

Lesson11The Way to Rainy Mountain


1.blizzard[]n.a severe snowstorm characterized by cold

temperatures and heavy drifting of snow大风雪

2.anvil[]n.an iron block on which a blacksmith puts hot pieces of

metal before shaping them with a hammer铁砧,[解]砧骨

3.brittle[]adj.hard but easily broken易碎的,脆弱的

4.hickory[]n.the hard wood of the N American hickory tree山核桃属植物

5.pecan[]n.the nut of the American pecan tree with a smooth

pinkish-brown shell美洲山核桃树

6.witch hazel[]n.any of several shrubs or trees of the

genus Hamamelis;bark yields an astringent lotion金缕梅

7.foliage[]n.the leaves of a tree or plant;leaves and branches together树叶,植物

8.writhe[]v.to twist or move your body without stopping,often because

you are in great pain翻腾


an insect with long back legs,that can jump very high and that makes

a sound with its legs蚱蜢,蝗虫

10.preeminently[]adv.to a very great degree; especially卓越地;杰出地

11.disposition[]n.the natural qualities of a person’s character性情,性格

12.grim[]adj.looking or sounding very serious,unpleasant and depressing严酷的,冷酷的

13.unrelenting[]adj.1)not stopping or becoming less

severe;2)if a person is unrelenting,they continue with something

without considering the feelings of other people不宽恕的,不屈不挠


14.canyon[]n.a long,narrow valley between high cliffs,often with a

stream flowing through it(美)峡谷,溪谷

15.pillage[]n.the act of stealing things from a place or region,

especially in a war,using violence掠夺

16.corral[]n.an closure for holding or capturing horses,cattle or other animals畜栏

17.affliction[]n.pain and suffering or something that causes it 痛苦,苦恼

18.brooding[]adj.sad and mysterious or threatening沉思的,徘徊不去的

19.divinity[]n.the quality of being a god or like God神,神学,神性,上帝

20.cleavage[]n.a division or split between people or groups劈开,分裂

21.elk[]n.a large deer that lives in the north of Europe,Asia and North

America.In North America it is called a moose.美洲赤鹿

22.badger[]n.an animal with grey fur and wide black and white lines

on its head.Badgers are nocturnal(=active mostly at night)and live in

holes in the ground.獾

23.flax[]n.a plant with blue flowers,grown for its stem that is used to

make thread and its seeds that are used to make linseed oil亚麻

24.buckwheat[]n.small dark

seed that is grown as food for animals and for making flour荞麦


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,rkspur[]n.a tall garden plant with blue,pink or white

flowers growing up its stem翠雀属植物

27.billow[]v.1)to fill with air and swell out;2)to fill with air and swell out翻腾

28.sweet clover[]n.草木樨植物

29.lee[]n.a sheltered place,especially one on that side of anything away

from the wind背风处,庇护所

30.profusion[]n.a very large quantity of something丰富,充沛,慷慨

31.deity[]n.the state of being a god;divine nature;a god or


32.solstice[]n.either of the two times of the year at which the sun

reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday,marked by the

longest and shortest days至日;冬至或夏至

33.caldron[]n.a large kettle or boiler大锅(炉),大汽锅

34.wean[]v.to cause(oneself or someone else)to give up a former habit;

to withdraw(a person)by degrees(from a habit,object of affection,etc.)as

by substituting some other interest使断奶,使放弃,使断念

35.ridge[]n.a narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills;a

high pointed area near the top of a mountain山脊,屋脊

36.upthrust[]n.the force with which a liquid or gas pushes up

against an object that is floating in it向上推,浮力;(地质)地壳隆起

37.engender[]v.to make a feeling or situation exist造成

38.score[]v.to make cuts or lines in or on something把……记


39.kinsmen[]v.a male relative男性亲属

40.tenuous[]adj.1)so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists;2)

extremely thin and easily broken纤细的,脆弱的;稀薄的;贫乏的

41.reverence[]n.a feeling of great respect or admiration for


42.consummate[]adj.extremely skilled;perfect完美的,圆满的

43.impale[]v.to pierce through or fix with a sharp object刺穿,(作


44.barter[]n.the system of exchanging goods,property,services,etc.

