








一本关于伦敦的__________________ 一个大城市____________

女王的家________________ 很大也很漂亮____________________

挨着___________ 谁的家_____________

它是老的(旧的)____________ 倒下/垮了_______

美丽的姑娘____________ 制作一张海报______________


()1.--What’s this ?

--It’s a book food.

A. in


C. about

()2. This ship is big ,but that one is .

A. big

B. small

C. little

()3. Buckingham Palace is very big very beautiful.

A. And


C. But

()4. -- house is it?

--It’s the Queen’s house.

A. Who



()5.It’s Buckingham Palace .

A. the

B. a

C. /

()6. This panda is short , that one is tall.

A. /

B. but

C. and


1. new(反义词)

2. long(反义词)







It’s a book England.


My house is very small, i t’s beautiful.


I t’s to the Queen’s house.

4.This is my home .It’s very (新的).

5.This is Hyde Park. It’s very (美丽的).

6.Tower Bridge is very (著名的).

7.Big Ben is very (古老的). And it is very (高的).


1. be from A.女王的家

2. close B.白金汉宫

3. a book about London C. 来自,从......来

4. Buckingham Palace D. 一本关于伦敦的书

5. the Queen’s house E. 近的,接近的


1. book New York it’s about a ( . )

2. a Shanghai big is city ( . )

3. is Hyde Park this ( . )

4. It beautiful very is ( . )

5.It’s to the house Queen’s close( . )


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) 必修2第二单元练习题 1.He is h_______, and he never tells lies. 2.In a________times, women were not allowed to c________ in the Olympics. 3.Before writing the report, he decided to i________ some people first. 4.When asked, he a_______ stealing the necklace. 5.There is a s_______ being built in our city. 6. The g________ being built in our school will be finished next month. 7. He is such a person that nobody can r_______ him. 8. At the beginning of each term, we will have a p________ examination. 9. I cannot r______ what he did to what he said. 10. To improve the sale of their product, they a________ them in the newspapers and on TV. 11. No one can be so f_______ to do such a thing, except that he is a fool. 12. Father p_______ to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination. 13. At the sports meeting, all the a_______ tried their best to get the g______ m______. 1. The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold m_______ in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. 2. A_______ from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years. 3. Mr. King has r_______ Mike as captain of the team. 4. Tom will have an i_______ with the boss of the company he wants to work in. 5. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as h_______. 6. Many c___________ will compete in a race to be held next month. 7. She was a________ into the party. 8. They often do some p________ exercise after school. 9. It’s f________ of you to make so many mistakes. 10. You can find some a_________ ruins in the village. 11. The two countries are closely r________ as the lips and teeth. 12. The football match will be held in the Peking Workers’ S_________.. 13. The people without tickets are not a______ to enter the stadium. 14. The newspaper has lots of a___________, which help us to find a good job.. 15. He is an h__________ person. You can believe in him. 16. The family has many r_____________ in Canada. 17. The girl won the first p______ in the competition.


六下二模块测试题年班姓名得分 一、写单词。(2 X 9=18) 1、剩余_______________ 2 、鸭子________ 3 、后来___________ 4、池塘_________ 5 、刮风的________________ 6 、保持 7 、多云的 ____ _____ 8 、晴朗的 ________ 9 、干的 二、按照要求写词。 1 、windy(名 词)__ (2X 8=16) 2 、warm(反义 词) 3、rain(形容词)____________ 4 、snowy (动词)_________ 5 、wet (反义词)______________ 6 、cloudy(名 词) __________ 7 、say (单三)______________ 8 、write(同音 词) ____________ 三、写短语或句子。(3 X10=30) 1 、我的周末计划__________________ 2 、在那边 3、看上去你们得继续挨饿了。 _________________________________ 4 、在那边______________________ 5 、今天下午 让我们今天在公园里野餐吧

