


I work in a bank and have lovely relationships with many of the customers. It’s not one of those banks with long lines- it’s the kind of bank when you walk in, everyone says hi, we know your name and speak like friends.

One of my customers in his 70speak owns and runs a barber school in east Baltimore. He’s connected with several nonprofits (非营利组织) and I have two nonprofits of my own. One say, he said to me that I really had to meet his niece in Floarida-Dee. The next day Dee called me and we talked about her projects of gathering blankets for the homeless and the community wherever there is need. We spoke for over an hour and found out how much we have in common!

It turns out that her blanket programme is growing greatly and there is a man traveling the country to deliver blankets and organize bread donations (捐赠) from around the country. And on that day, he was on his way to Baltimore. This man, Hiker Joe, stays wherever place is offered and didn’t have an offering for that night. I quickly seized the chance! My husband travels a lot for work and has some “points” for different hotel chains, so we made a few calls and within an hour, Holiday Inn agreed to allow us to use what points we had.

Hiker Joe called and was very thankful for the room. He then continued to go to Baltimore City to give out the blankets to the homeless. He also set up a weekly pick-up programme with Panera Bread IN Baltimore and now every Thursday evening. Panera Bread will be giving us the bread and sweets they haven’t sold during the day to give out to the homeless.

How beautiful can life be when each people goes their little bit to seize the chance of service.

36. When working in the bank, the author felt____.

A. hopeless

B. uninterested

C. comfortable

D. worried

37. While working in the bank, the author was devoted to___.

A. helping others

B. making good friends

C. running a barber school

D. traveling around the world

38. Why did the customer ask the author to meet his niece?

A. They all liked collecting blankets for the poor.

B. He thought they had a lot in common.

C. They all worked in the bank.

39. The underlined word “points” in Paragraph 3 refers to___.

A. discounts for staying in the hotels

B. the bread and sweets for the poor

C. the blankets that Hiker Joe collected

D. the hotels where the author’s husband stayed

40. We can infer from the passage that Panera Bread____.

A. was also a nonprofit

B. was a programme Hiker Joe ran

C. supported Hiker Joe’s programme

D. built a close relationship with the author

The Taste of Home Cooking School, presented by Arkansas Life Magazine, brings their “Spring

Sensations”tour to the Statehouse Convention Centre in Little Rock on Tuesday, May 8. The doors open at 4:00 pm with exhibition booths and the show begins at 6:30 pm.

·Arkansas Life Magazine and culinary specialist Jamie Dunn are planning an evening packed with creative ideas for spring dining and entertaining. Start with a variety of local exhibits, go with 10 quick and delicious recipes(食谱) and a good measure of special door prizes awarded to several lucky winners and top that off with a gift bag for every attendee.

·“We have a programme full of fun, food facts and quick-to-fix recipe ideas for you to try at home,” Dunn said, “It’s sure to cure your spring fever in cooking! A lively show of impressive dishes that are easy to prepare is smoothing medicine to cooks ready to break away from winter-weather cooking.”

·The Taste of Homing “Spring Sensations”programme will feature recipes that are fresh, healthy and flavourful (可口的). The recipes have an international flavour this season, including “Mushroom Napoleon”, “Mexican Lasagna” and “Spicy Asian Shrimp Salad”.

Advance tickets:

$8. Order online starts on Monday, April 9, or at Whole Foods Market. Reserve seating will be $15 and ordered online only. Tickets will be $10 at the door if tickets are still left by event date. Vendor (卖方) information:

The event will be held at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, May 8, with vendor booths open from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Booth prices are $350 for a 10 x 10 space, 1 six-foot table, 2 chairs and a sign for your business. The business will also be promoted(推销) in limited event promotion and on this website.

Vendors and other businesses can choose to insert promotion items in the giveaway bags to attendees for no more than $75. For more information about everything at the Cooking School, call 501-918-4539 or you can e-mail tcunningham@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5014105544.html,.

41. “Spring Sensations” programme is to __________.

A. help more people to come here to do business

B. welcome the coming of summer-weather cooking

C. give vendors a chance to win the prize

D. let people enjoy the creative ideas for spring dining

42. The underlined words “culinary specialist”in paragraph 2 refer to an expert who is _______.

A. interested in the new ideas of cooking

B. fond of traveling for different flavors

C. good at the job as a judge

D. working in the Taste of Home Cooking School

43. It can be inferred that the recipes presented in the past “Spring Sensations”programme mainly focused on __________.

A. the “Mushroom Napoleon”

B. the European flavor

C. the international flavor

D. the local flavor

44. Which of the following is TRUE of vendor information?

A. vendor booths open as early as 4:00 am.

B. vendors’ money spent on promotion is limited.

C. tickets for vendors will be cheaper at the door.

D. vendors can use tables and chairs for free.

45. Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A newspaper.

