

Dual Yellow Oral Liquid Manual

Please read the instructions carefully, purchase and take Dual Yellow Oral Liquid

according to the instructions or under the guidance of the physician.

【Drug Name】

Common name: Dual yellow Oral Liquid

Chinese phonetic alphabets: shuang huang lian kou fu ye

【Ingredients】Flos lonicerae, radix scutellariae, fructus forsythia. Auxiliary materials are sucrose, essence, purified water

【Characters】Brown clear liquid with sweet and bitter taste

【Indications】Dispelling wind,clearing heat and removing toxicity. For the treatment of the influenza due to wind-heat, with the symptoms like fever, cough and sore throat.

【Specification】10 ml per vial

【Usage and Dosage】Orally two vials each time and three times a day; children reduce the dosage or follow doctor’s advice.

【ADRs】According to the literature, the adverse drug reactions after taken Dual Yellow Oral Liquid’s are as belows: upper respiratory tract infection causes a reduction in symptoms the next day, but develops cutaneous pruritus on the body, and skin rash; moreover, develops maculopapule of all sizes. 【Contraindication】Not sure yet.


1.Avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food.

2.Avoid to take tonic medicine at the same time

3.Not for common cold due to wind-heat。

4.Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and other serious chronic diseases should take under the guidance of the physician.

5.Children, pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly should take under the guidance of the physician.

6.Patients with body temperature above 38.5 ℃ should go to the hospital.

7. Taken oral liquid after three days without relief of symptoms, patients should go to hospital.

8. Prohibit to take if hypersensitivity to the liquid and belong to allergic constitution.

9.Prohibit to take if characteristics of the product is changed.

10.Children must take under adult’s supervision.

11.Keep the liquid out of reach of children.

12.If now using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.

【Drug interactions】If taken with other drugs, may occur drug interactions, please consult your physician or pharmacist.


Instructions 1. Specifications for gears assembled The torch is equipped with the following 8 different gears: 2. Operation for switchover ● tail switch operation The tail switch is a button switch with the function of button-pressing for locking and unlocking, which is to realize the operation of internal switches through the metallic button’s delivering the pressing force in the following specific modes: ◆when the switch is off, if the metallic button is pressed hard, after it is released, the switch

will then be kept on, circuit connected with LED on. ◆when the switch is on, if the metallic button is pressed hard, after it is released, the switch will then be unlocked and kept off with LED accordingly off. ◆when the switch is on, if the metallic button is pressed gently, LED will be off immediately, but after the button is released, LED will then be on again, and the switch will then be kept on. This operation is defined as the “gentle pressing” that LED goes through momentary on-and-off as the metallic button is gently pressed and released. ●how to switch over If the torch is turned on for the first time, or turned on again after it is turned off for the first time and remains off or at least 2 seconds, the gear will then be automatically switched to the first gear in either case: “high light”. In the mode that the torch is kept on when LED is on, press the tail switch gently, and the torch will be switched to another gear. The 8 different gears assembled herein will be switched on by turns. Caution: if you have any problem with switchover before initial use, please contact relevant salespeople or the after-sale service department for more information. 3. Load batteries in the right way Unscrew the tail cover, put the batteries into the cabin with the positive electrode toward the torch head, and then screw the cover tight. If batteries are loaded in the wrong way, the torch won’t work due to circuit protection, but it will resume normal work after batteries are unloaded and reloaded in the right way. Caution: batteries with no-load voltage over 2V are not preferred in case the internal circuit suffers from damages. Only batteries with on-load voltage of or under 2V are recommended. Due to excellent discharging performance, NiMH batteries are strongly recommended here. Maintenance Four silicone rings are equipped, two in front of the middle pipe and two at the back, providing excellent water-proof performance. For daily use, the torch will continue normal work even if it is accidentally soaked in the water.


