

fire chemistry火灾化学

fire behavior火灾特性

fire triangle 火三角/燃烧三要素

breathing apparatus 呼吸器

heating source热源

CNG 压缩天然气

LPG 液化石油气

ignition point 燃点

static electricity 静电

spontaneous ignition自燃

diesel engine柴油机

compressed air压缩空气

ignition source点火源

combustible materials 易燃材料,可燃物

heat balance热平衡

flammable limit 燃烧极限

flash point 闪点

heat transfer热传递

the incident commander火场指挥员

fire-resistive construction耐火结构建筑

fire department消防部门

fire load火灾荷载

fire-resistive materials耐火材料

commercial buildings商业建筑

wet automatic sprinkler system湿式自动喷水灭火系统

fire prevention 防火

heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system (HV AC) 暖通空调系统

fire-suppression system灭火系统

smoke detection systems感烟探测系统

complete automatic-extinguishing system全淹没式自动灭


dry chemical干粉灭火剂

elevator shaft电梯井

command post火场指挥部

fire classes火灾分类

dry chemical (dry powder)干粉

fire extinguisher灭火器

fire engine消防车

solid stream 密集水流

turntable ladder转台云梯

alcohol foam抗溶泡沫

flare up骤燃

blanketing effect覆盖效应

cooling effect冷却效应

water damage水渍损失

carbon dioxide extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器

thermal balance热平衡

carbon monoxide一氧化碳

floodlight truck照明车aerial ladder truck云梯车

aerial ladder云梯

offensive strategy进攻型战略

the seat of the fire起火部位

forcible entry破拆

attached buildings附属建筑

dispatch center调度中心

first alarm assignment第一出动

second alarm二级火警

additional alarm求援火灾警报

horizontal fire extension水平火灾蔓延

defensive strategy防御型对策

line placement水带铺设

building collapses建筑倒塌

construction features构造特点

firefighting tactics 灭火战术

truck company登高车中队

firefighting standpoint 灭火的角度

evaluation models评估模型

the point of origin 起火点

extinguishing agent 灭火剂

flammable liquids易燃液体

multiple-story buildings多层建筑

fire doors 防火门

open stairways敞开楼梯间

fire command 消防指挥

the incident command system 事故(灭火)指挥系统first alarm一级火警

multiple alarm二级火警

pre-fire planning灭火预案

target hazard 火险重点单位

company commander中队指挥员

fire hydrant消火栓

hard and fast rules 固定规定

fire loss火灾损失

rescue company救援中队

firefighting operations灭火作业

engine company 泵浦消防车中队

two-piece company 接警后同时出动两辆消防车的中队tank companies 油罐车消防中队

tanker companies 水罐车消防中队

response area灭火责任区

heavy stream appliances集水射流装备

surface tension表面张力

friction loss摩擦损失

wet water渗透水

slippery water滑流水

hose stream 消防射流

high-expansion foam高倍泡沫

low-expansion foams低倍泡沫

expansion ratio 发泡倍数

proportioning equipment 比例混合器

sticky residue 粘性残渣

submergence time淹没时间

high-rise buildings高层建筑

multiple-story building多层建筑

pike pole消防钩

staging area集结待命区

smoke towers防烟楼梯间

center-core design concept核心筒设计economic cost经济成本

safety engineering安全工程

portable radio便携式电台

thermometer 温度计

spark plug火花塞

endothermic reaction 吸热反应

exothermic reaction 放热反应

building construction 建筑结构

compactor and incinerator shaft 垃圾井和烟道self-closing device 闭门器

winding stair 螺旋楼梯

havoc reeked 烟熏破坏

fire tenders 消防车(船、艇)

semi-trailer 半拖车

tiller truck 舵盘消防车

quint 五件套

suffocating fire 窒息灭火

saponification effect 皂化反应

overhaul operation 火场清理工作

squad company 抢险救援中队

fire alarm assignment 第一接警出动mercantile establishments 商用仓库abnormal colors 异常色

smoldering fire 阴燃

glowing embers 余烬

evaluating extent of fire 评价火灾程度

a charged line 充水水带

engine house 消防站

a single-family dwelling 独户住宅

district chief (消防)支队长

subjective judgment 主观判断drive all initiative out of sb. 调动积极性

use one’s initiative 发挥主观能动性

worth one’s weight in gold 非常有价值laying and handling of hose lines 铺设水带priority list 优先救援次序

panic 恐慌

inward-swinging door 向内开的门

hoisting machinery (电梯)起降设备

in jeopardy 处于危险之中

asphyxiation 窒息

resuscitation measures 急救措施

physical handicaps 身体障碍

fire attack team 灭火突击队

rotary saw 旋转锯

hose pack 水带架

annunciator panel 信号控制盘

log in 登记

pry tool 挖掘工具

helispot 直升机临时升降处

portable spotlight 便携式聚光灯

built-in fire protection aids 固定灭火设施援助circuit corridors 环形走廊

population density 人员密集度

complete evacuation 全部疏散

tile assembly point 人员集结点

irrational behavior 非理性行为

aggressive attack 主动进攻

relocation of occupants 人员的重新定位

a relay operation 中继方式

logistic support 后勤保障

planning chief 预案指挥员

blaze 火焰

emotional stress 精神压力

structural collapse 结构倒塌

plaster ceiling 石膏吊顶

roof beams 屋顶梁

underground excavations 地下疏散Occupational Safety and Health Administration 职业安全和健康管理协会