7、天空中有一些乌云___________________________________________ 8在池塘上有一些鸭子___________________________________________ 9在哈尔滨天要下雨。___________________________________________ 10 、在三亚天气将会暖和晴朗。 四、用所给词的适当形式填空.(2 X 8=16) 1、It will ________ (sunny,be sunny) in Lingyuan. 2、It will ________ (rain,be rain) in Sanya. 3、__________________ It won ' t (windy,be windy) in Lingyuan. 's have some chicken ______ (on,in,at)Friday. (is,am,are)IYou ____ (is,am,are)i n Chaoya ng. is _____ (rai n,ra ining) now. 7. __________ (Where,Whe n, What time)is it no wSeven o' clock. will _______ (win dy,cloudy,s now) in Lia oning. 五.按照要求做句子。(4 X 5=20) 2. It ' s four o ' clock now.( 就划线部分提问)


高一语文必修二模块测试题 一、(24分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音有误的一项是() A.坍圮.pǐ狙.击jū湔.雪jiān 锱.铢zī炽.烈chì一瞥.piē亘.古gan B.熨.帖yù瘦削.xuē悄.然qiǎo 慰藉.jia纶.巾guān 拓.片tà炮.烙páo C.呕哑.yā处.方chǔ隽.永juàn 逦迤.yǐ脉.脉m?袅娜.nu?新正.zhēng D.玉墀.chí敛裾.jū蓊.郁wǒng 宫绦.tāo 纨绔.kù笑靥.ya盥.沐guàn 2.下列词语中,有错别字的一组是() A.坐落沧桑蝉蜕宸翰扫描仪一筹莫展 B.震撼寒暄烟霭惊蛰挖墙脚目不暇接 C.嬉戏销魂炫目安详水蒸气声名鹊起 D.斑驳渲泄倾泻不肖明信片众口铄金 3. 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是() (1)苏德战争______,41岁的索克洛夫应征入伍。 (2)埋葬了我的儿子——我最后的欢乐和希望,我________地回到自己部队里。 (3)他扑在我的脖子上,……叫得连车厢都______了。 (4)我感到一个陌生人的呼吸的热浪,它散发着难闻的烟草和蒜头的气味,一个声音_______地问道:“怎么啦?” A.暴发不知所措震动平淡B.暴发不知所以振动平静 C.爆发不知所以震动平静D.爆发不知所措振动平淡 4.下列各句中,加点词语使用正确的一句是() A.那位著名学者去年在北京大学所作的关于人与自然相互关系的演讲,观点鲜明,切中时弊,真可谓不刊之论 ....啊! B.戴尔公司市场份额不断下滑,对苹果及微软的强势表现依旧不以为然 ....,至今仍无积极应对措施。 C.美国政府在台湾问题上的危言危行 ....,只能搬起石头打自己的脚。 D.为了应付高考,教师越教越细,其结果是肢解了语言,长此以往学生自然目无全牛 ....。 5.下列各句中,没有语病、句意明确的一句是() A.这种新研制的牙膏香气浓郁,清新爽口,去污洁齿力强,而且不损伤牙釉质,能保持牙齿洁白光亮,深受消费者喜爱。 B.每一个学生都具有创新的潜能,要激发这种潜能,就要看能否培养学生自主学习的能力。 C.作为一个全新的、相对成熟的行业,不仅电子商务在一定程度上改变了人类的生活方式,也冲击了历史悠久的传统商业模式。 D.贝母是一种多年生草本植物,因其鳞茎具有止咳化痰、清热散结的神奇功效,常常采集起来,加工成药材。 6.下列各项加点字的意义和用法相同的一项() A.洎牧以.馋诛以.地事秦 B.盘盘焉.,囷囷焉或师焉.,或不焉 C.而为.秦人积威之所劫哉朝歌夜弦,为.秦宫人 D.不敢言而.敢怒而.耻学于师 7.下列选项中不含古今异义的一项是()

外研版六年级英语上册第二模块测试题 (附答案)

最新外研版六年级英语上册第二模块测试题(附答案) 一,根据词组和汉语提示补全单词(10分) ()1,Chinese d___cing(舞蹈)A, an B, en C,ae ()2,one th___sand (千)A, uo B,ou C,oo ()3,s___times (有时)A, moe B, ome C aeo ()4,send an em___l (电子邮件)A, ie B, es C,ai ()5,Chinat___n in New York(唐人街)A, wo B. ow C,ou 二,从每组单词ABC中找出与所给单词同类的一项(10分) ( )1,mother A, cousin B, family C,home ( )2,Chinese A, east B, English C,north ( )3,thousand A,river B, kilometre C,million ( )4,send A, map B, miss C,sometimes ( )5,London A, the UK B,Beijing C,Chinatown 三,根据图片选择合适的词组(10分) A, send an email B,Chinese dancing C, the west Lake D, the Huangshan Mountain E,shops and restaurants ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四,单项选择题(15分) ()1,Here is a postcard ______my cousin____China . A, from in B, to for C,with at ()2,Ue is sending _____email _____his friend . A, a for B, an to C,the with ()3,Are there ______Chinstowns in New York ? A, any B, a C,some ()4,Do you miss your family in America ?--______ A, No, I do B,Yes , I am C,Yes ,sometimes . ()5,There ____two books and a ruler on the desk A, is B, are C,be ()6,There _____some apple juice in the bottle . A,are B, is C,am ()7,Do you want_____basketball this afternoon ? A, play B, to play C,playing ()8,Amy can’t _____football in the sun ,it’s too hot . A, plays B, play C,playing


第一单元测试卷 一、基础题 1.下列词语中加点的字,注音完全都正确的一项是() A.踱.步(dù)袅.娜(niǎo )峭楞楞 ..(léng)蓊蓊 ..郁郁(wěng) B.颤.动(zhàn)落蕊.(ruǐ)潭柘.寺(zhè)脉脉 ..含情(mò) C.涸辙.(hé)蕈菌.(sùn)廿.四桥(niàn)揠.苗助长(yàn) D..漪.澜(yī)深邃.(suì)黑.(xū)混混沌沌 ..(dùn) 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是() A.寂寞幽辟弥望缕缕清香 B.缈茫宛然歧韵平平仄仄 C.嘻游瞥见镶嵌急不暇择 D.嫩绿攀缘峻峭恍然大悟 3.下列各句标点符号使用正确的一项是() A.这一片天地好像是我的,我也像超出了平常的自己,到了另一世界里。我爱热闹,也爱冷静,爱群居,也爱独处。 B.秋之于人,何尝有别?更何尝有人种阶级之分呢? C.绿色是多宝贵的啊!它是生命,它是希望,它是慰安,它是快乐。我怀念着绿色把我的心等焦了。 D.“行啊,”小王停了一会儿说:“叫我干什么我就干什么。” 4.下列各句空格处应填入的词语正确的一项是() ①沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。 ②秋的味,秋的色,秋的意境与姿态,总是看不饱,尝不透,不到十足。 ③我为了这永远向着阳光生长的植物不快,因为它损害了我的自尊心。可是我囚系住它,仍旧让的枝叶垂在我的案前。 A.幽静品尝软弱 B.幽僻品尝柔弱 C.幽僻赏玩柔弱 D.幽静赏玩软弱 5.对下列词句的理解,错误的一项是() A.许多人都曾经被譬为瓦尔登湖,但只有少数几个人能受之无愧。 在作者看来,瓦尔登湖是纯洁、深刻、博大、富有生命力的象征,人类社会中,许多人


