




可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。

★ The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。

★ That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。

★ At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。


从属连词that、whether、as though、as if(That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。)

关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等;

关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。




★ The trouble is (that) she has lost his money. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。

★The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰淇淋。

★The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use.问题是它作为日常之用太贵重了。

★What she couldn’t understand w as that fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. 我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。


关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等引导表语从句,在句中作主语、宾语、表语,关系代词不能省略。


★The question is which of us should go.问题是我们哪一个应该去。

★The problem was who could do the work.问题是谁能做这项工作。

★That's what he is worrying about.那就是他在担心的事。

★That's what we should do.那是我们应该做的。


关系副词when, where, how, why 除在句子起连接作用外,在从句中还充当时间,地点,方式或原因状语,本身具有词义。


★Go and get your coat. It's where you left it. 去把雨衣拿来。就在你原来放的地方。

★I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That’s why I got wet through. 我们既没伞也没雨衣,这是我们淋湿的原因。

★That is how mice ruin many stores of grain every year.那就是老鼠是怎样每年损害大量粮食的。

★That is what he is worried about.那就是他所担心的。

※由连词because,as if/as though等引导的表语从句。

★It looked as if it was going to snow.看起来好像要下雪了。

★That's because we never thought of it.这是因为我们从未想过此事。

★It seems as if he didn’t know the answer.好像他不知道答案。


A. 表语从句一定要用陈述语序。

False: The question is when can he arrive at the hotel.

Right: The question is when he can arrive at the hotel.

B. 不可以用if,而用whether 连接表语从句(as if 例外)。

引导宾语从句时可以互换if/whether 位于介词后要用whether



False: The question is if the enemy is marching towards us.

Right: The question is whether the enemy is marching towards us.

Right: It looked as if he had understood this question.


Right: The question is who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow.

Right: The question is why he cried yesterday.

D. that在表语从句中不可以省掉。





★The problem is how we can get the things we need.

问题是我们怎样能弄到我们需要的东西。(how 在表语从句中充当方式状语)

★The scissors are not what I need. 这把剪刀不是我所需要的。(what 在表语从句中充当宾语)

★What I told him was that I would find him a good play. 我告诉他的是我会给他找个好剧本。(what在主语从句中作直接宾语,that作为表语从句的引导词在该表语从句中不充当句子成分,不能省略)

★That is what I want to tell you.那就是我想要对你讲的。(what在表语从句中充当直接宾语)

★That is why she failed to pass the exam. 那就是她考试不及格的原因。(why 在表语从句中充当原因状语)


1. The question is ________ we will have our sports meet next week.

A. that

B. if

C. when

D. whether

2.The reason why he failed is ________he was too careless.

A. because

B. that

C. for

D. because of

3. Go and get your coat. It’ s ________you left it

A. where

B. there

C. there where

D. where there

4.The problem is _________to take the place of Ted

A. who can we get

B. what we can get

C. who we can get

D. that we can get

5. What I want to know is ______ he likes the gift given by us.

A. that

B. if

C. whether


6. The reason is_________ I missed the bus.

A. that

B. when

C. why

D. what

7. That is __ ___ we were late last time.

A. that

B. when

C. why

D. what

8. She looked _________ she were ten years younger.

A. that

B. like

C. as

D. as though

9.—I fell sick!

--I think it is _______ you are doing too much.

A. why

B. when

C. what

D. because

10. The reason why he hasn’t come is ___________.

A. because his mother is ill

B. because of his mother’s being ill

C. that his mother is ill

D. for his mother is ill

11. —He was born here.

-- That is _______ he likes the place so much.

A. that

B. what

C. why

D. how

12.That is ______ Lu Xun once lived.

A. what

B. where

C. that

D. why

13._______your father wants to know is________ getting on with your studies.

A. What; how are you

B. That;how you are

C. How;that you are

D. What;how you are

14. The trouble is__________ we are short of tools.

A. what

B. that

C. how

D. why that

15. America was __________was first called “India” by Columbus.

A. what

B. where

C. the place

D. there where

16. China is becoming stronger and stronger. It is no longer_________ .

A. what it used to be

B. what it was used to being

C. what it used to being

D. what it was used to be

17. ________he really means is ________he disagrees with us.

A. What … that

B. That … what

C. What … what

D. That … what

18. The energy is ________ makes the cells able to do their work.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. such

19 —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

—Is that_____ you had a few days off?