outside venting外部通风


对流热heat convection

辐射热heat radiate

导热(热传导)heat conduction


内燃机internal-combustion engine 火箭推进系统propellant system

灭火剂extinguishing agent

最后的产物resultant product

交叉电路crossed circuit

吊顶drop ceiling

火场指挥部command post

耐火构造fire-resistive construction 耐火等级fire-resistive rating

钢构件包覆encasement of steel structure

防火分区fire compartmentalization

自动喷淋系统automatic sprinkler system


HA VC(heating ventilation and air-conditioning) 集中供热central heating

灭火系统extinguishing system

钢结构steel structure

钢构件steel element

登高(消防)车中队fire truck company

消防中队fire brigade

二氧化碳灭火器carbon dioxide extinguisher 消防车fire engine

云梯车aerial ladder truck

干粉灭火剂dry powder/ dry chemical

落地梯子ground ladder


明火open flame

火场fire ground

防火墙fire wall

泵浦车中队engine company

内部防御措施interior defensive operation 火体body of fire

第一次搜索primary search


攻击行动attack operation

灭火战术firefighting tactics

消防射水hose streams

冷却效应cooling effect

建筑倒塌building collapse

开敞楼房open stairways

结构特征construction features

火场指挥员fireground commander

消防指挥员fire commander

消防大队长battalion chief 供水干线manned line

抢险救援中队salvage and rescue company 多次火警的火灾multiple alarm fire

备用水带back-up hose

渗透水wet water

油罐消防中队truck company

燃烧四面体fire tetrahedron

水罐车消防中队tanker company

洒水车manifold truck

集水射流heavy stream

滑流水slippery water

清理火场overhaul operations

破拆forcible entry

救援工作程序rescue operation procedure 抢险救援大队squad company


经济成本economic cost

消防员的伤亡firefighter casualties

遏制火灾fire containment

风险管理者risk manager

安全工程师safety engineer

地下火灾underground fire

倒塌救援工作collapse rescue operations 丙烷气体火灾propane gas fires


Fire:Rapid oxidation accompanied be heat and flame(or heat and light).

Fire triangle(火三角):The combination of three elements(fuel, oxygen and heat) that leads to a fire.

Fire tetrahedron(燃烧四面体):Fire tetrahedron is a four-sided figure that incorporates the fire triangle and the added feature

of the chain reaction.

Ignition temperature(燃点):The temperature to which a material must be heated in order to burn..

Flammable limit(燃烧极限):Vapor will burn within certain limits, which can be expressed as a percentage of a vapor/air


Flash point(闪点):The temperature at which a flash will occur across the face of the liquid and go out.

Offensive strategy(进攻型战略):Offensive strategy is the strategy aimed at confining the fire in the area of origin and the

fire forces are operating inside the building and extinguish the fire.

Defensive strategy(防御型战略):Defensive strategy is the strategy in which exposure protection is the priority while the fire

confinement of building is given lesser priority until reinforcement is arrived because of

insufficient manpower and the size of the fire/or the dangers present.

Target hazard(火险重点单位):A target hazard might be defined as an occupancy that constitutes a large collection of

burnable values or occupancy where the life hazard is severe.

Wet water(渗透水):Wet water is water to which an additive has been introduced in order to reduce the surface tension of the water.

Slippery water(滑流水):Slippery water is water to which an additive has been introduced in order to reduce the friction loss in hoses.

Backdraft(回燃):A backdraft is an explosion caused by the rapid of fire gases occurring in a burning room that has been tightly sealed up.

BLEVE(沸腾液体扩展蒸汽):A BLEVE is a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion that occurs when a container of

liquefied petroleum gas ruptures.

Boil-over(沸溢):A boil-over is a sudden eruption of hot oil over the top of a large, burning crude oil storage tank. Flameover(窜火):A flameover is a flash fire which occurs over the surface of a wall, ceiling, or floor.

Flare-up(骤燃):A flare-up is the sudden explosive flaming of a brush fire caused by a strong wind gust or change in wind direction.

Flash fire(急剧燃烧):A flash fire is the sudden rapid ignition and the immediate self-extinguishment of a room filled with a combustible atmosphere.

Flashover(轰燃):A flashover is defined as the rapid ignition of heated fire gases and smoke that have built up in a burning room.

Oxidation(氧化):Oxidation is a chemical process where an atom from one material combines with an atom of oxygen from another material to form a new product.

Fire point(燃点):Fire point is the temperature a few degrees above the flash point (usually 2—4) at which a flash will occur above the liquid and the resultant fire will continue.

Hydrophobic reaction(疏水反应):Hydrophobic reaction is a type of response when mixing two different chemicals carried

separately causes instant ignition, completely eliminating the need for another ignition


Fire-resistive construction(耐火建筑):Fire-resistive construction is the construction which consists of walls, columns, beams,

floors and roofs made of non-combustible materials or limited-combustible materials. Compartmentalization(防火分区):Compartmentalization is the small self-contained unit divided in the building by fire wall

or fire door for fire protection.

Fire extinguisher(灭火器):Fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device to put out the fire, often in emergency


Fire engine(泵浦消防车):Fire engine is a vehicle designed to fight fires by pumping water using an engine and onboard water supply, which can be replenished via available water sauce by using suction.

Fire truck(登高消防车):Fire truck is a vehicle designed to fight fires equipped with a mix of long ladders, additional firefighting equipment and other emergency gear.

Firefighting strategy(灭火战术):Firefighting strategy is a term used in fire ground operations best related to the planning of


Firefighting tactics(灭火对策):Firefighting tactics is a term used in fire ground operations best related to the carrying out of

the plan.

The seat of fire(起火部位):The seat of fire is the hottest part of the fire, usually located at the point of origin.

Rescue operation(救援行动):Rescue operations not only include the removal of people but the prevention of further injury

and the loss of life at fires.

Search procedures(搜索程序):Search procedures is a priority system for the order in which people should be rescued. 四、句子翻译(汉译英、英译汉——译法多种,语法正确句意通顺即可!)

汉译英:(结合看《科技英语概论》P12的常用句型, 考试不会全考原句,但使用到的句型相似!)1、显然,火三角是产生燃烧的必要条件。

It is evident that fire triangle is essential to combustion.


It seems that fire incidence and social economic development are mutually dependent and interacting.


It has been improved that fire increases are independent of CPI.


It was not until the 20th century that most of the mechanism of fire development was known ( by people ).


Fire development can be classified as three phase, i.e. initial, fully-developed and decaying phase.


This type of new fire-retardant material can delay the beginning of flashover, nearly five times as combustible.


It is believed that this kind of steel alloy is the best available to building structure.


Smoke spreads almost at the same speed as flame.


The relationship between the increases of forest fire and climate can be shown in Fig. 1.


Compared with dwellings, public buildings are five times as fire frequency.


