



Coal Mine Resources Development and Utilization Plan 煤炭资源开发利用方案

Description 说明书

Revised 修改地

China Coal Handan Design Engineering Co., Ltd 中煤邯郸设计工程有限责任公司

addendum 附加物,附录

Engineering No. 工程编号

Construction Size 建设规模

Inner Mongolia 内蒙古

the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区Location(矿井)位置

Subordinative Relationship of the Mine 隶属关系subordinative?[s?b?:din?tiv] adj. 从属的,表示从属关系的drilling and blasting 炮掘

mining method 采煤方法

coal seam 煤层

coal thickness(m)煤厚

strike length(m) 走向长度

incline width(m) 倾向宽度

mining height(m) 开采高度(采高)

specific gravity(t/m3) 容重

daily cycle 日循环数

drivage per cycle(m) 日循环进度(指掘进)

output per cycle(t) 循环产量

daily output(t) 日产量

coal recovered(10kt) 煤炭回收量(万吨)

remarks 备注

drivage n. 掘进

driving place, developing face 掘进工作面

stoping n.(stope的ing形式) 回采

development n. 开拓

mining n. 开采

total planned drivage(m)计划掘进总长度

mining team No.1 综采一队

developing team No.2 掘进二队

Subtotal 小计

Total 合计

Grandtotal 总计

Working face ID 工作面编号

detail list, breakdown 明细表

Contents 目录

Chapter 章

Section 节

General situations 概况

Overview 概述Traffic and location 交通位置

Natural geography 自然地理

Enterprise type 企业性质

Preparation basis 编制依据

Status quo and forecast of mineral demand 矿产品的需求现状及预测

Coal price analysis 煤炭产品价格分析

General situations of mineral resources 矿产资源概况

Minefield structure and geological feature 井田构造及地质特征Mining conditions and Hydrogeology conditions 开采技术条件及水文地质条件

Mineral resources reserves 矿产资源储量

Comments on Geological survey Report 对地质勘探报告的评述Construction Plan 建设方案

Mining Plan 开采方案

Water prevention and control program 防治水方案

Prevention of the gas and coal dust explosion 防治瓦斯、煤尘爆炸

Mine fire prevention 矿井防灭火

Minefield development and mining 井田开拓与开采

Mine characteristic and development principle 矿井特点及开发原则

Minefield development 井田开拓

underground mining 井下开采

Coal processing 煤的加工,煤的洗选

Coal quality 煤质

Environmental protection 环境保护

Major sources of pollution and pollutants 主要污染源和主要污染物

Ecological changes caused by mine development 矿井开发引起的生态变化

Designed with environmental protection standards设计采用的环境保护标准

Preliminary plan of pollution control 控制污染的初步方案Development Plan Brief Conclusions 开发方案简要结论Available reserves of mine design, design duty and service life 设计可采储量、设计生产能力、服务年限

product scheme 产品方案

Mine industrial field location and scheme of mining and development 井口工业场地位置及开拓开采方案

Brief assessments for engineering project 对工业项目的简要评述

Issues and suggestions 存在的问题及建议

attached Document 附件

entrustment letter 委托书

Record-Keeping Certification 备案证明

Review Opinions on Report for 评审意见书

Attached drawings 附图

attached file (邮件的)附件

Surface and underground map of 井上下对照图

plane map 平面图

section map 剖面图

Mining area 矿区范围

Geological and Topographic map 地质地形图

General Layout Plan of 总平面布置图

geographic coordinate 地理坐标

Its traffic is comparatively convenient 交通较为方便Topography and landform 地形和地貌

The mining area topographic dissection is intense 矿区地形切割强烈

dry season 干季,旱季

rainy season 雨季

private enterprise 民营企业,私营企业

minable coal seams 可采煤层

one-third(1/3) coking coal 1/3焦煤

the raw coal ash contents are between 15% and 25%原煤灰分为15%-25%

the total sulphur contents of raw coals are between 0.2% and 0.5%. 全硫0.2%-0.5%

production 生产,产量(指宏观的)

product 产品(指微观的)

civilian use 民用

Coal preparation plant(CPP)洗煤厂

Preface 前言

be administered by the authorities of 行政区划隶属于(准格尔旗窑沟乡)管辖

workload,workvolume 工程量(工作量)

commissioning 投产

shaft bottom 井底车场

working face 工作面

haulageway,haulage roadway 运输巷

main haulageway 运输大巷

main roadway 大巷

track transport, track haulage 轨道运输

trackless transport 无轨运输

track roadway 轨道巷

air-return roadway 回风巷

roadway 巷道

shaft 井筒

incline, inclined shaft 斜井

shaft, vertical shaft 竖井

vertical shaft development 竖井开拓

mine construction 矿井建设

mine construction volume 矿建工程量

district 采区

roof 顶板

floor 底板

false roof 伪顶immediate roof 直接顶

main roof 老顶

roof stability 顶板稳定性

working face 回采工作面,采煤工作面

coal mining method 采煤方法

blast-winning technology 爆破采煤工艺

mining level 开采水平

longwall mining on the strike 走向长壁采煤法

advancing mining 前进式开采

retreating mining 后退式开采

upward mining 上行式开采

downward mining 下行式开采

belt transporter 胶带输送机

extensible belt transporter 可伸缩胶带输送机

belt 胶带,皮带

belt roadway 皮带巷

transfer 转载,转运

transfer point 转载点

transloader 转载机

coal mining 采煤

caving the roof 放顶

inclined roadway 斜巷

level working,horizontal working 平巷

shaft sinking and drifting 井巷工程

setup room 切眼

adit 平硐

tunnel 隧道

shaft mouth 井口

main shaft 主井

air shaft, ventilating shaft 风井

synchronize 使同步

roadway support 巷道支护


chock-shield 支撑掩护式支架



coal winning machinery 采煤机械

coal cutter 截煤机(用于煤层内掏槽的采煤机械)

cutter-loader 截装机(兼有掏槽和装煤功能的截煤机)