B. A magazine.

C. A website.

D. A novel.

全国高中会考精选活 试题英语 西藏人民出版社


高考会考对接 全国高中会考 精选活页试题 英语 西藏人民出版社

内容简介 会考试题难度要求虽与高考有差距,但考核范围全面、接近,对参加会考和高考均有助益。在总复习前或初期测练会考试题,以及中差生,尤其是艺术类考生,测练会考试题都是 十分有效的。 本书收录了10套各省市优秀会考试题及对接高考的模拟试题,科目包括:语文、英语、数学、物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理。 全国高中会考精选活页试题 丛书名:高考会考对接 开本:16 字数:380千 印张: 出版日期:2004年9月 标准书号:ISBN 7-223-01567-5/G·674 定价:元(全9册,每册元)

目录 1.北京市2004年夏季普通高中毕业会考(1) 2.北京市2004年春季普通高中毕业会考(9) 3.浙江省2004年高中证书会考试卷(17) 4.山东省2004年普通高中毕业会考(25) 5.广东省2004年春季普通高中毕业考试(33) 6.山西省七地市2004年普通高中毕业考试(41) 7.安徽省2004年普通高中毕业会考(49) 8.湖南省郴州市2004年普通高中毕业会考(57) 9.青海省2004年6月份普通高中会考(65) 10.北京市2004年普通高等学校高职班招生统一考试(73)参考答案(81) 全国教辅畅销书排行前列 ●搜狐教育推荐图书 ●全国400万考生使用的书 ●《中国教育报》等90多家媒体推荐用书

1.北京市2004年夏季普通高中毕业会考 英语 本试卷包括第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷。考试时间90分钟。满分100分。 第Ⅰ卷(共70分) 一、听力理解(共15小题,15分) 第一节:听下面七段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第1题。 1.Wher e will the woman go this year A.New York. B.London. C.Paris. 听下面一段对话,回答第2题。 2.Wh a t time do e s the sc h ool bus leave A.At7:10 B.At7:20. C.At7:30. 听下面一段对话,回答第3题。 3.Wh a t is the man doing A.Worki n g in a hotel. B.Traveling around. C.Visiti n g a young couple. 听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第6题。 4.Wher e are the t w o speakers A.In the street. B.At the C.Neat a h i gh sc h ool. 5.Wher e does the man wa n t to go A.The town hall. B.King Street. C.Apple Street. 6.Wh a t does the woma n advise the man to do A.Walk there. B.Take a bus. C.Read a map. 听下面一段对话,回答第7题至第9题。 7.Wh a t is the relationship between the speakers A.Neighbors. B.Family membe r s. C.Friends. 8.Wh e n does the conversation take place A.In the morning. B.In the eve n i n g. C.At midn i gh t. 9.Why is the woman a n gry A.The man speaks too much. B.The music is too loud. C.Some policemen will come. 听下面一段对话,回答第10题至第12题。 10.Wher e is Mary from A.B.Br i tai n.C.Ca n a d a. 11.Wh a t hit Ma r y


1999年浙江高中英语会考试题 考生须知: 1.全卷分试卷1和试卷2,共8页,有七大题,72小题,满分为100分,考试时间90钟。 2.试卷1的答案必须做在答卷1上;试卷2的答案直接做在试卷2上。 3.请用钢笔或圆珠笔将姓名、准考证号分别填写在答卷1、试卷2的相应位置上。 试卷一 请用2B铅笔将答卷1上的准考证号和学科名称相应的括号或方框涂黑,然后再开始答题。 一、听力考核(本题有1o小题,共10分) A)单句理解 1.A.Linda can do the job best. B. Nobody can do the job well. C. Anyone can do the job better. 2.A.I understand you well. B. Would you please repeat it? C.I don't want to go with you. 3.A.You'd better come here by land. B. Why not come by sea? C.I suggest you come by air. 4.A.Both of them are excited. B. Only Rose is excited. C. Only Jack is excited. 5.A.Mick wanted more money. B. Bruce asked for more money. C. Neither of them needed money. B)短文理解 6.A.Over 16.