Any combustion, once starting, will keep on spreading along various shafts and cracks inside the building under chimney effect.


To all combustions, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, fire triangle is essential.

英译汉:(考试时是从阅读理解里摘出句子翻译,有课内的也有课外的,以下均为课内的句子!)1. In the simplest terms, fire might be defined as rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and flame (or heat and light)


※2.Basic as it may seem, these three elements (fuel, oxygen, and heat)are best illustrated by the use of fire triangle.


3.Consequently, in such situations, a firefighter should not enter the area without wearing a breathing apparatus, and should not enter at all if additional signs indicate that the situation is ripe for a backdraft.


4.If the room you are in is heated to a certain point, everything in the room will break into flames, and a condition called a flashover will occur.


5 .Although the open flame is generally considered the primary heat source for a fire, there are many others.


6.Most fires in combustible materials are started when the burnable material comes in direct contact with a heating source.


※7.There are three heat sources other than direct flame contact that can raise the heat level of a material to above its ignition temperature. The three are radiation, conduction, and convection.


8.Vapors were being given off from the liquid before the first flash occurred; however, the mixture formed by these vapors with the air would not burn.


9.The resultant product is carbon dioxide (CO2). Hence it can be said that the product of complete combustion is carbon dioxide.


10. The greatest ally to the fire department in buildings constructed of fire-resistive materials is that the fire is usually compartmentalized, that is, each unit of construction, especially in residential high-rises, is essentially self-contained.


11. Extensive firespread beyond the area of origin is rare, however, there are several building features that compromise the complete compartmentalization inherent in this type of construction.

超出最初起火区域的猛烈的火灾蔓延是很罕见的,然而却有一些建筑结构特征能破坏建筑物原有的完整防火分区。12. Access stairs are open stairways, sometimes of the winding type, that connect two floors rented out to a single occupant.


13.A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device to put out fires, often in emergency situations.


14. Water has a great effect on cooling the fuel surfaces and thereby reducing the pyrolysis rate of the fuel.


※15. Ordinary foams are designed to work on nonpolar flammable liquids such as petrol ( gasoline), but may break down too quickly in polar liquids such as alcohol or glycol.


16. There are also rescue/medical companies with their own distinctive vehicles, including ambulances and heavy rescue or support trucks.


17. This sometimes puzzles people who see a fire apparatus race past but do not see any fire, but medical calls often outnumber fire calls for such departments.


※18. The identification of the seat of the fire is usually not difficult if the so-called burning materials are producing flame and the fire is relatively small.


19. Determining the type and amount of material involved in the fire is extremely important in developing the tactics to be used for extinguishment.


※20. There have been cases where firefighters have shut down their lines in preparation for picking up only to discover that the fire was burning fiercely in another portion of the building.


21. Protecting the external exposures is a matter of keeping the temperature of the exposure below its ignition temperature.


22. Prior to leaving quarters, the company commander of an engine company will generally check the map to review the location of the last hydrant available before arriving at the given location, and the next available hydrant past the given location. 离开消防站之前,泵浦中队的指挥员通常要查看地图以确定到达指定地点之前和之后的最近可用的消火栓。

23. When assuming command, the officer takes on the full responsibility for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling all the resources at the scene of the emergency.


24. This report will alert the dispatch center that a company is on the scene and will provide additional information to incoming companies.


※25. Fire tetrahedron is a four-sided figure that incorporates the fire triangle and the added feature of the chain reaction.


26. The final objective is to reduce the temperature of the burning material and the surrounding atmosphere to below the ignition temperature of the burning material.


27. Water is most often used, not only because of its availability but also because of the characteristics of its composition.


28.Materials have been added to lower the freezing temperature, to thicken the water, to reduce its surface tension, and to reduce its friction loss.


29. Wet water is water to which an additive has been introduced in order to reduce the surface tension of the water.


30. Low-expansion foams have an expansion ratio up to about 20 to 1, whereas high-expansion foams have an expansion ratio

as high as 1 ,000 to 1.


31.In a broader sense, rescue operations not only include the removal of people but the prevention of further injury and the loss of life at fires.


32. It should also be kept in mind that who is likely to die first does not necessarily depend on the order in which the fire will reach the people.


33. The individual can be dragged by his or her own clothing or by the wrists; however, it is sometimes easier and less hazardous if the person is placed on a turnout coat, blanket, or some other object that can be pulled rather than pulling directly on the victim.


34. If the person has been overcome by smoke and asphyxiation is imminent, it is extremely important to get him or her to a location where resuscitation measures can be started immediately.


35. Panic is one of the primary contributing factors to loss of life when a large number of people are placed in danger at a fire situation.


36. These tactics merge the Incident Command System, the experience gained over the years in fighting fires in multiple-story buildings, and the bitter lessons learned from the many disastrous high-rise fires that have occurred around the world.


37. There are two basic types of high-rise buildings that have been designed for human occupancy:residential and commercial.


38. The center-core design concept features office areas or living areas surrounding a "core" containing stairwells, elevators, and utilities.


39. At most fires rescue consists of achieving a complete evacuation of the building. This is impossibility in high-rise buildings. 对大多数火灾救援意味着实现建筑物完全疏散。这在高层建建筑火灾中是不可能的。

40. The responsibilities of the first arriving officer are to size-up the situation from outside the building, give a report of the conditions to the dispatch center, take command of the fire, and then lead the company (including the apparatus operator)into the building to locate and extinguish the fire.


41. If possible, they should take along additional equipment such as a portable spotlight, extra air bottles, and a portable extinguisher.


※42. A complete search of a high-rise building is a long and tedious task and normally does not have to be made except when the fire is extensive.


43. Total evacuation of a high-rise structure during firefighting operations is neither practical nor feasible.


※44. The major risks of firefighting are created by the flames, heat, smoke, and toxic gases produced by fire.


※45. Unlike any other dangerous occupation, a firefighter must work in an extremely dangerous environment, constantly threatened by flame and smoke as he performs his tasks.

与其他危险性职业不同,消防员必须在极端危险的环境下工作,并且在其执行任务过程中不断受到火焰和烟气的威胁。※46. When a firefighter enters a burning building, he crawls into a flaming, smoke-filled room and enters an unpredictable, deadly work environment.


