

Key to Book IV

Unit One

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Rain and sunny intervals, fine-weather, cloudy, rainy, sleety, overcast, sunny, sunny intervals, snowy, thundershower.

Other words about weather: storm, blizzard, typhoon, hurricane, drought, flood, cold, freezing, chilly, warm, hot, humid, wet, dry, muggy, fog, icy, breezy, frigid, haze, downpour, to rain cats and dogs, wind.


Reading A:

Task 1: 1. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5. F

Task 2: 1.D 2. F 3. E 4. A 5. B 6. C

Task 3: 1. implied 2. response 3. settled 4. suit 5. objective 6. in stock

Task 4:

1. 一切进展顺利,交易能够而且往往是在不到五分钟内完成,双方几乎没有任何交谈并且都感到满意。

2. 对一个男人来说,当商店里没有他所想要的东西,或者说没有他所想要的确切的东西时,细微的问题便会出现。

3. 她所想的是找到某样每个人都认为适合她的东西。

4. 面对各式各样的连衣裙,一名女子可以很容易就花上个把小时从一个挂物架走到另一个挂物架,来回往复,然后才选择她所想要的衣服来试穿。

Reading B:

Task 1: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A

Task 2: 1. raise 2. influence 3. obey 4. solution 5. independence 6. limit to

Task 3: 1.obey 2. raising/to raise 3. solution

4. independence

5. limit to

6. has been influenced

Task 4:

1. By 1998, Chinese women had received 6.5 years of education on average.

2. The teacher limited his students to 500 words for their compositions.

3. On the one hand they say they wish to reduce the cost of living, and on the other they increase the duties on a number of articles.

4. It’s Spain that they are going to on holiday.


1.We are pleased with the fact that he has won the game.

2.The layout plan was completed within three months, half the usual time.

3.He said he could finish the task o n time but I didn’t think so.

4.The cars produced this year are expected to double those produced last year

5.The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Guangzhou.

Cultural Background:

1.The Great Wall functioned as a protection against invading nomads, or wandering tribes, from

the north.

2.It is built of dirt, stone, and brick.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.When it rains cats and dogs. (下倾盆大雨)

2.The “Post Office”! (邮局)

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Friends, classroom, peer, children, boys, girls, chat, books, study, communication, notes, dinning, eating, food, party, female, talking, emotion, laughing, laughter, lunches, friendship, close Reading:

Reading A:

Task 1: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

Task 2: 1. F 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C

Task 3: 1. objection 2. on her own 3. grateful 4. due 5. scrape 6. reminded Task 4:





Reading B:

Task 1: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B

Task 2: 1. matter 2. damage 3. draw 4. endure 5. comfort 6. grow up

Task 3: 1. has endured 2. comfort 3. grow up/are grown up

4. matter

5. damage

6. drew

Task 4:

1. When he was in his thirties, he would get up early and do some running/jogging.

2. He no longer lives here. / He doesn’t live here any more.

3. He sat at the desk, pen in mouth. / He sat at the desk, with a pen in his mouth.

4. I picked up a magazine that was lying on the table.


1.I could not persuade him to accept it, nor could I make him see the importance of it.

2.Only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make-up tests.

3.Published as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention..

4.Under no circumstances should we do anything that harms the interests of our motherland.

5.Were there no steel, there would be no modern industry.

Cultural Background:

1.Over the past twenty years, American country music has become more and more popular. The

songs’subjects have been changing. Once, the home of American country music was Nashville, Tennessee. Now, however, the music has reached all parts of the States, from Los Angeles in the west to New York in the east. Singers do not just come from the States but from all over the world. And the first country singers sang while playing the guitar. Now, however, a lot of electrical equipment is needed for large theatres.

2.Because during these years many young students were angry with society.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.In the dictionary.

2.Because it makes fat fact. (因为它使肥胖成为事实。)

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Dancing, cooking, singing, Ping-pong/ table tennis, badminton.

