


Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I’m trai ning according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale. Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look,


大学英语B-2011.9月大学英语试题 Test 1 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. —How are you, Bob? —____________ Ted. A. How are you? B. I’m fine. Thank you. C. How do you do? D. Nice to meet you. 2. —Thanks for your help. —____________ A. My pleasure. B. Never mind. C. Quite right. D. Don’t thank me. 3. —Hello, I’m Harry Potter. —Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ____________. A. call my Charles B. call me at Charles C. call me Charles D. call Charles me 4. —Paul, ____________? —Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother. A. what is the person over there B. who’s talking over there C. what are they doing D. which is that 5. —Hi, Tom, how’s everything with you? —____________, and how are you? A. Don’t mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks D. Pretty fast 6. —That’s a beautiful dress you have on! —____________ A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday. B. Sorry, it’s too cheap. C. You can have it D. See you later. 7. —Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? —____________ A. Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower. B. Fine, I never go to birthday parties. C. Ha…ha, I don’t like birthday parties. D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident 8. —Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip? —____________ A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day. B. Come on, I’ve got lots of fun. C. By the way, I don’t like Saturdays. D. Well, I’ll look forward to your phone call. 9. —Have n’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? —____________ A. I hate the weather here.


1 2 ………………………………………………………密……………………………………………………封………………………………………………… 密封线内不 院(系):专年级:学生姓学号: 课堂________

得分评阅人 六、结构分析题:(每小题1分,共10分) 【答题要求】:从下列给定的素材出发,按各小题指定的类型分别构造一个相应格式的推理。 小李。小王。1课堂同学。2课堂同学。武汉人。非武汉人。南京人。非南京人。 湖北人。江苏人。中国人。人。非人。 1. 特称肯定判断的矛盾关系推理。 【例】1课堂有的同学是武汉人,所以,并非1课堂所有同学都不是武汉人。 2. 单称否定判断的差等关系推理。 【例】1课堂小李同学不是武汉人,所以,1课堂有的同学不是武汉人。 3. 全称肯定判断的换位法推理。 【例】所有武汉人都是湖北人,所以,有的湖北人是武汉人。 4. 特称否定判断的换质法推理。 【例】1课堂有的同学不是武汉人,所以,1课堂有的同学是非武汉人。 5. 三段论第二格AEE式。 【例】所有武汉人都是湖北人,所有江苏人都不是湖北人,所以,所有江苏人都不是武汉人。 6. 联言推理的分解式。 【例】1课堂、2课堂都有武汉人,所以,1课堂有武汉人。 7. 不相容选言推理的肯定否定式。 【例】小李要么是1课堂同学,要么是2课堂同学;已知小李是1课堂同学,所以,小李不是2课堂同学。 8. 必要条件假言推理的否定前件式。 【例】小李只有是湖北人,才会是武汉人;既然小李不是湖北人,那他也一定不会是武汉人。 9. 充分条件假言联锁推理。 【例】若小李是武汉人,则小李是湖北人;若小李是湖北人,则小李是中国人。所以,若小李是武汉人,则小李是中国人。 10. 二难推理的复杂破坏式。 【例】若小李是武汉人,则小李是湖北人;若小李是南京人,则小李是江苏人。小李或者不是湖北人,或者不是江苏人,所以,小李或者不是武汉人,或者不是南京人。