47. Protection of life is the highest priority of firefighting, and this includes the lives of the firefighters as well as those of the people we serve.





Reducing economic cost (economic benefit—经济效益)of firefighting is an important aspect in fire engineering research.


Increasing building fire safety is an important object of performance-based analysis.


Some related factors affecting smoke movement were analyzed in this paper.


Evaluation methods and indicators of major hazard were given based on the basic theories of risk analysis.


The relationship between fire loss and social economic factors was studied in this paper.


In this paper, the influence of heat release rate on smoke concentration was analyzed using numerical simulation method.


Results indicated/showed that the activation time of sprinkler decreased with the increasing of ambient temperature .


Results improved that wind speed affected significantly on the smoke spread rate.


Finally, some improvement suggestions and measures were advanced with regard to the rescue methods.









Discussion on Theoretical and Method Framework in Research of Fire Protection Economics

Abstract:A summary of fire protection economics in domestic and foreign research fields was analyzed in the paper. The research frame work and the basic theories and methods of fire protection economics were fully discussed from macroscopic and microscopic points. Finally, the research trend and the application of fire protection economics were prospected in our country. The paper is aimed at giving some guides to filling the blank of this field in our country.

Key words: fire protection economics; macroscopic economics; microscopic economics; cost and benefit; optimum safety level; utility and marginal utility


水枪firehosenozzle 水带firehose 消防服turnouts 防火门fireproof door 窗window 破拆工具entrytool 消防靴firefighter'sboots 防火涂料fire-resistant paint 机动泵motorpump 消防手套insulatedrubbergloves-绝缘胶手套 (后跟中文的是不知道准不准的,下同.我不是英语专业也不是消防专业的,见谅) 感烟器smokedetector 机动水炮turret nozzle-车载消防炮turret pipe-车载水炮 导向绳guide ring 自动喷淋automatic spray 无火花工具non-sparking tools 消防腰斧fireman'saxe 监控探头monitor and control probe (这个是自己翻译的- -#) 金属切割机metal-cutting machine(自己翻译的- -#) 个人报警器personalalarmdevice 自动报警系统automatic fire alarm system-火灾自动报警系统 绝缘工具isolated tool 消防头盔firehat 液压扩张器hydraulic spreader 照明灯具lighting burner-照明灯 消防栓firehydrantchamber消火栓井 排烟机smokeventilator 空气呼吸器aerophore-呼吸器 水泵结合器firedepartmentpumperconnection 各类梯子 ladder <1> abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为) <2> abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法) <3> ABC extinguisher [消]ABC灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C类火灾的灭火器) <4> ABC method 心肺复苏法 <5> ABC powder extinguishing agent [消]ABC 干粉灭火剂(适用于扑救A类、B类和C 类火灾的干粉灭火剂) <6> ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征 <7> ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀 <8> ablation-product radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射 <9> abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称) <10> abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态


有关建筑消防系统四新技术的探讨 摘要:四新技术应用于建筑消防工程可使未来的建筑消防设施越来越智能化、现代化、高效化。本文重点介绍了建筑消防四新技术的发展与应用,随后着重从地方政府、相关单位及个人方面,论述采取什么样的措施可以实现四新技术的推广应用,并期望发表的浅薄意见对同行有借鉴作用。 关键词:建筑消防、四新技术、发展应用、灭火剂、灭火技术、措施 中图分类号:d631文献标识码: a 文章编号: 建筑消防作为建筑工程的一部分,肩负着火警预报、火灾扑救等要职,近年来,随着新技术、新产品、新材料、新工艺的不断涌现,建筑消防设施也日新月异,发生了翻天覆地的变化。 一、建筑消防四新技术的发展与应用 1、消防新技术、新工艺的发展 时代的进步和经济的繁荣,使得各种新型的消防技术、工艺得到了长远的发展并在建筑工程中广泛应用。首先,就拿自动喷水灭火技术来讲,已从以前旧式喷头发展到各种湿式、干式、雨淋、水幕等系列新产品及最新的自动喷水灭火系统和循环启闭自动喷水灭 火系统。其次,xqkz系列水力气控式空气增压给水设备,可实现停电后供给10min的消防用水,可确保高层建筑各层都保持所需压力和流量。再者,前几年我国建成了高层建筑火灾实验塔,进行了火灾烟气流动特性和防排烟实验,得出了:“楼梯间及前室正压送风

最佳安全压力分别为 40pa,30pa,前室内不设机械排烟系统和走道内的排烟口应远离疏散出口”等最佳结论,随即形成了新发展而来的正压送风机械排烟技术,更是给建筑消防带来诸多方便。最后,当今建筑消防控制中心普遍采用的火灾自动报警和消防联动系统,更是通过计算机总线通讯和软件编程,滤布完成报警与联动,实现了火灾自动报警、自动灭火、安全疏散诱导、操作显示与计算机图象显示和防火档案管理等五大功能性现代自动消防控制体系。 2、新防火材料、防火配件、构件的发展 随着消防技术水平的提高,近年来不断涌现的各种新型防火材料、防火配件、构件也得到突飞猛进的发展,如:石膏建筑材料(纸面石膏板、石膏装饰板、纤维石膏板、膏砌块等石膏制品),岩棉制品(岩棉板、岩棉管壳等),防火卷帘(防火卷帘门、防火卷帘窗等),无机防火装饰板,以及用于通风空调系统的防火阀,排烟防火阀,挡烟垂壁等都为满足建筑工程消防系统的设计和施工提供了可行性方便。 3、新型灭火剂的发展 灭火剂的发展延续了很多功能,比如特种灭火剂:有专用扑救建筑内部烹调油火或脂肪火的湿式化学灭火剂,以及美国开发的“a 类泡沫灭火剂”和压缩空气泡沫灭火系统、中国天津消防科研所研制的ysp型a类泡沫灭火剂以及能够扑灭a、b、d类火的“冷火”灭火剂,也已引进我国消防产品领域,得到广泛应用。还有洁净气体替代的传统灭火剂:传统卤代烷灭火剂,随着它的使用人们发现


