



?出国留学网https://www.360docs.net/doc/5412630076.html, - 雅思作文?2014年下半年雅思写作备考策略


TASK 1 小作文出题趋势及应对策略


1.1. 出题类型及数量预测:近10年来的出题平均比重决定了上半年的饼状图和柱状图出现相对较少,而相反,表格,流程和地图却出现较多。因此,在未来下半年的考试中,小作文会以柱图,线图和饼图为主;地图和流程也会出现,但是数量不会很多。所以,根据近几年的数据统计,2014下半年的考试将出现以下预估状态:


1.1. 核心考点预测:上半年的小作文题目多以时间变化类的动态题目为主,且考试过程中进一步加入了多种细节元素,因此,后半年参加考试之前一定熟悉考点细节。预测的考点细节包括:

1.2.1. 时态考察:如果一个题目出现时间变化,最后一个时间表述用完成时表结束;如果出现将来时间段,使用被动语态替换将来时;如果出现现在时间,用现在完成时表强调。考生须谨记一点:对于考官来讲,在一篇文章里如果能够看到多样的时态使用情况,就能够体现出考生扎实的语法功底,所以请不要错过展现自己时态使用的机会。

1.2.2. 单位考察:单位是题目中最微小的细节,但是也是很多考生忽略的部分。题目单位中出现计数单位(如thousands)会带s,但实际写作中出现详细数字时计数词后s要去掉(如three thousand);题目单位中出现(如in thousands)意为“千分之”,要分清与“千”的区别;题目单位如果为较长词组(如dollars per person per year)在第一次文章出现单位时切记写完整,之后可缩写(如dollars)。

1.2.3. 数据考察:题目中出现的时间,百分比及年龄尽可能避开直接抄袭数据而选择做替换(如1950替换为mid 20th century);无特点数据对比进行加减法(如20%对比13%可替换为7% less than);细心观察倍数关系,并准确表达(如180对比90可替换为double)等。总而言之,对于数字在后半年的考试中考生要做到灵活多变,且尽可能多给描述对比,切忌直接抄数据。

1.2.4. 特殊题型:需要各位考生在下半年必须铭记于心的是每年的考试中会出现一次带负数的柱图,柱饼结合和文字表格。提前熟悉该类题目可以避免在考场中产生陌生感,防患于未然。


2.1 分题型练习:

2.1.1. 线图:上半年大多数线性图以3线居多而4线只有一篇,且全部为交叉类线图;在没有出现平行类线图的前提下,推荐考生熟悉剑桥雅思5-TEST1-P29页三线图,该题目还附带将来时的练习。

2.1.2. 饼图:该类型题目以时间类居多,但是不太会涉及到将来时出现,因此,剑桥雅思8-TEST2-P53页的3饼图成为了后半年考试的雅思考生复习的最好样题。


3. 表格:图表题目中最少的类型表格可能会在下半年考试的时候出现较复杂的题目类型,但按照历史出题情况来看,文字类表格和时间类表格仍然是考生需要主要复习的题目。首荐剑桥雅思


2.1.4. 柱图:柱状图在下半年的出题次数上一定是最多的,按照统计估算,可能会超过上半年;而且,题目的种类也会覆盖较广,从x轴时间类到色标为时间类,下半年柱图的题目多样化一定会使得没有提前准备的雅思考生的努力付诸一炬。推荐剑桥雅思7-TEST3-P78,剑桥雅思6-TEST4-P98及官方指南


2.1.5. 流程及地图:流程和地图在下半年的出题里可能会因上半年的数量而减少,预测截至12月份,地图和流程的总出题量总共会少于4篇,而有难度的题目也会得到较好的回报,冲击写作高分的学员们可以在准备该类型题目之后报考时连续报考同一月份中的两次考试,期待一次与流程地图的偶遇带来的写作分数加成。



预测话题词汇背诵:很多考生在准备大作文替换词的时候忽略了小作文话题词扩充的重要性。但其实在课后准备的过程中小作文的话题词汇背诵会更加有效。比如:发电在考试中常见的题目表达为produce electricity,考生应在考试中做表达方面的准备和替换,如:electricity generation, energy manufacture等。所以,以上话题的专业表达要在下半年上考场前提前背诵,让小作文无形之中增加内容和表达。

TASK 2大作文出题趋势及应对策略



1.1. “明确个人立场”的核心意思是考生在回答大作文所给出的问题时避开选择完全中立或者讨论之后提及个人观点。影响考官对文章作者中心思想的理解是大作文答题不合格甚至跑题的罪魁祸首。推荐考生在看到题目之后就将自己的个人观点先标注在题目上,以便论证时能随时检验。另外,中立的写法虽然会让文章论证力度上稍有逊色,但分条件或情况论证会给文章带来有效的语言和观点。推荐范文:剑桥雅思7-TEST1-P163页,剑桥雅思6-TEST2-P164页。

1.2. 扣题固然重要,但很多冲击高分的学员放弃了做观点延伸的勇气。请广大考生牢记雅思评分标准中的高分要求: extends ideas。即观点要在回答全面的基础上做进一步的延伸和推导。鼓励大家在保证文章全面回答了问题以后,引出新的争议;给出解决方案,猜测;描写对于未来的影响。推荐范文:剑桥雅思6-TEST2-164页结尾段。



2.1. 分段从中文文章学习时就耳濡目染,但考生必须做到的是段落间的内容禁止重复,这也意味着每段话要有自己独立的中心思想、论证和解释。

2.2. 逻辑连接词的灵活使用是体现优秀学术能力的核心标志,同时,使用较为少见和复杂用法的逻辑连词(如thereby,notwithstanding和thus等)可以在很大程度上提高文章的衔接和难度,非常推荐考生提前准备。

2.3. 文章的观点固然需要细节的支撑,但很多6分段的学生完全不理解细节和观点的区别,导致文章段落内容混乱。这里需要广大考生记住的是:形容词为观点,动词为细节。例如:“因特网很方便”为形容词句型,同时是观点。而“轻轻地敲击键盘便可获得网络上的任何信息”为动词句型,同时是细节。再如,“离家远”为形容词,又为观点;而“骑单车50分钟才到”为动作,又为细节。所以,考生在文章表达时既要有形容词的观点又要有动词句型去支撑解释观点,才可以让文章更具说服力。


在雅思写作大作文的单词使用方面有一条大多数学生容易忽略的评分机制,那就是“使用不常见词汇哪怕带错”也比“仅能使用简单词汇”的文章在分数上更胜一筹。简单地来讲,提前刻意准备复杂、高端的词汇会在文章中向考官更好地展现学术能力从而得到考官的认可。在单词准备上要注意以下三个要点:1. 单词市面普及度低,如GRE词汇和GMAT词汇都可作为雅思的高分词汇;2. 尽量挑选抽象意思的动词(如castigate迷惑,habituate习惯于,deracinate杜绝等),因为类似词汇可以更容易适应任何话题,更容易在写作时将它们展现出来;3. 选择词时要保证数量不要多(推荐20个以内),同时要保证积极类和消极类的词汇都有,避免词汇性质无法投入到文章中。


语法基础薄弱是很多学生在多项写作考试中失利的罪魁祸首,针对语法基础薄弱的有效解决方案是: 针对性地学习某项语法固然效率低下,但句子改错可能会让学生对于语法及出错有着更好的潜意识提高。推荐各位考生在上考场的前一个月里尝试SAT的语法改错题(如第三人称单词错误:Television viewers claim thatA the number of scenes depictingB alcohol consumption haveC increased dramatically overD the last decade. No errorE.)(答案:c)














1The table shows changes of population in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002. 动态图(140222)

2The table below shows the number of people (millions) taking part in five different physical activities between 2001 and 2009. 动态图(140524)

3The following table shows the income and expenditure of City Hall in a three-year period. 动态图(140213)

4The table below shows the statistics on age, income and poverty in three states in USA in 2000. 静态图(140109)


1 The maps show changes that took place in a city from 1960 to now. 变迁题 (140517)

2. The maps below show a village park now and ten years ago. 变迁题(140621)

3. The diagram below shows the present college and its plan in 2015 for proposed development. 变迁题(140301)


1. The bar chart below shows the share of the world productions between 1840 and 2000 in three continents. 动态图(140315)

2. The charts below show temperature and rainfall in an Equatorial Climate and a Mediterranean climate. 动态图(140515)

3. The bar charts below show the percentage of males’ watching and participation in six sporting activities, including rugby, football, basketball, badminton, fishing, horse and racing. 静态图(140424)

4. The bar charts below show four ways of dealing with rubbish by burnt, biologically treated, recycled and landfill in Netherlands, Italy, Spain and UK. 静态图 (140313)

5. The chart below shows the aid from six developed countries to developing countries from 2008 to 2010. 动态图(140607)

6. The bar charts below show the percentage of film released and ticket sales in 1996 and 2001. 动态图(140426)


1. The bar chart gives us the information about the life expectancy in Japan, United States, Korea and Indonesia and the table shows us the change in the life expectancy between 1953 and 2008. 静态柱+动态表(140628)

2. The line graph shows the average price of tickets at a theater and the bar chart shows the average percentage of tickets sold. 动态线+静态柱(140118)


1.The line graph shows the quantity of goods transported by four different modes of transport in an European country from 1980 with projection until 2015. 动态图(140412)

2. The line graph shows the percentage of students following different types of courses in

a college in 1985 to 2005. It also shows a forecast of 2015. 动态图(140201)

3. The graph below shows the number of oversea visitors who came to the UK for different purpose between 1989 and 2009. 动态图(140619)

4. The line graph shows the change of government spending on retirement pensions, education and health from 2001 and projected to 2051. 动态图(140405)

5. The line graph below shows the percentage of good quality water in four countries between 1950 and 2000. It also predicts the further proportion of good quality water in 2015. 动态图(140215)


1. The diagram shows how to make soft cheese.(140510)

2. The diagram shows the process of recycling glass bottles to make new ones.(140111)

3. The diagrams below show three methods companies choose to recruit new employees.(140308)



1. Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better to live in. Do you agree or disagree? 单边(140213)


1. Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140201)

2. An increasing number of people change their careers and places of residence several times during their life. Is it a positive or negative development? 单边(积极或消极)(140405)

3. Employers should give staffs at least four weeks’ holiday a year as employees can be better at their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint? 单边(140515)

4. An increasing number of people are changing their careers. What are the reasons? Do you think it is positive or negative? 混合类 (140621)

5. Nowadays many young people choose to change their jobs frequently. What are the causes of the situation? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantage? 混合类(140111)

6. Some people think that it is important for all cities and towns to have large public spaces such as parks and squares. Do you agree or disagree? 单边(140315)

7. Some people believe that if a police force carries a gun, it will encourage higher levels of violence in the whole society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140607)

8. Some people think that living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140301)

9. Some people think that men should take on housework tasks (such as cleaning, childcare)as women,do you agree or disagree? 单边(140510)


1. International community must ensure that all countries reduce the consumption of fossil fuels such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140125)

2. With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas? 单边(优缺点)(140628)

3. Some people think that the best way for a government to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140109)


1. Some people think success in life is based on hard work and determination but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 双边讨论(140215)


1. Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. Do you agree or disagree? 单边(140517)

2. Some people think that printed books are no longer necessary in this digital era as all writings can be stored electronically. Others think that printed books still play important roles. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 双边(140313)

3. In most countries with the widespread of the use of the Internet people have more freedom to choose to work and study at home instead of traveling to work or college. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 单边(优缺点)(140426)


1. Nowadays a lot of TV advertisement aim at children. What are the effects of this on children? Should TV advertisement be controlled? 混合类(140424)


1. Some say that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to the society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 双边(140412)

2. Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem? 报告类(140118)

3. Some people think it is easier for adults to learn practical skills (such as computer skills) by themselves while others believe it is better to learn with a teacher in classroom. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 双边(140619)

4. Educating children is expensive and in some countries governments pay some or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 单边(优缺点)(140222)

5. Many young people leave school with a negative attitude. What are the reasons? How can we encourage young people to study? 报告类(140524)

6. Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 单边(140308)










2014年雅思2月13日雅思真题写作全科回忆 听力 听力又一次原封不动使用了2012年5月19日老的套题 S1:V120519S1=V06144S1 废物回收 1.问NEWSPAPER星期几来收Every second week 2. Peter Wisborough (人物拼写) 3.NO.16 Bridge Road(彭彭提请注意1,2题吞音) 3.Central Park (问他最近的受理点) 4.(A yellow box)free of charge 5.POST CODE RH12PE 6.helpline@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5412630076.html, 7.Metals 可以回收 9.Magazines(不回收) 10.Save it (如果不清楚在小册子的哪里查询,应该不是流传的save it。) S2:V120519S2=V100814S2 澳大利亚的电台的每周蔬菜水果鲜花的市场行情介绍 11. crop - best value for money 12. potato - top quality 13. tomato - imported is better 14. carrots - unappealing appearance 15. orange - easy to peel 16. apple - bad quality 17. banana - ripe and ready to eat 18. a mixed bunch of 19. $12.00 (Lilies: 3 stems) 20. different colours S3:V120519S3 一女生和她的tutor讨论论文的事情


Task One: two pie charts describing the percentages of the people staying in and movin g out of UK Task Two: Someone believes that a country should help its local residents, while others b elieve that the help should be given to the most needed. Discuss both of opinions and pr esent your opinion. 2010.01.14 Task One: a table describing the transportations of UK Task Two: Governments are more responsible for scientific research than private compan ies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2010. 01.23 Task One: a map describing the change of towns Task Two: The gap between the poor and rich gets larger. What cause the phenomeno n and how to solve it? 2010.1.30