A. why B .what C. when D. where

20 .I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ____I got wet through.

A. It’s the reason

B. That’s why

C. There’s why

D. It’s how

21. See the flags on top of the building? That was ______ we did this morning.

A. when

B. which

C. where

D. what

22. --- Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?

---Oh, that’s _____.

A. what makes me feel excited

B. whatever I feel excited about

C. how I feel about it

D. when I feel excited

23. What surprised me was not what he said but ______ he said it.

A. the way

B. in the way that

C. in the way

D. the way which


1~5: DBACC

6~10 :ACDDC


16~20: AACAB

21~23: DAA


地点状语从句 地点状语从句表示地点、方位,这类从句通常由where引导。 用法 例如: Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 They will go where they are happy. 他们想到他们觉得快乐的地方去。 连词含义说明 where在……地方通常表示一个确定的wherever无论什么地方表示“任何地方”anywhere无论何处 everywhere到处 (1)地点状语从句由where,wherever,引导, 如: We must camp where we can get water. 我们必须在能找到水的地方露营。 (2)地点状语从句与定语从句的区别: 在于分句在句中作什么成分。作状语,则是状语从句;作定语修饰名词,则是定语从句where引导定语从句时,从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作先行词;而状语从句前则无需先行词。 如: Go back where you came from.(where引导地点状语从句) 你从何处来到何处去。 Go back to the village where you came from.(where引导定语从句,修饰village) 回到你来的那个村子里去。 (1)We went home, where we had dinner.此句是where引导的"非限制性"定语从句,这里"where"= at home(先行词是home)从句还原" we had dinner at home"全句译:我们回到家,在家里吃了顿饭. (2)I walk into the canteen where students are eating此句也是where 引导的定语从句,与上句不同之处在于此句是一个"限制性"定语从句.全句译:我走进了这个同学们都在吃饭的食堂。(限定说明了是一个什么样的食堂) (3)地点状语从句与定语从句其本身属性就不同:地点状语从句相当于大的副词;定语从句相当于大的形容词,副词是用来修饰动词的,


中考英语总复习状语从句经典例题含答案解析 一、初中英语状语从句 1.Mr. White tells us the calls meeting will be cancelled if no agreement _________ tomorrow. A.is reached B.will be reached C.is going to be reached D.has been reached 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:怀特先生告诉我们,如果明天没有达成协议,电话会议将取消。本题是含有if引导的条件状语从句的复合句。在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。选项的位置在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,要用一般现在时态,B C选项是将来时态不符合题意要排除。D选项是现在完成时态不符合题意要排除。Reach an agreement达成协议固定短语搭配。agreement is reached协议做主语要用被动语态,故选A。 【点睛】 if 条件句不一般,几个要点记心间; 条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间。 条件句表可能,主句多用将来时; 条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。 在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。如: We can walk there if we can't find a bus. If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo. What will you do if you find a panda in danger. 如果 if 条件句谈论的是重复发生和预示要发生的情景和事件,则主从句大多用一般现在时态。如: If bears are in danger, they attack people. 注意: 在 if 引导的条件状语从句中,if 和条件句位置灵活,可直接放在主句后面,若 if 条件句放句首,从句后面要加逗号,和主句隔开。还要注意前后时态一致原则。 2.—I’m going to the post office. —________you are there, can you get me some stamps? A.When B.While C.Because D.If 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:A. As 一边…一边,作为 B. While当…时候 C. Because 因为 D. lf假如;句意:我将要去邮局。你去那里的时候,能不能给我带一些邮票呢?故选B 考点:连词 点评:连词在中考中涉及到的很多,尤其在宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句中连词是必考


表语从句 1.定义:用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。 2.引导表语从句的关联词的种类: (1)从属连词that。在从句中不做成分。如:The trouble is that I have lost his address.麻烦是 我把他的地址丢了。The reason was that he was late for school. (2)从属连词whether,as,as if。如: (3)looked just as he had looked ten years before.他看起来还与十年前一样。 (4)question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们是否能帮我们。 (5)注:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句,如: (6)All this was over twenty years ago, but it’s as if it was only yesterday. (7)这都是20多年前的事了,但宛如昨天一样。 The key is whether we can solve the problem.注:能跟表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词be, seem, look,sound等。如: (8)He looked just as he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。 It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door. 连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever 在表语从句中做主语、宾语等。如:The problem is who we can get to replace her. 问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。 (9)That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic. 那就是她今晨上了阁楼干的。 The problem is who we can get to replace her. (10)我想问的是谁离开了。My question is who left. 连接副词where, when, how, why。 What I wonder is when he left. 我想知道他是何时离开的。 This is where they once lived. 这就是他们曾经住过的地方。 That is why he didn't come here. The question is how he did it. (11)连词because可引导表语从句。如: (12)I think it is because you are doing too much. 我想这是因为你做得太多。 It's just because he doesn't know her. (13)T hat's because he didn't understand me. 那是因为他没有理解我.(That's because...强调原因) (14)T hat's why he got angry with me.那正是他对我生气的原因。(That's why...强调结果) (15)在一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。如: (16)M y suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。


15级计算机班英语 表语从句讲解 概念:表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句。 放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句” 可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remai n, seem 等。 ★The trouble is that we are short of mon ey. 困难是我们资金短缺。 ★ That is why stone walls are used in stead of fen ces around NewE ngla nd fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。 ★At that time, it seemedas if I could n't think of the right word an yhow. 当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。 引导表语从句的词: 从属连词that、whether、as though、as if (That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。) 关系代词who, what, which, whom,whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever 等; 关系畐【J词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever 等。 探由从属连词that , whether引导的表语从句。 that 在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这 时主句的主语常常是些抽象名词,如question(问题),trouble(麻烦),problem(问题),result(结果),chance(可能性),suggestion(建议),idea(想法),reason(理由)等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。 例如: ★The trouble is (that) she has lost his mon ey. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。 ★The questi on is whether we n eed more ice cream. 问题是我们是否还需要 一些冰淇淋。 ★The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use. 问题是它作为日常之用太贵重了。 ★What she couldn ' t understand was that fewer and fewer students showed in terest in her lesso ns. 我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。 探由关系代词引导的表语从句。 关系代词who, what, which, whom,whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等引导表语从句,在句中作主语、宾语、表语,关系代词不能省略。例如: ★The questi on is which of us should go. 问题是我们哪一个应该去。 ★The problem was who could do the work. 问题是谁能做这项工作。 ★That's what he is worryi ng about. 那就是他在担心的事。 ★That's what we should do. 那是我们应该做的。 ※由关系副词引导的表语从句。 关系副词when, where, how, why 除在句子起连接作用外,在从句中还充 当时间,地点,方式或原因状语,本身具有词义。


状语从句解题例析 高考中涉及状语从句的题目非常多,几乎覆盖了所有的状语从句类型,其中多数需要对题干信息进行加工才能得出正确答案。从状语从句的特点来看,正确理解连接词的含义、把握句子的整体意义是答题的关键。笔者从连接词入手,结合高考试题,对状语从句进行分析,希望能提高同学们的解题能力。 一、状语从句中的连接词 状语从句分时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、方式、比较、让步等9类。 时间状语从句的连接词有:when,while,as,before,after,since,till,until,as soon as,the moment,me minute,im-mediately(一……就),instantly(一……就),every time,each time,the firsttime,any time等; 地点状语从句的连接词有:where,wherever等; 原因状语从句的连接词有:becau-se,as,since(既然),now that等; 条件状语从句的连接词有:un-less,if,once(一旦),as long as(只要),so long as(只要),on condition that(条件是),provided that(如果)等; 目的状语从句的连接词有:so that,in order that,in case(万一),for fear that(以免),lest(以免)等; 结果状语从句的连接词有:so that,so…that,such…that等; 方式状语从句的连接词有:as,asif,as though等; 比较状语从句的连接词有:as…as,so…as,than等; 让步状语从句的连接词有:althoug,though,as(尽管),even if,even though,whoever,whatever,whenver,wherever,no matter what/who/when/where/how等。 二、解题例析 1.全面了解状语从句的知识,熟悉每个连接词的语义和用法,同时了解个别连接词的多种意思。 (1)as,since等连接词的用法比较灵活,既可以引导时间状语从句,又可以引导原因状语从句。 例1 “Y ou can't have thi s foot-ball back——you promise not to kick it at my cat again,”the old man said firmly. A.because B.since C.when D.where 解析:本题的主句意为“你不能把足球拿回去”,从句意为“你答应过不再用足球踢我的猫”。根据其逻辑,从句为原因状语从句,答案应为B(since在此处意为“既然”,而不是“自从”)。