Others about hobbies: reading, collecting stamps, watching TV, surf the net, painting, extreme sports, playing cards, chess, music, go fishing, feeding pets, jogging, running, hiking, kicking shuttlecock, cycling, parachute jumping, swimming, diving.


Reading A:

Task 1: 1.T 2.T 3.T 4. F 5.F

Task 2: 1. E 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. F

Task 3: 1. obstacle 2.contemporary 3.enlightened

4. are confused

5. nonverbal

6. obligated

Task 4:

1. 在公众面前发表演说时, 与听众进行的目光交流是最重要的非言语因素之一。

2. 演说者与听众的目光交流吸引着听众的注意力, 是双方的目光交流将演说者和听众联系


3. (与听众进行)目光交流的一个重要作用就是确保演说者能够监测自己的演说对听众产


4. 需要经过实践练习才能学会有效地任用目光与听众进行交流;而有效的目光交流能够让


Reading B:

Task 1: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D

Task 2: 1. gesture 2. fold 3. crazy 4. interpretation 5. get through 6. tear down Task 3: 1.interpretation 2.crazy 3.gerture

4.tear down

5.gets through

6.to fold

Task 4:

1. His speech met with universal applause.

2. Fold the paper along the dotted.

3. I’m afraid I can’t accept your interpretation about your late

4. This form of sign language is rich in gesture.


1.I took a quick glance at the house and noticed it was very old.

2.That wasn’t where you had dinner, was it?

3.It is raining cats and dogs outside.

4.He feels it his duty to help others.

5.It was last month that they held their first important talk about their problems.

Cultural Background:

1.Without last name, people can hardly tell the difference of those who have the same first


2.There are many ways in which families were named. People were named for their jobs, where

they lived, or how they looked. Some people even took the names of things that they thought were beautiful. Other people took such names as Prince or King, because they admired those people. Names were also given because of the father’s name.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.Pepper. (辣椒)

2.The letter “C”. (C音似sea大海)

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Students, books, school, chairs, desks, studying, test, school supplies, children, mother, homework, light, entertainment, games, leisure, shuttlecocks, classes, competition, spelling bees,

primary school, pupils, middle school, high school, grade school, elementary school,


Reading A:

Task 1: 1.F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. F

Task 2: 1.E 2.C 3.A 4.F 5.B 6.D

Task 3: 1. distinct 2. worldwide 3. possessed 4. freed from 5. equipped 6. suffered Task 4:

1. 就现有的医学知识和技能,世界上4200万盲人中有三分之二不应该再受到影响。

2. 空中眼科医院会飞去发展中国家,在那儿通过提供亲身实践的培训和公共健康教育来拯救视力并且改善护理眼睛的方法。

3. 空中眼科医院这一名字来源于希腊语“眼睛的”和拉丁语“世界的”。这是一个非赢利性组织,大多由私人捐助支持

4. 空中眼科医院已将视力拯救技术传授给35000多名医生和护士,而他们每年又治愈了数以万计的失明人士。

Reading B:

Task 1: 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C

Task 2: 1. honor 2. imitate 3. infect 4. simplify 5. make out of 6. in honor of Task 3: 1. has been simplified 2. imitate 3. made out of 4. was honored 5. infected

6. in honor of

Task 4:

1. Animal bodies are made up of cells.

2. This misprint led to great confusion.

3. Her time is fully taken up with writing.

4. The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs.


1.I did enjoy pop music when I was young.

2.He said that he would come to visit us person.

3.It was last Sunday that we had a wonderful evening together.

4.Not until midnight did it stop raining.

5.It is in France that they were born.

Cultural Background:

1.Going too far in behavioral terms covers displaying an excess of emotion, getting hopelessly

drunk or cracking off-color jokes and the laughing at them noisily.

2.No, they don’t like to show an excess of emotion even though when they are really angry.