学术英语单词 第一单元 free enterprise自由企业制度 adversity不幸,逆境 capitalistic 资本主义的 compelling 令人信服的 array 大群,大量 stockholder 股东 work force 劳动力 prospective 可能的 underestimate 低估 dedication 奉献 perseverance 坚忍 mailable 可邮寄的 cooperative 合作完成的 on-demand 按要求的 billionaire 亿万富翁undercapitalization 资本不足convertible 敞篷汽车 sander 打磨机 vendor 卖家 stockbroker 股票经纪人 personality 名人 facet 一个方面 mutual fund 共同基金 oceanic evaporation 海洋蒸发 business plan 经营策划 customer service 顾客服务 fraud 欺骗 road map 指南 transaction 交易 price-targeting strategy 区别定价战略pricing 定价 hassle 困难,麻烦 self-targeting 使自己成为目标 prise 撬开 insensitive 不敏感的,反应迟钝的recipe 菜谱 make sth. of sb/sth. 利用(机遇)illuminating 使清楚易懂的 turn sth on its head使……与之前相反的premium 溢价 profitable 有利可图的 chili 小红辣椒 triple 使成三倍 markup 涨价 whopping 巨大的 crisp 薯片 snack 吃零食 admittedly 确实,无可否认的 irritated 生气的 outwit 以智取胜 close substitutes 功能接近的替代品 business landscape 商业格局,商业环境competitive dynamics 竞争的态势social web 社交网站 sicial networking site(SNS)社交网站Facebook Wall 脸谱的涂鸦墙 call center 呼叫中心 support staff 向客户提供支持的员工competitive advantage 竞争优势adoption of new technology 新技术的采用 log in 登陆 news feed 即使新闻,动态消息 target audience 目标受众 text message 手机短信 overestimate 高估 relevance 重要性 mainframe 主机 underway 在进行中 portal 门户网站 order of magnitude 数量级 traffic 受到访问 cohort 一批人 feat 事迹 technophobic 畏惧技术的 overly 太 unnavigable 无法导航的 anonymous 匿名的 blur 变模糊


消防英语专业词汇(E) 消防英语专业词汇(E)消防英语专业词汇(E)e = 电压 ear cover 耳罩 ear defender 护耳器 ear protection 护耳 ear protector 护耳器 eardrum rupture 鼓膜破裂 early burning 早期火烧 early cause 早期因素 early fire detection 早期火灾探测 early radar warning 雷达预警 early suppression fast-response sprinkler 早期灭火快速反应洒水喷头 early warning device 早期报警装置系统 early warning 预警 earth arrester 接地避雷器 earth circuit 接地电路 earth connection 接地 earth current 大地电流 earth device 接地装置

earth leakage circuit breaker 通地泄露电路断电器earth plate 支腿底座 earth retaining 挡土墙 earth 地线 earth's ozone layer 地球臭氧层 earthed circuit 接地电路 earthed contact 接地触点 earthed fault 接地故障 earthed neutral conductor 接地中线导体earthed neutral 接地中线 earthed switch 接地开关 earthed system 接地装置 earthed 接地的 earthing 接地 earthquake allowance 地震裕度 earthquake country 震区 earthquake damage 地震损害 earthquake disaster preparedness 震前防灾准备earthquake engineering 地震工程earthquake fire 地震火灾 earthquake forecast 地震预报 earthquake insurance 地震保险


修改过程装备与控制工程专业英语翻译Unit 16 压力容器及其部件 压力容器时不泄露的容器。它们有各种尺寸。最小的直径不到一英寸,最大的直径能达到150英尺甚至更大。某些是埋在地下或海洋深处,多数是安放在地上或支撑在平台上,还有一些实际上是在航天飞行器中的贮槽和液压装置中。 由于内部压力,容器被设计成各种形状和尺寸。内部的压力可能低到1英寸,水的表面压力可能达到300000多磅。普通的单层表面建筑压力是15到5000磅,虽然有很多容器的设计压力高出或低于这个范围。ASME锅炉和压力标准中第八卷第一节指定一个范围从15磅在底部到上限,然而,内部压力在3000磅以上,ASME 标准,第八卷第一节,指出考虑特殊设计的情况是必要的。 压力容器的典型部件描述如下: 圆柱壳体在石化工业中对于结构压力容器圆柱壳体是经常被用到的,它是很容易制造、安装并且维修很经济。虽然在一些场合应用载荷和外压控制,要求的厚度通常由内压决定。其他因素如热应力和不连续压力可能有要求厚度决定。 成型的封头许多的端封头和过度部分有设计工程师选择。用一种结构相对另一种依靠很多因素,如成型方法、材料成本、和空间限。一些经常应用的成型封头是: 带凸缘的封头这些封头通常在较低压力的压力设备中,例如汽油罐和锅炉。有些也应用在较高压力的但是较小直径的设备中。设计和结构的许多细节在ASME 标准,第八卷第一节中给出。 半球形封头通常,在一个给定温度和压力下半球形的要求厚度是相同直径和材料圆柱壳体的一半。假如我们用镍和钛昂贵的合金建造实心或覆盖形半球形封头,这样是很经济的。假如使用碳钢,然而,由于这高价的制造费用就不比凸缘形


Unit 1 When faced with both economic problems and increasing competition not only from firms in the united states but also from international firms located in other parts of the world, employee and managers now began to ask the question:what do we do now? although this is a fair question, it is difficult to answer. Certainly, for a college student taking business courses or be beginning employee just staring a career, the question is even more difficult to answer. And yet there are still opportunities out there d=for people who are willing to work hard, continue to learn, and possess the ability to adapt to change. 当面对不仅来自美国的公司而且来自位于世界其他地方的国际公司的经济问题和日益激烈的竞争时,员工和经理现在开始要问一个问题:我们要做什么?虽然这是一个很清晰的问题,但是它是很难回答的。当然,对于一个正在谈论商务课程的大学生或者一个刚开始职业生涯的员工来说,这个问题更难回答。但目前仍然有许多机会给那些愿意努力工作,继续学习并且拥有适应变化的能力的人。 Whether you want to obtain part-time employment to pay college and living expense, begin your career as a full –time employee, or start a business, you must bring something to the table that makes you different from the next person . Employee and our capitalistic economic systems are more demanding than ever before. Ask yourself: What can I do that will make employee want to pay me a salary? What skills do I have that employers need? With these questions in mind, we begin with another basic question: Why study business?