表语从句讲解及专项练习 概念:表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句。 放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句” 可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。 ★ The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。 ★ That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。 ★ At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。 引导表语从句的词: 从属连词that、whether、as though、as if(That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。) 关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等; 关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。 ※由从属连词that,whether引导的表语从句。 that在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这时主句的主语常常是些抽象名词,如question(问题),trouble(麻烦),problem(问题),result(结果),chance(可能性),suggestion(建议),idea(想法),reason(理由)等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。 例如: ★ The trouble is (that) she has lost his money. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。 ★The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰淇淋。 ★The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use.问题是它作为日常之用太贵重了。 ★What she couldn’t understand w as that fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. 我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。 ※由关系代词引导的表语从句。 关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等引导表语从句,在句中作主语、宾语、表语,关系代词不能省略。 例如: ★The question is which of us should go.问题是我们哪一个应该去。 ★The problem was who could do the work.问题是谁能做这项工作。 ★That's what he is worrying about.那就是他在担心的事。


创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者:别如克* 状语从句练习题 1. I had been looking for the book for two days____ I found it at last. a. until b. when c. before d. while 2. He punished his students ____ they did anything wrong. a. however b. whenever c. whatever d. whichever 3. Those passengers will wait here____ the bus arrives. a. until b. because c. though d. as 4. Hardly had we reached home ____ it began to rain. a. before b. than c. as soon as d. when 5. No sooner had we arrived at the cinema___ the film began. a. than b. before c. when d. as soon as 6. You can’t watch TV ____ you’ve finished your homework. a. since b. until c. as d. after 7. We had scarcely left our school____ the rain began. a. before b. than c. while d. when 8. We have never seen her again_____ she went to work in another city.


(一)状语从句概述 定义状语从句用作状语,是起副词作用的句子。 位置状语从句可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后,时间、条件、原因和让步状语从句放在句首时需要用 逗号和主句隔开。 分类根据其作用可以分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、让步、方式和比较等状语从句。 作用它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语和整个句子。 (二)状语从句详解 1. 时间状语从句 引导词用法示例 when 意为“当…的时候”。When 引导从句的谓语动词可以 是延续性动词,也可以是 瞬间动词。并且when有 时表示“就在那时”A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.说谎者讲真话时也没有人相信。When he arrives, I’ll call you. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. while 意为“在…的时候,在…的 同时”。While引导从句的 谓语动词必须是延续性While I was standing at the window, I saw several boys running along the street.

的,发生时间较长,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应)。While 有时还可以表示对比。While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking. as 意为“一边…一边…”。As 引导的动作是延续性的, 发生时间较短,一般用于 主句和从句动作同时发 生;as也可以强调一前一 后。The writer was angry as he was travelling on a train to London because someone had invaded his “space”. He smiled as he stood up. after 意为“在…之后”。表示主句 动作发生在从句动作之 后。主句与从句的动作时 间关系与before引导的从 句相反。With many hungry visitors waiting, don’t stay too long at your table after you have finished. If an early exit is necessary, you can leave after a scene is over. before 意为“在…之前”。引导的从 句不用否定形式的谓语, 并且当before引导的从句 位于主句之后,有时译成 “就,才”。当主句用将来时,You can’t watch TV before you finish your homework. Before it ended, the theatre was almost empty. My father had left for Canada


Simple sentence Compound sentence Complex sentence 从句:名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句) 形容词性从句(定语从句) 副词性从句(状语从句) 英语中六大从句用法总结 在句子中起名词作用的各种从句,统称为名词性从句 1.主语从句subjective clause 一般由what, who, which, why, how, when, which, whether…or…等引导,如果从句较长,谓语又较短,可用it作形式主语,而将从句放在句末。常见的句型有: It is self-evident that… 很明显的是 It goes without saying that… 不用说 It is asserted that...有人主张…… It is believed that...据信…… It is generally considered that...人们普遍认为…… It is hoped that...人们希望…… It is reported that...据报道…… It is said that...据说…… It is supposed that...据推测...

It is well-known that...众所周知…… It must be admitted that...必须承认…… It cannot be denie d that… 不可否认…… It must be pointed out that...需指出的是…… It was told that...据传…… It will be said that...有人会说…… It follows that… 由此可见 It is inappropriate that… ……是不合适的 2)what引导的主语从句表示“...的东西时”,一般不用it作形式主语。 What we lack is experience. 3)what, who, when, why, whether等词含有各自的疑问意义,但它们引导的主语从句,都用陈述语序。 How the plan is to be carried out should be discussed again. I did know why I felt like crying. 2.宾语从句objective clause 1)宾语从句可位于及物动词、介词和某些形容词后。连词that常可省略。介词后一般接疑问词引导的宾语从句。in


、 表语从句讲解及专项练习 概念:表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句。 放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句” 可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。 " ★ The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。 ★ That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。 ★ At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。 引导表语从句的词: ' 从属连词that、whether、as though、 as if(That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。) 关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever 等; 关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。 ※ 由从属连词that,whether引导的表语从句。 that在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这时主句的主语常常是些抽象名词,如question(问题),trouble(麻烦),problem(问题),result(结果),chance(可能性),suggestion(建议),idea(想法),reason(理由)等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。 : 例如: ★ The trouble is (that) she has lost his money. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。 ★ The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰淇淋。 ★ The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use.问题是它作为日常之用太贵重了。 ★ What she couldn’t unde rstand was that fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. 我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。 ※ 由关系代词引导的表语从句。


最新状语从句经典例题 一、初中英语状语从句 1.--Peter, please send us postcards we’ll know where you have visited. --No problem. A.but B.or C.for D.so 【答案】D 【解析】 句意:——彼得,请给我们及明星片,这样我们将会知道你参观过哪里。——没问题。but 但是,表示转折关系;or或者,表示选择;for为了,表示原因;so所以,表示结果。结合句意,前半句让彼得给我们及明信片,后半句知道彼得到哪里参观了,后一句是前一句的结果,故用连词so。故选D。 2.The Italian woman didn’t feel a culture shock____it was her first time to Shanghai. A.though B.since C.if D.when 【答案】A 【解析】 句意:这个意大利妇女没有感到一种文化冲击,尽管她是第一次来上海。A. though尽管; B. since自从; C. if 是否,如果; D. when当---时候;根据The Italian woman didn’t feel a culture shock这个意大利妇女没有感到一种文化冲击,和it was her first time to Shanghai.她是第一次来上海之间用though 引导让步关系状语从句;故选A 3.WeChat Pay makes our lives confident. ______ we want to pay for something, we just need to scan a QR code(扫描二维码). A.When B.After C.Unless D.Until 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 A 本题考查连词辨析。句意:微信支付使我们的生活方便。当我们想为某物付钱时,我们只需要扫描二维码。A. When当……时候; B. After在……以后; C. Unless除非; D. Until 到……为止。综合句意可知,扫描二维码指的是当我们付钱时的动作,用关系副词when。故乡A。 4.Mrs. White walks a dog in the park nearby every morning it’s rainy or windy. A.since B.because C.unless D.until 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果不刮风下雨,怀特夫人就会带狗到附近的公园散步。A.. since自从;B.. because因为;C.. unless如果不;D. .until直到……才。结合句意,故选C 考点:考查连词的用法。


表语从句讲解及专项练习 概念:表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句。 放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句” 可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。 ★ The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。 ★ That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。 ★ At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。 引导表语从句的词: 从属连词that、whether、as though、as if(That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。) 关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等; 关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。 ※由从属连词that,whether引导的表语从句。 that在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这时主 句的主语常常是些抽象名词,如question(问题),trouble(麻烦),problem(问 题),result(结果),chance(可能性), suggestion(建议),idea(想法),reason(理由)等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。


高中英语表语从句详解 1、概述 用作表语的从句叫作表语从句,它位于主句中的连系动词之后。引导表语从句的词有从属连词that、whether、as though(if);关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等;关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。可以接表语从句的连系动词由be, look, remain, seem等。That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。 The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。 That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。 At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。 2、由从属连词that,whether引导的表语从句。 that在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这时主句的主语常常是些抽象名词,如question(问题),trouble(麻烦),problem(问题),result(结果),chance(可能性),suggestion(建议),idea(想法),reason(理由)等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。 The trouble is (that) she has lost his money. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。 The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰淇淋。


状语从句练习题含答案及解析 一、初中英语状语从句 1.—I hear Music and Art will enter the Entrance Examination for the high school. —Yes. but don’t worry. Nothing will be difficult if more attention _____ to them. A.will pay B.will be paid C.is paid D.pays 【答案】C 【解析】句意:——我听说音乐和艺术将进入高中入学考试。——是的。但别担心。如果对他们给予更多的关注,就不会有困难。考查被动语态。本句是if引导的条件状语从句,需用一般现在时态代替一般将来时态;从句主语more attention是单数第三人称,又是动词pay的受动者,需用被动语态,即is+paid结构;根据句意语境,可知选C。 2.You won't succeed _____ you work hard A.if B.because C.unless D.so that 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:你不会成功的,除非你努力工作。if如果;because 因为,引导原因状语从句;unless如果不,除非;so that以至于,引导结果状语从句;为的是,引导目的状语从句。根据句意可知,这里表示“如果不努力工作”,故应选C。 3.一When did you leave your office yesterday? 一 I finished the project. A.Until B.While C.When D.Not until 【答案】D 【解析】 句意:昨天你什么时候离开你的办公室的?——直到我完成那个任务。本题考查连词。A. Until 直到···时候才结束,要与延续性动词连用;B. While 当···时候;C. When 当···时候;D. Not until直到···时候才开始,与非延续性动词连用;句子中finished(完成)是非延续性动词,故选D 4.It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time ________ a good parent-children relationship could be set up. A.so that B.because C.as soon as 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意“为了建立良好的亲子关系,孩子们有必要不时地与父母交流思想”。A.目的是,为的是(引导目的状语从句);B.因为(引导原因状语从句);C.一……就……(引导时间状语从句)。根据句意可知,表示“目的是为了建立良好的亲子关系”,表示目的,故选A。


一.定义: 表语从句就是用一个句子作为表语。位于系动词之后,说明主语身份,特征,属性或状态。比较: The problem is puzzling. 主语连系动词形容词作表语 The problem is when we can get a pay rise. 主语连系动词一个句子作表语---表语从句 二、系动词的分类(了解哪些词为系动词) 系动词有表示状态的;有表示状态变化的。 表示状态的有: 1)be, seem ,appear 等。 2)look ,sound ,feel ,taste ,smell 等,由感官动词变化而来。意思为“看(听、摸、尝、闻)起来”。 Mr. Li looks quite young. 李先生看起来很年轻。 3)stand ,keep ,prove ,remain 等由不及物动词转化而来。 The machine has been standing idle. 这台机器一直闲着不用。 2.表示状态变化的: become ,get ,grow, fall, turn等 He has fallen ill. 他已经病倒了。 三连接表语从句与主句的关系词主要有三类:

1. 从属连词:that(无有词义), whether(是否,if (是否) 2. 关系代词:who(谁,主格), whom(谁,宾格),whose谁的,所有格), what(什么),which(哪个,哪些) 3. 关系副词:when(什么时候)where(什么地方)why(为什么), how(怎样)例如: The fact is that we have lost the game. 事实是我们已经输了这场比赛。 That’s just what I want. 这正是我想要的。 This is where our problem lies. 这就是我们的问题所在。 That is why he didn’t come to the meeting.那就是他为什么不到会的原因。 It looks as if it is going to rain. 看上去天要下雨了。 It is because you eat too much那是因为你吃得太多了。 The reason why he was late was that he missed the train by one minute this morning (当主语是reason时,表语从句要用that引导而不是because) 另外,与其他名词从句有所不同的是as, as if/though, because也可用来引导表语从句.如: He looked just as he had looked ten years before.他看起来还与十年前一样。 She seems as if she had done a great thing.她看起来好像做了一件大事。 It is because you eat too much.那是因为你吃得太多了。 【注意】because可引导表语从句,但与之同义的since, as, for等也不用于引导表语从句。


状语从句练习题 1. I had been looking for the book for two days __ I found it at last. a. until b. when c. before d. while 2. He punished his students ___ they did anything wrong. a. however b. whenever c. whatever d. whichever 3. Those passengers will wait here ___ the bus arrives. a. until b. because c. though d. as 4. Hardly had we reached home __ it began to rain. a. before b. than c. as soon as d. when 5. No sooner had we arrived at the cinema___ the film began. a. than b. before c. when d. as soon as 6. You can't watch TV __ you've finished your homework. a. since b. until c. as d. after 7. We had scarcely left our school ___ the rain began. a. before b. than c. while d. when 8. We have never seen her again ____ she went to work in another city. a. when b. as c. since d. while 9. __ the fight stopped, travel across the country has been quite safe. a. Since b. When c. After d. Unless 10. a. before b. when c. as d. than 1 / 13 They were just about to leave the telephone rang.