coal winning machine 采煤机

shearer, shearer-loader 滚筒采煤机

trepanner 钻削采煤机

continuous miner 连续采煤机

conventionally-mechanized coal winning face unit普通机械化采煤机组(高档普采机组)即采煤机+单体液压支柱

fully-mechanized coal winning face unit 综合机械化采煤机组(综采机组)即采煤机+综合液压支架

machine height 机身高度:自采煤工作面底板至采煤机机身上表面的高度

cutting height 截割高度:简称截高,采高。

web, web depth 截深:采煤机械工作机构每次切入煤体或岩体内的深度

working mechanism 工作机构

cutting drum 截割滚筒

cutting unit 截割部

haulage speed 牵引速度

internal(external) spraying 内(外)喷雾

safety winch 安全绞车:又称防滑绞车,用于防止采煤机械下滑的专用绞车


road heading machinery, driving machinery 掘进机械roadheader 掘进机

shaft boring machine, shaft borer 钻井机

raise boring machine 反井钻机:又称天井钻机,先正向钻出导向孔,再反向(自下而上)扩孔钻凿立井或斜井的钻机。


drilling machine 钻机

down-the-hole drill 潜孔钻机

roofbolter 锚杆钻机

air pick 风镐

electric coal drill 煤电钻

electric rock drill 岩石电钻

hammer drill 凿岩机

drill carriage 凿岩台车

bit, bore bit 钻头

drill rod 钻杆


Loader 装载机械

coal loader 装煤机

conveying 输送

track transport 轨道运输

trackless transport 无轨运输

mine car 矿车

man car 人车

belt conveyor 带式输送机

extensible belt conveyor 可伸缩带式输送机

drum 滚筒

armored face conveyor (AFC) 可弯曲刮板输送机(溜子)

drive unit 驱动装置

drive head unit 机头部

drive end unit 机尾部

winch 绞车

overhead monorail 单轨吊车,单轨吊


Cage 罐笼

Skip 箕斗

single or double skip 单箕斗或双箕斗

effective skip capacity 箕斗有效提升能力mine winder, mine hoist 矿井提升机

winding drum 卷筒

friction hoisting 摩擦式提升

drum winding 缠绕式提升

main rope 主绳

tail rope 尾绳

head sheave, sheave wheel 天轮

headframe 井架

hydraulic support, powered support 液压支架

single hydraulic support 单体液压支柱

shield 掩护式支架

chock-shield 支撑掩护式支架

sublevel caving hydraulic support 放顶煤支架


head lamp, cap lamp 矿灯

operation instruction 作业规程

Air-return shaft 回风井

Boilers 锅炉

coal stock yard 储煤场

dormitory 宿舍楼

heaters 加热器

machine repair shop 机修车间

main inclined shaft, main incline 主斜井

material warehouse 材料库

service inclined shaft 副斜井

sewage treatment plant 污水处理站

power equipment 供电设备

site discussions, discussions on site 现场交流

storage bunkers 储煤仓

bunkerage 储煤设施

surface production system 地面生产系统

winch room 绞车房

office building 办公楼

locker rooms and bathhouse 更衣室和浴室

conference room 会议室

living quarters 住处,生活区


run-of-mine, ROM, 毛煤:煤矿生产出来未经过任何加工处理的煤。

raw coal 原煤:从毛煤中选出规定粒度的矸石以后的煤。

coal preparation plant (CPP) 洗煤厂,选煤厂

gravity concentration 重力选煤

jigging 跳汰选煤

coal flotation 浮选

clean coal 精煤:又称洗精煤

middlings 中煤:经过分选获得的灰分介于精煤与矸石之间的产品。

Tailings 尾煤

Yield 产率,回收率

Recovery 回收率

coal sample 煤样

coal for coking 炼焦用煤

coking coal 炼焦煤

non-coking coal 非炼焦煤

oxidized coal 氧化煤

weathered coal 风化煤

International Classification of Coal in Seam 国际煤层煤分类

low rank coal 低煤阶煤

medium rank coal 中煤阶煤

high rank coal 高煤阶煤

coal grade 煤的品位:煤中含有杂质的程度。

high grade coal 高品位煤:按国际煤层煤分类,干基灰分小于10%的煤。

medium grade coal 中品位煤:干基灰分等于或大于10%,小于20%的煤。

low grade coal 低品位煤:干基灰分等于或大于20%,小于30% Chinese Coal Classification 中国煤炭分类

meagre coal 贫煤

meagre lean coal 贫瘦煤

lean coal 瘦煤:变质程度高的烟煤。单独炼焦时,大部分能够结焦。

primary coking coal 焦煤:变质程度较高的烟煤。单独炼焦时,生成的胶质体热稳定性好,所得交谈的块度大,裂纹少,强度高。fat coal 肥煤:变质程度中等的烟煤。

1/3 coking coal 1/3焦煤:介于焦煤、肥煤和气煤之间的、含中等或较高的挥发份的强粘结性煤。单独炼焦时,能生成强度较高的焦炭。

gas-fat coal 气肥煤

gas coal 气煤

1/2 medium caking coal 1/2中粘煤

long flame coal 长焰煤

weakly caking coal 弱粘煤

non-caking coal 不粘煤

humic acid 腐植酸

proximate analysis of coal 煤的工业分析

total moisture 全水分

ash 灰分

volatile matter 挥发分

fixed carbon 固定碳

total sulfur 全硫

apparent density 视密度

tar yield 焦油产率

char yield 半焦产率

coal blending 配煤

coal modification 煤改质


mining area capacity 矿区规模

feasibility study for mining area exploitation 矿区开发可行性研究

general design of mining area 矿区总体设计

general surface layout of mining area 矿区地面总体布置(underground) mine field boundary 井田境界(underground) mine field size 井田尺寸