标志词巧解语法和改错 标志词 1. 逗号 在语法填空中,逗号隔开一个词;如果有提示词 , 提示词是 adj ,则填这个词的副词形式,大多加 ly ;如果提示词是 v, 则填写它的非谓语形式。 如果无提示词,则优先考虑 however ,therefore, 其次考虑 moreover ,otherwise 。 例: Luckily (luck), he escaped from the fire. Unfortunately (unfortunate) , he fell off the bike. He earned a lot of money , however, he was addicted in the drug. 标志词 2. one of one of 之后若有形容词,一定要用最高级形式;若之后出现名词,则用复数形式;若既有名词又有形容词,则先填最高级,再填复数名词,最高级之前要加 the 例: The house is one of the cheapest (cheap) houses in the area. 标志词 3. when 与 while( 时间状语从句) when 之后一般要用过去式, while 之后一般要用过去进行时。 例: When I got home, my mother was cooking dinner. While my mother was cooking dinner, I entered the kitchen. 标志词 4. by 语法填空里,空格之后有“by” ” ,则空格里考虑填“be + 动词的过去分词”, 但是如果前面已经有了谓语动词,则空格里直接用“ 过去


abrasiveness 研磨;腐蚀absolute 绝对的accumulate 堆积;积累 acid 酸;酸性的,酸味的actuator 执行机构 adjust 调整;调节agitation 搅拌 air preheater 空气预热器 air register 空气调节器airflow 气流 alkali 碱 allowance 公差,容差,容许量alloy 合金 alternating current 交流电 angle 角度,角 apparatus 装置,仪器,仪表application 应用 artificial 人造的;仿造的assembly 装配 atmospheric 大气的,大气层的austenite 奥氏体 automation 自动化,自动操作auxiliary 辅助设备,附属机构backflow 回流 baffle 挡板;折流板;隔板batch 一批,批量 bearing 轴承 bellow 波纹管 belt 带;腰带;地带blade 叶片 blower 鼓风机 boiler 锅炉

bolt 螺栓 bonnet 阀盖,阀帽,机罩box furnace 箱式炉 brittle 易碎的,脆弱的burner 燃烧器 bushing 轴衬;套管butterfly valve 蝶阀capacity 容积 carbon steel 碳钢,碳素钢casing 机壳 cast 浇铸 catalyst 催化剂category 分类,种类cavity 腔;洞,凹处centrifugal force 离心力chamber 腔,室,船舱check valve 止回阀checklist 检查表,清单classify 分类;分等clockwise 顺时针方向的coating 涂层,覆盖层coefficient 系数 coil 盘管,线圈 coking 结焦,焦化 column 圆柱,柱形物combination 结合 combustion 燃烧,氧化 component 成分;组件;零件composition 组成,成分 compressor 压缩机 concentration 浓度 concentric 同轴的,同心的


消防专业英语词汇表 Abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为) Abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法) ABC extinguisher ABC灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C类火灾的灭火器) ABC method 心肺复苏法 ABC powder extinguishing agent ABC 干粉灭火剂 (适用于扑救A类、B类和C类火灾的干粉灭火剂) Ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征 Ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀 Ablation-product radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射 Abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称) Abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态 Absolute temperature 绝对温度 Absolute temperature scale 绝对温标 Absorbed gas 吸收状态气体(或瓦斯) Absorbent for confining spills 限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料 Acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度 Acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道 Accident due to quality 质量事故 Accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度 Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯 acousto-optic effect 声光效应 Added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率


Reading Material 6 Stainless Steel Stainless steels do not rust in the atmosphere as most other steels do. The term "stainless" implies a resistance to staining, rusting, and pitting in the air, moist and polluted as it is, and generally defines a chromium content in excess of 11 % but less than 30%. And the fact that the stuff is "steel" means that the base is iron. Stainless steels have room-temperature yield strengths that range from 205 MPa (30 ksi) to more than 1725 MPa (250 ksi). Operating temperatures around 750 C (1400 F) are reached. At the other extreme of temperature some stainless steels maintain their toughness down to temperatures approaching absolute zero. With specific restrictions in certain types, the stainless steels can be shaped and fabricated in conventional ways. They can be produced and used in the as-cast condition; shapes can be produced by powder-metallurgy techniques; cast ingots can be rolled or forged (and this accounts for the greatest tonnage by far). The rolled product can be drawn, bent, extruded, or spun. Stainless steel can be further shaped by machining, and it can be joined by soldering, brazing, and welding. It can be used as an integral cladding on plain carbon or low-alloy steels. The generic term "stainless steel" covers scores of standard compositions as well as variations bearing company trade names and special alloys made for particular applications. Stainless steels vary in their composition from a fairly simple alloy of, essentially, iron with 11% chromium, to complex alloys that include 30% chromium, substantial quantities of nickel, and half a dozen other effective elements. At the high-chromium, high-nickel end of the range they merge into other groups of heat-resisting alloys, and one has to be arbitrary about a cutoff point. If the alloy content is so high that the iron content is about half, however, the alloy falls outside the stainless family. Even with these imposed restrictions on composition, the range is great, and naturally, the properties that affect fabrication and use vary enormously. It is obviously not enough to specify simply a "stainless steel.” Classification the various specifying bodies categorize stainless steels according to chemical composition and other properties. However, all the stainless steels, whatever specifications they conform to, can be conveniently classified into six major classes that represent three distinct types of alloy constitution, or structure. These classes are ferritic, martensitic, austenitic, manganese-substituted austenitic, duplex austenitic ferritic, and precipitation-hardening. Each class is briefly described below. (1) Ferrous stainless steels: This class is so named because the crystal structure of the steel is the same as that of iron at room temperature. The alloys in the class are magnetic at room temperature and up to their Curie temperature (about 750 C; 1400 F). Common alloys in the ferrous class contain between 11% and 29% chromium, no nickel, and very little carbon in the wrought condition. (2)Martensitic stainless steels: Stainless steels of this class, which