C. Over 18. 7.A.To become a doctor. B. To be a soldier. C. To be examined. 8.A.His elder brother. B. His younger brother. C. His twin brother. 9.A.They looked very strong. B. They had the same family name. C. They came together that day. 10.A.He had told a lie. B. He was too young. C. He was afraid. 二.单项填空(本题有15小题,共15分) 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 11.-Why not buy some English tapes? I'm sure you'll find them useful -That sounds like ____good already. A. the B. an C./ D. a 12.-Would you like to go the concert with us? -thanks, but I ____it already.A. good B. have seen C. was seeing D. did see 13.-This soup is hot! -The hotter the ____ A. good B. well


2017年市夏季普通高中会考 思想政治试卷 第一部分 选择题 (共56分) 一、 选择题 在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。本大题共28小 题,每小题2分,共计56分。 1. 根据上面图文,建设雄安新区有助于 ①疏解非首都功能 ②探索绿色和创新发展新路径 ③促进京津冀协调发展 ④增加省的行政区域面积 A .①②③ B .①②④ C .①③④ D .②③④ 2. 上图中,货币执行的职能是 A.世界货币 B. 贮藏手段 C. 价值尺度 D.流通手段 考 生 须 知 1.考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。 2.本试卷共10页,分为两部分。第一部分选择题,共28小题(共56分);第二部分非选择题,三道大题(共44分)。 3.试卷所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。 4.考试结束后,考生应将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。

3.“贾人(商人)夏则资(购买)皮,冬则资絺(夏天用的细麻布),旱则资舟,水则资车。” 这启示我们 A.季节因素在经济活动中起决定作用 B.利用求异心理进行经营不值得提倡 C.经济活动需重视影响价格的多种因素 D.贱买贵卖的经济行为违背价值规律 4.去超市购物,我们发现很多食品包装上贴有二维码(右 图),用智能手机“扫一扫”,生产厂家、生产日期、 保质时间等信息一目了然。二维码技术的广泛应用, 有利于 ①维护消费者的权益②降低商品销售价格 ③完善社会信用体系④树立企业良好形象 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④ 5.82岁的师傅和他的儿子、外都是火车客运司机,祖三代累计行驶里程2100万公里,共排除机车在线故障千余件,发现并防止各种机车事故近百件。下表简要呈现了三人的工作历程。 人物参加工作时间驾驶列车驾驶时间安全行驶里程 师傅1953年蒸汽机车10万小时600万公里 儿子1985年燃机车5万小时700万公里 外2004年电力机车2万多小时800万公里从上述材料可以看出 ①伴随着科学技术的进步,我国铁路运输效率显著提升 ②我国铁路技术装备完善,完全满足了民众出行的需要 ③铁路行业改进工作条件,确保员工得到劳动安全保护 ④众多铁路人用奉献坚守,践行了安全行驶的职业忠诚 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ 6.读右图,经营者“优惠税钱”是一种 A.偷税行为 B.欠税行为 C.骗税行为 D.抗税行为


高中英语会考作文模板4篇 必背 温馨提醒: 对于英语基础较差的同学,作文可采用背模板的方法应对。 以下模板仅适用于英语书面表达较差,到目前为止看到题目仍然无从下笔的同学。实属考前临时抱佛脚的无奈之举。 基础较好的同学,请按照题目要求与提示正常完成写作。 写作注意事项: 1、无论如何要写够字数80词 2、如果实在无法写出完整的符合语法的句子,可以按题目提示的中文顺序罗列你所知道的英文 单词 3、一时想不起如何拼写的英文单词,可以到阅读理解等题目中查找。 万能模板1:(适用所有作文类型) The topic of 此处抄写作文题目is becoming more and more popular recently. It is my thinking about this topic below. This First point is very important. 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) This Second point is important, too. 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) So I believe that we should pay more and more attention to this topic from now on. 万能模板2:(适用所有作文类型) I think it is very important to understand 此处抄写作文题目. Why? That’s because many people don’t understand it well enough nowadays. For one thing, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) For another, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) It is my point of view about此处抄写作文题目above. Let’s pay more and more attention to this together from now on. 万能模板3:(适用所有作文类型) I think此处抄写作文题目is an interesting topic. Many people around me are talking about this. In my opinion, we should understand 此处抄写作文题目like this. First, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) Second, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) In conclusion, let’s pay more and more attention to this together from now on. 万能模板4:(适用信件类作文) Dear **, How is everything getting along with you? It is such a long time since we met last time. I missed you very much. What have you been doing all these days? 此段翻译题目的中文提示1。(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) 此段翻译题目的中文提示2。(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) I am looking forward to your reply. My best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高中英语会考作文5篇 必背 书面表达(一) 假定你是李华,正在一所美国学校学习英文。你对学校的周末音乐俱乐部(Music Club at Weekend)很感兴趣,决定申请加入。现给该俱乐部负责人写一封信,内容如下: 1.表示有意加入; 2. 介绍音乐特长; 3. 说明性格优势; 4. 期待满意答复。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam,