Because to the English the proper way to behave in almost all situations is to display a languid indifference to almost everything, though one may be fuming underneath.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.It has the most stories. (故事;楼层)

2.Your word.(keep one’s word after giving it的真正意思是:答应别人的事一定要做到。)

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Classroom, blackboard, teacher, library, shelves, Graduation, celebration, diploma, education Others about schooling: college, campus, university, bachelor, master degree, undergraduate, postgraduate, freshmen, sophomore, junior, club, partying, professor, term paper, academic, economics, politics, mathematics, English education, Chinese education.


Reading A:

Task 1: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

Task 2: 1.C 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.B 6.D

Task 3: 1. advised 2. think of 3. cycles 4. stress 5. expense 6. has put on weight Task 4:

1. 可能就是因为这个,我开始比以前喝得更多了。

2. 以前回家后我只喝半杯威士忌,现在我开始将杯子盛满了。

3. 我不知道我怎样才能够既做一些这样的事情又不丢掉工作。

4. 他建议我少工作多运动。

Reading B:

Task 1: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D

Task 2: 1. pace 2. function 3. supplement 4. challenge 5. keep up with 6. go for

Task 3: 1. challenge 2. function 3. pace 4. goes for 5. keep up with 6. supplement

Task 4:

1. He is a doctor, as was his wife before she had children.

2. His best film, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.

3. Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.

4. What I said about Smith goes for you, too.







Cultural Background:

1.They come from the annual interest of the $9,000,000 fund left by Alfred Nobel.

2.It was established in memory of Nobel by the Swedish National Bank in 1968 and was first

awarded in 1969. It is sometimes referred to as a Nobel Prize. It is actually a separate award, although it is administered in the same way as the Nobel Prizes and has the same cash value.

It is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1. A coin.(head头;硬币的正面,指有人头的一面。tail尾巴;钱币的反面)

2.Fish, because they go around in schools. (school n. 一群;学校)

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Hamburger, Bread, Pepsi, Soft drink, Chicken, Fries,Mashed potato, Ice-cream, Desert.

Others about fast food: Pizza, Popcorn Chicken, Chips,Sundae, Hot Wing,BBQ Snake, Coffee, Apple Pie, Roast Duck, Steak, Cheese Cake.


Reading A:

Task 1:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

Task 2:1. C 2. A 3. F 4. B 5. D 6. E

Task 3:1. flowered 2. criticism 3. patient 4. mean 5. praise 6. achievement Task 4:


2. 如果学生哪怕取得很小的进步都会受到表扬,那么他们会倍受鼓舞,更加努力地学习。

3. 在某种意义上,赞扬对于人们的进步就像阳光对于花朵一样,没有了它我们无法成长。



Reading B:

Task 1:1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C

Task 2:1. reluctant 2. appreciate 3. drown 4. critical 5. be aware of 6. comment on Task 3: 1. appreciate 2. was aware of 3. comment on

4. reluctant

5. critical

6. were drowned

Task 4:

1. The man scrubbing the floor over there is a dustman.

2. I was not aware of my mistake until he told me.

3. He commented critically on the young man’s painting.

4. To see is to believe. / Seeing is believing.







Cultural Background:

1.They are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

2.It takes nearly a year.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1. A photographer. (摄影师)

2.The word “wrong”.

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Noodle, soup, vinegar, soy sauce, steamed stuffed bun, bean, beef, shrimp, pepper,milk, bread, potato, cabbage, fruit, pears, apples, carrot.

Other words about Chinese food: dumpling, fried twisted stick(油条), rice porridge, egg cakes, salted duck eggs, preserved eggs. soybean milk, steamed buns, spring roll.