消防专业中英术语--消防1 全称:Aerial ladder fire truck 中英互译:云梯消防车 中文详细解释:装备伸缩式云梯(可带有升降斗)、转台及灭火装置的举高消防车。 全称:Agricultural fire pump 中英互译:农用消防泵 中文详细解释:与拖拉机等农业机械配套主要用于农村灭火的消防泵。 全称:Airport crash fire vehicle 中英互译:机场消防车 中文详细解释:专用于处理飞机火灾和事故,可在行驶中喷射灭火剂的灭火消防车。 全称:Appliance carrying fire vehicle 中英互译:器材消防车 中文详细解释:主要装载各类消防器材及配件的后援消防车。 全称:automatic fire equipment 中英互译:自动消防设备 中文详细解释:能够接收启动信号控制火灾或扑灭火灾的设备。像防火门、防火阀、排烟阀、挡烟垂壁、排烟风机等的控制器或自动灭火设备。 全称:Auxiliary fire vehicle 中英互译:后援消防车 中文详细解释:向火场补给各类灭火剂或消防器材的消防车。 全称:Carbon dioxide fire vehicle 中英互译:二氧化碳消防车 中文详细解释:主要装备二氧化碳灭火剂罐或高压贮瓶及成套二氧化碳喷射装置的灭火消防车 全称:city fire station 中英互译:城镇消防站 中文详细解释:城镇公共消防设施的主要组成部分,公安消防中队的驻在基地。 消防专业中英术语--消防2 city path for fire wehicles 中英互译:城镇消防通道 中文详细解释:保证消防车能顺利通行的道路。 全称:Command and communication fire vehicle 中英互译:通讯指挥消防车 中文详细解释:用于火场指挥和通讯联络的专勤消防车。 全称:device for controlling automatic fire equipments 中英互译:自动消防设备控制装置 中文详细解释:在收到来自探测器或控制和指示设备的信号后,能发出动作显示和启动自动消防设备的自动控制装置。 全称:Electric Lighting Fire Safety Evacuation Sign 中英互译:电光源型消防安全疏散标志 中文详细解释:用不燃材料制作,通过电源和场致发光方式发光显示的消防安全疏散指示标志。 全称:Elevating fire truck 中英互译:举高消防车 中文详细解释:装备举高和灭火装置,可进行登高灭火或消防救援的消防车。 全称:Elevating platform fire truck 中英互译:登高平台消防车 中文详细解释:装备折叠式或折叠、伸缩组合式臂架、载人平台、转台及灭火装置的举高消防车。


学术英语管理U n i t课 文翻译 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

《业务营销化》 1 问街上一般的人什么是营销时,他们会告诉你那大概就是“卖东西的”。这从根本上说是正确的,但营销不是简单的销售行为,而是怎样做成的销售。我们都被全天候不间断营销所围绕,而我们每一个人都已经以我们自己的方式成了一名营销人。 2 专家是怎么定义营销的呢?根据美国市场营销协会,市场营销是一种组织职能,是为组织自身及利益相关者(stakeholders n. 利益相关者;股东)而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程。 3 根据世界市场营销协会对营销的定义,“核心的经营理念是指导通过交换来识别和满足个人和组织需要的过程,从而为各方创造出众的价值。” 4 最后,英国特许营销学会说,“营销是有利地识别,预测,和满足顾客需求的管理过程”。 5 如果我们只是看这三个定义的共性,我们可以看出,营销本质上(in essence)是:a)发现和给顾客他们所想要的和需要的东西, b)通过做这些来获利。 4Ps或5Ps营销策略 6 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)教授在20世纪50年代写了一本书并且定义了4Ps营销策略,包括产品、渠道、价格和促销。这本书为这个星球上最古老的专业提供了一个清晰的结构,而这个结构成为市场营销的定义。 7 为了更好地理解营销,你应该有你自己对术语的定义。例如,我认为营销是对产品的价格、分配、促销以及人员进行控制,满足顾客以获得利益。控制是个充满感情的词语,尤其在我们谈及控制人的时候。无论怎样,控制是很重要的,因为作为


消防英语专业词汇(F1) 消防英语专业词汇(F1)消防英语专业词汇(F1)f fahrenheit 华氏f. fire 火 f.a. = fire alarm 火警 f.l.p. = flp =flameproof 隔爆的 f.p. = fire plug 消火栓 f.p. = flame-proof 防火的 f.p. = flash point 闪点 f.p. = french patent 法国专利 f.p. =freezing point 冰点 f1cl = fireman first-class 一级消防员 f2cl = fireman second-class 二级消防员 f3cl = fireman third-class 三级消防员 f= fluorine 氟 fa = fireman apprentice 见习消防队员 fa = first aid 急救 fa = fuel-air ratio 燃料-空气比 fa =flying accident 飞行事故 faa = federal aviation administration 联邦航空局 faa = federal aviation agency 联邦航空署

faa test method faa fab = first-aid box 急救箱 fabl = fire alarm bell 火警铃 fabric rubber lined hose 有橡胶衬里纤维水带 fabric 织品 fabrication 制作 fabx = fire alarm box 火警箱 fac-2 program = fire and combustion-2 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验定编制的一套可计算火灾的燃烧过程的二维计算机程序 facade 正面 face mask 面罩 face protector 面部保护用具 face shield 面罩 face velocity 表面速度 face 正面 faced wall 饰面墙 facepiece 面罩罩 faceplate 面板 facet 面 facility 设备 facsimile apparatus 传真机