for other goods,etc.without using money物品交换,实物交易

45.deicide[]n.the killing of a god杀神,杀神者,害死耶稣的人

46.skillet[]n.a small frying pan煮锅,长柄浅锅

47.rambling[]adj.spreading in various directions with no

particular pattern漫步的,散漫的,流浪性的

48.shawl[]n.a large piece of cloth worn by a woman around the shoulders

or head,or wrapped around a baby披肩,围巾

49.sentinel[]n.a soldier whose job is to guard something哨兵

50.opaque[]adj.not able to be seen through;not transparent or


51.abide[]v.to dislike somebody/something so much that you hate

having to be with or deal with them忍受,容忍;持续,遵守

52.ample[]https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,rge,often in an attractive way充足的,丰富的,宽敞的

53.council[]n.a group of people who are elected to govern an

area such as a city or county政务会,理事会,委员会

54.servitude[]n.the condition of being a slave or being

forced to obey another person劳役,奴役;奴隶状态;地役权

55.fright[]n.a feeling of fear惊骇,惊吓,害怕

56.nocturnal[]adj.of the night夜的,夜曲的,夜间发生的

57.wake[]n.a watch or vigil held over the body of a dead person during

the night before burial(葬礼前)守夜,看护

58.perch[]v.to alight or rest on栖息,位于,使坐落于

59.handrail[]n.a long,narrow bar that you can hold onto for

support,for example when you are going up or down stairs栏杆,扶手60.purl[]v.to flow with a gentle movement and a murmuring sound潺潺流水


62.hie[]v.to go quickly催促,赶快


1.The Way to Rainy Mountain:《雨山之路》(1969年)是由普利策奖获得者斯科特写的一篇散文。这是关于他的祖先基奥瓦部落从古代开始在蒙大拿州一带生活到最终在西尔堡向美国骑兵投降,随后在俄克拉何马州的雨山附近安顿下来的血泪史。全书主要分为三个部分:第一部分讲述早期基奥瓦传说和人类学研究下的基奥瓦人。第二部分继续以基奥瓦神话为主题,探讨的太米文化的起源和太阳舞仪式。最后一部分描述了基奥瓦部落鼎盛时期的结束以及作者面对基奥瓦文化的消亡所持的态度和看法。

2....and in summer the prairie is an anvil’s edge.(Para.1):anvil原指“铁砧”,在这里采用了Metaphor(暗喻)和Hyperbole(夸张)的修辞手法,有助于读者想象炎炎夏日大草原地表的滚烫和坚硬。

3.At a distance in July or August the steaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire.


常用动词短语大全 break短语动词用法大全 1. break away (from) (1) 突然逃掉或离开。如: The thief broke away from the policeman. 小偷从警察那逃脱了。 (2) 断绝往来,脱离。如: He broke away from all his old friends. 他同他所有的老朋友断绝了往来。 (3) 改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法)。如: You must break away from such habits. 你必须改掉那些习惯。 2. break down (1) (机器、车辆等)坏了。如: The car broke down after an hour’s driving. 车子开了一个小时就坏了。 (2) (计划、谈判等)失败。如: Our plans have broken down. 我们的计划已失败了。 (3) (谈话、通讯等)中断。如: He broke down as he was singing. 他没唱完就突然停住了。 (4) (健康、精神等)变坏。如: Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把他的身体弄垮了。 3. break in (1) 突然进来,强行进入。如: He broke in and stole my money. 他闯进来偷了我的钱。 (2) 插嘴,打岔。如: He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插话谈了自己的一些想法。 Please don’t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived. 秘书插话说刚收到一个电报。 注:以上用法的break in 通常是不及物的,但有时也用作及物动词,带宾语,表示:训练某人(物),使某人(物)适应。如: He is breaking in the new man as a machine operator. 我在训练那个新工人操作机器。 Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in. 在新办公室上两星期的班便足以让你适应了。 4. break into (1) 强行进入。如: The thieves planned to break into a bank. 这些小偷计划闯银行。 (2) 突然……起来。如: Hearing the news, she broke into tears. 听到这个消息,她就哭了起来。 The man broke into a run when he saw the police. 那个人一看到警察,拨腿就跑。 (3) 打断,插嘴。如: He broke into the discussion with a shout of warning. 他大声警告,打断了讨论。 (4) 占用时间。如: Social activities break into my time. 社会活动占去了我的时间。 注:break into 与break in 的有时可表示相同的意思,但前者通常为及物的,后者通常为不及物的。 5. break off (1) 停止讲话。如: He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话没讲完就停住了。 (2) 暂停,休息。如: Let’s break up for a rest. 我们休息一会儿吧。 (3) (使)折断。如: The mast has (been) broken off. 桅杆折断了。 6. break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发。如:


常用词的学术替换 动词替换: 1.Improve 提高: Promote: 促进AC之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior manager in this company. Advance: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly) advanced. Enhance: the publi city has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望 2.change 改变: Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry structure.人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构 3.Emphasize 强调: Highlight:the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and insects. Stress: He stresses the need for parents to listen to their children. Accentuate: the crisis accentuates the gap between rich and poor. (highlight and emphasize 的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize差不多) 4.Develop培养: Cultivate: cultivate the ability of … ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life. Nurture: 养育,同样可以指培养人才(talents)the sea nutures ample marine animals. 5.Break 破坏: Impair:impair ability; 主要是破坏能力,莫乱用。 Undermine这个词也是指的是抽象意义上的破坏,有逐渐削弱之意,重点是循序渐进的过程。Undermine one’s ability/confidence/authority/position/credibility Jeopardize: 不能乱用,破坏的东西要上一定的等级才能配上此词。比如Jeopardize the process of peace.破坏和平进程 Devastate特指毁灭、蹂躏the earthquake devastated the whole city. 6.Keep 保存 Preserve、Conserve 保护资源用的就是这个词,不要用protect,protect这个词用在保护具体的东西。 7.deal With解决 Tackle: tackle the problem. Resolve: resolve dispute争论/conflict冲突/problem/issue/crisis危机;来自拉丁语,比较正式。 8.need 需要 Require:xxx requires courage and confidence. Necessitate: 用法不简单,没有摸透。 call for(这也是个很高级的用法,奥巴马就用这个【我不晓得奥巴马咋个用的,原帖是这样


学术论文常用词汇 学术论文的语言表达 一、时态 时态是个比较复杂的问题虽然有一般的规则但往往在实际文章中很难把握总体的 规则已在前边讲过需要重申的是在同一段落中要避免时态跳跃详见学术论文的写作最常见的描述一般现象的时态是一般现在时有时也用一般过去时或一般将来时 需要注意的语法 In recent years 作时间状语时通常要用完成时 In recent years, Plesch and coworkers have concluded that many so-called cationic polymerizations do not proceed through intermediates of an ionic nature. 二、数词 数也有其复杂化特别是在学术论文里有是很难顾及数上的逻辑但一般不将逻辑上 的问题视为语法错误只须注意在一个句子中的数和谓语动词的统一即可 以下是需要注意的语法 不规则变化的单复数 单数复数 criterion criteria 依据 phenomenon phenomena 现象 medium media 介质 radius radii 半径 index indices 指数 appendix appendices 附录 stimulus stimuli 刺激 basis bases 基础 2 synthesis syntheses 合成 matrix matrices 基体 Novel biomaterials with improved, specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli. 一些数有特殊性的名词 data, kinetics 通常作复数名词 research, work: 不可数名词 The data in Table 1 are obtained from the reactions at different temperatures. The kinetics of polymerization within each droplet are the same as those for the corresponding bulk polymerization. Much research has been done to redirect the tropism of retroviruses by engineering the envelope glycoprotein. Most research on poly(ortho esters) has focused on the synthesis of polymers. 一些结构的数<主谓的统一> one of 复数名词单数


