

国家奖学金National Scholarship

国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship

三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student

三好学生Merit Student

学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records

突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity

先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student

优秀工作者Excellent staff

优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre

优秀共青团员Excellent League Member

优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates

优秀志愿者Outstanding V olunteer

先进班集体Advanced Class

优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres

学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association

学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association

精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual

社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work

文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award

精神文明奖High Morality Prize

最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization

突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution

工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working

团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution


外语系(Foreign Language Department):

话剧比赛Drama competition

英语演讲比赛English Speech Contest

八系辩论赛Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛Blackboard Poster Design Contest

PPT设计大赛Courseware Design Competition

文明宿舍Outstanding Dormitory

OK杯篮球比赛OK Cup for Basketball Game

我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies”Singing Competition

中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature):

诗歌朗诵比赛Poetry Recitation Contest

诗歌创作比赛Poetry Creation Contest

摄影大赛Photography Competition

金话筒比赛“Golden Microphone”Competition

兴我中华演讲比赛Speech Competition on Revitalizing China

课件比赛Courseware Design Contest

报刊比赛Press Writing Contest

足球比赛Football Match

三笔比赛Essay Contest

冬日环保针织比赛Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental Protection

数学系(Department of Mathematics ):

登山比赛Mountain-climbing Competition

网络工程师Network Engineer Certification

全国建模比赛National Mathematical Modeling Contest

知识风采比赛Knowledge Competition

PPT 课件制作大赛Courseware Design Competition

经济管理系(The Department of Economics & Management):

辩论赛Debate Competition

创业大赛V enture Contest

政法系(Politics and Law Department):

党团知识竞赛Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League 政法论坛Political and Legal Forum

金秋系列活动Series of Activities in “Golden Season

模拟法庭Moot Court

演讲比赛Speech Competition

征文比赛Essay Competition

计算机科学系(Computer Science Department):

网页设计大赛Web Page Design Competition

辩论赛Debate Competition

软件设计大赛Software Design Competition

多媒体课件设计大赛Multimedia Courseware Design Competition 网站设计竞赛Web Design Competition

电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):

演讲比赛Speech Contest

电子设计大赛Electronic Design Contest

服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):

服装创意设计大赛Garment Design Competition

毕业设计大赛Graduation Design Competition



服装设计大赛Garment Design Contest

泳衣大赛Swimming Suit Design Competition

手提包设计大赛Handbag Design Competition

服装创意设计大赛Creative Garment Design Competition

生命科学系(Department of Life Science):

实验技能操作大赛Experiment Skill and Operation Contest


The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in Guangdong

建筑与土木工程系(Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering):

建筑文化节Architectural Culture Festival

建筑设计竞赛Architectural Design Competition

钢笔画比赛Ink Drawing Contest

节徽设计大赛Festival Logo Design Contest

“五佳”歌手活动“Best Five”Singer Activities

友谊篮球赛Friendship Cup Basketball Match

工程测量比赛Engineering Survey Competition

班际足球赛Inter-class Football Match

省大学生科技竞赛Science and Technology Contest for Province College Students

十佳学生活动组织Top Ten Student Activities Organization

十大学生修身楷模Ten Model Students of Self-cultivation

学生科研创新奖Student Award for Research and Innovation

棋王大赛Chess Competition

电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛E-Society Feisi Cup Architectural Renderings Computer Design Contest

化学工程系(Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology):

“飞狐杯”八系辩论赛Flying Fox Cup 8 departments Invitational Debate Competition 女子篮球赛Women's Basketball Match

广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛Chemistry and Chemical Experiment Skills Competition for Colleges in Guangdong

旅游管理系(Tourism and Management Department):

导游技能大赛Tourist Skills Contest

导游路线设计大赛Tourist Route Design Competition

党团知识竞赛Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC

礼仪风采大赛Manner and Etiquette Contest

体育系(Department of Sports):

体育文化节Physical Culture Festival

音乐系(Music Department)

相声小品大赛Crosstalk and Sketch Contest

班际篮球赛Inter-class Basketball Match


大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)

大学英语六级CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate)

英语专业四级TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)

英语专业八级TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)

普通话等级考试National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)

日语能力考试Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4) 商务日语能力考试Business Japanese Proficiency Test

商务英语证书Business English Certificate)

雅思IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.)

BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.)

BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)

全国计算机等级考试National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)


RankⅡ: VISUAL BASIC,VISUAL FOXPRO,QBASIC,FORTRAN,C,FOXBASE RankⅢ: PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data base RankⅣ: Ability to systems analysis and systems project

全国计算机一级证书First-level Certificate for National Computer

全国计算机二级证书Second-level Certificate for National Computer

全国计算机三级证书Third-level Certificate for National Computer

全国计算机四级证书Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer

导游证Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card)

导游资格证书Guide Certificate

秘书证Secretary Card

中级涉外秘书证Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card

会计证Accounting Certificate

会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional

初级职务(助理会计)证书Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level

中级职称Intermediate Certificate

管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting

注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant

注册金融分析师(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst

特许公认会计师(ACCA)The Association of Chartered Accountants

CAD工程师认证证书CAD Engineer Certification

电工证Electrician certificate

技工证书Technician Certificate

教师资格证Teacher Certification

心理辅导教师资格证书Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate

报关员资格证书Clerk for the Customs Declaration

报关员证书Customs Declaration Certificate

人力资源从业资格证书Qualification of Human Resources Practitioners

驾驶证Driver’s License

国家司法考试证书National Judicial Examination certificate(lawyer's qualification certificate)


个人简历工作经验范文英文版 工作经历是指应聘者的所有工作历史,无论是有偿的还是无偿的,全职的还是兼职的。工作经历是企业选拔招聘人员的主要参考要素之一。今天就为大家精心准备了:个人简历工作经验英文版相关范文。具体内容如下,仅供参考,希望能帮助到大家! 1.Held a post concurrently in Zhongxing CPA. from December,1998 to May,1999. and mainly worked on evaluating project finance and made up cash flow tables. 1998年11月至1999年5月在中兴会计师事务所兼职,主要从事财务评价、现金流量表的编制分析和产业的市场调查与跟踪研究等。 2. Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd..Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager. Met clients as a representative of the corporation. Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation. 深圳石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出 差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美圆的交易。

3. Secretary to president of Silverlion group Corporation Ltd.. Responsibilities: Receiving visitors, scheduling meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine letters and reports. 银利来集团有限公司董事长秘书。职责:接待访客、安排会议、笔录并打字、书写日常信函及报告。 4. Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn. Full-time in summers, part-time during school. 在广州文化假日酒店当公关小姐。暑期全职,上课时间兼职。 5. Assistant to manager of aounting department of a joint venture enterprise. Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements. 一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。


个人简历英文版参考模版 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 personaldetails name:YJBYS age:24years nationality:china(mainland) currentplace:guangzhou height/weight:163cm53kg maritalstatus:single careerobjective applicationtype:jobseeker preferredjobtitle:exportmerchandizer:exportmechandizer、administrative/personnel:、 foreigntrade/tradespecialist/assistant: workinglife:2 title:primarytitle jobtype:fulltime expectedstartdate:inaday expectedsalary:¥2,000--¥3,500 preferredworkingplace:guangzhou

workexperience company'sname:wideasiainternationalcorp.beginandenddate: 2006-11-2009-02 enterprisenature:privateenterprisesindustry:textile/garm ent jobtitle:foreigntradeassistant jobdescription:beresponsibleforthecorrespondencewithfore ignclientsandcontactwiththefactories.arrangingtheproduction andotherbusiness,suchasquoting,sampling,makinginvoice/packi nglist,arrangingshipment,etc. company'sname:guangzhouyangdaelectronicco,ltdbeginandend date:2006-04-2006-10 enterprisenature:privateenterprisesindustry:electrical/e lectronics/communicationequipment jobtitle:salesandinterpreter jobdescription:workasaninterpreterinthesaledepartment,re sponsibleforassistingthemanagercommunicatewiththeforeigncli ents. educationalbackground nameofschool:zhongkaiuniversityofagricultureandtenology highestdegree:bachelor dateofgraduation:2006-07-01 self-recommendationletter iamabletouseenglishexpertly.goodatenglishlistening,speak ing,readingandwriting.acquaintwithword,excel,andphotoshop.r esponsible,honest,industrious,modest,aggressive,positive,in


个人简历 ●基本信息 姓名:XX 性别:女 婚姻状况:未婚身体状况:良好 出生日期:15/08/1995 户籍所在地:XX 地址:四川省XX市XX县 邮箱:XXXXXXXXXXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a17831112.html, 联系电话:XXXXXXXXXXX ●教育背景 2010年9月—2013年6月 XX中学 2013年9月—2017年6月 XXX学院 XX专业 ●工作经验 2014.07——2014.09 :暑期工 2014.10——2014.01 :家教 2015.07——2015.09 :暑假工 ●能力总结 计算机水平:计算机等级考试二级,熟悉网络和电子商务。熟练办公自动化,熟练操作Word excel能独立操作并及时高效的完成日常办公文档的编辑工作。 外语水平:熟练的进行听、说、读、写。并通过国家英语四级、六级考试。 兴趣与特长:喜爱文体活动、热爱自然科学。大学期间学习并训练鬼步舞,曾担任鬼步舞队队长,参加过多次演出。 ●自我评价 活泼开朗,乐观向上,兴趣广泛,适应力强,勤奋好学,脚踏实地,认真负责,坚毅不拔,吃苦耐劳,勇于迎接新挑战.

Resume ●Personal Information Name:XX Gender:female Marital Status:Single Health Condition:Excellent Date of Birth:15/08/1995 Place of Birth:XX Address:XXcounty,XX city in Sichuan Province E-mail:XXXXXXXXXXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a17831112.html, Phone:XXXXXXXXXXX ●Education Sept. 2010 —July 2013 XX Middle School Sept. 2010 —July 2013 Department of Chemical Engineering, XXUniversity ●Intern Experience 2014.07——2014.09 :Summer work 2014.10——2014.01 :Family education 2015.07——2015.09 :Summer work ●Summary of Abilities Computer Skill: Secondary computer grade examination, be familiar with the Internet and electronic commerce. Proficient in office automation, familiar with Word, excel can independent operation and timely and efficient completion of daily office document editing English Level: Skilled in listening, speaking, reading and writing. And through the national English four levels of tests. Interest and Specialty: Love sport, love of natural science. Train and studying at the university of shuffle dance, served as a shuffle captain, participated in many performances. ●Self Assessment Lively open and bright, optimistic upward, wide interest, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, fortitude, bears hardships and stands hard work, have the courage to meet new challenges.


个人简历 (常规版一) 个人简历 (常规版二)

个人简历 (常规版四)

个人简历 (常规版五)应聘单位及职位: 个人简历 (常规版六) (供应届毕业生参考)

个人概况: 求职意向:__________________ 姓名: _______________性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年__ 月日健康状况: ___________ 毕业院校: _______________专业: _____________ 电子邮件: _______________传真: ____________ 联系电话: _______________ 通信地址: _______________邮编: ____________________ 教育背景: ______年月______年月___________ 大学__________专业(根据个人情况酌情增减) 主修课程: ________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我) 论文情况: ____________________________________________________(注:注明是否已发表) 英语水平: 基本技能:听、说、读、写能力 标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE..... 计算机水平: 编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减) 获奖情况: ________________ 、________________、________________ (请依个人情况酌情增减) 实践与实习: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作 ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 工作经历: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 个性特点: ___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另: (如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!) 附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!) 例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功! 或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量! 个人简历 (常规版七) (供有工作经验人员参考) 个人概况: 求职意向: ____________________ 姓名: ________________ 性别: 出生年月: ____年__月__日健康状况: 学历:毕业院校: _______________ 专业:参加工作时间: ____年月 联系方式: 电子邮件: _______________ 手机: ____________________ 家庭电话: _______________ 传真: ____________________ 通信地址: _______________ 邮编: ____________________ 教育背景:


个人简历英文版 Name: 全文结束》》x Han(xxx)Sex: Male Folk: Han Height: 160cm Weight: 50kg Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent Clan: the Communist Youth League Birthday: Sep、14,1976 Language Skills: CET-4 Computer Skills: Perfect Education School: Dalian Railway University Major: Electronic Automatic Max、 Degree: Undergraduate Course、Bachelor’s Degree Graduate Time: July1998 Home Phone: 022-xxxx Cell Phone: E-mail: 全文结束》》x@ Resident: Hedong, Tianjin, China Technical skills: Electronic、MCU、Computer、Network、English Education

Experience: Aug、1994-Aug、1998 Dalian Ranlway University Work Experience: Oct、1998-Jan、2001 Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Electronic Engineer Jan、2001-Feb、2002 Electricity Company of Ghana Technic in Public Feb、2002-Feb、全文结束》》Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Project Director Member in Family: Wife Jinghua Zhang Rewards Events: 1 Dalian Bangchuidao High-Math Competition First Class 1995 2 China College Math-Modeling Competition Second Class 1996 3 China College Electronic-Design Competition Third Class 1997 4 Dalian Railway University Excellent Student 1995 5 Dalian Railway University First Class Bursary


个人英文简历中英文对照 专业外语Specialized English 大学物理College Physics 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistem ology) 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 毛泽东思想研究Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought2 毛泽东哲学思想研究Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 体育Physical Education 思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality 形势政策教育 Teaching of Situation and Policy 军事理论Military Theory 政治经济学Political Economics 高等数学含现性代数Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebr a) 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics 运算机应用基础Basics of Computer Applications 数据库概论Introduction to Database 大学英语College English 大学语文(文科) The University Language and Literature (Liberal art s) 大学语文(理科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 工商治理 西方经济学概论Introduction to Western Economics 治理心理学 Psychology of Management 治理学原理Principles of Management Science 统计学原理Principles of Statistics 会计学原理Principles of Accounting 治理信息系统Management Information Systems 信息检索Information Retrieval 经济法学 Economic law 企业战略Enterprise Strategy 财政学Public Finance 货币银行学Monetary Economics and Banking 国际金融International Finance 国际贸易International Trade 生产治理Productive


护士英文版个人简历参考范文 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 Personal Resume Basic information Name:YJBYSLi LanlanGender:Girl Date of birth:1988/09/10 National:HanPlace of birth:Hunan the educational background:Tertiary Marital status:Unmarried Job intentions And Work experience Talent type:Ordinary job Job type:Full-time Candidates Jobs:Nurse Work experience:Conducted a short-term internship in hospital during the vacation. Done hospital volunteer obligations The ability to work And Other special skills Computer level:Skilled Language ability:Mandarin Fluent、English level good

Hobbies:Reading and some general outdoor sports Others: While studying at the school,I have acquired psychologist Certificate III and CET4 and CET6 certificates. Self-evaluation Quality: Have a strong sense of responsibility;Treat People sincerely、Modesty、Self-discipline、Confidence;Have rich creativity,Positive,Have a strong team spirit and dedication spirit Work: Practical、Prudent, responsible, cautious, and have strong organizational management and coordination capacity, adaptability, learning, and to accept new things quickly, have a strong desire to succeed Living: From an early age developed a thrifty, saving the life style, not afraid of bitter and tired,have the spirit of hard,have a good mental outlook, love life, love a wide range.