Production scale of mine 矿井井型:按矿井设计年生产能力大小划分的类型,一般分为大型、中型、小型矿井三种。

surface mine capacity 露天矿规模

thin seam 薄煤层

medium-thick seam 中厚煤层

thick seam 厚煤层

flat seam 近水平煤层

gently inclined seam 缓倾斜煤层

inclined seam 倾斜煤层

steep seam 急倾斜煤层

mine feasibility study 矿井可行性研究

surface mine feasibility study 露天矿可行性研究

mine design 矿井设计

surface mine design 露天矿设计

preliminary mine design 矿井初步设计

preliminary surface mine design 露天矿初步设计

mine construction design 矿井施工设计

surface mine construction design 露天矿施工设计

designed mine reserves 矿井设计储量

designed surface mine reserves 露天矿设计储量

workable mine reserves 矿井可采储量

workable surface mine reserves 露天矿可采储量

reserve factor of mine reserves 储量备用系数

designed mine capacity 矿井设计生产能力

designed surface mine capacity 露天矿设计生产能力

coal-seam production capacity 煤层产出能力

mine life, service life 矿井服务年限

surface mine life 露天矿服务年限

mine development design 矿井开拓设计

surface mine development design 露天矿开拓设计

mining-district design, panel design 采区设计


mine field development 井田开拓

vertical shaft development 立井开拓

inclined shaft development 斜井开拓

drift development 平硐开拓

combined development 综合开拓

areas development 分区域开拓

horizon 阶段

horizon interval 阶段高度

inclined length of horizon 阶段斜长

mining level 开采水平

subsidiary level 辅助水平

lift, level interval 开采水平垂高

shaft deepening 矿井延深

preparation in district 采区准备

district, panel 采区

sublevel 分段

district sublevel 区段

strip 分带

advancing mining 前进式开采

upward mining 上行式开采

downward mining 下行式开采

development roadway 开拓巷道

preparation roadway 准备巷道

gateway, gate 回采巷道,顺槽

blind shaft, staple shaft 暗井

draw shaft 溜井

chute 溜眼

cross-cut 石门

district cross-cut 采区石门

main cross-cut 主石门

main roadway 大巷

main haulage roadway, main haulageway 运输大巷

gathering main roadway 集中大巷

main return airway 总回风巷

rise, raise 上山

dip 下山

main rise 主要上山

main dip 主要下山

district rise 采区上山

district dip 采区下山

district station, district inset 采区车场

crossheading 联络巷:曾称为“横贯”,即联络两条巷道的短巷。coal pillar 煤柱


coal mining method 采煤方法

working face 采煤工作面

development face 掘进工作面

gate development face 顺槽掘进工作面

exhausting type ventilation system 抽出式通风系统

diesel generator back-up system 柴油发电机备用系统

exhaust fans 风机,排风扇

service incline 副斜井

main incline 主斜井

service incline 副斜井

waste rock 废石,矸石

hoist vt. 提升

Coalbed Methane 煤层气,瓦斯

Qinglong transformer station at 110kV 青龙110kv变电站

Facility 设施

Equipment 设备

mine surface facilities 矿井地面设施coal mining technology 采煤工艺,回采工艺

longwall face (LW face) 长壁工作面:长度一般在50m以上的采煤工作面。

shortwall face 短壁工作面:长度在50m以下

wall 煤壁

mining height 采高

open-off cut 开切眼

face-end, face end 工作面端头:长壁工作面两端与巷道衔接的地段。

mining starting line 始采线

terminal line 终采线

gob, goaf 采空区

haulage gateway, headgate, belt gate 工作面运输巷,运输顺槽,下顺槽

return airway, tailgate, air-return gate 工作面回风巷,回风顺槽,上顺槽

coal cutting 破煤

blast-winning technology 爆破采煤工艺,炮采

conventionally-mechanized coal winning technology (Con-Mech) 普通机械化采煤工艺,普采(高档普采)

fully-mechanized coal winning technology 综合机械化采煤工艺,综采

fully-mechanized longwall face(FM LW face) 综采长壁工作面blasting loading 爆破装煤

working cycle 工作循环

advance of working cycle 循环进度,循环进尺

fully-seam mining 整层开采,即一次采全高

slicing 分层开采

room, chamber 煤房

room mining 房式采煤法:每隔一定距离开采煤房,在煤房之间保留煤柱以支撑顶板的采煤方法。

room and pillar mining 房柱式采煤法:每隔一定距离设置一个煤房,之间有煤柱支撑顶板,先采煤房直至边界,然后再后退采出煤房之间煤柱的采煤方法。

shield mining 掩护式支架采煤法

horizontal slicing 水平分层采煤法

longwall mining with sublevel caving 长壁放顶煤采煤法drawing interval 放煤步距:用放顶煤采煤法时,沿工作面推进方向前后两次放煤的间距。

drawing sequence 放煤顺序

virgin rock 原岩

surrounding rock 围岩

mining-induced stress 采动应力

roof 顶板

floor 底板

false roof 伪顶:位于煤层之上随采随落的极不稳定的岩层,一般厚度在0.5m以下。

immediate roof 直接顶

main roof 老顶:位于直接顶或煤层之上,通常厚度及岩石强度


roof stability 顶板稳定性

strong strata, hard strata 坚硬岩层

weak strata, soft strata 松软岩层

fractured roof 破碎顶板

caving the roof 放顶

initial caving 初次放顶

forced caving 强制放顶

face width 控顶距:采煤工作面中煤壁至末排支柱的顶梁后端,或至放顶柱之间的距离。

caving interval 放顶步距:相邻两次放顶的间隔距离。

roof fall 顶板冒落

partial roof fall 局部顶板冒落

rib spalling 片帮

roof caving 顶板垮落

frictional prop 摩擦支柱

hydraulic prop (单体)液压支柱

single hydraulic prop 单体液压支柱

prop-setting angle 迎山角:俗称“抢山”,即在有一定倾角的煤层中安设支柱时,支柱与顶底板法线形成的3-5°的向上的偏角。roof bolting with bar and wire mesh 锚梁网支护