第一节单项选择(共15小题;每题1分,共15分) 从下列A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的真确答案。 21. Recently he found ______ hard to fall asleep at night, so he went to see the doctor. A. it B. him C. this D. that 22. They will first visit New York, _____ is the biggest city in the USA. A. where B. there C. which D. when 23. Would you please keep silent? The weather report _____. A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broadcast D. has been broadcast 24. Everybody likes to work with _____ is reliable and easy to get along with. A. whoever B. whose C. whomever D. whom 25. The boy ____ be very naughty, because he is always scolded by his teacher. A. shall B. must C. would D. need 26. ____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself noticed at the party. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Dress 27. ____ you take a taxi now, you’ll miss your train. A. Unless B. Because C. If D. When 28. This school was ____ in 1995 and it will celebrate its 60th birthday this September. A. come up B. made up C. taken up D. set up 29. We are always told to ____ calm and immediately dial 119 when a fire breaks out. A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay 30. My parents have moved to the countryside. Seldom ____ so lonely as now. A. have I felt B. I had felt C. I have felt D. had I felt 31. Mark ____ late ag ain for yesterday’s lecture, as he always is. A. be B. is C. has been D. was

2021年高中会考英语试题 含答案

2021年高中会考英语试题含答案 一、听力(20分):略 二、单选填空(共15小题,15分,每小题1分) 21. No matter how busy he is, Tom makes ______ a rule to see his grandparents every weekend. A this B that C it D him 22. Tom is ______ fantastic musician. I’m absolutely certain that his next concert will be ______ success. A the , a B the , 不填 C a , a D a , 不填 23. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ______ the traffic problem. A to B on C in D for 24. –What do you think of your new ipad? --Good. I can’t find a ______ one. A worst B best C worse D better 25. Whenever you ______ a present, you’d better think about it from the receiver’s preference. A bought B buy C will buy D have bought 26. You will never be successful _____ you are fully devoted to you work. A because B unless C if D when


2014高中会考政治真题及答案 1.2006年3月3日《人民日报》载文强调:"必须牢固树立科学发展观,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。"世界观是 A.人们对具体科学知识的概括和总结 B.人们对整个世界以及人与世界关系的总的看法和根本观点 C.具体科学知识的总和 D.认识世界和改造世界的根本方法 2.2006年6月30日,胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立85周年大会上强调,广大党员干部尤其是各级领导干部要牢固树立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观和正确的权力观、利益观,始终与人民群众同呼吸、共命运、心连心。广大党员干部之所以要牢固树立科学的世界观,是因为 A.科学的世界观能够指导人们正确的认识世界和改造世界 B.科学的世界观是人们改造世界的物质力量 C.科学的世界观是人们对客观事物的正确反映 D.世界观是人们对于整个世界的根本观点 3."雾里看花,水中望月,谁能分辨这变幻莫测的世界"。从哲学上看,这一段歌词所反映的问题是 1.2006年3月3日《人民日报》载文强调:"必须牢固树立科学发展观,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。"世界观是 A.人们对具体科学知识的概括和总结 B.人们对整个世界以及人与世界关系的总的看法和根本观点 C.具体科学知识的总和 D.认识世界和改造世界的根本方法 2.2006年6月30日,胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立85周年大会上强调,广大党员干部尤其是各级领导干部要牢固树立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观和正确的权力观、利益观,始终与人民群众同呼吸、共命运、心连心。广大党员干部之所以要牢固树立科学的世界观,是因为 A.科学的世界观能够指导人们正确的认识世界和改造世界 B.科学的世界观是人们改造世界的物质力量 C.科学的世界观是人们对客观事物的正确反映 D.世界观是人们对于整个世界的根本观点


