将会成为长大后的回忆。 我喜欢雨后的彩虹,我喜欢看七色中最外层的那一色,淡淡的,很优雅。彩虹在天上呆腻了,便来到了地面上,调皮的我,在水面上跳跃,溅起一丝水花,捣乱了七色的顺序。我跑到桥头,站在顶端,我想抓住彩虹飞到那天上去,它却与我一起疯狂,跑到了湖面。周边


写我的习惯的作文 [模版仅供参考,切勿通篇使用] 写我的习惯的作文 习惯 我习惯了人与人之间的亲热,永远不改掉。 我习惯在去爸爸妈妈工作单位时,面对紧闭的自动门和门卫室,大喊一声:“开——门——!是一我——!”然后等门卫小陈叔叔急急地赶过来,看都不看地笑着说:“是阿弛啊!”黑色的皮肤随着因笑意而上扬的嘴角一皱一皱的,早已伸出的手按下按钮,然后门开了,发出“嘭”的一声,那是门发出的最好听的声音。而我则会中气十足地喊:“是!小陈叔叔好!”等待着他露出欢喜的神情,用厚厚的大手把我拽进去。 小陈叔叔是我们一家人的好朋友,经常来我们家和我们一起吃饭,有时还会带上他的妻子。他总是和爸爸聊些树木花草石块,和妈妈说点儿打麻将的输赢和孩子未来发展的问题。都是些普通而枯燥的话题,却让我感到一缕一缕的饭香,甜到了每个人的心里。 见门不开一声吼,是我们之间的习惯。 我习惯在吃完晚饭的一刻,等着隔壁的小伍叔叔大大方方地

“破门而入”,看着一桌子饭菜,摆出一副悲痛的表情皱眉大喊:“你们都开始吃晚饭了?我家还有两个多小时呢!不知今天是八宝粥还是方便面,我家的那位真是懒啊!”然后抚着额头做苦恼状。于是我便帅气地放下筷子,站起身,无奈地摆了摆手,“悲悯”地说:“纠正一下,是已经吃完晚饭了不是‘都开始吃晚饭了’哦。”迎接我的必然是小伍叔叔更加撕心裂肺的叫喊,伴随着我念叨着今晚都吃了什么…… 这已经成了我们每天的小插曲,由于奶奶家是棋牌室,大门理所应当地开着,若是今天饭吃得比较早,我们会故意放慢吃饭速度等待小伍叔叔的“破门而入”。小伍叔叔是大家都很欢迎的人,虽然有很强的能力和资产,却甘愿被“欺负”,只为这社会上愈见疏远的邻里关系,还留有温暖的一笔。而我也毫不客气地继续“欺负”着叔叔,反正他总会在几分钟之后端着碗在爷爷奶奶的邀请下蹭饭的。 “欺负”与“被欺负”,是我们之间的习惯。 我习惯在去奶奶家吃饭前,从单元楼外就开始喊:“爷爷奶奶——”,走到一楼再喊一声:“爷爷奶奶,我来了——”,等到了二楼,我的第三声“我来吃饭了——”还没说完,奶奶就已经把门打开了,站在门口笑吟吟地望着我。屋内的光柔柔地照着,奶奶的脸色也柔柔的,像一片温柔的湖。于是我蹦蹦跳跳地跑进


A: All the young children were _________ over the outing. A. excited B. exciting A : What is the least dangerous kind of robbery? B : ________ robbery. A. Safe B. Safety C. Saving All the people were _________ to hear that the pirates attacked our merchant ships. A. astonished B. astonishing All the fruits must before they are paid for. A. weight B. be weighed C. weigh D. be in weight A : What are we all doing at the same time? B : We are all growing __________. A. old B. elder C. elderly B: Be careful __________ you cross the street. A. how B. for C. to D. with C: D: Do you wish me ___________? A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed Didn’t I ask you ________ in your homework this week? A. hand B. handed C. handing D. to hand E: Everyone longs ________ the summer holiday. A. till B. toward C. towards D. for Everybody was _______ at the news of a sudden outbreak of polio in the community. A. alarmed B. alarming F: G: Great changes _______ in our institute in the last few years.


我喜欢的什么作文 我喜欢下象棋,因为以前看见有几个男生在玩象棋,引起了我的注意力,从此我很喜欢下象棋。以下是为您整理的我喜欢的什么作文,欢迎阅读。 篇一:我喜欢的事 我喜欢下象棋,因为以前看见有几个男生在玩象棋,引起了我的注意力,从此我很喜欢下象棋。因我觉得下棋像纸上大战,所以我下象棋很用心。 我一开始学下棋的时候,总是乱走步子,爸爸耐心的教我,我的水平有很大进步,记的有一次我把妈妈打败了,我高兴的跳起来,从此我下棋很有进步。 我和爸爸的棋艺不在一个层次。有一天,我把爸爸打败了,是因为爸爸粗心大意,所以我赢了爸爸,我的心里甜蜜蜜的。以后,爸爸也不是我的对手。 有一天我喜欢上了国际象棋,我现在正在学习怎么下国际象棋,我把国际象棋的棋盘打开,我把小兵放在E1--E7格,把象、马、车、王、后放在G7--G1的位置,英文A--G 是指横方位,1--7表示纵方位。我和妈妈一边切磋琢磨,一边学习,我想把国际象棋也学会,好跟小朋友一起玩。 我很喜欢下棋,不仅是象棋和国际象棋,还有其他的各类棋我都喜欢,因为下棋可以给我带来快乐! 篇二:我喜欢的书橱

我家有两个书橱,你知道吗?我最喜欢的书橱是大卧室的小书橱。 我对它的喜爱,主要表现在它的美丽、它的工作和它的门。 它方形的面孔很讨人喜爱,修长的身姿就像是玉树临风的王子。它是用三合板做成的。它光滑方正,无论谁的手使劲按在上面,也会滑下来的。 它的工作就是装书。它装的书虽然非常少,不过我对它的工作很满意,(谁叫它是小书橱呢!)。我每次装的都是好书,如:《科学童话故事大王》、《中国未解之谜》。 它的门更好了。只要你轻轻拉它一下,它就打开了,里面的书任你选。如果你想关上它,轻轻推一下,它就会慢慢关上,你的手就不必担心被夹着了。 再告诉你一个令我“气愤”的事情吧。因为它太高了,上面的二层我现在够不着,就被我那“可恶”的爸爸给霸占了。唉,没办法,只好由他而去。不过我长大长高以后,我一定要夺回来。 我家的书橱好不好?快来我家看看吧! 篇三:我喜欢的科技课 科技班崔老师在一次做风筝的科技课上给我们讲了风筝原理后,又给我们讲了他以前做猴子打伞风筝的事。 在峨嵋山上有一群猴子,只要有人从它们身边经过,它


第一部分英语写作基础(答案) 第一章句子写作 1.1 句子的种类 I. 1) Is there any water in the bottle? 2) Can she sing and dance very well? 3) Has he a brother in England? Or: Does he have a brother in England? 4) Does it often rain here in summer? 5) Did you always play together at that time? 6) Who is he? 7) How many times have you been to Beijing? 8) Where do they live? 9) What does your father like very much? 10) Why did he go to school yesterday? II. 1)“Shall we go by bus or by train?”“Better go by train.” 2)“Are we going to have the meeting today or tomorrow?”“Tomorrow.” 3)“You are not ready, are you?”“No, I am not.” 4)We can’t take these books out, can we?”“No, we can’t” 5)Take care not to catch cold. 6)Speak a little slower. I can’t follow you. 7)Let’s not waste our time arguing about it. 8)How pretty you are in that skirt! 9)What a beautiful city Hangzhou is! 10)How I miss my parents! III. 1)She has not had her lunch. 2)I was too excited to say a ward. 3)None of the problems is difficult. 4)You can find this kind of mobile phone somewhere. 5)He opened the door and we all went in. 6)Put on your coat, or you will catch cold. 7)It was late, so we went home. 8)He doesn’t earn much, but he spends money freely. 9)Turn off the light before you leave the room. 10)I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 1.2句子的基本句型 I. 1)SVC 2) SV 3)SVC 4) SVOC 5. SVOA 6) SVO 7) SVOC 8) SVOiOd 9) SVOC 10) SVA II. 1)My ink has run out. (SV)