个人简历 个人简历 应聘模板英文版

ATHENA DOE Web and Graphic Designer WHO AM I:Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibheuismodtincidunt utlaoreetdolore magna ad minim veniam, EDUCATIO N 2006-2008 Pristoncollege Graphic Design Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2006-2008 Pristoncollege Web Design Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2006-2008 Pristoncollege Software Enginering Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh eui 2010-2011 Tong Advertising Graphic Designer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euism 2006-2008 Abc Corporation Web Designer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2014-2015 Naksi Bangla Software Engineer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod 2014-2015 Naksi Bangla Creative Director Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod EXPERIENC E REFFERENC E Dr. AsitBarua Prof. University of Dhaka Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Dr. AsitBarua Prof. University of Dhaka Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Dr. AsitBarua Prof. University of Dhaka Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Best Graphic Designer Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Worker Of the Year Loremipsum dolor sit amet cons ectetueradipiscingelit, seddiamnonummynibh euismod Confidence Dedication Accountable Analytical Diplomatic Attentiveness PERSONALQUALITIE S PROFESSIONAL SKILL 2012 2013 AWARD PHP INDESIGN


个人简历 个人简历


个人简历 个人简历

个人简历应聘单位及职位: 个人简历 (供应届毕业生参考)

个人概况: 求职意向:__________________ 姓名: _______________性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年__ 月日健康状况: ___________ 毕业院校: _______________专业: _____________ 电子邮件: _______________传真: ____________ 联系电话: _______________ 通信地址: _______________邮编: ____________________ 教育背景: ______年月______年月___________ 大学__________专业(根据个人情况酌情增减) 主修课程: ________________________________________________(注:如需要详细成绩单,请联系我) 论文情况: ____________________________________________________(注:注明是否已发表) 英语水平: 基本技能:听、说、读、写能力 标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE..... 计算机水平: 编程、操作应用系统、网络、数据库......(请依个人情况酌情增减) 获奖情况: ________________ 、________________、________________ (请依个人情况酌情增减) 实践与实习: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作 ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 工作经历: ____年____月____年____月_________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减) 个性特点: ___________________________________(请描述出自己的个性、工作态度、自我评价等)另: (如果你还有什么要写上去的,请填写在这里!) 附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!) 例如:相信您的信任与我的实力将为我们带来共同的成功! 或希望我能为贵公司贡献自己的力量! 个人简历 (供有工作经验人员参考) 个人概况: 求职意向: ____________________ 姓名: ________________ 性别: 出生年月: ____年__月__日健康状况: 学历:毕业院校: _______________ 专业:参加工作时间: ____年月 联系方式: 电子邮件: _______________ 手机: ____________________ 家庭电话: _______________ 传真: ____________________ 通信地址: _______________ 邮编: ____________________ 教育背景:


【关键字】精品 个人简历 个人基本信息 姓名:性别: 出生日期:民族: 户籍:身高: 政治面貌:学历: 毕业时间:毕业院校: 专业:第二专业: 求职意向 应聘职位类型:求职类型: 月薪要求:具体职位: 希望工作地区:其他工作地区: 相关工作经历及特长 人才类型:相关工作时间: 教育/培训经历 工作经验/工作技能及专长 职业目标 自我介绍 Personal resume Basic personal information Name:sex: Date of birth:nation: Household:height: Political affiliation:School calendar: Time of graduation:University one is graduated from: Professional:second professional:

Job intention Job type:job types: Salary requirement:specific positions: In other work areas:hope: Relevant working experience and expertise Talent type:working time: Education / training experience Work experience/ work skills and expertise Occupation target Self introduction 此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!


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RESUME HR Manager EDUCATION 2001.09–2005.07 Peking University Human Resource You can list the major courses you had in the university. Summary of your school experience here and maybe also to list of your major courses and achievements here. 30 years old 12312312345 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a17831112.html, guangzhou CERTIFICATION & SKILL SELF-ASSESSMENT CET-6, Very good in spoken English and writen English. Won a special prize of English competetion. Computer skill, passed the NCRE in 2005 with very good VB coding knowledge. Excel, Be familiar with the Excel basic function and good knowledge of Excel formula. PowerPoint, be good at making creative slides with design thinking. Here you can describe your professional profile in a few lines. Tell who you are professionally and how you are a good asset for an employer. Detailed please refer to the Chinese version. WORKING EXPERIENCE 2011.07–Now panda design (International) Recruiting Manager Responsibilities: Design electronic circuit for new industrial machinery company. support components from users and customers. Repair and maintenance of equipment of the company and the customers. Remote Support via phone and internet. Import and manufacture of high-tech parts. Accomplishments: Here you can describe your professional profile in a few lines. Tell who you are professionally and how you are a good asset for an employer. What ’s your value to the previous company and other things. 2005.07–2011.07 panda design(Private) Recruiting Specilist Design electronic circuit for new industrial machinery company. support components from users and customers. Repair and maintenance of equipment of the company and the customers.


Why should I select biology as my career? Born in a medical family for generations, I was very interested in all over around, especially in living organisms and I came into a habit of watching, touching, feeling and protecting them who become my favorite friends later. Life science is much more intriguing and fascinating to me when I made endeavor to represent Shandong Province 400,000 high-school students to go to Beijing to take part in the National Biological Olympic Context, a Pick-Out for the International Biological Olympic Context. As a result, I selected Biotechnology, the foremost interesting field in Biology, as my college major when I won acceptance into Department of Biotechnology in the College of Life Science at Peking University, the best university of China.Upon acceptance to Peking University in 1996, I was awarded consecutive scholarships for all 4 years in college. During my college years, with the systematic education, I obtained a solid academic background in chemistry and basic biology science especially in experiment skills as a preparation for future advanced research, which is also, the basis for me to do my current research project at the lab. Due to my outstanding experiment skills, in the third year of my undergraduate study, I was recommended to the State Key Lab of Microbial Resource, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science, which only 2% the students can get in, to do research on the


自荐书 尊敬的贵公司领导: 您好! 据悉贵公司正在招聘工作人员,特冒昧写信自荐。 我是来自####大学****学院····专业的学生---,怀着对贵公司/单位的憧憬,我真诚地向您递交求职信,希望能够得到您的肯定,与贵公司/单位共同营造美好的未来。在此衷心感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐书并从中了解一个忠诚的我! 在大学期间,我始终以我们的校训“(~~~~)”来要求自己。一、思想上,我积极要求进步,积极向上,在各方面严格要求自己,树立良好的人生观和价值观;二、学习上,我以学习为主,从未放松过对专业的学习,积极进取,学习态度谦虚,适应大学自主学习的学习方式,并摸索出一套适合自己的学习方法,通过自己不懈努力、勤奋学习,我有了较大的进步,成绩达到了良好以上;三、生活上,我朴素节俭,严于律己,宽以待人,尊敬师长,与同学们相处融洽,互帮互助。生活态度乐观,从不轻言放弃。我还积极参加校内体育活动、青年志愿者活动、校内外组织的文艺活动。四、工作中我锐意进取,虚心向别人请教学习,尽职尽责,按质按量主动完成任务。在2012年4月份曾组织同学一起参加第四届科技文化节之才艺表演大赛,并荣获二等奖。我热衷公益,追求卓越是我的理念,因此我获得了老师和同学们的认可,当然我更希望得到您的认可。 我深深地懂得:昨天的成绩已成为历史,在竞争激烈的今天,只有脚踏实地、坚持不懈地努力,才能获得明天的辉煌;只有不断培养能力,提高素质,挖掘内在的潜能,才能使自己立于不败之地。 我坚信:有实力,才有能力。 欣闻贵公司正在招聘工作人员,这对于我来说是个非常好的机遇与挑战。我愿意接受贵公司的挑选。如我有幸被录用,相信凭我的专业能力和激情,定会竭力为贵公司作贡献。最后,感谢您在百忙之中看完这份自荐书。如蒙约期面谈,请惠告时间、地点,我自当准时拜见。 热忱期待您的回复!衷心祝愿贵公司发展蒸蒸日上! 自荐人:--- 2013年 9 月 30日


一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项