高中会考英语作文万能句子 高中会考英语作文万能句子推荐 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s et in 1986, how ___ny people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first ___ntury. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中, 有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在 ___一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on hu ___ns, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有 ___性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

5. In group to re ___in in existen ___, a profit- ___ organization must, in the long run, produ ___ something consumers consider useful or desirable.任何盈利 ___若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的.表达。 8. With modern offi ___s being more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现 ___公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。


普通高中政治会考模拟题 第一部分选择题(共50 分) 一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求 的。本大题共25 小题,每小题 2 分,共计50分。) 1-4 时事政治(略) 5、关于商品生产和商品交换的内在联系可用下图表示: 分析图示,可以得出的正确结论是 ①商品价值的高低是由供求关系决定的 ②生产者是否获利与供求关系密切相关 ③商品生产与商品交换相互作用 ④市场可以对资源进行优化配置 A.①②③ B .①②④ C .①③④ D .②③④ 2. 小林的父亲听说小林学了外汇知识,考他说:“我们公司想从国外进口一批货物,听说人民币以后还要 升值。假如真是这样,是现在进口这批货物合算,还是以后进口合算?” 小林的正确回答应该是 A. 升值后合算,因为人民币升值后可以兑换更多的外币 B. 升值后合算,因为人民币升值后可以兑换更少的外币 C. 现在合算,因为人民升值前可以兑换更多的外币 D. 现在合算,因为人民币越升值,外国货价格越高3.在一些同学中,背名牌书包、穿名牌运动鞋等逐渐成为消费时尚。对此,有同学提出:反对攀比,不反对名牌;名牌消费应量力而行,避免增加家庭负担。这是提倡 A.缩小消费差别 B .适度消费C .绿色消费D .超前消费 4.右图表示效率与收入差距的关系,横轴x 代表收入差距,纵轴y 代表效率,原点O表示绝对的平均主义和绝对的低效率。曲线表示效率随着收入差距的扩大而变化的情况。该图表明

A .效率越高收入差距越大 B .效率与收入差距成反比 C.在x1 之前,效率与收入差距成反方向变化 D .收入差距扩大到一定程度之后,效率会降低 5.“制造成本价” “批发价”“零售价” , 这些“价”所对应的经济活动的环节分别是A.分配生产消费 B .分配交换分配 C.生产消费交换 D .生产交换交换 6.有人说,税收就是国家不付任何报酬而向居民取得东西。这主要是强调税收的 A.流动性 B .无偿性C .固定性D.法制性 8.“善于持家的人都懂得,如果在家里制作的成本高于从外面购买,那么就不要尝试在家里 制作。”这句话启示我们,在国际贸易中要 ①始终坚持自力更生的原则②善于利用比较优势 ③学会从国际分工和贸易中获益④提高本国社会劳动生产率 A.①② B .①④ C .②③ D .③④ 9.中国共产党十八届四中全会确定的全面推进依法治国的总目标是 A.保证公正司法,提高司法公信力 B.深入推进依法行政,加快建设法治政府 C.增强全民法治观念,推进法治社会建设 D.建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家10.在我国,任何人都享有宪法和法律规定的权利,同时必须履行宪法和法律规定的义务。 这是因为 A.公民的权利和义务是按比例分配的 B .权利和义务在法律关系上是相对应而存在的 C.权利也是义务,义务也是权利 D .公民的权利和义务是对立的 11.干部用得准不准,交给群众“审一审”,干部用得行不行,交给群众“评一评”, 这是对政府工作人员任用实行公示制的通俗说法。选用干部通过公示的办法让群众把好最后 关,将干部人选交给群众评审、把关。这表明