小学三年级下册英语第二模块测试题 一、写出字母表中的前七个字母的大小写:(14分) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、将下列单词与汉语连线:(10分) 三、写出下列单词的反义词:(16分) fat tall big yes mother this these white 四、选择填空:(30分) ( )1、What`s ? It`s a tiger. A . this B .these ( )2、What are they ? are lions. A . This B .They ( )3、This tree tall. A .is B .are ( )4、Hello,boys and girls. ,Mr Li. A .Hello B .Ha,ha ( )5、What`s this ? It`s . A .a elephant B .an elephant ( )6、That monkey is . A .a thin B .thin ( )7、What are they ? They are . A .monkey B.monkeys ( )8、What`s this ? It`s a tiger. It`s . A .big B .a big ( )9、What are they ? They are pandas. They`re . A .fats B .fat ( )10、Look the dogs . They`re small . A .to B .at 五、选出符合题意的句子:(15分) ( )1、向别人介绍“这是玲玲。”用 。 A .She`s Lingling . B .It`s Lingling . C .This is Lingling . ( )2、询问“那是什么?”用 。 A What`s that ? B .What`s this ? C. What are they ? ( )3、回答“What`s this?(这是什么?)”的句子,下列哪个句子能用? A .It`s big. B .It`s a tiger . C .This is a tiger . ( )4、“指那个胖鸟儿。”下列那个句子正确? A .Look at the fat bird . B .Piont to the fat bird , C .Look !It`s a fat bird . ( )5、“那棵树是低的。”应该是 。 A .This tree is short . B .That tree is a short . C .That tree is short . 六、连词成句:(15分) 1、is , Lanlan`s , small , bag , . 2、What`s , colour , favourite , your , ? 3、elephant , The , fat , is , . 4、it , a , lion , Is , ? , ? 5、they , dogs ,They , are , are , What ? , . , ? .


期末模拟必修二模块检测题(2) 注意事项: 1.本试题考试时间90分钟,满分100分。 2.本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,共4页,答案涂在答题卡上;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,答案直接答在试卷上。 3.交卷时,请将答题卡和第Ⅱ卷一齐交上。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 45分) 一.选择题:本大题共30个小题,每小题1.5分,共计45分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.在信使RNA分子结构中,相邻的碱基G与C之间是通过什么结构连接而成A.3个氢键B.一脱氧核糖一磷酸基一脱氧核糖一 C.一核糖一磷酸基一核糖一D.一磷酸基一核糖一磷酸基一 2.在探索遗传物质的过程中,赫尔希和蔡斯做了T2噬菌体侵染细菌的实验。下列有关叙述正确的是 A.用32P标记T2噬菌体的蛋白质,用35S标记T2噬菌体的DNA B.分别用含有32P的T2噬菌体和含有35S 的T2噬菌体进行侵染实验 C.用含有充足有机物的完全培养基培养T2噬菌体 D.该实验证明了DNA是主要的遗传物质 3.一种细菌的mRNA由360个核苷酸组成,它所编码的蛋白质长度是 A.约360个氨基酸B.约1080个氨基酸 C.整120个氨基酸D.少于120个氨基酸 4.下面关于DNA分子结构的叙述中错误的是 A.每个双链DNA分子含有四种脱氧核苷酸 B.每个碱基分子上均连接着一个磷酸和一个脱氧核糖 C.每个DNA分子中碱基数=磷酸数=脱氧核糖数 D.一段双链DNA分子中含有40个胞嘧啶,就会同时含有40个鸟嘌呤 5.如果DNA分子上某一片段是基因,则该片段 ①携带遗传信息②上面有密码子③能转录产生mRNA ④能进入核糖体⑤能运载氨基酸⑥能控制蛋白质的合成 A.①③⑤B.②④⑥C.①③⑥D.②④⑤ 6.某同学制作的DNA双螺旋结构模型中,在一条链中所用碱基模块A∶C∶T∶G为1∶2∶3∶4,则该双螺旋模型中上述碱基模块的比应为 A.2∶3∶2∶3B.3∶4∶1∶2 C.1∶1∶1∶1 D.1∶2∶3∶4 7.豌豆控制高茎的基因和控制矮茎的基因 A.具有相同的脱氧核苷酸排列顺序B.控制不同的生物性状 C.脱氧核苷酸种类不同D.位于同源染色体上