Task One: a bar chart Task Two: Many people believe that there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour s and lack of respect for others. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it? 2010.2.6 Task One: pie chart: the distribution of business time Task Two: Air travel is only beneficial to the richest people. To what extent do you agre e or disagree? 2010.2.20 Task One: three pie charts of course selection Task Two: Social development improves the living standard of the public. However, som e social values may get lost in the process. What are the advantages and disadvantage s of this phenomenon? 2010.2.27 Task One: table of British Population in three years


0107 国内 A 类小作文流程图大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 Many universities offer online courses to student instead of delivering on campus. 积极还是消极 development 0112 国内小作文柱图大作文 Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人? 0114 国内 A 类小作文 table 三年的 income output profit 大作文 Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 澳洲 A 类小作文饼图,大作文 some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? 0121 国内 A 类小作文饼图留在英国和离开的原因大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? 澳洲 A 类 3 个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。大作文:很多年轻人花太多的课余时间在买东西上,这是不好的影响,agree or disagree。 0211 国内 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图买 food and other goods in three European countries


2019年12月17日雅思大作文真题及范文 Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad, but other people do think it’s much better for old people to live now than in the past. Please show your idea with explanation, examples and your knowledge. Sample answer: It has become a common phenomenon for people in a number of countries to enjoy an increasing life expectancy. While some people believe it is horrible just to imagine getting old , I think the situation has completely changed comparing to decades ago and now elderly people can lead a happy life. In some cases, the seniors do experience empty nest syndrome because their children are away from home. However, things are different nowadays. There are numerous residential homes with trained carers in a country and they have become a perfect place for the elderly to stay after retirement, where the elderly will not feel lonely and bored with the company of their peers. Another concern for numerous senior citizens is the health problem. In the past, without advanced medical science, the seniors tend to suffer from various kinds of diseases, which decrease their quality of life at great extent. By contrast, the medical science is developing at an amazing speed and this trend can at least delay the onset of some chronic conditions and with healthy body, the elderly can enjoy happier lives.


2014年雅思写作真题汇总【A类】 1. Some people think the best way to solve traffic congestions in cities is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【2014.01.09】 2. Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages? 【2014.01.11】 3. Many children find it is difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the causes? What are the possible solutions to this problem? 【2014. 01.18】 4.The international community should immediately reduce the consumption of fossil fuels of all countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【2014. 01.25】 5. Some people believe the best way to produce a better society is to ensure there is only a small difference between the earnings of the richest and the poorest. To what extend do you agree or disagree? 【2014. 02. 01】 6. Many people think the painting and music do not directly improve the quality of people, and therefore the government should not spend the money on arts, and they should spend more money on the construction of public facilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【2014. 02.13】 7. Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion? 【2014. 02.15】 8. Children’s education is expensive. In some countries, the government pay some of or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 【2014.02.22】 9. Some people think living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【2014. 03. 01】 10. Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 【2014. 03.08】


The leaders directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. What do you think? 2015年1月17日雅思写作真题 Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both view and give your opinion. 2015年1月29日雅思写作真题 Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 2015年1月31日雅思写作真题 Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年2月7 日雅思写作真题 Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people? 2015年2 月12 日雅思写作真题 Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年2月14日雅思写作真题 The use of mobile phone is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places so mobile should be banned like smoking.To what extend do agree or disagree? 2015年2月28日雅思写作真题 Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 2015年3月12日雅思写作真题 some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree? 2015年3月14日雅思写作真题 Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, others believe that family members like grandparents can do a better job. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 2015年3 月21 日雅思写作真题 Some people believe famous people's support towards international aids organizations draws the attentions to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 2015年3月28 日雅思写作真题 Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people's writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年4月11 日雅思写作真题 Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems will be caused? And what are the solutions? 2015年4月18日雅思写作真题 Some people think only best students should be rewarded, others think we should reward students who make progress.


2014.1.9 The best way for government to solve the traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 da ys a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 小作文:表格 2014.1.11 Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reas ons for this? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 小作文:流程图 2014.1.18 Many children find it is difficult to concentrate or pay at tention at school. What are the causes? What are the possible solutions to thi s problem? 小作文:曲线图+柱状图 2014.1.25 The international community should act immediatelyto reduce th e use of fossil fuels. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 小作文:饼状图 2014.2.1 Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 小作文:曲线图 2014.2.13


雅思资料分享群:430104023(厦门) 2014年雅思A类写作真题全年汇总2014年雅思A类写作真题汇总: 2014.1.9 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) The best way for government to solve the traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.1.11 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages out-weight disadvantages? 2014.1.18 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem? 2014.1.25 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) International community should act immediately to encourage countries to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.1 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.13 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better to live in. Do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.15 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


2017 年雅思写作真经(1-10 月) 2017年1月7日写作真题 Task 1流程图 Task 2教育类 Art classes,like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what exta nt do you agree or disagree? 卯

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1柱状图 The chart shows the number of international applications from four different countries to a Europea n coun try. Task 2环境类 Vehicle free day means the private cars, trucks and motocycles are banned in city cen tres. Only the bus, bicycles and taxis are permitted in the city cen ter. Do you thi nk the ben efits outweigh the disadva ntages?

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1表格题 The Table bekw shows the income 日n亡expenditure of Harckley Hafl r a pubic place fcr hirng over the period of three years. Task 2社会类 Somebody thinks job satisfact ion is more importa nt tha n job security, while others hold the opposite

2013-2014 雅思 写作 题目汇总

2013-2014年雅思写作真题汇总 2013.01.05 Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. The former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree? 2013.01.10 It is said that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the success of career, life will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 2013.01.12 In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society? 2013.01.19 In modern society, fatherhood should be emphasized as much as motherhood. Do you agree or disagree? 2013.02.02 Some people say watching television is bad for Children in all ways, others say it is good for children to get knowledge. 2013.02.14 Some people think young people should be free to choose his or her job,but other people think they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2013.02.16 Some people think all lawbreakers should be taken in to prison, others believe that there are better alternatives, (for example, being work to do which is beneficial for local community). Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2013.02.23 Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What's the reasons for this problem? What's the effects to the society? 2013.03.02 Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development overweight the disadvantages? 2013.03.09 Some think that people should go to college or university to prepare for a successful career. Others believe that they should get a job immediately after they leave school to get more work experience. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 2013.03.14 It is more important for a building to serve a purpose than to look beautiful. Architects shouldn’t worry about producing building as a work of art. Do you agree or disagree ?


2017雅思写作真题总汇 雅思写作真题part1 WRITING WRITING TASK1 You should spend about20minutes on this task. The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged65and over between1940and2040in three different countries.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least150words. WRITING TASK2 You should spend about40minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least250words. 雅思写作真题part2 WRITING WRITING TASK1 You should spend about20minutes on this task. The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least150words. WRITING TASK2 You should spend about40minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who


2015年2月28日雅思机经:写作 2.28小作文柱图,大作文是Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 2015年2月7日雅思写作机经 大作文: Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?对于很多博物馆和历史遗迹而言,参观者多有游客,而非本地人,原因何在,如何吸引当地人? 小作文: 小作文双图,对比2008年英国男女性平均花在Household Activity和在Leisure Activity的时间,单位分钟每天。 G类: 小作文,写求职信,关于volunteer照顾local community的小孩,为什么感兴趣为什么认为自己适合和details of availibility。G类大作文,computer makes the world a better place.同不同意。 2015年1月31日雅思写作机经 雅思A类小作文柱图,大作文Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年1月29日雅思写作回忆(小鹏哥提供) 小作文:流程图 大作文:利弊讨论;新题出现 Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 很多科学家和游客喜欢去遥远的有自然美景的地方旅行,是否利大于弊? 2015年1月17日雅思机经(写作) 小作文:线图sales of books 比较四年的趋势 大作文: Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss. 作文考了“有些人认为我们应该控制噪音,有些人认为不应该,讨论两个观点,给出你


2015雅思大作文汇总 20150110The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people.But some people say that young people can also be a leader.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20150117Some people think that the amount of noise people make should be controlled strictly,while other say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish.Discuss both views and give your opinion. 20150129It is possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments,such as South Pole,do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? 20150131Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20150207Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists,not local people. Why?What can be done to attract local people? 20150212Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20150228Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university,in order to travel or to work.Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 20150312Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area in towns and cities than provides more housing.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20150321some people believe that famous people support for international aids organizations helps draw attention to the important problems.Others believe that celebrities make the problems less important.Discuss both views and give your point. 20150411Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What are the problems will this cause?And what solutions can be recommended? 20150418Some people think only best students should be rewarded;others think we should reward students who show improvement.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20150425young people who commit crime should be the same treated as adults.To what extent you agree or disagree? 20150430In some countries,more adults choose to continue to live with th eir parents even after they graduate and have found jobs.Do the advantages of this trend outweighs the disadvantages? 20150509Development of technology causes many environmental problems.Some people believe that people should choose a simpler way of life.Others think that technology can solve the problems.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