消防工程施工技术要点 一、消防工程开工前的审批 消防工程开工前由建设单位应当到当地公安消防机构领取并填写《建筑消防设计防火审核申报表》,设有自动消防设施的工程,还应领取并填写《自动消防设施设计防火审核申报表》。建筑消防工程应当按照国家工程建筑消防技术标准进行设计,建设单位应当将消防设计图纸及有关资料报送公安消防机关审核;未经审核或者经审核不合格的,建设行政主管部门不得发给施工许可证,建设单位不得施工。经公安消防机构审核的建筑工程消防设施需要变更的,应当报经原审核的公安消防机构核准;未经审核的,任何单位、个人不得变更。 施工必须选用依照产品质量法的规定确定的检验机构检验合格的不燃或难燃材料。 二、消防系统的施工技术要点 1、灭火系统的安装技术要点 (1)消火栓灭火系统的室内消火栓给水管道若管径≤100mm时,采用螺纹连接;大于100mm采用法兰或卡箍式连接。阀门通常采用闸阀或蝶阀。消火栓箱安装分为明装、暗装和半明装,管道通过钢筋混凝土水箱壁,应安装刚性或柔性防水套管。安全阀、压力表、泄水管、水位指示器、消防水泵等,应符合规范要求。安装在室外的地上、地下式消防水泵接合器,温度在—20℃以下时应采取相适应的保温措施,以防冻结。 (2)自动喷水灭火系统的管子公称直径≤100mm时,应用螺纹连接;其他用焊接或法兰连接。喷头布置的水平距离应根据火灾危险等级确定。报警阀组安装应先安装水源控制阀、报警阀,在进行报警阀辅助管道的连接。水力警铃应安装在公共通道或值班室附近外墙上,应方便检修。 (3)干粉灭火系统管道包括气体管道和干粉管道,这两种管道要求洁净,不能锈蚀。

(4)气体灭火系统施工前应对灭火剂贮存容器,容器阀、选择阀、液体单向阀、喷嘴和阀驱(起)动装置等系统组件进行外观检查。系统安装前应检查灭火剂贮存容器内的灭火剂充装量与充装压力,并对选择阀、液体单向阀、高压软管和阀驱(起)动装置中的气体单向阀逐个进行水压强度试验和气压严密性试验。容器的储存区域不允许无关人员进入。二氧化碳储存容器(瓶组)及配套的容器阀、单向阀和集流管应设置在专用房间内,安装在有可能引起爆炸危险的可燃气体、蒸汽或粉尘等场所的气体灭火管道,应设防静电接地装置。 2、火灾自动报警系统施工技术要点 (1)火灾自动报警系统的配管、布线,应符合现行国家标准的规定。 (2)火灾探测器分成感温、感烟或感光探测器、气体探测器和复合探测器五种基本类型。探测器安装距墙壁、粱边的水平距离≥0.5m。探测器周围不应有遮挡物。探测器至送风口的水平距离≥1.5m。感温探测器的安装间距不应超过10m,感烟探测器的安装间距不应超过15m。探测器宜水平安装,当倾斜安装时,倾斜角≤45℃。(3)手动火灾报警按钮安装在墙上距地面(楼)高度1.5m处。应安装牢固,并不得倾斜。按钮的外接导线,应留有10cm以上的余量。 (4)火灾报警控制器在墙上安装是,其底边距地(楼)面高度≥1.5m处。落地安装时,底边高出地坪0.1~0.2m。控制器的主电源应直接与消防电源连接,控制器的接地应牢固。 (5)消防控制设备在安装前,应进行功能检查,消防控制设备外接导线的端部,应有明显标志。 (6)系统的工作接地线应采用铜芯绝缘导线或电缆金属管,工作接地线与保护接地线必须分开,保护接地导体不得利用金属软管。


To sum up总而言之 Dosums算术 Safety protectionof crane起重机的安全保护Productive maintenance生产维修 Equipment service specification设备维修规程Periodic service of equipment 设备的定期检查Regional service of equipment设备的区域维修Dropping your pants降低产品价格求购 Lose face 失面子 Green light 可行的 Save one's neck免受处罚 Stare from scratch白手起家 Keep a good house受到好的招待 For a song 便宜的 Never say under不肯承认 Put onair摆架子 Encroach upon染指 Get snubbed碰钉子 Show magnanimity更高姿态 Dawdle a long待工 Small a rot 感到不妙 Covet money 贪财 Not reveal one's silver in pocket 财不外露Make a humble fortune 理财有方 Regard money as one's life 爱财如命 A mass great fortune 一大笔财富 Unit 2 Commodity inspection商品检测 Plant model selection设备模具的选择(设备选择) Investment plan of plant设备投资计划 Plant renewal 设备的更新 Open-case inspection 开箱检查 Claim for equipment 索赔(设备) Cross over structure 跨越结构 Static strength 静力强度分析 The lion share 最大的分量 Think tank 智能团 Anoutright majority 绝大多数 Live up to a promise 实现,守诺言 Chief Representative行政专家 Chief executive行政主管 Department manager 部门主管


二○○九年公安边防消防警卫部队 院校招生统一考试 英语试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 3.第Ⅰ卷共65小题,共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。 一、语音辨析(共5分,每小题1分) 选出下列各组单词中划线部分与其他三个不同的读音。 1.A.mouth B.tough C.trousers D.plough 2.A.foot B.book C.look D.fool 3.A.though B.breath C.bath D.theatre 4.A.double B.comb C.doubt D.climb 5.A.research B.search C.choke D.technical 二、单项选择(共30分,每小题1分) 在所给选项中选出最佳答案。 6.Jack is fond of taking . Wherever he goes, he brings his camera with him. A.photo B.photos 英语试卷第1 页(共十四页)

C.photoes D.photo’s 7.The two brothers are going to buy a new apartment. They have ordered lots of new . A.furnitures B.furniture C.pieces of furnitures D.pieces of furniture 8.China is old country with long history. A.The, an, a B./, a, a C./, an, a D.The, an, / 9.As girl, it’s too hard for her to recite the text of . A.an eight-years-old; lesson twelve B.an eight-year-old; lesson 12th C.an eight-year-old; lesson twelve D.an eight-years-old; lesson 12th 10.He has taken many wonderful pictures about the performance, but this one is beautiful. A.most B.the least C.the more D.the less 11.When Mr. Green heard the news, he was so astonished that he knew what to say. A.never B.seldom C.hardly D.didn’t 12.——do you write to your parents? ——Twice a month. A.How much B.How soon C.How long D.How often 13.During their journey across the desert, there was very food for them to eat. A.little B.a little 英语试卷第2 页(共十四页)