英语学术论文常用词句 1. 常用词汇与短语 差别:gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference 存在,出现:occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数:the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法:approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率:Incidence, frequency, prevalence 发现,阐明,报道,证实:verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation 改变:change, alteration, 高,增加:high, enhanced, elevated, increased, forced 各种,多种:in multiple types of, in various types of, in a variety of 关系,相关,参与:closely involved in, associated, 广泛的:in an extensive survey 执行:perform, carry out 降,少,缺:decrease, reduction, reduced, diminish, loss, suppression, deficient, low, weak, faint, light, absence, absent, undetectable, lack ,defective, negative,poor,impaired, greatly reduced or completely absent, frequently lost or down-expressed 角色,起作用:role, part (limited, potential, early, possible role) 可能性:feasibility 密切地:intimately 难理解的,似谜的:enigmatic (x remains enigmatic)


一、复杂短语分析要点提示及示例 复杂短语分析也即层次分主要应当把握两个要点∶一是切分,要准确地判定从哪儿切分的问题,也就是说每一次切分,都要明确说出该构造层面的直接组成成分;二是定性,要准确标出一个层面的两个(通常是两个)直接组成成分之间的句法关系,而不必考虑间接成分之间的结构关系,也不考虑成分之间的语义关系。另外,还要注意的是,切分一般应当到“词”为至,最后一个层面的直接成分一般应当全部为“词”。 目前分析短语的结构,大都采用框式图解法。例如∶ 1.我看了一下午书 |__||___________| 主谓 |_________||__| 述宾 |__||______| 述补 2.学校同意张老师参加去东北的考察团 |____||___________________________| 主谓 |___||________________________| 述宾 |_____||__________________| 主谓 |____||______________| 述宾 |_______||______| 偏正

|___||____| 述宾3.写信催他马上离开上海回北京 |____||_____________________| 连动 |__||__| 述宾 |__||________________| 主谓 |___||_____________| 偏正 |________||_____| 连动 |___||___||___||___| 述宾述宾4.儿子的朋友送的一对花瓶 |____________||_______| 偏正 |_________||___||___||___| 主谓偏正 |____||____| 偏正 5.学校希望他下个学期教语文 |___||___________________|


五种基本短语类型教案 教学目标: 1、理解五种短语类型的概念及结构层次关系。 2、能正确判断短语的种类。 教学重难点: 能准确判断五种基本短语类型。 教学课时: 一课时 教学用具: ppt 教学过程: 一、并列短语 定义:由两个或两个以上的名词、动词、形容词或是代词并列组成的短语,词和词之间是平等的联合,没有轻重主次之分,这样的短语叫并列短语。 1、类型 ⑴名+名文化教育今天或明天 ⑵动+动调查研究愿意并实行 ⑶形+形光辉灿烂庄严肃穆 ⑷代+代我和他这样那样 ⑸数量+数量四面八方千秋万代三斤五两 2、并列短语一般前后可以互换位置。 例如:工厂农村我你他 但有些并列短语是不能前后颠倒位置的,因为它有一定次序。 ⑴时间顺序:春夏秋冬 ⑵大小顺序:省市县 ⑶年龄顺序:老中青 ⑷逻辑顺序:继承和发展接近文学和爱好文学 ⑸语言习惯:男女老少金银铜铁油盐酱醋 3、并列短语一般要求词性相同,但个别也有不同。 例如:姐姐和我(名词+代词) 勤劳勇敢不怕苦(形+形+代) 二、偏正短语 1、定义:由名词、动词或形容词与它们前面起修饰作用的词组成的短语。

2、类型: 前偏后正:“偏”修饰、限制“正”。 ⑴定+中(名、代) 如:(祖国)大地(一朵)茶花(前进)的步伐 ⑵状+中(动、形) 如:[很]好看[独立]思考[慢慢]地走 3、小技巧: 旧语法:“的”是定语的标志;“地”是状语的标志。新语法:统一为“的”。三、动宾短语 定义:由动词与后边支配或涉及的对象组成的短语。宾语是回答动词“谁”、“什么”、“哪儿”的。 类型:“动词+名词” 如:看电影、修理机器、热爱祖国、出现故障等。四、主谓短语 定义:陈述与被陈述的关系。主语可以回答谓语“谁”、“什么”;谓语可以回答主语“怎么样”。 1、类型 ⑴名+动觉悟提高思想解放 ⑵名+形阳光灿烂心情舒畅 ⑶代+动我们唱歌怎么消失 ⑷代+形这里干净那里美丽 五、补充短语 定义:由动词或形容词与它后面起补充作用的词组合而成的短语。 1、类型 “动词+补语”盛满吓跑洗得干净抱起来 “形容词+补语”暗得很冻得麻木好得很慢一点儿


