
现金补贴cash subsidy(Each household with permanent residence registration in Guangzhou will be offered 150 yuan in cash subsidies for commuting purposes after local authorities scrapped a move to make public transport free ahead of the upcoming Asian Games.在亚运会开幕前夕,广州市宣布取消免费乘坐公交的优惠政策,每个户籍家庭将领到150元的现金交通补贴。) (2010-11-11)

输入型通胀imported inflation("Because the United States' issuance of dollars is out of control and international commodity prices are continuing to rise, China is being attacked by imported inflation. The uncertainties of this are causing firms big problems," Chen was quoted as saying by the Xinhua news agency.新华社援引陈德铭的话说:“由于美元发行失控,国际商品价格持续上涨,中国正面临输入型通胀的危机,这导致的不确定性给公司造成巨大困难。”) (2010-11-10)

公交纠纷调解车dispute mediation bus(A dispute mediation bus, the first of its kind not only in Beijing but

the whole of China, fired up its engine for the first time on Tuesday and hit the road to solve problems that flare up on public buses.我国首辆公交纠纷调解车本周二首次亮相街头,驶上道路,解决公交车上的纠纷。) (2010-11-09)

减肥药slimming drug; weight-loss drug(Fifteen weight-loss products containing the drug sibutramine have been recalled across the country over concern that the diet pills could lead to an increased risk of heart disease.因担心会增加心血管病的风险,15种含有西布曲明的减肥产品已经在全国范围内被召回。) (2010-11-08)

邮包炸弹mail bomb(US President Barack Obama's counterterrorism adviser said Sunday that authorities "have to presume" there might be more potential mail bombs like the ones pulled from planes in England and the United Arab Emirates.美国总统贝拉克?奥巴马的反恐顾问周日表示,当局“不能不假想”还会有更多类似从英国和阿联酋的飞机上拦截下来的这种邮包炸弹出现。) (2010-11-05)

功能界别Functional Constituencies(Five of the additional 10 seats for the LegCo in 2012 will be returned by Geographical Constituencies (GCs) and the other five by Functional Constituencies (FCs). According to the government's proposal, the number of GCs will be retained at five in returning the 35 GC Members. The five new FC seats will form a new District Council (DC) FC.根据港府的建议,2012年立法会10个新增议席当中,5席将由地方选区选举产生,另外5席由功能界别选举产生。而35个地方选区议席将继续由5个地方选区选出;5个新的功能界别议席将会成为新增的区议会功能界别。) (2010-11-04)

社保体系social welfare system(China plans to invest 5.74 trillion yuan by 2020 in building an all-round social welfare system to enhance people's livelihoods, according to the China Development Research Foundation, a government think-tank.政府智囊机构中国发展研究基金会表示,我国计划在2020年前投入5.74万亿人民币用于建设覆盖城乡的社会保障体系,提高人民的生活水平。) (2010-11-03)

网络礼节netiquette(To prevent the line between business and pleasure from getting blurry, it's permissible to quietly ignore the "friend" requests that arise on social networks, says the e-Etiquette guide from Deutsche Telekom.德国电信发布的网络礼节指导守则称,为避免公私不分,可以在社交网站上悄悄忽略某些“好友”申请。) (2010-11-02)

经济适用墓affordable grave(Low-income earners in Beilun, Ningbo, will get affordable burials amid complaints of soaring funeral costs, Qianjiang Evening News reported Wednesday. Many people keen to get a nice posthumous home for their deceased relatives say people can no longer afford to die.据《钱江晚报》周三报道,宁波北仑区为解决殡葬高消费问题,将面向低收入者推出“经济适用型墓地”。碰上殡葬,很多人为了让过世的亲人走得安心,都想找块好墓地。可贫困家庭却又出不起这个钱,以致出现了“活得起,死不起”的说法。) (2010-11-01)

相约自杀suicide pact (The parents of a boy who killed himself in a suicide pact arranged over China's most popular instant messaging service, QQ, are suing its owner, Shenzhen-based Tencent Holdings Ltd.因儿子通过QQ参与相约自杀活动身亡,其父母将QQ服务运营商——深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司告上了法庭。QQ是国内最普及的一种即时通讯工具。) (2010-10-29)

发动机排量engine capacity(Taxes on vehicles with an engine capacity smaller than 1.6 liters - which account for 58 percent of Chinese cars - will be either reduced slightly or unchanged.对占现有乘用车总量58%左右、发动机排量在1.6升及以下的车辆,征税幅度将小幅降低或保持不变。) (2010-10-28)

恶意营销smear campaign(A highly publicized incident about milk products that caused baby girls to develop breasts may have been a smear campaign by a competitor.之前被广泛报道的奶粉致女婴RF过早发育事件也许是来自竞争对手的恶意营销手段。) (2010-10-27)

定价机制pricing mechanism(Reform of the natural gas pricing mechanism has been on the Central Government's agenda for a long time. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has said that it will implement pricing reform for some natural resource.天然气定价机制改革在很久以前就已


明星代言celebrity endorsement(One of the highlights of the proposed changes to Chinese Advertisement Law includes making celebrity spokespersons more responsible for the endorsement deals they take on. These changes were made to strengthen controls over celebrity endorsements and advertising.《中国广告法》修订建议的重点之一就是要让明星代言人要对他们所代言的产品担负更多的责任。这些修订是为了加强对名人代言和名人广告的管控。) (2010-10-25)

既得利益集团vested interest groups(To implement the concept will require restricting vested interest groups and effective law enforcement, researchers and legislators said.研究人员和立法人士均表示,为了践行这一理念,就需要限制既得利益集团,并促成各项法律的有效实施。