一、试分析法律适用中的价值判断 (一)概述 法律适用有广义和狭义之分。广义的法律适用是指国家机关及其工作人员、社会团体和公民实现法律规范的活动。这种意义上的法律适用一般被称为法的实施。狭义的法律适用是指国家机关及其工作人员依照其职权范围把法律规范应用于具体事项的活动,特指拥有司法权的机关及司法人员依照法定方式把法律规范应用于具体案件的活动。笔者认为这里论述的法律适用主要是狭义的法律适用,是司法裁判活动中的法律适用。 价值判断,就是在司法裁判活动中,根据一定的价值取向判断争议所涉及的法律利益,以实现法律所追求的公平正义。 事实上,法律规范中充满了价值判断,因为任何完整的法律规范都是以实现特定的价值为目的的,并对特定的法益和行为方式作出评价。正如魏德士所言,“在法律规范的事实构成与法律效果的联系中,总是存在着立法者诸如正义、自由、平等、效率、安全等价值判断。” 根据王利明老师的观点,价值判断具有以下特点: 1.价值判断具有一定程度的主观性。它是裁判者根据一定的价值取向在裁判中所作出的选择。 2.价值判断具有受拘束性。要通过方法论的探讨,来规范价值判断的活动。 3.价值判断具有指导性。亦即价值判断要求准确理解和把握法律的意旨,从而在利益发生冲突的情况下,指导法官根据立法者确定的法律意旨,为纠纷的解决提供妥当的判断依据。 4.价值判断必须在司法三段论的框架内进行操作。法官的价值判断都必须在司法三段论的框架内进行,必须确定大前提,并在大前提和小前提的连接过程中进行价值判断。 (二)价值判断在法律适用中存在的必然性 1.在法律适用的过程中必然会涉及价值判断 在司法裁判中,法律适用的过程既不是一个完全取决于法官的个性而无法预测的神秘酿造过程,也不是一个纯粹依据经验简单判断的过程。法官在适用法律的过程中,不仅仅是简单的逻辑演绎的运用,它常常需要法官结合自己的价值观念来对规则、条文以及案件事实进行认定、解释和说明,并凭借实践经验、感觉感受等做出一定的裁判结论。在这个过程中,必须要进行价值判断。 2.价值判断在法律适用中有其存在的必要性和必然性 正如张继成教授所言:“在法律推理中,价值判断是由事实判断推出规范判断的逻辑桥梁,是由一个具有普遍性的法律规范判断(法律规则)和一个具体的事实判断推出另外一个具体的法律规范判断(判决结论)的逻辑中介。”“价值判断具有发现、比较、选择、归类、定性、量裁、导向等功能,没有价值判断就没有法律推理。”“法官认定的案件事实不仅与法律规范所指涉的事实要件相符合,而且与蕴涵于法律规范中的价值判断相符合,因此,法律推理的大、小前提之间不仅具有同一性,而


2005年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷及答案 (课程代码:00015) PART ONE (50 POINTS) Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1.Would’t you rather your child ______ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A. became B. become C. would become D. becomes 2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders _______will happen to his family life. A. it B. that C. what D. this 3. We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ________ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting . A. while B. after C. since D. as 4. We cannot leave this tough job to a person_________. A. who nobody has confidence B. in whom nobody has confidence C. for whom nobody has confidence D. who everyone has confidence of 5. You are the best for the job _____ you apply your mind to it . A. until B. if only C. in case D. unless 6.Hey, leave _____!I hate people touching my hair. A. behind B. out C. off D. over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ________ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it. A. come up B. come up to C. come over D. come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I ________ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue. A. say a word with B. have words with C. mention a word with D. have a word with 9.There is a deadlock (僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the over . A. a way B. way C. the way D. its way 10. This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages. A. with B. for C. to D. in Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology. Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets. Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses. Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired. Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.


政治经济学期末考试试卷答案 作者:Jessie已被分享19次复制链接 一、填空题(每题1分,共10 分) 1、政治经济学的研究对象是(生产关系)。 2、作为价值实体的劳动是(抽象劳动)。 3、准确反映资本家对雇佣工人剥削程度的指标是(剩余价值率)。 4、级差地租产生的原因是(垄断经营有限的较优等土地);绝对地租产生的原因是(土地私有权)的垄断。 5、社会总资本再生产的核心是(实现问题,即社会总产品的各个部分的价值补偿和物质补偿问题)。 6、在股份制中,实行一股一票,体现的是(出资者)主权;在合作制中,实行一人一票,体现的是(劳动者)主权。 7、混合所有制经济的性质是由其(处于主体或主导地位的所有制形式决定)。 8、现代企业制度的基本形式是(公司制企业)。 二、名词解释(每题5分,共20分) 1、不变资本和可变资本 在剩余价值的生产过程中,以生产资料的形式存在的那部分资本,在生产过程中其价值被转移到新产品中去,不改变原有的价值量,因而被称为不变资本。另一部分用来购买劳动力的资本是可变资本。劳动力在生产过程中创造新价值,而且能够创造出大于劳动力价值的价值,即剩余价值。由于以劳动力形式存在的资本会发生价值增值,所以被称为可变资本。 2、资本积聚和资本集中 资本积聚和资本集中是单个资本增大的两种基本方式。资本积聚是资本积累的直接结果,即个别资本通过剩余价值的资本化而增大其总额的一种方式。而资本集中则是由若干分散的小资本合并成大资本的过程。 资本积累与资本集中的区别在于:(1)资本积聚以资本积累为基础,因而单个资本增大的同时,也使社会总资本增大;而资本集中是原有资本的重新组合,虽然使单个资本变大,但不能使社会总资本增大。(2)资本积聚的规模和速度最终受到原有资本积累速度和社会财富增长限制,因而其增长是缓慢的;而资本集中可以不受资本积累速度的限制,可以在较短时间有效资本合并为大资本,所以增大速度很快。 3、经济增长与经济发展 经济增长是一个国家一定时期总产量(包括商品和服务)和生产能力的增加。一般用国民生产总值或国内生产总产值的变动率来衡量。经济发展是指一个国家的经济发达程度,一般用人均收入水平来衡量。经济发展与经济增长相比包括的内容更丰富,它除了收入水平的变动,还涉及生产力水平、经济结构、市场范围等方面的变动。 4、国内生产总值与国民生产总值 国内生产总值是一国一年内生产的全部最终产品的价值总和。它是指国家境内投资的生产资源所生产的总产出量。而国民生产总值是一年内一国居民所拥有的投入要素所生产的最终产品的价值总和。 这两个概念都是衡量一国一年内经济总量变动的指标,但二者的区别在于:前者是一个国家国土范围内的生产总量,其中包括外国投资者在一个国家的投资


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d12194729.html, 中南财经政法大学论文题目 一、最新中南财经政法大学论文选题参考 1、中南财经政法大学校长吴汉东指出:积极应对法学高等教育的机遇和挑战 2、新媒体环境下高校媒体资源利用现状与前景研究--以中南财经政法大学为例 3、中南财经政法大学校长吴汉东:完善知识产权制度增强企业核心竞争力 4、体现法学用户意愿的资源建设与营销——以中南财经政法大学图书馆为例 5、体现用户意愿的资源建设与营销--以中南财经政法大学图书馆为例 6、夯实工作基础、净化学术环境——以中南财经政法大学管理制度建设实践为例 7、独立学院大学生职业规划意识薄弱问题调查分析——以中南财经政法大学武汉学院为例 8、高校图书馆读者利用服务现状调查与分析——以中南财经政法大学为例 9、填补世界会计史的空白——记中南财经政法大学教授郭道扬 10、伟大的人格,卓越的贡献——在中南财经政法大学纪念杨时展教授逝世十周年座谈会上的讲话 11、相对“就业易”形势下财会专业本科生的就业心理与指导——以中南财经政法大学会计学院为例 12、“中南财经政法大学现代政治经济学丛书”评介——兼评《生产关系二维理论与产权分析》和《交汇与分野》 13、论公法学博士培养机制改革——基于中南财经政法大学与其他典型培养单位的比较分析 14、独立学院英语专业本科毕业论文的存在问题分析与解决方法探索--以中南财经政法大学武汉学院为例