关于志愿者的英语作文》 关于志愿者的英语作文(一): 志愿者活动Volunteer Activity In recent years ,the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people ,especially among youngsters 。According to a survey in 2008 ,there were about 1 ,700 ,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games 。Actually ,an increasing number of people bee volunteers in China every year 。 近年来,志愿服务精神已经蔓延在中国人中传播开来了,尤其是年轻人。据调查,2008 年大约有170 万志愿者为奥林匹克运动会带给服务。实际上,每年在中国都有越来越多的人成为志愿者。 Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society 。Olympic Games are a good example 。As is known to all ,volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games 。Without them ,it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games 。Therefore ,we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games 。 志愿行为对于那些需要帮忙的人和社会都是有极大的好处。奥运会就是一个很好的例子。众所周知,志愿者在北京奥运会中扮演了用心的主角。没有他们,这将会是一个艰巨的任务去完成这史无前例的奥运会。因此,我们能够说,是那些志愿者保证了那些运动的成功举行。 As modern college students ,we should get actively involved in volunteering activities 。By participating ,we can learn how to work well in a team ,how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability 。Undoubtedly ,all of these are critical for our person growth 。So ,we should take this chance to learn and to grow 。 作为现代大学生,我们就应用心的参与到志愿活动中来。透过参与,我们能够学习如何在团队中有效的工作,如何提高人际交往潜力和组织潜力。毫无疑问,所有这些都是至关重要的在我们的人生长。所以,我们就应抓住这个机会去学习和成长。 关于志愿者的英语作文(二): In recent years ,the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people ,especially among youngsters 。According to a survey in 2008 ,there were about 1 ,700 ,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games 。Actually ,an increasing number of people bee volunteers every year in China 。 Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society 。Olympic Games are a good example 。As is known to all ,volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games 。


《我喜欢的作文》 我喜欢的作文(一): 我喜欢的一本书 每个人都有自己喜欢的一本书,我也不例外。在我家的书橱上,有着一本我喜欢的书――《名人故事》。 当我第一次接触这本书时,我爱不释手,立刻被它那古色书香吸引住了。封面上,爱因斯坦和爱迪生的画像印入眼帘。画像旁,写着几个引人注目的大字――名人故事。看到这,我不 由自主的把书翻开,津津有味的品读起来。 经过这本书,我明白了以前从未认识过的名人。原先,朱德幼时喜欢听天国名将石达开的故事,这竟成为他走向革命道路的起点;毛泽东决心以救国救民为自己的职责;郭沫若要做中国的歌德;田汉要做中国的席勒;华盛顿能文能武,为美国的独立建立了赫赫功劳、、、、、、 这本书里的名人们的一个个感人至深的故事,总是激励着我通向成功的途径。被人誉为东方神鹿的王军霞,在上初中时,学校离家有四公里远。这段路程对于一个14岁的女孩来说实 在够远的了,为了给家里省钱,王军霞放下了买自行车骑回学校的念头,毅然地做出了一个惊人的决定――以步代车,开始了每一天来回跑足足十六公里的路程的生涯。她这种精神感动了我。 《名人故事》这本书激励着我前进,让我明白了许多名人故事,让我从中受到启发,我怎能不喜欢呢? 我喜欢的作文(二): 我喜欢的歌 每个人都有自己喜欢的一首歌,当然,我也不例外。在这些数不胜数的歌中,我最喜欢的一首歌就是《隐形的翅膀》。每当我听起这首歌,我就会情不自禁地想起那件事 记得有一次英语考试,我才考了80分,而我们班居然有几个人满分。从那次起,我开始 变的闷闷不乐的。课堂上,我不用心发言。下课了,看不到同学们与我玩耍的情景。我觉得同学们都在嘲笑我老师似乎看出了我的心思,在一次课堂上,老师问我们有没有听过《隐形的翅膀》这首歌,听过这首歌的同学都大声地唱起来,我被这美妙动人的歌声吸引住了,回家后,我搜索了这首歌并尝试着学唱。 每一次,都在徘徊孤单中坚强。每一次,就算很受伤也不闪泪光。我明白,我一向有双隐形的翅膀,带我飞,飞过绝望从此,我不再自卑。 我喜欢这首歌,因为它让我在绝望中找到期望,在自卑中给了我鼓励。 我喜欢的作文(三): 我喜欢的花 有人喜欢高傲的牡丹花,有人喜欢美丽的玫瑰花但我喜欢的却是千姿百态的菊花。