Reading A:

Task 1: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F

Task 2: 1.E 2.F 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D

Task 3: 1. outweigh 2. permanent 3. branded 4. disposable 5. exclusively 6. candidates Task 4:

1. 尽管求职人员要比工作岗位来得多,但真正的机会依然存在。

2. 这能给他们省钱,让求职者留下深刻印象,还能建立一个良好的求职人员资源库。

3. 在你的简历里只提供姓名的首字母而不是全名,用一个邮政信箱而不是永久地址,为求职申请一个可随时废弃的专用的电子邮箱地址。

4. 如果你从不上网找,你会失去机会,但如果你不了解你正在做什么的时候就会造成一些严重的后果。

Reading B:

Task 1: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C

Task 2: 1. survey 2. entertain 3. disapprove 4. approach 5. disheartening 6. turn down Task 3: 1. disheartening 2. approach 3. turn down 4. entertain 5. disapprove 6. survey Task 4:

1. He tried to join the army but was turned down flatly because of poor health.

2. Despite what others say, I think he is a very nice person.

3. No matter what happens, I will stand by you.

4. Animal conservationists disapprove of experimenting on animals.


1.This dormitory was built ten years ago.

2.They are experiencing one of the worst smoke fogs in London’s history.

3.The old man listens to the news broadcast every evening.

4.World Health Organization leaders are meeting to discuss the serious problem of Severe Acute

Rrespiratory Syndrome.

5.Scientists are trying to disclose the secret of Unidentified Flying Objects.

Cultural Background:

1.The English invented cricket.

2.Because they passed on among the initiated in a coded language.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.Your age.

2. A barber. (理发师)

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

beach, trees, sea, sand, clouds, landscape, scenery, family, camp, forest, light fire, warm, surf, wave, surf board, skiing, a pair of ski snow, mountainside

travel, trip, journey, voyage, place of interest, picturesque, vocation, destination, relax, busy Reading:

Reading A:

Task 1: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

Task 2: 1. F 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. D

Task 3: 1. pretend 2. Even though 3. characters

4. lost himself in

5. fantasy

6. magic

Task 4:






4.我们拿起一本好书,沉浸在一个精彩的故事中,急切地想知道接下来会发生的事情。Reading B:

Task 1: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

Task 2: 1. amuse 2. mutual 3. sympathize 4. preserve 5. constant 6. survive Task 3:1. mutual 2. preserved 3. survived

4. amuse

5. sympathize

6. constant

Task 4:

1. He is considered as a man of no account.

2. He looks as if he were an artist.

3. His failure is in a measure due to lack of confidence.

4. He is no longer the single-minded man that he was five years ago.


1.He gave three reasons for his failure in the examination: poor health, insufficient time for

preparation, and unusual questions.

2.“Help! Help!” shouted the boy struggling in the river.

3.He’s (=He is) working at the moment, so he can’t (=can not) come to the telephone.

4.One thousand three hundred and fifty-nine people attended the international conference.

5.Your teacher, Mr. Smith, is from the Uni ted States, isn’t he?

Cultural Background:

1. A lot of marriages are informally arranged by friends.

2.Parents often arrange dates for their own children. One parent often tells a friend about her

beautiful daughter or handsome son. Also, parents can meet the perfect marriage prospect for their son or daughter through business relationships.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.You can see the moon but you can’t see Egypt.

2.It was “and” I said, not “but”.

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Sunbathers, sunbathing, sunglasses, eyewear, enjoy, comfortable, poolside, couple, horse riding, mountain, fantastic, back road, transportation, father, daughter, teach, golf, flagstick, terrible, entertaining, tourist, resort


Reading A:

Task 1: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T

Task 2: 1.C 2.B 3.F 4.A 5.E 6.D

Task 3: 1.apperance 2. stressful 3. relax 4. burn 5. attractive 6. guarantee

Task 4:

1. 为了保持良好的体形,各年龄阶层的美国人都在运动,比如跑啊,跳啊,举重啊等等。

2. 有些美国人(关于运动能够帮助他们改变这个改变那个的)的观念是些幻想:因为有些


3. 但你可以通过消耗掉比身体所吸收的卡路里更多的热量来减肥。

4. 事实上,研究表明有氧运动能使大脑释放出一种化学物质,这种物质能够减少疼痛并有


Reading B:

Task 1: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D

Task 2: 1. mount 2. deserted 3. fasten. 4.appeal 5. strike a blow for 6. excel in\ at Task 3: 1. excel 2. Fasten 3.appeals