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d12194729.html, 15、独立学院大学生思想政治现状及对策思考——以中南财经政法大学武 汉学院为例 16、中国知识产权研究的先行者——记中南财经政法大学原校长吴汉东 17、特色鲜明成绩显著——评中南财经政法大学财政学博士点导师文集 18、中南财经政法大学财政与公共管理学院院长杨灿明同志为《湖北财税》题词 19、探索就业举措抵御就业寒流——中南财经政法大学试行本科生导师制 促进毕业生充分广泛就业 20、水污染防治须出台“硬’’法——专访中南财经政法大学教授吕忠梅 二、中南财经政法大学论文题目大全 1、人文社科类高校工科学生就业问题与对策——以中南财经政法大学为例 2、研究生教育的特色战略及其实现机制——以中南财经政法大学为例 3、中国新型法治智库研究的实践探索与制度创新——中南财经政法大学法治发展与司法改革研究中心主任暨湖北法治发展战略研究院院长、博士生导师徐... 4、民族地区产权制度发展模式分析——中南财经政法大学卢现祥教授访谈 5、中南财经政法大学新闻与文化传播学院王波作品选登 6、高校研究生导师聘任制度研究——以中南财经政法大学为例 7、科研训练对大学生创新创业能力的影响研究——以中南财经政法大学“博文杯”项目为例 8、高等教育的国际化与现代化——中南财经政法大学第二届中外大学校长论坛综述 9、将风险评估引入食品安全风险行政调查——中南财经政法大学教授戚建刚谈风险评估与行政调查 10、中南财经政法大学金融学院台生刘哲瑜曾经的合唱队领唱讨厌现在 的民进党


中国农业大学成人高等教育 学年第学期(任课教师:) 课程考试试题 考生诚信承诺 1、本人清楚学校关于考试管理、考场规则、考试作弊处理的规定,并严格遵照执行。 2、本人承诺在考试过程中没有作弊行为,所做试卷的内容真实可信。 站点名称:专业: 年级层次学号姓名成绩: 大学英语(工商企业管理专科)① Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 1.Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer form depression. A.that B.which C.in which D.in that 2.The party has failed to _______ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. A.trust B.credit C.convince D.believe 3._______ driving around all day looking for somewhere to park,why don‘t you take a bus to town? A.In spite of B.Rather than C.In palce of D.Other than 4.The kids are _______ be hungry when they get home—they always are. A. obliged to B. bound to C. desired to D. motivated to 5.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _______ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. A.to B.between C.for D.from 6.When the city was _______,everyone knew that total defeat was certain. A.cut off B.cut down C.cut across D.cut out 7.If we _______ everything ready by now,we should be having a terrible time tomorrow. A.hadn‘t got B. didn’t get C.wouldn‘t have got D. wouldn’t get 8.In his composition there were no other errors _______ a few misspelled words. A.beside B.except C.then D.than 9.In deciding _______ a course of action,the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. A.what to pursue B.which to pursue C.whether to pursue D.if to pursue 10.Since we have a focused subject,we should not talk _______. A.at once B.at hand C.at intervals D.at random Ⅱ。Cloze Test 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation. They acknowledge that people place varying emphasis __11__income,but point out that workers tend to move from one occupation to another __12__changes in salaries. In 1931,H.F.Clark,an economist,stated that“proper information regarding wages if sufficiently __13__ upon people,will lead to correct choice of occupation and correct __14__ of people in an occupation,provided barriers to occupations have been removed.”This means that the supply and demand of workers have __15__to do with wages,__16__in turn influence people to choose certain careers……However,all barriers to occupations will have to be removed __17__ career choices can be __18__ by economics alone. There is little question __19__economic factors have some influence on choice of an occupation. But to picture them as the major or most important reason __20__ against the soundest of folk wisdom:“Man does not live by bread alone.” 11.A.in B.on C.into D.for 12.A.despite B.other than C.through D.because of 13.A.to impress B.to be impressed C.impress D.impressed 14.A.number B.amount C.deal D.quantity 15.A.many B.much C.lot D.nothing 16.A.it B that C.which D.where 17.A.before B.after C.until D.when 18.A.expected B.explained C.expressed D.exposed 19.A.that B.which C.as D.when 20.A.to go B.going C.goes D.go Ⅲ。Reading Comprehension 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. “No man is an island,”wrote the poet John Donne several centuries ago. He was acknowledging one of our most distinctive characteristics:the fact that we are social animals whose behavior and personalities are shaped by the groups to which we belong. Throughout life,most of our daily activities are performed in the company of others. Whether our purpose is working,playing,raising a family,learning,or simply relaxing,we usually pursue it in groups,even if the group is as small as two or three people. Out need for human contacts is not merely a practical one;it is a deep psychological need as well. If people are deprived of the company of others for prolonged periods,mental breakdown is the usual result. Even the Geneva Convention(日内瓦公约),an international agreement that regulates the treatment of prisoners of war,recognizes this need. It regards solitary (孤独的)imprisonment for more than thirty day as a cruel form of torture(折磨)。 In its strictest sense, a group is a collection of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expe ctations about one another‘s behavior. As result of this interaction,members feel a common sense of“belonging.”They distinguish members from nonmembers and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders. 21.By“No man is an island,”John Donne means _____. A.no one can live on an island alone B.a man is not surrounded by sea on all sides C.a man and an island are irrelevan D.no one can live in isolation from other people 22.The fact that we work or even play in groups illustrates the point that ____. A.poeple are different from animals B.Donne recognized the group to which he belonged C.human beings are social animals D.human behavior and personalities are formed by others 23.“Breakdown”as used in Line 6,Paragraph 2 most probably denotes ____. A.separation B.collapse C.analysis D.function 24.According to the passage,what is NOT a characteristic of group? A.There are at least two people in it. B.The members share some common grounds. C.The members work for one purpose. D.The members interact regularly with each other. 25.This passage is mainly about _______. A.the importance of human contacts B.pattens of human behavior C.the importance of human activities D.patterns of human society Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.