roof ripping 挑顶

floor dinting 卧底

supporting 支护

shaft and drift supporting 井巷支护

temporary supporting 临时支护

permanent supporting 永久支护

advance supporting 超前支护

combined supporting 联合支护

bolt, rockbolt 锚杆

roof bolt 顶锚杆

rib bolt 帮锚杆

bolt supporting 锚杆支护

guniting 喷浆支护

bolting and shotcreting 锚喷支护

bolting with wire mesh 锚网支护

bolting and shotcreting with wire mesh 锚喷网支护


Mine ventilation system 矿井通风系统

air-intake 进气量

air speed 风速


coal bed methane (CBM) 瓦斯,煤层气

mine methane gas 矿井瓦斯

methane gas emission 瓦斯涌出

relative gas emission rate 相对瓦斯涌出量

methane gas emissions on a relative basis

absolute gas emission rate 绝对瓦斯涌出量

methane gas emissions on a absolute basis gas explosion 瓦斯爆炸

gas content in coal seam 煤层瓦斯含量

gassy mine 高瓦斯矿井

low gaseous mine 低瓦斯矿井

coal (rock) and gas outburst mine 煤(岩)与瓦斯突出矿井gas drainage 瓦斯抽放


Dust 粉尘

mine dust 矿尘

coal dust 煤尘

rock dust 岩尘

airborne dust 浮尘

dust concentration 粉尘浓度

coal dust explosion 煤尘爆炸

dust suppression in mine 煤矿防尘

water curtain 水幕


coal science 煤炭科学

coal technology 煤炭技术

coalfield 煤田

mining area 矿区

mine field 矿田

mine 矿山,矿井

coal mine 煤矿

surface mine 露天矿

surface coal mine 露天煤矿

coal geology 煤田地质学

coal exploration 煤田地质勘探

mine surveying 矿山测量

mine construction 矿山建设

coal mining 采煤,采煤学

underground mining 地下开采

surface mining 露天开采

mining system engineering 采矿系统工程

model of mineral deposits 矿床模型

model of mining system optimization 采矿系统优化模型

coal mine machinery 煤矿机械

mine mechanical engineering 矿山机械工程

mine transportation, mine haulage 矿山运输

mine hoisting 矿山提升

mine ventilation, underground ventilation 矿井通风

mine safety 煤矿安全

coal environmental protection 煤炭环境保护

caol processing 煤炭加工

coal utilization, comprehensive utilization of coal 煤的综合利用coal preparation 选煤

coal chemistry 煤化学

coal conversion 煤转化

clean coal technology 洁净煤技术


surface coal mine 露天煤矿

open-pit 露天采场

overburden 表土,剥离物

mountain surface mine 山坡露天矿

pit mine 凹陷露天矿

pit limit 露天开采境界

pit slope 露天采场边帮

final pit slope 最终边帮

working slope 工作帮

working slope face 工作帮坡面

non-working slope face 非工作帮坡面slope angle 帮坡角

pit bottom 露天采场坑底

surface boundary line 地表境界线floor boundary line 底部境界线

foot slope 底帮

top slope 顶帮

end slope 端帮

stripping 剥离

waste 剥离物,废石

stripping ratio 剥采比

overall stripping ratio 平均剥采比

pit-limit stripping ratio 境界剥采比economic stripping ratio 经济剥采比peak of stripping 剥离高峰operational stripping ratio 生产剥采比stripping balance 剥采比均衡

dump 排土场

external dump 外部排土场

inner dump 内部排土场

bench 台阶

berm 平盘

bench height 台阶高度

bench slope 台阶坡面

bench edge 坡顶线

bench toe 坡底线

bench angle 台阶坡面角

working berm 工作平盘

haulage berm 运输平盘

safety berm 安全平盘

cleaning berm 清扫平盘

surface mine development 露天矿开拓main access 出入沟

external access 外部沟

internal access 内部沟

duouble side ditch 双侧沟

hillside ditch 单侧沟

pioneer cut 开段沟ramp 坑线

permanent ramp 固定坑线

mining sequence 开采顺序

mining by areas 分区开采

mining by stages 分期开采

front 工作线

parallel advance 平行推进

fan advance 扇形推进

pit deepening 采场延深

discontinuous mining technology 间断开采工艺

continuous mining technology 连续开采工艺

semi-continuous mining technology 半连续开采工艺combined mining technology 综合开采工艺

loading 采装

cut 采掘带

block 采掘区

cut width 采宽

working face 工作面

up digging 上挖

down digging 下挖

level loading 平装

upper level loading 上装

lower level loading 下装

bench group 组合台阶

limit grade 限制坡度

dumping 排土

dumping plough 排土犁

capacity of surface mine 露天矿生产能力

slope slide 滑坡

slope stability 边坡稳定性

slope reinforcement 边帮加固


compound coal dry-cleaning machine 复合式干选机

motor-driven single-girder crane 电动单梁起重机

dry separation, dry cleaning 干选(洗煤厂):干式洗煤

air jig 风力跳汰机

The flowchart of the FDC coking plant as follows 福龙煤化焦化厂流程图如下

The flowchart of the FDC CPP is shown below 福龙煤化洗煤厂流程图如下

coking coal 焦煤

fat coal 肥煤

clean coal 精煤

power coal 末煤

lump coal 块煤

tramp iron removal 除铁

refuse silo,waste rock bunker 矸石仓

middlings silo,middlings bunker 中煤仓

clean coal bunker 精煤仓

a rated capacity of 额定生产能力为……

heavy media cyclones (HMC) 重介质旋流器

froth flotation 泡沫浮选工艺

100,000?tonne capacity raw coal stockpile area 10万吨容量的原煤储煤场

feed to 供应给

coal preparation 煤炭洗选

along with 和……一起

overflow 溢流

underflow 底流

moisture 水分

filter press 压滤机

dewatering 脱水作用

covered 室内的,隐蔽的

screen 筛选

be sufficient to 对……来说足够了

horizontal centrifuge 卧式离心机

approximately 大约,大概

install 安装,安置

be shipped to 运送到……

Liulin County Power Generation plant 柳林县发电厂

be disposed of 处理掉

discharge 排放

landfill sites 垃圾填埋场

expansions and restructurings 改扩建

take over 接收,接管

commence 开始,着手

recommence 重新开始

dewater 脱水,排水

drain off water 排水

pit bottom 井底车场


development crew 掘进队

Gate development follows the mine floor horizon 顺槽沿底板掘进。

Gates are 24 m apart, with crosscuts spaced every 100 m. 顺槽间距24m,石门间距100m。

General gate dimensions are a width of 4.0 m and a height of 2.8 m. 通常顺槽尺寸为宽4.0m,高2.8m。

Roadheader 掘进机

Idle 停产,闲置

temporary water sump 临时水仓

resign from 从……辞职,辞去职务

BOYD was informed that 博德获悉……

Bolt 锚杆

Mesh 锚网

W-shaped steel belt W型钢带

Cable 锚索

the recently completed main line belt conveyor gate 新近完成的主皮带顺槽

half stone-lined and half shotcrete lined 一半料石砌碹一半喷浆A minimal amount of raw coal is 小部分原煤……

raw coal stockpile 原煤储煤场

refuse 废物,矸石

front-end loader 前装机:普通前端式装载机

rail loading facilities at Qinglong Station. 青龙站的铁路装载站No. 307 National Highway 307国道

Welfare 福利

production maintenance fee 维简费

Safety Fund Fee 安全基金

Sustainable Development Fund 可持续发展基金

Environment Recovery Guarantee Fund 环境恢复治理保证金Subtotal - Mining Costs 小计- 开采成本

Depreciation 折旧

Operating Costs 生产成本

Mine Cash Cost 矿井现金成本

Material Usage cost 材料消耗成本

introduction of 引入,引进

Introduction of Foreign Investment 引进外资

sublevel caving 分段崩落采矿法

FM LW face with sublevel caving 综采放顶煤长壁工作面breakdown of raw coal production 原煤产量明细

review 审查,审批

mine plan engineering data 矿山规划工程数据

provided by 由……提供

submit to 提交,呈送

local and provincial regulatory bodies 当地及省主管部门memorandum (Memo) 备忘录

The mining right area extends 2.7771 sq. km. 矿区面积为2.7771km2。

Nahagou is adjacent to the Zhaiyadi Mine on its eastern flank. 哪哈沟矿与寨崖底矿的东侧相邻。

eastern flank 东侧

be integrated into 整合到……,被……整合

be adjacent to 与……相邻

respectively 各自地,分别地

be located, lie 位于

drill and blast development face 炮掘工作面

water inflow 涌水量

production shifts 生产班

maintenance shifts 检修班

barrier pillar 煤柱

projected output levels 计划产量

lay out (v.) 布置,设计

layout (n.) 布局,设计,安排

central distance of walking supports 行走支架的中心距spacing n. 间距

be divided into 被分成……部分

be divided by 被……分割,被……除以

Single direction cut is used for shearer. 采煤机采用单向割煤方式。

from AFC 面溜:指放顶煤支架前部靠近煤壁的溜子

rear AFC 尾溜:指放顶煤支架后部用于运输放顶煤的溜子。rectangular shape 矩形,长方形

detecting scale 顶板监测标尺


光学专业常用英语词汇photoelectric liquid-level indicator 光电液位 指示器 photoelectric encoder 光电译码器photocathode 光电阴极 photoelectric cathode photoelectric cell 光电 阴极光电管 photoelectric fluorometer 光电荧光计 optical-electronic mail address recognizer 光 电邮件地址识别机 photoelectric threshold 光电阈 photoelectric cell 光电元件 photoelement 光电元件 photounit 光电元件 photoelectric reader 光电阅读器 photoreader 光电阅读器 photoelectric chopper 光电斩波器 photoelectric lighting control 光电照明控制electro-optical rectifier 光电整流器photoelectric direct reading spectrometer 光 电直读光谱计

photoelectric guidance 光电制导 photoelectric transit instrument 光电中星仪 photoelectric clock 光电钟 photoelectric translating system 光电转换系统photoelectric conversion efficiency 光电转换 效率 photoelectrical refrigeration 光-电转换制冷 photoelectric tachometer 光电转速计 photoelectronics 光电装置 photoelectric turbidimeter 光电浊度计 photonephelometer 光电浊度计 photoelectron 光电子 photoelectric yield 光电子产额 optical electronic reproducer 光电子唱头 optoelectronic memory 光电子存储 optoelectronic storage 光电子存储 optoelectronic storage 光电子存储器 photoelectronic 光电子的 photoelectric emission 光电子发射 photoelectron emission spectroscopy 光电子


abandoned workings 废巷道abandonment 废弃 abelite 阿贝立特炸药 abichite 砷铜矿 ability 能力 ability to flow 怜性 ablation 水蚀 ablution 洗净 abnormality 反常 abrasion 磨损 abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力abrasive 磨料 abruption 断层 abscissa 横座标 absite 钍钛铀矿 absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性 absorbent 吸收剂 absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器absorbing ability 吸收性absorption 吸收 absorption factor 吸收系数absorption meter 液体溶气计absorptivity 吸收性 absortion constant 吸收常数abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱abundance 丰富 abundant 富有的 abutment 拱座 abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动accelerating agent 速凝剂acceptance test 验收试验acceptor charge 被动装药accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸 acclivity 上倾 accompanying bed 伴生层 accoustic signal 音响信号 accretion 表土 accumulation 蓄积 accumulator 蓄电池 accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯 accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车accuracy 精度 accuracy degree 精确度 acetate 醋酸盐 acetic acid 醋酸 aceton 丙酮 acetonitrile 乙腈 acetyl 乙酰 acetylene 乙炔 acetylene lamp 电石灯 achromatic 消色差的 aciculite 针状矿石 acid 酸 acid mine water 酸性矿水 acid number 酸值 acid proof 酎酸的 acid resistance 耐酸性 acid resistant 耐酸的 acid resistant steel 耐酸钢 acid resisting steel 耐酸钢 acid rock 酸性岩 acid treatment of a bore hole 钻孔酸处理acid value 酸值 acidite 酸性岩 acidity 酸度 acidness 酸度 acidproof 耐酸的 actinium 锕 actinolite 阳起石


材料专业英语常见词汇(一) Structure ['str?kt??]组织 Ceramic [si'r?mik]陶瓷 Ductility [d?k'til?ti] 塑性 Stiffness ['stifnis]刚度 Grain [ɡrein]晶粒 Phase [feiz]相 Unit cell 单胞 Bravais lattice 布拉菲['l?tis]布拉菲点阵 Stack [st?k]堆垛 Crystal ['krist?l] 晶体 Metallic crystal structure [mi't?lik, me-]金属性晶体点阵Non-directional [,n?ndi'rek??n?l, -dai-]无方向性 Face-centered cubic ['kju:bik]面心立方 Body-centered cubic 体心立方Hexagonal close-packed [hek's?ɡ?n?l]['kl?us'p?kt]密排六方Copper ['k?p?] 铜 Aluminum [?'lju:min?m]铝 Chromium ['kr?umj?m]铬 Tungsten ['t??st?n]钨 Crystallographic Plane [,krist?l?u'ɡr?fik][plein]晶面Crystallographic direction 晶向 Property ['pr?p?ti] 性质 Miller indices ['indisi:z]米勒指数 Lattice parameters ['l?tis][p?'r?mit?]点阵参数 Tetragonal [te'tr?ɡ?n?l]四方的 Hexagonal [hek's?ɡ?n?l]六方的 Orthorhombic [,?:θ?'r?mbik]正交的Rhombohedra [,r?mb?u'hi:dr?] 菱方的 Monoclinic [,m?n?u'klinik]单斜的 Prism ['prizm]棱镜 Cadmium ['k?dmi?m]镉 Coordinate system [k?u'?:dinit, k?u'?:dineit]坐标系Point defect ['di:fekt, di'f-, di'fekt]点缺陷Lattice ['l?tis]点阵 Vacancy ['veik?nsi]空位 Solidification [,s?lidifi'kei??n]结晶 Interstitial [,int?'sti??l]间隙 Substitution [,s?bsti'tju:??n]置换 Solid solution strengthening [s?'lju:??n]['stre?θ?n, 'stre?kθ?n] 固溶强化


矿山机械常见词汇(中英文对比) 石料生产线stone production line 制砂生产线sand production line 砂石设备sandstone equipment 破碎机crusher 颚式破碎机jaw crusher 反击式破碎机impact crusher 自击式破碎机self-impact crusher 直通冲击式破碎机(制砂机)vertical shaft impact crusher (sand making machine) 锤式破碎机hammer crusher 对辊破碎机2-roller crusher 环锤破碎机ring hammer crusher 双腔层压破碎机double cavities layer press crusher 圆锥破碎机cone crusher 复合破碎机compound crusher 立式复合破碎机vertical compound crusher 球磨机ball mill 节能球磨机energy saving ball mill 圆振动筛circular vibrating screen 磁选机sand washing machine 螺旋分级机spiral grader 浮选机flotation separator 配料机dosing machine 切割机cutting machine 切割板cutting plate 加气混凝土成套设备complete set of aerated concrete equipment 烘干机dryer 振动给料机vibrating feeder 细碎机series 直线振动筛linear vibrating screen 螺旋洗矿机sand-stone-washing machine 高效洗砂机high effect sand washing machine 输送机transporter 棒磨机rod mill 陶瓷球磨机(间歇式球磨机)intermittence ball mill 干式磁选机dry magnetic separator 高堰螺旋分级机high weir spiral classifier 高频筛high frequency screen 螺旋溜槽spiral chute 双立环脉动高梯度磁选机2-ring pulsating high gradient magnetic separator 摇床shaving bed 回转窑rotary kiln 冷却机cooling machine


网易电力专业英语词汇(较全) 1)元件设备 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor 并联电容器:shunt capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 母线:Busbar 输电线:TransmissionLine 发电厂:power plant 断路器:Breaker 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 分接头:tap 电动机:motor 2)状态参数 有功:active power 无功:reactive power 电流:current 容量:capacity 电压:voltage 档位:tap position 有功损耗:reactive loss 无功损耗:active loss 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 阻抗:impedance 正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad 有功负载: active load PLoad 遥测:YC(telemetering) 遥信:YX 励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator 功角:power-angle

上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 并列的:apposable 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 升压变压器 step-up transformer 高压侧 high side 输电系统 power transmission system 输电线 transmission line 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 功角稳定 angle stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 装机容量 installed capacity 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation 补偿度 degree of compensation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 无功补偿 reactive power compensation 故障 fault 调节 regulation 裕度 magin 三相故障 three phase fault 故障切除时间 fault clearing time 极限切除时间 critical clearing time 切机 generator triping


radioactive ore 放射性矿石radioactive prospecting 放射性勘探radioactive substance 放射性物质radioactivity 放射能 radiogeology 放射地质学radiography 射线照相术radioisotope 放射性同位素radioistope 放射性同位素radiometer 辐射计 radiometric prospecting 放射性勘探radium 镭 radius 半径 radius of action 酌半径 radius of curvature 曲率半径radon 氡 rail 轨 rail guide 钢轨罐道 rail haulage 轨道运输 rail head 轨头 rail hook 轨钩 rail iron 轨钢 rail pit 铁路运输露天矿 rail shifting machine 移道机 rail track 轨道 rail transport 轨道运输 railroad 铁路 railway 铁路 raise 天井 raise advance 上山掘进 raise face 上山工祖 raise stope 上山工祖 rake 倾斜;耙子 rake classifier 耙式分级机 rake conveyor 齿条输送机 rake vein 陡脉 raking prop 斜支柱 ram 推车机 ram feeder 推车器 ram impact machine 撞机 ram tester 冲辉验器 rammer 塞药棒 ramming 捣固 ramp 装载台;斜路 range 范围;限度 rank 等级 rapid 迅速的 rapid hardening cement 速凝水泥rapid plough 快速刨煤机 rapidity 速度 rare 稀有的 rare earth elements 稀土元素 rare metal 稀有金属 ratchet 棘瓜 rate 速度 rate of advance 掘进速度 rate of burning 燃烧速度 rate of detonation 爆轰速度 rate of sedimentation 沉淀速度rate of subsidence 沉陷速度 rated capacity 额定容量 rating 估价;额定值 ratio 比 ratio of concentrarion 选矿比 ratio of reduction 破碎比raw 生的 raw coal 原煤 raw material 原料 raw ore 原矿 raw petroleum 原油 raw raise 无支架天井 ray 光线 re breaker rolls 二次辊碎机 re treatment cell 再选浮选机 reach 酌半径 react 反应 reaction 反应;反酌 reaction force 反酌力 reactive reagent 反应性试剂 reactivity 反应性 reading 读数 reagent 试剂 reagent feeder 给药机 realgar 雄黄 reamer 扩孔器 reamer bit 扩孔钻头 reaming 扩孔 rear 背面 rear conveyor 尾端输送机 rearer seam 急倾斜层 receiver 空气收集器蓄气器 receiving pool 集水池 receptor charge 被动装药 recess 凹穴 recharging 再充电 reciprocating motion 往复运动 reciprocating pump 往复泵 reciprocating rake 往复式耙子 reciprocating trough conveyor 摇动式 输送机 recirculation 再循环 reclaim 再生 reclaiming 再生 reclamation 回收 reclamation operation 复田工作 recleaner flotation 再精选 recleaning 再选 recoil 返冲 recombination 再化合 reconnaissance traverse 踏勘导线 reconstruction 改建 record 记录 recover 回收 recoverable coal 可回收的煤 recoverable pillar 可回收的煤柱 recoverable reserves 可采储量 recovering tap 打捞公锥 recovery 回收率;回收;采取 recovery hook 打捞钩 recovery tap 打捞公锥 recrement 矸石 recrushing 二次破碎 recrystallization 再结晶 rectangular shaft 长方形井筒 rectification 整流精馏 rectifier 整流精馏器 rectilinear 直线的 recycling 再循环 red copper ore 赤铜矿 red iron ore 赤铁矿 red lead 铅丹 redoiming conveyor 转载输送机 reduce 减少 reducer 还原剂 reducing agent 还原剂 reducing gear 减速器 reducing valve 减压阀 reduction 减少 reduction crusher 碎减式破碎机 reduction gyratory crusher 碎减式旋回 破碎机 reduction ratio 减速比 reed 导火线 reef 金矿脉 reef bin 矿石仓 reef drift 脉内平巷 reeve 组长 reference point 基准点 refine 精炼 refinement 精炼 refining 精炼 reflecting goniometer 反射角测仪 reflotation 再浮选 refractoriness 耐火性 refractory 耐火的 refractory brick 耐火砖 refractory material 耐火材料 refrigerant 致冷剂 refrigerating agent 致冷剂 refrigerating installation 冷冻装置 refrigeration 冰冻 refrigerator 冷冻机 refrigeratory procedure 冻结法 refuge chamber 避难峒室 refuge hole 避车洞 refuge pocket 躲避洞 refuse 废石 refuse conveyor 废石输送机 refuse dump 废石堆 refuse filter press 尾矿压滤机 refuse heaf 废石堆 refuse heap 废石堆 refuse pond 尾煤沉淀池 refuse tippler 矸石车翻笼 regenerate 再生 regeneration 再生 region 区域的 regional 区域的 regional metamorphism 区域变质 regional prospecting 区域勘探 register 记录器;计量表 regular blasting cap 普通迟发电雷管 regular cap 普通迟发电雷管 regular grade 普通品类 regular lay 正常钢丝绳捻向 regular stoping method 普通回采法 regulation 第;规则 regulator 第器 rehandling 换装 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete cap 钢筋混凝土顶 梁 reinforced concrete lining 钢筛钠筋混


六. Abbreviation

168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 R/D R/I RCCP REV RMA RMA ROP RPN RTV S/N S/O SAI SCM SFC SIP SIS SMD SMT SOP SOR SPC SPEC SQM SWOT TE TOC TPI TPM TQA TQC TQM VQA VQM W/H W/O WHS WIP Research and Development Run-In Rough Cut Capacity Planning Revision Returned Merchandise Access Return Merchandise Approval(or Authorization Re-Order Point Risk Priority Number Return To Vendor Serial Number Sales Order Social Accountability International Supply Chain Management Shop Floor Control Standard Inspection Procedule Strategic Information System Surface Mounting Device Surface Mounting Technology Standard Operation Procedure Special Order Request Statistical Process Control Specification Supplier Quality Management Strengths、Weaknesses、Opportunities、 Threates test engineering Theory of Constraints Total Productive Innovation Total Production Management Total Quality Assurance Total Quality Control Total Quality Management Vender Quality Approval Vendor Quality Management Warehouse Work Order warehouse Work In Process 研發部常溫熱機(老


. 词组汇总(一)___基础篇 1.动词短语 be about to do 刚要,即将 be friends with 与……友好 bear in mind 记住 bring into effect 实行;使生效 bring into operation 实施;使生效can not help 禁不住,忍不住 carry into effect 施行;使生效 cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解catch fire 着火,烧着 catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息catch one's eye 引人注目 catch sight of 看到,发现 come into effect 生效;实施 come into operation 施行,实行,生效come to one's senses 醒悟;苏醒come true 实现 could not help 禁不住,忍不住 cut short 中断,打断 do one's best 尽力,努力 enjoy oneself 过得快活 fall in love with 爱上 find fault(with) 找岔 gain an advantage over 胜过,优于get hold of 得到,获得 get rid of 丢弃,摆脱, get the best of 战胜 get the better of 战胜,占上风 get together 会面,装配 give rise to 引起,导致 give way 让路,让步go ahead 开始,进行 go into effect 施行,实行,生效 go into operation 生效,实施 go wrong 出错,出故障 had better 应该 had rather 宁愿 had rather……than 宁愿……而不愿…… have an advantage over 胜过,优于 have in mind 想到;记得;打算 have nothing to do with 和……毫无关系have(something/much/little)to do with 和……(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系help oneself 自用,自取 keep an eye on 留意,照看 keep in mind 记住 keep one's head 保持镇静 keep one's word 守信用 keep pace(with) (与……)齐步前进 lead the way 引路,带路 learn by heart 记住,背诵 leave alone 不打扰,不干预 let alone 更别提,不打扰 let go (of) 放,松手 lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心 lose one's head 慌乱,仓皇失措 lose one's temper 发脾气,发努 lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见 make a /the difference 有影响,起作用make friends 交朋友 make fun of 取笑,嘲弄 make one's way 去,前往


矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译 1

abscissa 横座标 accidental explosion 意外爆炸 actual mining 回采工作 adjoining rock 围岩 after gases 炮烟 age of mine 矿山寿命 angle of break 崩落角 angular hole 斜炮眼 area 矿区 area blasting 多排列爆破 area of explosion 爆炸区 azimuth 方位 azimuth angle 方位角 backfill 充填 backfill material 充填料 bag powder 装袋炸药 ballast pit 采石场 bank height 台阶高度 base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约base line 基线 bench 阶段 bench cut blasting 阶段爆破 bench drilling 阶段钻眼 bench floor 台阶底 bench height 台阶高度 bench preparation 阶段准备 bench stoping 阶梯式开采 benched quarry 阶段采石场benching 阶梯式开采 benching bank阶段 blast 爆炸 blast firing 放炮 blast hole 炮眼 blast hole drill 凿岩机 blast layout 装药布置 blaster 放炮工 blasters' permit 爆破技术员blasthole 炮眼 blasting 爆破 blasting charge 装炸药 blasting explosive 炸药 blasting fume 炮烟


