




the total three-year academic ranking: 5

prehensive results of three years the total ranking: 2

(see schedule number: 45)

english proficiency:

sophomore english 4 adopted by the outstanding certificates,achievement 89.5

6 sophomore through english,or a certificate of achievement 75

junior english through interviews in hong kong,aess to hong kong to participate in training opportunities (see below)

second,the award-winning items,certificates,honorary title list

1998~1999 school year:

scholarships for outstanding students won the third class;

outstanding school student leaders,school miyoshi students,school corporation outstanding cadres,social practice,such as the honorary title of advanced individuals,where the class was named the top ten college branch of zhejiang university,

1999~2000 school year:

scholarships for outstanding students won the second class;zte scholarships;

4 certificates outstanding english;6 certificate in english;

cadre school for outstanding students;school students miyoshi;school outstanding cadres;social practice such as the honorary title of advanced personal

2000~xx school year

scholarships for outstanding students won the second class (the other awards which are still under evaluation);

new era in the administration of the fourth training business training program certificate (chinese university of hong kong,kowloon,hong kong general chamber of merce awarded)

evaluation of the honorary title of which is still

third,to participate in the research and social practice activities



yunnan green a biological engineering co.,ltd.shanghai bio-engineering co.,ltd.green a marketing project

yunnan green a biological engineering

co.,ltd.,shanghai,green a biological engineering co.,ltd.

suessfully assisted in the establishment of the yangpu district,shanghai sales work

in which i played a more crucial role



eastern china to investigate the use of rural land

zhejiang university

school of management

college teachers to assist first-line investigation

march xx

~september xx

"paradise valley students of zhejiang university business plan petition"

hangzhou municipal people''s government,zhejiang university

to enter the finals and achieved rank

specific place

are not yet available



"new era in the management of the fourth training program"

chinese university of hong kong

kowloon,hong kong general chamber of merce

to obtain a diploma,as the main members of which a number of crown

in the training scheme,i outstanding performance demonstrated the presence of zhejiang university

iv list of social work

1998~1999 school year

jiang,zhejiang university school of团总支first secretary of the

jiang,zhejiang university college of the first party branch members

jiang,zhejiang university school of public mission branch pipe 981 classes


1,the suess of the plan after the merger of four schools to the largest at the time of the five joint campus activities;

2,the suess of the jiang-led the institute for one semester of "campus culture festival"and bee a new template after the previous

1999~2000 school year

school of management,zhejiang university (yuquan) youth federation vice-chairman of the student union,sub-deputy secretary of the munist youth league,marx and lenin

chief,head of youth volunteers;

zhejiang university,the organization department of the munist youth league mittee,vice-minister;

management college of business administration mission 98 party branch secretary classes


1,for the college students to contribute to the work carried out;members responsible for preparing multi-phase,the training of activists;

2,the class was named the mission branch of the top ten college branch of zhejiang university

2000~xx school year

school of management (yuquan) the president of the student union

school of management undergraduate student member of the party branch publicity

zhejiang university,hong kong,macao and taiwan youth exchange association

zhejiang university information technology services limited,mr andrew procter,assistant general manager


1,for the school of management has done a lot of the work of party building efforts;

2,for the erudite,it development,software division has established a suessful coverage of the 14 colleges and universities in hangzhou and related organs of the distribution work.colleges and universities do in a

speaking tour for the pany to lay a good foundation to establish the image.




个人英语简历范文 以下是关于个人英语简历范文,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 简历要使用语言力求平实、客观、精炼,篇幅视工作所限为1-2页,工作年限5年以下,通常以1页为宜;工作年限在5年以上,通常为2页。注意提供能够证明工作业绩的量化数据,同时提供能够提高职业含金量的成功经历。独有经历一定要保留,如著名公司从业、参与著名培训会议论坛、与著名人物接触的经历,将最闪光的拎出即可。 个人英语简历范文篇一女 30岁广东人 学历:本科 工作年限: 3-5年 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:英语翻译 | 行政专员/助理 | 国际贸易专员/经理 | 教师 | 助教 工作经验(工作了4年11个月,做了3份工作) 珠海斗门城东中学 工作时间:2010年10月至 2010年12月[2个月] 职位名称:英语老师 ·

工作内容:英语教学工作:听课,备课,上课,批改作业,课外辅导学生 班主任工作:1,熟悉,了解学生的基本情况,关心学生;2,对整个班级的管理,3,召开主题班会,4,对特殊情况的学生进行个别教育,5,开展培养学生能力,开拓学生思维,开发智力的第二课堂活动,6,开展家访,电访活动,积极与学生家长沟通,教育学生;7,严抓纪律,作业,值日,仪表四项工作 广州朗迪教育培训机构 工作时间:2011年9月至 2014年9月[3年] 职位名称:英语老师 工作内容:制定教学计划,教授学生洪恩英语课程,及时,有效地与其他教师和学生进行交流,沟通,不断反思教学过程中出现的问题,在教学中提升自我。 恒威小学 工作时间:2014年9月至 2016年6月[1年9个月] 职位名称:英语教师 工作内容:英语教学工作:听课,备课,上课,批改作业,课外辅导学生 教育经历 2011年6月毕业肇庆学院英语 ·


教师英文简历范文3篇 Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WV TELL:****** Email:*********** Objective: Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English education Summary of Qualifications . Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature . Proficient at communicating information effectively . Excellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior . Skilled at using appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new concepts Professional Experience St. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2021 to present English Teacher . Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students' performance . Conducted essay competition and fun activities to increase students' engagement . Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their child's progress . Maintain class students' attendance records as per administrative policies of the school . Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting in improvement of students' writing skills remarkably . Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students; as a result the passing percentage of class increased to 97 per cent


师范英语专业毕业生简历英文 师范英语专业毕业生简历英文模板 英文主要就是用最简单的话语表达出最充实的内容,让招聘官浏览一遍就知道求职者的'求职优势是什么,有什么能力可以比其他求职者更好的胜任这份工作。 Personal information Gender: female Nationality: han nationality Age: 23 Marital status: unmarried Professional name: English Major: foreign language class

Politics: party members Graduate school: fujian normal university Graduation time: July xx Highest degree: bachelor degree Computer level: good Work experience: within a year Height: 159 cm Weight: 52 kg Location: xinluo district Hukou: hangzhou county objective

Expectation: English teacher, foreign trade salesman, foreign language training assistant Expected work area: xinluo district Job expectations: internships The quickest time to be on duty: be on duty Need to provide housing: need Education/training Education background: training experience: Work experience Company name: fuqing hongbo middle school (October xx to December xx) Industry: education · training and scientific research


中学英语教师业务简历 以下是为大家整理的关于中学英语教师业务简历的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 我年月毕业于师范专科学校。毕业后分配到二十中学参加工作,一直从事英语教学工作,1995年12月晋升为中学一级教师。在平凡的工作岗位上,为油田二十中的发展,我一直默默奉献着自己的青春和智慧。 一、爱岗敬业,乐于无私贡献。 我热爱自己的教学工作。走上工作岗位已经23个年头,在这平凡的23个春秋中,每当我走上讲台,望着一张张稚嫩的笑脸,浑身便焕发出一种无穷的力量,忘记了工作的辛苦,忘记了生活中的烦恼,因为我热爱这些活泼可爱的孩子们。课堂上,我精心讲解,解答学生一个个疑惑,课堂下,我耐心辅导每一个学生,学生的作业我认真批改,还时常写上几句鼓励的

话语。我之所以这样做,是因为我感到作为一名教师的光荣,更认识到作为一名教师责任的重大。因此,在工作中,我精心准备每一节课,我在每次上课前都反复研究教材,我还不断了解学生的学习状况,经常询问学生那些地方是薄弱环节,需要重点讲解,我总是想方设法上好每一节课,力争教好每一个学生,决不放弃一个学生,争取使每一个学生在课堂上都能有所收获,有所提高。英语老师课时多,早读多,晚自习也多,早晨七点钟以前要赶到学校,晚自习后将近十点钟才能回家。当英语老师确实很辛苦,但是工作中,我兢兢业业,任劳任怨,不计个人得失,一切以大局为重,以学生的学习为重,从不挑肥拣瘦。 二、努力做一个富有爱心的老师。工作中,我力求使自己成为做一个富有爱心的教师。我认为爱自己的工作、爱自己的学生是一位教师最基本的素养,是教育的灵魂,是教师高尚的师德情感,是一位教师在事业上取得成功的法宝和前提。否则,他不可能成为一位优秀的教师,更不可能成为学生爱戴的老师。因此我经常从小处着手,从学生关心的小事中寻求教育时机,给学生春风沐浴般的教育。在平时的工作中,我常常用真情温暖学生,处处以真情关爱学生,不仅仅关心成绩好的学生,更关心成绩相对比较落后的学


外企个人英文简历范文 name email professionalexperience XX-presentattorney emerson,lake&palmer,p.c.,atlanta,ga trialattorneyinmedium- sized,generalpracticelawfirmwithextensivecorporatedealings. areasofconcentrationhaveincludedenvironmental,publicutility ,generalbusinessandappellatelitigation. XX-XXassistantdistrictattorney athensdistrictattorney#39;soffice,athens,ga seniortrialattorneyresponsibleforprosecutingmajorfelonyc asesinthesuperiorcourt.supervisedcriminalinstigationsandtra inedassistantdistrictsttorneys.prosecutedoverthirtymajorfel onyjurycasesincludingmurder,rape,andchildabuse.briefedandar guedoverfortycasesbeforethesupremejudicialcourtandtheappeal scourt. XX-XXlawclerk/assistanttowncouncil townofmarietta,marietta,ga generalmunicipalandappellatelitigation. education georglainstititeoftechnology,atlanta,ga j.d.,XX,cumlaude.


个人英文简历中英文对照 专业外语Specialized English 大学物理College Physics 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistem ology) 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 毛泽东思想研究Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought2 毛泽东哲学思想研究Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 体育Physical Education 思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality 形势政策教育 Teaching of Situation and Policy 军事理论Military Theory 政治经济学Political Economics 高等数学含现性代数Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebr a) 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics 运算机应用基础Basics of Computer Applications 数据库概论Introduction to Database 大学英语College English 大学语文(文科) The University Language and Literature (Liberal art s) 大学语文(理科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 工商治理 西方经济学概论Introduction to Western Economics 治理心理学 Psychology of Management 治理学原理Principles of Management Science 统计学原理Principles of Statistics 会计学原理Principles of Accounting 治理信息系统Management Information Systems 信息检索Information Retrieval 经济法学 Economic law 企业战略Enterprise Strategy 财政学Public Finance 货币银行学Monetary Economics and Banking 国际金融International Finance 国际贸易International Trade 生产治理Productive


英语教师英文简历范文带翻译 英语教师求职简历怎么写呢?以下是小编为大家准备的英语教师英文简历范文带翻译,欢迎大家前来参阅。 Vine No.67, Lane123, Hope Road Job District, Shanghai, China (+86) 138-xxxx-xxxx service@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a9674800.html, Political Background:probationary party member 政治背景:预备党员 Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village 地址:黄石省湖北市马方村 Work Experience: 工作经验: 2005/07-2005/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing 2005 / 07-2005 / 9:经院长介绍,在北京带家教 2006/03--2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing 2006 / 03 - 2007 / 05:在咸宁的清辉家教中心担任英语教师 2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi 在黄石做家教代高中英语 2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies 担任外国留学生学院的学生秘书 2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch 信息技术公司黄石分公司英语培训教师 Education: 教育情况:


个人简历 姓名:性别: 出生日期: 就读院校: 联系方式:手机: 电子邮箱: 地址: 自我定位:爱岗敬业,乐于奉献;工作认真投入,执行力强;生活中兴趣广泛,善于交际。 大学期间参加活动 所受奖励 个人奖项: 集体奖项: 外语水平 校内主修课程包括高级英语,英汉翻译,汉英翻译,高级口译,公共演讲,英语国家文化,语言学,二外西班牙语等; 选修课程包括西方经济学基础,外贸函电,美学,中外民俗等; 已获得大学英语等级考试六级(CET-6);英语专业等级考试四级(TEM-4);托业考试(TOEIC)905分;职业英语等级二级。 其他技能 获得天津市普通话资格证(二级甲等); 熟练运用Office办公软件,视频和电子杂志制作软件。 机动车驾驶证C1牌照。

Resume Name: Gender: Birth: Education: Connect me: Mobile: E-mail: Address: Activities Participated during University Honors ●Individual Awards: ●Collective Awards: Language skills Required courses: Advanced English, English-Chinese Translation, Chinese-English Translation,Interpretation, Public Speech, Linguistics, and Spanish Elective courses: Western Economics, Business Correspondence, Esthetics, Chinese and Foreign Customs Received CET-6 and TEM-4 certification, TOEIC(Score:905) Other skills Received Mandarin certification (2A) Microsoft Office application Good command of video and E-magazine software Drive license(C1)


公共基础课 专业外语Specialized English 大学物理College Physics 马克思主义哲学原理(认识论) Principle of Marxist Philosophy(Epistemology) 邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 毛泽东思想研究Study on Mao Zedong Thought 毛泽东政治思想研究Research on Mao ZeDong Political Thought2 毛泽东哲学思想研究Research of Mao Zedong's Philosophy Thought 体育Physical Education 思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality 形势政策教育Teaching of Situation and Policy 军事理论Military Theory 政治经济学Political Economics 高等数学含现性代数Advanced Mathematics (Including Linear Algebra) 概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics 计算机应用基础Basics of Computer Applications 数据库概论Introduction to Database 大学英语College English 大学语文(文科) The University Language and Literature (Liberal arts) 大学语文(理科) The University Language and Literature (Science) 工商管理 西方经济学概论Introduction to Western Economics 管理心理学Psychology of Management 管理学原理Principles of Management Science 统计学原理Principles of Statistics 会计学原理Principles of Accounting 管理信息系统Management Information Systems 信息检索Information Retrieval 经济法学Economic law 企业战略Enterprise Strategy 财政学Public Finance 货币银行学Monetary Economics and Banking 国际金融International Finance 国际贸易International Trade 生产管理Productive Management 市场营销学Marketing 财务管理Financial Management 管理思想史History of Management Thought 工业经济管理Industrial Economy Management 管理会计Managerial Accounting 运筹学Operations Research 税收学Taxation 计划项目评估Evaluation of Planning items


初中英语教师的个人简历模板 姓名:何女士性别:女 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 户籍:广东-韶关年龄:28 现所在地:广东-东莞身高:160cm 希望地区:广东-东莞 希望岗位:培训类-英语培训师 文体/教育类-教务管理人员 市场营销/公关类-公关专员 公司文职类-高级秘书 贸易类-外贸专员/助理 寻求职位: 待遇要求:5000元/月可面议 最快到岗:半个月之内 教育经历 2003-09 ~2007-07 湛江师范学院英语教育本科 2000-09 ~2003-07 韶关市第七中学各种科目高中 工作经验至今5年0月工作经验,曾在5家公司工作 **公司(2011-07 ~2012-08) 公司性质:私营企业行业类别:教育、培训 担任职位:初中英语教师岗位类别:初级教育 工作描述: 1 运用中心专用教材授课。学生从六年级到高一。 2 与学生、家长保持良好的沟通,及时接收学生、家长的反馈意见,对学生进行教学引导和心理疏导工作;学生经过一段时间的学习,学习态度有很大改进,被动学习变为了主动学习。并得到家长信任。简历模板https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a9674800.html, 3 根据学生的实际情况,制定适宜的教学方案,并进行学习方法指导、学习习惯的培养和适度的课后跟踪服务;做好学生的升期续费工作。在职期间续费率为百分之百。 4、积极参加教研活动,配合和完成上级布置的教研任务。 小感悟:1 教师必须站在学生角度,换位思考,现在的学生都是很聪明的人,如果感受到老师的真心,自然就会去信任,这样,教学起来,事半功倍。对家长同样如此。 2 教学中需要创新。而且需要了解学生需求以及心理。知道学生需要什么,这样,才能提高学生的学习兴趣。 教学一直坚信:授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。直接告诉学生答案,不过,告诉学生解题思路和方法,哪些地方该注意。这样,才能战无不胜。 部分升期续费成功案例: David:东莞中学初二级学生。数学成绩不错,但英语基础不是很好。考试七、八十分。最初接手这个学生时,时不时有打电话给家长,与家长联系,反映学生情况。但学生听到电话,认为本人打小报告,所以,有点反感情绪。所以,后来换了方法,分开打电话,一个电话打给学生,巩固所学知识,一个电话打给家长,让家长及时了解学生情况。家长很满意。而学生方面,经常对学生微小的进步进行表扬鼓励,学生慢慢有了兴趣,坚持在每周日上同步提高班(每周额外免费辅导),经过一段时间,基础大大提高,而且也开始习惯自己分析题目。Charlie:东华中学初二级学生。学生主动性不高,而且依赖性比较强。和姐姐一起在本中心学英语。姐姐英语成绩很好,但弟弟基础相对没那么好,而且,自信心不强。该生小学时成


商务英语专业毕业英文简历 商务英语专业毕业英文简历范文 I Overview Name: Liu xx Sex: Male Ethnic: Chinese political features: members Academic qualifications (degree): college Profession: Business English Contact Tel: Mobile: Email Address:. Com Contact Address: personal home page: / Educational background Graduate institutions: Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College to create

The course: Business English, English, marketing, Western economics, international trade, International finance, in English translation, English-speaking countries Overview of e-merce trade English Writing letters and telegrams Another (other training): Self-psychology. Declarations of Practice Work experience June xx --- July xx printing in a printing agency engaged in the work of the July xx --- September xx guests in the hotel did get a good evaluation July xx --- August xx Where did the beauty salon, with good performance


标准的英文简历格式 Chinese Name:Qing Li English Name: Eldon Li (外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。) Sex: Male Born: 6/12/82 University: Beijing University Major: Marketing Address: 328#, Beijing Telephone: 1398**** (不论你是肥环瘦燕,还是鹤立鸡群,“身高体重”的话题都不要在简历中提及。在西方文化中,“身高体重”属于特别隐私性的话题。另外,政治色彩越少越好,老外一般没有兴趣知道你的政治隐私。) Job Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing. Education: 2000-2005 Bejing University, College Of Commerce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing. Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies. 1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xian. (第二部分教育背景必须注意:求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,也就是说,是从求职者的最高教育层次写起。


英语老师个人求职简历范文 以下是关于英语老师个人求职简历范文,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 求职意向 期望工作性质:全职 期望工作地点:北京市 期望工作行业:教育培训 期望工作职位:英语教师、课程设计 期望工作待遇:面议 到岗时间:面谈 工作经验 *2009 /7--至今:英国中央XX大学 外国语学院中英同传硕士生导师 负责教授并制订中英同声传译、交替传译、商务口译、模拟会议、公众演讲等课程。 *2002 /9--20XX /2:XX高级中学 英语教研组中学教师 担任班主任兼英语老师,负责班级教育教学工作。深入学生当中,了解其身心健康状况,及时处理学习生活中出现的不利于学习的因素,使学生能够全身心投入学习,架起学校和家 ·

长之间沟通桥梁,齐心协力,共同培育学生,使学生能够健康地学习与成长。多次被家长评为“值得信任的老师和班主任”,先后被学校评为“优秀教师和班主任”。 教育背景 2008 /9--2009 /11 英国索尔福德大学英语硕士 2006 /9--2008 /7 上海外国语大学英语本科 1999 /9--2002 /7 上海大学英语大专 技能证书 毕业证书、学历证书、英语专业八级证书、英国皇家特许语言学家协会口译员资格证书、英国曼彻斯特市政府注册译员资格证书、联合国同声传译见习证书、日语二级证书。 自我评价 我是一个乐观向上的人,喜欢旅游和摄影,也喜欢一个人窝在家里听歌看书,得空的时候会和朋友去健身; 在国外的学习环境中学到了很多不同的先进的思想和教育理念,非常希望能够在自己的教育事业中实践; 但是几年的游子生活也让我深切的体会到故乡的概念,所以回到国内就再也不会走了,希望有一个稳定的工作,过起自己的生活。 选择我,就是选择一个美好的惊喜! [英语老师个人求职简历范文] ·


商务英语毕业生个人简历范文 是XX最新发布的《商务英语毕业生个人简历范文》的详细范文参考文章,感觉写的不错,希望对您有帮助,看完如果觉得有帮助请记得收藏。 下面为大家带来一篇商务英语毕业生个人简历范文,希望对大家有所帮助: 姓 名: *** 国籍: 中国 目前所在地: 天河区民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 河源身材:167 cm 55 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚年龄:19 培训认证: 诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:

应届生 应聘职位: 贸易跟单、助理贸易跟单、贸易/进出口专员/助理: 工作年限:1 职称: 无职称 求职类型: 全职可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求:2000--3500 希望工作地区: 天河区越秀区海珠区 个人工作经历:公司名称: 起止年月:xx-07~xx-08永勤实业(河源)有限公司 公司性质: 其它所属行业:家具/家电/工艺品/玩具/珠宝 担任职务: worker 工作描述: 在装配部的生产线上当普通工人。热门思想汇报 主要工作就是把一块块的零件组合起来成为了一个完整的玩具。 离职原因: 学校开学

公司名称: 起止年月:xx-04~xx-05白云宾馆 公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:酒店/旅游 担任职务: waiter 工作描述: 春交会期间在白云宾馆祥云西餐厅当服务员,这里来就餐的大多数都是外国人,我都用英语为他们服务。 离职原因: 实习结束 志愿者经历: 公司名称: 起止年月:xx-10~xx-12白云国际会议中心 担任职务: 服务员 工作描述: 在广州xx年亚洲运动会期间,在亚运城媒体村当一名自愿服务生。为来自亚洲各国的媒体朋友提供良好的住宿环境。 教育背景 毕业院校: 南华工商学院



个人英文简历范文模板 求职英文简历是用人单位了解外企个人求职者的第一扇窗口。以下是我要与大家分享的英文个人简历范文模板,供大家参考! 英文个人简历范文模板一 nicholas slater 236 hart rd montezuma, ga 31063 cell: 123-316-**** email: career objective: "logistic chief position that utilizes my skills and experience and enables me to make a positive contribution towards the growth of the company." professional experience:

organization: abc shipping firm, georgina duration: november xx till date designation: logistic chief responsible for leading and managing logistics support of abc shipping firm developed, prepared and implemented logistics-support plans handled operational and supply schedules issues during the transfer of goods and services. liaise between suppliers and organization as well as implement strategies to ensure the coordination of materials and goods provided guidance to senior management on staffing levels and inventory requirements came up with ideas and suggested changes where appropriate to meet the requirements of the established logistics strategy organization: aacv logistic co, georgina


个人英文简历样本 CURRICULUM VITAE Name: ZHANG Da Wei Gender: Male Date of Birth: 8th November 1960 Nationality: Chinese Address: Room 324, Building 18, Xiao-Nan-Zhuang, Haidian District, Be ijing,Zip:100873 Present Occupation: 12/1998-: Senior Engineering, IBM Beijing Ltd Responsible for the Technological Strategy of the Business in Chi na Professional Experience: 10/1998- 12/1998: Assistant to Director of International Office of IBM Hea dquarters 01/1993- 12/1995: Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Scie nce, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Education: 12/1995 - 08/1998: Master Degree Student in Graduate School, Hefei Univ ersity of Technology, Hefei, Anhui Province Specialty: Computer Science and its Applications Project: A Relational Database System for Management Applicati on.


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语教师的优秀英文简历范文 Personal Information Name: xxx Gender: male Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx Residency: Hunan Zip Code: 410000 Career Objective:English Teacher Home Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxx Mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx Email: Political Background:probationary party member Work Experience 2006/03--2007/05:xxprivate tutor Center as an English Tutor in xx 2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in xx 2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies 2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. xx Branch Education 2004/09--2007/06 xx University English Education Associate 2007/09--2018/06 xx Normal Univercity English Bachelor Training 2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in xx city English cadet teacher Language Skills English excellent Japanese average Certifications 2008/03 TEM Level 8 2007/04 TEM Level 4 2006/06 CET-6 2005/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 2004/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate 2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate Honors/Awards national scholarship the first ranking 1 / 9


英语专业英文简历模板范文 ng> objective Hope is engaged in the occupation: customer service of foreign trade, foreign trade assistant, clerk, translation, English teacher Expected salary: 2000-3000 Expect work areas: liancheng county Expect nature of work: full-time The fastest arrive time: arrive at any time Must provide housing: no need Education/training Education background: School name: fuqing branch of fujian normal university (September 2011 - June 2015) Professional title: English major education: bachelor degree Location: certificates: national computer level of colleges and universities, and professional English four, six level of certificate, tem 8 certificate, English majors at xiamen university English translation secondary qualification certificate


英语教师个人求职简历参考 英语教师个人求职简历范文 姓名:王XX身高:177cm 性别:男就业时间: 民族:汉族学历:硕士 出生年月:XX所学专业:英语 籍贯:上海市现居住地:北京市 婚姻状况:未婚手机:139********* 身份证:XXE-mail: 求职意向 期望工作性质:全职 期望工作地点:北京市 期望工作行业:教育培训 期望工作职位:英语教师、课程设计 期望工作待遇:面议 到岗时间:面谈 工作经验 *2009 /7--至今:英国中央XX大学 外国语学院中英同传硕士生导师 负责教授并制订中英同声传译、交替传译、商务口译、模拟会议、公众演讲等课程。

*2002 /9--2006 /2:XX高级中学 英语教研组中学教师 担任班主任兼英语老师,负责班级教育教学工作。深入学生当中,了解其身心健康状况,即时处理学习生活中出现的不利于学习的因素,使学生能够全身心投入学习,架起学校和家长之间沟通桥梁,齐心协力,共同培育学生,使学生能够健康地学习与成长。多次被家长评为“值得信任的老师和班主任”,先后被学校评为“优秀教师和班主任”。 教育背景 2008 /9--2009 /11 英国索尔福德大学英语硕士 2006 /9--2008 /7 上海外国语大学英语本科 1999 /9--2002 /7 上海大学英语大专 技能证书 毕业证书、学历证书、英语专业八级证书、英国皇家特许语言学 家协会口译员资格证书、英国曼彻斯特市政府注册译员资格证书、联 合国同声传译见习证书、日语二级证书。 自我评价 我是一个乐观向上的人,喜欢旅游和摄影,也喜欢一个人窝在家 里听歌看书,得空的时候会和朋友去健身; 在国外的学习环境中学到了很多不同的先进的思想和教育理念, 非常希望能够在自己的教育事业中实践; 但是几年的游子生活也让我深切的体会到故乡的概念,所以回到 国内就再也不会走了,希望有一个稳定的工作,过起自己的生活。 选择我,就是选择一个美好的惊喜!