A able (adj.) 能够;有能力的aboard (adv.) 在船(飞机,火车,公共汽车)上 above (prep.) 在……上面(adv.) 在上面 (adj.) 上面的 abroad (adv.) 到(在)国外absence (n.) 缺席 absent (adj.) 缺席;不在absolutely (adv.) 绝对地;完全地 academic (adj.) 学术的 accent (n.) 口音 accept (v.) 承认;接受;答应account (n.) 叙述;描写;报道ache (vi. & n.) 痛;疼痛achievement (n.) 成就;功业;伟绩 across (prep. & adv.) 穿过;在另一边;在对面 act (v.) 表演;扮演角色 active (adj.) 积极的;主动的actor (n.) 演员 actress (n.) 女演员 adapt (vi.) 使适应;使适合 add (v.) 加; 增加 addict (n.) 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 address (n.) 住处;通讯处 admit (vt.) 承认 advantage (n.) 优势;长处adventure (v.) 冒险 advertise (vt.) 为……做广告 advice (n.) 忠告;劝告;建议advise (v.) 忠告;劝告;建议adviser (n.) 顾问 affair (n.) 事;事情 affect (vt.) 影响;对……有坏影响 afford (vt.) 买得起;有能力支付 afraid (adj.) 害怕;担心 be afraid of 害怕 Africa (n.) 非洲 after all 毕竟;终究 again and again 再三地;反复地 once again 再一次 against (prep.) 反对;不同意; 对着;逆 at the age of 在……岁时agent (n.) 代理人;经纪人 agricultural (adj.) 农业的 agriculture (n.) 农业,农学 ahead (adv.) 向前;在前 airport (n.) 航空港;飞机场 alive (adj.) 活着的 allow (v.) 允许 almost (adv.) 几乎;近于 alone (adj.) 单独的 along (prep.) 沿着;顺着 (adv.) 向前;和……一起;一同 aloud (adv.) 大声地 although (conj.) 虽然 altogether (adv.) 总共 always (adv.) 总是;永远 amazed (adj.) 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazing (adj.) 令人吃惊的; 令人惊讶的 amusing (adj.) 有趣的;可笑 的 ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老 的 anger (n.) 怒;愤怒 angry (adj.) 生气的;愤怒的 animal (n.) 动物 ankle (n.) 脚踝 announce (v.) 宣布 announcement (n.) 通告;通知 anxious (adj.) 忧虑的;焦急 的 anybody / anyone (pron.) 任 何人 anyhow (adv.) 不管怎样 anything (pron.) 什么事(物); 任何事(物) anywhere (adv.) 任何地方 apartment (n.) (美)公寓;单 元住宅 apologize (vi.) 道歉;罪 apology (n.) 道歉;歉意 appear (v.) 出现;显得;好像 applause (n.) 掌声 apply (v.) 申请 appreciate (vt.) 感激 approach (vt.) 接近 argue (vi.) 争论 argument (n.) 争论;辩论;议 论 arrange (v.) 安排;布置 arrest (vt.) 逮捕;拘留 arrive (v.) 到达;来到 arrival (n.) 到达 arrow (n.) (弓)箭 artist (n.) 艺术家 ash (n.) 灰 ashamed (adj.) 惭愧 asleep (adj.) 睡着的 aspect (n.) 方面 assistant (n.) 助手;助理 astonished (adj.) 吃惊的;惊 愕的 astronaut (n.) 宇航员 astronomer (n.) 天文学家 athlete (n.) 运动员 atmosphere (n.) 大气;大气层 attack (vt.) 袭击;攻击 attempt (n.) 努力;尝试 attend (v.) 看护;出席,参加 attitude (n.) 态度 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力 的;吸引人的 audience (n.) 听众 autumn (n.) 秋季 available (adj.) 可获得的 average (adj.) 平均的;普通 的 (n.) 平均数 avoid (v.) 避免 awake (v.) (awoke, awoke) 唤醒;使醒;醒 away (adv.) 离开;远离 be away from 远离…… go / run away 走 / 跑开 awful (adj.) 可怕的;吓人的 B background (n.) 背景 bamboo (n.) 竹子 ban (vt.) 禁止 barber (n.) 理发师 bark (n. & v.) 树皮;犬吠 base (n.) 根据地;基地;(棒球) 垒 baseball (n.) 棒球 basin (n.) 水盆 basket (n.) 篮子 bat (n.) 蝙蝠; 球拍;球棒 battery (n.) 电瓶;电池 battle (n.) 战斗;战役 beach (n.) 海滨;海滩 beard (n.) 胡须 beast (n.) 野兽;牲畜 beat (v.) (beat, beaten) 敲 打;(脉,心脏)跳动;打胜;打赢 beg (v.) 恳求;乞讨 behave (v.) 守规矩;行为 belief (n.) 信念;信条 believe (v.) 相信;认为 belong (v.) 属于 belong to 属于;是……的成员 below (prep.) 在……下面 bench (n.) 长凳;工作台 bend (n.) 弯曲处;弯道 (vt.) 弯下腰 bent (adj.) 弯的 blame (n. & v.) 责备;责怪 blank (n. & adj.) 空格,空白 (处);空的 bleed (vi.) 出血,流血 blind (adj.) 瞎的 blood (n.) 血 boil (v.) 沸腾;水(开);使(水 或其他液体)沸腾;用开水煮 boot (n.) 长统靴;皮靴 bored (adj.) 厌烦的;厌倦的 border (n.) 边境;国界 borrow (v.) (向别人)借;借用 bother (vt.) 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 bottle (n.) 瓶子 bottom (n.) 底部;底 bow (vi.) 鞠躬 bowl (n.) 碗 brain (n.) 脑(子) branch (n.) 枝条;支流;部门 brand (n.) 商标;牌子 brave (adj.) 勇敢的 break (v.) (broke, broken) 打破;折断;打碎 brick (n.) 砖 bridge (n.) 桥 brief (adj.) 简短的;简洁的; (口语)极好的 bright (adj.) 明亮的;聪明的 brilliant (adj.) 聪颖的;才 华横溢的 bring (v.) (brought, brought) 带来;拿来 broad (adj.) 宽的;广阔的 broadcast (n.) 广播节目 (vt.) 广播 broom (n.) 扫帚 burn (v.) (burnt, burnt) 燃 烧 bury (vt.) 埋葬 bush (n.) 灌木 button (n.) 纽扣;按钮 (v.) 扣住;系扣 C cabbage (n.) 卷心菜;洋白菜 café (n.) 咖啡馆;餐馆 cage (n.) 笼;鸟笼 页脚


英语会考模拟试卷 二、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 16.Paris is ___most beautiful city,where you can see___famous Eiffel Tower.A.a;the B.a; 不填C.the;a D.不填;the 17. The corn powder with two other things _______ water to make all kinds of good. A. are mixed with B. is mixed with C. are mixed by D. is mixed by 18. Maria has to baby-sit.That’s___she can’t come out with us. A. why B. how C. when D. what 19. People often want to know what my job is.Often I___that question. A. ask B. am asking C. get asked D. get asking 20. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ______ him talk so much. A.I heard B. did I hear C.I had heard D. had I heard 21. —Did you visit the famous museum? —No. We _____ it, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. can’t have visited D. shouldn’t have visited 22.We didn’t plan to meet. We met ________ in the street. A. by the way B. by chance C. on purpose D. in surprise 23.The motorcycle competition in the desert, ________ lasted ten days, is over now. A. it B. where C. which D. that 24.---I heard Back Street Boys will sing at the New Theater. ---Where did you ________? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up 25.—This bag is perfect. Miss, how much does it cost? —________, but I don’t work here. A.I don’t know B. I’m sorry C. Maybe very dear D. You can’t afford it 三、完形填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why, you 26 ask. Well, the answer is this. To get some 27 , bee-keepers and farmers used to 28 small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and 29 the box with honeycomb. 30 , there was no way of getting the honey out 31 killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical 32 the box in order to kill the bees and then take the honey. Now, bee-keepers 33 beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden 34 with spaces between them 35 can be lifted out. In later summer, the squares, which are now 36 of honeycomb are lifted out. The squares are put in 37 special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round 38 this 39 out the honey. Then the honey is collected and 40 jars. After that the empty squares are returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year. 26. A. need B. may C. should D. must 27. A. honey B. bees C. honeycomb D. space 28. A. put in B. put away C. put off D. put out 29. A. fill B. cover C. supply D. satisfy 30. A. Still B. And C. However D. So 31. A. for B. in C. by D. without 32. A. on B. close to C. in the front of D. far from 33. A. want B. take C. use D. expect 34. A. squares B. boxes C. sticks D. bowls 35. A. many B. they C. it D. which 36. A. full B. filled C . afraid D. emptied


安徽高二会考英语作文 安徽高二会考英语作文1 Whenever you turn on a light,listen to recorded music,or watch a motion picture you are enjoying one of the discoveries of Thomas Alva Edison. In fact,its difficult to go through a single day without using one of his many important discoveries. Having received 1093 patents in his lifetime,Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements to the telegraph and telephone.He brought music into our homes with his invention of the phonograph. He lit our houses with electricity by designing and building the first indoor electric lighting system. Experience Edisons music as it was originally recorded before CDs! Credited with the invention of the first phonograph,you will hear Edisons early recordings played on vintage "hand-cranked" cylinder and diamond disc model phonographs.