电气工程常用专业英语词汇表 电气工程常用专业英语词汇表 电路基础 ideal voltage (current) source 理想电压(流)源volt-ampere characteristic 伏安特性potential difference 电位差 reference potential 参考电位resistance 电阻capacitance 电容 inductance 电感 reactance 电抗 inductive(capacitive) reactance 感(容)抗impedance 阻抗 equivalent circuit 等效电路 Ohm’s law 欧姆定律Kirchhoff’s law 基尔霍夫定律Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL)基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)基尔霍夫电流定律Thevenin’s theorem 戴维宁定理Norton’s theorem 诺顿定理 branch 支路 node 结点 loop 回路 mesh 网孔 open circuit 开路(断路) short circuit 短路 branch current analysis 支路电流法mesh current analysis 网孔电流法 ode voltage analysis 结点电位法n superposition theorem 叠加原理passive(active) two-terminal network 无(有)源二端网络root mean square (RMS) 均方根值 effective value 有效值instantaneous value 瞬时值 ampere 安培 volt 伏特 Hertz 赫兹 reactive power` 无功功率 active power 有功功率 transfer function 传递函数 apparent power 视在功率 power-factor compensation 功率因数补偿series (parallel) resonance 串(并)联谐振 amplitude(phase)-frequency response characteristic 幅(相)频特性 figure of merit 品质因素 pass-band 通频带bandwidth (BW) 带宽 first(second)-order filter 一(二)阶滤波器low(high)-pass filter 低(高)通滤波器band-pass(stop) filter 带通(阻)滤波器transfer function 转移函数 Bode diagram 波特图 Fourier series 傅立叶级数 three-phase circuit 三相电路 cutoff frequency 截止频率 FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) 快速傅立叶变换 state variable 状态变量 电机 generation 发电 transmission 输电 distribution 配电 coil 线圈 core 铁心 winding 绕组 electrical machine 电机 generator 发电机 motor 电动机 stator (rotor) 定子(转子) armature 电枢 brush 电刷 commutator 换向器 salient-pole 凸极 slip ring 滑环 induction motor 感应电动机 magnetic flux 磁通 asynchronous machine 异步电机 synchronous generator 同步发电机 eddy current 涡流 EMF(electromotive force)电动势 counter EMF 反电势 torque 转矩 excitation 励磁 prime mover 原动机 rectifier 整流器 leakage flux 漏磁通 demagnetization 退磁,去磁 short-circuit ratio 短路比 converter (inverter) 换流器(逆变器) synchronous condenser 同步调相机 magnetization curve 磁化曲线 separately exciting 他励 compounded excited 复励 self-exciting 自励 series(shunt)-wound 串(并)励


大学专业常见课程英文词汇 大学英语College English 高等数学Advanced Mathematics 体育Physical Education 军事理论Military Theory 机械制图Mechanical Graphing 算法语言Algorithmic Language 大学物理College Physics 物理实验Experiment of College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 法律基础Fundamentals of Law 普通物理General Physics 普通物理实验室Lab of General Physics 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 电路理论Theory of Circuitry 电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology 概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process 信号与线性系统Signal & Linear System 电子线路Circuitry 脉冲与数字电路Pulse & Numerical Circuitry 金工实习Metalworking Practice 电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice CET-4College English Test (Band 4) 电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry 微机原理Principle of Microcomputer 电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply 计算方法Computational Method 软件技术基础Basis of Software Technique 微波技术Microwave Technique 通讯原理Principle of Communication 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 微机实验Experiment of Microcomputer 计算机接口技术Computer Interface Technology c 语言 C language CET-6College English Test (Band 6) 工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management 移动通讯Moving Communication 光纤通讯系统Fiber Optical Communication System 可靠性技术导论Introduction to Reliability Technology 卫星通信Satellite Communications 电视原理Television Operation 数字图象处理Digital Image Processing


矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译abandoned workings 废巷道 abandonment 废弃 abelite 阿贝立特炸药 abichite 砷铜矿 ability 能力 ability to flow 怜性 ablation 水蚀 ablution 洗净 abnormality 反常 abrasion 磨损 abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力 abrasive 磨料 abruption 断层 abscissa 横座标 absite 钍钛铀矿 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidity 绝对温度 absorbability 吸收性 absorbent 吸收剂 absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器 absorbing ability 吸收性 absorption 吸收 absorption factor 吸收系数

absorption meter 液体溶气计absorptivity 吸收性 absortion constant 吸收常数abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱abundance 丰富 abundant 富有的 abutment 拱座 abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动accelerating agent 速凝剂acceptance test 验收试验acceptor charge 被动装药accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸acclivity 上倾 accompanying bed 伴生层accoustic signal 音响信号accretion 表土 accumulation 蓄积 accumulator 蓄电池 accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯


主题词表 English Chinese 01. 大气 atmospheric science 大气科学 meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 atmospheric impurity 大气杂质 atmospheric suspended matter 大气悬浮物 atmospheric composition 大气成分 atmospheric mass 大气质量 atmospheric density 大气密度 atmospheric subdivision 大气分层 homosphere 均质层 heterosphere 非均质层 standard [pressure] level 标准层 isothermal layer 等温层 lower atmosphere 低层大气 middle atmosphere 中层大气 upper atmosphere 高层大气 troposphere 对流层 tropopause 对流层顶 stratosphere 平流层 stratopause 平流层顶 mesosphere 中间层 mesopause 中间层顶 thermosphere 热层 exosphere 外[逸]层 ionosphere 电离层 magnetosphere 磁层 ozonosphere 臭氧层 free atmosphere 自由大气 planetary atmosphere 行星大气 standard atmosphere(reference atmosphere) 标准大气(参考大气) homogeneous atmosphere 均质大气 isothermal atmosphere 等温大气 polytropic atmosphere 多元大气 scale height 大气标高 meteorological element 气象要素 air temperature 气温 wet-bulb temperature 湿球温度 dry-bulb temperature 干球温度 atmospheric pressure 气压 standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压 station pressure 本站气压 sea-level pressure 海平面气压 pressure gradient 气压梯度 barometric height formula 压高公式pressure gradient force 气压梯度力Coriolis force 科里奥利力 water vapor 水[蒸]汽 water vapor pressure 水汽压 humidity 湿度 relative humidity 相对湿度 absolute humidity 绝对湿度 specific humidity 比湿 mixing ratio 混合比 dew point [temperature] 露点(温度) depression of the dew point (温度)露点差super-saturated air 过饱和空气 saturation specific humidity 饱和比湿saturation vapor pressure 饱和水汽压saturation deficit 饱和差 cloud 云 low cloud 低云 middle cloud 中云 high cloud 高云 cloud amount 云量 cloud height 云高 cloud genera 云属 cloud etage 云族 cloud species 云种 cloud variety 云类 cloud form 云状 cirrus, Ci 卷云 cirrostratus, Cs 卷层云 cirrocumulus, Cc 卷积云 altocumulus, Ac 高积云 altostratus, As 高层云 cumulus, Cu 积云 cumulus humilis, Cu hum 淡积云 cumulus congestus, Cu con 浓积云cumulonimbus, Cb 积雨云 cumulus fractus, Cu fra 碎积云stratocumulus, Sc 层积云 stratus, St 层云 nimbostratus, Ns 雨层云 stratiform cloud 层状云 cumuliform cloud 积状云 cold cloud 冷云 warm cloud 暖云 ice cloud 冰云 wind 风 wind direction 风向 wind speed, wind velocity 风速 maximum wind speed 最大风速