六下二模块测试题 ____年____班姓名_______ 得分_________ 一、写单词。(2×9=18) 1、剩余______________ 2、鸭子 _______ 3、后来 ________ 4、池塘_________ 5、刮风的 __________ 6、保持___________ 7、多云的___________ 8、晴朗的_________ 9、干的____________ 二、按照要求写词。(2×8=16) 1、windy(名词)_____________ 2、warm(反义词)___________ 3、rain(形容词)_____________ 4、snowy(动词)__________ 5、wet(反义词)_____________ 6、cloudy(名词)____________ 7、say (单三)_____________ 8、write(同音词)______________ 三、写短语或句子。(3×10=30) 1、我的周末计划_________________ 2、在那边_____________ 3、看上去你们得继续挨饿了。_______________________________ 4、在那边_________________ 5、今天下午___________________ 6、让我们今天在公园里野餐吧________________________________ 7、天空中有一些乌云_______________________________________ 8、在池塘上有一些鸭子_____________________________________ 9、在哈尔滨天要下雨。_____________________________________ 10、在三亚天气将会暖和晴朗。_______________________________ 四、用所给词的适当形式填空. (2×8=16) 1、It will _________(sunny,be sunny) in Lingyuan. 2、It will _________(rain,be rain) in Sanya.


模块质量检测卷(二)Mo d u l e2 满分:120分用时:100分钟 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的(A、B、C和D)四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A H i,K a r e n! G o o d t o h e a r f r o m y o u t h e o t h e r d a y.H e r e's s o me t h i n g n e wa b o u t t h e me e t i n gw e h a dw i t h t h e t e n a n t s(租户)f r o m T e n a c i t y L i mi t e d,w h ow e'v er e n t e do u t(出租)o f f i c es p a c e t o.I j u s t w a n t e dt og e t y o u r t h o u g h t so nh o w t od e a l w i t h t h i s. O n e o f t h e p r o b l e ms i s t h e g e n e r a l l e v e l o f u n t i d i n e s s i n t h eo f f i c e.Wes p o k et o t w o me nf r o m T e n a c i t yL i mi t e d a b o u t l e a v i n gd i r t y p l a t e s a n dc o f f e e c u p s l y i n ga r o u n d,a n d t h e yp r o mi s e du st h a t i t w o u l d n't h a p p e na g a i n.H o w e v e r, j u s t t h i s mo r n i n gI n o t i c e dt h a t t h e k i t c h e n a r e a w a s b a c k t o i t su s u a l s t a t eo f u n t i d i n e s s.I nt h eme e t i n g,w ea l l a g r e e d t h a t t h er e c e p t i o na r e ah a dt ob ek e p t t i d y(w i t hma g a z i n e s p u t b a c k w h e r e t h e y b e l o n g),a n d t h a t p e o p l e s h o u l d a l w a y s p u t a w a ymi l ka n ds u g a r a f t e r ma k i n gt e ao r c o f f e e.B u t t h e y h a v e p a i d n o a t t e n t i o n. We a l s o b r o u g h t u p t h e t o p i c o fn o i s e f r o m s t e r e o s y s t e ms(音响设备)c o mi n gf r o m t h er o o mst h a t t h e y'r e r e n t i n gf r o m u s.T h e y a g r e e dt ot u r n t h e m d o w n a n dt ol o o k i n t o t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f b u y i n gh e a d p h o n e s f o r t h e i r me n. A n o t h e r p r o b l e m i s t h e d i s a p p e a r a n c e o f f o o df r o m t h e f r i d g e.T h e y'v es a i dt h a t t h e yk n e w n o t h i n ga b o u t t h i s,b u t w e'r ec e r t a i nt h a t t h e y'v eb e e nr e p e a t e d l yt a k i n go u r mi l k


四年级新标准英语下册第二模块测试题 一、翻译下列词组1.船_________2.女王_________ 3.美丽的_________ 4.大本钟_________ 5.一本关于伦敦的书___________6.城市7.谁的 8.著名的9.一个大城市10.谁的房子 11.离……近 二、写出下列单词的对应词(反义词) 1.new ________ 2.tall ________ 3.big ________ 4.long 三、根据所给提示,补全句子 1.It’s very big and very __________(美丽的)。 2.It’s the Queen’s __________(房间) 3.There are many____________(小船) on the river。 4.Tower Bridge is very_____________(著名的) 。 四、选词填空beautiful famous wide old tall big naughty 1.Big Ben is very ________and very ________. 2.Hyde Park is very ________ . 3.Tower bridge is very ________. 4.Tian’anmen Square(天安门广场) is very ________.