我的好习惯作文800字600字 我的好习惯作文800字600字 篇一:我的好习惯 每个人都有好习惯或者是坏习惯。好习惯会使你一生受益,坏习惯则会让你后悔莫及,十分烦恼,而这些习惯如影随形。 我一共有三个好习惯,这些好习惯令我一生受益。 我有着爱读书的好习惯。低年级时,我看到姐姐每天都捧着一本带图案的连环书津津有味地读着,慢慢地,我也对书产生了浓厚的兴趣。在那时,我只是读一些《格林童话》,而且每天晚上还让妈妈给我绘声绘色地讲故事呢!渐渐地长大了,这些童话书显然已经不能满足我了,我开始如饥似渴地读杨红樱与沈石溪写出的文学作品,这些书就如神秘莫测的魔法师一般吸引着我,令我无限向往;而现在我已升到了六年级,慢慢地接触着让人心情无比舒畅的散文书籍呢!记得有一次,我读了《时间》这本书,受益匪浅,深刻地明白了:做任何事情时都

不能够三天打鱼,两天晒网,我们要节约宝贵的时间,充分利用时间,更不可浪费时间。再者说了,今日待明日,明日何其多?有的时候,当我不想读书了,就会不由地想到:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆!这句话时时刻刻激励着我,久而久之,也让我养成了爱读书的好习惯。由于读书,也让我的作文水平提高,明白了许多人生哲理,这个好习惯也时刻陪伴这我。 我的第二个好习惯就是很朴实、不娇气。记得那次川井之旅时,轮到我们吃饭了,一上来菜,大家看得目瞪口呆,只有一些素菜,看起来还有些恶心,而馒头还发出一股酸酸的味道,菜里连一个肉丸都没有,尝了几口,同学们就发出声声抱怨,但我觉得有饭菜吃就够了,何必要挑三拣四,那样饿肚子的还不是自己?所以我夹起菜来吃了。我们一定要养成朴实的好习惯,它会让我们变得独立、坚强。 我的第三个好习惯就是有着宽广的胸怀,不挑剔别人的坏毛病。在我们班里,有些同学就会偷偷说别人的缺点、不足,因为一点小事情就会“疯狂”地报复别人,说人家的坏话。但我觉得:人无完人,


全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试题 课程代码:00597 全部题目用英文作答。 I.重写句子(15 points,1.5points each) Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. Example: The history of English words in the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.I like roller-skating. I like ice-skating better.(compound sentence) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm.(loose sentence) 3.Mary put the steak on the grill. The charcoal was burning evenly.(complex sentence) 4.His valuable papers were destroyed in the fire. Tom called the insurance company.(complex sentence) 5.I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended.(periodic sentence) 6.Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor.(simple sentence) 7.Jerry is smart. He should be able to handle eighteen credits this semester.(compound sentence) 8.I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me make-up work to do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence) 9.Jack applied for a job. He went for an interview. He was hired.(parallel structure) 10.Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes.(periodic sentence) II.改写病句(15 points,3 points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences. 11.The rain might last for a while, clouds covered the entire sky. 12.In the evening we would swim in the lake and dancing afterward. 13.That woman just bought her dog a milk shake in a red skirt. 14.To pass the course, your term paper must be handed in on time. 15.Harry wouldn’t make a good negotiator he doesn’t have the patience. III.标出主题句(15 points,5 points each) 16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the choice in the blank. A.I eat a lot of homemade ice cream. B. Homemade ice cream is my favorite.


“和谐社会”的英文演讲稿 “和谐社会”的英文演讲稿 “和谐社会”的英文演讲稿 *在耶鲁大学演讲英文版 Letmebeginbythankingyou,Mr.Levin,foryourkindinvitationandtheoortunity tocometoYaletomeetyoungfriendsandteachersofthisworld-renowneduniversi https://www.360docs.net/doc/4816755057.html,ingtotheYalecampus,withitsdistinctiveacademicflavor,andlookinga ttheeageryoungfacesintheaudience,Icaotbutrecallmygreatexperiencestudy ingatQinghuaUniversityinBeijing40yearsago.Indeed,whathaeduringone’ss choolyearwillinfluencehiswholelife.Istillbenefitgreatlyfromtheitructi onandmyinteractionwithotherstudents. Yaleisrenownedforitslonghistory,uniquewayofteachingandexcellenceinaca demicpursuit.Iftimecouldgobackseveraldecades,Iwouldreallyliketobeastu dentofYalejustlikeyou. Yale’smotto“LightandTruth,”whichisacallingforhumanprogre,represent stheairationofeverymotivatedyoungmanandwoman.Overthepastthreecenturie s,Yalehasproducedagalaxyofoutstandingfigures,including20Nobellaureate sandfiveAmericanpresidents.ThewordsofNathanHale,anAmericanheroandYale alumnus,“IonlyregretthatIhavebutonelifetoloseformycountry,”havealso iiredmeandmanyotherChinese.IsincerelyhopethatYalewillproducemoretalen tandcontributefurthertothesocialandeconomicdevelopmentoftheUnitedStat esandthecauseofhumanprogre. Ladiesandgentlemen,dearfriends. TheChineseandAmericahavealwayshadaninteeinterestinandcareddeeplyabout eachother.TheChineseadmirethepioneeringandenterprisingiritoftheAmeric aandtheirproudachievementinnationaldevelopment.AsChinadevelorapidlyan dsteadyheadwayismadeinChina-U.S.cooperation,moreandmoreAmericaarefoll owingwithgreatinterestChina’sprogreanddevelopment. Understandingleadstotrust.Today,IwouldliketoeaktoyouaboutChina’sdeve lopmentstrategyanditsfutureagaitthebackdropoftheevolutionoftheChinese civilizationandChina’scurrentdevelopmentendeavor.Ihopethiswillhelpyo ugainabetterunderstandingofChina. Inahistorythatamorethanfivemilleia,theChinesenationhascontributedsign ificantlytotheprogreofhumancivilization.Butitscourseofnationaldevelop menthasbeenanarduousone.Inparticularinthe160yearsandmoresincetheOpium Warin1840,theChinesepeoplehave “和谐社会”的英文演讲稿第2页


题目:我喜欢的一个汉字 要求:说说自己喜欢的一个汉字,以及为什么喜欢它。 我喜欢的一个汉字 爱,是我最喜欢的一个汉字,你们知道为什么吗?因为,对待朋友,对待动物,乃至人类,你付出多少爱,你就会拥有多少爱。有了爱,人们之间的距离为零;有了爱,人们之间可以无话不谈;有了爱,能将我们的心拉得更近。 原先,我最喜欢的是“强”字。因为,我读过张海迪的故事,读过保尔的故事…… 当时,我认为他们是坚强的、勇敢的。他们不怕任何阻拦,勇往直前。我当时喜欢“强”字,是因为我读过爱迪生的故事,他不怕失败,研究、发现、创造,当时,我也认为他是坚强的、勇敢的。再比如比尔·盖茨,他十分的勇敢,在当时他家人强烈反对下,毅然跨出了校门,去创造他的网络世界,我当时也认为他是坚强的、勇敢的。像这样的例子还有很多,很多。正是因为他们,我当时才喜欢“强”字。可是,现在回想起来,我错了,张海迪为什么不怕种种阻挠,而学习呢?因为爱。因为她爱学习!爱迪生为什么不怕失败呢?因为爱。因为他爱发明创造。比尔·盖茨为什么不顾家人的强烈反对,一定要跨出校门,去创建自己的网络世界呢?也是因为爱。他爱网络…… 同学们,你们为什么喜欢“爱”这个字了吗?请记住我的一句话:“…种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。?你在付出爱的同时,也会得到同样的爱。就像种瓜、种豆一样。不管是关爱、友爱……你都能得到同样的爱!” 我喜欢的一个汉字 我喜欢的一个汉字“爱” 爱是一泓泉水,滋润你的心田;爱是一杯清茶,处处散发浓香;爱,是在你危难时的帮助;是你难过时的安慰。父爱.母爱.友爱······发自内心的美好。 我们都清楚的记得,都不会忘记2010年4月14日这个令人悲痛的日子。青海玉树发生了701纪大地震。许多同胞都倒在废墟里,面对这突如其来的灾难,我们都献出了自己的一份爱心。如今,已有1万多同胞成功的克服了困难,而那2千多不幸的呢,却倒在了废墟里。而这些活下来的同胞是靠着坚强的意志活了下来。身为一名少先队员,我们为你们感到骄傲。现在,我想说的是,不要因为失去亲人而再痛苦了,振作起来吧,我们手拉手,共同克服这难关吧。 爱,可以是一句慰问的话语,可以是自己小小的一份力,而现在我想说的是,只要人人都献出一份爱,才可以创造美好和谐的家园,让我们共同加油吧!


我有一个好习惯作文700字 不论是学习,还是生活中的任何事情,都要养成一个好习惯,只有养成好习惯,才可以事半功倍。而我养成了看书的好习惯,只要有空,我就会从书架上抽出一本书,坐在椅子上认真地看,这个习惯的养成还是来源于一次很小的事情。 有一天,由于晚上作业并不多,我写得也很快,所以在晚饭前就写完了。我想:今天作业这么早就写完了,那晚上总不能一吃完饭就睡觉了吧,那不就是猪的生活方式嘛!看电视?扫地?洗碗?不不不,妈妈一定都不会同意的。这也不行,那也不行,到底该怎么办呢?我有些着急了。 “你在干嘛?”妈妈问,“面包你不吃,在手里捏干什么?” “啊?”我看了一下,手里的面包已经被我捏得不成样子了,“我作业写完了,不知道晚上该干嘛!” “哈哈哈……”妈妈捧腹大笑,“你就为这个事而‘发疯’?” “嗯。” “你晚上可以看书呀!” “看书太乏味了,不想看!” “看书可以增长知识,如果你看进去了,你就会觉得看书其实就是一种享受!” 我觉得妈妈说得很有道理,但吃完饭后还是带着一丝“不情愿”开始看书。我向书架上扫了一遍,似乎没有一本好看的书,我又看了一遍,角落里的一本《夏虫语冰》吸引了我,我把它拿下来,随便翻了下,好像也不好看呀!我正准备放回去时,妈妈说:“任何书都有它的优点,你认真地看下去,就会觉得好看了。” 我打开书,仔细地看起来,前几段就引起了我的好奇心——一个孩子竟然和一位著名的科学家一起去考察?我还是第一次听说!为了解开这个疑惑,我决定继续看,这个孩子和科学家竟然一起考察过很多地方!哇,他真是太厉害、太勇敢了,如果换成我,可能连想都不敢想。 我被书中的内容“迷”住了,不知不觉中就到11点半了,该睡觉了,我依依不舍地把书放回书架,上床睡觉了。 从那以后,看书就成为我生活中不可缺少的一部分了!