长期整理的英文论文写作常用词汇和短语 这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上: 差别 gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现 occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数 the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法 approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率 Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实 verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation


英语常用词组 一,动词词组(包括短语动词、介词词组和其他词组) (一)由be构成的词组 1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at 善于,擅长于 4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with 被……复盖 6)be ready for 为……作好准备 7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 8)be interested in 对……感到举 9)be born 出生 10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着 11)be able to do sth. 能够做…… 12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for 以……而著名 16)be strict in (with) (对工作,对人)严格要求 17)be from 来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了 19)be worried 担忧 20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with 被……所覆盖…… 22)be in (great) need of (很)需要 23)be in trouble 处于困境中 24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做…… 25)be late for ……迟到 26)be made of (from) 由……制成 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28)be free 空闲的,有空 29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床 30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……) (二)由come,do,get,give,go,have,help,keep,make,look,put,set,send,take,turn,play等动词构成的词组 1)come back 回来 2)come down 下来 3)come in 进入,进来 4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来 6)come out of 从……出来 7)come up 上来 8)come from 来自…… 9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业 10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读 11)do one's best 尽力 12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)


英语论文中常用词汇和短语[精品] 英语论文中常用词汇和短语 差别gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. AlthoughMMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage,this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, h andful 方法approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize,clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate,illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal,display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply,disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening,isolation


1. individuals, characters, folks 替换people , persons. 2. positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior 替换good. rosy ;adj. 蔷薇色的,玫瑰红色的;美好的;乐观的;涨红脸的 3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 替换bad(如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive 替换。) Adverse;adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词adverseness,副词adversely) 4. an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, if not most 替换many. if not most:即使不是大多数 5. a slice of, quite a few 替换some. a slice of:一片,一份 6. harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换think。 harbor v/n庇护;怀有 7. affair, business, matter 替换thing. 8. shared 替换common . 9. reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits. 10. for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion. 11. Increasing, growing 替换more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.) 12. little if anything或little or nothing 替换hardly. 13. beneficial, rewarding 替换helpful. 14. shopper, client, consumer, purchaser 替换customer. 15. overwhelmingly, exceedingly, extremely, intensely 替换very. 16. hardly necessary, hardly inevitable…替换unnecessary, avoidable. 17. indispensable 替换necessary. 18. sth appeals to sb., sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb. take interest in / sb. be interested in. 19. capture one's attention 替换attract one's attention. 20. facet, dimension, sphere 替换aspect. 21. be indicative of, be suggestive of, be fearful of 替换indicate, suggest, fear. 22. give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause. 23. There are several reasons behind sth. 替换…reasons for sth. 24. desire 替换want. 25. pour attention into 替换pay attention to. 26. bear in mind that 替换remember. 27. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)。 28. interaction 替换communication. 29. frown on sth 替换be against , disagree with sth. 30. as an example 替换for example, for instance. 31. next to / virtually impossible 替换nearly / almost impossible. 32. regarding / concerning 替换about. 33. crucial /paramount 替换important. 34. 第一(in the first place/the first and foremost);


层次分析的步骤 运用直接成分分析法分析短语,一般是从大到小进行切分,先分析出构成这个短语的两个直 接成分,然后再分别分析两个直接成分的内部结构,这样层层切分,一直到词为止。下面以我 们大家应该学好语法知识为例,具体说明复杂短语的层次分析步骤。 第一步,仔细阅读短语,准确理解短语的意义,在此基础上确定组成短语的两个直接成分, 以及两个直接成分之间的结构关系,然后把两个直接成分标示出来,并在下面标明结构类型。从 总体上看,这个短语第一层次的两个直接成分之间是陈述与被陈述的关系,短语的结构类型是主 谓短语。分析如下: 我们大家应该学好语法知识 | || | 主谓 第二步,第一步切分出来的两个直接成分我们大家和应该学好语法知识,仍然是两 个短语,因此,还要分别切分出它们的直接成分,确定它们各自的结构关系。先看左边的直接成 分,经分析确定为同位短语;再看右边的直接成分,经分析确认为状中短语。分析如下: 我们大家应该学好语法知识 | | | | 主谓 | | | || || |

同位状中 第三步,分析第二步切分出来的四个直接成分,其中我们、大家和应该三个直 接成分可以确定是词,因此,这三个直接成分就不必再进行分析。直接成分学好语法知识仍 是短语,还要进行分析。经分析确定学好语法知识是述宾短语。分析如下: 我们大家应该学好语法知识 | | | | 主谓 | | | || || | 同位状中 | || | 述宾 第四步,分析第三步切分出来的两个直接成分学好和语法知识。经分析确定,学 好是述补短语,语法知识是定中短语。分析如下: 我们大家应该学好语法知识 | | | | 主谓 | || | | || | 定中述宾 | || | 定中 |_|_|| || | 述补定中


500个常用词组短语| 雅思四六级通用 英语君微信号:weiyingyu520 1. a big headache 令人头痛的事情 2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 5. absent from不在,缺席 6. abundant in富于 7. account for 解释

8. accuse sb. of sth.控告 9. add to增加(add up to) 10. after all 毕竟,究竟 11. agree with同意 12. ahead of time / schedule提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once 突然,同时

16. all but 几乎;除了...都 17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次,重新 19. all over 遍及 20. all right 令人满意的;可以 21. all the same 仍然,照样的 22. all the time 一直,始终 23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气, 愤怒

24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心 25. anything but 根本不 26. apart from 除...外(有/无) 27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求 28. applicable to适用于 29. apply to适用 30. appropriate for/to适当,合适 31. approximate to近似,接近


英文论文写作常用词汇和短语这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上:差别gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation


学术词汇辨析(AWL 词汇) 第一天: analysis 分析,分解,解剖 解析:【反】synthesis 综合 【衍】 analyze analyst analytic analyzable The analysis of the samples on the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the police. 对谋杀现场标本的分析为警察提供了一些有价值的线索。 approach 接近,靠近 解析:【注意】approach后面接地点、人物和目标时是及物动词,否则是不及物动词。作及物动词时还可引申为研究,考虑,商洽等义,作名词时,可表示途径,态度等。 The time is approaching when we must be on board. 我们上船的时间快到了。 area 地带,地区 解析:【同】district,zone,region 【辨析】area表示面积,地区(面积较大,但不指行政单位)如the area of your hand; region指在地理上有天然界限或有自己特色的一个单位,或自治区等行政单位,也可指领域(同sphere,realm);district性质较region相近,但一般比region小,如县级区用district ; zone是个环绕区域,有严格的边界,如经济特区 a recreation area 重新改建的地区 tropical regions of South America 南美的热带地区 a residential zone 居住区 assessment 评估,估算,评价 解析:动词assess 【同】estimate, appraise, assess, evaluate这些词都表示对客体的重要性形成定论 estimate暗示评价的主观性和不精确y6t,,,,,,,,kl……………………… appraise 表示专业水准的评估 ,名词appraisal assess 表示为确定某物的应税价值而作出的权威估价 evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值 assume 假定, 设想,担任; 承担; 接受 解析:【同】suppose 【辨析】suppose最不正式,表示根据一定证据作出的见解,assume用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。 authority 权威, 权力, 权势【pl.】当局, 负责人; 官方; 职权; 许可的权力根据, 凭据, 引证权威, 专家 解析:the authorities of government author作者 【衍】authorize,authorization available 可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的 解析:【衍】availability availably 注意:一般在名词之后,the apple available benefit n.利益, 好处;vt.有益于, 有助于vi.受益 解析:【同】profit advantage interest 【辨析】advantage指有利条件,优势 take advantage of benefit兼指物质及精神的好处 profit指利润 interest指利息 concept n.概念;观念



一、复杂短语分析 1.住了一年 2.予以严厉的批评 3.刷洗干净 4.知道底细 5.阳光灿烂 6.进来歇一下 7.文化教育 8.坚强无比 9.他中等身材 10.凯歌阵阵 11.他去比较适合 12.态度和蔼 13.富裕起来 14.硕果累累 15.热爱家乡 16.十分壮丽 17.喜欢清净 18.通知你所认识的 19.坚持下去 20.读了三遍 21.吃得很饱 22.有人找你 23.我们大家 24.互相支援 25.你们几位 26.活跃学术气氛 27.船长老李 28.禁止大声喧哗29.体育运动 30.春秋两季 31.出去闲逛 32.使人聪明 33.研究水平 34.高兴得很 35.“山”这个字 36.进京告状 37.写文章做演说 38.无比坚强 39.伟大事业 40.鼓励他学好功课 41.国庆节那天 42.战斗英雄黄继光 43.叫河水让路 44.迅速发展 45.痛快极了 46.非常谦虚 47.摔跤这种运动 48.称她为师姐 49.史密斯先生 50.打电话报警 51.请他做东 52.有决心搞好工作 53.油盐酱醋 54.又气又急 55.我上学的时候 56.来一下

57.中华的腾飞 58.中华腾飞 59.她抚顺人 60.问题的产生 61.美妙的渲染 62.住一年 63.买二斤 64.摆正 65.从哪里来 66.你们三位 67.派你们当代表 68.希望你当代表 69.借书看 70.长城内外 71.当我上学的时候 72.新年的 73.去北京 74.所需要75.所需要的 76.暴风雨般的掌声 77.暴风雨般的 78.上街买东西 79.读书写字 80.有事找你 81.有人找你 82.叫他说说 83.叫他说对了 84.去北京办事 85.到北京办事 86.觉得好 87.讲得好 88.屋里热 89.屋里谈 90.今天走 91.今天冷 92.高举奖牌 二、复杂短语分析 在家里看电视的时候在人们看电视的时候 在学生读书时在学校读书时 当我们找到中国革命的正确道路时姐姐的一件红色新上衣


中考常用短语归类 come短语 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e out 出来,出版,开花,结果 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e over 顺便来访,过来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e in 进入,进来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e into 进入 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e up 出来,上升 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e down 退步,下降,下来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e back回来,想起来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e across(偶然)遇见(或发现),横穿 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e on来吧,赶快,加油 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e from来自 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e along一道去,赶快,进行,进展 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e true(希望等)实现,达到 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f18862295.html,e up with追上,赶上,想出(主意),找出(答案) fall短语 1.fall behind落后 2.fall down 倒下,滑倒 3.fall into 掉进…里 4.fall off 从…掉下来 5.fall in love with 爱上 6.fall asleep 入睡 7.fall ill 患病 8.fall over 绊倒 get短语 1.get on 穿上,上车,进展 2.get off 下车,脱下(衣服等) 3.get up 起床 4.get down 下降 5.get away (from) 逃离 6.get back 返回,回来,回家,归还 7.get into 进入,陷入 8.get from 从…得到 9.get over 克服 10.get lost 迷路 11.get out of 离开,从…出来 12.get ready for 为…做准备 13.get along/on with sb. 与…相处14.get a ride (to) 搭便车 give短语 1.give away 捐赠,颁发 2.give up 放弃 3.give in 屈服,让步 4.give out 分发,散发 5.give back 还给,归还,恢复(健康等) 6.give birth to 生,产生 7.give sb. a lift/ride (to ) 捎某人一程go 短语 1.go away 走开 2.go away from 从…离开 3.go along... 沿着…走 4.go back 回去 5.go on 继续,进展 6.go out 出去,熄灭 7.go over 仔细检查,复习 8.go through 浏览,翻阅,通过(内部) 9.go outside 去户外 10.go off (闹种)响,离开 look 短语 1.look up 查询,向上看 2.look through 浏览 3.look at 看着 4.look around 向四周看 5.look for 寻找 6.look over 检查 7.look out 留神,当心 8.look after 照顾 9.look like 看起来像 10.look up to 尊敬(=admire) 11.look down upon 瞧不起,看低 12.look forward to 期待,盼望 13.look out of 往…外看 14.look into 向…里面看,调查 put 短语 1.put on 穿上(戴上),上演,增加