4. deserted

5. mounting

6. striking a blow for

Task 4:

1. A good idea suddenly occurs to me.

2. I feel a bit down today.

3. It’s time we struck s bow against \at \for women’s rights.

4. Please attach a label to the suitcase.


1-5 DBCDD 6-10 CDDDD 11-15 ABAAB 16-20 BDCDC

21-25 CACAC 26-30 BACCD 31-35 ACDCB 36-40 DCCBD

41-45 ABBDB 46-50 CCBAB

Cultural Background:

1.Yes, pub is important to British because it is an integral part of British culture and history.

2.People go there to have a drink; they take their guests to the pub for a visit; old friends gather

in the pub; undergraduates meet there to celebrate the end of exams; travelers go there to have

a rest and relax.

English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.Eyelids(眼皮). They can cover everything in the world once you shut your eyes.

2.Because cats can’t swim.

Listening & Speaking:

Task 3

Lion, elephant, sheep, cat

Other animals: pet, dog, chicken, tiger, monkey, rat, pig, horse, cow, snake, zebra, panda, bat, bear, donkey, buffalo, bull, ox, cock, deer, dolphin, fox, goat, goose, hare, koala, lamb, mule, mutton, rabbit, sheep, whale, wolf


Reading A:

Task 1: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

Task 2: 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. F 6. E

Task 3: 1. lagged behind 2. is limping 3. considerably

4. single him out

5. nailed

6. countered

Task 4:




Reading B:

Task 1: 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C

Task 2: 1. solid 2. loyal 3. handle 4. tear 5. head 6. adopt

Task 3: 1. handling 2. headed 3. solid

4. adopted

5. loyal

6. tore

Task 4:

1. He walked back and forth in his office.

2. He glanced at his watch and left hurriedly.

3. To our surprise, the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mother’s.

4. They can’t have gone out, because the light is still on.


1. will have taken

2. would be built

3. wasn’t feeling

4. be discovered

5. was cheating

6. had driven

7. saw

8. gives

9. is 10. have passed 11. had been overworking 12. rains 13. went 14. had been 15. to finish 16. to help 17. leaving 18. receiving 19. connected 20. permitting 21. being interviewed 22. less 23. more 24. best 25. protection 26. waiting 27. consideration 28. appointment 29. participants 30. performance 31. additional 32. musicians 33. golden 34. reasonable 35. social 36. heavily 37. entirely 38. extremely 39. suggested 40. lively 41. unable 42. dissatisfied. 43. incorrectly 44. unforgettable 45. wonderful 46. explanation 47. personally 48. effective 49. repeatedly 50. unlucky Cultural Background:

1.The state tax comes from income tax and sales tax.

2.The city taxes are used for education, police and fire departments, public works and municipal


English Skills for Primary School Teachers:

Task 2: puzzles

1.Because it’s round.

2.Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗?)

Part I Vocabulary & Structure (30%)

1-5 DCBCA 6-10 ACDCB

11-15 CBDDB 1 6-20 CCADA

21-25 ABABC 2 6-30 BCDAA

Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)

31-35 CDBDA 36-40 CCDBD

41-45 ABAAB 46-50 CBDCA

Part III Cloze (10%)

51-55 CCDDD 56-60 BABAA

Part IV Translation (20%)




64. He qualifies as a teacher if he gets through the two subjects this year.


Part I Vocabulary & Structure (30%)

1-5 CDBDA 6-10 ACDCD

11-15 BDBAC 16-20 ABDDC

21-25 CBBDC 26-30 BCDDD

Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)

31-35 CDCDA 36-40 DCBDC

41-45 ABBDC 46-50 DABBD

Part III Cloze (10%)

51-55 BCABC 56-60 ABDDD

Part IV Translation (20%)


62. No matter how difficult the problems are, we will try our best to solve them.


64. In fact, studies have shown that doing aerobic exercise causes the brain to release a chemical in your body that reduces pain and relaxes the body.