环境资源法学 考试题型: 1、单选; 2、判断改错; 3、名词解释; 4、简答; 5、论述; 6、案例分析; 复习重点(考试重点) 第一章环境资源与环境关系 第二章环境资源法概述 第三章环境资源法的价值定位 第八章环境资源责任制度 第九章环境资源纠纷解决制度 (重点为环境资源民事责任与环境资源民事诉讼;案例分析考我国环境民事责任构成要件:损害行为;损害后果;因果关系;无过错原则) 第十章第十一章第十二章内容明确不考 重点内容整理(根据考试重点整理自老师课件)

一、环境的概念 环境:是指影响人类生存和发展的各种天然的和经过人工改造的自然因素的总体。包括大气、水、海洋、土地、矿藏、森林、草原、野生生物、自然遗迹、人文遗迹、自然保护区、风景名胜区、城市和乡村。(环境资源的概念亦是如此) 二、环境问题的概念和种类 1、按环境问题的产生原因的不同,可分为第一环境问题(自然灾害)和第二环境问题(环境污染和破坏) 2、按环境问题造成的危害后果不同,可分为环境污染和自然环境破坏 (1)环境污染是指人类活动所引起的环境质量下降而有害于人类及其他生物的正常生存和发展的现象。 (2)自然环境破坏是人类不合理地开发利用自然环境,过量地向环境索取物质和能量,使得自然环境的恢复和增殖能力受到破坏的现象。 三、全球环境问题阶段的环境问题 1酸雨(包括酸雪、酸雾等各种酸沉降) 2臭氧层破坏 3温室效应及全球气候变化 4突发性环境污染事件(意大利塞维索化学污染事故、美国三里岛核电站泄漏事故、墨西哥液化气爆炸事件、印度博帕尔农药泄漏事件、前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站泄漏事故、瑞士巴赛尔赞多兹化学公司莱茵河污染事故) 5大规模的生态破坏(非洲大饥荒) 四、环境法的本质特征 (一)环境法是社会法 (二)环境法是以社会利益为本位的法 (三)环境法是公法手段干预私法领域的法 (四)环境法是以可持续发展为价值目标的法 五、环境法的概念