5.My new teacher is very ________ . 6.My brother is ________ 五、我是单项选择的小行家。 ( )1、My house is very small, ____it’s beautiful. A.but B.so C.and ( )2、This is a book___ cars. A.about B.of C.on ( )3、London is a__ city. A.naughty B.clever C.big ( )4、Is that__ house? A. he B.his C. you ( )5.This is Big Ben. It’s very ___ A.tall B.wide C.short D.long ( )6.This is a book about London. It’s very __.A.short B.long C.tall D.nice ( )7.— Is your mother tall? — No , but she is__ A.tall B.beautiful C.naughty D.big 六、连词成句 1.mother is this my . 2.house that Amy’s is . 3.old very The is book . 七、阅读理解,根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F) London is the capital(首都)of Englang.The famous Hyde Park is in London. The park is not very big but very beautiful. And the Big Ben is in London,too.It is old and tall.It is very famous. Tower Bridge is famous,too.River Thames(泰晤士河)is very long and wide(宽的).Some


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** 必修2第三单元练习题 1.We have a lot in c________, so we often have a lot to talk about. 2.Many of the students take their c_________ into the classroom to help them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers. 3.Once he was considered to be s__________, for he couldn’t work out the simplest numbers. 4. Robots can also be call a________ i____________. 5. Everything has it's a_________ and d___________. 6. A good c_______ when facing difficulties is to stay calm. 7. P________, I d________ with you on your plan. 8. I need some m________ to make a dress. 9. Once he was the c_______ of our football team. 10.It's dangerous for a young lady w________ in the street late at night. 11. would you please find a m_______ to sweep the floor? It’s too dirty. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a4666489.html,e your b_______, and you will have a way. 1. In c_______ with most educated people, he prefers classical music to jazz. 2. He is quite clever a boy though he looks s______-minded. 3. In the past 20 years, my hometown has t_______ changed. 4. Computers are often used to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the I________. 5. In the early 1960’s, computers were connected by a n_______, so that people could share information and talk to each other. 6. Could you tell me the advantages and d_________ of being famous? 7. He is so clever that he is considered to have high i____________. 8. The new type of mobile phone is expensive, ________, it’s worth buying it. 9. I think we can work together to c______ an even better system. 10. A computer can solve many m________ problems. 11. She didn’t like the plan, but p__________ I see nothing wrong with it. 12. The 21st century is the century of information t___________. 13. The b______ of their first child was a joyous occasion(高兴的事). 14. There are so many different t______ of bread that I didn’t know which to buy. 15. Stone is often used as a building m___________. 16. The invention of computer was a t__________ revolution. 17. There are many ways of c___________ in the modern world, such as telephone, fax,


期末冲刺模拟题必修二模块检测题(1) 一.选择题:本大题共30个小题,每小题1.5分,共计45分。 1.在信使RNA分子结构中,相邻的碱基G与C之间是通过什么结构连接而成A.3个氢键B.一脱氧核糖一磷酸基一脱氧核糖一C.一核糖一磷酸基一核糖一D.一磷酸基一核糖一磷酸基一 2.在探索遗传物质的过程中,赫尔希和蔡斯做了T2噬菌体侵染细菌的实验。下列有关叙述正确的是 A.用32P标记T2噬菌体的蛋白质,用35S标记T2噬菌体的DNA B.分别用含有32P的T2噬菌体和含有35S 的T2噬菌体进行侵染实验 C.用含有充足有机物的完全培养基培养T2噬菌体 D.该实验证明了DNA是主要的遗传物质 3.一种细菌的mRNA由360个核苷酸组成,它所编码的蛋白质长度是A.约360个氨基酸B.约1080个氨基酸 C.整120个氨基酸D.少于120个氨基酸 4.下面关于DNA分子结构的叙述中错误的是A.每个双链DNA分子含有四种脱氧核苷酸 B.每个碱基分子上均连接着一个磷酸和一个脱氧核糖 C.每个DNA分子中碱基数=磷酸数=脱氧核糖数 D.一段双链DNA分子中含有40个胞嘧啶,就会同时含有40个鸟嘌呤5.如果DNA分子上某一片段是基因,则该片段 ①携带遗传信息②上面有密码子③能转录产生mRNA ④能进入核糖体⑤能运载氨基酸⑥能控制蛋白质的合成 A.①③⑤ B.②④⑥ C.①③⑥ D.②④⑤ 6.某同学制作的DNA双螺旋结构模型中,在一条链中所用碱基模块A∶C∶T∶G 为1∶2∶3∶4,则该双螺旋模型中上述碱基模块的比应为 A.2∶3∶2∶3 B.3∶4∶1∶2C.1∶1∶1∶1 D.1∶2∶3∶4 7.豌豆控制高茎的基因和控制矮茎的基因 A.具有相同的脱氧核苷酸排列顺序 B.控制不同的生物性状 C.脱氧核苷酸种类不同 D.位于同源染色体上 8.下图为三个处于分裂期细胞的示意图,下列叙述中正确的是( ) A.甲可能是丙的子细胞 B.乙、丙细胞不可能来自同一个体C.甲、乙、丙三个细胞均含有4条染色体 D.甲、乙、丙三个细胞均含有同源染色体 9.正常情况下,有可能存在等位基因的是 A.一个四分体上 B.一个DNA分子的双链上 C.一个染色体组中 D.两条非同源染色体上 10.科学的研究方法是取得成功的关键。下列关于人类探索遗传奥秘历程中的科学实验方法及技术的叙述,不正确的是 A.孟德尔在研究豌豆杂交实验时,运用了假说一演绎法 B.萨顿根据基因和染色体的行为存在平行关系,类比推理出基因位于染色体上C.格里菲思利用肺炎双球菌研究遗传物质时,运用了放射性同位素标记法D.沃森和克里克研究DNA分子结构时,运用了建构物理模型的方法 11.果蝇的一精原细胞中的一个DNA分子用15N进行标记,在正常情况下,在其减数分裂形成的精子中,含15N的精子数占 A.1/16 B.1/8 C.1/4 D.1/2 12.红眼雌果蝇与白眼雄果蝇交配,子代雌雄果蝇都表现红眼,这些雌雄果蝇交配产生的后代中,红眼雄果蝇占1/4,白眼雄果蝇占1/4,红眼雌果蝇占1/2。下列叙述错误的是 A、红眼对白眼是显性 B、眼色遗传符合分离定律 C、眼色和性别表现自由组合 D、红眼和白眼基因位于X染色体上13.最能体现基因分离定律实质的是 A.F l显隐性之比为1:0 B.F2显隐性之比为3:1 C.F2的基因型之比为1:2:1 D.测交后代显隐性之比为1:1 14.下图是科学家对果蝇一条染色体上的基因测定结果。下列有关该图的说法中,正确的是 A.控制朱红眼与深红眼的基因是等位基因 B.控制白眼和朱红眼的基因在遗传时遵循基因的分离定律 C.该染色体上的基因在后代中一定都会表达 D.该染色体上的碱基数A=T、G=C 15.某男性患有色盲,他的一个次级精母细胞处于分裂后期时,可能 存在 A.两个Y染色体,两个色盲基因 B.两个X染色体,两个色盲基因C.一个Y染色体和一个X染色体,一个色盲基因 D.一个Y染色体和一个X染色体,两个色盲基因 16.下列有关遗传信息传递过程的叙述,错误的是 A.DNA复制、转录及翻译过程都遵循碱基互补配对原则 B.核基因转录形成的mRNA穿过核孔进入细胞质中参与翻译过程 C.DNA复制、转录和翻译的原料依次是脱氧核苷酸、核糖核苷酸、氨基酸 D.DNA复制、转录都是以DNA一条链为模板,翻译则以mRNA为模板 17.有一种家鼠,当用黄色鼠和灰色鼠杂交,得到的子一代黄色和灰色两种鼠的 比例是1:1,将子一代中黄色鼠交配,子二代中的黄色和灰色比例是2︰1,对上述现象的解释中不正确的是 A.家鼠皮毛性状的遗传不遵循孟德尔规律 B.该种家鼠中黄色个体一定为杂合体 C.显性纯合子在胚胎时期已死亡 D.家鼠的这对性状中黄色对灰色显性18.下图甲、乙、丙、丁表示的四株豌豆体细胞中的两对基因及其在染色体上的位置,下列分析不正确的是 A.甲、乙杂交后代的性状分离之比是9∶3∶3∶1 B.甲、丙杂交后代的基因型之比是1∶1∶1∶1 C.四株豌豆自交都能产生基因型为AAbb的后代 D.丙、丁杂交后代的性状分离之比是3∶1

外研社第二模块测试题 2

外研社(三年级起)第二册第二模块测试卷姓名等级 一、选择正确的一项,将单词补全完整。16分 ( )1.gir__(女孩)A.l B.e C.s D.y ( )2.l__ __ n(狮子)A.ea B.io C.ie D.ei ( )3.f__t(胖的) A.o B.a C.y D.e ( )4.l__ __k(看)A.ee B.oa C.ou D.oo ( )5.sma__ __(小的)A.el B.il C.ai D.ll ( )6.pan__ __(熊猫)A.de B.ta C.da D.dr ( )7.__ __ephant(大象)A.el B.en C.an D.al ( )8.m__ __key(猴子)A.on B.un C.an D.ou 二、按要求写词。24分 a. 写出下列单词的反义词。 1.tall____________ 2.fat_____________ 3.big_____________ 4.up______________ b.写出下列单词的复数。 1.boy________ 2.lion_______ 3.panda__________ 4.monkey_______ 5.tiger________ 6.elephant________ 7.girl_________ 8.toy________ 三、选择。12分 ()1.--What’s this?--It’s ____ elephant. A.a B.an ()2.Look at the _____. They are thin. A.monkey B.monkeys ()3.They are small _____. A.cat B.cats ()4.—What’s this? --__________. A.They are pandas. B.It’s a panda. ()5.A monkey has _____ hands.A.two B.one ()6.The elephant’s nose is very ______. A.short B.long(长) 四、改错。10分 ( )1.Hello ,boy and girls. A B C ( )2.What is they? A B C ( )3.It is an panda. A B C D ( )4.They are monkey. A B C ( )5.This panda are fat. A B C D 五、连词成句,并将其译成汉语。12分 1. is/what/this/? 英文句子:______________________ 汉语意思:______________________ 2. are/they/monkeys/. 英文句子:______________________ 汉语意思:______________________ 3.at/dog/look/that/. 英文句子:______________________ 汉语意思:______________________ 4.panda/fat/this/is/. 英文句子:______________________ 汉语意思:______________________ 5.thin/is/that/monkey/. 英文句子:___________________________ 汉语意思:___________________________ 6.bird/fat/is/the/. 英文句子:___________________________ 汉语意思:___________________________ 六、情景反应。8分 ()1.妈妈问你What’s your favourite colour?你 该怎样回答:A.It’s big. B.It’s red. C.It’s fat. ()2.当李老师对你们说Hello,boys and girls.你们 应该怎样说: A.Thank you,Miss Li. B. Hello, Miss Li. C. Hello. ()3.在我国被称为“国宝”的动物是: A.Monkey B.Panda C.Tiger ()4.你在动物园看见一只像猫但比猫大的动物,你 想知道这是什么动物,该怎样问? A.What’s this? B.Is it a cat? C.Who’s this? 七、用am 、is、are填空。12分 1.It _____ black . 2.What _____ they ? 3.I ____ going to school . 4.Here you ____ . 八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。6分 My name is Mike. My favourite colour is red. My favourite animal(动物)is a cat.I have a cat.It is fat.I like it very much. ()1.Mike’s favourite colour is yellow. ()2.Mike has a cat. 学生自我评价:家长评价:
