



Financing of SMEs


The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity, trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit and other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric information and transactions costs associated with nonpayment. According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms choose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additional Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SME’s confirms that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a19031588.html,

For SME’s the main sources of financing are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit, bank credit and other debt. The choice of financing is driven by the costs of the sources which is primarily determined by costs of solving the asymmetric information problem and the expected costs associated with non-payment of debt. Asymmetric information costs arise from collecting and analysing information to support the decision of extending credit, and the non-payment costs are from

collecting the collateral and selling it to recover the debt. Since SMEs’ management and shareholders are often the same person, equity and internally generated funds have no asymmetric information costs and equity is therefore the cheapest source.

2. Asset side theory of SME financing

In the previous section we have suggested that SME’s in Portugal are financed using internal generated cash, cheap trade credits, long and short-term bank loans and expensive trade credits and other loans. In this section the motives behind the different types of financing are discussed.

2.1. Cheap Trade credits

The first external financing source we will discuss is trade-credits. Trade credits are interesting since they represent financial services provided by non-financial firms in competition with financial intermediaries. The early research within this area focused on the role of trade credits in relation to the credit channel or the so called “Meltzer” effect and in relation to the efficiency of monetary policy. The basic idea is that firms with direct access to financial markets, in general large well known firms, issue trade credits to small financially constrained firms . The more recent research breaks the role of trade credits into a strategic motive and financial motive for issuing and using these credits.

Strategic motives

The first theory centers on asymmetric information regarding the firm’s products. Trade credits are offered to the buyers so that the buyer can verify the quantity and quality before submitting payments. By offering trade finance the supplier signals to the buyers that they offer products of good quality. Since small firms, in general, have no reputation then these firms are forced to use trade credits to signal the quality of their products. The use of trade credits is therefore driven by asymmetric information of the products and is therefore more likely to be used by small firms, if the buyer has little information about the supplier, or the products are complicated and it is difficult to asses their quality.

The second strategic motive is pricing. Offering trade finance on favorable terms is the same as a price reduction for the goods. Thus firms can use trade credits to

promote sales without officially reducing prices or use them as a tool for price discrimination between different buyers. Trade credits are most advantageous to risky borrowers since their costs of alternative financing are higher than for borrowers with good credit ratings. Thus trade credits can be used as tool for direct price discrimination but also as an indirect tool (if all buyers are offered the same terms) in favor of borrowers with a low credit standing.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a19031588.html, Trade credits are also used to develop long term relationships between the supplier and the buyers. This often manifests itself by the supplier extending the credit period in case the buyer has temporary financial difficulties. Compared to financial institutions suppliers have better knowledge of the industry and are therefore better able to judge whether the firm has temporary problems or the problems are of a more permanent nature.

The last motive in not strictly a strategic motive but is based on transactions costs. Trade credits are an efficient way of performing the transactions since it is possible to separate between delivery and payment. In basic terms the truck drive r delivering the goods does not have to run around to find the person responsible for paying the bills. The buyer also saves transactions costs by reducing the amount of cash required on“hand” .

Financing motives

The basis for this view is that firms compete with financial institutions in offering credit to other firms. The traditional view of financial institutions is that they extend credit to firms where asymmetric information is a major problem. Financial institutions have advantages in collecting and analyzing information from, in particular, smaller and medium sized firms that suffer from problems of asymmetric information. The key to this advantage over financial markets lies in the close relationship between the bank and the firm and in the payment function. The financial institution is able to monitor the cash inflow and outflows of the firm by monitoring the accounts of the firm.

But with trade credits non-financial firms are competing with financial institutions in solving these problems and extending credit. How can non-financial

institutions compete in this market? Petersen and Rajan [1997] briefly discusses several ways that suppliers may have advantages over financial institutions. The supplier has a close working association with the borrower and more frequently visit s the premises than a financial institution does. The size and timing of the lenders orders with the supplier provides information about the conditions of the borrowers business. Notice that this information is available to the supplier before it is available to the financial institution since the financial institution has to wait for the cash flow associated with the orders. The use of early payment discounts provides the supplier with an indication of problems with creditworthiness in the firm. Again the supplier obtains the information before the financial institution does. Thus the supplier may be able to obtain information about the creditworthiness faster and cheaper than the financial institution.

The supplier may also have advantages in collecting payments. If the supplier has at least a local monopoly for the goods then the ability to withhold future deliveries is a powerful incentive for the firm to pay. This is a particular powerful threat if the borrower only accounts for a small fraction of the suppliers business. In case of defaults the supplier can seize the goods and in general has a better use for them than a financial intermediary sizing the same goods. Through its sales network the supplier can sell the reclaimed goods faster and at a higher price than what is available to a financial intermediary. These advantages, of course, depend on the durability of the goods and how much the borrower has transformed them.

If asymmetric information is one of the driving forces the explanation of trade credits then firms can use the fact that their suppliers have issued them credits in order to obtain additional credit from the banks. The banks are aware that the supplier has better information thus the bank can use trade credits as signal of the credit worthiness of the firm.

That trade credits are in general secured by the goods delivered also puts a limit on the amount of trade credits the firm can obtain, thus the firm cannot use trade credits to finance the entire operations of the firm.

In summary the prediction is that the level of asymmetric information is

relatively low between the providers of trade credit and the borrowers due to the issuer’s general knowledge of the firm and the industry. In the empirical work below the variables explaining the use of trade credit are credit risk factors and Cost of Goods Sold. Since these trade credits are secured by the materials delivered to the firm, firms cannot “borrow” for more than the delivery value of the goods and services.

2.2 Bank loans

Banks have less information than providers of trade credit and the costs of gathering information are also higher for banks than for providers of trade credit. Providers of trade credits also have an advantage over banks in selling the collateral they have themselves delivered, but due to their size and number of transactions banks have an advantage in selling general collateral such as buildings, machinery etc. Banks therefore prefer to issue loans using tangible assets as collateral, also due to asymmetric information, they are less likely to issue loans to more opaque firms such as small and high growth firms. Banks are therefore willing to lend long term provided that tangible assets are available for collateral. In the empirical work below tangible assets and credit risk variables are expected to explain the use of long-term bank loans and the amount of long-term bank loans are limited by the value of tangible assets.

The basis for issuing Short Term Bank Loans is the comparative advantages banks have in evaluating and collecting on accounts receivables, i.e. Debtors. It is also possible to use Cash and Cash equivalents as collateral but banks do not have any comparative advantages over other providers of credit in terms of evaluating and collecting these since they consist of cash and marketable securities. In terms of inventories, again banks do not have any comparative advantages in evaluating these. Thus, we expect the amounts of debtors to be the key variable in explaining the behaviour of Short Term Bank Loans.

2.3. Expensive trade credit and other loans

After other sources of finance have been exhausted firms can delay payment on their trade credits. However, this is expensive since it involves giving up the discount

and maybe incurs penalty payments. Also the use of this type of credit can have reputational costs and it may be difficult to obtain trade credit in the future. The nature of the costs, of course, depends on the number of suppliers, if there is only one supplier then these costs can be rather high whereas if the firm can obtain the same goods and services from other suppliers then these costs are not particularly high.

Other debt is composed of credit card debt, car loans etc. that are dearer than bank loans. Again, the variables determining this type of debt are financial health and performance. Below, however, we do not have any good information regarding these types of loans and what they consists of thus we pay little attention to them in the empirical work.


Currently there exist two theories of capital structure The Pecking Order Theory where firms first exhaust all funding of the cheapest source first, then the second cheapest source and so on. The differences in funding costs are due to adverse selection costs from asymmetric information. The second theory is the Tradeoff Theory where firms increase the amount of debt as long as the benefits are greater than the costs from doing so. The benefits of debt are tax-shields and “positive agency costs” and the costs of debt are the expected bankruptcy costs and the “negative agency costs”. In both of these theories, the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet is not important and in this paper, that proposition is strongly rejected. So the main conclusion is that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet influences the composition of the liability side of the balance sheet in terms of the different types of debt used to finance the firm, or that the use of the funds is important in deciding the type of financing available.

We further argue that it is asymmetric information and collateral that determines the relationship between the asset side and liability side of the balance sheet. The theory works reasonable well for Cheap Trade Credits and Long Term Bank Loans but the tests for Short Term Bank Loans are disappointing.

Source: Jan Bartholdy,Cesario Mateus,“Financing of SMEs”.London business review. 2007(9).pp.43-45






2 中小企业资产融资理论


2.1 廉价贸易信贷
















2.1 银行信贷



2.3 高价贸易信贷和其他贷款







出处:[丹麦]扬·尔迪, [英国]切萨里奥·马特乌斯,《中小企业融资》,伦敦商业观察.2007(9):43-45.


浅析中小企业融资困难问题 一、中小企业融资特点: 中小企业由丁资产规模小、财务信息不透明、经营上的不确定性大、承受外部经济冲击的能力弱等制约因素,加上自身经济灵活性的要求,其融资与大企业相比存在很大特殊性。中小企业特别是小企业在融资渠道的选择上,比大企业更多的依赖内源融资。在融资方式的选择上,中小企业更加依赖债务融资,在债务融资中乂主要依赖来自银行等金融中介机构的贷款。中小企业的债务融资表现出规模小、频率高和更加依赖流动性强的短期贷款的特征。与大企业相比,中小企业更加依赖企业之间的商业信用、设备租赁等来自非金融机构的融资渠道以及民间的各种非正规融资渠道。 三、我国中小企业融资困难的原因分析 (一)中小企业自身原因 (三)国有银行惜贷严重 国有银行惜贷的原因,可以从信息不对称、交易成本的角度来分析。由于信息的不完全和不确定性,借款人拥有信息优势,贷款人很难收集到有关借款人的全部信息,或者收集、鉴定这些信息需要花费大量的成本。中小企业大多处于初创期,不仅数量多,规模小、而且单个企业需要资金量少、财务管理透明度差,这就造成中小企业信用水平低。此外大多数中小企业处于竞争性领域所面临的经营风险和淘汰率高,融资风险大,投资回报相对较低。因此,银行对中小企业的信贷将可能成为超过其自身承受能力的信贷,而中小企业也不愿按银行的要求提供相关的财务信息。如此一来,银行的贷款成本和监督成本上升。银行由于缺乏有关中小企业客户风险的足够信息,不能做出适宜的风险评价。此外,中小企业与大企业在经营透明度和抵押条件上的差别,以及银行追求规模效应等原因,大型金融企业通常更愿意为大型企业提供融资服务,而不愿意为资金需求小的中小型企业提供融资服务。 (二)社会金融环境因素 1.缺乏专门为中小企业服务的金融机构和政策 目前我国金融体制中处丁主导地位的仍是国有金融机构,其主要服务对象是国有大中型企业,而专门为中小企业服务的中小金融机构极为匮乏。同时,制度化的扶持中小企业发展的金融政策体系尚未真正建立起来,政府在制定金融政策时出丁提高资源配置效率和资金趋利性方面考虑,会把有限的资金投入到效益好、安全性高的企业,在资金和政策方面对中小企业支持力度不足。 2.直接融资门槛高,多层次的资本市场尚未形成 我国资本市场虽已初具规模,但发展还不成熟,资本市场进入壁垒较高,国家对股票和债券发行的许多硬性规定使中小企业很难通过资本市场实现融资目的,专门为中小型企业服务的中小企业板还不完善。另外,多层次的资本市场尚未形成,使得资本市场几乎只有交易所一个层次,无法发挥市场资


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 原文: Financing of SMEs Abstract The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity, trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit and other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric information and transactions costs associated with nonpayment. According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms choose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additional Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SME’s confirms that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a19031588.html, For SME’s the main sources of financing are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit, bank credit and other debt. The choice of financing is driven by the costs of the sources which is primarily determined by costs of solving the asymmetric information problem and the expected costs associated with non-payment of debt. Asymmetric information costs arise from collecting and analysing information to support the decision of extending credit, and the non-payment costs are from


XX市中小企业融资服务平台建设实施方 案 为贯彻落实国务院、省政府关于促进中小企业发展的有关政策,加强和改善中小企业金融服务,切实缓解中小企业融资难问题,现就中小企业融资服务平台建设提出如下方案。 一、建设目的 近年来,为促进中小企业发展壮大,我市在加强政银企对接、促进企业直接融资、建立各项融资保障机制等方面做出了大量工作,取得了一定成绩。推进我市中小企业持续快速发展,必须高度重视中小企业融资工作,加快建设中小企业融资服务平台。以促进银政企信息沟通为前提,以提高融资成效、降低融资成本与信贷风险为目的,通过开发统一融资服务信息网络,畅通信息收集和发布渠道,促进融资业务流程和理化,提高融资服务的时效性和透明度。以平台为抓手,着力满足中小企业融资需求,为提高发展质量、增强市场竞争力、实现创新发展服务。 二、主要任务和具体内容 中小企业融资服务平台建设的主要任务是,按照“政府引导、公益服务,网络交流、资源共享,面向企业、服务融资”的原则,整合政府有关部门和各类银行业金融服务网。

通过信息采集、处理,实现金融信息快速集中和交换,提高中小企业融资服务水平。 具体内容:一是采集形成8个数据库。即金融机构信息和金融产品数据库、中小企业基本情况数据库、中小企业基本情况数据库、项目信息数据库、担保机构担保信息数据库、企业信用信息数据库、咨询服务机构信息数据库、拟上市企业基本信息数据库、产权和知识产权转让数据库。二是建设8个金融服务信息应用子平台。即建设政银企互动子平台、融资担保子平台、信用信息子平台、融资咨询服务子平台、资本市场融资促进子平台、融资监管服务子平台、产权股份转让服务子平台、创业(或产业)投资基金子平台。 (一)政银企互动子平台。组织发改、工信、招商、中小企业、财政等政府相关部门和各金融机构、中小企业积极参与网站建设,加强信息发布。实现政府门户网站、各金融机构、个中小企业间信息网上实时沟通交流。 整合各类金融资源和金融市场要素,采集形成金融机构信息和金融产品数据库,建设网上金融超市,集中介绍金融机构服务内容、服务条款、业务流程、贷款发放条件、信贷政策与信贷投向调整变化有关情况,重点为企业提供切实可行、操作性强的融资新产品。 采集形成中小企业基本情况数据库和项目数据库,主要采集企业简况、生产经营情况、发展规划有关情况,发布项

P2P 金融下的中小企业融资互联网金融外文文献翻译最新译文

文献出处: Waitz M. The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2016, 8(6): 81-91. 原文 The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance Waitz M Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. Article introduces the concept of the Internet financial, mainly summarized the P2P financial in the development of financial innovation and integration of science and technology, a combination of academic research on P2P financial now of the five directions of various views and opinions. Points out the current P2P financial problems in the development of risk control, and analyses the trend of the Internet financial. Keywords: P2P financial; Financial innovation; Risk control 1 Introduction Look from the history of enterprise development, a large enterprise originate from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) is the most dynamic part of the national economy, often walk in the forefront of technology development, in the high-tech industry, clean energy, green economy, etc, have good performance, play an important role in the economic transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. These small and medium-sized enterprise financing environment and narrow channels, more than 60% are unable to get a bank loan. At present, science and technology enterprises and the characteristics of light assets, financing difficulties, become a huge bottleneck of sustainable development. 2 The concept of the Internet financial In the past two years, the Internet financial show explosive growth, since 2014, the Internet financial sector performance strength. Current economic field exists the phenomenon of two special contradiction, one is the small and medium-sized


中小企业融资的英文文献 Automatically translated text: The definition of lease financing Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer. It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial industry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and


ⅩⅩ市中小企业融资服务平台建设实施方案为贯彻落实国务院、省政府关于促进中小企业发展的有关政策,加强和改善中小企业金融服务,切实缓解企业融资难问题,现就中小企业融资服务平台建设提出如下方案。 一、建设目的 近年来,为促进中小企业发展壮大,我市在加强政银企对接、促进企业直接融资、建立各项融资保障机制等方面做了大量工作,取得了一定成绩。推进我市中小企业持续快速发展,必须高度重视中小企业融资工作,加快建设中小企业融资服务平台。以促进银政企信息沟通为前提,以提高融资成效、降低融资成本与信贷风险为目的,通过开发统一融资服务信息网络,畅通信息收集和发布渠道,促进融资业务流程合理化,提高融资服务的实效性和透明度。以平台为抓手,着力满足中小企业融资需求,为提高发展质量、增强市场竞争力、实现创新发展服务。 二、主要任务和具体内容 中小企业融资服务平台建设的主要任务是,按照“政府引导、公益服务,网络交流、资源共享,面向企业、服务融资”的原则,整合政府有关部门和各类银行业金融机构、中介服务机构、中小企业等方面的资源,搭建ⅩⅩ中小企业金融服务网。通过信息采集、处理,实现

金融信息快速集中和交换,提高中小企业融资服务水平。 具体内容:一是采集形成8个数据库。即金融机构信息和金融产品数据库、中小企业基本情况数据库、项目信息数据库、担保机构担保信息数据库、企业信用信息数据库、咨询服务机构信息数据库、拟上市企业基本信息数据库、产权和知识产权转让数据库。二是建设8个金融服务信息应用子平台。即建设政银企互动子平台、融资担保子平台、信用信息子平台、融资咨询服务子平台、资本市场融资促进子平台、融资监管服务子平台、产权股份转让服务子平台、创业(或产业)投资基金子平台。 (一)政银企互动子平台。组织发改、工信、招商、中小企业、财政等政府相关部门和各金融机构、中小企业积极参与网站建设,加强信息发布,实现政府门户网站、各金融机构、各中小企业间信息网上实时沟通交流。 整合各类金融资源和金融市场要素,采集形成金融机构信息和金融产品数据库,建设网上金融超市,集中介绍金融机构服务内容、服务条款、业务流程、贷款发放条件、信贷政策与信贷投向调整变化有关情况,重点为企业提供切实可行、操作性强的融资新品种。 采集形成中小企业基本情况数据库和项目信息数据库,主要采集企业简况、生产经营情况、发展规划有关情况,发布项目情况和及资金需求信息。建立与各商业银行网上链接,实施项目贷款在线申请。通过政银企互动子平台,切实改善银行和中小企业间信息不对称问题,努力构建三方互惠互利、合作双赢的新型政银企关系。


淮阴工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院: 专业: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Facts for You (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 中小型企业融资决策 企业的产生、生存及发展均离不开投资与融资活动。随着我国加入WTO 组织,市场经济体制的逐步完善,金融市场的快速发展,投资与融资效率也越来越成为企业发展的关键。对于中小型企业而言,应要根据自身发展需求,认真考虑如何选择自己需要和适合自己发展阶段的融资方式以及各种融资方式的利用时机、条件、成本和风险,确定合适的融资规模以及制定最佳融资期限等问题。要解决这些问题,需要中小型企业制定适当的融资策略,以作出最优化的融资决策。 一、企业融资决策概述 (一)企业融资决策概述 企业融资决策,是企业根据其价值创造目标需要,利用一定时机与渠道,采取经济有效的融资工具,为公司筹集所需资金的一种市场行为。它不仅改变了公司的资产负债结构,而且影响了企业内部管理、经营业绩、可持续发展及价值增长。典型的融资决策包括出售何种债务和股权(融资方式)、如何确定所要出售债务和股权的价值(融资成本)、何时出售些债务和股权(融资时机)等等。而其中最主要的包括融资规模的决策和融资方式的决策。融资规模应为企业完成资金使用目的的最低需要量。而企业的融资方式则多种多样,常见的以下几种: 1.财政融资。财政融资方式从融出的角度来讲,可分为:预算内拨款、财政贷款、通过授权机构的国有资产投资、政策性银行贷款、预算外专项建设基金、财政补贴。 2.银行融资。从资金融出角度即银行的资金运用来说,主要是各种代款,例如:信用贷款、抵押贷款、担保贷款、贴现贷款、融资租凭、证券投资。 3.商业融资。其方式也是多种多样,主要包括商品交易过程中各企业间发生的赊购商品、预收货款等形式。


精选中小企业金融服务年活动方案 为深入贯彻落实市委、市政府关于做大产业做强企业的决策部署,充分发挥中小企业在拉动民间投资、扩大社会就业、推进城镇化发展、提升经济运行质量等诸多方面的积极作用,促进经济持续巩固回升向好,根据上级的统一部署和要求,人民银行市支行、市经信委、中小企业局将XX年确定为全市“中小企业金融服务年”,并制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 以科学发展观为指导,紧紧围绕市做大产业做强企业的总体目标,着力创新理念、创新品种、创新模式、创新方法,通过金融创新,主动发掘,积极培育,形成和壮大全市优质信贷客户群体,确保现有的和潜在的优质客户得到银行信贷资金的有力支持,确保银行信贷资金的有效投放,在增强银行盈利能力、提高信贷资产质量的同时,促进中小企业又好又快发展,并以此不断壮大工业经济的整体实力。 二、工作目标 通过服务年活动的有效开展,进一步完善中小企业融资服务体系,打造适应中小企业发展需求的金融服务品牌,提高金融服务水平,达到五个目标:一是实现差异化服务。满足不同层次、不同行业、不同类型的中小企业金融服务需求。二是提供系统化服务。通过提供贷款、承兑、贴现、信用卡、网上银行、代发工资、代客理财等业务为中小企业提供全方位的综合服务。三是追求效能化服务。整合完善信贷评审操作系统,申请适当下放信贷业务审批权,减少审批环

节,缩短审批时间,提高信贷审批效率。四是开展信用培植化服务。通过对中小企业信用资源的培育和开发,为中小企业增信,提升其融资能力。五是坚持责任化服务。积极履行金融行业的社会责任,为中小企业发展办实事、办好事。 三、活动安排 1.“百企十亿”融资培育计划。人民银行市支行会同市经信委、中小企业局,在全市筛选出130家重点培育中小企业,及时跟踪监测企业生产经营及融资状况,优先给予各项金融支持,力争130家重点培育中小企业在XX年实现各类融资新增额10亿元以上。各金融机构配合做好中小企业的初步筛选、跟踪监测、优质金融服务保障工作及其他相关工作。中小企业筛选工作4月底前结束,中小企业融资培育计划全年开展。 2.金融产品和服务方式创新展示推进活动。各金融机构积极开展中小企业金融产品和服务方式创新,要求产品与服务成本可算、风险可控、实用性强且低成本、可复制、易推广,包括对直接融资工具、动产抵(质)押融资工具的展示和推介,并及时总结报送创新成果。人民银行市支行及时收集、整理全市中小企业金融产品和服务方式创新成果,参加市“中小企业金融产品和服务方式创新展示推进会”。各金融机构宣传、推介活动全年开展。 3.中小企业银企对接活动。人民银行市支行会同市经信委、中小企业局等部门,组织开展不同层面、不同主题的若干中小企业银企对接活动,活动着力突出对特色产业特色园区、沿海开发、产业集群、“三农”等领域的扶持和倾斜。各金融机构可自行开展形式多样的银企对接活动。


欢迎阅读科技型中小企业融资需求和金融产品服务分析 科技型中小企业融资需求和金融产品服务分析 【文章摘要】 本文从分析科技型中小企业经营特征及融资需求入手,按照风险缓释方式分类 1 1.2 快速成长期 1.2.1经营特征 产品和技术逐渐被市场认可,企业大力拓展上下游客户,扩大产能,提高市场份额。销售规模快速增长,利润率较高,保持一定的创新能力。 1.2.2融资需求 为了快速占领市场,提高销售规模,快速成长期的企业需要大量资金扩大生产。企业具备一定的资金实力,但现金流优先用于经营周转,资产积累少,担保方式仍

显不足。融资渠道包括银行融资、风险投资等。 1.3 稳定发展期 1.3.1经营特征 企业已具一定规模,增长平稳,治理机制完善。产品在业内具备认知度,销售增长放缓,利润率平稳。 1.3.2融资需求 稳定发展期的企业将谋求更好的发展,如产品升级换代、新产品和新项目开发等,融资需求具有大而稳定的特点,除短期融资外,企业还将增加固定资产的投入, 2 3 前沿的金融产品服务方案 3.1 债权直接融资 银行或证券公司在中小企业集合债券和私募债的发行过程中,承担了发行承销和财务顾问的角色。因银行可与多元集团加强合作,在科技型中小企业债券产品营销和创新方面进行积极的探索。 3.1.1中小企业集合债券 中小企业集合债券是指通过牵头人组织,以多个中小非金融企业沟通的集合为

发债主体,各自确定发债额度,在银行间债券市场以统一债券名称、统一担保方式、统一发行注册方式共同发行的,约定在一定期限还本付息的债务融资工具。中小企业集合票据的发行以银行或证券公司作为主承销商,同时引入评级机构、担保机构、财务顾问、会计师事务所和律师事务所等中介机构,发行申报材料须经人民银行和证监会会签,并由国家发改委核准,最终在银行间市场交易商协会完成注册后,正式发行。 3.1.2中小企业私募债券 中小企业私募债券是指符合工信部联企业〔2011〕300号规定且未上市的中小微 新三板市场是指符合存续期满两年、主营业务突出、具有持续经营能力、治理结构健全等条件且注册在国家级高薪技术园区内的非上市科技型企业通过券商代办股份转让系统进行挂牌和股份转让。科技型企业申请进入新三板挂牌的程序与主办和创业板相同,但新三板市场采取向中国证券行业协会备案制,券商的权利较大。申请挂牌企业主要由园区进行推荐,由于达不到主板和创业板上市要求的企业,因此新三板市场为科技型企业提供了股权定价参考和融资的平台。 3.2.3场外交易市场


Sme financing problems related to the analysis First small and medium-sized enterprises financing status Reform and opening up china for 30 years of small and medium-sized enterprises obtained arapid development of enterprises 99 of the small and medium-sized enterprises of our countrymore than 60 GDP contribution tax over 50 provides 70 of import and export trade and80 of urban jobs. Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is also an important powerof independent innovation 66 of invention patent 82 of new product development of smalland medium-sized enterprises from small and medium-sized enterprises has become the economicprosperity expanding employment adjusting structure promote innovation and new industriesof important strength. From 80 years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis the implementation ofthe positive fiscal policy and loser monetary policy but no small and medium-sized enterprisesfrom the proactive fiscal policy and moderate looser monetary policy benefit directly for instanceof the new 2008 225 million small loan only more than previous year but rose 1.4 only theloans increased 14.9 09 year three months of national


中小企业金融服务平台建设与运营方案 中小企业金融服务平台是面向中小企业的金融服务门户,平台基于O2O(线上与线下结合)的商业模式,引领企业投融资服务的标准化和产品化,并通过不断创新,努力打造成为区域内最专业、最解决实际问题的的企业投融资服务产品电子商务平台。 平台的运营机构天津市荣缘信通科技孵化器有限公司,在河西区运营HER POWER+正能量创业基地,占地约10000平米,是天津市第一家新三板企业孵化器,公司拥有一支结构合理的专业化运营管理队伍,在扶持企业上市及融资等领域具有丰富的实操经验。同时,公司自身设有投资基金,分别在09年11月成立天津第四空间股权投资基金管理有限公司,12年11月成立千合盛创(北京)投资有限责任公司,可对潜力项目直投,打通融资渠道,实现资本市场对接,形成专业而完整的上市孵化服务体系。已成功孵化天津市首家文化类上市企业,天津炫泰文化发展股份有限公司(股票代码:831803),计划于2017年完成对天津九萱科技发展有限公司的挂牌上市。同时,公司选址天津市政治、商贸、金融、教育的核心区域——和平区,打造近6000㎡的教育科技产业创新基地及近3万㎡的亿元楼宇,分别将于2017年5月及年底前正式落成亮相。 平台以与企业建立不可复制的“客户关系”为基础,以“服务交易撮合”和各地“服务中心”为输出手段和交付通道,实现线上与线下结合向全国中小企业输出专业的“投融资及增值产品”,最终帮助中小企业低成本解决融资困难、发展困境、销售困局,实现市场突破、管理提升和转型升级。 一、项目提出背景 1、经济发展趋势 随着高新产业系统化、交叉性的增大,使得科技研发与转化的复杂性日益加大,从而大规模研发的系统风险大大增加。而随着科技预测性和可控性的加强,


中小企业融资毕业参考文献 1.《我国中小企业融资难之现状与对策分析》刘群. 金融纵横2005年05期 2.《我国中小企业融资对策分析》国亮. 杨凌职业技术学院学报2005年01期 3.《中小企业的融资问题及对策》洪慧. 云南财贸学院学报(社会科学版) 2005年01期 4.《浅析中小企业融资难》党宏明. 西安金融2005年07期 5.《对中小企业融资难问题的成因及对策分析》姜征宇. 申希国. 济南金融2005年06期 6.《当前我国中小企业融资制约因素及对策》王伯芳. 企业技术开发2005年07期

7.《中小民营企业融资难的问题与对策》崔俊峰. 中国金融家2005年06期 8.《中小企业融资问题初探》李靖. 刊名】决策探索2005年06期 9.《浅谈我国中小企业融资困难的主要原因及对策》廖丹. 湖南经济管理干部学院学报2005年03期 10.《对中国中小企业融资体系构建的理性思考》陈璐. 巢湖学院学报2005年04期 11.贝多广.中国资金流动分析〔M〕.上海:上海三联书店,1995. 12.刘彪.企业融资机制分析〔M〕.北京:中国人民大学出版社,1995. 13.吴敬琏.现代公司与企业改革〔M〕.天津:天津人民出版社,1994.

14.伍中信.产权与会计〔M〕.上海:立信会计出版社,1998. 中小企业融资毕业文献 1.《我国中小企业融资难之现状与对策分析》刘群. 金融纵横2005年05期 2.《我国中小企业融资对策分析》国亮. 杨凌职业技术学院学报2005年01期 3.《中小企业的融资问题及对策》洪慧. 云南财贸学院学报(社会科学版) 2005年01期 4.《浅析中小企业融资难》党宏明. 西安金融2005年07期


小微企业融资模式及方案 中小企业融资金融服务已经成为未来衡量银行发展潜力及盈利能力的重要指标。根据目前国内银行实务中对中小企业业务的划分与界定,一般将总资产规模在2亿元以下,且融资需求主要集中于500万元以上的公司经营实体划归至中小企业金融服务的范畴。而“小微企业”是指比中小企业规模更小的小型及微型企业,具体包括小型民营公司、个人合伙企业以及个体工商户等经营单位或组织。因企业经营资产和个人财产无法晰分的原因,小微企业融资业务的贷款主体一般为小微企业主或其实际控制人,同时其融资需求也大多限于500万元以内。如果仅从数量上考虑,小微企业绝对是最广泛意义上的中小企业群体中的大多数,而相对来说,小微企业“融资难”的问题在现实中更为突出,银行在小微企业融资业务开展模式及方案设计方面,值得再思考的问题也更多。 这里必须要说明的是,中国民生银行在国内的中小企业金融服务领域首先提出了“小微企业”及“商户融资”的概念,并将其小微企业金融服务方案取名“商贷通”(将小微企业及其实际控制人统称为“商户”)。笔者很赞同民生银行对中小企业金融服务领域的再次细分,并继而认为小微企业融资难的问题及其困难所在之处,在很大程度上也印证了中小企业融资难的现状。笔者现就自己在小微企业金融实务中的一些思考和想法撮重取要,并求教于业界同仁。 一、发展小微企业融资业务应当坚持和摒弃的原则 众所周知,客户数量多、行业分布广,信贷周期短、贷款额度小、用款次数频繁,风险较大、收益较高,担保物及担保方式匮乏,以及客户信息采集较难等是小微企业融资业务的特点。有别于大公司业务,银行必须首先认识和熟悉小微企业运作及经营的独特性,理解和容忍小微企业发展的“不规范性”,并制定一套单独的适合于小微企业融资业务发展的工作流程及评审标准。 小微企业融资业务现阶段(初期)的发展目标应当是“批量化、流程化和规模化”(三化),简言之即以批量营销模式为主,坚持业务发展的流程化,以科学的发展原则和风险管理理念尽快实现业务发展的规模化。最终或长远的目标是实现银行与小微企业的共同成长,培育和输送出一批优秀的中小企业或大型企业,并形成小微企业金融的差异化服务。 由此,为落实小微企业融资业务在发展初期“三化”的要求,有两大比较领先的原则有必要坚持和重提:


SME financing in China Université Paris X-Nanterre Maison Max Weber (batiments K et G) 200, Avenue de la République 92001 NANTERRE CEDEX Document de Travail Working Paper 2007-29 Chen Xiang LIU E c o n o m i X http://economix.u-paris10.fr/

SME Financing in China LIU Chen Xiang Université Paris X-Nanterre EconomiX (CNRS-UMR 7166) Batiment K-115 200, Avenue de la République 92001 Nanterre Cedex Tél : Fax : Courriel : liu_chenxiang@yahoo.fr

SME Financing in China LIU Chen Xiang Abstract SMEs have a great contribution in China’s economic expansion. However, the financing predicament currently faced by SMEs constitutes a great bottleneck for their development. Banks are reluctant to lend to them, mainly due to the lack of collateral and their poor capability in pricing risk. This is the reason why credit guarantee institutions play a key role in SME financing and the perfection of the credit guarantee system is important for promoting their access to credit. In addition, the lifting of the ceiling on lending rates as well as other steps taken by banking authorities will encourage bank lending to SMEs. Finally, informal finance has a significant part in SME financing. Résumé Les PME ont une grande contribution à la croissance chinoise. Pourtant, leur difficulté de financement devient un grand obstacle dans leur développement. Les banques ne veulent pas leur prêter, principalement à cause de manque de collatéraux et la faible compétence des banques pour évaluer le risque de crédit. C’est la raison pour laquelle les organismes de garantie jouent un r?le indispensable dans le financement de PME et le perfectionnement du système de garantie est important pour augmenter leur accès aux crédits. En plus, l’enlèvement du plafond de taux d’intérêt de crédits ainsi que les autres mesures prises par les autorités bancaires vont encourager les prêts bancaires aux PME. Enfin, la finance informelle a une part significative dans le financement de PME. Key Words: SME financing, credit guarantee, informal finance JEL Classification: E26, E51, G21, O53


中小企业融资问题研究文献综述 近几年来,关于中小企业融资方面的文献越来越多,这充分说明了关于中小企业融资问题正日益受到人们的关注。现有文献主要集中在以下几个方面: 一、企业融资的基本理论方面 融资是资金融通的简称,是资金从剩余(超前储蓄)部门流向不足(超前投资)部门——购买力转移——的现象。企业融资,即企业从各种渠道融入资金,实质上是资金优化配置的过程,包括外源融资和内源融资。 1、企业融资成本与融资风险。企业融资成本是指企业使用资金的代价,即指企业为获得各种渠道的资金所必须支付的价格,也是企业为资金供给者支付的资金报酬率。企业的目标是实现企业价值最大化,它等同于企业在具备承受一定风险的能力时,寻求投入成本最小化的融资结构。融资风险是指企业因借款而增加的风险,是筹资决策带来的风险。 2、企业融资结构的契约理论。企业的融资结构,又称资本结构,是指企业各项资金来源的组合状况,即资产负债表右边各组成部分的构成。美国经济学家大卫·戴兰德于1952年提出,企业的资本结构是按照下列三种方法建立的,即净收入法、净营运收入法和传统法,这是早期的资本结构理论。现代企业融资理论是由Franco Modigliani和

Merton Miller于1958年所创立,即著名的MM理论。后来的学者对MM理论的假设条件不断发展完善,引进了诸如激励理论、信息传递理论、控制权理论。张维迎认为,“一个企业的融资结构至少受三方面因素的制约:一是该企业所在经济的制度环境,二是该企业所在行业的行业特征,三是该企业自身的特点”。 3、金融制度方面的理论——金融深化论、金融抑制论。雷蒙德.W.戈德史密斯在《金融结构与金融发展》一书中指出:“金融领域中,金融结构与金融发展对经济增长的影响如果不是唯一最重要的问题,也是最重要的问题之一”。金融深化论认为:金融机制会促进被抑制的经济摆脱徘徊不前的局面,加速经济的增长,但是,如果金融本身被抑制或扭曲的话,那么它就会阻碍和破坏经济的发展。金融抑制,即一国的金融体制不健全,金融市场机制未发挥作用,经济中存在过多的金融管制措施,而受压制的金融反过来又阻碍经济的发展。金融抑制是发展中国家的一个共同特征。 4、银企信贷博弈分析。主要运用博弈论,通过对银行与企业在信贷过程中的博弈分析,来说明降低银企交易成本的重要性。徐洪水认为,企业与银行发生信贷关系,不是一次性的,实际是一种动态博弈的过程,通过分析发现,在有良好的政治信贷支持系统(担保抵押体系)或高效的司法制度下,能有效降低银企交易成本,获得银企双赢,反之,昂贵的交易费用和低效的司法制度将增加银企交易成本,加剧中小企业金融缺口。 二、中小企业融资难的成因分析方面