双黄连口服液(儿童型) 治疗外感引起的儿童扁桃体炎疗效观察 [摘要]目的观察双黄连口服液(儿童型)治疗外感引起的小儿急性扁桃体炎的疗效。方法选择外感引起的急性扁桃体炎患儿60例,随机分成两组,治疗组30例给予口服双黄连口服液(儿童型)治疗,对照组30例给予口服小儿咽扁颗粒治疗,疗程均为7d。结果治疗组症状、体征改善时间明显优于对照组,且治疗组总有效率明显高于对照组。结论双黄连口服液(儿童型)治外感引起的儿童扁桃体炎疗效较好,口感好,顺应性高。 [关键词]双黄连口服液(儿童型);小儿咽扁颗粒;扁桃体炎 扁桃体炎是儿科常见的上呼吸道感染,常见致病菌包括A组溶血性链球菌、肺炎球菌和流感嗜血杆菌。双黄连对这类细菌均有较好的抗菌作用[1,2],双黄连口服液(儿童型)是在双黄连口服液基础上调整处方量制成的,专门针对儿童服用的双黄连制剂,由金银花、黄芩、连翘3味中药组成,具有疏风解表,清热解毒、抗炎消肿的作用。本研究观察了双黄连口服液(儿童型)和小儿咽扁颗粒治疗外感引起的扁桃体炎患儿的疗效,现将结果报道如下。 1材料与方法 1.1 一般资料 从我院儿科2013年3月-2014年4月收治的外感引起的小儿扁桃体炎的患儿中随机抽取60例作为观察对象,根据治疗药物的不同随机分成治疗组和对照组。治疗组30例,其中男14例,女16例,年龄2.5-7岁,病程0.5-2天,双侧扁桃体Ⅰ~Ⅲ度肿大。对照组30例,其中男15例,女15例,年龄2-6.5岁,病程0.5-1.5天,双侧扁桃体Ⅰ~Ⅲ度肿大。对两组患儿的性别、年龄、病程以及病情程度数据进行统计学处理,P>0.05,差异没有统计学意义,具有可比性。 1.2 治疗方法 治疗组给予双黄连口服液(儿童型,10ml/支,河南太龙药业股份有限公司


产品说明书英文版V HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】


This manual applies to the following models: 3UA Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 3UB Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 8U Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal ) 8U-S Multiview CONTROLER( Optional Front Panal ) 12U Multiview CONTROLER LED Very-large Dot Matrix Screen Multiview CONTROLER ( K Series ) Monitoring Multiview CONTROLER ( N Series ) 3D Multiview CONTROLER ( 3D Series ) 4K Multiview CONTROLER (4k Series ) IMPORTANT NOTICE The company reserves the right to update the manual according to improvement of products without any prior notice. In the process of using, if any content in this manual is inconsistent with actual products or there is any further question during use, please contact document information department of our company. Please read this manual carefully before using the CONTROLER and properly file it after reading for future reference. Pictures are for reference only, subject to our available products. Please pay close attention to those with the Icon of in the article.


Product characteristics: It replenishes sufficient water to creat a moisturizing and water-locking membrane on the skin to maintain the normal water content of the cuticle ,banlance the PH value of the skin and keep the skin healthier. Containing rich fibroin extract and varirties of valued herbal essences,it strengthens the whitening function as well as tone the dark complexion and soften the coticle to build sparking,white ,bright,hydrous and transparent skin. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水 产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水触感清爽、柔滑,为肌肤注入充足的水分,并形成保湿锁水薄膜,维持角质层正常含水量,平衡皮肤酸碱值,另肌肤更健康;富含蚕丝蛋白、甘草、海藻精华,提升肌肤美白原动力,改善暗沉肤色,软化角质,重塑肌肤的盈白亮丽,水凝通透。 product characteristics: Being refreshing,it slowers the oxidation caused by free radicals and blocks kinds of radiation to strengthen the resistivity of the skin. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences, it strengthens the whitening funtion as well as concealing the dark and rough state of the skin and marking it white, smooth and fine naturally. 活肌盈BB霜 产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。 肌活盈白BB霜含有丰富蚕丝蛋白、甘草萃取精华能修复问题肌肤,呈现最时尚的薄透裸妆。添加高保湿美容圣品的霍霍巴油,让基督保有水润明亮,智慧型的抑油功能,维持整天完美的轻透亮。 ACTIVE WHITE MOISTURIZING LOTION Product Charateristics:with natural moisturizing factors,it keeps replenishing water an increase the elasticty of the skin to keep it more moisturized. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences,it strenthens whitening funtion as well as toning the dark and unevening complexion to keep it moisturized,white,graceful and attractive. 肌活盈白润肤乳 产品特点:质地清透幼滑,迅速渗透,持续给予肌肤充分滋养,让干燥粗糙的肌肤变得明亮润滑,显着改善肤色,用后肌肤清透柔亮,犹如出水芙蓉般水润透白。 蕴含蚕丝蛋白、洛神花和透明质酸,深层保湿,并在肌肤表明形成锁


双黄连口服液的质量分析 一、实验目的 1.掌握对照品对照法和对照药材对照法鉴别复方制剂中药材的方法。 2.掌握双黄连口服液中金银花、黄芩和连翘的质量检验方法。 二、仪器与试药 1.仪器 美国PE-60型高效液相色谱仪KQ-300E型超声波清洗器 Mettler AL204电子天平ZF-2型三用紫外仪HHS型电热恒温干燥箱 容量瓶规格:25mL 移液管规格:25mL 滤纸规格:直径10cm 研钵硅胶G薄层板聚酰胺薄膜(5cm×7cm) 2..试药 双黄连口服液规格:每支装10mL 黄芩苷、绿原酸对照品连翘对照药材乙醇二氯甲烷甲醇硫酸醋酸 三、实验原理 采用对照品对照法和对照药材对照法分别鉴别双黄连口服液中的金银花、黄芩和连翘三味主药。 四、实验内容 【处方】金银花375g 黄芩375g 连翘750g 【制法】以上三味,黄芩切片,加水煎煮三次,第一次2小时,第二、三次各1小时,合并煎液,滤过,滤液浓缩并在80℃时加入2mol/L盐酸溶液适量调节PH值至1.0~2.0,保温1小时,静置12小时,滤过,沉淀加6~8倍量水,用40%氢氧化钠溶液调节PH值至7.0,再加等量乙醇,搅拌使溶解,滤过,滤液用2mol/L盐酸溶液调节PH值至2.0,60℃保温30分钟,静置12小时,滤过,沉淀用乙醇洗至PH值7.0,挥尽乙醇备用;金银花、连翘加水温浸半小时后,煎煮二次,每次1.5小时,合并煎液,滤过,滤液浓缩至相对蜜度为1.20~1.25(70~80℃测),冷至40℃时缓缓加入乙醇,使含醇量达75%,充分搅拌,静置12小时,滤取上清液,残渣加75%乙醇适量,搅匀,静置12小时,滤过,合并乙醇液,回收乙醇至无醇味,加入黄芩提取物,并加水适量,以40%氢氧化钠溶液调节PH值至7.0,搅匀,冷藏(4~8℃)72小时,滤过,滤液加入蔗糖300g,搅拌使溶解,再加入香精适量并调节PH值至7.0,加水制成1000mL,搅匀,静置12小时,滤过,灌装,灭菌,即得。 【性状】本品为棕红色的澄清液体;味甜,微苦。 【鉴别】(1) 取本品1mL,加75%乙醇溶液5mL,摇匀,作为供试品溶液。另取黄芩苷、绿原酸对照品,分别加75%乙醇制成每1mL含0.1mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(中国药典2010年版附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各1~2μL,分别点于同一聚酰胺薄膜 (5cm×7cm)上,以醋酸为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,置紫外光灯(365nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的荧光斑点。 (2) 取本品1mL,加甲醇5mL,振摇使溶解,静置,取上清液,作为供试品溶液。另取连翘对照药材0.5g,加甲醇10mL,置水浴上加热回流20分钟,滤过,滤液作为对照药材溶液。照薄层色谱法(中国药典2010年版附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各5μL,分别点于同一以羧甲基纤维素钠为黏合剂的硅胶G薄层板上,以二氯甲烷-甲醇(5:1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%硫酸乙醇溶液,在105℃加热数分钟。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。 【检查】pH值应为5.0~7.0(附录Ⅶ G)。


dual yellow oral liquid manual please read the instructions carefully, purchase and take dual yellow oral liquid according to the instructions or under the guidance of the physician. 【drug name】 chinese phonetic alphabets: shuang huang lian kou fu ye 【ingredients】flos lonicerae, radix scutellariae, fructus forsythia. auxiliary materials are sucrose, essence, purified water 【characters】brown clear liquid with sweet and bitter taste 【indications】dispelling wind,clearing heat and removing toxicity. for the treatment of the influenza due to wind-heat, with the symptoms like fever, cough and sore throat. 【specification】10 ml per vial 【usage and dosage】orally two vials each time and three times a day; children reduce the dosage or follow doctor’s advice. 【adrs】according to the literature, the adverse drug reactions after taken dual yellow oral liquid’s are as belows: upper respiratory tract infection causes a reduction in symptoms the next day, but develops cutaneous pruritus on the body, and skin rash; moreover, develops maculopapule of all sizes. 【contraindication】not sure yet. 【notes】 1.avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food. 2.avoid to take tonic medicine at the same time 4.patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and other serious chronic diseases should take under the guidance of the physician. 5.children, pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly should take under the guidance of the physician. 6. patients with body temperature above 38.5 ℃ should go to the hospital. 7. taken oral liquid after three days without relief of symptoms, patients should go to hospital. 8. prohibit to take if hypersensitivity to the liquid and belong to allergic constitution. 9.prohibit to take if characteristics of the product is changed. 10.children must take under adult’s supervision. 11.keep the liquid out of reach of children. 12.if now using other drugs, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product. 【drug interactions】if taken with other drugs, may occur drug interactions, please consult your physician or pharmacist.篇二:10ml双黄连口服液说明书 篇三:年产3000万支10ml双黄连口服液说明书 学校学院专业班级组员日期 年产3000万支10ml双黄连口服液 生产车间工艺设计说明书 大学中药学院


产品说明书范文英文版 电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英) 便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics 使用说明书User’s Manual 专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验 产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获 取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。在您开始使用 本机之前请先仔细阅读说明书,以便您能正确的使用本机, 如有任何印刷错误或翻译失误望广大用户谅解,当涉及内容 有所更改时,恕不另行通知。 Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’s introduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice. 一、产品概述 General Information 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响, 适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐


制药有限公司 双黄连口服液生产工艺规程 颁发单位:GMP办公室


目录 1、剂型及规格 (3) 2、处方和依据 (3) 3、生产过程质控要点 (3) 4、生产的工艺流程图 (4) 5、操作过程及工艺条件 (4) 6、工艺过程中所需SOP名称及要求 (8) 7、工艺卫生及环境卫生 (8) 8、工艺验证及具体要求 (9) 9、设备一览表及主要设备生产能力 (9) 10、物料平衡及经济技术指标计算 (9) 11、技术安全及劳动保护 (10) 12、劳动组织与岗位定员 (10)

1.剂型及规格 剂型:合剂。 2.处方和依据 2005版《中华人民共和国兽药典》第二部。3.生产过程质控要点:

4.生产的工艺流程图 5.操作过程及工艺条件 5.1 生产前准备: 5.1.1上一批次是否进行清场。清场者、检查者是否签字,将“清场合格证” 副件归入本批生产记录。未取得清场合格证不得进行下一批次的生产。 5.1.2检查生产场所的环境、设施卫生是否符合该区域清洁卫生要求。不得 有上批生产遗留物。 5.1.3检查设备有“已清洁”标牌,并进行试运转,检查合格后,挂上“运 行中”标牌后才能使用。所有工具、容器、设备是否已按清洗规程完

成并符合标准。 5.1.4对计量容器、衡器要进行检查、校正以后才能使用。 5.1.5检查与生产相适应的相关文件,记录等是否齐全。 5.1.6对所用物料、半成品核对品名、规格、批号、数量,准确无误后方可 使用。 5.2 指令的下达: 由生产部提前一天下达批生产指令单与批包装指令单,质管部审核后工艺员将批生产指令一份送中药原辅料仓库管理员,另一份送生产部口服液车间班长,准备生产。 5.3 备料 仓库管理员根据批生产指令,按《原辅料备料、称量岗位操作规程》准备所需原料、辅料,按包装指令和《标签、包装、使用说明书管理制度》准备规定数量的包装材料。并由质量监督员复核品名、数量、规格、编号、检验报告单,复核无误后,通知生产部领料。 5.4 领料 5.4.1由领料员接收物料,领料时严格按《领料岗位操作规程》操作,并由 质量监督员进行监督复核,复核物料的品名、规格、编号、数量、供 货单位及检验合格证明,核对无误后由领料员在领料单及批生产指令 单上签字。领料员将物料送到车间,在提取车间将包装袋外灰尘用抹 布擦试干净。 5.4.2不合格的物料拒绝接收。 5.5 称量 5.5.1进行生产前检查,检查合格后按《提取车间称量配料岗位操作规程》进行 操作。 5.5.2原料、辅料按生产指令单下达的要求的重量及原料水分、含量进行计算称 量,填写岗位记录和盛装单并悬挂于周转桶上,标明品名、批号、编号、数量、使用日期、使用者。剩余的原料退回原料库。 5.5.3称量后的净药材,从提取罐的投料口放入提取罐中,打开自来水阀门加入 自来水3000kg,封闭投料口。


如何翻译英文说明书 【篇一:英语药品说明书的翻译】 英语药品说明书的翻译 英语药品说明书由以下12项内容组成,大多数英语药品说明书结 构基本相同。 1. pakage insert (insert)说明书 2. drug name (medicine) 药品 名称 3. description 性状 4. action 作用 5. indication适应症 6. contraindications 禁忌症 7. precaution注意事项 8. side effects副作用 9. dosage and administration 剂量和用法 10. dacking 包装 11.expiry 失效期 12. manufactring date (manu.date)出厂日期 13.reference 参考文献 药品名称 一、英语药品说明书一般用商品名,由生产厂家向该国政府有关部 门申请注册正式名称,受该国政府法律保护,在药品名称的右上角 有个○r的符号,意思是已经申请注册的法定名称,不可随意改变名称。○r=recive 在药品之后有时issued to(for) the medical profession only短语,意:仅供医界参考。 r例:mobic ○ issued to(for) the medical prfession. 二、译法:分四种译法 1. 音译:按英语读音用相应的汉字译出 例: mobic莫比可 rifampicin利福平 2. 意译:按药品名称各组成部份的英语意义译成汉语 例: streptomycine是由strepto和mycine组成,其中 strepto(链球状),mycine(霉素),则按英语意思,译成:链霉素。 因此必须掌握大量前、后缀,才以准确翻译,此种译法多数是抗生 素类药物。 nitroglycerine 由nitro(硝基)+glycerin(甘油)组成,则意为硝酸甘 油 aminophylline由amino+phylline译:氨茶碱 3. 音意并译:按英语药名组成,前面部份按音译,后面部份按意译。例:kanamycine由kama(卡那)+mycine(霉素)组成,按前音后的 方法,译为卡那霉素。


双黄连口服液的功效与作用 说到双黄连口服液有些人可能会感到很陌生,实际上它是一种中药方剂。今天大家就一起来聊聊双黄连口服液的功效与作用等相关小常识。 【处方】 金银花375g 黄芩375g 连翘750g 【性状】 为棕红色的澄清液体;味甜,微苦。 【炮制】 以上三味,黄芩切片,加水煎煮三次,第一次2小时,第二、三次各1小时,合并煎液,滤过,滤液浓缩并在80℃时加入2mol/L 盐酸溶液适量调节PH值至1.0~2.0,保温1小时,静置12小时,滤过,沉淀加6~8倍量水,用40%氢氧化钠溶液调节PH 值至7.0,再加等量乙醇,搅拌使溶解,滤过,滤液用2mol/L 盐酸溶液调节PH值至2.0,60℃保温30分钟,静置12小时,滤过,沉淀用乙醇洗至PH值7.0,挥尽乙醇备用;金银花、连翘加水温浸半小时后,煎煮二次,每次1.5小时,合并煎液,滤过,滤液浓缩至相对蜜度为1.20~1.25(70~80℃测),冷至40℃

时缓缓加入乙醇,使含醇量达75%,充分搅拌,静置12小时,滤取上清液,残渣加75%乙醇适量,搅匀,静置12小时,滤过,合并乙醇液,回收乙醇至无醇味,加入黄芩提取物,并加水适量,以40%氢氧化钠溶液调节PH值至7.0,搅匀,冷藏(4~8℃)72小时,滤过,滤液加入蔗糖300g,搅拌使溶解,再加入香精适量并调节PH值至7.0,加水制成1000ml,搅匀,静置12小时,滤过,灌装,灭菌,即得。 【功能主治】 辛凉解表,清热解毒。用于外感风热引起的发热,咳嗽,咽痛。 【用法用量】 口服,一次20ml,一日3次;小儿酌减或遵医嘱。 【规格】 每支装10ml 【贮藏】 密封,避光,置阴凉处。 【摘录】 《中国药典》


AutoCut WEDM Program-Control System Instruction Designed by:Dongrui Lee 2009.1

CONTENT CONTENT (2) Chapter1The Introduction of AutoCut WEDM Program-Control System (1) 1.1Introduction (1) 1.2The Structure of AutoCut System (1) 1.3Main functions of AutoCut system (2) 1.4Main Characteristics of AutoCut System (3) 1.5Running condition of AutoCut System (3) Chapter2AutoCut system hardware and software installation (4) 2.1Hardware Installation (4) 2.2Software installation (7) 2.3Uninstall Software (7) Chapter3The usage of NCCAD (9) Chapter4The usage of AutoCut For AutoCAD (10) 4.1Draw Wedm Curve (11) 4.2Track Designing (13) 4.3Track process (21) 4.4Track Amendment (23) 4.5Technics Library (23) 4.6About AutoCut (25) Chapter5The usage of AutoCut control software (26) 5.1Interface (26) 5.2Load process task (27) 5.3Settings (30) 5.4Start Processing (35) 5.5Motor (37) 5.6High-Frequency (37) 5.7Wire (38) 5.8Pump (38) 5.9Gapping (38) 5.10Incising Limit Speed (39) 5.11Empty Walking Limit Speed (39) 5.12Manual Function (39) 5.13Pitch Correct (43) 5.14Servo Debug (45) 5.15High-Frequency Settings (46) 5.16About (47) Chapter6Contact (48)

产品说明书英文版(DOCX 39页)

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This manual applies to the following models: 3UA Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 3UB Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 8U Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal ) 8U-S Multiview CONTROLER( Optional Front Panal ) 12U Multiview CONTROLER LED Very-large Dot Matrix Screen Multiview CONTROLER ( K Series ) Monitoring Multiview CONTROLER ( N Series ) 3D Multiview CONTROLER ( 3D Series ) 4K Multiview CONTROLER (4k Series ) IMPORTANT NOTICE The company reserves the right to update the manual according to improvement of products without any prior notice. In the process of using, if any content in this manual is inconsistent with actual products or there


三精双黄莲口服液营销策划书 一、前言: (一)本案策划目的:提高三精双黄连口服液的知名度,促进它的销售 (二)整体计划概念: 目前,我国呼吸系统疾病的患病率约在6.94%左右,即全国每年有8000多万人患有呼吸系统疾病。 在疾病构成上,急性鼻咽炎、流行性感冒、扁桃体气管炎、慢性支气管炎这四大常见疾病占整个呼吸系统疾病的80%左右。 而双黄连口服液针对这一病症(清热解毒),有很好呢疗效 二、背景分析: (一)市场环境分析 a、市场状况:目前双黄莲口服液在市场上的占有率,以及它在大众心中都留下很好的口碑。 b、市场前景分析:根据 2002年零售市场中成药销售金额前10名 排序作用类别销售额占比例(%)—————————————————— 1 [中]清热药13.81

2 [中]扶正药10.71 3 [中]理血药10.49 4 [中]化痰药7.54 5 [中]妇科用药 6.75 6 [中]耳鼻咽喉口腔科用药 6.25 7 [中] 风湿用药 6.00 8 [中]骨伤科用药 4.87 9 [中]肝胆用药 4.11 10 [中]眼科用药 3.01

以上图表说明:当前针对这一方面大部分人首选的药就是双黄莲,它能清热解毒,疏风解表。用于外感风热所致的感冒,症见发热、咳嗽、咽痛。 2、企业形象分析: 关于三精(口碑) 三精药业望奎制药厂实现年产值3亿元 三精制药三季净利增长12% 三精制药:双黄连口服液需求激增 ?2004年投资近亿元组建了开放型的具有国际水准的研发平台。 2004年2月25日,“三精”品牌被国家工商总局认定为“中 国驰名商标”。2004年12月13日,经北京名牌资产评估公司权威认定,三精品牌价值为40.03亿元人民币。 ?2005年度,公司实现主营业务收入17.69亿元,同比增长175.24 %;主营业务利润8.27亿元,同比增长216.19%;利润总额25,256万元,同比增长566.51 %;净利润14,514万元,同比增长443.70%。


目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。以下,我们就来讨论一下说明书的句型和选词问题。 一、产品说明书的若干句型 句型是语言结构的要素。无论英译汉还是汉译英都离不开句型。学习、掌握和使用句型是翻译工作者的必由之路。现将英文产品说明书的若干常见句型说明如下: 1.(情态动词)be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 这种句型用语文章开头,说明该产品是做什么用的,例如: 1)本冲床主要用于冲孔、落料、弯曲、浅拉伸、剪切等冷冲工艺。 this press is mainly suitable for cold working operations, such as punching, blanking, bending, shallow drawing, cutting and so on. 2)该产品用于温度225℃以下的热水管或蒸汽管道上。 1 this product can be used in hot water or steam line with the temperature limited to 225℃. 类似常见的类型还有: ... is used for... ... is used to ... ... is used as... ... is designed to... ... is suitable to be used in... ...is available for (to)... ...may be applicable to... ...may be used to... ...can be used as... ...can be designed as... ...is adapted for (to)... 2 ...is designed to be...so as to... ...is capable of... 2.(情态动词)+be+介词短语 情态动词should,can,may+be+介词短语,这种句型用于说明物体的特征、状态和范围,以及计量单位等。如: 1) cyj15-18-18型抽油机的结构紧凑。 2)风机用联轴器连接时,请注意电动机与主轴同心度,以免产生振动或引起轴承发热等情况。 when the blower is driven in mode “d”, the motor shaft and main shaft should be in correct alignment so as to avoid vibration and bearing heating.(原说明书把联轴器传动,叫“d”式传动) 3.be+形容词+介词短语 3 1)该机器操作时安全可靠,便于维修,能在恶劣条件下工作。 it is reliable in usage, convenient in maintenance and able to work under very bad conditions. 2)电机皮带轮上备有锥套,便于安装和拆卸。


双黄连口服液工艺验证 验证报告 文件编号: 验证 项目名称双黄连口服液工艺验证 验证项目编号-SC-GY-YZ-003/01 验证项目类别□前验证□同步验证□回顾性验证□再验证 起草人起草日期年月日 审核人审核日期年月日 批准人批准日期年月日 1概述 产品的质量受到众多因素的影响,除了要有合理的工艺处方, 严格的质量标准及准确的化验方法外,工艺过程的稳定是保证产品质量的关键所在,而生产过程的工艺验证是保持工艺的 重现性和稳定性的有效手段。产品工艺验证是在工艺设备验证、生产厂房验证、模拟生产试验的基础上进行的特殊监控条件下的试生产,其主要目的是在特定的生产条件下,通过试生产的形式,证实产品生产工艺过程确实能始终如一地生产出符合预定规格及质量标准的口服液。 2验证范围:双黄连口服液生产工艺的验证 验证方案制定依据:《药品生产验证指南》、《兽药品生产质量管理规范》 3.验证目的:为确认双黄连口服液生产工艺是否符合要求,找出各种不同情况下达到规定的质量标准要求所需的最佳工艺。确需变更时,应填写验证方案变更申请及批准书,报验证小组批准。 4职责: 4.1 质量部 4.1.1负责取样及对样品的检验。 4.1.2负责制订中间产品及成品质量标准。 4.1.3负责收集各项验证试验记录,并对试验结果进行分析后起草验证方案,报验证小组。 4.1.4负责仪器、仪表、量具等的校正。 4.2 生产部 4.2.1负责拟订验证方案及验证方案的实施。 4.2.2负责设备的操作。 4.2.3负责合理安排生产的批量以及生产人员的组织。 4.2.4负责参加验证人员的相关知识及洁净作业的培训 5.验证内容 其生产工艺流程如下:
